Symptoms of imminent labor in primiparas. Signs of an upcoming birth

At a time when the gestation period is approaching the final stage, every woman begins to think about what signs of childbirth indicate their onset.

Signs of the onset of childbirth is a very relevant and exciting issue for all expectant mothers. After all, each of them wants to be in a specialized department of a maternity hospital with all the necessary conditions for providing specialized medical care at the most crucial moment of the entire pregnancy.

About what signs of childbirth exist, all pregnant women should be told by obstetrician-gynecologists observing them. This information is especially valuable because if future mom will have all the necessary knowledge about what signs of childbirth indicate their imminent onset, she will behave calmly and quite adequately. A woman who does not possess such information may begin to worry and panic, which in no case should be allowed in her position.

Signs of approaching childbirth are an integral part of the so-called period of labor harbingers. The first signs of childbirth, which should occur soon, begin to manifest themselves 7-14 days before the onset labor activity.

So, the harbingers of childbirth include such changes in the body of a pregnant woman as:

  • noticeable "omission" of the abdomen from top to bottom. This condition is explained by the fact that the presenting part of the fetus gradually descends into the woman's small pelvis, as a result, the bottom of the uterus sinks due to a slight decrease in the tone of the abdominal muscles. Gradually, the presenting part is inserted at the entrance to the small pelvis. In nulliparous women, this condition can be observed 14-30 days before the onset of childbirth, while multiparous women can note this condition on the eve of the onset of labor;
  • there is an increased secretion of the cervical glands on the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. As a result, a kind of mucous plug is pushed out of the cervical canal and, as a result, mucous discharge from the vagina appears, which is a stretching mucous secretion of the glands of the cervix. The transparency of the secreted mucus may increase over time;
  • marked improvement in breathing. This is due to the fact that during the movement of the fetus to the lower abdomen, the restriction of the stomach and diaphragm stops. The woman notes the fact that it becomes much easier to breathe, the excursion increases chest. However, it is worth remembering that such unpleasant conditions as heartburn and discomfort while sitting can occur;
  • lower back pain. Painful sensations in the lumbar region result from the pressure of the fetus on the small pelvis and a gradual progressive increase in stretching of the iliac-sacral connective tissue;
  • frequent urge to urinate and defecate. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent due to the fact that the pressure of the fetus increases on bladder pregnant woman. Many hormones act as laxatives, as if preparing a woman's body for the upcoming birth, which is why diarrhea may occur;
  • in addition, signs of labor, which should soon begin, include a decrease in the body weight of the pregnant woman. The weight of the expectant mother is reduced by approximately 1-1.5 kg. This is explained by the fact that in this moment liquid is intensively excreted from the woman's body;
  • changes in fetal movement. The fetus can either quiet down a little, or, on the contrary, very actively declare itself, increasing the rhythm of its movements;
  • there are changes in appetite and emotional background. The appetite of a pregnant woman before childbirth is reduced or completely absent. Mood changes are directly related to the neuroendocrine processes that occur in a woman's body throughout pregnancy, which are especially activated before childbirth. Perhaps the appearance of the so-called “nesting instinct” in the expectant mother, when she cannot sit still for a second: she constantly cleans something, cleans, washes, in general, prepares a room for the baby;
  • when discussing the signs of imminent labor, one should not forget about such an important aspect as irregular uterine contractions. At the end of pregnancy (possibly after the 30th week of its course), almost all women begin to feel a contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which take on the character of pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum. The characteristic features of precursor contractions that distinguish them from real labor contractions are: their weak strength, short duration (they are short), irregularity, and precursor contractions do not lead to characteristic smoothing of the cervix and opening of the uterine os.

Preliminary period

The first signs of childbirth, which are approaching with great strides and waiting in the wings, gradually move into the so-called preliminary period. The normal physiological preliminary period during full-term pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of irregular in frequency, duration and intensity of cramping pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region.

Normally, the preliminary period should not last more than 6 hours. The rhythm of sleep and wakefulness of a pregnant woman is not disturbed at this time. Vaginal examination determines the "maturity" of the cervix, as well as the presence of mucous secretions. Preliminary pains gradually increase and normally turn into regular labor pains, indicating the beginning of the first stage of labor.

Signs of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous

The signs of childbirth in primiparas have the same characteristics as the signs of childbirth in multiparas. However, the harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women cause them much less fear. A multiparous woman already has experience and practical knowledge about what the signs of incipient labor are. It is worth remembering that the signs of imminent childbirth in multiparous women can be more pronounced, and also tend to appear later or, on the contrary, earlier.

When a woman's body is completely ready for the onset of labor, characteristic changes appear. So, the onset of childbirth, the signs of which are characterized by the following phenomena, should be able to distinguish every pregnant woman:

  • the appearance of regular contractions. From the moment the contractions appear, a pregnant woman becomes a woman in labor. Contractions are a feeling of rhythmic pressure on the abdominal cavity. Contractions tend to increase and intensify. With each new contraction, the uterus seems to “harden”, and between contractions it relaxes;
  • separation of the mucous plug. A plug of accumulated mucus can exit the cervical cavity in both 2-5 and 7-14 days. Moreover, the outgoing mucus is often slightly colored with blood;
  • there is a smoothing of the cervix with further opening of the uterine pharynx;
  • discharge occurs amniotic fluid. When the fetal bladder ruptures, water can flow out too quickly, or vice versa, slowly, this situation is observed when the fetal bladder “leaks”.

signs premature birth do not have as such differences from the signs of timely delivery. Preterm births are those births that can occur before 32 weeks. The most common signs of preterm labor include: early softening and shortening of the cervix (can be detected using ultrasound), cramping pain, vaginal bleeding, leakage of amniotic fluid from the vaginal cavity or their complete discharge, often there is a weak mobility of the fetus.

All pregnant women often think about the date of delivery. The excitement is entirely justified. Those who give birth for the first time are afraid not to recognize the signs of such an important event and confuse the main harbingers with ordinary malaise. More experienced women, those who are pregnant for the second time, perfectly remember all the harbingers. But even they are often lost, faced with their rapid flow. In order to avoid unnecessary worries and be prepared for all the changes taking place in the body, it is necessary to study what are the signs of an early birth in multiparous women.

How long to wait for the harbingers?

It is quite difficult to correctly predict the period when the body will begin to prepare for childbirth. Even experienced obstetricians and gynecologists cannot name the exact date. However, physicians highlight the average values, when most often there are signs of imminent childbirth in multiparous women.

In the second pregnancy, childbirth occurs, as a rule, earlier by 1-2 weeks from the due date. Thus, the birth of a child at the 38-39th week is a frequent occurrence. This is especially true for those women whose interval between the first and second pregnancy is less than 3 years.

Sometimes repeated births can begin even at the 37th week. In this case, the baby will be born completely healthy. The causes and signs of imminent childbirth in multiparous women depend mainly on the structural features of the maternal body. If at the 37th week the pregnancy is already fully full-term, then it is quite natural for the baby to be born at this time.

Speaking about the causes and timing, doctors analyze the readiness of the uterus and the maturity of the fetus. As soon as these indicators reach the norm (and this can be observed even at the 37th week), a woman should prepare for the birth of an heir.

The readiness of the uterus is determined by the following indicators:

  • it acquires sufficient dimensions and gains the necessary mass;
  • full maturation of the placenta is observed;
  • the neuromuscular system of the organ is completely ready for contractile activity.

So, having dealt with the timing, let's look at what are the signs of an early birth in multiparous.

The nesting instinct

A few weeks before an important date, a woman's hormonal levels stabilize. In this regard, the following signs of imminent forerunners of labor in multiparous women appear:

  • surge of vitality;
  • increased energy;
  • a sharp improvement in well-being;
  • feeling of happiness.

A woman always strives to use such a state with benefit. General cleaning is underway in the house, a children's room is being urgently equipped. Washing or ironing may begin.

As a rule, such a "nesting" syndrome is observed at the 36-37th week in multiparous women.

Training bouts

These signs of imminent labor in multiparous women occur approximately at the 32-37th week. In this case, they can appear quite weakly. Most women don't even notice them.

Sometimes they appear in multiparous women a few weeks before delivery. Such signs can easily be mistaken for real uterine contractions.

False contractions are characterized by the following features:

  • they are short-lived and irregular;
  • subside over time, but do not increase;
  • accompanied by slight pain, reminiscent of discomfort during menstruation;
  • after a short rest, the contractions disappear.

Prolapse of the abdomen

This harbinger is one of the important first signs indicating the readiness of the body for childbirth. A woman has a prolapse of the abdomen, as the baby in the womb descends to the entrance to the small pelvis. He is preparing to pass through the birth canal.

Women who become mothers for the first time face such a harbinger 2-4 weeks before the onset of childbirth. Multiparous observe prolapse of the abdomen much later. Their baby begins to prepare for childbirth about a couple of days before birth. But such a harbinger should not be considered completely objective, assessing the readiness of the female body. Some are already in the process of giving birth.

After lowering the uterus, the woman's condition changes somewhat. There is a little relief, but with it come other inconveniences.

Pay attention to the first signs of imminent labor in multiparous women, provoked by prolapse of the abdomen:

  • heartburn goes away;
  • the process of breathing is facilitated;
  • urination becomes more frequent (the uterus can now put pressure on the bladder);
  • movement is difficult;
  • there is pain in the area

Baby behavior

The fact that childbirth is approaching, you can guess by the behavior of the baby. A few days before the significant event, the baby calms down. He becomes inactive. His movements are rather lazy.

Such a temporary lull is suddenly replaced by violent activity. These are signs of imminent labor in multiparous women. After all, in this way the baby “works out” the technique of behavior during childbirth. So, he does not plan to stay in the womb for a long time.

cork discharge

Analyzing what are the signs of imminent labor in multiparous, you should pay attention to the condition of the mucous plug. Her departure indicates that it is time for mom to go to the hospital.

Cork is a clot of brown or beige mucus that covered the fetus from infection throughout pregnancy.

The withdrawal process can be different:

  1. The cork may come off completely. In this case, the woman will see a lump of mucus. After discharge, a woman often has pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen.
  2. There may be a discharge of the cork in parts. Mucous discharge will be observed periodically. They have a dense structure and do not have bad smell. Sometimes the mucus may contain blood streaks.

In most cases, the cork departs from multiparous a few hours before the onset of labor. However, in some women, this phenomenon can be observed a couple of days before the baby is born.

eating disorders

The appearance of a woman liquid stool can also be attributed to the harbingers of imminent childbirth. This sign indicates the cleansing of the body. If a multiparous woman is faced with an unreasonable disorder, then it is most likely that the baby will be born in the next day.

Many pregnant women perceive diarrhea as poisoning. After all, this symptom is often accompanied by the appearance of nausea. And sometimes women even experience vomiting.

Such harbingers may be accompanied by other signs indicating the imminent approach of childbirth:

  1. There is slight weight loss. As a rule, it is 2-2.5 kg. Weight loss occurs 2-3 days before delivery.
  2. Puffiness subsides.
  3. Indigestion may be accompanied by a change in appetite.
  4. A woman notes frequent urge to empty. But they turn out to be false.
  5. Appeared pain in the lumbar region and pubis is pulling in nature. It is accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the perineal area.

Faced with such harbingers, you must understand that childbirth is already on the nose.

The most important features

Do you observe Do you have all the above signs of ambulances? The onset of labor in multiparous women can come quickly. Therefore, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

The onset of labor is signaled by two characteristic signs:

  • rupture of the bladder and discharge of water;
  • the occurrence of regular contractions.

Amniotic membranes should be torn during childbirth. According to the norm, the water leaves when the cervix opens by 7-9 cm. However, in most cases, everything happens differently. The waters break much earlier than the woman's contractions begin. And most often multiparous people face this.

The fetal bladder may begin to slowly leak. Sometimes it breaks suddenly, and the waters "pour in a stream." A woman does not feel pain when the amniotic membranes rupture. But you should go to the hospital immediately, even if rhythmic contractions of the uterus are not yet observed.

Contractions are the main sign of the onset of labor. They indicate You should know that in multiparous contractions can proceed much faster and more intensely. Therefore, a visit to the hospital should not be delayed.

You can determine the start of contractions by the following features:

  • painful sensations occur at regular intervals;
  • gradually they begin to become more frequent;
  • contractions increase in duration;
  • discomfort does not subside with a change in body position;
  • pain increases.

Women's opinion

Persons preparing to become mothers for the second time testify that they observed in themselves all the same harbingers as the first time. But still there are some differences. During the first pregnancy, all signs of childbirth occur gradually and rather slowly.

The second pregnancy is characterized by a rapid course. It is not always even possible to notice signs of imminent childbirth in multiparous women. Reviews of women show that often the whole process of the birth of a baby begins with the discharge of water. And, as a rule, ahead of schedule. Childbirth most often passes very quickly and quite easily.

The first harbingers of an approaching birth in a cat give the owner important information. Even with planned mating, the gestation period may vary and your pet may need help. Let's take a closer look at how to determine the gestational age of a cat and what signs indicate that childbirth will begin soon.

The gestation period for kittens in domestic cats is 61-67 days, normally, pregnancy lasts 63 days. To fully control the course and establish the exact date of birth, the owner must know the date of conception.

Note! It is believed that minor prematurity in cats is safer than premature births.

Note! Some breeds of cats are allowed to be bred only after specific DNA tests have been carried out.

For reinsurance, immediately after determining the pregnancy and its duration, the cat is recorded for a planned one with the expectation of a gestation period of 63 days. Naturally, if C-section not needed, it is not intentionally carried out. A pregnant cat should be examined by a veterinarian at least four times.

About a week before the expected date of birth, the cat is examined or x-rayed. After the examination, the veterinarian determines the exact number of kittens in the litter. This procedure is necessary, by determining the size of the litter, the owner and the veterinarian can be sure that the birth is over after the complete expulsion of kittens and placenta.

Advice: during childbirth, record on paper the order of birth of kittens, their sex, weight and placenta exit.

If the date of conception is not known, the owner and veterinarian must rely on data on the formation of fetuses, behavioral and physiological changes in the cat to determine the gestational age and the expected date of birth.

behavioral signs

When you find out that your cat is pregnant, she needs to be taken to the veterinarian. If the date of conception is unknown, the veterinarian will not be able to determine the expected date of birth. However, the veterinarian can determine, and based on these data, the range in which childbirth will occur is established.

If you find one or more physiological signs of imminent labor, carefully monitor the cat's condition. The onset of contractions is indicated by an increase in breathing and heartbeat. Many cats, especially those with flat and sunken noses, start off intensely. Make sure that the pet keeps its head above the bedding (do not stick its nose into the fabric). If possible, ventilate the room in which the nest is located.

Note! Usually on the day of birth, when feeling the peritoneum, no active movements of the kittens are observed.

Harbingers of an imminent birth

divided into three stages. The onset of the first stage of labor is called harbingers. Normally, before the onset of contractions, a mucous plug comes out of the birth canal. However, this sign should not be relied upon for several reasons. The mucus plug can be very small and come out during urination. This process will be invisible not only to you, but also to the expectant mother. Moreover, many experienced owners say that they observed the rejection of the mucous plug in the weeks before the birth.

The term "harbingers of childbirth" in obstetrics is used to denote clinical changes that occur with the cervix. Under the influence of hormones, it softens, shortens, opens slightly. Let us consider the phenomenon in detail, naming its visual signs, the sensations that the pregnant woman herself experiences at the same time.

Harbingers of childbirth in primiparas

The period of childbirth is the most exciting for women who are expecting their first child. This fact is explained by the fact that most pregnant women do not know anything about the signs of imminent birth in primiparas. Talking with doctors, they learn about such a phenomenon as the harbingers of childbirth in first-borns, including:

  1. Dropping of the abdomen. The expectant mother herself notes how it becomes easier for her to breathe, heartburn disappears. At the same time, she fixes that the gait has become more difficult, it becomes difficult to move.
  2. Removal of the mucous plug. During the gestation of a child in the reproductive system (cervix), a clot of mucus is formed, which it produces. It directly plays the role of a barrier in the way of pathogenic microorganisms, protecting the fetus and uterus from their harmful effects. Shortly before the moment of delivery, the woman fixes her discharge from the vaginal cavity.
  3. Decreased fetal activity. Many pregnant women fix that before the birth, in a few days, the child calms down. This is due to the lack of free space and big size baby.
  4. Contractions of the uterus. Periodic tension of the anterior abdominal wall with simultaneous tingling in the lower abdomen indicates an increase in the contractility of muscle fibers. Such contractions are called training, as they do not lead to the development of labor.
  5. Posture change. Due to the shift in the center of gravity, a change in gait occurs, the head deviates slightly back.
  6. Increase in the number of urination. The strong pressure exerted on the bladder by the fetus requires frequent emptying of the organ.
  7. The appearance of discomfort in the lower abdomen, in the back. A woman fixes pulling, aching pains of low intensity. Pulls the lower abdomen before childbirth, mainly in primiparous.

Feelings before childbirth in primiparous

Each pregnant woman can describe her feelings before childbirth in different ways. But most women who already have children say that it all started with the appearance of a dull, unclear origin of pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Often they act as a painful background - they continue for a long time, subsiding for a short time. At the same time, there may be an increase in defecation acts.

Doctors say that such harbingers of childbirth are associated with the efforts of the body to cleanse the intestines. At the same time, the chair was not changed. In addition, nausea and vomiting may occur several hours before delivery. This is predetermined by an increase in the concentration of the hormone oxytocin in the blood, which stimulates labor activity. Under its influence, there is an increase in the activity of the uterine myometrium.

When does the abdomen drop before childbirth in primiparas?

A sign associated with a change in the visual location of the abdomen is one of the well-known precursors of childbirth. It is due to the process of lowering the fetal head into the small pelvis, a change in the position of his body. At the same time, the expectant mother fixes relief, improvement in well-being. But primiparas, due to their inexperience, do not imagine this state. Because of this, often at a gynecologist's appointment, they ask a question about how to understand that the stomach has dropped before childbirth. Doctors indicate the presence of the following phenomena:

  • increased frequency of urination;
  • disappearance of recent shortness of breath;
  • decrease in fetal activity.

There is an easy way to find out what happened. To do this, you need to conduct a test: place the hand in the space between the chest and the upper part of the abdomen. If almost the entire palm fits in it, this one indicates the approach of the delivery process. According to medical observations, a similar phenomenon is recorded in women giving birth for the first time, 2-3 weeks before the onset of the birth process. This time interval has an average value. Due to the fact that each pregnancy has its own characteristics, it can change up or down.

Harbingers of preterm birth in primiparas

They say about the premature birth of a baby at his birth in the period from 28 to 37 weeks of gestation. The phenomenon does not happen suddenly. For some time before the onset, harbingers of premature birth are recorded. Among those:

  • soreness in the lower abdomen, which resembles the one that is fixed during menstruation;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • lack of fetal movements;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid.

Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous

The signs of an early birth in multiparous women are practically no different from those that are present when expecting the first child. Their distinctive feature is the fact that they are less pronounced and may appear later. This makes them harder to identify. But a woman giving birth forever remembers those harbingers of childbirth that she had before the birth of her first baby. She will know in advance about the imminent departure to the hospital.

Feelings before childbirth in multiparous

Women who give birth to a second and subsequent children know almost all the harbingers of an early birth. For a long time, a pregnant woman will know about the approaching hour "X" by her well-being, a change in activity. Many note that suddenly at the end of the gestational period there is a sharp relief, a surge of strength, there is a desire to do all the unfinished business, to prepare a room for the baby. This phenomenon is often compared to the nesting instinct.

When does the abdomen drop before childbirth in multiparous?

It is worth noting that women giving birth again are characterized by a relatively early prolapse of the abdomen before childbirth. This phenomenon is connected with the weakening of the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor - a consequence of the first pregnancy. In some cases, the omission can be fixed at, when the process of the appearance of the child directly begins.

Harbingers of preterm birth in multiparous

Early delivery is often due to complications of the gestation process. Among these, the central position is occupied by uterine hypertonicity. With this phenomenon, there is an increase in the contractile activity of the muscle fibers of the myometrium. Doctors record signs of imminent childbirth, including:

  • opening of the uterine cervix;
  • appearance;
  • violation of the integrity of the amniotic sac.

Diarrhea before childbirth

Often, expecting a second birth, the harbingers of which are described above, a woman fixes a sharp violation of the stool on late term. This phenomenon is caused by a change in the position of the baby and an increase in the concentration of hormones that stimulate the birth process. Doctors say that this is how the body empties the intestines, increasing the space for the genital tract, along which the baby will move.

How to understand that childbirth is coming soon - the main signs

How to understand that childbirth is coming soon, what are their signs? In another way, they are also called harbingers.

They appear shortly before the onset of labor. Usually no more than 2 weeks. But the first signs of imminent birth in primiparous and multiparous are not always felt. Multiparous may not pay attention to them. And primiparas, on the contrary, take for symptoms what they are not, although they are similar. What are the signs that multiparous labor will soon begin and what can they be easily confused with?

1). Are the contractions real or training? The uterus is a muscular organ. And in order for the child to be born, it is necessary that her muscle layer contract well and correctly. Due to this, the cervix opens and, in the future, the birth of a child on attempts. For this reason, the mother’s body starts the “training” process a few weeks before the birth. A woman has something like contractions, but not painful and light. Just periodically stony stomach. Many also call this uterine tone or hypertonicity. And doctors in such cases like to treat for the threat of premature birth, while this should be done only if the cervix begins to open and shorten. But in this case, we are already talking, rather, about real generic activity.

False contractions do not lead to the onset of labor, although they can anticipate real contractions soon. Especially often this happens in primiparous women, who perceive any uterine contractions very sharply, do not disregard.

1. They do not go away if you take a warm bath, no-shpy tablets, take a comfortable body position.
2. Each time they become longer in time.
3. The time intervals between contractions are always reduced, it does not happen that the contractions suddenly disappeared for an hour, and then reappeared with the same intensity. This effect can only be achieved by taking certain medications. They are issued in the maternity hospital in order to prevent the weakness of labor.
4. True contractions are like a wave. At first, mild soreness, which increases, reaches its peak and disappears. A few minutes later, everything repeats. Proper breathing helps to survive the fight - inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
5. Soreness. Real contractions are always at least unpleasant. And for primiparas, this sign of approaching childbirth sometimes seems unbearable.

2). A sharp drop in the level of the abdomen. This is due to the advancement of the presenting part of the baby, most often the head, into the mother's pelvis. Sometimes uterine prolapse is noticed by women who have another 1.5-2 months before the expected date of birth, and consider this a possible symptom of premature labor. But you don't always have to panic. It happens that the stomach changes its shape somewhat due to the fact that the child has changed the position of the body, for example, lay across in the uterus. Of course, this is not good, in terms of the fact that in such a position to give birth to a child naturally it is impossible, but it does not mean that the child will be born prematurely.
When the fetus descends into the pelvis, if this happens in the last month of pregnancy, the woman experiences relief - her heartburn, shortness of breath, belching disappear, it becomes easier to breathe, but at the same time, she wants to go to the toilet more often, there is more frequent stool. Few people have constipation before childbirth. On the contrary, it passes without any laxatives and dietary changes. But the pressure is felt on the bladder, perineum and rectum. It becomes uncomfortable to sit and walk. In order to maintain more or less tolerable physical activity, and sometimes extend the pregnancy a little, delay the onset of childbirth, a special bandage in the form of a belt or panties will help.

3). Discharge of the mucous plug and amniotic fluid. In primiparas, the mucous plug usually comes off immediately at the onset of labor, and not in parts over several days, as happens in multiparas. Sometimes women confuse the mucous plug and amniotic fluid. In principle, if a woman does not have oligohydramnios, then it is not at all difficult to understand that the waters have broken, there will be a real stream, which is unlikely to be held by the most reliable sanitary napkin.

If the discharge is relatively small, but it does not end after 30-60 minutes and is more liquid than mucous, a test for leakage of amniotic fluid should be done. Of course, it is better not to buy it yourself, as the result cannot be obtained quickly and it will not be 100% accurate, but in the hospital. Plus, it will be absolutely free.

Having noticed a clear sign of an imminent birth, do not forget to check whether everything is collected in the maternity hospital, whether all the documents (policy, passport, birth certificate), call your doctor if you have agreed with a certain specialist on the conduct of childbirth.
