What happens at 39 weeks pregnant. How to recognize amniotic fluid leakage

It's 39 weeks pregnant! Childbirth can begin at any time, so a woman needs to be fully prepared for this event. But the baby is already quite ready for the birth of this world!

All organs and systems work at full capacity: the heart pumps blood, the kidneys filter it and form urine, villi have already formed in the intestines, which contribute to the movement of food through it. Meconium has already formed in the intestines - the original feces, which will stand out after the birth of the baby.
The thyroid gland and adrenal glands produce hormones that contribute to the normal development of the child! The pancreas produces insulin to digest glucose and many other enzymes that help in digestion: lipase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase, lactase, maltase.
The musculoskeletal system of the baby is getting stronger every day, but the bones of the skull remain soft, and the sutures do not fuse. This is not accidental, but necessary in order for the child to freely pass through the birth canal of a woman. After childbirth, the bones will harden and the sutures will heal.
The baby actively swallows amniotic fluid and sucks his finger, so he is preparing to feed on mother's milk, because it will not be so easy to get it. The baby moves less and less, because there is very little space, but still a woman should catch rare movements.
The baby already looks pink, plump and cheeky, and all thanks to the subcutaneous fat, which continues to accumulate. The nails on the fingers are already long enough for the baby to scratch himself, and individual patterns have appeared on the fingertips. The baby's gaze can already focus at a distance of 20-30 cm!

Fetus and belly size

The baby has already become quite large and is ready for childbirth! At week 39, his height is 50-53 cm, and his weight is 3250 g. But the woman gained about 11-16 kg during the pregnancy, but now she is unlikely to gain more, most likely, the weight, on the contrary, will decrease. The uterus rises above the pubic joint already by 38-39 cm, and if measured from the navel, then by 16-20 cm. Very soon, the bottom of the uterus will decrease, and the baby's head will enter the birth canal. As mentioned above, childbirth at 39 weeks, as a rule, proceeds favorably.


At week 39, a temporary abdominal hardening may occur, nagging pain in the lower back, increased uterine tone, discharge of the mucous plug, liquefaction of the stool, such symptoms should alert the woman, because these are harbingers of childbirth! Especially if abdominal cramps occur more than 5 times per hour. It is best to solve training contractions or childbirth with a specialist, so do not hesitate to go to the hospital. It is worth noting that the mucous plug can move away even 2 weeks before the birth, so you should not panic if the amniotic fluid does not leak. The fact is that the mucous plug creates a barrier to protect the cervical canal of the uterus and the fetus from bacteria. But this is not the only protection, there are still amniotic membranes, they are also necessary to protect the fetus from infection. However, if the amniotic fluid begins to leak - you notice a watery discharge, clear or light pink - you need to urgently go to the hospital. The mucus plug looks different: it is mucus-beige, brown or streaked in color, mucous in consistency, and can come out in portions for several days. It can leave weeks before childbirth, or it can only come out during labor, so you should not panic, just tell the doctor about it when you visit the consultation.
Well, if the harbingers of childbirth have not visited you yet, most likely you feel pulling pains in the lower back. And it's all about the tension of the muscles of the spine, because you carry such a load on yourself every day. To help the muscles unload, you need to wear a special bandage, as well as knead your back as much as possible, and no weights! This not only increases the load on the back, but can also cause childbirth.
The abdomen is intensively growing, so the skin itches, lubricate it special cream from stretch marks or just a greasy cream so that it becomes elastic. This will not only relieve you of itching, but also prevent stretch marks.
So that the legs do not get tired and do not swell, do a relaxing massage and cool baths every evening. Do not forget that cross-legged sitting is strictly prohibited, in order to avoid varicose veins and thrombosis. It is also not recommended to sleep on your back, this leads to compression of the inferior vena cava and the appearance of dizziness in a woman, up to fainting, and the baby at this time experiences significant oxygen starvation. The best sleeping position is on your side.
Well, the most common is prenatal excitement, from which sleep and appetite can disappear. Do not panic, because this will not solve your problems, but will only adversely affect the fetus. Tell your loved ones about your experiences, talk with your doctor about what is bothering you. In any case, you will receive a portion of care and love and your fears will disappear.


At 39 weeks, premature birth is no longer scary, because the baby is already completely ready for birth. However, childbirth can be caught at the most inopportune moment, which can cause some difficulties. Departure amniotic fluid without further labor activity can lead to infection of the fetus.
As before, you should be wary of the insidious late gestosis! It can suddenly overtake at both 39 and 40 weeks, so do not lose vigilance and carefully monitor your condition. And if you suddenly begin to notice nausea, vomiting, dizziness, increased blood pressure, the appearance of edema and a sharp increase in body weight, do not hesitate to consult a doctor, even if you felt absolutely normal yesterday, because the symptoms can grow literally in hours.
Pay attention to the discharge if it turns green, with bad smell and is accompanied by itching of the external genitalia, most likely you have an infection, so you need to see a doctor urgently.
It is always worth remembering that a pregnant woman should be wary of viral infections, because the baby's immune system is very vulnerable now. The most unfavorable infections include measles, rubella, hepatitis, especially hepatitis E, in the third trimester of pregnancy it is especially difficult.

Stomach ache

At week 39, pain must be treated carefully, as it can be the first sign of incipient labor. In addition, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between training bouts and regular ones. Training contractions are almost painless, non-intense and irregular. But when they are repeated 5 times per hour, accompanied by intense pain and at the same time the stomach turns to stone, and the uterus is in hypertonicity, it is urgent to call an ambulance - these are symptoms of the onset of labor.
Not a sharp pain, most often arising from a sharp turn or rising from a chair, is not at all dangerous. To avoid it, you can wear a special bandage and try not to make sudden movements, walk slowly and carefully. However, if such pain becomes intense, gives to the lower back, you should go to the hospital, perhaps this is the beginning of childbirth.
Abdominal pain, which has a sharp, cramping character and is accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract, is also a reason for urgent medical attention, there is a risk of placental abruption.

Mom's nutrition

As in previous weeks, nutrition should adhere to the previously established principles. It is very important to treat this responsibly, but, of course, without fanaticism: starving yourself or, conversely, eating for seven, is not worth it, everything needs a golden mean. And given that in the last stages a woman moves less, accordingly, her energy expenditure decreases, so fewer calories should also come in. But that doesn't mean you have to eat less! The diet should not be changed, but the products included in the diet should be reviewed. It is necessary to give up flour, fatty, sweet (including lemonade), smoked and fried. In addition, we already know that the child distinguishes between tastes and many foods may simply not be to his liking! As a rule, this is a spicy and spicy food, so it must also be excluded from the diet. There are advantages to this, if you exclude these products, heartburn and constipation will torment you much less often.
So, we discussed what is impossible, the question arises, what is possible? And you can vegetables and fruits, you can fresh or baked, be sure to eat soups on vegetable broths or low-fat meat, as well as cereals. All food is best eaten boiled or steamed. Do not forget about dairy products, they should be daily in your diet. Lean meat and fish are also what you need now. Give up snacks, especially dry food, if you feel unbearable hunger, it is better to drink a glass of kefir or eat cottage cheese. The last meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime.
In the winter-spring and autumn-winter periods, it is very important to maintain your immune system and eat more vitamins, drink rosehip broth. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to fill the entire need for vitamins and minerals with nutrition alone, so the doctor can prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex for you.

What do we have to do

At week 39, you can visit the antenatal clinic if you have complaints and questions. However, if you missed last week's scheduled checkup, you can certainly do this one. There you will find a standard set of procedures: measuring blood pressure, weight, tummy size, as well as assessing the baby's heartbeat. In addition, you will need to donate blood and urine for analysis. If you have not done this before, you will be tested for HIV infection. The doctor should examine the cervix, assess the degree of its disclosure, it should not exceed more than 1 cm. The doctor may prescribe a Doppler study to assess the fetal blood flow. Well, the usual study is cardiotocography. At the appointment, do not forget to ask all the questions you are interested in: how the birth will take place, when you need to call an ambulance, what you need to take with you, what documents you need. Hearing the answers to the questions, you will be fully armed!
Having finished with hospital chores, devote time to your family, walk more, relax, breathe fresh air, avoid stress. During the rest period, communicate with the baby, read fairy tales to him, sing songs, gently stroke the tummy, the baby really likes all this. Don't forget about proper sleep and nutrition. Get ready to become a mother - read books about motherhood, watch positive movies, listen to pleasant music, many researchers believe that this has a beneficial effect on the fetus: such children are endowed with many talents and develop quickly.

What does the belly look like

At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, the belly is as large as possible, the baby is almost ready for childbirth.

belly photo

The last weeks of pregnancy for the expectant mother usually drag on for a very long time. And the closer to the expected date of birth, the harder the wait. A woman may have various fears and anxieties, especially when it comes to the first child. What happens to mom and baby at 39 weeks pregnant?

39 weeks

Starting from the 38th week, pregnancy is considered full-term, and childbirth is timely. At the end of 40 weeks, a period comes, which in obstetrics is called the expected date of birth. This is a conditional value, it is calculated based on the data that the duration of pregnancy is usually exactly 40 weeks.

However, each organism is individual, and it is impossible to determine the date of conception for any woman. Therefore, the day the child is born does not always coincide with the expected date of birth, calculated by the doctor in the antenatal clinic.

In the thirty-ninth week, you can relax and stop thinking about premature birth, by this time all the organs and systems of the baby have already completed their formation, and he completely exists outside the mother's body.


The fetus at 39 weeks of gestation is already quite large. Its mass most often exceeds 3 kg, and its length ranges from 47 to 53 cm.

Nervous system the fetus at this time is not fully formed, but this phenomenon is considered physiological. Some structures will continue to mature for an extended period after birth.

The baby can already perceive visual signals and process them, focus his eyes at a distance of 25–30 cm.

The respiratory system is formed, and the lungs are quite ready to take the first independent breath. Before birth, the baby receives oxygen from the mother's blood through the vessels of the umbilical cord. The excretory system is also active, the kidneys produce urine.

A baby at 39 weeks pregnant is often in motion. Periods of movement are replaced by rest. The expectant mother needs to carefully monitor the movements of the baby and report any changes in activity to the doctor.

In addition, even on the eve of childbirth, a woman should be regularly examined.


As a rule, by this time most of the studies have been completed, tests for TORCH infections and markers of chromosomal abnormalities have been passed.

On the eve of childbirth future mom surrenders general analysis blood and urine, and she may also be recommended to study the coagulation system.

General clinical analyzes at this time are necessary. Firstly, the doctor must monitor the woman's hemoglobin level and, if necessary, prescribe iron replacement therapy for her.

Secondly, a change in the leukocyte formula may indicate an acute inflammatory disease, which sometimes proceeds erased due to reduced immunity.

A woman has to take a general urine test very often - almost every week. The obstetrician checks in dynamics the presence or absence of protein - proteinuria. Its appearance in the urine indicates the development of preeclampsia - a late complication of pregnancy.

Also important is the level of leukocytes in the urine, which are a sign of inflammation in the urinary system, including pyelonephritis.

Ultrasound at 39 weeks of gestation is rarely performed, only if indicated. Usually, doctors prescribe this study in the following situations:

  • To control the position and weight of the fetus.
  • In the case of twins and especially with uneven development of the fetus.
  • With the pathology of pregnancy - for example, polyhydramnios.
  • With a delay in intrauterine development of the child.
  • If there are problems with blood flow. For these purposes, dopplerography is performed.

If a pregnant woman has other complications or concomitant diseases, then the list of examinations during this period is expanding.

Changes in the female body

At the 39th week of pregnancy, changes in the female body reach their peak. Weight gain becomes maximum. Normally, body weight should not increase by more than 10–13 kg. However, some women note gains of 20 and even 30 kg.

At 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother may notice the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • fatigue.
  • Pain in the joints when walking.
  • Joint hypermobility.
  • Swelling of hands and feet.
  • heartburn.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Aching pain in the back.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Sensation as if the lower abdomen were being pulled.

These complaints are a consequence of the physiological processes associated with bearing a child. As the pregnancy progresses, the fetus grows. It takes up a lot of space in the woman's abdominal cavity and begins to put pressure on the surrounding organs - the diaphragm, stomach, bladder. This leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

In addition, the greater the weight of the mother and the size of the baby, the greater the shift in the center of gravity. This entails not only a change in gait, but also aching pain in the lumbar spine.

At 38–39 weeks pregnant, a woman becomes especially clumsy and is at high risk of injury. In addition, during this period, training bouts may bother her.

Training bouts

Training, or false, contractions are not uncommon in the later period. They are also called Braxton-Hicks contractions. Normally, they can begin as early as the second trimester, from 16 weeks and continue until the birth itself.

At 38–39 weeks, false contractions are observed in most women. How can they be distinguished from the real ones? Braxton-Hicks contractions are characterized by the following:

  • They are irregular and do not grow.
  • Contractions are painless, feel like tension in the abdomen in the lower part.
  • Not accompanied by the discharge of amniotic fluid.
  • Disappear on their own or after a change of position, rest, do not last long.

Often, expectant mothers get used to training contractions, but by the beginning of the 39th week of pregnancy, you should carefully listen to your body so as not to miss the moment when the contractions become regular. Harbingers of childbirth also help pregnant women in this.


The harbingers of childbirth at the 39th week of pregnancy are a number of characteristic manifestations that may alert the expectant mother, her relatives or the attending physician, as regular contractions should soon be expected. But they can appear both in 1-2 days, and in a couple of weeks.

Harbingers are associated with a change in the position of the fetus in the uterus, as well as the production of certain hormones.

Closer to childbirth, the baby, as a rule, occupies a certain position - he turns his head down. Sometimes the buttocks of the child may be located in the lower part, but this happens less often. Gradually, the head begins to fall lower and closer to the entrance to the small pelvis.

If a woman has a belly of considerable size, its omission will immediately become noticeable. This is one of the main harbingers early delivery.

Moving the child down leads to the fact that its pressure on the diaphragm and stomach is weakened. And this means that shortness of breath will disappear in the expectant mother, and heartburn will bother much less. But urination, on the contrary, will become more frequent due to pressure on the bladder.

This location of the baby in the abdominal cavity further changes the center of gravity of the woman. She has to straighten her neck and lift her head to keep her balance. This posture of pregnant women is called proud.

During the entire period of gestation, the body of the expectant mother produces the hormone relaxin. It increases ligament extensibility and joint mobility. Because of this hormone, many women complain of clumsy, "duck" gait and pain in the joints. Strengthening of such manifestations is also referred to as harbingers of childbirth.

Often, on the eve of the birth of a child, a expectant mother secretes a mucous clot with bloody patches from the genital tract - the so-called cork. However, sometimes it happens that the precursors do not appear, or after their occurrence, contractions are not observed. How to give birth faster at this time?

Acceleration of childbirth

Childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation is an absolutely normal and timely process, as, indeed, at 38 or 40-42. But many women want to quickly experience this exciting moment, and they are trying to stimulate labor. Can it be done at this time?

There are no contraindications to induction of labor during this period if it is carried out in a safe and natural way. Most often, the effect of such actions is one - complacency, and a woman begins to give birth completely regardless of attempts to stimulate.

It is imperative to discuss with your doctor your desire to speed up the birth, and in the absence of contraindications, he will help recommend the following:

  1. Move more. Physical activity not only stimulates the onset of labor, but also strengthens the mother's body, gives her vigor and strength.
  2. Don't give up sex. Sex at 39 weeks of gestation is quite possible, unless the obstetrician says otherwise. Such activities can start childbirth, but even if not, the couple will at least enjoy it.
  3. Do household chores. We are not talking about general cleaning with washing windows and rearranging furniture. But light economic activity will not interfere with any expectant mother. She will distract her from obsessive thoughts about imminent childbirth and serve as an alternative to gymnastics.

However, a pregnant woman should not forget about common sense. If physical activity causes her pain, begins to pull the lower abdomen, or there is a discharge from the genital tract, you should forget about accelerating labor.

Signs of childbirth

In the last weeks of gestation, you can relax and calmly expect childbirth. However, it is not uncommon for women to ask a doctor if the situation changes with a second or third child.

At week 39, the second pregnancy, like the first, can end in childbirth, and this will be absolutely normal. It is impossible to say in advance whether the second child will be born sooner or later. The onset of labor is unpredictable, and there is no clear pattern in relation to the birth of the first and subsequent children.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the second birth, like the first and third, are considered timely. However, they can flow faster, and in most cases they do.

The stages of contractions and attempts, as a rule, last a few hours less, and the pain is not so pronounced. Most often this is due to the woman's experience, her ability to breathe properly and listen to the doctor's recommendations.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the signs of childbirth are:

  • Departure of amniotic fluid.
  • The appearance of regular contractions.

regular contractions

Real fights are usually difficult to confuse with something. They run at regular intervals. The intervals between them are gradually reduced, and the pain increases.

True contractions do not change from a change in position or rest, they are practically not affected by the use of antispasmodic drugs - Viburkol or No-Shpa. However, the onset of labor does not always proceed according to the textbook.

A woman may complain that her lower abdomen hurts or pulls her lower back, and not notice that these sensations occur with a regular frequency.

Often, pains in the lower abdomen are the same during pregnancy as during menstruation, and the expectant mother does not pay much attention to them. However, this may well be the beginning generic activity.

If one of these signs appears, you should immediately go to the hospital. Also emergency health care at this time is necessary if dangerous symptoms appear.

Dangerous symptoms

Sometimes pregnancy complications occur even on later dates. This should be remembered and in case of any unusual and alarming symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.

So, if at the 39th week of pregnancy, the lower back or stomach pulls, this can be considered as the onset of labor, weak contractions, or even Braxton-Hicks contractions.

However, if such pain in the lower abdomen increases, becomes sharp, intense, accompanied by the release of blood from the genital tract, we can talk about premature detachment of a normally located placenta.

This condition threatens the life of both the child and the mother. Sometimes bleeding is internal, and in this situation it is not visible. However, the pain syndrome persists and a sharp weakness develops, up to loss of consciousness, pallor of the skin. These are signs of internal bleeding, which is no less dangerous.

An alarming symptom in late pregnancy is a significant increase in blood pressure. Hypertension is especially dangerous if it is accompanied by complaints of:

  • Swelling of hands and feet.
  • Significant weight gain.
  • Sudden headache.
  • Flashing flies before the eyes.
  • Excessive sleepiness.
  • Excitation or retardation.
  • Confusion of consciousness, disorientation.

In this case, we are talking about preeclampsia - pathological condition, manifestation of late gestosis. In the absence of an emergency delivery, eclampsia occurs with convulsive syndrome, which threatens the lives of the mother and fetus.

If at the 39th week of pregnancy you have a headache, blood pressure rises, or other symptoms join, you should immediately call the ambulance team.

In such a situation, only prompt medical intervention can save the mother and child. Almost always, an emergency caesarean section is performed.

The 39th week of pregnancy is the time when you can still enjoy relaxation and tranquility. A born child will bring completely different anxieties and worries into the life of parents.

39 weeks pregnant. The kid has become big, he, like his mother, is in need of change. It could very well be out this week.

How the baby became in 37 embryonic weeks (and this is 39 obstetric weeks), we will tell in this article.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Height and weight

The woman has been pregnant for 8 months and three weeks. During this time, from a microscopic set of cells, the baby has become a big and strong man, ready for independent life outside the mother's belly. This week, his height and weight are very individual and depend on hereditary factors. and how well the pregnancy proceeded all previous months.

The weight of the baby this week in most cases overcame the psychological mark of 3 kilograms.

The minimum average value for this period is the estimated weight of 2900 grams, and big baby can weigh all 4 kilograms.

The more complete the nutrition of the pregnant woman was, the easier the gestation period was, the more likely it is to give birth to a “hero”. Heredity is also of great importance - large mothers and fathers usually have large children, and thin parents of small stature “receive” a baby with less impressive parameters in the maternity hospital.

The growth of the crumbs at week 39 is more than 50 centimeters, but even here it can not do without individual genetic “corrections”.

If the birth does not start this week, the baby will grow up and gain a little weight, but not more than 50-100 grams. The growth rate of the baby in the last weeks of pregnancy slows down.

Norms for fetometry

The norms for fetometry, which are calculated by measurements on ultrasound, at this time no longer have such great diagnostic value as before, because now children have individual sizes.

They are more needed in order to predict the weight of the fetus and plan the tactics of childbirth.

On average, the norm of the main sizes is as follows:

  • biparental head size(BPR) - 94-95 mm (a value from 86 to 102 mm is also considered normal);
  • fronto-occipital head size(LZR) - 119 mm (also allowed from 108 to 129 mm);
  • femur length(DBK) - 73-74 mm (fluctuations from 68 to 79 mm are not excluded);
  • leg bone length(DKG) - 65-66 mm (normally it can be from 61 to 71 mm);
  • humerus length(WPC) - 64-65 mm (also allowed from 60 to 70 mm);
  • forearm bone length(DKP) - 56-57 mm (normally, the size can vary from 51 to 60 mm);
  • tummy circumference(OZH) - 336-342 mm.


The subcutaneous fat layer, which the baby “built up” throughout the entire third trimester of pregnancy, gives the crumbs a special charm at week 39. The baby no longer looks thin, all wrinkles and folds have smoothed out, the skin became a normal pink color, because the vascular network and capillaries, which gave the child a red and even purple tint, no longer shine through the skin.

The fluff hair that covered the child's body is now missing. The skin became smooth and tender. The original white grease that covered the baby's body earlier has also disappeared. Only a small amount of it has been preserved where it is now needed - in the folds on the arms and legs, neck and groin area, where, despite the aquatic environment in which the fetus is located, mechanical rubbing is not ruled out.

The baby's head may be covered with hair, and the baby may also be completely bald with small light and sparse hairs. This is also an individual trait.

The genital organs are fully formed. In 9 out of 10 boys, the testicles have already descended into the scrotum, and in girls, the large labia cover the small ones.. Due to the action of the mother's sex hormones, the external genitalia of babies may look somewhat swollen, like the nipples. But this phenomenon is temporary, after birth, during the first months everything will return to normal.

Development of organs and systems

The child at this time is considered fully full-term. If the birth occurs in the coming days, the baby is completely ready for life outside the mother's womb. His heart is working smoothly and without failure, the heart rate (HR) is approximately 157 beats per minute.

The heartbeat of boys is slightly slower than that of girls. Your baby's lungs are ready to expand after the first breath. They have accumulated a sufficient concentration of a substance for this - a surfactant, thanks to which the lungs will not stick together, and independent breathing will become possible.

The digestive organs have already completely "rehearsed" the interaction between themselves. The stomach can digest the amniotic fluid that has entered it. The baby burps the excess swallowed - this is how the hiccups are obtained, which the mother feels as uniform rhythmic tremors at one point in her abdomen. The baby hiccups often.

The inner walls of the intestines have sensitive villi through which the absorption of nutrients will pass. Already, meconium has accumulated in the intestines - the original green feces, with which the baby first goes to the toilet "in a big way" on the first day after birth.

The kidneys, bladder, urethra and ureters work at full strength. In the body of the crumbs, their own hormones and enzymes are produced, the liver, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder are formed and function.

The fetal nervous system is still in its infancy. And so it will continue after birth. Every day new neural connections appear, the brain “learns” to coordinate all processes in a small organism.

But even now the baby has achieved tremendous success - he already has more than 70 reflex automatic movements at his disposal that help a person survive.

The strongest are sucking, swallowing, respiratory and grasping reflexes.

What does the baby feel?

The baby's senses are well developed. He hears great- as far as amniotic fluid allows him, the thickness of his mother's abdominal wall and the noises inside it: heartbeat, hum of blood in the arteries, "grumble" of the intestines. But even such sound accompaniment does not prevent the baby from recognizing his mother's voice, familiar sounds.

Many women notice that an active baby, when the alarm goes off suddenly or the door slams, calms down or, conversely, begins to “blow”.

The vision of the crumbs is still "configured". Now he can distinguish between light and darkness, the intrauterine world is seen by him as a cluster of spots of different color intensity and size. After birth, he will quickly learn to focus his eyes, and then to distinguish colors. The child now does not feel smells, but perfectly captures the taste nuances thanks to the developed taste buds on the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks.


The baby becomes cramped and uncomfortable in the uterus. It occupies all the free space in it, so active fetal movements at week 39 are rarely observed. Most pregnant women at this time claim that the baby is quiet, moving a little. However, the crumbs continue to maintain a special, individual regimen, in which periods of activity are replaced by periods of rest.

Some babies move strongly at night, others sleep with their mother at night and indicate their presence with movements only during the day. Many expectant mothers say that babies for a long time actively move in the morning and evening. Whatever the mode of activity, there must still be at least 10 motor episodes in 12 hours.

Against the background of a visible decrease in the activity of stirring this week, they may begin to deliver unpleasant painful sensations to the expectant mother.

They are associated with the size of the fetus, as well as a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, which is quite natural at this time.


Most often, babies at 39 weeks take the pose of athletes ready to start. Most children are head down, this week it is pressed against the exit of the small pelvis. The fetus presses its chin tightly against the chest to facilitate its passage through the birth canal.

If at 39 weeks the location of the baby in the uterus is not the head, then there is almost no chance that he will turn around for childbirth correctly, as well as free space for children's coups and maneuvers.

Breech presentation, in which the baby is located to the small pelvis with a booty, and also quite rare transverse presentation, in which the baby lies across, these are the reasons for the appointment of a planned caesarean section. It's happening this week or next.

Possible problems

Childbirth this week is a frequent phenomenon: about 40% of women give birth exactly at 39 weeks. The problem may be their abnormal onset, for example, leakage of amniotic fluid.

If watery liquid discharge appears, you should definitely visit a doctor unscheduled.. He will be able to determine whether the water is leaking, how much is left, how the child feels.

To determine the amount of fluid in the fetal bladder, the amniotic fluid index is measured on ultrasound, and an unscheduled CTG will be done to determine the condition of the baby.

If cardiotocography shows fetal abnormalities, tachycardia or bradycardia in the baby, the woman will be shown urgent delivery.

If the amount of water is still sufficient, the baby feels good, the woman is still hospitalized to be monitored around the clock, because her birth can begin as soon as possible.

Sometimes at 39 weeks, pathological changes in the placenta are revealed: it becomes too thin, ages too rapidly, ceases to provide the baby with nutrition and oxygen. In this case, delivery is also indicated by inducing labor or by performing a caesarean section.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, 37 years have passed since the conception of the baby. full weeks, By lunar calendar is the last tenth month of pregnancy.

Changes in the body of the fetus

There comes a time when the fetus at 39 weeks of gestation is ready to be born at any moment. He occupies a permanent position in the uterus, and will no longer be able to change it before childbirth. That part of the body that is supposed to be (located closer to the exit - this is either the head or the pelvic end) has already been lowered into the small pelvis. In the event that the baby in the abdomen at 39 weeks of gestation takes transverse position(this is very rare, but it happens), natural childbirth is impossible, and a caesarean section is indispensable.

The bones of the skull of the fetus at this time are soft, pliable, between them there are sutures and fontanelles from an even more pliable connective tissue. Thanks to the sutures and fontanelles, during the passage of the head through the birth canal, it is configured and somewhat reduced in size. Immediately after childbirth, the head may look slightly elongated or altered because of this, but after a few days the bones return to their normal position.

In length, the child has grown to 51 - 52 cm, it weighs from 3200 to 3600 g. Its weight and height indicators depend on the conditions in which it grew in utero and on the physique of its parents.

The appearance of the fetus at 39 weeks of gestation corresponds to a full-term newborn. The baby is in the uterine cavity in the fetal position, which will be characteristic of him for some time after birth. The movements of the fetus in the abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy are regular and more targeted - the baby can play with his fingers or the umbilical cord, feel the face and body, the walls of the uterus. It is very important to control the activity of the baby by his movements, in 12 hours there should be at least 10 of them.

39 weeks of gestation is the period at which the testicles in boys must be lowered into the scrotum. If this did not happen, then we can talk about unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism.

Changes in the body of a woman at 39 weeks of gestation

At the 39th week of pregnancy, harbingers of childbirth may appear:

  • Departure of the mucous plug;
  • Periodic tension in the lower abdomen;
  • Lowering of the abdomen.

If the stomach has not dropped earlier, then this can happen at 39 weeks of gestation. Now the height of the bottom of the uterus above the pubis is about 34 - 35 cm. In connection with this, the woman notes an improvement in her health and easier breathing, since the uterus ceases to press on the diaphragm with the same force.

Isolation at 39 weeks of gestation from the genital tract is quite a large number mucus, by consistency and appearance resembling egg white - evidence of the discharge of the mucous plug. Sometimes streaks of blood are mixed with it, this is a sign that the cervix has begun to open. The discharge of amniotic fluid is manifested by the release of a large amount of colorless and odorless liquid from the vagina at the 39th week of pregnancy. If the fetus experienced a lack of oxygen in utero or an infection has joined, then the water may be colored greenish and have an unpleasant odor.

In connection with the lowering of the presenting part of the fetus, the pregnant woman may begin to be disturbed by constipation and frequent urination. At this stage, it is important not to miss the infection that has begun. urinary tract. Normally, against the background of increased urination, pain at the 39th week of pregnancy should not be.

Despite the fact that the pregnancy is coming to an end, at the 39th week of pregnancy there is a risk of developing late preeclampsia. Its main features are:

  • Deterioration of well-being;
  • Headache;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • swelling;
  • Too much weight gain.

When childbirth is very close, a pregnant woman may experience an attack of diarrhea. The body of a woman is preparing for childbirth in this way, so you should not be afraid of this. The onset of labor can proceed according to one of two scenarios - either contractions begin, or the amniotic fluid first departs.

Most often, a pregnant woman is already familiar with training contractions for a period of 39 weeks; the onset of labor is characterized by a shortening of the time between them and the regularity of occurrence.

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Childbirth at 39 weeks is a natural process that almost every woman goes through. The maternal instinct is laid down by nature itself. No mother will miss the harbingers of an approaching birth, because she has been waiting for a meeting with her baby for so long.

At 38-39 weeks, the baby's body is fully formed, and he is ready to be born at any time. It is undesirable for a woman who is expecting a child to remain alone and leave home for a long time during this period, because childbirth can begin any minute.

What happens in the body of a future mother?

The 39th week of pregnancy is the period when the stomach has already reached its maximum size, due to which the load on the spine and legs increases. The expectant mother is now tired even with a slight physical activity. Appear shortness of breath, swelling, false contractions, sometimes - heartburn.

The body is preparing for the upcoming birth. The cervix and birth canal become loose. The baby has already taken the right position and is ready to be born at any moment.

Feelings of a woman

Closer to the cherished date of childbirth, the prolapse of the abdomen occurs. The hormones produced during this period act on the pelvic bones, making them more pliable. They move apart slightly, preparing the way for the birth of the baby.

The pressure on the diaphragm and stomach is reduced. The pregnant woman's digestive system is getting better (no more heartburn) and breathing is easier. Now all the pressure is directed to the bladder and intestines, there is often a feeling of pain in the lower abdomen. The expectant mother runs to the toilet several times a night, and often there are false urges.

A large belly at 39-40 obstetric weeks of pregnancy does not allow free movement and movement, sometimes clumsiness develops, lower back hurts and nausea. Ordinary affairs are given much more difficult, because. in addition to the huge belly, the weight of the mother has increased significantly. On average, during the period of pregnancy, a woman recovers by 10-12 kg.

The location of the fetus and the size of the uterus

As a rule, the fetus by this time is head down. It happens that the child does not roll over into the desired position, but remains lying with the legs down (breech presentation). Then the doctor recommends that the woman in labor perform a special set of exercises that help the baby take a suitable position.

In some cases, the baby does not roll over, even with regular exercise. In this case, a caesarean section may be prescribed. Some women give birth on their own even with a breech presentation of the fetus.

The uterus is already large enough and ready for a difficult birth process. It is located approximately 40 cm from the pubic bone. Week 39 may be marked by the appearance of training fights (Brexton Hicks).

This is a kind of rehearsal for real fights. The lower abdomen begins to twist and pull strongly. There may be nausea. Such training spasms pass quickly if you do not stay in one place, but walk.

The nature of the discharge

At 39 and subsequent weeks of gestation, a woman continues to have discharge of light milky or white color, a pale yellow secretion may also appear. Sometimes there is a slightly sour smell. Such secretion is considered the norm.

If a pregnant woman found thick mucous lumps with bloody streaks on her underwear, it is most likely that the mucous plug has come off - one of the most important harbingers of an imminent birth. Signs of a pathological process in the body of a future mother:

  • discharge of a green tint with an unpleasant odor (indicates the presence of an infection);
  • brown or spotting (may be a sign of placental abruption);
  • greenish water leakage (a very dangerous symptom that should be reported to the doctor immediately);
  • pain and burning in the perineum.

What happens to the child?

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A term of 38 completed weeks is considered a full-term pregnancy. In this case, a healthy child is born, who has already formed internal organs and there are external signs of a newborn.

At this time, the baby is already cramped in the womb, he has gained the necessary weight and now is just waiting for the right moment to be born. Very soon there will be a long-awaited meeting with his mother, because during these 9 months he only heard her voice.

Development of organs and systems

All organs of the baby are already formed. His heart, liver and kidneys are already actively performing their immediate functions, the stomach begins to produce gastric juice. The intestines are covered with structural villi to effectively absorb all the nutrients from the colostrum. The lungs will work only after birth, when they receive oxygen from the outside.

The baby already has facial expressions and certain gestures. In the womb he acquired unconditioned reflexes necessary for life (sucking, grasping, swallowing, search, etc.). It reacts to light and darkness, distinguishes and captures sounds, primary colors.

The nervous system of the baby is not fully formed. She will continue her cultivation after birth.

Height and weight of the baby, large fruit

As the statistics of childbearing show, at 39 weeks the fetus weighs an average of 3.5 kg, and its growth reaches half a meter. These are average figures, but there are often deviations up or down.

In obstetrics, it is generally accepted that large fruit differs not only in significant weight (from 4 to 5 kg), but also big stature(up to 60 cm). In addition, the fetus is considered large with big size heads. A woman can be overwhelmed by excitement and panic before childbirth if she knows how much her baby weighs approximately and that he will be large enough.

Often, such women in labor are previously sent to the hospital in order to properly prepare for the birth process. Sometimes such delivery involves the use of antispasmodic or painkillers, as well as drugs to stimulate uterine contractions.

Fetal movements

Just a month ago, the expectant mother felt strong shocks and movements. Before childbirth, the baby calms down and becomes not so active, but movements are also present (more in the article:). A woman should count them and report their number to her doctor.

Now the expectant mother feels the baby's pushes well and can even determine what he kicked her this time - with his heel or fist. The activity of the baby in the womb directly depends on the lifestyle of the mother. If the mother is “active” to the last, then the baby will be more restless and move actively.

What research is being done?

Usually all planned ultrasound examinations already done. Ultrasound at the 39th week of pregnancy is prescribed only if the weight and height of the fetus, the development of its organs and systems, as well as to determine the tactics of childbirth, are specified. Attention is paid to the condition of the cervix, the degree of maturity of the placenta, and whether there is entanglement with the umbilical cord or not.

With the planned caesarean section the pregnant woman is hospitalized in advance for the collection of all necessary tests. If conventional childbirth is expected, a woman needs to take only blood and urine for tests.

A pregnant woman is getting ready for childbirth. As a rule, a bag has already been collected for the maternity hospital, the main thing is not to forget to put in it:

  • documents (exchange card, passport and insurance policy - if necessary);
  • things for a woman in labor and a newborn;
  • set for the baby for discharge;
  • essentials (hygiene products, diapers, diapers).

The children's room or corner should already be prepared. If all the main things are done, you can relax and calmly wait for the onset of childbirth. During this period, walks in the fresh air and shopping, as well as visiting relatives or friends are not prohibited. The main thing is that one of the family members always accompanied the pregnant woman.

Possible complications and reasons to see a doctor

Many women in the later stages have pain and aches in the lower abdomen as during menstruation, heartburn and lower back pain often appear. One of the complications is nausea at 39 weeks of gestation. This is the result of the pressure of the uterus on the intestines and stomach, as well as the consequence of malnutrition of the expectant mother.

Sometimes the same symptoms occur when there is a urinary tract infection. Reasons why you should not postpone a visit to the doctor:

  • the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge with a bad odor or blood impurities;
  • too strong activity of the child;
  • lack of movement for a long time;
  • repeated nausea and vomiting;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • bleeding.

Harbingers of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous

Abdominal prolapse, back pain and frequent urination are harbingers of early labor, which will begin in about 2-3 weeks. A primiparous woman should be aware of the symptoms that signal that the birth process will begin in 1-2 days or even in a few hours. Harbingers of childbirth in this case are:

  • Removal of the mucous plug. A woman in labor will find thick, jelly-like discharge on her underwear, while they may have different colour(pinkish, yellow, brown and mixed with blood). In multiparous, the mucous plug is larger in size (more details in the article:), because. in the cervix initially there is a small lumen.
  • Outflow of amniotic fluid. The liquid may leak slightly at first, after a while the amount of water may increase.
  • Liquid stool. The body is thus cleansed and gets rid of all that is superfluous.
  • The appearance of contractions. A woman will feel painful contractions of the uterus, the interval between which is constantly decreasing. They differ from training ones in a more pronounced pain syndrome and frequency. In girls who give birth for the first time, contractions can last up to 10-12 hours. In multiparous, with the second, third and subsequent births, this period is reduced to 5-6 hours, so when the first contraction appears, it is better not to delay and immediately go to the maternity hospital.

In multiparous women, the stomach, as a rule, drops on the day of birth (for more details, see the article:). In primiparas, this process occurs about a week before the onset of childbirth.

What to do if the mucous plug has come off?

The mucus plug may come off a week before delivery. In this case, you do not need to rush headlong to the hospital. A woman should listen to her body and go to the hospital only when other harbingers of childbirth are present.

If the cork has moved away, and after that the waters began to break, contractions appeared, it is necessary to gather in the hospital (see also:). In this case, labor activity will begin in a few hours.
