Is it harmful to do lip tattooing, the opinion of doctors. Why I am categorically against eyebrow tattooing - personal experience and comments of cosmetologists

Eyebrow tattooing is a double-edged sword. It can make you an incredible beauty, or it can spoil your appearance and mood for a long time. But, as they say, forewarned is forearmed!

Is there a danger

During permanent makeup, a pigment is injected under the skin with a machine or handpiece. It does not turn pale and does not smear for 2-3 years, so girls may not use decorative cosmetics. But the unsuccessful consequences of eyebrow tattooing persist for the same period, so not everyone decides on the procedure.

It is enough to look at the negative reviews of those girls who have serious side effects, and the desire to make a permanent evaporates indefinitely. However, tattooing itself is not a dangerous procedure. It becomes so for several reasons:

  1. If the beautician is inexperienced, any procedure can be harmful. Uncertain possession of the maniple, a trembling hand, an asymmetrical sketch - and the result is hopelessly spoiled.
  2. Complications often arise if the girl kept silent about the presence of contraindications. For example, for pregnant women and people with diseases in the acute stage, the permanent will add problems.
  3. The lack of sterility during the procedure leads to infection with infections and serious diseases - herpes, hepatitis, syphilis.

If you carefully choose a master, be honest with him about your condition, do not neglect the rules for skin care, permanent makeup will not cause unpleasant consequences. Doing the procedure in a reliable clinic is not dangerous.

Possible consequences

During any procedure in a beauty salon, there is always a risk of the influence of the human factor. If the cosmetologist has ignored the rules of sterility, it is possible to introduce an infection into the blood.

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Pay attention to the presence of skin antiseptics, surface disinfectants, disposable gloves.

Through the fault of the master, the contours or shade of the tattoo may be distorted. If the errors are minor, they are corrected for correction. Serious errors will either have to be masked with cosmetics and bangs, or removed.

At a preliminary consultation, the master conducts a skin allergy test. If the cosmetologist did not do this, and the client still has intolerance to the components of the coloring matter, serious complications are possible after the session.

The skin turns red, swells, blisters appear, which constantly itch and hurt. Perhaps a general deterioration in well-being. The condition will remain so until the pigment is completely removed from the body. The same development of events is possible if the master applied a low-quality composition.

If there are hidden or obvious contraindications to the procedure, it can be harmful to health. The following consequences are possible:

  • deterioration of health in infectious diseases due to a decrease in immunity;
  • harm to the unborn child during pregnancy, as particles of the coloring matter penetrate into the blood and through the placenta;
  • scarring with a tendency to them;
  • severe bleeding in hemophilia.

Permanent makeup- This is an invasive procedure, that is, during it, the skin is damaged. This process cannot be taken lightly. In addition to the fact that you need to tell the master about all your diseases, you must also follow his recommendations after the session.

If you take care of the tattoo incorrectly, infection in the blood is possible. The temperature will rise, pus will be released from the wounds, general weakness will occur. In such a state, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe tests and, based on their results, select a treatment.

Only by the time of recovery the permanent can already be spoiled. Pigment particles will come out of the wounds along with pus, blood and lymph. The tattoo will turn out uneven, pale.

If permanent lip makeup is planned, it is first necessary to undergo prophylaxis against herpes. Even if you never noticed it, it "sleeps" in your body with a 95% probability. If prevention is not carried out, after damage to the skin, blisters will definitely appear on the lips. They quickly respond to treatment, but at their location, the pigment fades almost completely.

Irreversible side effects

Eyebrow tattoo can hardly be called dangerous. There are no sensitive areas nearby, the skin is dense, it is convenient for the master to work, the eyes are not endangered. Most of the complications that occur after the procedure are easily treatable or correctable. Only keloid scars can become irreversible. Even cosmetic procedures not always get rid of them, not to mention pharmacy creams and ointments.

If you do permanent makeup for a long time, grooves from the needle may remain on the skin. They have to be masked with cosmetics or the same tattoo. Getting rid of them is difficult, but if you turn to a professional, it is possible.

When the pigment is injected under the skin, the needle of the machine moves at high speed. Because of this, neighboring tissues heat up. Hair follicles are especially affected - they are destroyed. Subsequently, it is difficult to restore the natural growth of the eyebrows, especially if they have already been subjected to aggressive procedures.

How to avoid an unpleasant outcome

If you choose a reliable clinic in which cosmetologists with experience work, safety issues will disappear by themselves. The master will advise the shape and shade of the eyebrows, make a symmetrical sketch, correctly fill it with pigment and convince you of the need for proper care.

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The master must show you a needle, a cap, a pigment on which he works. The client has the right to ask to see the certification of these pigments

When looking for a cosmetologist, it is better to focus on reviews. real people who underwent the procedure. Only positive opinions of clients can be posted on the clinic’s website, so it makes sense to look for like-minded people in city groups on social networks.

At a preliminary consultation, it is necessary to assess the situation in the clinic. Everything must be clean, the staff must be friendly, all instruments must be placed in the sterilizer. Signs of a good beautician - attention to detail, assistance in choosing the shape and shade of eyebrows, goodwill.

You can not play sports, visit places with high temperature and humidity, sunbathe, drink alcohol and use cosmetics. The rules must be observed until the skin is completely healed.

Contraindications to the procedure

To understand if eyebrow tattooing is harmful for you, you need to go through the list of restrictions for the procedure. Any tick in it is a reason to abandon the permanent, at least for a while. There are the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • period of menstruation;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • hemophilia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • AIDS;
  • hepatitis;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • fresh tan;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • psychical deviations.

If, in the presence of contraindications, you still want to make your eyebrows beautiful, you can choose not permanent makeup, but biotattoo. During this procedure, superficial henna staining occurs without punctures. Among the contraindications to biotattoo is only an allergy to the coloring composition.

Myths about permanent makeup

The tattoo procedure came to us from Europe, therefore, like everything new, it was shrouded in myths. Until now, some believe in them, although no evidence exists.

Pigment does not fade completely

Many people compare permanent makeup with a tattoo. You can come across the opinion that in a couple of years, a semblance of a faded prison tattoo will remain in place of the eyebrows. These two procedures are based on the same principle, but during tattooing, the needle pierces the skin to a lesser depth. The pigment will not stay with you forever - sooner or later it will fade.

The misconception is reinforced by the fact that the coloring matter turns pale unevenly. For example, the tips of the eyebrows can return natural color, and on the base, the pigment will still be visible. Such unevenness is perceived as an irreparable side effect.

Your hair will stop growing

The negative impact on the hair follicles is only if a person has been doing permanent makeup for years. And even then, hair growth does not always stop. Eyebrows can really fall out, but only if they are initially fragile and have been repeatedly subjected to harmful procedures - dyeing, hair removal, etc.

After the session, you do not need to do eyebrow correction.

It will not be possible to solve 2 problems at once - to give the eyebrows the correct shape and make the hairs not grow where they should not. Before applying the tattoo, the beautician will remove those that go beyond the intended sketch. Subsequently, you still have to pluck the hairs as they grow.

The result will terrify

The first time after the session, it is really better not to look in the mirror once again, so as not to worry. The master introduces more pigment than necessary, since it takes root only by 40-60%. Because of this, the eyebrows at first look too bright and unnatural. But after the skin heals, the shade returns to normal. If the beautician did everything right, the eyebrows look natural.

Correction and removal

If minor flaws are found after skin restoration, they are corrected for correction. It is mandatory for everyone, since the master will not only mask the errors, but also update the pigment. The dye will last longer. During the correction, the beautician will correct minor errors in the form and make the shade saturated.

The easiest way to change hair tattoo eyebrows. It is enough for the master to make a few separate strokes to correct all the mistakes. It is more difficult to correct eyebrows that are evenly filled with pigment. You can only slightly correct the outlines or make the shade darker.

If the shortcomings are serious, and it will no longer be possible to make the result acceptable, the beautician will advise you to sign up for the removal of the permanent. Usually a laser is used for this. The rays heat the pigment, due to which it is destroyed and removed from under the skin with lymph. For complete removal, it is necessary to undergo from 2 to 8 procedures with a break of 1-1.5 months.

All girls and women in the modern world want to look beautiful. Beauty in women every day takes a lot of time, patience and physical pain. Not spending a lot of time on makeup and still look flawless is the dream of any woman.

Eyebrows are the most expressive part of the face. It is the daily makeup of the eyebrows that brings a woman, among other things, also pain when plucking. The way out of this situation is eyebrow tattooing, called permanent eyebrow makeup or microblading. A feature of this type of makeup is the introduction of organic paint into the upper layer of the epidermis to a depth of 0.3-0.5 mm to 0.8 mm.

Eyebrow tattoo procedure allows you to change the color, shape and make them well-groomed for a long period. Eyebrow tattoo lasts about a year. Tattooing is used to mask scars or burns. The word "tattoo" comes from the word "tattoo" and means almost the same thing. Only the depth of ink introduction into the epidermis and the tools used for this distinguishes tattooing from tattooing. When tattooing, the pigment is applied to the skin to a greater depth than when tattooing. Since when tattooing, the paint is applied to a shallower depth, the terms of its use are much less.

The procedure of permanent make-up today is available to absolutely everyone and is offered in any salon. The make-up procedure itself is carried out with modern tools: fine needles and natural pigments. The procedure is absolutely painless. Both a regular tattoo and tattooing have a certain list of risks and contraindications.

Why is blood tattoo harmful?

Since the tattooing procedure is associated with skin piercing, therefore, it has a high degree of trauma, which can lead to the development of certain diseases.

Who is contraindicated for tattooing?

This group of people includes:

  • prone to allergies to dyes that are injected under the skin;
  • having diabetes;
  • having hepatitis;
  • infected with herpes or other skin diseases;
  • people with low blood clotting;
  • people with HIV infection and AIDS;
  • people with hormonal diseases;
  • women during pregnancy or lactation;
  • women during menstruation.

If a person has nothing to do with all of the above problems, then he can safely go for such a procedure. When carrying out the procedure, it should be remembered that even for an absolutely healthy person, piercing the skin can provoke the development of various ailments. Among them, you need to remember about herpes - a viral disease.

The causative agent of this disease is present in every organism, but due to the work of the immune system, its activity is suppressed, and when the skin is pierced, the virus is able to activate. Most often, herpes appears on the lips and skin in places where the skin comes into contact with the mucous membrane.

The presence of certain diseases does not make it possible to perform the above type of makeup. Many people wonder if eyebrow tattooing is harmful? What can be fraught with the introduction of pigment under the skin?

Is it harmful to human health to perform this type of makeup?

If the tattoo is done correctly, then it will not cause serious harm to health.

Possible unwanted effects from the procedure may include the following:

  1. Maximum unwanted effect eyebrow tinting is an allergy. You should not be afraid of eyebrow loss.
  2. pain of the procedure. This factor depends on the type of skin, the qualifications of the specialist and the tools that he uses in his work. With high skin sensitivity, the master can make local anesthesia.
  3. The allocation of lymph or water during the procedure is absolutely normal. To do this, the master must have disinfectant solutions on hand.
  4. Redness after the procedure, swelling or swelling. These phenomena quickly disappear.

Is lip tattoo harmful? Like eyebrow correction, it is not harmful, but the risk of developing certain diseases (herpes) is present. Is eye tattoo harmful?

In the absence of eye disease, it is absolutely not harmful.

Who and where should perform the tattoo?

Some people at home try to get a tattoo, having superficial knowledge about it.

When choosing a salon for the procedure, you need to ask about the classification of the master.

This is due to the fact that not every master is able to correctly carry out the procedure, even if he has extensive experience and high classification.

When choosing a salon, you should follow some recommendations:

  1. The beauty salon must be licensed to perform tattooing of the lips, eyes and eyebrows. This document must be available to visitors;
  2. The salon should have a full range of modern tools for tattooing on eyebrows, eyes, lips. The low cost of the procedure and the lack necessary tool are a guarantee of the provision of poor-quality services and causing harm to the client's body.
  3. Autoclave for sterilization of instruments.

The basis of a good permanent makeup is not only the availability of modern tools for work. Important in the makeup procedure is the human factor.

How to choose a master? Every woman in the salon asked herself this question. If a woman already knows a good master to whom she can entrust her health, then it is not recommended to change the salon and trust a trusted person.

What to do if there is no such master, how to choose the right master, what should you pay attention to during consultations in the salon?

  1. A good specialist must have a document confirming his qualifications.
  2. A good master will never offer a service without finding out the situation about the presence of contraindications.
  3. The beautician must conduct a preliminary consultation. Recommend the shape and shade of the eyebrows, the shape of the lips.
  4. The master must know in detail about the state of your health, in the absence of a contraindication, he will begin to work.

Right choice beauty salon and a tattoo make-up specialist is the key to the beauty of a woman's face and her health.

If, nevertheless, it so happened that the tattoo was not successful.

Woman instead desired result gets a lot of trouble. What to do in this case?

Modern advanced technologies will help to fix everything in the shortest possible time and absolutely painlessly.

There are two ways to fix the situation:

  1. Lay a shallow pigment of a special corrector, which will cover the errors of the master.
  2. Laser correction in cases where the paint has spread during the tattoo or the shade is incorrectly selected by the master. The laser beam easily and painlessly destroys the dye pigments in the skin to a depth of 4-5 mm.

In the case of a failed tattoo, it will not remain a sentence. Everything is easily, painlessly and without harm to human health is removed.

In today's fast-paced world, there are more and more requirements for female beauty, but, on the contrary, there is less and less time to maintain this beauty. As you know, demand creates supply - and now, modern cosmetologists and makeup artists vying with each other tout the benefits of permanent makeup. At the same time, they guarantee “eyebrows like their own”, a deep look of Shaherizada, lips like those of Angelina Jolie. This combination guarantees you an irresistible appearance, moreover, all 24 hours a day!

Today we’ll talk about tattooing, what is it - a short-term fashion trend, or an ideal appearance forever? Are there hidden dangers of this procedure?

Tattoo, permanent makeup, micropigmentation, dermography…

Experts in the field of permanent make-up have a slightly different approach to these terms - some consider them to be the names of the same procedure. Others insist on significant differences, whether it is the subsequent durability of the makeup, the technique of execution, the purpose. Be that as it may, all these names imply the introduction of a pigment under the skin with a needle. Actually, this is the principle of a tattoo, however, the puncture is performed at a shallower skin depth - 0.3-0.8 mm. Whereas with a tattoo, the needle penetrates up to 1.5 mm. It is noteworthy that many consider the fragility of the pattern to be the main difference between tattoo and tattoo. However, many masters and cosmetologists are skeptical about such forecasts. If the paint got under the skin - most likely it is for a long time.

Are there any risks of tattooing?

If a tattoo artist says that there are no risks, this is a serious reason to doubt his competence. Roughly speaking, almost everything is a risk - even eating. We can choke, get poisoned, get indigestion, etc. But if we are aware of the possible risks, then we can protect ourselves. For example, if we continue the example with food, we carefully process food, chew food well. So if natural processes in a certain sense can cause harm, then any unnatural interference is all the more so. The risks of this procedure can be combined according to two criteria - physiological and psychological.


How does tattooing affect the skin? A needle puncture is an injury, an injury causes inflammation. At the site of inflammation, blood flow increases, pressure inside the vessels increases, their walls become thinner, blood comes through to the surface. Scabs form that protect the healing skin from bacteria. Once inside the skin, the pigment is perceived as foreign and attacked by immune cells. Then, at the site of injury, collagen cells grow intensively, which envelop the pigment and enclose it in a kind of capsule. It is because of her that within a few days the drawing becomes more faded.

Thus - swelling, slight bleeding, crusts are an integral healing process. However, how the skin reacts to inflammation is the unforeseen risk of tattooing.

Allergy. All pigments allowed for tattooing are considered safe. But one cannot discount the individual reaction of the body, as well as the fact that allergies can manifest themselves even years later. At the same time, you should not rely on the natural origin of dyes - even herbs can give allergies.

Infection. A very rare danger, due to the fact that disposable needles are used for the procedure. However, in order to definitely avoid the danger of infection, it is better to go to a salon with a good reputation, and not to random makeup artists in hairdressers. Make sure the needles are opened in front of you.

Scars. If you have a tendency to form keloid scars, it is better for you to avoid tattooing, especially on the lips. Keloid is a scar a large number connective tissue, which may be bluish or red-brown in color. As we said, connective tissue grows at the site of injury. If you do not know for sure whether you have a tendency to keloid or not, but have already started tattooing, you are playing Russian roulette.

Hair loss. An experienced master tries not to damage the hair follicle with a needle. However, skin thickening due to tattooing impairs hair nutrition, which is fraught with possible hair loss in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows or eyelashes.

Color loss. Tattooing is considered temporary, but often the color does not disappear completely, but turns from brown to pink, from black to blue. This can happen under the influence of internal processes in the body. But heterogeneous staining is the result of punctures of different depths. Usually this problem is solved by correction sessions.

Too deep hole. Causes the color to be too dark. In the worst case, a hypertrophic scar occurs, which tightens the skin into an ugly scar.

Psychological risk

Although psychological risks are not as varied as physical ones, they are much more common. So dissatisfaction that occurs either immediately after the procedure, or subsequently, is the most common drawback of permanent makeup. Here and insufficient qualifications of the master, and a mismatch or change in tastes, and force majeure (the hand trembled). Ladies are very changeable people - today they like one thing, and tomorrow another. And this is a significant disadvantage of persistent makeup, you just don’t know what you want in a couple of years.

Tattoo removal

However, some women reassure themselves that in which case they can get rid of the tattoo. Indeed, today they offer many options for its information. In general, tattoo removal is a separate topic for conversation, but everything is not as simple as it might seem. Firstly, these procedures have their own contraindications. Secondly, it is no longer possible to restore the original appearance of the skin. And you have to be ready for this.


Whether a tattoo is harmful, each woman must decide for herself. However, there are even indications for permanent make-up, that is, when the intended benefit outweighs the possible risk. So, for example, the loss of eyelashes or eyebrows negatively affects the feeling dignity and reduces the quality of life. Therefore, tattooing can be a way out in such situations.

1. Don't save! Choose only proven tattoo parlors and experienced artists. You should not contact the masters who rent a corner in hairdressing salons. Flying there in abundance, chemicals from dyes, hair sprays can provoke serious allergies. Even if the master is yours best girlfriend is not a guarantee of success.

2. Among tattooing techniques, it is better to give preference to those that look natural. Although the drawing in this technique is the least durable, it still cannot be considered a disadvantage - if your taste changes, you will not lose anything. Such a tattoo lends itself better than others to correction, and the fashion for naturalness is eternal.

3. Be sure to specify the technique in which the wizard will run. And do not be content with just terms, for masters they may differ in meaning. Let the master explain how long, in his opinion, the makeup will last, what the consequences may be. It's even better if you sign a contract.

Tattoo has contraindications:

Weakened immune system;
- HIV;
- diabetes;
- epilepsy;
- poor blood clotting;
- severe mental illness.

Contraindications are temporary, so before the procedure you need to consult a doctor to avoid undesirable consequences. So, here is a list of temporary contraindications:

Pregnancy and lactation;
- exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
- hypertension;
- critical days;
- allergy.

If you suffer from conjunctivitis, you have very sensitive eyes, eye tattooing is a real salvation for you from the need to use cosmetics every day.

If you decide on the procedure, despite the contraindications, the consequences will be disastrous. If you have any disease, eye and eyelid tattooing is dangerous.

How is the procedure?

Before starting to make a tattoo of the eyes and eyelids, the master applies a special ointment to the skin. Thanks to this, you will not feel pain during the procedure. After that, the master will fix your eyelid in a stationary state in order to avoid accidental blinking. Since the depth of needle punctures is minimal, even the slightest injury is excluded. During the procedure, the superficial capillaries of the eyelids may be affected, but there is nothing to worry about. As you can see, eye tattooing is not dangerous when proper conduct and observance by the specialist of all sanitary and hygienic rules.

After the tattoo is done, the master will tell you in detail how to take care of the skin during healing. In order for the swelling of the eyes to come down quickly, you need to constantly heal them with ointments. Crusts may appear on the skin: in no case touch them!

So that the result does not disappoint you, it is important to take the choice of a master seriously. An unqualified specialist is not able to perform his work qualitatively. Check relevant licenses, read customer reviews. Also be prepared for the fact that the color of the lines may turn out different. For example, instead of black - gray. In order to fix this, you will have to go through the procedure again. Also, you may not be satisfied with the shape of the lines, so ask the master to draw them before your eyes with a pen or special paints.

With great shortcomings in the work, you can always remove the tattoo. This is done with a laser. The procedure is quite unpleasant. This can only be avoided if you make a choice in favor of an experienced tattoo artist who has been providing his services for a long time at a high quality level.

Most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity dream of eternal beauty. The modern level of development of cosmetology allows them to approach this dream. At the very least, eyebrow tattooing and forgetting about makeup are actions available to any woman.

Despite the quite reasonable cost of the procedure and its general availability, not every girl decides to get a tattoo. Many continue to wonder if eyebrow tattooing is harmful, and put off a visit to a beautician until better times.

To understand whether tattooing or, as it is also called permanent makeup, is great way to do without cosmetics, you should deal with the term itself, the specifics of the procedure and its likely consequences.

What is eyebrow tattoo

To answer the question of whether it is possible to do eyebrow tattooing without risking your health and appearance, you should understand what permanent makeup is as such.

The procedure consists in introducing a special natural dye under the outer layer of the skin. Tattooing is a relatively painless manipulation that is performed using professional equipment. The master, taking into account the specifics of the client's face, chooses the shape and thickness of the eyebrows, and also selects the tone of the dye that is best suited to the color of the hair, eyes and skin. All this is necessarily agreed with the client, and only after receiving the approval of the latter, the procedure itself begins.

Permanent makeup lasts about five years on average. But cosmetologists recommend periodically making corrections. In this case, the eyebrows will look perfect all the time.

Possible risks and contraindications

When answering the question of whether the eyebrow tattoo procedure is harmful to the eyebrows and to health in general, one should remember the main danger of tattooing. This is a failed procedure. The main reason for this effect of eyebrow tattooing is the choice in favor of an insufficiently qualified specialist.

The results of an unsuccessful permanent makeup can be frightening and make you come to the conclusion that eyebrow tattooing as such is harmful. In fact, if you turn to a highly qualified master, no problems will arise.

At the same time, one cannot fail to note the fact that insufficiently high-quality permanent makeup of the brow arches can not only bring purely visual and at the same time psychological harm, but also spoil health. Such a tattoo will have to be reduced by means of a laser, the effect of which on the body can hardly be called positive.

Before deciding on a tattoo, you should carefully read the available contraindications. Among them are:

  • low blood clotting;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • inflammatory processes in acute form;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • somatic diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • benign tumors.

You should not go for the procedure during menstruation. During menstruation, women often have a lower pain threshold, and therefore it is more advisable to wait a few days.

Important! Before the procedure, it is imperative to make sure that there is no allergy to all components and substances that will be used when performing tattooing.

One of the most serious dangers that can lie in wait for a client who decides to do permanent eyebrow makeup is the possibility of infections and bacteria entering the body. But if you choose a reliable salon that works with disposable instruments and is able to provide sterile conditions for any procedure, this problem will disappear by itself.

There are a number of experts who believe that permanent makeup can lead to the death of the bulbs and the loss of their own eyebrows. But this theory does not have an evidence base, and therefore one should not make a decision regarding the safety of tattooing based on it.

Long-term practice of cosmetologists clearly demonstrates the fact that, in general, the described procedure is completely safe. The most important thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of a specialist.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

If you don’t want to know what an unprofessional eyebrow tattoo looks like, you should approach the choice of a beauty salon with the utmost responsibility. Price should not be the main selection criterion here. Permanent makeup is not a procedure that is worth saving on.

When choosing an institution, you need to pay attention to the following significant points:

  1. Pay attention to the presence of a license. It must be provided upon request;
  2. Make sure that there are hygiene certificates for all equipment used, as well as materials that will be used for tattooing;
  3. Ensure that an autoclave is available to sterilize the instrument.

If at least one of the above points is missing or in doubt, you should abandon the chosen beauty salon and continue your search. Otherwise, no one can guarantee the safety of the procedure one hundred percent.

The choice of the master - not less than important point for high quality permanent makeup. First of all, you should make sure that you put yourself in the hands of a truly experienced specialist who knows his job perfectly.

As you know, a true professional, no matter what he does, never rests on his laurels and constantly improves his skills. Therefore, you should choose a master who has a certificate confirming special training.

A good cosmetologist will devote enough time to the first communication with the client. It is during such a consultation that all the most significant points are usually discussed: the shape of the eyebrows, the shade of the dye, etc. The professional is well aware that for most girls, permanent makeup is a serious step, and therefore, in no case will he push and insist. He will definitely ask in detail about the state of health and other features of the body that are significant for the upcoming procedure. The main contraindications will also be announced.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that permanent makeup of the brow arches is a procedure that is not hazardous to health and appearance. But only if you turn to a reliable salon for help. good master. No need to spare time to prepare for the procedure and make inquiries about the place of the manipulation and the specialist to whom you entrust your face. The more detailed the issue is studied, the less problems and unpleasant surprises will arise later.

