Where to celebrate the anniversary of 50 years for a man. Places where you can have fun celebrating a birthday

How to celebrate a woman's 50th birthday

When choosing where to celebrate a woman's 50th birthday, one should, first of all, remember that such a date is extremely significant for the birthday girl. That is why you should celebrate your birthday on a grand scale, so that it will be remembered for many years.

"Home option": why is it worth abandoning this solution?

In order for any celebration to succeed, it is necessary, as you know, to think over its scenario in advance to the smallest detail. Only in this way will it be possible to avoid all sorts of undesirable difficulties in the process of fun. In this situation, it is recommended to start planning the upcoming holiday with a competent selection of a place. However, you should immediately completely forget about a standard or, in other words, “home” birthday. Why? Everything is absolutely elementary: when thinking about how to celebrate a woman’s 50th birthday, it’s enough to imagine a birthday girl who has been standing at the stove all day. It is unlikely that after many hours of "fuss" in the kitchen, she will want some more fun.

Accordingly, the best option in such a situation may be a good restaurant or an expensive cafe, with original furnishings and a varied menu. Such establishments include, for example, the well-known Desperado complex http://vdesperado.ru/, located in the very center of Voronezh. Here, the birthday girl will be offered numerous gourmet dishes to choose from, and they will also organize a chic decoration holiday table. Well, the hero of the day herself will be able to devote the saved time to her own person, in order to end up looking bright and irresistible, as she should.

The most original ideas for a fun celebration

Asking the question of how the anniversaries of 50 years are celebrated, one must take into account that half of life, in fact, has already been left behind. But this is not at all a reason for sadness. On the contrary, the fiftieth anniversary is a kind of "golden sign of quality", outstanding by a special commission called "Life". Such a high "reward", of course, people do not receive every day, which means that it is necessary to celebrate the above event properly!

Carefully choosing where to celebrate your 50th anniversary, you should also decide on a suitable theme. future party. The most popular solutions of the day, by and large, may well be:

  1. "Birthdays in colorful ties." Perhaps there is no such person who has not heard at least once about the famous "Dandies" - the unchanging idols of the youth of the past days. Thanks to them, “orange ties” are returning not only to domestic screens, but also to fashion. For this reason, a holiday in the style of "Dandy" will be remembered for a long time by all the guests present and will give them a lot of positive impressions. In order to understand how fun it is to celebrate a woman's 50th birthday, you should acquire collections of old photographs and stamps in advance. In addition, you need to take care of suitable costumes. Well, the "highlight" of such an evening will be small memorable gifts to guests in the form of the mentioned ties.
  2. "Golden Celebration" It will be possible to create a unique atmosphere for such an important day with the help of a variety of "gilding". For example, it is recommended to meet dear guests at a small arch, decorated with decorative elements of a “sunny” color. Golden balloons will give this event the necessary pomposity. But the game room will make an ordinary serpentine with the number "50" more interesting. With regards to treats, here one should give preference to exquisite and unusual dishes. The “masterpiece” of the party, of course, will be a huge cake, neatly sprinkled with powdered sugar of a “golden” shade.
  3. "Retro style is still in fashion." So how to spend an anniversary so that it turns into a memorable and interesting event? A birthday that recreates the happiest moments of a birthday girl's life will look pretty entertaining. As a decor, you must use different collages created from photographs of the hero of the day. It is advisable to select brighter pictures in which a beautiful lady smiles sincerely. Among other things, an excellent solution would be to prepare a small “movie” assembled from short “home videos” and supplemented with comic comments from loved ones.

The main thing is creativity!

To understand how fun it is to celebrate a woman's 50th birthday, it is worth remembering the historical masquerades that were popular in the old days. Why not try to recreate the manner of communication of great leaders and just famous personalities on such a memorable day? It is enough to choose the desired image, and then come at the appointed time for a dinner party in a fashionable restaurant. However, do not forget about the main hero of the occasion. The princess, queen or queen should definitely be surrounded by increased attention and invited to a pleasant dance. Here https://yandex.ru/yandsearch?from=chromesearch&clid=2196598&text=%D0%B8%D0%B4 , for example, you can learn more about exclusive solutions for holidays of this kind.

Thinking about how to spend a woman’s 50th birthday, you can stop at the Oscar option. A special "red carpet", professional photos for "glossy magazines", as well as a special "dress code" - all this will bring the unchanging spirit of Hollywood to the planned event. It is very important in this case to take care of the preparation of an impromptu stage, on which everyone can express their wishes. The main event of the evening will be a “film” filled with skits with the participation of the birthday girl, her life “adventures” and all kinds of “exploits”. Ultimately, the hero of the day will need to present the main award - a decorative figurine.

Deciding how to celebrate a woman's 50th birthday is actually not that difficult. However, in order to make the celebration original and unforgettable, you must definitely take care of ordering a photographer and a qualified operator who will be able to capture highlights parties. In addition, you should choose a good, cheerful presenter who fills the birthday with sparkling humor and numerous smiles. As additional entertainment, it is recommended to organize a bright "fire show" or invite an experienced magician for guests.

Often, young ladies tend to hide their age, and when the anniversary date of their birthday comes, they come to the decision not to celebrate it. But if you know how you can celebrate a woman’s 50th birthday in an unconventional and unusual way, then you can not only receive well-deserved congratulations and gifts from relatives, friends and colleagues, but also experience your complex perception of the past years and enter into a silver age without stress.

Such a date is a certain important stage in the life of every person and his loved ones. Therefore, it must be marked in some memorable way.

The anniversary is needed not only by the hero of such a celebration, but also by a close circle of people: parents, children, husband, friends, relatives, work colleagues.

All these people would like to express their love, recognition and gratitude to the birthday girl on their anniversary birthday. There is no need to deprive them of this opportunity.

On the contrary, it is necessary to create an unusual format for the anniversary, which emphasized the beauty and youth of the hero of the day, gave the holiday the appearance of an unconventional banquet with speeches in honor of the hero of the day, and all the time reminded of how young, irresistible and energetic a woman can be at that age.

To do this, it is imperative to prepare the holiday by placing an order at the agency organizing such events.

You can also independently think over the script and conduct it with the forces of the hero of the occasion or the guests who have gathered for the holiday.

With any option, a plan for the future event is drawn up, which should reflect the originality of the festive event.

The theme of the celebration determines the choice of scenario for the future holiday. When selecting materials from the Internet, you should immediately reject scenarios for celebrating youth events and coming of age.

When organizing such an anniversary, you can use ready-made texts, choosing from a large number of options those that are suitable for the birthday girl.

It should be taken into account: individual preferences, hobbies, family composition, professional activities.

The script should fit the personality of the hero of the day, turning the banquet into an extraordinary event, summing up the intermediate result of the life lived.

If the financial possibilities for holding such a holiday are not limited by anything, then you can celebrate a birthday with loved ones in unusual place reflecting the old dream of the birthday girl.

But even if the budget for such a holiday is not too big, you can spend it no less interesting and exciting by preparing an interesting program for it, including contests, original congratulations, stories about the hero of the day in the form of videos or wall newspapers, toasts and congratulations prepared in advance by the guests.

It is necessary that the script be completely devoted to the hero of the day, her achievements in her career, family, hobbies and her talents.

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Like any anniversary, the holiday should begin with the official part. She will give him significance and solidity. This part of the celebration should include congratulations from relatives, friends, work colleagues.

It should be held in a moderate business style, as a solid date implies a certain reverence and respect for the birthday girl.

At the same time, do not forget that you need to congratulate a woman. It is necessary to dilute official greetings, wishes and speeches with an emotional component.

It is necessary to abandon the brutal jokes and jokes that are usually used at men's anniversaries. The joking form of congratulations can only be used by close relatives and old friends.

The rest of the guests should show respect and immense respect for the hero of the day, admire her achievements, her ability to combine the duties of mother and wife with successful work.

After the official part, the entertainment program should begin. It may include performances by invited artists, theatrical performances and skits in the form of skits, competitions and relay races, and a dance program.

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The richer the program will be and the more guests will take part in it, the more fun and original such a holiday will be. The combination of a feast with entertainment and fun competitions will cheer up the guests and the birthday girl herself, fill the holiday with warmth and sincere fun.

When composing congratulations and official speeches, age should not be mentioned, since in relation to mature women it is considered indecent.

It is better to dwell on the merits, talents and achievements of the birthday girl. The more sincere and warmer the invited guests will talk about a woman on such a day of her life, the more pleasant and unforgettable such a holiday will be for her.

The entire program of the anniversary will need to be recorded on a video camera, inviting an operator for this. You also need to photograph the most interesting and significant moments of the holiday, which will later be pleasantly remembered by the hero of the day and her relatives.

It is also necessary to think over the festive menu. The form of the feast directly depends on the place of its holding. If such a holiday is celebrated in a restaurant, then it will only be necessary to coordinate the menu and the number of invited guests with the administration of the institution.

When organizing an anniversary in the office, you should consider the dishes. Even when using catering services, in this case, you should give preference to a buffet with snacks, refusing hot dishes.

In this option, it is better to use snacks that each participant in the holiday can easily put on their own plate and choose the right drinks for themselves.

How to spend the anniversary of 50 years, if you decide to celebrate it alone, with friends, relatives, work colleagues? In all these cases, it will be necessary to provide a large number of nuances. We hope that the tips in this article will definitely help you organize your event properly.

Why not do what you have long dreamed of doing on your own birthday? Do you want to skydive? So do it at last! Everything is allowed on your birthday! Take advantage of this chance. You can celebrate your fiftieth birthday the way you want.

And even if you have always dreamed of spending your 50th anniversary alone, do it without remorse. If you are uncomfortable in front of friends and relatives, let them know in advance that on your birthday you will be unavailable for some reason. Reasons are not required.

On your birthday, just turn off your phone and do what you dreamed about. Someone just wants to sleep corny and spend the day away from the hustle and bustle. Often such a desire arises in people who are forced to stay in society for a long time.

You can watch your favorite movie, eat various goodies, take a walk, go shopping. The main thing is to come up with a celebration program for yourself personally, and then you will not be bored.

How to spend the anniversary of 50 years with relatives and friends? Make a list of guests in advance and think about where you can accommodate such a large number of people. If a birthday cannot be celebrated at home, consider a restaurant, entertainment center, paintball club, country house, water park, cafe.

If you plan to hold an outdoor event, be sure to resolve the issue with transport. Will guests get to their destination and drive home on their own? If not, you will need to rent a minibus.

Think carefully about the menu before you celebrate your 50th anniversary. What are you planning to serve to the guests? If the event takes place in the office, it is very important that the food is easily divided into portions. People will eat in a working environment, and therefore, you need to prepare dishes that would not lead to discomfort. So, give preference to sandwiches and light snacks. Be sure to address the issue of drinks. Remember that frankly cheap alcohol is a sign of bad taste.

If you decide to start organizing a holiday, the tips from this article will definitely come in handy for you. We hope that the information that we bring to your attention will be necessary and useful.

How to celebrate your 50th anniversary

First, talk to the birthday person to find out if he has decided on a place to celebrate his birthday. If the hero of the occasion is confused, you can offer him a couple of options. So you can spend the anniversary of 50 years at home, in a restaurant, or even go out into the countryside.

A birthday that takes place at home gives peace and comfort. Invite guests, look at photos of the birthday boy together, talk on various topics, raise your glasses to the health of the hero of the day.

What should be taken into account when preparing for the holiday, if it takes place at home? First, decide on the number of guests. The average apartment can accommodate about 10-15 people. Large quantity already need to lead to a cafe or restaurant. Home celebrations can be considered the most economical, though not always the most fun.

If you want more movement and joy, go to a restaurant. There you will be able to dance and chat, because banqueting hall accommodates many more guests than a regular apartment. Of course, this option is more expensive, but there is no need to cook food and wash dishes - both the organizer of the holiday and the hero of the occasion get the opportunity to just relax and unwind, and this is also important.

With good weather, you can celebrate the fiftieth anniversary in nature. Go barbecue, fish or even sunbathe on the beach. In this case, do not forget to think about transporting guests to and from the place of celebration, because many may not have a car.

We will also dwell on those points that need to be taken into account, regardless of where you decide to spend your 50th anniversary. So you need to find out in advance whether there will be people among the guests who, for health reasons or ethical reasons, do not eat this or that product. In this case, you will either need to exclude the “forbidden” ingredient, or prepare a dish for the guest separately.

Also take care of the entertainment program. Great if you hire a toastmaster. Do not forget to discuss the script, contests and games with him. Approach the process of organizing a holiday creatively, and everything will work out!

Now you know how to celebrate your 50th anniversary. It remains only to put all the tips into practice!

How to end your 50th anniversary

Usually the holiday goes on as usual: gifts are presented, then a feast follows, toasts are made, games, contests, and dances begin. But it is very important to finish the celebration so that the guests and the hero of the occasion himself have only positive impressions of the holiday. How to do it? You will find the answer in our article.

It’s great if your holiday develops according to a pre-planned scenario. Actually, this is one of the most better ways not only to finish, but to spend a birthday in general, as this means that neither you nor the guests will be bored. It is very important to calculate how much time in the script this or that event will take. For example, it is known that games and competitions should be held already in the middle of the celebration, and their duration should be a maximum of 15 minutes at a time. Intervals between competitive programs can last from 30 minutes - this time is enough for the guests to talk and get ready to play. The same goes for dances, feasts, toasts - everything needs to be calculated in time.

It is important that the hero of the occasion pays attention to the guests, and does not spend time in the kitchen, occasionally running out to listen to another toast. If a substantial amount of work is expected, invite an assistant (you can hire such a specialist through an agency), and have fun and have fun yourself. Today you can do it.

It is good if you entrust the organization of the holiday to a professional toastmaster. He knows how to end the anniversary competently, without offending the guests, who are still not averse to having fun. In addition, it can be interesting to spend a birthday, which is also important.

Usually the end of the holiday marks a sweet table. This is a kind of hint to the guests that the celebration is coming to an end, and it's time to leave. Gather the guests, tell them a few nice words, raise your glasses and after that give each guest a piece of cake as a token of gratitude for the attention paid to your person.

Be sure to take a general photo with the guests - this will also become a symbol of the end of the holiday and at the same time will allow you to get a photo that will be nice to look at in years to come.

And yet, the holiday can be completed with the launch of fireworks. That's very beautiful!

Now you know how to end an anniversary the right way.

So, the next round date is getting closer, and you are by no means going to meet it quietly, and even more so - alone. Right! Birthdays are good because they allow you to relax yourself and finally tear away from the routine of dear people whom you have not seen for a hundred years. But, if you invite people, you need to organize a holiday in such a way that everyone likes everything. And the budget here is not the main thing. It is very important how and where to celebrate the anniversary. Agree, the varieties of sausages and brands of cognacs on display are forgotten pretty soon, and the unusual format and cozy venue make an indelible impression. Of course, a lot of factors will influence the choice: the season, the number of guests, the age category and the interests of the guests. However, the main options will be nice and memorable, you can boil down to something like this system.

Do not know where and how to celebrate the anniversary?

Write to us and we will be happy to organize the most unforgettable holiday for you!

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Celebrating a birthday indoors

The classic of the festive genre is to rent an institution of sufficient size and invite everyone you want to see there for a feast. A decent restaurant where you can celebrate an anniversary tasty and on a grand scale is an absolutely win-win option. Although not the most original. At the same time, a traditional feast can be easily turned into an amazing action by adding a drop of imagination and be sure to involve specialists in the organization. Optionthere are a lot of ovs, but the most popular and easily implemented moves are:

Thematic holiday. Suppose you are thinking about where and how to celebrate the anniversary of a woman who has been with you for many years and is dearer to all people on earth. What could be better than to plunge her into the atmosphere of the first day of your acquaintance? Decorate the hall in the spirit of that time, appropriately dress up the staff, choose the right music, develop an adequate scenario - and the holiday was a success!

Everything is like at home. Previously, residents of the post-Soviet space celebrated holidays mainly at home. It was troublesome, not prestigious and often resulted in the usual joint libation, but the atmosphere of home comfort unconditionally attracts any person even today. Therefore, if there are not so many invitees, the question of where to celebrate the anniversary of the cafe will be optimal solution. Again, it is worth choosing a site with the right entourage, thinking over the menu and ordering an unobtrusive entertainment program. This method will be ideal, by the way, if you decide where to celebrate the wedding anniversary in a semi-intimate circle of all those involved in this bright event.

Complete break. This option will appeal to young people: carefree fun when the Birthday takes you further from your parents, and not closer to retirement. The scheme is obvious: we are looking for an institution with the maximum area of ​​​​the dance floor (it is possible - right at a nightclub), we decorate everything brighter - and go ahead!

Accentuated status. Where is the best place to celebrate an anniversary for a VIP? - Exclusively in a decent restaurant! And of course - with invited performers, exclusive design, an elite menu and an enchanting evening program.

Where is the best place to celebrate an anniversary in the open air

There are a lot of invited guests, summer is in the yard, the budget is not so enviable ... Where is tasty and inexpensive to celebrate the anniversary in this case? - Naturally, of course

Upgraded picnic. A person who refuses a steaming barbecue on an oak table in the middle of a forest or by a river is either sick or an enemy. We take this trend as a basis and proceed. Camping is good because the owner can vary each expense item. You can fry the meat with your own hands on a brick grill, or you can order a full catering service; you can sit in the grass near the edge or on the beach, or you can rent a country estate ... Tellingly, any of the options guarantees a great time! By the way, if the weather is right, then the question of where to celebrate the anniversary of the company by the whole team should not even be raised: definitely - in the fresh air!

Games that turn into feasts. Open areas are great for combining torusgestures with all sorts of amusements. Well, judge for yourself - where can a man celebrate his anniversary more successfully than hunting, fishing, paintball, a football mini-match between all those present and other competitions combined with a decent treat? That's right, nowhere. But there are also various quests with a fascinating plot and other team building activities... If you order something similar to professionals, you don't have to worry about the holiday!

Unformatted ways

If in the question “where to celebrate an anniversary inexpensively” the key word is “inexpensive”, you can completely replace the size of the budget with originality. However, informal ways of celebrating are more than expensive. The main thing here is the idea. Why not, say, arrange not arrange for yourself a loved one and the best people party at hot-air balloon? Or celebrate a holiday in a limousine on the night streets of the capital? Or scuba diving before every toast? There are people in Moscow whose job is to invent and implement such scenarios. You just need to contact them and ask: “where to celebrate the anniversary in Moscow and is it unusual to be sure?” And the number of cool options for different tastes and wallets will simply blow you away!

The company "KGroup" has been engaged for many years. We can do almost everything. Just tell us about your main desires, and then our problems from finding the right place to lighting candles on the cake. Try it and we won't make you regret it.


st. Avtozavodskaya. 18, SEC "Riviera", floor 2.

Next generation VR arena VR-RING 12+

A playground equipped with state-of-the-art immersive virtual reality technologies that do not restrict the player's freedom of movement in space.

Khodynsky boulevard, 4, Aviapark shopping center, 3rd floor


The flight gives adults and children not just bright, but incomparable emotions. In the new trampoline center, you can soar into the sky, do spins and flips, jump into the foam pit and do tricks like your favorite superheroes!

st. 5th Cable, 2

"Pottery Studio No. 1" 0+

The team of the Pottery Studios No. 1 network invites you to develop creatively, take a break from everyday bustle and try your hand at a new business. Under the guidance of attentive, young and positive craftsmen, each guest will be able to create their own work of art!

Staropetrovsky pr-d, 1, building 2, st. Garibaldi, d. 23, Izmailovskoye sh., 73zh, building 9, Avtozavodskaya street, 18

Legion Laser Tag Club 6+

Laser tag is becoming an increasingly popular hobby among both adults and children. In the Legion club, you can fight with friends, split into teams, and have fun in your free time. The club offers services for organizing holidays, away games and corporate events.

1st Bukhvostova street, 12/11k2

Action game Hide and Seek in the Dark 12+

The dark labyrinths of the underground city are teeming with ghosts and traps, and only attentiveness and exceptional caution will help you to remain undetected in this strange place.

st. Lyusinovskaya, d. 53, building. 2

Sports and entertainment arena PointUp ("Point Up") 0+

The Stankolit business park houses a huge unique modern sports center open to the public. Professional athletes and beginners, adults and small children - everyone will find something to their liking at PointUp.

Skladochnaya street, building 1, building 1, business park "Stankolit"

Loft "BANK" 18+

If you are looking for a suitable place for a party, a corporate event, a friendly meeting or a master class, everything you need is waiting for you in the BANK loft. There is also a stylish bar where you can perfectly celebrate any event.

st. Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36, building 12, entrance 4, floor 3

Restaurant White Rabbit 18+

Huge panorama of Moscow! 16th floor, viewing angle - 360 degrees. You will see the walls of the Moscow Kremlin, the domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the hotel "Ukraine", the skyscrapers of the City and the embankments of the Moscow River. The chef of the restaurant, the famous Vladimir Mukhin, has won dozens of the most prestigious awards in the field of culinary excellence. He prepares gourmet dishes, skillfully combining culinary trends and traditions of Russian cuisine.

Smolenskaya sq., 3

Kalina Bar 18+

The institution is located on the 21st floor, at the sight from the window you feel dizzy, your heart beats with bated breath. Rising in an elevator, at high speed you soar like a bird up above the city, watching through the glass how the Garden Ring and Novy Arbat go into the distance. This spectacle feels like it can compete with the attractions - a portion of adrenaline is guaranteed to you.

b-r Novinsky, 8

Restaurant "Prisoner of the Caucasus" 18+

Guests of the restaurant will be offered one of four halls to choose from. Each of them, to one degree or another, recreates pictures from the film of the same name. In the Music Hall you will see a huge plane tree, around which wooden tables are located. As expected, Gaidai's films are often shown here. As entertainment in the evenings, guests are offered to enjoy Soviet melodies performed live by contemporary artists.

Ave. Mira, 36

Turandot Restaurant 18+

The restaurant is located on the site of an old mansion of the late 18th century. For six years, the building was restored and the interior decoration was organized. The result was so magnificent and rich, which could not have been achieved even two centuries ago. The restaurant has many rooms, each with its own name. The Florentine Yard is the first to welcome guests. The “Central” hall occupies two floors with a lounge area and a classic restaurant.

b-r Tverskoy, 26, building 3

Restaurant-yacht "Chaika" 0+

The interior of "The Seagull" is dominated by the "modest charm of the bourgeoisie": white leather sofas, Murano glass chandeliers, wall panels made of precious wood. There is no vulgar, eye-catching luxury here, but a cursory two-minute inspection is enough to understand that this place is very, very expensive.

Krasnopresnenskaya emb., 12, lit. A

Cafe "Sea inside" 6+

Here you can not only eat delicious food, but also have a great time. The cafe poster pleases with a variety of events - from master classes in kundalini yoga to an evening of piano music and classical music for children.

Pesochnaya alley, 7a

Roof Restaurant 18+

People come to this restaurant to relax and unwind, because it offers a view of Moscow, and here you can sunbathe in the sun. Yes, to sunbathe, because the "Roof" is divided into two zones - restaurant and beach. You can lie down on the real lawn, and when you get tired of the scorching sun, go to another area - here you will find sofas under awnings that will shelter you from the heat.

Altufevskoe sh., 8

Restaurant-bar "Oblaka" 18+

Restaurant-Bar "Oblaka" offers to taste already familiar and favorite dishes in a new and original version, it is also possible to order amazing and interesting inventions of experimental gourmets. There is an excellent children's menu, the restaurant holds special events for the youngest visitors.

Ave. Kutuzovsky, 48

Restaurant Sky Lounge 18+

The Sky Lounge restaurant is suitable for any meeting, whether it's a business lunch, a romantic dinner, a magnificent anniversary or a family celebration. The main feature of the restaurant is that it is located on the 22nd floor in the city center. Here you can spend at least a whole day looking at the panorama from the windows.

Leninsky prospect, 32a, Building of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), 22nd floor

Restaurant Sixty 18+

Chef Carlo Grecu made the local cuisine interesting even for the most fastidious gourmets. It serves Italian, French and Russian cuisines. And performances of DJs and parties of the highest class provided the restaurant with an influx of guests who appreciate high-quality club rest.

Presnenskaya nab., 12, MIBC Moscow City, Federation Tower, 62nd floor

Restaurant "In the Dark?!"

The restaurant was founded by ophthalmologist Igor Medvedev with the aim of helping blind people find their place in life and find a job. The restaurant's profits go to a fund to help the blind and visually impaired people. Here the blind and the sighted change places. People go here for the sake of a dark hall, where there is not a single source of illumination. But you don't get there right away. First, you are invited to choose any of five sets for dinner: red (meat), blue (fish), green (vegetarian), yellow (Japanese) or white (assorted). The meal takes place in complete darkness - this can be an interesting experiment!

st. Oktyabrskaya, 2

Jimmy Poy Karaoke Club

The atmosphere here is conducive to communication and vocal improvisations, and the interior is made in white and gold tones with the use of various materials and textures in art deco style. The interior space of the institution consists of three zones. These are the bar area, the main hall with a mini-stage and a DJ stand, and a hall for VIPs. Every week Jimmy Poy Karaoke hosts theme parties and concerts by popular artists.

Lubyansky ave., 15

Karaoke club "Tiger" 16+

The system installed in the club allows you to select songs using a specially developed MIDI format. Ultra-modern equipment, professional sound engineers are elements of Tiger's signature style. It is no coincidence that pop stars often drop in here.

st. Kakhovka, d.29A

Karaoke hall "La la fa"

"La la fa" is a place where you can not only sing, but also eat deliciously. The interior of the institution is made in the style of pop art, and the range of songs is extensive. If the exact song you want is not on the list, then it will certainly be found on the Internet.

st. Obraztsova, 30

Forza Karting Indoor Recreational Karting

On the territory of the karting center there is a sports cafe with a view of the track through the panoramic glass. good review allows fans to follow the racers directly from the café. The bar broadcasts presenters sport competitions from all over the world.

Sharikopodshipnikovskaya st., 13, building 3

Le Mans Karting Club 6+
World of Speed

To date, the Le Mans karting club is the largest and safest Moscow karting track. The area of ​​its route is about 3500 meters, and the total length of all tracks is about 550 meters. And since the designers of the track were real racing drivers, its configuration resembles a smaller version of a professional circuit. Safety is provided by experienced instructors and a modern asphalt surface, which is also used on racing roads - riders are guaranteed maximum grip of the car with the track.

st. Molodogvardeiskaya, 54, building 5, 2nd Magistralnaya, 9A

Aquapark "Kva-Kva" 0+

In the "Kva-kva park" there is everything for lovers of water entertainment. More than a dozen different attractions will give children and adults a lot of joy and pleasure. After all, the water park the best place for a fun family vacation, an unusual birthday celebration or a rich party in a friendly company. Ride the waves or go down the wild curves, spin in the Cyclone or take a ride down the Wild River.

Mytishchi, st. Communist, d. 1

Aquapark "Karibia"

What could be better than a day full of pleasant experiences? A day that you will devote to yourself, while at the same time spending time with family and friends? A day that starts with warm water in the pool and fast water slides, continues with a spa or steam room, a massage or a session in the gym, a gourmet lunch, a visit to the bar, billiards or bowling? At the end of the night, you will find a movie night on the free beach located on the roof, right under the stars! This is what a day in the water park "Karibia" will be like - a center of entertainment and recreation, where everyone can find something to their liking.

10b Zeleny Ave.

There are two aquazones here: a town for safe and fun children's recreation and an area with slides, water cannons, geysers that will impress adult visitors. For surfers, a new attraction "Artificial Wave" has recently opened.

st. Pervomaiskaya, 42

Amusement park "Cosmic Waypark"
Wind tunnel flights and a fantastic adventure in the virtual world of KYUZAR

There is a bowling alley, "Kyuzar", attractions. For very young visitors, a soft labyrinth and a children's room with animators were arranged here. Cosmic Waypark constantly hosts various holidays and performances like monkey shows or clowning, as well as workshops and performances for the little ones.

Visitors are invited to turn on their imagination and complete the proposed picture. Museum guests sail on the Titanic and receive an award from the hands of the president, find themselves in the kingdom of Gulliver and among the evil alligators, get into a fairy tale and become the protagonist of a bloody drama, find themselves on a plate of cabbage and find their head on a shelf, walk a lion and swim in the river with crocodiles. The main thing is to catch the right angle and make a good shot.

Maly Nikolopeskovsky lane, 4, Prospekt Mira, 119, VDNKh, pavilion 55

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