Ways to introduce children to the color red. Abstract of the lesson-conversation on acquaintance with the main colors and their properties "Paints-owners" for children of the preparatory group

Games with orange color

In order to fully engage with children (reading, mathematics), you need to set the child up for the learning process. What is the easiest way to deal with this? That's right: creativity. This is the simplest and easy way awaken all the basic abilities of your child.

The following areas will be used in creativity: modeling, color perception, musical abilities, literature (fairy tales and poems), drawing.

I won't get too carried away with shades, because. each mother will decide for herself whether it is necessary for her child, or whether primary colors will be enough.

Orange color.

One of the brightest, juiciest flowers. Orange has always been associated with fun, music, folk instruments.

Prepare a sheet of paper with orange. For children at this age, cards of 10 * 15 cm will be the optimal size. Show the card to the child and hold it in front of the baby's eyes. Say the name of the color. As soon as the baby takes his eyes off the card, the child saw this color. Now you need to fix the received material. See what you have at home in orange? It can be carrots, clothes, fabric. Walk around the house and look for these colors. For children from 6 months, you can see illustrations (they will be attached in the links). When you and your baby look at real objects in the house, constantly talk about the associations that you have with this color. You can take your toy with you. I have a little bit. The links will contain a similar droplet and a sewing pattern (if someone knows how to sew). Travel around the house, take a drop for a walk, lean it against objects, constantly compare the colors you see with a card. Tell your child to lighter or darker the household item than the color card.

After such a color perception training, you need to relax a bit. Do exercises with your baby. Nursery rhymes or pestles are very suitable:

(We tap the fists of the child against each other)
Views, views,
I beat beaters,
I'm pinning.

(We make a “bicycle” for the child and read a nursery rhyme).
Where are you running, legs?
- Where are you running, legs?
- On the summer path,
From hillock to hillock
For a berry in the forest.
In the green forest
I'll dial you
black blueberry,
Scarlet strawberries.

(We spread the baby's arms to the sides and bring them together, crossing on the chest)
Tyatenka - a sazhen,
And mama - a sazhen,
And sister - fathom,
And brother - fathom
A (name of your child) big,
the greatest,
The biggest.

After such melodic pestles and nursery rhymes, you can begin to teach your child to music and sounds.

Tools for this are made in a couple of minutes: take jars of cream or the like, remove all stickers from them, fill them different cereals and in different quantities. Let's call them jars-noise makers. Just leave some empty, pour somewhere (not completely) water, various liquids. Close tightly so that even you find it difficult to open them, check the tightness, the absence of nicks and other things. Because the process of sound cognition with the ear-hearing at the first stages is inseparable from taste analysis.

Each of the jars-noise makers should make a characteristic sound:

Loud quiet,

Pleasant (softly) - sharply,

Maybe even close in sound, but still distinguishable and distinguishable sounds.

How to conduct games: you call the name of the child, attracting his attention. Then you report: "Now it will be ... (quietly, loudly, a pleasant sound ... etc.)". Then you yourself make sounds with a jar. I recommend teaching paired characteristics of sound right away. If the child is older than 6 months, then noise makers can be given in hand. Let the motor skills develop.

And during the day, listen to funny songs with your child. The main thing is to have pleasant music.

I really like this one:

Baby Brain IQ & EQ Booster - 03. Mozart. diversion. (can be found on vkontakte)

Balalaika band - Quadrille (melting with a whistle) (you can dance with a child in your arms)

SKAZ - Kalinka (balalaika - Konstantin Ababkov)

And similar tunes.

Similar games with colors and music should be played 2-3 times a day in order for the child to learn the material.

Pictures to show:

Droplet for games:

It is best to sew a drop of fleece. In order to keep the shape, you can put a parallon inside. On the back of the card, sew 2 rubber bands in the widest places. Then for a drop it will be possible to insert cards with flowers and play with it. The edge can be simply sheathed by hand. The abdomen is also processed with a seam outward. The shape of the droplet can be any, the main thing is that there is a transparent belly inside.

Idea with a droplet and color perception: http://vk.cc/2oPEAc

  • Games with orange color or first classes in creativity and music

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Vera Koval
Integrated lesson "The world of orange color"


Continue introducing children to colors of the spectrum. Give an idea about orange color and the method of obtaining it by mixing two colors - red and yellow.

Promote the formation interest to experiment with color.

To continue the formation in children of the idea that some objects of the world around color is a permanent feature.

Develop curiosity, knowledge interest and cognitive activity.

To cultivate a culture of dialogue in the process of business communication.

Materials and equipment:

Transparent plastic sheets (made from office corners) red and yellow colors.

Graphic images (circuit) cucumber, cabbage, peas, zucchini, oranges, carrots, rowan brushes without fruits, marigold flowers. They are 4 laid out in envelopes according to the number of children. Among the images, only one suggests Orange color.

Palettes, red yellow gouache colors, paper for experimentation in obtaining orange color, brushes, rags for drying brushes and stands for them are placed on the tables.

The progress of the educational process:

Update (preparation for learning new things)

A small game is being played mobility: "Find and Name". Rules games: children are shown a standard of any colors and is invited to find in the environment objects with the same color. Children find objects and name them. color. The game is played 2-3 times. Among the proposed flowers should not be orange. After the game, the children stand in a free order around the teacher.

caregiver: "Tell me, please, what colors did not participate in our game? Children name several flowers and among them orange.

Educator. Demonstrates the standard orange and asks: "Guys, when you look at Orange color what feelings does it evoke in you? Are you sad, sad, or happy and cheerful? When and for what people most often use this color? Children's responses are listened to and summarized. The teacher makes it clear that orange is the warmest color, This color of joy.

caregiver: "Please tell me what always happens orange color? During the conversation, the teacher helps the children come to an understanding that in nature many plants and animals color is a permanent feature. Notes that in the color of animals this the color is called red.

Main part (getting orange color) :

Didactic game "The Fourth Extra". Of the proposed graphic drawings of vegetables and fruits, the carrier should be superfluous orange color. The child explains his choice.

Children are invited to put drawings on their workspaces on the tables.


“Guys, we have already said that orange is the warmest color but didn't say why. I'll show you the trick now. And you can guess why." Demonstrates receiving orange color method of imposing plates of yellow and red flowers one on top of the other. The demonstration is carried out 2-3 times. The teacher comments on his actions for the first time and then asks the child to do so. “I took a plate of warm yellow colors and a plate of warm red colors put one plate on another and I got what color? The children's response should be: "Warm orange» . caregiver: "Now answer the most main question how can i get Orange color? Children's responses are heard.

Practical work of children to receive orange color.

The teacher invites the children to come to their places at the tables and draws their attention to the fact that there are no orange paint, and all the drawings they have chosen need to be colored orange. And addresses them question: "What are we supposed to do with you?" Children's responses are heard. The following shows how to mix colors on a palette. All actions are commented on by the teacher, and then by one child at will.

Children do their own work. The teacher provides individual assistance to those who find it difficult.


Children's drawings are considered. And the teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that everyone turned out different Orange color. The question of why this happened is discussed. Children are led to the conclusion that color depends on how much yellow and red are mixed colors.

caregiver: “Tell me, please, what did we learn today and what did we do?” Children's responses are heard.

Related publications:

Colors in a child's life Drawing is a part of a person, his inner world. Since ancient times, drawing has been an integral element of man. And in preschool.

"Flowers for mommy" - color stretching. March 8 holiday - mother's holiday - very good motivation to learn an important technique.

Many educators downplay the role of color perception in the formation of a child's individual, his aesthetic tastes and assessments. But exactly.

I present to your attention a game, thanks to which you can introduce children to the name of flowers. Game: “Learning colors” - calculated.

Game-journey "Return of color" JOURNEY GAME "RETURN OF COLOR" Group: "Why" Theme: "Return of color". Specialist: defectologist Blinova Olga Anatolyevna.

An exemplary summary of a correctional lesson

on the development of visual perception of children.

Type: "Formation of sensory standards"

(middle group,)

Subject: "Introducing Orange"

Program content:

  1. To introduce children to the color orange:

Learn to distinguish orange objects from yellow and pink objects;

To teach to recognize the orange color on objects that have a constant sign of color;

Activate the children's vocabulary at the semi-active stage.

  1. Learn to localize orange objects from a variety of objects of other colors:

Develop the ability to compose a rhythmic sequence in alternation, yellow, orange, pink colors.

  1. Continue to develop children's visual attention.
  2. To develop the imagination of children, awareness of the connection of aromas and color of objects.
  3. Enrich children's active speech with words: orange, yellow, vegetable, fruit.
  4. Activate visual functions: tracing, oculomotor, color perception, central and peripheral vision.


Dolls: Malvina and Pinocchio (Malvina is wearing an orange dress);

Small yellow balls (for each child) and one orange;

Color image of a fox (large);

Color image of a carrot (large);

For each child, cards with beads - for the task:

"Continue the row";

Transparent handbags;

Orange, pink, yellow toys

Picture (large) for the development of visual attention:

Image of flowers with petals of various colors,

but always 5 orange flowers. orange flowers

"scattered" throughout the picture;

Cards with a contour image of vegetables and fruits;

Caps with various scents, various items,

which may resemble these odors;

Orange bag with oranges.

Lesson progress:

Guys, I just called Pinocchio on the phone and said that he would now come to visit us. And now you can hear his footsteps. (Pinocchio appears).

Pinocchio: “Hello guys, I haven’t been visiting you for so long, I miss you so much. How are you? What's new?

You, probably, Malvina does not let you get bored. I already remember how the bosom tried to take care of my education and upbringing.

I didn’t come to you empty-handed, but brought balls as a gift. Here. Catch. (Pinocchio rolls a yellow ball to each child, and Malvina an orange ball).

Well, do you like my balls?

Thank you, Pinocchio, very beautiful balls. Guys, what color are your balls? (Yellow)

  • Guys, did Pinocchio bring yellow balls as a gift to everyone? Or maybe one of you has a ball of a different color? (children's answers).
  • Yes, that's right, Malvina's ball is different from your guys. What color is her ball, who knows? (children's answers)

Pinocchio: “Yes, Malvina has a red ball!”

  • And that's wrong, Pinocchio. Malvina has an orange ball.
  • Guys, what animal has such a color as this orange ball? I'll tell you: in fairy tales, she is the most cunning. (children's answers)
  • That's right, fox. (The teacher on the flannel graph exposes a color image of a fox),
  • And now, guess this riddle: "A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street." What is this? (Carrot)
  • That's right, carrots. What color is a carrot? (children's answers)
  • Yes, our carrots are orange. (A color image of carrots is exposed on the flannelgraph).
  • Now listen to a comic poem about the color orange and try to remember this poem and the color you hear about. You, Pinocchio, I think you also need to know the orange color so that you do not confuse it with other colors:

« Orange fox

All night the carrot dreams -

Looks like a fox tail

Orange too.

Guys, soon Malvina will play in a new performance, so she needs an ornament for an orange dress. Let's make beads for her.

(Children are given cards with beads, where yellow, orange and pink colors alternate. Task: “Continue the row.” For children with amblyopia and strabismus: a start is given - beads of yellow, orange, pink colors. For visually impaired children: the same start is given the end of the beads is pink.The teacher pronounces the completion of this task with a visually impaired child):

  • Here, Malvina, look what beads the children have made for you. (Children come up with a completed task).
  • Guys, what colors did you make beads from? (Answers of children).
  • Well done, everyone remembered the orange color.
  • Guys, now let's go to the window and look at the black circle on the glass, and then look into the distance. Let's repeat this a few times.

(Visual gymnastics is carried out: a black circle of small diameter is attached to the glass at the level of the children's eyes. Children look close at the black circle and into the distance several times).

  • Guys, the invisible wizard Delhi-Let's come to us and asks you to arrange all the items by color in your bags, because you have them all mixed up. And he really doesn't like mess. (Children are given 3 transparent bags, in which there are various objects of yellow, orange and pink colors.). Name orange (yellow, pink) items, pick up a bag with orange (pink, yellow) items. What color are the items in this bag? etc.
  • - Well done, guys, the Delhi-Come on wizard is very pleased with you, and says that now you have a complete order with toys. And he really appreciates it.

Guys, the Wizard really liked you and he wants to play with you. Here he brought you a picture, which depicts various flowers. He asks you to find flowers that are only orange, and to clap your hands as many times as you see flowers with orange petals. (A picture is exhibited on the flannelograph). Guys, you again pleased the Wizard. Even Buratino coped with the task! He remembered orange well. Do you remember, Pinocchio, a rhyme about this color? Maybe one of the guys remembers? (Children's answers, if necessary, remember with the children).

And we, Pinocchio, with the guys still know the rhyme about you. Come on, guys, tell this rhyme, but not just tell, but also show:

(A physical education session is being held): “Pinocchio stretched! One - swayed, two - swayed, Hands spread apart: It can be seen that the key was not found. In order for us to get the key, we must stand on our toes!

Guys, for the fact that you are so diligent, inquisitive - the magician Delhi-Come on wants to treat you with fruits and vegetables. But fruits and vegetables are not ordinary, but enchanted. Therefore, they need to be disenchanted and recognize each vegetable or fruit.

(Children work at tables. They are given cards on which contour images of various fruits and vegetables are given).

Guys, you need to find only those vegetables and fruits that are orange. They will need to be covered with chips. And so that you do not forget what color we need vegetables or fruits, I will put an orange fox in front of you. You look at it and immediately remember the rhyme about the color orange. (The signs are spoken with the children by which the object is recognized).

Well done guys, you did a great job. Listen, Pinocchio, the children will name vegetables and fruits, orange. Children's answers: - Carrots are orange, this is a vegetable, etc.

The Magician and I are very happy for you. But our eyes are probably a little tired, because they had to work hard. Let's close our eyes tightly now, and then open them. (Visual gymnastics is carried out, repeat 6-8 times).

Guys, the Delhi-Let's wizard has already visited us, he really liked it here, and now he invites us to his magical land. (The general lighting goes out and the backlight turns on.)

So we moved to the country of the magician Delhi-Come on. What an unusual aroma is in the air here. Look, the wizard is surrounded by caps with various smells. Let's smell them and imagine what they smell like, as well as the object of this smell and color. And, perhaps, among the magical things that surround us, we will find exactly the object that we imagine by smell and color. (Children do the task).

It’s good in the Magic Land, but it’s time for us to return, because friends, our favorite toys, are waiting for us at home. But as a sign of good acquaintance, the magician Delhi-Let's "revive" the enchanted fruits that you guessed everything correctly, and treats you to them.

(The general lighting turns on, and an orange bag with oranges appears in the hands of the teacher).

Look, guys, I have a package in my hands.
What colour is he? (Answers of children).

Let's see what's in it. (The teacher takes out oranges)

What is this? (children's answers)

What color are oranges? (Answers)

  • And now - a treat from the Wizard. (Children are given oranges).

Well done, we played very well, goodbye!

Lesson summary

on the development of visual perception of children

Type: Sensory Pattern Shaping

Topic: "Introduction to the color blue"

Program content:

1. Introduce children to the color blue:

Learn to recognize objects blue color from white, blue and purple objects;

To teach to recognize the blue color on objects that have a constant sign of color;

2. Learn to localize blue objects from a variety of objects of other colors:

Develop a rhythmic sequence in alternating blue, blue, white colors.

3. Learn to visually highlight and arrange 5 objects in a row in order to decrease.

4. Learn to visually highlight and arrange in a row 5 objects according to the lightness of the color.

5. Enrich children's active speech with words: blue, blue, white, clothes.

6. Activate visual functions: tracing, oculomotor, color perception, central and peripheral vision.

7. Repeat the recognition and naming of shapes: rectangle, circle, square, oval, triangle.

8. Learn to select the desired color standard as a sign of the subject.

9. Continue to develop children's visual attention.

10. Develop children's memory.

11. Develop imagination.


Doll and toys: Malvina, parrot, dolphin;

Colored ribbons (white, blue, purple, light blue);

Color image of a parrot;

Cards with the image of dolphins from Kuizener's sticks;

Kuizener's sticks;

For each child, 5 oval "pebbles" of different sizes and shades of blue;

Sample of beads in three sizes (large, medium, small) and colors (blue, blue, white)

Beads for each child to follow the pattern;

Transparent handbags;

Picture (large) for the development of visual attention: the image of flowers of various colors, but always five blue flowers that are “scattered” throughout the picture;

Cards with contour images (bell, frog, ladybug, elephant, hedgehog, budgerigar, dolphin);

Blue chips;

Blue bag with a gift for children.

Lesson progress:

Guys, I hear someone's steps. (Malvina appears)

Malvina: Hello guys.

Guys, did you know who came to us? (children's answers) How did you guess? (children's answers).

Yes, this is Malvina from the fairy tale about Pinocchio and the golden key.

Now listen to a poem about Malvina's favorite color and try to remember this poem and the color you hear about.

Blue is Malvina's favorite color,

The parrot gave her Pinocchio.

Feathers look like hair:

Blue ones too.

Who gave Pinocchio? What colour? (children's answers). That's right, here is a photo of a parrot (A color image of a budgerigar is displayed on the board)

Malvina: I did not come to you empty-handed, but brought a picture.

Guys, what's in the picture? (children's answers). The fact is that Malvina is going to go to the holiday. Help her choose blue clothes and place the chips.

- ... (child's name) what did you choose?

Malvina needs a decoration for her dress. What decoration can we collect for her? (children's answers - beads)

What color are the beads? What form? What size? Which bead will be first?

Here, Malvina, look what beads the children have made for you. (children come up with a completed task)

Guys, what colors did you make beads from? (children's answers)

Well done, everyone remembered the blue color.

Guys, now let's go to the window and show Malvina the spiders on the glass, and then look with our eyes for something blue outside the window. Let's repeat this a few times. (Visual gymnastics is carried out: a black circle of small diameter is attached to the glass at the level of the children's eyes. Children look at the black circle located nearby and look for blue objects in the distance. This is done several times in turn.)

Guys, Malvina had a problem. The parrot flew out of an accidentally opened window and got lost. Maybe he flew into our office? Search with your eyes. Where did the parrot sit? (children's answers)

The parrot played with Malvina's hair bands. Malvina asks you to arrange all the ribbons by color in the bags, because they are all mixed up. Oh, how she doesn't like mess. (Children are given four transparent bags, on which certain guide colors are pasted). Pick up a purse with blue (purple, white, blue) ribbons. What color is the ribbon in this bag? Etc.

Well done guys, Malvina is very pleased with you and says that now the ribbons are in order. And she really appreciates it.

Guys, Malvina really liked you, and she wants to introduce you to a friend who lives in the sea, and we will get there along the paths. Choose your path. What color is the track? What figure will it lead to? (children's answers)

So we got to the sea. Did you know who it is? What color is the dolphin? (children's answers). That's right, he collected seabed pebbles. What shape are the stones? You all have oval pebbles. And how are they different? (size, different color)

Let's teach a dolphin how to play with pebbles? You can arrange them in order from largest to smallest. Show the dolphin. Also, how can you post them?

(from darkest to lightest)

The dolphin really liked these games, he invites you to take a break (take off your glasses, close your eyes with your hands) and listen to how he plays with his friends (audio recording of dolphin sounds turns on).

Open your eyes, put on your glasses. Here come the friends. Let's try to lay them out of the sticks. What color sticks do you need? (children's answers) Tail from which sticks? And the fin? What color is the longest stick?

Well done. Maybe one of you remembers the verse about the blue color and will tell the dolphin? (Children's answers. If necessary, we remember with the children.)

It's time to say goodbye and come back. Walk along the paths and sit at the tables.

Malvina grew flowers in the garden in the summer and brought them to show you. Find flowers that are only blue and clap your hands as many times as you found flowers with blue petals. (Pictures are displayed on stands. Task for the development of visual attention.)

- Guys, because you are so diligent, inquisitive, Malvina wants to give you little surprises. But for this you need to disenchant the pictures: find only those that have a blue color. They will need to be covered with chips. (Children work at tables. They are given cards on which outline images are given.)

- Well done, everyone did a great job.

Listen, Malvina, the children will name what is blue. (children's answers)

Malvina and I are very happy for you. But our eyes are probably a little tired, because they had to work hard. Let's close our eyes tightly now, and then open them. (Visual gymnastics is carried out)

Here is a gift from Malvina.

Advice for kindergarten parents

Development of children's perception of color early age.

Educator MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 p. Selikhovo, Konakovsky district, Tver region. Tolpegina Galina Alekseevna
Color is a significant property of the world around us, but it cannot be distinguished in a practical way, in the course of action with objects, such as shape or size. In addition, color does not always directly affect the essence of objects, their function. However, color is the property that first draws attention to itself, allows you to distinguish an object from others and remember it.
Color is the bright side of childhood. Children love color, react to it, get carried away and play with it. Acquaintance with color helps them to perceive objects and phenomena of the surrounding world more fully and more subtly, develops observation, thinking, enriches speech.
At first, children operate with a limited palette, which expands as they mature. The path of children's acquaintance with color is the path of direct perception of color in connection with the outside world, in unity with the word denoting it.
It is much easier for children to distinguish colors than to name them, and even than to select colors named by adults. Knowing the names of a number of colors, children often do not yet know how to use this knowledge well enough.
Later, the color becomes one of the identifying features of an object or phenomenon familiar to the child. Color, its shades, its combinations acquire the same signal value for the child that they have for an adult. He will recognize the carrot because it is red, the cucumber because it is green.
A child's acquaintance with color should begin with the four primary colors: red, yellow, green and blue. Only after the child learns to easily recognize and distinguish these colors, as well as call them, can you introduce him to white, black, orange and purple colors.
In the process of introducing a child to color, the following stages can be distinguished:
1. Distinguishing colors according to the principle “this is not this”. At this stage, the baby compares objects by color, applying them to each other.
2. Visual correlation of colors - the perception of color at a distance, the choice of color according to the sample.
3. Consolidation of ideas about color in a word. At this stage, the baby distinguishes color by name, without putting objects to each other and without comparing them with a color sample, and also names the primary colors.
Education must begin at the age of two. Do not start early - the child will not understand anything anyway. Moreover, it is at the age of two that the child already distinguishes colors, he simply does not know how to name them. The task of parents is to teach the baby to call colors by their names and correlate them with each other.
During the walk, pay attention to the grass, the sun, the leaves on the trees, the flowers in the flowerbed, the color of the passing cars. Talk to your baby not only about the name of this or that object, but also about its color. Do not forget that it is necessary to repeat the names several times, because from the first time the child will not be able to remember the names of the colors.
When examining book illustrations with your child, ask your child to name the color of certain objects shown in the picture. When drawing, pay attention not only to the color of the felt-tip pens, but ask your child to pick up caps as well.
Games and toys are a very important part of the development of color perception. In the development of color perception in young children, desktop - printed, word games, as well as games that you can easily make with your own hands. I want to introduce you to some of these games. These games teach the child to distinguish objects by color.

Didactic game "Cockerel".
Target: teach children to correlate objects by color with a sample, fix primary colors; develop observation, attentiveness. develop speech, fine motor skills. Name the primary colors (white, black, red, blue, green, yellow, secondary colors (orange, purple) and shades (pink, blue).
Material: Bright, colorful drawing of a rooster. The following colors are used: blue, green, yellow, red, white, orange. Cards with pockets and squares different color(corresponding to the color of the cockerel) + a few squares that do not match the color of the feathers of the cockerel.
Game progress. The game is played individually. I suggest that the kids consider the cockerel and remember the nursery rhyme “Cockerel, golden comb cockerel”:
Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
butter head,
silk beard,
That you get up early
Eat loudly
Do you let the kids sleep?
What a beautiful cockerel we have, and his feathers are of different colors. We examine the feathers and name what color they are. Then I show the children cards with pockets and explain that there are squares in a large pocket, they are of different colors (we call them). These squares are the same color as the cockerel's feathers, but there are also other colors. Let's put them in small pockets and see what colors we have left. We call them.

Didactic game "Patches".
Target: Learn to select objects, focusing on color, by display and by verbal designation. Strengthen children's knowledge of colors and shapes. Develop imagination, memory, imaginative thinking.
Benefits. Forest animals are toys.
Geometric figures (patches) and pieces of clothing cut out of paper.
Game progress. I tell the children that our forest animals, bunnies and squirrels, are very fond of running, jumping in the forest and their clothes are torn. They are very upset and ask you to fix their trousers, skirts, shirts, dresses. I show the children blanks of clothes with holes. We consider the shape of these holes (square, circle, triangle, oval), color.
I suggest that the children “repair” the clothes by choosing the appropriate patches in shape and in shape and color.

Didactic game "Kids".
Target: consolidate knowledge of colors (red, yellow, blue, green); improve skills in selecting an object according to a given attribute (shape, color).
Benefits. Paper layout of the hut; frame inserts: houses with the image of kids and doors to them (different shapes and colors)
Game progress. I invite children to the layout of the hut. I ask: “Who do you think lives in this house?” (goatlings look at the kids from the windows of the house). I listen to the answers of the kids and sum up. “Of course, goats live in this house. Who is peeking out from behind the tree? Wolf. I suggest that the children hide our kids in the houses so that the wolf cannot find them. Pick up, children, doors of the same shape and the same color as your houses.
