Project activity in the second group of early age “Hello, sunshine. Project for an early age group project on the topic Projects in the 2nd group of early age

Project in a group early age kindergarten"The soap is foaming, look!"

Completed: Garayeva E. N., Gudyreva A. V. educators.

December, 2016


The child is inquisitive. Inclined to observe, experiment. Elementary experimentation is already available to children from an early age. The leading cognitive process at an early age is perception. These children are trusting and spontaneous, easily involved in joint practical activities with adults, and with pleasure manipulate various objects. In order to interest the kids, to awaken their creative activity, game methods and techniques, an artistic word are offered. For children of early preschool age the principle of repetition is relevant, therefore we constantly return to many experiments and experiments.

Soap bubble games - this fun has been known for a long time and attracts both children and adults.
This unforgettable and exciting spectacle is able to bring revival to any holiday.
To expand children's ideas about the world around them, to further involve children in project activities, I developed a project to get acquainted with an unconventional material - foam.

Target: Introduction to non-traditional foam material through experimentation games.

Tasks: Develop tactile sensations, emotional perception, observation skills experimental activities.

  • Encourage verbal communication.
  • To form ideas about the properties of foam: "airy", "light".

During the implementation of the project, visual, practical and verbal methods were used: showing the educator, questions, conversation, games with foam.

Project type: Short-term, group – 1 week.

Project participants: Children, parents, teachers.

Equipment: Basins with water, straws, soap, bubble, mirror, doll dishes, small toys (sinking).

Project product:

  • Photo report of the project.
  • Card file of games-experiments with young children.
  • Collective work with children. Working with parents:
  • Learning poems with children, nursery rhymes at home. Reading fairy tales.
  • Consultation: "Development of cultural and hygienic skills."
  • Assistance to parents in the selection of materials and equipment for the implementation of some activities.
  • Support for cultural and hygienic skills acquired in the preschool educational institution at home.
  • Pre-Work: Reading fiction K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", examination of illustrations; game situations, performance of regime moments. Stages of project implementation.

I. Preparatory stage:
Supervision of children.
Discussion of the topic, definition of goals, objectives of the project.
Organization of the subject-developing environment.
Selection of literature, games, illustration.
Discuss upcoming events with parents.

II. The main stage of the project implementation:

1 day:
Finger game "Washer"
Purpose: Development fine motor skills, dictionary activation.
We washed our hands (rubbing palm on palm). One, two, three. One, two, three (three claps each). And above the handles, like clouds (hands up). Bubbles ... bubbles ... (jumps, hands on the belt).

Game "Let's make foam"

Target: Clarify knowledge about the properties of water (water foams).
In a basin with warm water (add liquid soap to the bottom).
Invite the children to touch the water, then beat the water with a whisk, foam gradually begins to appear, more and more.
Invite the children to touch the foam, play with it, you can blow it.
Conclusion - soap in water - foam appears.

2 day:

“Game-experiment “Foam on the palms!”

Target: to teach the child to lather his hands from the outside and inside until the formation of foam "gloves"
Vocabulary activation: (soap, soap, soap)
Sweeties, sweeties, wash my sweets with soap,
Clean palms, here's bread for you, and spoons!
Water gurgles in the faucet. Very cool!
Mashenka herself washes her hands (an adult calls the name of the child).
We know, we know, yes, yes, yes! Where is the water hiding?

3 day:

Game-experiment "Catch the bubbles!"

Target: Develop tactile sensations. To consolidate ideas about the properties of foam (light, airy). Under the poem, children, together with the teacher, blow bubbles.
Opening the caps
Blowing bubbles
Here they are - look!
They are all airy!
And very naughty!
How can we catch them?

Hold on the palm of your hand! Game-experiment "Tracks on the mirror"

Target: Develop creative thinking, fine motor skills.
Children, together with the teacher, lather their hands and draw straight lines.
Conclusion - you can draw with foam.

Day 4:

Game - experiment "Find toys"

Target: Development of experimental activity during the game.
Put the toys in a bowl of soapy water - the children look for them by pushing the foam away.
Conclusion - foam hides toys (it is not transparent)

Day 5:

The game "Helpers of Moidodyr"

Target: Enriching the gaming experience, performing and consolidating practical actions about the properties of soapy water.
Children, together with the teacher, “wash” doll dishes, rinse it from foam, and dry it on a towel.
Conclusion - soapy water washes "dirt".

Non-traditional drawing using foam and foam rubber "Soap Bubbles"


Children have formed elementary skills of search activity, knowledge about the properties of foam.
As part of the project, it was possible to evoke positive emotions in children from joint communication with adults and peers, the joy of reading works of art and finger games.
Parents became more active, began to take part in joint activities on the project.

Project for preschoolers 2-3 years old "We play theater"

Project type: cognitive and creative.
Implementation timeline: short-term project (1 month).
Project participants: children, teachers, parents.

Age of project participants: first junior group.
Explanatory note
Theatrical activity is one of the most effective ways impact on children, in which the principle of learning is most fully and clearly manifested: to teach while playing. Theatrical games are the most important factor stimulating the development of coherent speech in children. They stimulate active speech by expanding vocabulary, improve the articulatory apparatus. Child assimilates wealth mother tongue, its means of expression.
Speech is not only a means of communication, but also an instrument of thinking, creativity, a carrier of memory, information, etc. The expressiveness of speech develops throughout the preschool age: from involuntary emotional - in babies, to intonational speech - in children middle group and to the language expressiveness of speech - in children of older preschool age. For the development of speech, it is necessary to create such conditions in which each child could express his emotions, feelings, desires and views without being embarrassed by the presence of outsiders. It is important to teach this at an early age. Theatrical games can be of great help here. They always delight children and enjoy their unchanging love. By participating in theatrical activities, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. Improving speech is closely related to mental development. Theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problem situations indirectly on behalf of a character.

Project relevance:
A fairy tale teaches good to understand
Talk about people's actions
If bad, then condemn him,
Well, the weak - protect him!
Children learn to think, dream,
"Who?", "What?", "Why?" reply,
To imitate the heroes of fairy tales,
To increase knowledge about the theater,
Develop your speech.

Modern children live in a powerful flow of information, live communication replaces the computer and television, and this trend is constantly growing, so the development of speech is becoming an increasingly urgent problem in our society.
Thus, theatrical games help the development of the child's speech.

Objective of the project: Development of monologue and dialogic speech skills through theatrical activities.

Resource support:
table theaters: "Kurochka Ryaba"
bibabo theater: "Three Bears"
finger theater: "Teremok"
costumes for the fairy tale "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Cat's House"
plot pictures
didactic games: “Who? Which? What is he doing?”, “Who eats what?”, “Sequences”
“Change of moods”, “Actions”, “Tell a fairy tale from pictures”, puzzles “Favorite heroes of fairy tales”, coloring books based on the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”.
attributes for the outdoor games "Hatch and Chicken", "Goat-Dereza", "Cucumber-Cucumber", "Bear-toed"

Project objectives:
1. To give the pupils elementary ideas about the theater (about how to behave in the theater, about the puppets that participate in the performance, about various types theater).
2. Continue to expand children's ideas about the fairy tales on which the theater is shown.
3. To acquaint with the features of the theater show.
4. Develop facial expressiveness and fine motor skills of the fingers.
5. Develop the ability to identify yourself with a theatrical character;
6. Increase the competence of parents on the development of speech in children and development creativity through theatrical activities.
7. Enrich the subject-developing environment.

Basic requirements to the organization of theatrical activities at an early age are:
- variety and rich content of topics corresponding to a given age;
- constant, daily inclusion of theatrical games in the life of a child, i.e. in all forms of organization of the pedagogical process;
- the formation of interest in theatrical games, constantly expanding the gaming experience, encouraging and developing the desire of children for theatrical and gaming activities;
- interaction of children with adults.

Form of work with children and parents:
- Individual;
- Group.

Implementation plan:
I Organizational and preparatory stage(2 weeks)

Educational areas. Activity. Forms and methods of work.

"Social and communicative development".

1) Game activity:

1. Plot - role-playing games: "A trip to the theater", "Katya's doll tells her favorite poems."
Purpose: To form children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in the theater. Cultivate the ability to be polite attentive to each other. Learn to recite familiar verses loudly and clearly.

Role-playing games: "In the toy store", "Bookshop".
Purpose: To teach children to answer questions. Clarify and enrich children's ideas about various books with fairy tales and toys. Learn to look at things. Develop speech.

2) Value attitude to work:
1. Assignments: “Washing toys”, “Washing doll clothes”.
Purpose: To develop skills, together with an adult and under the supervision of adults, to properly care for toys, put them in order

2. Observation of the work of an adult: “Ironing doll clothes”
Purpose: To draw the attention of children to what and how an adult does, why he performs this or that action. Encourage the desire to help adults.

3) Basics of safe behavior:
1. Conversations with children "When we went to the theater."
Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with the rules of road safety.

2. Didactic exercises "You can - you can not", "Show me how to do it right."
Purpose: To form the ability to comply with the rules of safety behavior in public places.

"Cognitive Development".
D / I "Sequences"
Purpose: to form the ability to imagine a sequence of events from familiar fairy tales, lay out illustrations in sequence, naming what is happening on them; develop speech, logical thinking.

D / I "Change of mood"
Purpose: To form an idea of ​​the main emotions and ways of expressing them, to teach to name the main emotions, to show them.

D / I "Actions" (crawling, lying, jumping, hanging, swimming)
Purpose: To expand the subject and verbal vocabulary; to form the ability to select suitable objects for actions; develop phrasal speech, thinking, attention.

Examination of illustrations for favorite fairy tales, collections of poems, nursery rhymes, etc.
Purpose: To learn to carefully consider illustrations, find familiar characters, name them, follow the development of the plot; learn to answer the questions “Who?”, “Which one?”, “What is he doing?”, learn to compare text and drawings to it. Enrich vocabulary.

Examination of the album with photographs "Me and my Mommy", photos from the past matinee "Mother's holiday", "Life in kindergarten"
Purpose: to invite children to tell who is shown in the photographs, to learn to call their first name, last name, mother's name. Develop speech.

"Artistic and aesthetic development".
1) Productive activity:
1. Designing houses for animals (tales "Teremok", "Mitten"), building beds (tale "Three Bears")

2. Modeling - a gingerbread man, a mouse, grains for a chicken (fairy tales "Gingerbread Man", "Teremok", "Ryaba Chicken", "Goat Dereza").

3. Drawing with fingers - grains for a cockerel (the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut").

2) Fiction:
1. Reading to children the fairy tales "Turnip", "Teremok", "Mitten", "Clumsy Bear", "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen", "Cat's House", "Goat Dereza".

Purpose: to form the ability to emotionally perceive fairy tales.

2. Reading poems, nursery rhymes.
Pussy, pussy ... "" Kitty-Murysonka ..." "Magpie-white-sided" "There is a horned goat ..." "Paladushki" "Vodichka-vodichka ..." "Our Masha", "Cucumber, cucumber .. ." "Sun-bucket ...", "Our ducks in the morning ...", "Chiki-chiki-kichki ..." "Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo!" ,
poems by A. Barto

3) Music:
1. Listening to music.
2. Singing children's songs.
3. Learning musical movements.
4. Musical works “Lullaby of the bear”, “Song about summer”, “Song of the mammoth”, “Song of the train from Romashkino”, “Song about Cheburashka”, etc.

5. Musical and rhythmic movements: “Fox”, “Bears”, “Kitty”, “Horse”, “Hedgehog”, “Wolf”
Purpose: to teach children in movements to convey the image of the character, his mood.

6. Participation in the matinee "March 8 - Mother's Day" with the participation of a puppet theater and a fairy-tale hero - Kotik, whom we taught to bake a pie for mom.

"Speech development".
1. Didactic games:
- D / I "Loud - quiet." Purpose: To teach children to change the strength of the voice: speak either loudly or quietly.

D/I “Who? Which? What is he doing?"
Purpose: To fix the name of the heroes of fairy tales, a description of the heroes and their actions; develop memory, speech, thinking;

D / I “Who eats what?”
Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about what different animals eat from familiar fairy tales;

Puzzles "Favorite heroes of fairy tales"
Purpose: To form the ability to collect images of familiar heroes of fairy tales from 2-3 parts, name them; develop fine motor skills.

D / I "Tell a story from pictures"
Purpose: To teach children to remember the plot and words of familiar fairy tales, based on images from these fairy tales; Develop memory, speech, thinking.

2. Guessing riddles about heroes from your favorite fairy tales

3. Listening to sound recordings of children's fairy tales - "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", "Teremok", "Ryaba Hen".

"Physical development".
- Round dance games: "Ball", "Carousel", "Bubble", "Gifts"
Purpose: To improve the basic movements; running, walking, jumping. Develop the desire to repeat the text of the game with the teacher.

Outdoor games "The mother hen and the chicken", "Goat-dereza", "Cucumber-cucumber", "Bear-toed"
Purpose: to teach children in movements to convey the image of the character, to clearly pronounce phrases, to respond in a timely manner to the teacher's signal.

Physical minutes: "Trees", "Stork", "Goat", "Grasshoppers", "Horses", "Hares", "Musicians"

Mode moments.
- Wellness breathing exercises: “How do mice squeak?”, “Pipe”, “Cockerel”; games in "Sultans", "Turntables", breathing games with water
Purpose: development of speech breathing, articulation apparatus preparation for further speech activity.

finger games“Fingers”, “We knock with hammers”, “We chop cabbage”, “Forty-forty”
Purpose: to teach children to expressively and clearly pronounce the text, repeating it after the teacher, to perform self-massage of the fingers.

KGN: practical exercise. "Vodichka-vodichka"
Purpose: to teach children to accompany actions when washing by telling nursery rhymes, pestle.

Mimic exercises "Cheerful-sad", "Frog smiles", "Elephant's trunk"
Purpose: To teach children to use facial expressions to show different moods, imitate animals, develop the articulatory apparatus.

Working with parents:
1. Involving parents in the participation and design of the theater corner, the manufacture of masks for dramatizations. The participation of parents in the educational process can significantly increase the efficiency of work and create a single space speech development; helps children overcome certain difficulties in speech development.

2. Preparation of a consultation for parents: "Theater in the life of young children"

3. Involving parents in the creation together with the children of the final exhibition "Our favorite fairy tales"

II Main stage:(2 weeks)
Purpose: To form ideas about various types of theater. Engage in theatrical activities.

Dramatization of fairy tales "Ryaba the Hen", "Turnip", "Teremok", "Gingerbread Man", "Cat's House", "Three Bears" with the help of various types of theaters:
- Table theatre. In it we used rubber, wood, paper toys, as well as nesting dolls with the heroes of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

- Stock puppets, the fairy tale "Teremok". These dolls are driven with the help of one or two rods (sticks). They are very useful for the development of fine motor skills, which contributes to the development of speech in children. These dolls also develop the flexibility of the fingers, hand and wrist.

Bibabo Theater based on the fairy tale "Three Bears". Children love to play with Bibabo dolls. However, for them they are still difficult to manage.

- Finger theater, fairy tale "Teremok". This is an excellent speech and sensory-motor simulator. Dolls develop the mobility of the fingers, help to master the speech of the characters, help develop vocabulary and activate speech functions.

Project with children of the second group of early age

on the topic: "The Adventure of the Pea."

Novikova N.I., Shablovsaya G.N. caregivers

MBDOU No. 18, Kingisepp, Leningrad Region


touch development child is development its perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, as well as smell, taste, etc.

Early age is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, the accumulation of ideas about the world around. That's why,sensory education is one of the main aspects of preschool education.

We, as teachers, great attention we devote to this problem, and therefore we decided to go on a trip together with Goroshina.


Young children have difficulty in color perception of objects, in the ability to group objects according to shape, size and color.


To systematize the work on the sensory development of young children.


To improve the perception of children, the ability to actively use touch, sight, hearing.

Enrich the sensory experience of children.

Supplement didactic material sensory development in young children.

Project type: cognitive - research

Duration: 1 month

Members: children and their parents and educators.

Expected Result:

Children correctly name and show the primary colors.

Children are able to find objects of a given color around them.

Children have developed fine motor skills.

Methods and forms of teaching children:

Educational activity.

Game educational situations.

Work with subject and plot pictures.

Didactic games.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

Main stages of implementation:

Stage I:information and analytical (preparatory) includes:

determining the amount of material that will be addressed to children.

planning a system of educational games for the development of sensory and motor perception.

Stage II:creative (main) includes:

Making games for the development of sensory and motor skills;

Advice for parents.

Making a sensory house.

Stage III:final includes:

Summing up the results of the implementation:

Self-assessment, conclusions.

Game motivation:

“The mistress was walking from the store. Dropped a basket of groceries. The beans crumbled, the peas crumbled. Oh! The hostess collected everything in one package and went home. And one Pea rolled away, lost. Goroshina went to look for her sisters, her house and ended up in our kindergarten.

And I found many new friends in our group.

Activities held:

Conducting directly educational activities The guys showed how they can draw.

Drawing gouache: "Autumn tree", "Balls for a kitten".

Drawing on the semolina "Sun" and drawing with a stencil "Cubes for animals."

And so that the Pea is not sad, kids sculpted beads were made for her, balls were rolled up for the kitten, and they helped the pea to make a bridge across the river.

More kids built from the cubes a table, a chair to drink Pea with tea. And then they built a path from large building material so that Goroshina would roll along it and find her sisters.

The children were happy to show how they can perform actions with items: “Rays for the sun”, “Needles for the Christmas tree”, “Blue cloud”, “Red flower” with clothespins, catch fish with a fishing rod, collect a path, beads and decorate the dress with multi-colored buttons, string mushrooms on rods, lower balls into holes, played stick-in games, collected pyramids and worked with various natural materials (chestnuts, nuts, beans, etc.)

The children took part in experimental games with sand (dry and wet) and water (it pours, toys float).

Developing standards in children we studied colors (red, blue, green, yellow), conducted didactic games: “Dress up the doll”, “Pick up cubes for the car”, “Collect a bouquet”, “Find a ball”, “House for a girl”. Size: large and small - circle, square, triangle: “Find a garage”, “Hide a bunny in a house”, “Find the same one”.

Games for the development of fine motor skills:

Lacing (“Beads”, “Tie a shoe”, “Apples for a hedgehog”, “Leaves for a birch”), fastening locks, buttons, buttons, puzzles.

Games for the development of logical thinking: " A Tale for a Pea”, “Teremok”.

Finger games:“Fingers say hello”, “Family”, “We chop cabbage”, “We are funny leaves”, etc.

During independent activity children collected nesting dolls, small and large mosaics, played with building materials different sizes, collected patterns from lids, sensory cube.

Viewed cartoons:"Three Bears", "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", "Rooster and Paints".

Reading works of art: V. Suteeva "Rooster and colors", "Different wheels", "Three bears", "Teremok", "Mouse and elephant", "Big-small", N. Migunova "Studying colors".

Conducted walks:“Observation of flowers in a flower bed”, “Acquaintance with the properties of sand”, “Acquaintance with the properties of water”.

Labor activity: planting peas - sisters, watching and watering them.

Cooperation with parents. Homework-making didactic games. Joint games of parents with children in a group (mosaic, puzzles, split pictures).

Collaboration between educators and parents production of a sensory house.

Questionnaire:“Identification of the interests and knowledge of the parents of pupils on issues sensory development and education of preschool children.

Advice for parents:"How to help a child with sensory development?", "What is sensory, and why should it be developed at an early age?", and consultations using a computer to work with children at home "Sensory development of young children."

Exactly sensory development forms the basis of the overall mental development of the child. It is necessary for the further successful education of children.


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7. Kovaleva L. A. Subject-developing environment in the nursery // Educator

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10. Goreeva S. V. Panel simulators for the development of fine motor skills of hands

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The theme was chosen and developed for implementation in the second month of spring - in April. Since in late March - early April, the sun begins to shine brighter, warmer. This, of course, noticed the children. Moreover, in conversations with children, some of them found it difficult to name the color, shape of the sun. Just as little was used verbs, definitions associated with the sun. I wanted to enrich children's ideas about a natural object - the sun, to show the influence of the sun on nature. In this regard, the following topic was identified.

1. To give children elementary ideas about a natural object - the sun, its effect on the world. 2. To form the cognitive activity of children during experiments, observations. 3. Enrich the vocabulary of children on this topic. 4. Introduce children to folklore through nursery rhymes. 5. Fix the concepts of "yellow", "round", "looks like", "doesn't look like". Project type: information and research. Participants: group teacher, group children, parents.

Duration: 2 weeks (short-term) Expected result: - enrichment of the active and passive vocabulary of children due to the words: “bright”, “light”, “warm”, “shines”, “smiles”, “warms”, etc. - cognitive interest in experiments; - the development of observation in children. Preparatory stage: 1. Conversations with children to identify children's ideas about the sun. 2. Preparation of poems, nursery rhymes, games, using the "sun", illustrative material. 3. Preparation of attributes for games, classes.

Summing up the project. Preparing a photo presentation. Making a wall newspaper for parents based on the results of the project. In the future - 1. Experiment with plants "Plants and the sun" 2. Experiment "Ice - water" 3. Observations of seasonal changes in nature associated with the sun.

Awaken children's interest in observing changes in nature related to the sun. Watch the sunrise and sunset (possible in pictures, videos, etc.) Read to children works of art (rhymes, poems, fairy tales) that talk about the sun. Play games: "sun and rain", "sunbeam" and others. By your own example, teach children to love nature and take care of it.

"Livestock 4th grade" - Who does not spin, does not weave, but dresses people. From the nose, air immediately enters the lungs. Gas exchange takes place in the lungs. Dictation "Dunno" The nose serves to decorate the face. Man breathes in carbon dioxide and breathes out oxygen. Cows. In the nose, the air is warmed and purified. Beekeeping. Agriculture. Meat.

"Best Pets" - Horse. Chicken. Hot season. Assistants. Despite the huge popularity of chickens, it was the geese that became the first. Ram. Turkey. Pillows and feathers. Neophilides. What gives a man a turkey. Bank chickens. Man and domestic animals. How can a dog help a person? Delicious meat. Bee. Dog. Horse with foal.

"Animals in the city" - Let's tell friends and adults about this. Discarded animals. The child ran home. Homeless animals. Favorites. We don't want to live on the street. The mother looked at the child. The child backs up stubbornly. A piece of food. Lost dogs and cats. Lost Animals. Animals in the city. Exceptions.

"Pets for children" - Good dog Trezorka And cow Zorka, Geese and goslings, Hens and chickens. Cat. Tractor plows the ground without wheels. My friends: Exercise "Count and name": Many guests came to the piglet. Circle the pig along the dotted lines. Horse and sheep are also domestic animals. What do we know about pets? What benefit does it bring?

"Animal breeding" - Amphibians. Industry. Bees live in special houses. The main pond fish are carp, carp, grass carp, trout, silver carp. Carp. Does he dress people? Agriculture. On a livestock farm. Silver carp. Carp. domestic insects. Cows give more than 20 liters of milk per day. Bees. Today at the lesson.

"Cats" - Dachshund - a surprisingly interesting dog, with a lively inquisitive mind. About cats. Weight: standard - 7-11 kg, dwarf - 3-4 kg, rabbit - 2.5-3 kg. Dachshund standard: Height: standard dachshund - from 35 cm, dwarf - 30-35 cm, rabbit - up to 30 cm. Wool: smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired.

In total there are 41 presentations in the topic
