Didactic game guess by smell. Didactic games for "Health Day

Purpose: to enrich taste sensations, develop memory; develop the ability to determine the desired method for identifying objects; enrich children's vocabulary.

Preparing for the game.

Children are offered 4 pairs of jars. They are filled with salt, vanilla, sugar, citric acid.

Task 1. "Guess what taste?"

The child is encouraged to find sour, salty, sweet, bitter tastes.

Task 2. "Find a couple"

The child must find jars with the same taste.

Task 3. "What, what happens?"

Before the child are pictures with berries, fruits, vegetables. The child identifies a jar with a certain taste and puts a picture next to a product that has the same taste. For example: sour taste - lemon, cranberry, currant; sweet taste - pear, strawberry, watermelon, etc.


Purpose: to exercise children in tactile skills, to distinguish between textiles, to develop the ability to talk about their sensory impressions.

Game progress.

Children are offered a panel with various types fabrics. The child must tactilely establish the differences between textiles and talk about his sensory impressions.


Purpose: to provide children with the opportunity to feel the measure of gravity of familiar objects, thereby enriching the sensory experience of children; develop the ability to talk about their sensory impressions.

Game progress.

Children are offered items of varying severity. Feeling the measure of severity, they talk about their sensory impressions.


Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to determine the temperature of homogeneous objects by touch and group them with conditional symbols; learn to draw verbal conclusions.

Game progress.

Children are offered jars of water: warm, cold, hot. Children must determine the temperature of the water by touch and correlate with the corresponding symbols.


Purpose: to consolidate the ability to identify familiar geometric shapes (ball, cube, cylinder, etc.) on the basis of a tactile-motor examination and name them.

Game progress.

The bag contains three-dimensional geometric shapes. The child puts his hand into the bag and by touch determines the figure that he has come across, names and takes it out. The rest of the kids are in control.


Purpose: to teach children to touch to determine a geometric figure, to develop the senses (touch).

Game progress.

Invite the child to identify by touch and name the geometric figure lying in the bag.


Purpose: to teach to distinguish the qualities of an object in the process of perception, to compare in form.

Game progress.

Invite the child to choose the right patch from a geometric figure and put it in place.


Game progress.


Purpose: to consolidate the ability to compare two objects in length and width, using the technique of applying them to each other; use words: shorter, longer, wider, narrower; fix the color develop the ability to recognize geometric shapes by touch, and name them.

Game progress.

1 option. Geometric figures (large and small in size, of different shapes) are randomly laid out under the handkerchief. The child is invited to touch, examining with both hands, to find a pair geometric shapes(the choice of a couple is possible both at the request of the child and at the verbal direction of the teacher).

Option 2. "Find a Pair"

The child, by touch, with one hand, examining the object, takes out geometric figures from under the handkerchief, calls what he got (rhombus). Compares in size using words: longer, shorter, narrower, wider, and names the color of each shape.


Purpose: to teach children to examine objects of different shapes and colors, to learn to use the indicated properties of a geometric figure (color, shape, size); develop creative imagination.

Game progress.

1 option. Invite the child to choose the card he likes and, using geometric shapes, lay out the drawing according to the model.

Option 2. Invite the child, using various geometric shapes, to draw up his own drawing.


Purpose: to enrich the sensory experience of children, introducing them to a wide range of objects and objects, to teach them to select objects according to one or two qualities (color, size).

Game progress.

Invite the child to choose the necessary geometric shapes and place it in the picture.


Goal: develop the senses (hearing), teach correctly, find a pair for the subject, develop auditory attention.

Game progress.

1 option. Children are given "shumiki" with different sounds. It is proposed to find a "shumik" with the same sound.

Option 2. Invite the children to guess who sounds “shumik” in the same way as the teacher.


Direct goal: to develop visual perception, colors, shades.

Game progress.

1 option. "Confusion"

The teacher mixes toys different colors and offers to arrange them in bags of the corresponding color.

Option 2. "Who is faster!"

Educator. - I hid 10 (any number) toys in the group yellow color who can find them the fastest.

3 option. "Name the toy"

The child takes a toy out of the bag or vice versa, lays out the toys (as in option No. 1), and names them: - Green bunny, blue ball, red cube, etc.

4 option. Teaching children to recognize colors.

It takes place in 3 stages.

Stage 1: "It's a yellow balloon"

Stage 2: "Bring the yellow balloon"

Stage 3: "What color is the ball?"

"Scented bags"

Direct goal: to develop the sense of smell in children.

Indirect goal: to consolidate the names of medicinal plants, to teach children to recognize plants by smell.

Game progress.

1 option. "Smell"

The teacher introduces children to the smells of medicinal herbs in 3 stages.

The teacher offers to smell the grass in the bag.

This is what chamomile smells like. (show picture)

Stage 2. Find a bag with the smell of chamomile.

Option 2. "Find the same smell"

The child takes one of the blue bags, inhales the smell and tries to find the same smell in the orange bag, making pairs with the same smell.


Purpose: to develop the sense of smell in children.

Game progress.

The teacher offers to collect a couple of jars with the same smell.

To do this, you need to open the jar and let the child smell the aroma, but so that he does not see the contents of the jar.

Then the child sniffs the contents of other jars and finds the same aroma.


Indirect goal: to develop fine motor skills hands

Game progress.

The teacher says:

This is an unusual caterpillar. Her name is Krupenichka. She does not eat grass, not leaves. She loves different cereals.

Today Krupenichka walked around the field, collecting various cereals: buckwheat, rice, beans, peas.

Look, I also have such cereals in bags.

Children are invited to touch the cereals. And then touch Krupenichka's tummy.

What did she eat today?

"Nimble Fingers"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensations in children.





Purpose: to teach children to distinguish the primary colors of objects; learn to act according to the instructions, highlighting a given color and naming it.

Game progress.

A. "Strong wind." (The wind "ripped off" the roofs from the multi-colored houses, you need to put them in place)

B. "Colored petals." (Lay out the flowers, picking up the petals according to the color of the middle)

Q. "Which ball is the rope from?" (The color of the ball should be related to the color of the rope)

G. "Colorful benches." (Put the nesting doll on a bench of the same color)


Purpose: to develop visual attention and memory.

Game progress.

The child is invited to consider aquariums and remember where which fish swims.

Then the aquariums are removed.

Children are offered separate aquariums and a separate fish.

Put each fish in your aquarium.


Purpose: to develop visual attention and memory, fine motor skills.

Game progress.

Counting sticks are laid out on the table.

An adult lays out figures from them - first simple, then complex. The child must fold exactly the same figure.

The task is given in order of increasing difficulty:

A) the sample remains in front of the child's eyes

B) the sample is removed.

These figures can be folded from cubes.

Full version works (with photos) can be downloaded.

Experiments and experiments in valeology for kindergarten

EXPERIENCE 1. "Organ of hearing"
Target: Determine the significance of the location of the ears on opposite sides of the human head.
The child turns his back to the teacher. The teacher asks him to repeat the words he heard. The teacher pronounces each next word in a quieter voice. Thus, he determines for himself the threshold of the child's auditory sensitivity. Then he invites two other children (left and right) to call a friend. The child guesses who called him and from which side. Then they close one ear with cotton wool and carry out similar actions. Then repeat the experiment with the other ear.
At the end of the experience, the child shares his impressions.
The story of the educator to children about the structure of the ear.
The ear consists of three parts (departments): outer, middle and inner. The outer ear includes the auricle and the external auditory meatus. On the border between the outer and middle ear, a very thin, but elastic and elastic tympanic membrane is stretched. In the middle ear there are three very important bones - the hammer, anvil and stirrup, as well as a special tube that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx. In the inner ear there is a "device" appearance snail-like. It receives thousands of signals and transmits them at lightning speed to the brain along thousands of paths. For example, the doorbell rings, the ear perceives this signal and sends it to the brain. The brain commands: come to the door, look through the peephole before opening the door.
In addition to this world's fastest cochlea, there are three fluid-filled canals in the inner ear. They are responsible for the balance of our body. If it were not for this balance organ, then people would very often fall from dizziness (for example, when bending over or even turning their heads). With any of our movements, the liquid moves quickly through these channels, but does not always stop at the same level in all channels, and this allows us not to fall.
There is such an expression: "It flew into one ear, and flew out of the other." How do you understand it? In fact, there is no direct communication between the ears. But there is a connection between the ear and the nasopharynx through a special tube. Therefore, diseases of the ear, throat and nose are treated by one doctor - an otolaryngologist.

EXPERIENCE 2. “I see - I don’t see”
Target: Prove that when an image hits a blind spot, a person stops seeing this image.
Material: A card, in the left corner of which a cross is drawn, and in the lower right corner there are two circles (small and larger).
Stroke: I suggest that the child look at the cross with one eye, close the other eye with the palm of his hand.
There are two circles in the field of view. Then the preschooler is asked to alternately zoom in and out of this card without looking away from the cross. At some point, one of the circles will no longer be visible. This means that his image fell on a blind spot.
The teacher talks about the difference between the vision of animals and humans.
All representatives of the animal world have different eyes. This is due to the fact that the eyes are adapted to the environment in which their inhabitants live. Even the simplest animals have "eye spots" that perceive light. Even plants perceive light by turning their leaves towards it.
On the surface of the body of flatworms there are so-called "eyes". But neither the "eyes" nor the "eye spots" are able to perceive the image, they only react to light.
Pisces can see close objects well. And off the coast of Southeast Asia lives a fish - a pufferfish, which uses special yellow "sunglasses". As soon as the fish floats to the surface, special yellow cells begin to “spread” over the eye, and then it seems as if the puffer fish is putting on glasses.
The frog sees only moving objects. To consider a motionless object, she herself needs to start moving.

EXPERIENCE 3. "Reacting to the light"
Target: Determine the reaction of the pupils to different lighting.
Stroke: Children are offered to examine each other's pupils, first in a lighted room, and then in twilight (with the curtains drawn). Children independently come to the conclusion that pupils are constricted in a lighted room, and after staying in a room without light for several minutes, the pupils dilate. The pupils expand in order to catch the light and restore the ability to distinguish objects in this twilight.
The teacher emphasizes that being in a dark room, children can distinguish between objects that are located there, but cannot determine their color. This is due to the work of light-sensitive cells - rods. Directly opposite the pupil on the retina is the yellow spot, which has a lot of cones, and therefore it is in this part that the sharpest image is obtained. From the retina, the optic nerve sends signals about what has been seen to the brain. And next to yellow spot there is a blind spot. It is devoid of rods and cones. Therefore, when the image hits this place, we do not see what we are looking at.
In crayfish, the eyes are located on special antennas - stalks, move far forward and can rotate on their own when the crayfish is motionless. And he also has an eye on his tail, which helps to navigate when the crayfish backs up. But at starfish there is one eye at the end of each ray.
The owl and the eagle owl have large, but motionless eyes, but the head rotates around its axis in a full circle. In addition, they can only see in the dark.
Chickens, pigeons, lizards can only see in the light.
Question: What special visual cells are more common in chickens, pigeons, lizards? What about an owl, an owl?
Ants see the stars even during the day.
The dragonfly distinguishes colors well, but only with the lower part of the eyes. The upper half always looks at the sky, against which the prey is clearly visible. And the bees have five eyes: two large and three small. In addition, bees perceive colors unusually. So, for example, they do not pollinate red flowers, since they perceive red in the same way as a person perceives black.
Unlike animals, a person can see and distinguish objects of different colors and even shades. But there are people who do not distinguish colors. They suffer from a disease called color blindness. The disease was recognized in 1875. Then in Sweden there was a train wreck, as a result of which many people died. It remained unclear how the driver could drive the train to red. The explanation was unexpected. The surviving machinist was shown skeins of colored thread and found that he did not distinguish colors.
The phenomenon of color blindness was described by the English scientist John Dalton, who himself suffered from this disease.

Target: determination of the connection of the ear with the nasopharynx.
The experiment is carried out after considering the "Structure of the ear" scheme.
The teacher offers the child to take in air and close his mouth tightly, and close the ear canals with the index fingers of both hands and try to exhale the air without opening his mouth. At the same time, the teacher closes the nasal passages of the child with his own hand according to the “clothespin” principle. At the end of the experience, the child shares his impressions. Children note that they felt the pressure of air entering the nose and ear, although the air was taken in by mouth.

EXPERIENCE 5. "Smells"
Target: Exercise children in distinguishing colors and foods by smell.
The teacher offers the child, without looking, to determine which vase contains roses and which lilies of the valley. You can use various products with a characteristic smell (black and white fresh bread, fresh strawberries or oranges, onions or garlic, meatballs or fish, etc.).
The teacher continues the story.
Odor-sensing cells are extremely sensitive. They are able to distinguish thousands of different odors, and a special signal is transmitted to the brain about each individual odor. Most animals smell better than humans. Cats, dogs, horses have such a highly developed sense of smell that they usually recognize the smell of a person they know long before he approaches. In wild animals, the sense of smell is even better developed. A deer and a rabbit smell a predator at a great distance and manage to run away or hide.
When we have severe runny nose, we almost cease to smell. This happens because the mucous membranes in the nose swell, become irritated, and become clogged with mucus. As a result, odors cease to excite olfactory cells.
In humans, odor-perceiving cells are located in the uppermost part of the nasal cavity. Therefore, in order to smell, we need to take a breath. Let's verify this by experience.

Smell game
The teacher offers the children to close their eyes and identify some familiar smells: anise-based cough medicine, fir oil, coniferous smell, garlic, pickles. You can also determine what is inside the capsules from kinder surprises with pierced holes: cotton wool soaked in perfume; a piece of chocolate; clove of garlic; orange peel; a piece of herring or pickled cucumber.
I do not know anything.
And suddenly my nose says
That somewhere and someone
Something is on fire!

I do not know anything.
This nose will report:
Someone bought oranges
And he put it there!

I do not know anything.
I'm in a daze.
The nose says: “Let's take a walk!
I beg you very much."

Walk with him and play.
He says, "You know
Smells like spring already!
E. Moshkovskaya
I think everyone understood what an important role the nose plays in a person's life. Therefore, observe the following rules:
Do not pick your nose with your finger and even more so with a sharp object;
Do not put foreign objects in your nose;
With a runny nose, you can’t blow your nose hard and draw mucus into yourself, this can lead to ear disease;
Do not use someone else's handkerchief, it should be personal for each person.
It is very unpleasant when a person does not follow the nose and does not use it on time.

The little boy is about six.
He has pockets

And the good in these pockets
And do not count!

There are candy bars
Traffic jams,
pieces of wood,
Old closet key
Full of stuff
In the boy's two pockets
There is no place for a scarf!

And so the mischievous walks:
Sniffing nose, sniffing nose,
Every now and then: nose - sniff!
L. Delyan

The people say: "Take care of your nose in a big frost." Do you know how to do it? Do you need to protect your nose in hot weather? What will you do if your nose bleeds? Why is this happening?
When people say: “The nose has not grown up,” it means that the younger ones teach the older ones; “hung his nose” - upset; “leads by the nose” - deceives; "keep your nose up" - do not lose heart!

Target: prove the need to inhale to determine the smell.
The teacher puts a thick cloth bag in front of each child, inside of which a piece of toilet soap or a bottle of perfume is hidden. Without touching the bag, the teacher invites the children to guess by smell what is inside.
After the children's answers, the teacher clarifies: in order to feel and determine the smell, you need to take several deep breaths in a row.
The teacher continues the story.
The sense of smell controls the quality of the air. When a pleasant smell appears in the air, we try to breathe deeper (air after rain, on a walk in the forest, etc.). And when you feel bad smell On the contrary, we try to breathe as little as possible. But within a short time, a person gets used to a new smell and begins to breathe in a normal rhythm.
Scientists have calculated that a person distinguishes great amount(about 400) different smells. And yet, in most animals, the apparatus for distinguishing odors is much better developed. For many animals, smell is the most important sense, often replacing sight and hearing. Not smelling a predator in time or not finding prey on the trail for some of them is tantamount to death. Dogs perceive smells better than other animals, birds are very weak, but dolphins do not distinguish smells at all.
People perceive each other with the help of sight, hearing in the process of conversation. But for animals, a peculiar smell coming from them plays a very important role. For example, ants have a "smell of alarm" and a "smell of death" that comes from dead ants. A living ant that emits this smell is “buried” by its fellows - they are pulled out of the anthill. And no matter how many times he comes back, the "funeral" will be repeated until this smell disappears.

Sveta Pochtareva
Didactic game"Taste and Smell"


Didactic task:

Exercise children in identifying taste and smell of fruits and vegetables;

Activate the speech of children;

Develop memory, concentration, endurance.

Game rules. Not looking at a vegetable (to blindfold), define it taste, By smell; correctly call taste in a word, guess by smell what kind of vegetable and fruit to wait patiently for the vegetable and fruit to be sampled. The rest of the children are patiently silent, not suggesting.

Game actions. Blindfold, do not peep, do not rush to answer, carefully identify smell then taste and then give an answer. The one who makes a mistake is given the opportunity to try another vegetable or fruit. Find a whole vegetable or fruit on the table.

Game progress. On the table on a tray are fruits and vegetables, familiar children: tomato, cucumber (fresh and salted, carrots, cabbage, turnips, radishes; apple, pear, plum, bananas, grapes. On another tray, these vegetables and fruits are cut into small pieces for each child. Here are paper napkins (or toothpicks for each child). The teacher with a tray bypasses everyone playing. To whomever he approaches, he blindfolds him, puts one piece of a vegetable or fruit on a napkin and asks the child to first determine on smell and then take this piece in your mouth. He, without peeping, guesses by taste and smell the name of a vegetable or fruit. Then finds a vegetable or fruit on the table. And so the teacher walks until all the children are involved in the game.

A game ends with a list of vegetables or fruits brought, a definition the taste of each.

When organizing games, you should remember about hygiene requirements: you can’t give vegetables or fruits to all children for testing from one fork, used napkins should be placed on a separate tray (or use toothpicks for each child, for each fruit and vegetable). All children participate in the game, but you can play and with small subgroups of guys.

Purpose: to distinguish objects by smell.

Equipment: blindfold; food and substances with various odors (bread, sausage, lemon, candy, mint, flowers, medicines, shoe polish, etc.).

As a game material, you can use boxes or jars filled with vanilla, coffee, cocoa, spices, soap, perfume, flowers, etc.

Remember how they smell

Purpose: to revive the memory of various smells.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting various objects and phenomena (melon, coffee, cucumber, soap, shampoo, watercolor paints, a sprig of strawberries, blooming lily of the valley, spruce branch, heavy rain, etc.).

Three vials

Purpose: distinguishing liquid substances by smell.

Equipment: three bottles filled with shampoo, perfume, vinegar.

Distinguishing compound, more complex flavors is carried out in the process of learning in special classes. In this work, it is important that the added aroma be clearly differentiated, for example: regular tea and tea with mint, salad with and without fresh cucumber, etc.

The most difficult for children, as practice shows, are tasks to distinguish between natural objects and objects with a smell: flowers or perfumes with a floral scent, an orange or an air freshener with a citrus smell, etc.

The taste qualities of items differ due to the test on the tongue. There are four main tastes: salty, bitter, sour and sweet. All complex taste sensations are a combination of the main ones, as well as the result of the simultaneous receipt of information from other receptors in the oral cavity - olfactory, pain, tactile, temperature - into the nerve centers. The greatest sensitivity to taste stimuli is noted at a food temperature of 37-50 degrees, but there are exceptions (for example, ice cream, tea).

The development of taste sensations is carried out simultaneously with the development of smell, since the perception of smells of products before their use stimulates the process of taste perception.

In the process of developing the perception of taste sensations, children understand that the same product can be pleasant for some people and unpleasant for others: someone loves fish, and someone cannot even tolerate its smell, etc. At the same time, they learn a list of those products that can be harmful to health (poisonous mushrooms and berries, vinegar, etc.).

The job of tasting new foods is similar to the job of smelling.

Here are examples of didactic games that can be used to develop taste sensations.

Determine the taste

Purpose: to determine the products to taste.

Equipment: blindfold; onion, lemon, pickled cucumber, candy.

You can ask children to taste raw and boiled foods: carrots, eggs, potatoes, pasta, onions, apples, buckwheat; set the tastes of various types of bread (rye, white), fruits (apple and pear), types of sausages (boiled and smoked), nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, cedar, walnuts), jams (raspberry, cherry, etc.), sweets (lollipop , chocolate, etc.), fish (fried, salted), dairy products (sour cream, kefir), etc.

flavor jars

Purpose: to introduce the main types of taste. Equipment: four jars with solutions of various tastes: sweet, salty, sour and bitter; pipettes, spoons.

At the end, it is concluded that the liquids come in different tastes.

Name the taste of the food

Purpose: to revive the memory of the tastes of different products.

Equipment: pictures of various products, vegetables, fruits.

lemon - sour, juicy, refreshing;

garlic - bitter, unpleasant;

candy - sweet, sugary, pleasant;

loaf of bread - fragrant, fragrant, pleasant.

Different objects have a number of properties (temperature regime, weight categories, vibrational and some other features), which are known through tactile sensations as a result of direct palpation, touch, and exposure to the skin. Consider the role played by tactile perception in determining the temperature and weight of objects.

Adequate perception of temperature is a vital quality. The child receives the first temperature sensations in the process Everyday life, but we immediately note that this is the only type of sensation that is formed exclusively under the guidance of an adult due to the possible damage to the health of the child.

Children learn that the same objects (iron, heating pad, kettle, stove, etc.) can have different temperatures. Gradually, the ability to concentrate one's attention on changes in the temperature of the environment and one's own body is developed. In this case, it would be advisable to get acquainted with a device for measuring temperature - a thermometer (for air, water, the human body).

As an example, you can measure the temperature of water in glasses, in one of which water was poured from the refrigerator, and in the second - from a warm kettle. You should compare the readings, and then draw conclusions.

The temperature of the human body indoors and outdoors remains unchanged (you can measure the temperature of a person, while explaining the rules for using a thermometer) and, therefore, does not depend on the ambient temperature, and the temperature of air and water can differ significantly depending on where it is measured.

Synopsis of the game - classes on the topic: "Me and my body" in the middle group

Prepared by: Soldatova O.I., teacher

1. To form in children an idea of ​​the significance of each organ for normal human life: eyes - look, ears - hear, nose - sniff, tongue - try, (determine) taste, hands - grab, hold, touch; legs - stand, jump, run, walk; head - to think, remember; the body to bend, turn in different directions.
2. Develop general and fine motor skills;
3. Learn to correlate visual and auditory attention, memory, hearing, thinking.

Informative - speech development:
Enter nouns into the children's active dictionary: forehead, neck, eyebrows, eyelashes, shoulders, elbows, knees, chin, etc .;
Activate the verb vocabulary: look, listen, eat, breathe, walk, run, hold, wear and others.
Adjectives denoting taste: sweet, sour.
Use nouns in the genitive case in speech; Encourage children to answer questions in simple sentences.
Enrich children's sensory experience (hearing, sight, taste);
Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one's horizons.
Didactic game: "Guess by taste?"
Preliminary work: examining a model of a human figure,
showing and naming parts of the human body on oneself, children, dolls in everyday communication
during games and regime moments.
Conversations on the topic: “Why do we need eyes? Ears? Etc.
Teacher's story: "Why do we need this?"
Examination of illustrations, pictures, photographs.

Material for the lesson: Katya doll, berries, flowers, a basket, a tray of fruit on skewers, napkins.

Lesson progress:

Children, look how many guests have come to us. They want to see how you are doing. Look at the guests, say hello. Now look at me and don't be distracted anymore. Our lesson begins.
"One, two, three, four, five - we will study the body"
Here is the back, but here is the tummy (showing with hands)
Legs (stomp legs);
Handles (rotate with hands);
(index fingers of both
hands show eyes)
Mouth (show);
Spout (show);
Ears (show);
The head ... barely had time to show, (show);
The neck turns its head - Oh, tired! Oh oh oh! (show);
I listed for a long time, but I haven’t named everything yet, show me more:
Forehead (show);
And eyebrows (show);
Here are the cilia, fluttered like birds (show);
Pink cheeks (show);
Chin bump (show);
Hair is thick, like meadow grass (show);
And now I look lower, I will name what I see:
Shoulders, arms, elbows (show);
And knees: me, Bogdan, Lera (show).

Surprise moment: knock on the door.
Katya doll comes: “Hello, children!”
Children: “Hello Katya! Glad to see you, come in, sit down."
Doll Katya heard what we were talking about and came to us. She also wants to know what the guys need eyes for? Show your eyes. Right. What do you need eyes for?
Children: to look, to see.
Teacher: What to see? Children's answers.
Let's show Katya visual gymnastics. Children show. Katya thanks.
Katya: "I want to give the children a riddle."
Educator: Please, Katya, our children are smart. They solve all mysteries.
Masha runs happily
to the river along the path.
And for this you need
our Masha ... (legs).
Right. Do babies have legs? Why do you need legs? Let's slowly stomp our feet. Well done.

Masha takes berries
two, three things.
And for this you need
our Masha ... (pens).
Right. Do kids have hands? Why do you need pens? Let's gently clap our hands. Well done.
So many berries and flowers have grown in the clearing that Katya wants the children to help her collect everything in a basket. (Floor eye trainers)
The teacher picks up a napkin, scatters "daisies" and "strawberries" on the carpet - the children pick berries and flowers.
The doll thanks them.
Katya also gives us a riddle:

Masha listens in the forest
How the cuckoo cries
And for this you need
Our Masha ... (ears). Right.
Do babies have ears? Tell me, please, why do you need ears? The children answer. Well done, right.

Listen to Katya:
Masha looks at the cat
On the pictures - fairy tales, And for this you need
Our Masha .... (eyes).

Show me where the kids have eyes. Why do you need eyes? The children answer. Katya: What smart children, they guessed everything.

And now I'll give them a very difficult riddle:
Red doors in my cave, White beasts sit at the door.
And meat, and bread - all my booty -
I gladly give white teeth. (lips, teeth, tongue). The children answer. Well done, right. For the fact that you have been doing well, Katya has prepared a surprise for you. See what she brought you? The teacher opens the tray, and there are fruits: an apple, a pear, a banana. What are these children?

Didactic game: "Guess by taste?"
Katya is cunning, she does not just want to treat the children. She wants the children to close their eyes tightly, I will put a piece of fruit in their mouth. Children eat and say what fruit they ate and what it tastes like. Children guess fruits according to taste. Katya thanks the children, says that she liked everything, says goodbye and leaves.
