Word game mother and baby. Synopsis of a lesson on speech development: "Whose mother? Whose child?"

Ekaterina Almazova

I want to present to your attention the game " mom and baby"There are many options for this game, but since I like to draw, I decided to make my own version of the game. Mothers are drawn on large cards, children are drawn on small ones. I painted with gouache, I like to write with this paint) I chose pets and their cubs.

These are kids.

These are moms.

And this together babies and mothers.

This a game helps kids expand their knowledge about pets (by analogy, you can make a game with wild animals). In the game, the child learns to correctly name the adult and her cub. The teacher can ask questions, stimulating dialogue speech, For example: "What does a cow eat? And a calf?" or "Do you know the name of the place where the dog lives?"

When all mothers find their children, thanks to the children, the children experience an emotional upsurge, joy, I noticed this repeatedly with my pupils.

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Happy mom, happy baby! In our preschool "Solnyshko" in the early age group No. 2, babies are being accepted. We know that adaptation is a difficult period for children and those around them.

Galina Zhuravleva
Ecological game "Moms and kids"

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention an educational game for young children. « Moms and kids» . The work is made of plywood using a jigsaw and framed bright pictures domestic animals and their babies. With the help of this game, the child will get acquainted with the main pets. (cow, chicken, cat, dog) and learn the names of their cubs (kitten, calf, etc.).

For a better assimilation of the material, you can use two way:

1. Carefully examine the pictures and discuss the details of the image with the child ("what a beautiful calf, red-haired, with horns", etc.). Children like everything interesting, so many of them will remember the names of animals faster if their study takes place in a lively discussion of the picture.

2. From time to time, you can view pictures by simply saying the names of mothers and babies.

It seems to me that both methods are good, and they should be combined.

Goals: To develop in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe animal world; encourage kids to recognize and name animals and their cubs; to promote the development of speech and attention.

Albina Beloborodova

Target: to teach children to distinguish between adult animals and their cubs, classify wild and domestic animals; consolidate knowledge about the lifestyle and benefits of pets; develop thinking, speech, vocabulary of the child.

Game progress:

Option 1: Children are given pictures depicting adult animals, they name who is on it, the teacher says that every child has a mother. The child then finds cub, names it, correlates the pictures with the image of an adult animal and its cub.

Option 2: Invite the children to divide the pictures into two groups: domestic and wild animals.

Option 3: Comparison and onomatopoeia. Draw the attention of children to the fact that an adult animal is large, and cub - small. "What color is the animal? How does it scream? What does it eat? Where does it live? How does it walk?" Invite the children to reproduce, for example, the barking of a dog and the yelping of a puppy.

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P. Half


"moms and babies"

2 junior group

Educator: Bogdanova A.A.

Program content:

  • To consolidate knowledge about animals and their cubs;
  • To learn to use nouns in speech, denoting animals and their cubs in the form of the singular and plural;
  • Cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals;
  • Contribute to the formation of positive emotions;
  • Develop children's thinking and imagination.

Development environment:

  • Toys - domestic and wild animals;
  • Pictures - puzzles;
  • Game zones: meadow, yard, forest.

Educator: Guys, today we are going on an exciting journey. And we will go on a fun train and something fun and interesting will happen to us at the stops. I ask everyone to take their seats. Go! (to the soundtrack of the song, children ride the train)

Stop "Meadow".

The teacher offers to get acquainted with a cow, horse, goat. These are domestic animals that graze in the meadow and eat grass, benefit people. Children sing the song “Who Grazes in the Meadow”, then they go by train to the next station.

Yard station.

Educator: And now we will guess the riddles about the animals that live here.

Who meets us at the door

Sleeping in silence all day

And starts with happiness

Barking loudly: “Wow-wow-wow”?

(Dog )

Who is waiting for sour cream for breakfast

And does not want to drink cocoa,

Likes to run on the couch

And purr: "Meow-meow"?


Who always knows

What do I cook for breakfast

And runs up to the pelvis,

Grunting loudly: "Oink-oink"?

Didactic game "My mother"

Purpose: Fixing the name of the mother, to give an idea of ​​​​the main activities of the mother in everyday life.

Strengthen the ability to work with images (photos of mom) (Cognitive development)
Continue to develop the ability to listen carefully, cultivate the desire to get involved in work, expand and activate the vocabulary by enriching the idea of ​​​​the main activities of the mother in everyday life, to form in children a sense of respect for the work of the mother. (Speech development)
Encourage active participation of children in joint games. To form the ability to perform movements, coordinating them with words. (Physical development)

Material: Photos depicting mothers, the “Family” finger game, cards depicting household items (vacuum cleaner, dishes, hammer, food, iron, car, etc.), a ball.

Lesson progress:
finger game"Family"
The teacher invites the children to play with their fingers in the "family": he takes each finger in turn from the thumb to the little finger and lists the family members (grandfather, grandmother, dad, mom and child) saying the phrase "This finger ...". Then the children, together with the teacher, say how you can call everyone in one word (family)

(for boys, another glove is offered, with a little finger - a boy)

Refinement of the subject dictionary on the topic
The teacher introduces the children to the topic of the lesson "today the topic of our lesson is" mom ", let's go to the stand and see what is shown there." Children come up to the stand and say that there is "mother". Then the teacher asks each child what the name of his mother is. After the teacher asks “what kind of mother?” (kind, cheerful, beautiful, etc.), “what is mom doing?” (cleaning, cooking, etc.).

Card game "What does mom do"
The teacher offers to go to the table and play a game. On the table are cards depicting household items (dishes, a vacuum cleaner, food, a hammer, etc.). The children are given the task "there are cards on the table, let's look at them and say again what mom does at home." Children look at cards and choose necessary items and speak them.

Ball game "Mom's name"
The teacher invites the children to play with the ball. Children are built in a circle and the teacher gives the task "You need to name your mother and throw the ball to the neighbor on the right." If the child finds it difficult to say the name of the mother, the teacher helps him and all the children pronounce the name of the mother of the child.
The teacher thanks all the children for a job well done.

Title: Didactic game for the 2nd junior group in kindergarten "My mother"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Developing games, Developing games, Didactic, 1 junior, 2 years

Position: educator
Place of work: MADOU CRR d / s No. 7 "Spark"
Location: Svetly, Kaliningrad region
