Can I donate a photo? A piece of memory: a photo album as a gift Is it possible to give a joint photo to a guy.

Many superstitions are associated with photographs and photographic equipment, one of which says that the one who takes pictures takes away the soul and happiness. It is for this reason that in many countries it is forbidden to film people without their permission. In Russia, this is treated more calmly, but still it is believed that photography has a special inexplicable power that can affect the fate of a person. In this article, we will talk about the most common signs, superstitions and prohibitions associated with photographs, and give explanations for them.

Photography Prohibitions

1. You can not give photos to strangers. This sign is as old as the world and carries a good justification - through photography, energy metabolism, which unscrupulous people can use to cause irreparable harm, send damage, destroy life. Photographs often become the main magical attribute in rituals, love spells, and curses.

However, this sign applies only to photos that were printed from the first medium (camera, phone, tablet). In other words, for magical rituals only the first one will do original photo. Pictures downloaded from the Internet are not subject to this rule.

2. You can not give a photograph to a loved one. This sign is very easy to explain - a photograph, which depicts one person, conveys the energy of loneliness. So when such a photo gets to your partner, he begins to subconsciously treat you as a person who does not need anyone.

In addition, it is now fashionable to give the most successful, edited and even artistic photographs. On them, a person looks much more attractive than in life. In practice, you can lose to your own double. Therefore, if you want your loved one to have your photo, esotericists recommend taking a picture together. It will unite you: in such a photo you feel the energy of love, which distracts from the shortcomings of appearance.

3. Do not cut, tear or burn photos. Any photograph is inseparably linked with the person depicted in it. Therefore, when you tear or burn your pictures, you personally destroy your life, attract troubles, troubles, illnesses. You violate the integrity of your energy field, becoming an easy target for ill-wishers, offenders, enemies.

4. You can not put your photograph in the coffin of the deceased. This superstition originates from the rituals practiced by black magicians. Esotericists believe that the deceased person, in whose coffin your photograph was placed, can really take you to the next world.

Of course, in order for the sign to come true, you need to read the plot above the photo. But it's not worth the risk. Photos are closely related to human energy, therefore, having buried your picture with the deceased, you yourself may soon find yourself underground.

5. You can not keep in sight photographs of the dead. Honoring the memory of deceased loved ones is right, but you should not keep their photos in the same album with those who are alive, and even more so post such photos in a conspicuous place. The fact is that photographs of the deceased store and transmit the energy of death, which negatively affects living people. In those houses in which photos of the deceased are prominently displayed, quarrels, illnesses and other troubles most often occur. In such a place, the energy of sorrow settles, which does not allow positive flows to dominate over negative ones.

6. You can not photograph places with negative energy. Moreover, you can’t take pictures of yourself and any other people in these places. Together with you, traces of the energy that is inherent in a terrible place can remain in the photo. As a rule, by taking a picture, you let some of this negativity into your life. Dark places are not the best choice for a snapshot.

7. You can not publish and give photos of the baby. The biofield of young children in the first months of birth is very vulnerable, so babies are much more susceptible to negativity. They are easier to jinx, even without bad intentions. Esotericists do not recommend giving photos of babies even to close relatives. For the same reason, you should not publish photos of children on the Internet. Someone else's envy, negativity and anger can harm the health of the child. He can become moody and weak.

8. You can not be photographed before the wedding. There is also such a sign that two lovers who were photographed before the wedding celebration will soon part. Of course, people themselves are more often to blame for quarrels and breaks than photographs. If your love is real, you have nothing to worry about: joint pictures will only strengthen your union, enhancing the energy of love.

9. You can not photograph unbaptized children. It is believed that unbaptized children are deprived of divine protection, so photographs can harm them: take away their vitality, make them weak, spineless, provoke a bad fate.

10. You can not be photographed during pregnancy. There is a belief that a woman who is photographed during pregnancy is sure to face misfortune associated with her unborn child. These actions can cause miscarriage, mental and physical health baby. However, there is a serious refutation of this sign - many foreign stars not only openly declared their pregnancy, but also photographed naked, focusing precisely on their interesting position. And each of them had a healthy baby.

11. You can not be photographed together. There is a belief that the one who is captured in the picture in the middle will suddenly die. This superstition does not stand up to scrutiny, and there is no reliable justification for it.

12. You can not take pictures before a long trip. Superstitious people believe that, having taken a picture "on the track", you can no longer return home. This is another controversial sign. Suffice it to recall the astronauts, famous travelers, sailors and discoverers who are photographed before departure and return safely.

As you can see, many superstitions are so contradictory that they do not stand up to scrutiny and come true only in exceptional cases. Esotericists do not forbid taking pictures, they forbid looking for negative where it does not exist and cannot exist. The main thing is not to give your photos to strangers and take pictures of yourself only in positive and joyful moments of your life. Such photos will fill your destiny with the energy of light, love and happiness. be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

Someone asks the question - is it possible to give photos? Not possible, but necessary.

Photos are the same pictures, only even more alive, radiating flows of energy and sensations that people experience there - inside - at that time and in that place.

In addition, framed photographs, like paintings, can create a unique interior design that everyone will envy.

If you have any doubts about whether you can give a photo in a frame, you should ask this question to Harry Potter fans. They know very well how the light of life breaks through the thickness of time, filling us with pure joy - through the frame-portals.

Play of materials and styles

Here it is important to decide - to whom to give a photo frame, in what style, how to beat the gift so that it brings sincere joy.

For "girls":

The design of a photo frame, if it is a gift for a girl, must necessarily take into account the romantic nature of a woman.

Here are quite appropriate:

For boys"

Do you give a photo frame to a guy? Of course, and it can be a cool gift if you think about the design. A small touch of brutality, deliberate rudeness, and the man will not think "why do I need this ...".

Here you can turn around to the fullest, especially if you choose a beautiful thing for your loved one:

For friends of all ages and genders

If, having wandered around the shops, you didn’t find anything cool, you can turn on your creativity and direct it to making the frame yourself.

After all, getting a frame for a photo as a gift, if it is chosen with a soul or made with your own hands, is “terribly” nice. The creative process brings a bunch of positive energy and emotions that, saturating the object of creativity, miraculously turn it into an amulet, home protection.

In general, it is easy, simple and fast. You can use everything that is at hand in the house or grows outside the window.

Original and fresh:

Sanded, varnished (painted) frames with frequent binding can be used for a large photograph. There is a feeling of a portal to another world, where wonderful people live and wishes come true. And photo frames with opening doors lead to a fabulous house where friends and loved ones live.

Do not believe if they say that giving a photo frame as a gift is a bad omen. It's just that these people still do not know anything about the secrets of portals and the magic of light energy.

People who believe in folk omens And various giving, are serious about choosing gifts for their friends, parents and soulmates. Of course, some beliefs justify themselves, but most are completely devoid of common sense. The editors of Woman's Day decided to tell you about those that have the right to exist. So, many have heard that some things are better not to give. But do you know what not to give?

1. Clock

Watches are at the top of the list. There is a belief among the people that if you give a watch to your beloved or beloved, then you will part as soon as they stop walking. In China, they don’t like to give watches either, according to the sign, such a present means that you were invited to a funeral.

2. Pearl

From jewelry do not give pearls - it is believed that this is a stone of tears, brings misfortune. Only a young virgin girl can wear pearl jewelry. Pearls are looking for a mate, so it is better to wear two items with pearls at once, for example, a ring and beads. Otherwise, there will be misfortune in love.

3. Sharp objects

It would seem that a set of expensive knives great gift for a man. However, there is a sign that says that a donated knife brings misfortune, quarrels and trouble to the life of its owner. If, nevertheless, the gift has already been given, then it is necessary to give something in return, for example, a coin.

In addition, they say that the edge of a knife can attract evil spirit, and then the relationship between the recipient and the giver will be broken. For the same reason, it is worth refusing to buy cutlery, for example, forks, as a present.

4. Photography

It is believed that if you give a photo to a loved one, then the relationship will not last long or the couple will be overtaken by a long separation. If you present one of the lovers with a photograph depicting a couple together, then the relationship will either not progress further, or even stop. Also, in no case should you give a framed photograph, as it is associated with a tombstone.

Experts say that a photograph contains a huge energy of the giver, so it can affect the recipient not only from the good side, but also from the negative side. However, all these signs can be bypassed if you really want to present your portrait to your loved one as a keepsake.

You just need to sign your picture on the back. It is known that if you sign a photo from the heart, then the sign ceases to be valid.

5. Mirror

Mirrors are credited with many mystical properties, including it is believed that they are guides to the afterlife. They also say that mirrors lead to rapid aging, and if there is a mirror opposite, then it is very difficult to fall asleep.

Do not give mirrors to your relatives or friends, no matter how beautiful they are. This is a sign from the field of magic and esotericism. An invisible and, most importantly, now uncontrollable connection is established between the recipient and the giver of such a present.

How it will affect your relationship is hard to say. Mirrors are generally considered mystical objects, and not only specialists from the field of the unknown, but also scientists are still studying their properties.

Especially it is impossible to give and even buy antique mirrors for the house and, in general, those that already belonged to someone. Such a piece of furniture can bring misfortune to new owners.

6. Candles

Giving candles is a bad omen. But we often, not knowing what to give, especially on New Year, limited to a set of decorative candles. It turns out that such a present for the funeral.

7. Animals

If you gave the desired animal, and it died, it is believed that the deceased animal takes part of the soul of its owner. If you were given a kitten, puppy or guinea pig, then you must definitely give a symbolic amount for it, otherwise the animal will die or run away.

8. Slippers

There are several "bad" versions of this ban. Here are some of them.

It is believed that slippers are an offer to go to the next world. Belief came to people from Asian countries where dead people are buried in new shoes, most often slippers.

If you give such a gift close person, then you will definitely have a conflict that will cause separation. This applies to both lovers and friends.

9. Wallet

Folk signs warn that a person who receives such a gift may have significant problems with money.

There is a special rule on how to give a wallet. Most importantly, you cannot give an empty wallet or other items whose function is to store something. It is necessary to put money in them in order to make a profit. And the larger the bill, the better.

10. Socks

There is a sign that you can not give socks to your beloved man. Wearing a gift pair, the husband can leave home forever. And smart daughters-in-law, who believe that their spouses are sitting under their mother's skirt, using this belief, hint to their mothers-in-law to present such a woolen product to their sons.

Many different signs and superstitions are associated with photographs, and many of them came from other countries and are firmly rooted in our minds. So, for example, some peoples around the world still generally believe that the one who takes pictures takes away the soul. That is why in these states and in remote Russian regions it is forbidden to film the local population without the special permission of each individual person.

And only if some kind of illuminated areas and other damage to the image appear on several images belonging to different time periods, it is worth going to the clinic and undergoing a full examination.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the location of the stripes and spots - if they are located on the person himself, that is, on his face, neck, arms, legs or torso, then the problem is really in a state of health. If the image around the captured person is damaged, then the threat to well-being comes from the external environment.

Blurred photo, where a person is depicted next to someone who is no longer alive.

A negative sign is deservedly considered a situation when the clarity suddenly changes or the photograph fades, in which someone is captured next to an already deceased person. This suggests that some kind of danger threatens the living, and that he needs to be more careful.

However, several points should be taken into account here. Firstly, if such a photograph is placed where direct sunlight often falls, then it simply burns out, respectively, becomes cloudy or brightens. Secondly, Polaroid (snapshot) shots do the same thing over time without outside help, without sun exposure. And, thirdly, only the option when the effect of illumination or turbidity is observed exclusively on the image of a living person can be considered a bad omen, and the image of someone who has already died remains untouched.

This sign has a good reason - through a photograph, a person can be harmed, sent damage, illness, trouble. Often, photos are used for love spells and for other magical rituals, and a picture buried in a cemetery with the appropriate curses can generally cause an early death.

However, this all applies to photographs that are printed from a real negative or from the first medium (from a digital camera, from a phone, from a tablet), and this sign does not apply to photos downloaded from the Internet and copied from social networks.

You can not give a photo to a loved one and ask for his photo.

This sign is also easily explained - a photograph in which a person is depicted alone carries the energy of loneliness. Therefore, if such a picture gets to someone whom you want to see next to you as a life partner, he begins to subconsciously perceive you as a person who does not need anyone.

Moreover, in our time it is customary to give the most successful, and sometimes edited photographs and even artistic photographic portraits, in which a person is much more attractive than in real life. That is, as a result, you can lose to your own double (display), if the comparison is not in your favor.

But if you still want to have a captured image of a loved one before your eyes, and he has yours, then it is better to take a picture together. This unites and makes lovers think more often that they are a couple, and the energy of love, clearly felt in the photograph, distracts from the shortcomings of the face or figure.

You can not tear and burn your photos.

Photographs are in some mystical way closely connected with the people they depict. That is why it is believed that if you burn or tear your photos, then you disrupt the smooth flow of your life and attract illness and other troubles to yourself. That is, you destroy the integrity of the energy field of the photograph, and this is immediately reflected in your real existence. So it's better not to risk and not destroy even those pictures that you do not like. By the way, this also applies to photographs of other people.

You can not put your photo in the coffin of a deceased person.

This sign was born from information about some of the rites practiced by black magicians, and in fact it also has real grounds. Many rightly believe that the one who “goes to the next world” with the deceased will indeed very soon unite with him.

Not to mention that, perhaps, in almost every family album there is such a photo: mom, dad and baby in the middle. And what, each child went to another world? Naturally, no.

If the photo turned out to be blurry, then the person will soon get sick.

This superstition is especially ridiculed by those who have taken pictures on their own at least once. Image clarity is affected great amount factors - from the skill of the photographer and lighting to shaking hands for some reason. Even professional "paparazzi" who use expensive cameras periodically get blurry pictures. So the blurry photo has nothing to do with future diseases.

If you take a picture of a pet, it will soon die.

If this "sign" worked, then for a long time there would be practically not a single tame animal left on earth, only wild animals and the lucky ones, who, by misunderstanding, did not fall into the lens of their owner's camera, would survive. After all, all people who love their pets not only take pictures of them regularly, but also post their photos in in social networks and sent to magazines for various competitions.

If you take a picture before a long journey, you will not come back.

Another superstition. Remember how many pictures depicting famous travelers, sailors, astronauts, politicians getting on their way, end up in newspapers and on the Internet. And how many of them get in trouble with a fatal outcome? Statistics confidently refutes this "folk sign".

As you can see, many signs have so many assumptions that they come true only in extreme cases, and superstitions do not hold water at all. So take pictures for health and do not look for negativity where there is none. The main thing is not to scatter your own and children's photos, as well as carefully choose places for shooting, and then the photos will bring you exceptional joy.

We live in an age of many amazing discoveries and technologies. It would seem that society should be rebuilt a long time ago in a modern way, and, nevertheless, many people are influenced by old signs and beliefs. They are concerned with the question of Isn't it dangerous to give photos. And girls are very interested in whether it is possible to give photos to a loved one, will this lead to a deterioration in relations? Let's try to figure out why it is considered that giving photos is a bad omen.

So, there is still a belief that the gift of a photograph leads to:

  • to a long separation or even parting between friends
  • termination of the development of relations or their completion between lovers

It is also believed that one should not give a framed photograph because of bad associations.

Naturally, such examples are relics of the past, and good photographs are a wonderful gift in all its forms. To believe in such signs or not to believe is a personal matter for everyone. But what about those who still have doubts, but would like to donate photos?

It is believed that a photograph, where a lover or beloved is depicted alone, carries the energy of loneliness. Therefore, if you are in doubt, but want to exchange photos, let it be a photo where both of you are depicted. Such pictures are positive energy, it is always a pleasure to look at such a picture and it will not cause dreary associations.

So, effective method neutralize the negative effect of superstition- sign the photo on the back. This method will allow you to give a photo without any prejudice and leave your wishes and kind words.

Gifts with a photo that are not subject to omens

In general, such prejudices apply only to traditional printed images. But giving photos alone is not very interesting when there are many ways to give a person photos without printing them on paper.

Today, there are the following options to donate photos in a slightly different way:

  • In the photo studio you can order a photo on a T-shirt, phone case, mug, etc.
  • Photos on a pillow or blanket
  • Clock with photo frames
  • Interesting photo frames
  • Photo albums

Even if you believe in omens, they definitely do not apply to such gifts. So you definitely don't have to worry.

If you still want to donate printed photos, you can always make it interesting. You can make a photo collage, where there will be not only your photos, but also some memorable dates, places you have visited, maybe even glued tickets, as well as your wishes.

It can also be scrapbooking, that is, a do-it-yourself album. You can draw up the history of your acquaintance, an interesting trip, or just a kind of chronicle of your relationship. Flipping through such an album is very interesting, especially if you add funny stories that happened to you, or it can be certain quotes and words that only the two of you understand.

It is always a pleasure to receive such a gift, because it means that you have spent a lot of time and effort on its creation, and most importantly, that you have invested part of your soul. Such gifts are kept with special trepidation and always evoke pleasant memories.

Thus, a photograph, be it in an album, in a frame, or maybe just printed with high quality and accompanied by kind words - good gift. We advise you to refuse any warnings regarding pictures. Do not be afraid to accept photos as a gift and give them yourself.
