How to know when I'm getting married palmistry. Palmistry - the line of marriage will tell you about the date of the wedding and other details of the future

The hand is a reliable source of information, along the lines and bends of which one can determine almost everything about a person’s personal life: about marriage, its duration, the number of possible marriages, success in life, divorces and the number of children.

The science of determining information by hand is called. Also, this fortune-telling will help determine whether the marriage will end in divorce, which of the spouses will outlive the other, and whether the woman will remain a widow.

How to determine the line in the palm of your hand?

The marriage line is also called the attachment line.. You can find it on a tubercle called Mercury, located directly under the little finger. The marriage line originates on the side of the palm, this can be seen in the picture.

This line can symbolize the number of both registered marriages and civil or really serious, long-term relationships. In such cases, the line is clearly visible and runs deep into the palm. It is not an indicator of the number of fleeting hobbies and sudden novels. But there are exceptions.

If the bonds of marriage are not destined for a person, but only not a long-term relationship, then the marriage line may be fuzzy and have many branches. And for those who treat marriage as a burdensome everyday life, such a mark on the palm of their hand is most often absent.

How to decipher information along the line of attachment?

If, starting from the edge of the palm, and on the mount of Mercury, the line is drawn quite deeply, and towards its end it branches a little, this means that the bonds of marriage will become weaker and the relationship will become less strong. If all along the way the line has clear boundaries and does not have branches, which means the marriage will be successful and happy.

To find out if marriage is a destiny, you need to place both palms in such a way that the line of the heart, which on both hands is located immediately below the line of marriage, coincides in one long, straight line. In this case, it is believed that the second half was sent to you by God.

But there are additional symbols, together with which they consider the line of marriage and by which it is possible to determine the destined future:

On the above line, you can also determine the number of children that is destined by fate. It is determined by the vertical processes from the marriage line. How many transverse process lines are in the palm of your hand - so many children will a person have. If the transverse lines are drawn weakly and have islands, most likely, children will grow up weak and painful.

Divorce and betrayal

A narrow, short line formed parallel to the attachment line is sign possible betrayal by the second spouse. Also a sign of treason is a line wrapping around the marriage line, like a snake.

Also, a divorce line may appear in the palm of your hand. Such a mark most often appears during a period of difficult marital relations. It is located under thumb- starts at its base and seems to fall down towards the wrist. If she appeared, divorce cannot be avoided.

There are islands or branches on the line - the husband and wife will quarrel a lot, and will not communicate after the divorce. A sign of divorce is the intersection of the marriage line with a perpendicular line, as a result of which a cross is formed. This means that the relationship is doomed, but the spouses are not to blame for this, since in this case outside forces are involved.

A girl can find out when she can get married with the help of numerology, astrology, folk divination and dreams. After all, with the approaching celebration, secret signs and symbols will necessarily appear that you need to be able to decipher. However, it must be understood that with a strong desire to become a bride, a girl can see various symbols in everything, which in fact do not have any magical overtones.

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    Even in ancient times, it was noticed that the date of birth has a great influence on the fate of a person. With the help of figures and numbers, you can predict the most favorable years for marriage.

    There is a fairly simple technique, founded by the scientist M. Katakkaru, which allows you to calculate the date of marriage. To do this, you need to add the numbers of the birthday to a single digit. So, if a person was born on November 11, 1985, then the following arithmetic operations should be performed: 1+1+1+1+1+9+8+5= 27=2+7=9.

    • 2019=3.
    • 2020=4.
    • 2021=5.
    • 2022=6.
    • 2023=7.

    After these steps, the decoding of the result can be seen in the table:

    If the number 8 came out by date of birth, then the most suitable years for marriage are 2017, 2018, 2022 and 2024. Numerology is able to warn of possible difficulties that may arise in building relationships. If the date of birth contains numbers such as 3,6,8,9, then the wedding may be postponed for a long time and not take place at all. People with numbers 2,4,6 easily attract partners and marry early.

    There is another way to determine the date of marriage by first and last name. For this you need:

    1. 1. Count the number of letters in the first and last name (Petrova Anna = 11 = 1+1=2).
    2. 2. Add up the numbers of the year, month and day of the test (13.06.2018 =1+3+6+2+1+8=21=2+1=3).
    3. 3. Add the numbers obtained in the first and second calculations: = 2+3=5.

    The ideal number of the year for Anna Petrova is 5. Fortune telling is recommended at the beginning and end of the year, but no more than 3 times in 12 months.


    There are a large number of simple ones that every girl can do.

    By hand

    With the help of fortune-telling by hand, you can determine the likelihood of marriage in the near future and the number of unions. It is necessary to pay attention to a special line of marriage, or marriage, which is located on the hill of Mercury under the little finger. She is a small horizontal line extending from the edge of the palm.

    marriage line

    If the marriage line is located close to the heart line, then this indicates early marriage at the age of 18-24 years, in the middle - 25-28 years, at the top - from 29 years. There may be more than one marriage line on the hand, this indicates that the marriage can be concluded a second time. Depending on their location, you can determine the approximate years of creating a serious relationship.

    Accurate and long lines indicate a strong and lasting relationship. If there is a fork at the end of the line, the marriage will not last long, and the divorce will be accompanied by scandals and conflicts. A marriage line that looks sharply up indicates a lack of marriage in a person’s life or a union that will only bring bitterness and problems.

    Several lines of marriage

    Other divination

    The most common divination items are:

    1. 1. Candles and water. It is recommended to conduct this fortune-telling with friends at Christmas time. Each girl needs to take half a walnut shell and put a candle in it with her name written on it, and then place the resulting "boat" in a bowl of water. The girl whose candle burns first will get married sooner. The one whose "boat" sinks runs the risk of remaining an old maid.
    2. 2. Salt. Before going to bed, you need to eat a pinch of salt and say: "Narrowed, mummers, drink." In a dream, a man should appear who will later become a husband.
    3. 3. 3 threads and 3 needles. You need to take a red, white and black thread, thread them through the needle, and then fasten the dress or T-shirt on the back. It is necessary to carefully randomly get one of the threads from the back. If a girl pulled out a red thread, she will get married this year, a white one - in the next 3 years, a black one - there will be no wedding for 5 years.
    4. 4. Towel. At night, you need to hang a white towel outside the window and pinch it with a window with the words “Betrothed, come to me! ". If it is wet in the morning, this portends an imminent marriage.

    You can find out if the time has come for marriage with the help of. Have to take wedding ring and hang it on your hair so that its ends are clamped. The ring is held over a glass filled 2/3 with running water, after which it is immersed in water for a few seconds, raised and a question is asked. If the pendulum moves left and right, the answer is negative, in a circle - positive.


    You can recognize imminent marriage from dreams. So, most often the symbols of marriage in all dreams are animals. If a girl dreams of a lone wolf, then soon she will meet her future groom, and a wolf pack indicates a close wedding celebration. A dog has a similar interpretation, especially if it is red.

    Dreams with the following animals and birds can portend marriage:

    • horse;
    • pig (sow);
    • cow;
    • goat;
    • stork, dove and swan.

    In some dream books, the prediction of marriage is a fish, which usually dreams of pregnancy. If the girl is unmarried, then replenishment in the family may mean the appearance of not a child, but a groom.

    Other harbingers of marriage include plants:

    • carrots and tomatoes;
    • strawberries and strawberries;
    • nettle;
    • oak, apple and plum.

    A dream in which garlic appears or a garden bed with it can speak of a marriage of convenience. A bouquet of flowers in the dreams of men indicates a readiness for a decisive relationship and a desire to start a family. Haymaking, cleaning and reinstallation, funerals indicate an imminent marriage.

    Folk omens

    If a girl is soon to become a bride, secret signs foreshadowing a wedding will be present in her life. But they lose their relevance when it has desire become a wife and searches around herself folk omens. Thanks to the signs, it will not be possible to bring the wedding date closer, but you can predict what awaits in the near future.

    The most common signs indicating imminent marriage include the following phenomena:

    1. 1. A bouquet of flowers accidentally found on the street.
    2. 2. Needle wounded ring finger on New Year's Eve.
    3. 3. Place at the celebration between 2 brothers or sisters.
    4. 4. Caught the bride's bouquet at the wedding.

    Being doused with champagne or wine at a wedding is also for marriage.

    Since ancient times, in order to ensure a speedy marriage, girls have hemmed the hem of their girlfriends' wedding dresses. This ritual will certainly work if the bride is a blood relative. If there are no sewing skills, the bride's shoes are wiped before the wedding.

    Single girls should dance with the groom. It will be especially lucky if the man himself invites you to a slow dance. If it was not possible to fulfill the indicated, it is necessary to choose partners for dancing from those who sit as far as possible.

    Girls who want to get married faster, every time they start cleaning, they should sweep the trash from the door to the window or table. Shoes must be placed in a special way- the toes of the shoes should look in the same direction, and the sides should touch.

    Superstitions also point to actions that can delay a happy moment and bring discord into a relationship. The following should be avoided:

    1. 1. You never need to give anything and pass it through the threshold (especially food), as this attracts the fate of an old maid.
    2. 2. You must be as careful as possible while restoring order. Constantly wet floors while washing dishes or cleaning the room can contribute to future husband will abuse alcohol.
    3. 3. Do not sweep dust or crumbs from any surface with your hand; you can attract an ugly spouse to you.
    4. 4. Unmarried girls are not recommended to do their hair in the presence of other people, as this can cause energy imbalance.
    5. 5. Do not wear any rings on the ring finger, except for a wedding or engagement ring.
    6. 6. Single girls should not wear other people's wedding dresses, veils or rings.
    7. 7. Do not sit on window sills, the table and opposite the corner of the table.
    8. 8. Do not keep a lot of violets or cacti indoors.
    9. 9. There should not be statuettes or pictures of single women in the house.


    In many ways, the age of marriage is influenced by the sign of the zodiac. So, some signs tend to early marriages, and some are in no hurry to start a relationship.

    The terms of marriage according to the zodiac horoscope are presented in the table:

    Zodiac sign

    Ideal age for marriage

    Suitable zodiac signs for marriage

    Libra, Leo, Aries, Aquarius

    Capricorn, Pisces, Libra


    Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio, Cancer

    Taurus, Cancer, Gemini

    Sagittarius, Libra, Aries

    Capricorn, Pisces

    29–32 years old

    Aries, Pisces, Taurus


    Pisces, Gemini, Cancer

    Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio

    Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn,


    Taurus, Gemini, Aries

    Libra, Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces

    If a girl and a guy are not suitable for each other, the time for marriage is delayed, and the most ridiculous situations will interfere with lovers, who may even leave in the future.

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    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

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Happiness for a true woman is the hearth and family ties. Lack of personal life often causes prolonged depression and other negative consequences. The question of whether how to know when you're getting married are asked by millions of women. Some go to professionals for an answer, but if you wish, you can perform special rituals at home.

How do I know when I will get married

The desire to marry a woman arises depending on the degree of her maturation at the psychological level.

Psychologists are sure that based on the analysis of a particular person and her relationship with men, one can find out the date of marriage.

But not only psychological methods help to solve this issue, but also the oldest methods of prediction that have come down to the present.

Some believe that for a more accurate analysis, one can compare the facts obtained as a result of fortune-telling and psychological research. Indeed, these industries can largely complement each other, helping to more accurately determine the date of a woman's marriage.

By date of birth

Most in a simple way calculation of the date of marriage is considered a self-calculation.

85% of predictions come true

In the date of birth, according to numerologists, all information about a person is stored.

It can be decrypted by simple operations. You need to add all the numbers of the date of birth. Then bring the resulting number to a single digit by adding.

Consider the calculation procedure for specific example. Let's say a woman was born on 11/14/1992 = 1+4+1+1+1+9+9+2 = 28 = 2+8 = 10 = 1+0 = 1. The result is the number one.

How to determine what year this figure corresponds to? In the same simple way of addition. The sum of the numbers of the year is also equal to a prime number. For example, 2+2+2+0=6.

Based on the presented calculation, the value of the next years will look like this:

  • 2018 – 2;
  • 2019 – 3;
  • 2020 – 4;
  • 2021 – 5;
  • 2022 – 6;
  • 2023 – 7;
  • 2024 – 8;
  • 2025 – 9;
  • 2026 – 1.

The wedding month is calculated in the same way. It is believed that it will be the ninth after the woman's birth month. For example, if she was born in May, then she will get married in February of the year following fortune-telling.

Watch the video. When I get married? Divination.

By name

The first and last names also store a lot of information about a person. With their help, you can even calculate the date of the wedding.

For example, the girl's name is Daria Makushkina. The number of letters in the name and surname is counted, it turns out 14. Then the number is reduced to a single result: 1 + 4 = 5.

After that, the numbers of the day, month and year are added up when fortune-telling was carried out. For example, 06/13/2018=1+3+0+6+2+0+1+8=21. The value is also brought to one number. 2+1=3.

Then the number of the name and date of divination are added up: 5 + 3 = 8. Thus, 8 is the ideal month for the marriage of a woman with this combination of first and last name.

It is better to determine the wedding day at the beginning or end of the year.

According to the natal chart

A science such as astrology can also help you find out the date of marriage.

With the correct calculation of the natal chart, you can find out not only the date of marriage, but also the beginning of a relationship with a future spouse.

If there is no experience, it is better to contact a professional or use modern online methods.

When calculating this kind, a large number of nuances are taken into account. Particular attention is paid to the significator of marriage.

For example, in women born in the afternoon or in the morning - this is the Sun, evening persons are under the auspices of Mars. For men born during the day - Venus, for nocturnal persons - the Moon.

The age of marriage is calculated depending on the degree in which the significator was from this or that house.

By hand

The marriage line can be found between the heart line and the base of the little finger. It is always located in the horizontal direction.

According to palmists, the date of the wedding can be calculated from such a line.

Calculating the age of marriage is quite simple. First you need to measure the distance between the lower mark of the heart line and the upper mark at the base of the little finger. This interval is equal to 75 years of the life of an average person.

Then this section is divided into three equal segments by years: 0-25 years, 25-50 years, 50-75 years.

The symbols located in the first gap indicate unconscious love, the passion of youth.

The second gap shows serious relationship with the option to continue.

The third interval speaks of the arrangement of personal life in adulthood or even old age.

When calculating, it is important to consider that the total distance is about two centimeters. In this way, you can calculate that three years of life is equal to one millimeter. The data are corrected based on the structural features of the palm. Professionals also consider psychological age person.

Watch the video. Fortune telling about marriage with a golden ring.


Every girl wants to know when she is destined to find her betrothed and marry.

Thanks to a variety of fortune-telling, you can find out the future of the relationship, as well as the approximate date of the wedding.

On the maps

First you need to shuffle the deck of 36 cards well, then carefully remove the top with your right little finger and put it under the bottom of the deck.

Then the number of cards between the hidden lady and the king of the same suit is counted. This number will become the main indicator of the date of marriage. It could be a year or a month.

With ring

Grandmothers guessed the most different ways. The method associated with the ring has reached the present.

For divination, you will need your long hair and a wedding ring.

This method is simple, but proven over the years.

Hair must be passed through the ring. Then the ring is lowered into a glass of water.

If, after contact with the liquid, the ring pumps up, the wedding will be soon. It remains motionless - it means that the expectations are in vain.


Another way to find out your future is fortune-telling by candlelight.

For divination, you will need two small church candles and a mirror. The mirror is placed on the table, and candles are placed next to it.

Then you need to guess which of the candles represents a woman, which one represents a man. After that, you need to light them and watch the flame.

An evenly burning flame on both candles is a fast wedding.

If only the candle of a woman melts, then only she dreams of marriage. If the candle is a man, he will soon make an offer.

By the mirror

For fortune-telling for marriage, you need to prepare the largest mirror available in the house. It is necessary to wipe it well from dust.

You will also need a red cloth, which then will need to cover the mirror.

To perform the ritual, turn off the lights and close the doors. Make sure no light enters the room.

Without disturbing the darkness, write down the date of your birth on a piece of paper. Put the paper in front of the mirror.

Close your eyes and remove the material from the mirror. Then ask: "Tell me, reflection, when will I get married?"

After that, you need to turn away for five seconds. If you look in the mirror, you can see subtle numbers that will be the date of the wedding.

Based on the book

For this ritual, you will need a favorite book. If it is not available, you can buy or borrow.

The book should be flipped through until you realize that it's time to stop.

Then you need to close your eyes and run your finger along the page until the thought also comes that you need to finish the process.

On the line where the finger stopped, and there will be an answer to the question posed. It remains only to decrypt it.

By cherry

For divination, you need to buy cherries. The ripeness of the cherries is not important. Then you should eat them, and put the bones aside.

Count the number of bones left. Counting, you need to pronounce the following words: “In the near future, next month, this year, in a year, in two, never.”

The last bone will answer the question about the date of marriage.

Every girl at some point in her life has a desire to get married. they say that you can determine whether this most important event in a woman’s life will happen if you find out what she thinks about men and how she imagines We will not get carried away psychological methods and techniques, and with the help of tests, fortune-telling and other methods, we will try to answer the cherished question of all girls: "How do I know when I will get married?" Practical Tips, given here, will be of interest to all unmarried beauties interested in an early marriage.


Let's start from the very simple method. This test will help determine how deep the girl's feelings are and whether she is ready to become a wife. Each question can be answered either “yes” (2 points), “not sure” (1 point), or “no” (0 points).

1. Do you rejoice at the thought that you will spend your whole life with your chosen one?

2. Can you forgive him for cheating?

3. Do you consider it right to consult with him when choosing your clothes?

4. Will the prospect of spending the evening with his parents please you?

5. Can you forgive your loved one if he promised to call you and didn't?

6. If you have offended him, will you be the first to approach him and ask for his forgiveness?

7. Do you refuse a date with your ex-boyfriend if he invites you?

8. Do you consider your chosen one the best of all your men?

9. Is your partner close to you in terms of attitude?

10. Are you ready to change something in yourself to stay with him?

11. Does the chosen one occupy one of the main places in your life?

12. Do you often try to please your loved one?

The “When I get married” test has been passed, and now we are counting the points scored.

Less than 6 - you will not marry your chosen one, you do not need to deceive yourself and him.

From 7 to 18 - you are definitely in love, but your chances of getting married with this person are 50/50, this event is unlikely to happen soon.

More than 19 - your feelings are deep, it may very well be that they will be crowned with a successful marriage, and this will happen in the near future.

Zodiac signs compatibility

There are people who are skeptical about horoscopes. But still, most people trust them. The girl who wonders, "How do I know when I'm getting married?" - must first find out which zodiac signs suit her in terms of family compatibility. "+" here means a successful marriage, and "-" - unsuccessful. Compatibility Horoscope:

Aries: "+" with Leo, Sagittarius, "-" with Virgo, Pisces.

Taurus: "+" with Virgo, Capricorn, "-" with Gemini, Aquarius.

Gemini: "+" with Libra, Aquarius, "-" with Taurus, Virgo, Pisces.

Cancer: "+" with Scorpio, Pisces, "-" with Aries, Aquarius.

Leo: "+" with Aries, Sagittarius, "-" with Taurus, Cancer, Pisces.

Virgo: "+" with Taurus, Capricorn, "-" with Aries, Gemini.

Libra: "+" with Gemini, Aquarius, "-" with Cancer, Virgo.

Scorpio: "+" with Cancer, Pisces, "-" with Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Sagittarius: "+" with Aries, Leo, "-" with Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

Capricorn: "+" with Taurus, Virgo, "-" with Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Aquarius: "+" with Gemini, with Libra, "-" with Taurus, with Cancer, with Scorpio, with Capricorn, with Pisces.

Pisces: "+" with Cancer, Scorpio, "-" with Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

What can numerology tell us?

Do you believe in fate? Do you think your life is ruled by numbers? Then the science of numerology will help you answer the cherished question. "When I get married?" - the girl thinks when on her horizon appears worthy man. And in order for the marriage to be happy, you need to guess with For this, you need to add up all the numbers of days, months and years of birth of the future newlyweds as follows. For example:

Date of birth of the bride: 11/09/1985 = 0+9+1+1+1+9+8+5=34=3+4=7.

Groom's date of birth: 02/26/1986 = 2+6+0+2+1+9+8+6=34=3+4=7.

Now let's sum them up: 7 + 7 = 14. It is this number that will be the ideal wedding date.

The girl had a question: on the cards she will give the correct answer

If you are sitting in the company of young people and girls, you can try to find out which of you will be the first to marry and get married. To do this, you need a new deck of cards that have not yet been played. A married woman must certainly mix and distribute them to all participants in fortune-telling. How to find out if you will get married in the near future using a card? The girl who got the king of hearts can rejoice. She will become the very first bride in the company. And soon a man will marry who has a lady of the same suit.

Hair through the ring

Now let's turn to the methods of our grandmothers. Thinking about the question: "When will I get married?" Fortune telling will help you find out the answer to it. To do this, you will need one long hair from your head and a wedding ring. The method is simple but proven. We just pass the hair through the ring. And then lower the jewel carefully into a glass of water. If the ring, touching the liquid, pumps, then there will be an imminent wedding, if not, there is no need to build vain hopes.

Divination by candlelight

Another one of these tricks that can help a girl who asks: "When will I get married?" - This will require a mirror and two candles (preferably small, church ones). Put a mirror on the table. In front of him are two candles in plates. One on the right, the other on the left. Guess which of the candles will be you, and which one will be your chosen one. Now set them on fire. If the flame burns evenly on both candles, this is the main sign of an imminent wedding. If "you" melt faster, then the dreams of marriage are only on your part. The candle of the “betrothed” burned out faster - expect a quick marriage proposal from him.

Folk omens

Superstitious girls who ask themselves the question: "How do I know when I'm getting married?" - we can recommend to turn to the wisdom of our ancestors. They say that folk omens often come true. Here are some of them:

If you were poured with wine or champagne at someone else's wedding, then soon you yourself will become a bride. And the marriage will be very happy.

Tried someone else's wedding attire? There is a risk of never becoming a bride.

If you caught a bride's bouquet at a friend's wedding, then expect a marriage proposal from your chosen one.

Do you often sit on the windowsill or on the corner of the table during a meal? You risk being an old maid.

At someone else's wedding, try to dance with the groom. This is a happy omen. She guarantees a quick marriage.

A witness at someone else's wedding can be sure that soon she herself will go down the aisle.

What can you see in a dream?

It is believed that during dreams our soul travels in parallel worlds. They contain information about the past, present and future of each person. It just needs to be decoded correctly. But how do you know when you get married with the help of dreams? You just need to remember what you saw in night visions in Lately. If these were beautiful mountains, lakes, verdant fields, children, flowers, full glasses with something, the moon in the sky, silver, beautiful organ music was heard, then you can count on marriage within a year.

Giant birds, various animals, fish, the dazzling sun, magnified glass, paper are dreams of those girls who are not expecting an early wedding. But there is no need to be upset, this important event will happen within the next five years. But bells, storms, soldiers and gold, as a rule, are dreams of old maids. But still, do not be upset if you dreamed of something unpleasant. It's just a dream. And thoughts should be positive. Then positive changes in life will not keep you waiting.

Girls think: "How do I know when I'm getting married?" You can turn to astrology and divination. And the best thing is not to think, but to act. After all, somewhere there is a young man who dreams of finding someone like you.

Wedding date numerology is a type of divination that is very popular among the fair sex.

Practical ladies who do not want to remain in happy ignorance, using numbers, are trying to find out not so much whether I will get married, but how exactly when the desired celebration will take place.

Meanwhile, there are several ways in which you can calculate the date of marriage for free.

Kattakar method

The scientist and mystic Kattakar discovered the following pattern several decades ago: the date on which a wedding is scheduled depends on the birthday. The results of such calculations, however, do not claim to be absolute truth. But in half of the cases they are really justified.

So, in order to find out when it's time to go for wedding dress, you need to perform simple calculations:

  • Find out your birth number. To do this, add up all the numbers of the date of birth. Take, for example, 06/11/1984. Add up all the numbers 1+1+6+1+9+8+4 = 30. Then add again 3+0 = 3.
  • In the same way, we calculate the values ​​​​for the next years to find out which one will be lucky for you. For example, the number of 2019 is 3: 2+0+1+9 = 12; lead to a single value 1+2=3.
  • Now it is quite easy to find out when I will get married. It is enough to look at the table that Kattakar developed and compare the values ​​​​that you get.

The resulting year (according to the sum of all its constituent figures) is the most successful year for marriage. In the case of our example, these are years in which the numbers add up to 3, 6, 7 or 9. One of these years is 2019, which means that girls born on 06/11/1984 have every chance to wear a wedding dress in 2019.

It is believed that, having signed in the predestined year, the couple will be happy. However, often couples whose wedding took place in an unintended year live very happily. In such cases, folk wisdom says that they deceived fate.

Another way to calculate the date

  • For example, the girl's name is Ivanova Anna. We count the number of letters and get the number 11.
  • We bring the resulting result to a single-valued one: 1 + 1 \u003d 2.
  • We add up the numbers of the day, month and year when fortune-telling for marriage is carried out. For example, let's take 01/20/2015: 2+1+2+1+5 = 11. Once again, we bring the value to a single-valued result: 1+1 = 2.
  • We add the resulting numbers to each other: 2 + 2 \u003d 4. We get that 4 is the ideal number of the year for Anna Ivanova, who in such a simple way found out the answer to the question that tormented her: when will I get married.

It is believed that it is best to determine the wedding day at the beginning or end of the year, at this time there is a high probability of correct prediction of the future. By the way, numerology recommends such fortune telling no more than three times a year. Otherwise, the higher powers will get angry and in the future may intentionally show incorrect results.

The influence of some numbers on fate

Experts in wedding numerology are sure that the repetition of the same numbers in the date of birth of a person is by no means accidental and helps to predict his fate.

So, if the numbers 3, 6, 8 or 9 are repeated on the date when a person was born, then difficulties may arise when organizing a solemn event, for example, financial ones. Or one of the partners may be afraid of losing freedom, afraid of future obligations.

In order not to be dependent on unfavorable numbers, you should simply choose your partner more carefully. If you love freedom, this is no reason to categorically declare: I will not marry anyone. Look for a partner with a similar character so that after marriage, everyone has personal space.

There are opposite personalities. These are people who need a partner. Loneliness weighs them down. In the date of birth of such a person are present in in large numbers 2, 4 and 6.

Calculation for a couple

There are already established couples who, with the help of numbers, need to find out when it is better to arrange a wedding day. Numerologists assure: you can become spouses in May, contrary to folk wisdom.

  • We write down the date of the birth of the bride 12/22/1990, add the numbers of the date until a single value appears, as we did above: 2+2+1+2+1+9+9 = 26. Then 2+6 = 8.
  • We add up until a single value of the day, month and year when the groom was born appears. For example, for those born on 12/18/1989, we get the number 3.
  • Add the resulting values: 8+3 = 11. Then 1+1 = 2.

According to numerologists, happy marriage the wedding should be scheduled on the second day of any month.

And yet remember that the main recipe for happiness is in ourselves, and not in the totality of numbers. After all, there are no unfavorable days for a wedding, in fact. It is enough to believe: I will certainly marry a loved one. And everything will be done the best way. Author: Valentina Levadnaya
