Monthly child allowance. Monthly allowance for a child Chapter I

The section "Legislation in the field of motherhood and childhood" contains three main subsections:

social legislation

  • Federal Law of December 28, 2017 N 418-FZ "On monthly payments to families with children"
  • Federal Law No. 388-FZ of December 29, 2015 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding Accounting for and Improving the Provision of Social Support Measures Based on the Obligation to Comply with the Targeting Principle and Apply Need Criteria"
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 606 "On measures to implement the demographic policy of the Russian Federation"
  • Federal Law of April 24, 2008 N 48-FZ "On guardianship and guardianship"
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 9, 2007 N 1351 "On approval of the Concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025"
  • Federal Law of April 5, 2003 N 44-FZ "On the procedure for accounting for income and calculating the average per capita income of a family and the income of a single citizen for recognizing them as poor and providing them with state social assistance"
  • Federal Law of August 7, 2000 N 122-FZ "On the procedure for establishing the amount of scholarships and social payments in the Russian Federation"
  • Federal Law No. 82-FZ of June 19, 2000 "On the Minimum Wage"
  • Federal Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999 "On State Social Assistance"
  • Federal Law of December 21, 1996 N 159-FZ "On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without parental care"
  • Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 81-FZ "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children"
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 30, 1994 N 1110 "On the amount of compensation payments to certain categories of citizens"
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1992 N 431 "On measures for the social support of large families"

insurance legislation

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood"

Labor law

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Chapter 41

The "Social Legislation" subsection contains federal laws on child benefits, social payments and social support for childhood and motherhood, as well as Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on demographic policy.

In the subsection "Insurance legislation" one can find Federal laws in the field of compulsory pension, medical and social insurance and is of interest to insurers when receiving insurance payments for insured events, which, in particular, are maternity leave and parental leave until they reach one and a half years of age.

In the "Labor Legislation" subsection, you can contact the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to clarify the terms and duration of maternity leave for working women, the specifics of registering leave to care for a child under 1.5 years old, and other issues for employees with children.

Popular answers to questions about child benefits

In the amount of 60% of the average salary. Such a norm is established by clause 3 of part 1 of article 7 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood" ...

A monthly allowance for the care of a child up to 1.5 years of age to mothers who actually care for a child dismissed during parental leave due to the liquidation of the organization is paid by the authority social protection of the population at the place of residence in the amount previously paid at the place of work, that is, in the amount of 40% of average earnings ...

The President signed amendments to the Law on Child Benefits (Federal Law No. 305-FZ of August 2, 2019). Now parents will receive payments for children up to three years old inclusive, and not up to one and a half, as it is now. In addition, more families with low incomes will be able to receive benefits for the first and second child. Who, when and in what amount will receive benefits up to 3 years, read the article. You can also download a table with the new amounts of all child benefits.

Important! Russia has adopted a law on new allowances for children under three years of age. The new rules increase the limit that allows you to receive benefits for the first and second child, and extends the period of the payment itself from 1.5 to 3 years. Another change announced by Putin - an increase in the allowance for child care up to 3 years has not yet been adopted. But many people confused the two projects and decided that in 2019 it was the “offensive” child benefits that were increased.

What child benefits were increased in 2019

The adopted law on the payment of child benefits up to three years changes the rules according to which monthly benefits are paid for the first and second child (Federal Law No. 305-FZ of August 2, 2019). In Russia, they adopted a law on child benefits up to 3 years, but not the one that everyone massively replicated on the Internet. We are talking about benefits for the first and second child who were born after January 1, 2018 (Federal Law of December 28, 2017 No. 418-FZ).

Some media wrote that the State Duma adopted in the final reading a bill to increase child care benefits up to 3 years. But it is not so.

Currently, the allowance approved by Vladimir Putin is received by every family in which the average per capita income does not exceed one and a half times living wage able-bodied population in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation for the II quarter of the year preceding the application.

The allowance for the birth of the first child is paid by social security, for the second child - Pension Fund. Benefits for the first and second child in 2019 are paid until the child reaches 1.5 years. According to the law, they decided to increase this age to 3, hence the confusion arose.

Please note that families that have already received the right to maternity capital, but have not applied for a certificate, can submit documents for payment for a second child along with an application for maternity capital. To do this, issue two applications to the FIU or the MFC at once: for a certificate and a monthly payment. At the same time, you can issue SNILS to the child. What conditions allow you to apply for a payment >>>

At present, the amount of the allowance is the subsistence minimum for children, which is adopted in the corresponding region of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, indexation takes place annually - the minimum increases and with the new minimum there is an increase in the amount of benefits.

Why Russia adopted a law on new benefits for children under three years old in 2019

Vladimir Putin, in his message to the Federal Assembly, proposed paying monthly child allowances to families whose income is below two subsistence levels. The President pointed out that the birth of children should not mean a sharp drop in the level of well-being for families.

In addition, during a direct line on June 20, 2019, Putin promised that more families would receive benefits from 2020.

So legislators had to agree. The deputies also supported the amendments introducing payments for such families from 1.5 to 3 years for the first and second children in the amount of the subsistence minimum established in a particular subject of Russia. In 2019, on July 24, the State Duma adopted in the final reading a bill to increase benefits for 1 and 2 children. And the President signed the long-awaited law (Federal Law No. 305-FZ of August 2, 2019).

How and to whom will the new allowance be paid?

Who is eligible to receive benefits. Citizens of Russia permanently residing in the Russian Federation have a monthly allowance in connection with the birth of the first and second child.

First Child Benefit will be paid to a woman who has given birth or adopted her first child. If a woman has died or is deprived of parental rights, the father of the child will be able to receive the allowance.

The allowance for the second child will be received by a citizen who has a certificate for maternity capital (Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ).

Under what conditions will benefits be paid? To receive the allowance, parents will need to bring proof of income. The allowance is due to citizens if the average per capita income of the family does not exceed twice the subsistence level of the able-bodied population, established in the subject Russian Federation for the second quarter of the previous year.

Where and how often you need to apply for a new allowance in 2019-2020

Application for monthly payment for the first child apply directly to social security at the place of residence or through the MFC.

Second Child Benefit Application apply to the FIU at the place of residence or also through the MFC.

How often do you need to apply for benefits? To receive benefits, you will need to confirm income annually. Let's explain.

When you apply for benefits and verify your income, Social Security will give you a monthly allowance until your child is one year old. Next, you must submit a new application and proof of income if you want to receive benefits until the child is two years old. After that, you deal with the documents for the third time. And if everything is in order, then you receive benefits until the child is three years old.

Previously, you received benefits initially up to a year, then up to a year and a half of the child.

On June 20, on a direct line, Vladimir Putin spoke about the changes that will affect accountants. And officials promised other innovations. One of the scandalous changes was a promise to increase compensation for children between the ages of one and a half to three years.

How much will the new allowance be paid in 2020

The procedure for calculating the amount of benefits from 2020 will not change. The increase will be annual. The amount of the monthly allowance is still equal to the subsistence minimum for children, established in the subject of the Russian Federation for the 2nd quarter of the previous year (clause 2, article 4 of the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ). For example, in Moscow, the living wage for children for the second quarter of 2018 is set at 14,329 rubles, in the Moscow region - 12,057 rubles. The subsistence level for the second quarter of 2019 will be set by the regional authorities later, most likely in September 2019.

By the way, child benefits up to 3 years in 2019 are paid according to the same rules and the same amounts, if we talk about payment in one region, both for working and non-working

What other child benefits parents rely on

Recall what other benefits are paid for children. Child benefits in 2019: a table of payments up to 3 years, 1.5 years, maternity payments and others is given below. Please note that child benefits have increased in 2019. However, some benefits remained the same. For example, child benefits up to 3 years in 2019 for employees amount to 50 rubles. per month. The amount of child benefits up to 3 years in 2019 for the unemployed is set by the regional authorities. In many regions, benefits are paid only to people with low incomes.

See the table below for federal benefits for parents in 2019.

Table. All child benefits for children in 2019 with the amounts and conditions of payments

Type of allowance

Amount in 2019

Who gets

Rule of law

Lump sums

For registration in early pregnancy

Women who are registered with medical institutions before 12 weeks of pregnancy

Article 9 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ

maternity allowance

100% of the average earnings for 140 calendar days, but not more than 301,095.20 rubles. and not less than 51,919 rubles.

Women who work under an employment contract

Article 11 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006

In the amount of the scholarship

Women in full-time education

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n

In the amount of cash allowance

Women passing by military service by contract

Birth allowance

RUB 17,479.73

One parent or adoptive parent

Article 11 of Law No. 81-FZ

Allowance for the pregnant wife of a conscripted military serviceman

RUB 27,680.97

Wife of a military conscript who is at least 180 days pregnant

Article 12.3 of Law No. 81-FZ

Lump sum when transferring a child to a family

RUB 17,479.73

One of the adoptive parents, guardians (custodians), adoptive parents healthy child

Article 12.1 of Law No. 81-FZ

RUB 133,559.36

Adoptive parent of a child with a disability, a child over the age of seven, as well as children who are brothers and (or) sisters

Maternal capital

Article 3 of Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006

The ability to repay a mortgage loan at the expense of the state

In the amount of the loan debt, but not more than 450,000 rubles.

Mother or father of a child who is the third or subsequent child born between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2022

Federal Law No. 157-FZ dated July 3, 2019

Monthly allowances

Caring for a child up to one and a half years

40% of average earnings, but not more than 26,152.27 rubles. The minimum allowance for the first child is 4,512 rubles, for the second and subsequent - 6,554.89 rubles.

Parent or other relative of a child who has taken parental leave

Article 2 of Law No. 255-FZ

RUB 3277.45 - for the first child, 6554.89 rubles. - on the next

Non-working citizens

Article 13 of Law No. 81-FZ

Compensation for caring for a child up to 3 years

A parent or other relative of a child who uses parental leave up to three years of age

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.11.1994 No. 1206

The subsistence minimum for children, established in the region for the 2nd quarter of last year

The mother of the child, if the average per capita income of the family does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level*

Federal Law No. 418-FZ dated December 28, 2017

For a child of a soldier serving on conscription

RUB 11,863.27

Mother of a military child until the child is 3 years old

Article 12.5 of Law No. 81-FZ

* From 2020, benefits will be paid to a child up to three years old, if the average per capita family income does not exceed two times the subsistence minimum

Regional benefits are established by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For example, in many regions additional maternity capital has been introduced for the second or third child. Monthly allowances for children in the regions, as a rule, depend on the level of income of parents.

Child benefits are indexed on a regular basis to reduce the impact of inflation on young parents. Since January 1, 2019, a new allowance for the first and second child (the so-called presidential allowance) has been introduced. Since February, payments in a fixed amount have been increased. And soon there will be a completely new allowance for children under three years of age in the amount of 10,000 rubles. All the details are in the article.

Attention! By order of Putin, a new allowance for children under three years old is introduced - 10,000 rubles. Each region has its own size. The law was signed on August 2. Benefits for children under three years of age will be paid starting January 1, 2020.

Table of child benefits from July 1, 2019: changes and amounts of all payments

Recall that all benefits can be applied regional multipliers, this mainly concerns the employees of the insurers of the Far North.

Benefit Title



Monthly allowances for children

For registration in early pregnancy

It is paid on the basis of a certificate upon registration before the 12th week of pregnancy.

At the birth (adoption) of a child (establishment of guardianship, transfer to a foster family)

RUB 17,479.72

The amount of the benefit was established from February 1, 2019 and is valid until the next indexation in February 2020.

The maximum amount of maternity benefit

It is calculated as the product of the duration of maternity leave and the maximum possible average daily earnings - 2150.68 rubles. ((755,000 rubles + 815,000) / 730)

The value of the maximum average earnings is valid until December 31, 2019. In 2020, the income of a woman in labor for 2018 and 2019 is used to calculate the average daily earnings.

Minimum maternity benefit

It is calculated as the product of the duration of maternity leave and the minimum possible average daily earnings - 370.85 rubles. (11280×24)/730)

The formula for calculating the average daily earnings is the minimum wage at the beginning of the vacation x 24 / 730.

On pregnancy to wives of military military service

RUB 27,680.97

The amount of the benefit was established from February 1, 2019 and is valid until the next indexation in February 2020.

When adopting a disabled child, a child from 7 years old or several children who are sisters at the same time
or brothers (for each of the children)

RUB 133,559.35

The amount of the benefit was established from February 1, 2019 and is valid until the next indexation in February 2020.

Maternal capital

RUB 453,026.00

The value has been valid since 2018, indexation has been suspended for the period from January 1, 2018 to January 1, 2020 on the basis of the law of December 19, 2016 No. 444-FZ

Monthly allowances

The minimum allowance for the care of the first child up to 1.5 years

RUB 4,512.00 (11,280×40%)

The value is tied to the minimum wage at the time of calculating the benefit. Now, according to the law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ, the minimum wage is reviewed once a year. From January 1 to December 31, 2019, the amount is 11,280 rubles.

The minimum allowance for the care of a second (and further) child up to 1.5 years

The maximum amount of child care allowance up to 1.5 years (first, second and beyond)

Calculated as 40% of the product of the average length of the month (30.4) and the maximum possible average daily earnings -

RUB 26,152.33 ((755,000 + 815,000) / 730×30.4×40%)

The value of the maximum average earnings is valid until December 31, 2019. In 2020, income for 2018 and 2019 is used to calculate average daily earnings.

The subsistence minimum in the 2nd quarter of 2018 for children, established in a specific subject of the Russian Federation

P. 5 Art. 1 of the Law of December 28, 2017 No. 418-FZ

The same law describes the circle of persons entitled to such payment.

Benefits are received by families, provided that the average family income per person should not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level of the able-bodied population for the 2nd quarter of last year. That is, to receive benefits in 2019, the subsistence minimum for the 2nd quarter of 2018 in this region is taken (to determine the amount, use the table in our article).

Please note that the Duma is considering a law according to which they want to raise the right to receive benefits from 1.5 living wages to 2. It will be reviewed in the summer of 2019. And if accepted, the previous payments will be recalculated and paid in addition.

To receive benefits, the accounting department issues a special certificate to the employee. Employees receive a new allowance every month in the social security or PFR. But for this, employees will request a certificate of income for the last 12 months from the accounting department. Fill out a certificate in any form. Reflect in it accrued income, including amounts not subject to personal income tax: financial assistance, compensation, etc. For a sample income statement for the last 12 months, see the article in the Simplified magazine:

New allowance for children from one and a half to three years

The subsistence minimum in the 2nd quarter for children, established in a particular subject of the Russian Federation

see table

The law has already been submitted to the State Duma. Medvedev promised to approve it. Since the manual is new, in this article we wrote all the details about this manual.

We will only say that in order to determine the right to benefits, it is necessary that the income for each family member be no more than 2 living wages in the region. You can find out yours from the table.

Read below for details about the grant.

For a child of a military serviceman who is in military service on conscription

RUB 11,863.27

This value is set from February 1, 2019 and is valid until the next indexation in February 2020.

On the loss of a breadwinner
military child

RUB 2,386.00

This value is set from February 1, 2019 and is valid until the next indexation in February 2020.

For a child living in the Chernobyl zone from birth to 1.5 years

RUB 3,380.42

This value is set from February 1, 2019 and is valid until the next indexation in February 2020.

Caring for a child up to 3 years

The value is set by paragraph 11 of section II of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 No. 1206 and has not changed for many years.

Paid at the expense of the employer starting from the child's birthday up to three years

Regional child allowances

They are established by regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, they can be one-time, monthly and annual. Often, the right to receive regional benefits is tied to the level of property security of young parents. Assigned and paid by the social security authorities.

Note that you can read about all the above benefits in the articles of the Simplification magazine:

How to proceed to the calculation of benefits in the accounting program

As long as you work by the old rules. But from 2020, you need to switch to a new benefit calculation. In the BukhSoft program, experts have already begun consultations on the new law. And it will take you a few minutes to apply for parental leave. The BukhSoft program will automatically prepare all the samples for you required documents. Try it right now for free.

Take parental leave

Child Benefit News: Increase in payment to 3 years

The most "loud" news of June was the increase in the amount of child care allowance up to 3 years. Unfortunately, the headlines on the Internet promised a little more than the legislators planned.

What actually happened? On June 20, 2019, a bill was submitted to the State Duma for consideration. The law has already been passed.

This law amends the law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”. Namely, to supplement the list of child allowances with one more - a monthly allowance for child care with the application of need criteria. The payment is provided for children from 1.5 to 3 years.

Families with an average per capita income of no more than twice the subsistence level of the able-bodied population of their region received the right to this payment. And the amount of the allowance itself will be equated to the size of the children's subsistence minimum in the region for the 2nd quarter of the year preceding the year the allowance was granted. That is, to receive benefits, you need to take a living wage for the 2nd quarter. See it in the table.

The amount of the allowance is the subsistence minimum for a child, approximately its amount is 10,000 rubles. Each region has its own, check your region in the table below.

By the way, a payment of 50 rubles. at the expense of the employer's funds will not go anywhere - it is established by another legislative act and remains.

Other news about child benefits from July 2019: changes in calculations and payments

From May 1, 2019, some benefits must be transferred exclusively to the MIR card. The reason for this was Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2019 No. 419 “On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2018 No. 1466”. In particular, the document touched upon such child benefits:

  • on pregnancy and childbirth;
  • for registration in medical organizations in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • at the birth of a child;
  • for child care.

There is a caveat - if you are already paying child care allowance, you can continue to transfer money according to the old rules. But the last transfer to a card that does not belong to the MIR payment system can be made no later than July 1, 2020.

Another important news, which, however, does not apply to everyone. Since July 2019, the list of regions participating in the Social Insurance pilot project has been expanded.

In December 2018, amendments were made to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2011 No. 294.

The changes led to the fact that for the period from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020, the Trans-Baikal Territory, Arkhangelsk, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Murmansk, Penza, Ryazan, Sakhalin and Tula regions become new participants in the FSS project.

We also add that legislators have already provided for a list of people who will join the experiment in 2020. This:

  • from January 1 to December 31, 2020 - the Republic of Komi, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Udmurt Republic, the Kirov, Kemerovo, Orenburg, Saratov and Tver regions, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug;
  • from July 1 to December 31, 2020 - the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Dagestan, the Krasnoyarsk and Stavropol Territories, the Volgograd, Irkutsk, Leningrad, Tyumen and Yaroslavl Regions.

Recall that the participants in the pilot project provide documents entitling them to child benefits to their territorial agency of Social Insurance, and the FSS itself makes the payment.

It is also worth noting recent jurisprudence.

For example, the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Ural District of 06/06/2019 in case No. A76-29523 / 2018 is interesting. The judge once again supported the position of Social Insurance in refusing to reimburse funds for the payment of child care benefits to a parent whose working day was reduced by only an hour. If you have transferred your employee to a part-time job and are paying child support, check to see if the reduction in hours is significant.

Regarding benefits not reimbursed from the FSS, several more recent decisions are interesting. For example, the Resolution of the Arbitration Court of the North-Western District of April 29, 2019 in case No. A56-115566 / 2018 and the Decree of the Arbitration Court of the West Siberian District of May 15, 2019 in case No. A27-25521 / 2018. This time the judges supported the insurers. They considered that the refusal to reimburse benefits by Social Insurance does not change the very fact of the social orientation of such payments, which means that these amounts should not be subject to insurance premiums.

Monthly child allowance: highlights in 2019

Monthly child allowance- This is a sum of money that is paid by the state in order to support citizens caring for a child. The amount of this allowance for a family directly depends on the number of children and their age.

Types of child benefits:

  • . Calculated as 40% of the parent's average income over the last 2 years. Assigned to both mother and other relatives.
  • . This type of allowance can be received by the parents and relatives of the child. The amount of the benefit depends on the coefficient in force in a particular subject of the Russian Federation. For working parents, subsidies are transferred by employers, for the unemployed - by authorized bodies.
  • . These payments are available to families with children aged 3 to 18, including families with low level income.

Funds are accrued both to the mother and to other people who are related to the child. The main condition is that they take care of the baby in fact, so there are no other sources of funds. If there are several people involved in the care, then only one of them is entitled to the allowance.

The following are also entitled to the allowance (a child under 1.5 years old):

  • Relatives of the baby in the presence of compulsory social insurance.
  • Mothers during contract military service.
  • Citizens, . For mothers, the period of pregnancy is taken into account, for relatives - the vacation period due to the upbringing of the child.
  • Relatives, in the event of non-insurable events (for example, deprivation of parental rights).
  • Relatives who are studying full-time.

Benefit conditions:

  • Child living with parents or guardian.
  • Family recognition.
  • Benefits are also due to children who are disabled in groups 1, 2 and 3, and where 3 or more children are brought up.

R monthly allowance for a child in 2019

The amount of the allowance is determined depending on the age of the child.

  • Monthly allowance for a child in 2019 for a child under 1.5 years old.

The minimum allowance for the care of the first child is RUB 3277.45. For the second child and subsequent children, RUB 6554.89.

  • For a child up to 3 years old.

The amount of this allowance has not changed since 1994 and amounts to 50 rub. In some regions, multipliers are used. For example, in Moscow these payments reach 3000 rub., in Samara - 2 00 rub., in Tatarstan - 295 rub.

There is also an additional type of benefit that provides good nutrition for the mother and child.

  • For a child after 3 years.

There are no federal benefits for a child between the ages of 3 and 16. Its size is 300 rub. Payment can be assigned only in the regions.

The monthly allowance for the second and third child is paid in the same amount as for the first.

The amount of child benefits in 2019: Table

Benefit Size from 01/01/2019 (in rubles) Size from 02/01/2019 (in rubles)
On pregnancy and childbirth for working women (general procedure) Average daily earnings for each day maternity leave
Minimum maternity benefit 51919 - 140 days of maternity leave
The maximum amount of maternity benefit 301096.6 - 140 days of maternity leave
Monthly allowance for the unemployed and dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization 628,47 655,49
Mothers, full-time students The amount of the scholarship established in a higher or secondary educational institution
Women serving under contract The amount of monetary allowance, acting at the place of service
Lump sum in early pregnancy 628,47 655,49
One-time allowance for pregnant spouses of conscripts 26539,76 27680,97
Lump sum payment at the birth of a child 16759,09 17479,73
One-time allowance for the transfer of a child to be raised in a family 16759.09 or 128053.08 if a disabled child, a child older than 7 years old, or several children at once were transferred to the family for upbringing, if they are brothers or sisters to each other 17479.73 or 133559.36 if a disabled child, a child older than 7 years old or several children were transferred to the family for upbringing, if they are brothers or sisters to each other
Maternal capital 453026
Monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old (working mother) 40% of average monthly earnings (billing period 2017 and 2018)
Minimum allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years (for employed people) 4512 - for the first child;

6284.65 - on the second and next

4512 - for the first child;

6554.89 - on the second and next

Minimum allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years (for unemployed or with less than six months of experience) 3142.33 - on the first;

6284.65 - on the second and subsequent

3277.45 - for the first child;

6554.89 rubles - for the second and subsequent children

"Putin's" allowance The size of the children's regional subsistence minimum for the 2nd quarter of 2018
Monthly allowance for the care of a child of a soldier 11374,18 11863,27
Monthly survivor's allowance for a child of a serviceman 2287,65 2386,02
Monthly allowance for a child living in the Chernobyl zone 3241.05 - up to 1.5 years;

6482.10 - from 1.5 to 3 years

3380.42 - up to 1.5 years;

6760.83 - from 1.5 to 3 years

Monthly allowance for a child up to 3 years The size of one children's PM
Monthly allowance for children under 18 from low-income families Installed at the regional level

Table of child care benefits from January 1, 2019

Registration procedure

  • For a child up to one and a half years.

The allowance is assigned at the place of work of one of the parents or guardian, if the child is adopted. To do this, an appropriate application is submitted to the accounting department, as well as a package of necessary documents. Unemployed citizens provide all information to RUSEN.

Apply for help within six months from the moment the child is 1.5 years old. Grants are made for the full period of leave spent on care, regardless of the time of application.

The allowance is transferred according to a schedule similar to the dates of salary transfer. Unemployed parents receive payments within the time limits in force in the social security authorities. Most late deadline wherein - 5th of every month.

  • For a child from 1.5 to 3 years.

To receive assistance, you must apply no later than 3 months after the birth of a child. The basis for the payment of subsidies is the application of the employee, provided at the place of work. The decision on the appointment is made by the management within 10 days from the date of submission of documents.

  • For a child over 3 years old.

In this case, the allowance is paid for the child up to 16 years. Payments may take longer under 18 if the child has not graduated educational institution. To do this, you need to contact the social security authorities at the place of residence and write a corresponding application.

What documents are needed for child monthly allowances

For a child under 1.5 years old (for working citizens):

  • Birth (adoption) certificate, including for other children (copy).
  • Application for accrual and provision of leave for care.
  • One of the parents is required to provide a certificate stating that he does not receive a similar allowance (from an organization or educational institution).

For a child under 1.5 years old (for non-working citizens):

  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Application for payment.
  • Work book (copy).
  • Order on granting leave (in case of dismissal during vacation).
  • Information about average income.

For a child from 1.5 to 3 years (for working citizens):

  • The corresponding application is submitted to the accounting department of the enterprise.

For a child from 1.5 to 3 years (for non-working citizens):

  • Applicant's passport (copy).
  • Work book (copy).
  • A statement indicating the method of transferring payments.
  • Certificate from the employment service (about the absence of unemployment payments).

For a child from 3 to 18 years old:

  • Application for the accrual of benefits (indicate the account number).
  • Child's birth certificate ( up to 14 years old) or his passport.
  • Certificate stating that the child lives with the parents (can be obtained at the place of residence).
  • Copies of parents' passports, marriage certificates.
  • Certificate from the place of work on income ( for the last 3 months).
  • Certificate to confirm that the child is still receiving education.

The Government of the Russian Federation develops and implements measures aimed at supporting families with children. Some of them are financial in nature. So, child benefits in 2019-2020 were increased (indexed). The calculation of this operation was based on the inflation rate recorded in the previous period.

On indexing payments for children in 2019-2020

Since 2008, an annual increase in state aid to families with children has been envisaged, paid in order to comply with Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, from the beginning of the next year. However, in 2016 this procedure was changed:

  • now indexing is carried out annually on the first of February;
  • the increase factor is set at the rate of inflation.

On December 19, 2016, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin approved the law (No. 444-FZ). The document establishes the following rules:

  • indexing of social payments to families with children starting from 2017 will be carried out regularly on February 1;
  • this will not affect the amount of maternity capital, set at 453,026 rubles, it is frozen until 01/01/2020.
Attention: inflation in 2016 is fixed at 5.4%. Consequently, state support increased by 1.054 times.

The indexing coefficient on February 1, 2018 is 1.025.

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The amount of state assistance to families with children in 2019-2020 (comparative table)

Type of accrual Value (thousand rubles)
As of 01.01.2018 From 01.02.2019
For pregnancy and childbirth
General100% of the average salary for 2018 and 2017
Maximum (working)301 095.20 - standard - 140 days
335 506- 156 days
430 136 - 194 days
Minimum (working)51,919 - standard sick leave - 140 days;

57,852 - if complications occurred −156 days;

71,944 - in 194 days

Fixed payment, including for the unemployed613,14 655,49
One-time appointments
Women, subject to early registration613,14 655,49
The wife of a conscript25,89245 27,680
At the birth of a child16,35033 17,479
When adopting a *disabled child16,35033 17,479
Regular state benefits (monthly)
Up to a year and a half40% of the average salary for 2017 and 2016
For the firstborn - 3.05669

On the second and subsequent - 6.13137

A child of a conscript11,09676 11863
with the loss of a military breadwinner223185 228765
On a baby in the Chernobyl zone3.16200 - up to 1.5 years 3.24105

6.32400 - up to 3 6.48210

Child care 1.5-3 years oldsince 1994, a compensation payment of 50 rubles has been established.

In 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation decided on the need to increase compensation payments for caring for a child of 1.5-3 years old from a low-income family to 10,000 rubles.

Important: for all categories of families, additional preferences are established at the regional level.

For your information, a regional factor is applied to all the above benefits. Exceptions:

  • mother capital;
  • payments in which this coefficient is taken into account when calculating salaries.

Who is eligible for a raise from February 1

Not all payments are indexed. Basically, an increased amount is set for recipients who are assigned preferences after February 1.

Citizens who are provided with state assistance based on the minimum wage indicator (fixed) can count on annual indexation of benefits.

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Help for under 18s

At the regional level, families with children are provided with assistance depending on the age of minors:

  • up to 16 years;
  • until the age of majority (if the young person attends school).

This type of state assistance is of a regular nature and is associated with the financial situation of families. As a rule, support is accrued and paid monthly. However, a number of regions switched to quarterly payments:

  1. Republic of Crimea.
  2. Areas:
    • Tyumenskaya;
    • Irkutsk.

Terms of appointment and regularity of transfers are posted on the websites of regional governments. Details can be obtained from the Social Security Office where you live.

Reference: this type of state support is also subject to indexing. But it is carried out on the basis of regional legislation. The dates of the increase in accruals differ from the federal ones. In some regions, benefits are indexed in the fall.

Maternity in 2019-2020

If future mom officially employed, she is entitled to two types of accruals:

  1. for pregnancy and childbirth (M&R);
  2. lump sum payment for registration early term(up to 12 weeks).

The B&R benefit depends on the complexity of the birth and the number of fetuses. Its value depends on the average monthly salary, determined on the basis of indicators for two recent years. 100% of the specified value is paid.

The calculations are based on the following constants:

  1. Minimum wage - 7,800 rubles. from 07/01/2017 (previously 7,500 rubles);
  2. marginal base of insurance contributions to the FSS:
    • 2015 - 670,000 rubles;
    • 2016 - 718,000 rubles;
    • 2017 - 755,000 rubles;
    • 2018 - 815,000 rubles;
    • 2019 - 865,000 rubles.

The amount of maternity leave is limited by the minimum and maximum values. They are:

  1. with normal childbirth:
    • 140 sick days;
    • from 43675.80 rubles. (after May 2018 - 51380) up to 282,493.40 rubles.
  2. with complications:
    • 16 additional sick days;
    • for which it is charged from 48667.32 rubles. (after May - 57252) to 314,778.36 rubles.
  3. with multiple pregnancy:
    • 194 sick days;
    • from 60522.18 (after May 71198) rub. up to RUB 391,455.14
Reference: Some citizens are provided with fixed assistance

Its value depends on the status of the recipient:

  • dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise, who ceased their activities as individual entrepreneurs, persons engaged in private practice, incl. licensed - 300 rubles. excluding indexation (655.49 rubles with indexation in 2019),
  • students - in the amount of a scholarship,
  • contract servicemen - in the amount of monetary allowance,
  • working women without insurance experience in 6 months - in the amount of the minimum wage (in 2019 - 11280 rubles).

Women in labor who do not have formal employment are not eligible for this type of federal assistance.

In some regions, the governor's support is established for non-working women at the birth of babies.

One-time payment to the mother

As part of the implementation of the state policy to stimulate the birth rate, one of the parents has the right to receive one-time state support when the baby is born
. The lump sum payment is fixed size(in 2019 17479.73 rubles) and is provided regardless of employment.

You can arrange it:

  • at the place of service, if both or one of the parents work officially;
  • in the social security authorities, if there is no employment.
Important: this type of state support is due to all citizens of the Russian Federation.

In 14 regions of the country, within the framework of a pilot project, one-time assistance during childbirth is paid directly by the FSS. It happens like this:

  1. after granting a sick leave for BiR, the accountant fills out an application for the allocation of money for benefits;
  2. the report is submitted to the FSS;
  3. after the verification, the specialists of the authority transfer the funds to the recipient.

Reference: this project operates in the following regions:

  1. republics:
    • Crimea;
    • Mordovia;
    • Karachay-Cherkessia;
    • Tatarstan;
  2. Khabarovsk Territory;
  3. areas:
    • Astrakhan;
    • Belgorod;
    • Bryansk;
    • Kurgan;
    • Kaliningrad;
    • Kaluga;
    • Lipetsk;
    • Nizhny Novgorod;
    • Novosibirsk;
    • Novgorod;
    • Ulyanovsk;
    • Samara;
    • Rostov;
    • Tambov.

Readiness up to one and a half years

At the end sick leave According to BiR, a woman is given the right to choose:

  • return to work;
  • take a leave to care for a baby up to three years (or less).
Reference: another adult relative can go on vacation if the mother decides to leave maternity leave. For example, a father or grandmother can take care of a newborn.

G a citizen who actually takes care of a child is entitled to an allowance for up to one and a half years. Its indicator depends on the fact of employment. It is defined like this:

  • 40% of the average earnings for the last two years;
  • in a fixed amount if the recipient did not work.

State assistance up to one and a half years has the minimum possible size. It is equal to:

  • RUB 3277.45 for the firstborn;
  • RUB 6554.89 - for the second and subsequent babies.

In this amount, it is assigned to persons:

  1. having less than six months of total experience;
  2. non-working recipients (from date of birth),
  3. mothers laid off during pregnancy due to the liquidation of the enterprise,
  4. mothers, fathers, guardians, full-time students,
  5. relatives caring for a child when the mother and (or) father are deprived of parental rights or their death.

The maximum allowance for care should not exceed 26,152.27 rubles.

Compensation payments for child care 1.5-3 years

According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 30, 1994 N 1110 (as amended on July 1, 2014) “On the amount of compensation payments to certain categories of citizens”, the following can count on compensation payments for caring for children 1.5-3 years old:

  • students and graduate students of educational institutions who are on academic leave for medical reasons;
  • mothers (or other relatives who actually take care of the child) who are in labor relations with companies (enterprises), regardless of the organizational and legal forms;
  • military women who are on parental leave until they reach 3 years of age;
  • non-working spouses of private and commanding personnel of the Internal Affairs Department of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in remote garrisons and areas where there is no possibility of their employment;
  • unemployed women with children under the age of 3, dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization.

Maternal capital

The certificate was last indexed in 2015. Then the amount of mother's capital increased from 429.4 thousand rubles. to the current amount of 453,026 thousand rubles.
No further increase in this type of state support is planned. The amount of mother's capital was frozen until 2020 (Law No. 444-FZ).

The authorities explained their decision as follows:

  1. Most of the recipients invest the certificate in the purchase of housing. Since the beginning of the crisis, prices for it have not risen, and in some regions they even fall.
  2. The federal budget is still in deficit. There is no money to increase the mother's capital.
  3. This type of assistance is not regular. It is not directed to the satisfaction of urgent needs.
Reference: the mother capital program has been extended until the end of 2021. The main news of 2018 regarding payments for children should please recipients:
  1. Now the amount of monthly support assigned in a fixed amount will increase annually (February 1). At the same time, the real inflation of the previous period affects the value of the coefficient.
  2. For the current period, the marginal base of insurance charges has been increased to 865 thousand rubles. And this indicator affects the amount of maternity.
  3. Work will continue in the regions to support families in which minors are brought up. This type of assistance is assigned on the principles of targeting and need. That is, people with low incomes can count on it.
  4. Since January 2018, new monthly payments for first-born and second-born children. The first benefits are provided from the budget, and the second - from the funds of the MSC. Money in the amount of regional PM for children is paid until the child is 1.5 years old.

Other changes are not so positive:

  • The size of the minimum wage in 2018 was increased twice: from the beginning of January, and in May. And in January 2019 again. And this indicator affects the minimum amount of maternity leave.
  • The amount of mother's capital was fixed until 2020 at the legislative level. Therefore, there is no need to wait for changes in this area.

New about payments for a third child

According to the government decree of 05.10.2016 No. 2090-r, payments for the third child are established in fifty regions of the Russian Federation. However, in 2018, in some regions of the country, the demographic situation changed better side. Because of this, these types of benefits are no longer assigned to:
