Registration certificate of the bride. Comic documents for the wedding

The bearer of this certificate has the right to drive all types of prams, as well as other vehicles equivalent to them, without limiting the passenger capacity. The driver is prohibited from: - ...

A comic document of the transfer of the bride to her new spouse for eternal storage for exploitation and savings. Recommended: store in a dry and clean place; ventilate in the fresh air; provide…

We, the undersigned friends and associates of [name of the groom] and [name of the bride], on the other hand, have drawn up a real act stating that the groom, who has the surname [Surname] from birth, has miraculously survived and is completely ...

In connection with the formation of a new paramilitary formation, in accordance with the law on marriage and the family, I order: 1. To call for a valid indefinite family service of a bachelor [name of the groom] [passed the medical commission, found fit ...

According to the love district from the day [day] of the month [month], you got married, dear friends, dear, wonderful friends. The prince [the name of the groom] became the husband, and the [name of the bride] became the princess, the wife of her husband, an affectionate, wonderful wife. And you sealed your union with a chain ...

By decree under this roof, advice on the behavior and joint action of [groom's name] and [bride's name] is considered and approved. In order to avoid domestic strife and wars, as well as to provide offspring and share it ...

Decree of the Minister of Family Building Education dated [date] In connection with the wedding situation in the families of the bride and groom, declare [date] a national holiday. Assign titles: Mother-in-law: mother of the bride; Father-in-law: to the father of the bride ...

The presidium of our ceremonial meeting received a greeting from the World Association of Family and Marriage named after Hymen Mendelssohn. In addition to traditional congratulations, it also contains helpful tips young spouses: For your ...

Basic law of family union: Article 1: Spouses have the right to join their paths and create a healthy, growing and exemplary family. Spouses are obliged to keep it to the end. Article 2: The husband is the main legislative body. Wife -…

With deep regret, we inform you that the bachelors have suffered a heavy loss: an honorary member of the "bachelor's club" [groom's name] has married. With pain and indignation, we learned that during the last time, he often visited a certain ...

We inform you that [the name of the groom] insidiously tore out of the ranks of the women's movement for equality and independence an active fighter for women's freedom [name of the bride]. Therefore, we decide: 1. In financial labors observe the old division of labor...

take care family hearth but don't drown too hot; Be your wife protection and support, convince not by force, but by kindness; Learn to always see in your wife your beloved bride; Do not forget friends - married himself - help another; Be proud of the title of your husband, - for ...

Do not disturb your husband when he eats: problems are better solved on a full stomach; Be attractive and sweet even during a scandal; See your husband as the only man in the world; Be friendly and affectionate - keep in mind that rudeness ...

I, [name of the groom], entering into marriage in the face of this noisy company, solemnly promise: 1. To love my wife [but not brotherly love]; 2. Keep as the apple of an eye [and from someone else's eye too]; 3. Cultivate devotion and love in the wife; 4. Eat and praise…

I, [name of the bride], entering into marriage in the face of this noisy company, solemnly promise: 1. Never knit "hedgehogs" for your husband; 2. Raise your husband according to the principle “take care of like a child; respect like an old man"; 3. Create houses…

You can not only solemnly read all these materials at the wedding, but also, having beautifully issued them on paper, give them to the newlyweds as a keepsake.


Union of tenderness, friendship and love!
Valid - no expiration date
Release date - (date of birth of the groom)
Model - husband
Series - (F.I.O. of the groom)
Specialization - (specialty of the groom)
NET weight - (weight) kg
GROSS Weight - (weight) kg
Date of issue - (wedding date)
Model Feature:
This unit can only work in an atmosphere of love, harmony and mutual understanding. The unit is unique and in conditions of inattentive attitude to it crumbles to dust. The Two Rings company guarantees normal operation for 70 years. In the event of a unit failure, the company does not guarantee a replacement.

Union of tenderness, friendship, love!
Valid - indefinitely
Release date - (date of birth of the bride)
Model - wife
Series - (F. I. O. of the bride)
Specialization - (specialty of the bride)
NET weight - (weight) kg
GROSS Weight - (weight) kg
Release date - (marriage date)
Place of issue - (name of the locality of the settlement where the wedding takes place)
Model Feature:
The model is fragile, it is forbidden to use for heavy work. The model works only with a loving attitude towards it, otherwise, the effect of using it drops sharply. In the event of a model failure, the company does not guarantee a replacement, since the model was released for the first time and in a single copy.
Firm "Two Rings".


Women who shoot with their eyes should be held criminally liable under Art. 208, as for the use of prohibited weapons.
Men caring for other people's wives should be prosecuted under Art. 3, as for hunting in the restricted area. The groom, not taking his eyes off the bride, to call for criminal liability under Art. 209, as for the use of hypnosis for personal gain.
A bride applying for a separate apartment should be called to criminal liability under Art. 210, as for undermining the generally accepted morality: "With a sweet paradise, in a hut."
Guests who are fond of the contents of the plates, to call for criminal liability under Art. 314, as for plundering people's property.
Girls who have reached the age of 25 and are not married are to be prosecuted under Art. 120 as per
Men who do not want to marry before the age of 30 should be held criminally liable under Art. 15, as for the downtime of machinery during business hours.


ACT of acceptance-transfer of the groom to the bride

Transferred for eternal storage to the bride:
1. Torso - 1 pc. (sports)
2. Head - 1 pc. (smart)
3. Eyes - 2 pcs. (brown)
4. Ears - 2 pcs. (whole)
5. Nose - 1 pc. (Greek)
6. Arms and legs - 4 pcs. (in place)

Attached to this
1. Jacket - 1 pc. (with pockets)
2. Shirts - 1 pc. (new)
3. Comb - 1 pc. (without three teeth)
4. Boots - 3 pcs. (two right, one left)

ACT of acceptance-transfer of the bride to the groom

Transferred for eternal storage to the groom:
1. Torso - 1 pc. (do not turn over!)
2. Head - 1 pc. (combed)
3. Eyes - 2 pcs. (cunning)
4. Ears - 2 pcs. (pierced)
5. Mouth - 1 pc. (small)
6. Hands - 2 pcs. (gold)
7. Legs - 2 pcs. (slender)

Attached to this
1. Seven-season coat - 1 pc. (new)
2. Dress - 2 pcs. (one on her)
3. Tea cup - 1 pc. (without handle)
4. Bag - 1 pc. (reticule)


Guaranteed 100 years of operation from the date of issue of the coupon

Technical data:
Height - depending on the heels
Weight - from 20 to 60 kg
Eye color - depending on the mood
Not subject to exchange! Precautionary measures:
Do not network mood variables
Do not overheat or bring to a boil
Protect from physical overload
Limited use at home
To extend the shelf life, top up with ice cream, cake, etc. every Sunday. and so on.

Carry out preventive maintenance every summer on the Black Sea coast.


Friends! Can we have a word? We also want to wish our

brother………, and our sister………….. Do you want to always be young? Then take a few recipes for eternal youth and mood!!!

Do not leave youth fellowship under any pretext (with the exception of illness). While doing this, always be cheerful in body and soul.

A microbe called "old age" loves an indifferent, passive life. You can prevent it from entering your soul under the following conditions:

A) On any work (physical or spiritual) to be the first. Do everything in such a way that others are ignited for this business.

B) Do not look indifferently at the people, they are tormented by the soul, living on earth. Talk to them about God, show them by your life God.

do not live in step with the world. Loving the world, you will approach old age with giant steps. Holy living by the word will deliver you from that.

They say that one hearty smile makes a person 10 years younger at once. So, the next recipe for mood will be joy. Rejoice and still say you rejoice!!! Not only today, on this solemn day, but also a month later, a year, 10 years later. Always rejoice!

Do you want to always be young? Read the Bible constantly and do what is written in it. Let it lie not only on your table, but also in your heart.

The penultimate recipe, but very important: always live in harmony. Never quarrel. Give in to each other. Love each other all your life as if you were the bride and groom.

And the last recipe, it will be only for the groom.

It is always known that they are very flattering and pleasant when their wives look good and young ... So that your wife is always beautiful and young, always call her Tanya, but not “mother” or “old woman”, and give her flowers more often, even in winter at 400 frosts ... Suddenly, you appear on the doorstep with a bouquet of white roses and yours ... .. already the mother of several children smiles sweetly and looks younger immediately for ... ten years !!!

Take these elixirs constantly throughout your life. Recipe 1 to take for 4, 5 years, immediately after marriage, then take a break for 15-20 years until the children grow up and take again in a double dose.


The basic law of the family union .... And ……..

Article 1
Spouses have the right to connect their roads and create a healthy, growing and exemplary family. Spouses are obliged to keep it to the end.

Article 2
The husband is the main legislative body. The wife is the main executive body, the chairman of the Council of Ministers.

Article 3
The husband is the Minister of Defense, Electrification, gas industry, agriculture, assembly and construction works.

The wife is the Minister of Trade, Food Industry, Finance, Health, Cultural and External Relations.

Article 4
The wife has the right to approve the family budget.

Article 5
The wife is obliged to give her husband the honorable right to earn money, and the thankless but important task of spending it must be taken over.

Article 6
The husband is given the right to audit the financial activities of his wife ... at her discretion.

Article 7
The wife has the right to rest. The husband has the right to work.

Article 8
Spouses should remember that, yielding to each other in small things, they have a chance to win in big ones.

Article 9
Spouses are required to receive guests annually and report on the implementation of the family work plan.

Article 10
Husband and wife have the right to: a) celebrate after 25 years silver wedding; b) in 50 years - gold.

The law comes into force on "____" __________2002.


the right to drive a baby stroller

Bearer of this


has the right to drive baby strollers of all types, as well as other vehicles equated to them without limiting the passenger capacity

It's not true that married men at sight beautiful woman forget that they are married. At this moment, it is the memory of this that is especially depressing for them.
Funny quote from Mark Twain

Comic documents for the wedding

Cool wedding documents for celebrating a wedding, such as instructions, technical passport, coupon, diploma of the bride and groom - will help in holding a fun and unforgettable wedding celebration. These comic documents can be used not only by presenters, witnesses, but by everyone who wants to make the holiday interesting and varied! The presentation of comic documents emphasizes the solemnity of the moment, which are handed to the newlyweds or their parents directly at the wedding in a relaxed atmosphere by relatives, friends or toastmasters. We should also not forget that it is necessary not only to prepare festive documents for the bride and groom, but also to present it beautifully to the guests and heroes of the occasion.

The toastmaster of the wedding evening may use some of the wedding documents in his own script for the wedding feast. In addition, anyone can make changes and additions to their computer for free, and then print it on a color printer, and then solemnly hand over such a document during the wedding feast!

Groom's wedding papers

Groom's instruction manual

Issued for review by (name of the bride).

If you follow all the rules of this instruction, then (groom's name) can be exploited forever.

  • In no case do not indulge in food - take care of the fullness!
  • In any way, make it clear that he and only he is the head of the family. But never say that the neck of the head is YOU!
  • If you suddenly noticed that your husband began to linger at work, ON TIME! take the string off it!
  • Convince your beloved that it is simply vital for him to pass on the right to drive a two-wheeled baby carriage.
  • Make a subtle hint: give your betrothed the most beautiful bucket for mopping.
This instruction is the initial standard of exploitation of the groom, what will happen next, time will tell.

Groom's technical passport

The groom (groom's name) was made on ___ __________ 20 ___ according to the original technology of the family (groom's surname) and approved by the commission of the regional registry office. Groom is a modern, practical product.

Purpose: Intended for use as a husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather. In addition, and this is the main thing, as a high-class laundress (wash clothes and even diapers), washing dishes and cleaning rooms. The groom is a very useful thing in the household, he can bring food and even money home.


  • Height - above average, about two meters, without a few centimeters.
  • Fatness - average, tested with the latest technology.
  • Hair - undyed, possibly your own.
  • Eyes - kind when alone, cheerful when in company, mischievous when with the bride.
  • Mind is alive.
  • Hearing is acute.
  • The scent is canine.
  • Character - Nordic, patient, true family man.
  • Completeness: nose - 1 piece; eyebrows - 2 pcs.; eyes - 2 pcs.; hair - the exact number could not be established; legs - 2 pcs.; ears - 2 pcs.; teeth - 32 pcs.
terms of Use- (name of the groom) loves cleanliness, affection, sweet lubricant.
Keep warm and cozy
Love, caress, nothing to beat.
Force to work less
Don't leave one unattended.

Supplier Warranty- Under strict observance of these conditions, the company gives a guarantee for a period of 101 years.

Note - the company does not issue spare parts.

The bride is familiar with this document and has nothing against the groom overcoming the obstacles skillfully built on the way to her.
Signature of _________ bride.

Bride's wedding documents

Bride's instruction manual

Issued for review by (groom's name).

If you follow all the rules of this instruction, then (the name of the bride) will always be affectionate, sweet and elegant.

  • It is vital for you, as the head of the family, to master the courses of cutting and sewing, cooks, washing linen and mopping, so that in no case do you overload your beloved with work.
  • Every day, every second, take careful care of your beloved, for she is your most precious asset.
  • Remember that your wife should ALWAYS look good, and for this, do not forget about gifts for all existing holidays, i.e. for the New Year, Birthday, Fisherman's Day, Builder's Day, because remember that your betrothed is a great professional in all matters.
This instruction is the initial standard for the exploitation of the bride, what will happen next, time will tell.
Date of commencement of operation __________

Technical passport of the bride

The bride (name of the bride) was made on ___ __________ 20 ___ according to the original technology of the family (maiden name of the bride) and approved by the commission of the regional registry office.

Purpose: Intended for use as a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. It is used to create financial accounting, cooking, raising offspring.


  • Growth - not higher, i.e. average.
  • Fatness - according to standards (the manufacturer is not responsible for changes in these data during operation).
  • Hair - undyed, but treated with a special composition, to attract her betrothed.
  • The eyes are all-seeing, so you need to be extremely careful.
  • Mind is available.
  • Hearing is gossip-proof.
  • The scent is feline.
  • Character - light or heavy, depending on the circumstances.
  • Power at: washing of ware - a half of man's force; washing clothes - one man's strength; cleaning the apartment (if there is one, however, cleaning is also necessary in the hut) - two men's strength; buying items of ladies' toilet - twenty men's forces; watching TV shows - one female power is enough.
terms of Use:
Do not scold, keep warm,
Help in any trouble!
Arrange a roof and hearth,
So that the villain and the enemy do not steal!
Take with you on all trips
And anyone will envy!

Supplier Warranty- Subject to the above operating conditions and rational nutrition, the company guarantees that in strong winds the owner of this document will not fly away during the entire time of cohabitation.

Note - not subject to exchange or return.

Groom, study this document carefully before you decide whether to go to your betrothed through so many obstacles, while incurring such significant losses!
Groom's signature _________.

Certificate for wedding guests

Gifts from guests, in the form of joke wedding documents, such as a wedding diploma, technical passport, instructions for the bride and groom, are always fun. At the same time, the heroes of the wedding celebration can also arrange a gesture of generosity at the wedding and give gifts to the guests. After all, it's relative new tradition which is becoming more and more popular these days. What to do if the wedding budget is very modest and it is not possible for guests to allocate even a small amount for souvenirs? Comic certificates for the wedding will come to the rescue, which will give guests fun and good mood. And then such a day will be remembered sitting by the fireplace with their grandchildren. Why, you ask?

Because the certificates are funny, the gifts presented in them do not need to be useful or logical at all. For example, you can give one of the guests a certificate for the ceremonial cleaning of the tables after the wedding, or the certificate gives the owner the right to order their favorite song from the wedding DJ.

The text of the joke certificates

  • Certificate for receiving a gift brought from the honeymoon trip of the newlyweds.
  • A certificate of forgiveness, which can be exercised by the holder at any time and guarantees him the absolute forgiveness of one offense of any severity. The "sin" is immediately forgotten and not remembered, forgiveness occurs once and for all, sincerely and from the heart.
  • The certificate entitles the holder to a solemn celebration with the newlyweds of their first wedding anniversary.
  • Certificate for the right to go with the bride and groom to the cinema for a film of the choice of the copyright holder.
  • The certificate gives the right not to participate in the competitive program.
  • Wish Fulfillment Certificate. From the moment of delivery, the newlyweds undertake to fulfill one cherished intangible desire of the recipient. Restrictions - the criminal and moral code of the Russian Federation. The wish is granted before the first anniversary.
  • The certificate entitles the holder to an exclusive photo with the bride and groom.
  • Certificate for a one-time replenishment of the balance of your newlyweds mobile phone in the amount of 100 rubles
  • Certificate for accompaniment at the choice of the owner for any event by the newlyweds.
  • The certificate gives you the right to change places with the groom for 5 minutes, sit next to the bride, without the right to kiss when they scream bitterly.
  • Certificate for the right to stand three steps closer to the bride (groom) than other contenders (applicants) during the throw of the bouquet (garter).
  • Certificate for the right to invite the groom to bachelor parties without asking permission from his wife, but not more than once a month.
  • The certificate entitles you to an unrestrained dance with attacks and shouts of "Opa!", "Hop!", "Opa-na!" and "Ai-nane-naney!" anytime and anywhere.
  • Certificate for the right to go fishing with the groom.
  • The certificate gives the holder the right to invite guests to a family dinner (dinner is included in the price of the certificate).
  • Certificate for 10 best printed photos from the wedding.
  • Certificate for a free taxi home after the banquet at the expense of the witness.
  • Certificate for a cake prepared by the bride.
  • The certificate entitles you to come to golden wedding newlyweds.
  • Certificate for the right to be one of the first to know the gender of the unborn child.
  • Certificate for a free taxi home after the banquet at the expense of the newlyweds.

Comic certificates for guests at the wedding can come up with a variety of different ones, it is only important that the recipients appreciate the humor of the newlyweds and not be offended. Therefore, it is better to give the coolest certificates to close friends who will really understand the joke. Also, if the young are not ready to take the recipient of the certificate to the cinema to a film of his choice, then it is better not to make such a certificate, otherwise you will have to blush awkwardly later.

Constitution of a young family

  • (name of the bride and groom) have the right to connect their life paths and create a healthy, beautiful family, they are obliged to preserve and protect it until the end of their days.
  • The wife is the highest legislative body. The husband is her deputy.
  • The wife is the Minister of Finance, Culture, Trade, Food Industry, Health. The husband is the Minister of Electrification, the Gas Industry, Meat and Dairy, Agriculture, and the Minister of the Interior.
  • The wife is the head of the tax office, and the husband is required to submit a regular income declaration. In the case of withholding legal income, the wife automatically becomes a prosecutor.
  • When resolving family conflicts, the husband has every right to remain silent, because. every word can be used against him. And the wife has a direct obligation to read him his rights and give him one phone call before using kitchen utensils (frying pan, rolling pin, etc.).
  • The wife has the right to rest, the husband - to work.
  • The wife is obliged to cook a light supper every evening. The husband is obliged to serve hot coffee to his wife in bed every morning.
  • Both spouses are required to regularly, in the presence of witnesses, witnesses or, to put it more simply, relatives and friends, celebrate the wedding day at least once a year.
  • Spouses are obliged to increase the population of Russia and have the right to have from 1 to 15 children. Children must know who is their father and who is their mother. The main thing is not to get carried away by quantity, fight for quality!
  • Subject to compliance with all articles of the constitution, a husband and wife have the right to celebrate a silver wedding after 25 years, and a golden wedding after 50 years.

It is important to approach the organization of a wedding with a share of humor, and then the atmosphere at your holiday will be pleasant and relaxed. If you want cool wedding documents to be handed over by close people, you should agree with them in advance and make sure that there is no repetition, and that the document is written legibly and looks decent. And then you will hear laughter at the wedding from different parts of the festive hall, when guests and newlyweds are introduced to the content of this or that funny document, wedding telegram, suspicious parcel or other surprises.

Original wedding documents for celebrating a wedding, such as a driver's license for a stroller, a technical passport, a voucher for the bride and groom - will help in holding a fun and unforgettable wedding celebration.

Driver's license
the right to drive a baby stroller

Using colorfully designed wedding documents, you can make not only young people laugh, but also all the guests present.

Since handing comic documents emphasizes the solemnity of the moment and at the same time sets the audience up for fun. For example:

The bearer of this: has the right to drive prams of all types, as well as other vehicles equivalent to them, without limiting the passenger capacity.

Bride's warranty card

We guarantee 100 years of work from the date of issue of the coupon.

Technical data:

  • Height: depending on the length of the heels.
  • Weight: changing within the normal range.
  • Eyes: color changes depending on mood or weather.
  • Hair: the color depends on the development of the chemical industry, the shape of the fashion.
  • Not subject to exchange.
Precautionary measures:
  • Do not network mood variables.
  • Do not overheat or bring to a boil.
  • Do not spare oil, but do not add to the fire.
  • Protect from space overload.
  • Limited use and use at home.
To extend the shelf life every Sunday fill with cake and ice cream. To carry out prevention every summer to go to the sea.

Technical passport for the bride

Bride: (bride's name)

Destined for exploitation as a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

It is used for cooking, raising offspring and creating financial records.


  • Health: gentle.
  • Bust and Waist: Conform to global standards and norms.
  • Weight: perfect.
  • Growth: excellent.
  • Completeness: according to standards (the manufacturer is not responsible for changes in these data during operation).
  • Nervous system: as usual female.

Storage and Warranty:
Keep it carefully, protect it from direct influences, accidental shocks and falls, as this worsens well-being and spoils love. If the operating and storage conditions are met, the warranty period is unlimited.

In the event of a malfunction or the discovery of minor defects, the manufacturers are not responsible, as this depends on the consumer, so please correct the shortcomings on the spot. It is noticed that the wife looks especially attractive if the packaging is changed frequently, so her owner should not interfere with the frequent purchase of shoes and dresses.

Groom's warranty card

With strict observance of precautionary measures, the company gives a guarantee for a period of one hundred and one years from the date of issue of the coupon.

A brief description of:

  • Height and character: above average.
  • Fatness: average.
  • Eyes: kind, kind.
Precautionary measures:
  • Keep clean, warm and affectionate.
  • Use sweet lube.
  • Nothing to beat, but to love.
  • Force to work less often.
  • Do not leave unattended.

Technical passport for the groom

Groom: (groom's name)

Intended for exploitation as a husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather. In addition, and this is the main thing, as a high-class laundress (wash clothes and even diapers), washing dishes and cleaning rooms.

A husband is a very useful thing, especially in the household, he can bring food and even money home.


  • Weight: Average (in the normal class range).
  • Specific gravity: does not sink in water, does not burn in fire (please do not check).
  • Fullness: medium (luxury).
  • Height: 2 m without... cm.
  • Health: no complaints.
  • Nervous system: slightly dented, but can be restored.
  • Before operation, it is necessary to conduct heating of the product.
  • When operating, demand a salary, and then wash daily in the bath.
  • The husband is included in the work only after receiving the program developed by his wife.
  • Husband breaks down after monotonous noises made by wife for more than 5 minutes.
Storage and Warranty:
To ensure efficiency, the husband should be kept in a bright place, away from products of the opposite sex - to comply with all the requirements of the family's moral code. Guaranteed a long period of use, if you keep your husband under the heel.

In case of refusal to work, submit complaints to the manufacturers or to the trade union committee! Remember, the husband requires a sensitive attitude towards himself, he absolutely cannot stand sawing and buzzing, in case of a breakdown it cannot be replaced.

Data funny wedding papers can be used not only by presenters, witnesses, but by anyone who wants to make the holiday interesting, fun and varied!
