Festival of the oil and gas industry. When is the oil and gas industry holiday? Congratulations on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers

Oil workers, heat donors, gas workers,
Congratulations on your holiday today.
After all, with your light and confident hand,
We do not know any interruptions in fuel, heat.

Let your work bring you money, glory,
Let colleagues and friends appreciate you.
Let there be everything in life that seems important to you.
And let every day not be lived in vain!

Happy Oilman's Day! Once upon a time
We wish to become magnates
oil, business,
Infinitely young.

Let the champagne play
In your raised glasses!
Yes enviable health
To work with love!

You, oilmen, today
Congratulations noisy me.
I wish you success
And good luck to you, friends.

Let your favorite work
Pleases only you.
Let there always be enough money
So that your excitement does not fade away.

Happy oilman's day, I sincerely
Congratulations on this day!
And in this business great success
I wish you today!

Let the heart be warm
Let the oil pump tirelessly!
I want happiness to come
Into your life very spontaneously!

Everyone who is in the gas and fuel sector,
To all oilmen - our "Hurrah!"
We are in a bright festive atmosphere
We wish you good luck, good!

Your work is very important to us and we need:
Cold and frost in spite
In the middle of winter, in the middle of a snowstorm and cold
You give us warmth at home!

Congratulations on the day of the oilman
All of you want friends.
This holiday without a doubt
The country must celebrate.

We are number one in the world
Let others envy.
Never catch up with us
After all, we are a great country.

Professional holiday! We congratulate you
In work, always, we wish you success,
To work, with love, for the good of our country...
We all need employees like this!

Things, let them go like clockwork, successfully,
And, in life, let it be personal, there will be happiness, of course,
Peaceful sky, in families - always understanding ...
Thank you very much for your wonderful efforts!

Who produces oil, who drills wells,
Who knows how to get gas for the people,
We heartily congratulate you all now,
The main thing for us is not to forget anyone.

Your professions are insanely dangerous,
But they are extremely important for the country.
Risking your life is not in vain:
May God give you all the blessings.

And oil, and gas, and native fuel -
Mighty resources for the country.
And all who mine and pack
Important, worthy of the best praise!

Happy holiday to you, great hard workers.
Without you, all sorts of things are stagnant.
After all, sending oil and gas everywhere,
You do good, giving comfort!

Good luck, health, peace and success to you,
And may all your dreams come true.
After all, without resources there will be no laughing matter,
And in this case, only you are a pro!

Everyone who is with oil
associated with gas
And with different fuel
With a professional
Congratulations on the holiday.
I wish you black gold
Fill the tanks
And so that blue gas
We always had enough in the pipes.
Will be rich in fuel
May your beloved country
For heroic work today
We praise your names.

A year before the introduction of the professional holiday of oil and gas workers in the USSR, the 100th anniversary of the formation of the domestic oil and gas industry was widely celebrated. In the autumn of 1864, in the west of the Kuban region near Anapa, for the first time in Russia, mechanical percussion rod drilling of oil wells using a steam engine was used. In 1865, drilling work there ceased, as oil exploration began on the Kudako River.

On February 15 (February 3, old style), 1866, the first oil gusher in Russia gushed from a mechanically drilled well in the valley of the Kudako River.

The news of the first oil gusher in Russia attracted the attention of various circles of Russian society to the oil business.

Siberian industrialist Mikhail Sidorov in August 1868 began drilling the first oil well in the Russian North on the banks of the Ukhta River in the Pechersk Territory. In the same period, the first exploration work for oil with the use of machine drilling also began in the Ural-Volga region.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia ranked first in the world in oil production.

In the 1920s, the technical reconstruction of the oil industry was carried out in the USSR. Thus, the rotary (rotary) method of drilling gradually supplanted impact drilling. Downhole pumps began to be used in oil production; since 1924 - gas lift.

The industrial development of the oil and gas region between the Volga and the Urals began. In the Middle Volga region, underground layers with large reserves natural gas. During the Great Patriotic War, it was decided to build a gas pipeline as soon as possible to provide defense enterprises with fuel. In 1943, the Buguruslan-Kuibyshev gas pipeline with a length of 180 kilometers was put into operation. In 1946, the first long-distance main gas pipeline Saratov-Moscow in the USSR, 843 kilometers long, supplied gas from the Elshanskoye field to enterprises and homes of Muscovites.

In the 1950s, reservoir pressure maintenance systems were common in the oil industry of the CCCP, which made it possible to increase oil production. The entire industry was re-equipped: new well drilling rigs, cone bits, turbodrills, submersible centrifugal electric pumps, etc. were created and introduced.

The turning point in the development of the CCCP oil industry was the discovery and development of fields in Western Siberia. In 1964, their commercial operation began, and in less than ten years, oil production with gas condensate was increased to 200 million tons.

Subsequently, the oil industry carried out automation of field technological installations, and industrial methods for the construction of technological installations were widely disseminated.

The development of oil fields is associated with the development of oil pipeline transport. Oil is transported through a network of main oil pipelines that connect all major oil regions with the country's oil refineries and other countries.

Today, the oil and gas industry is the backbone of the Russian economy and forms almost a quarter of the gross domestic product and two-thirds of federal budget export revenues, as well as creating demand for high-tech equipment.

Russia is one of the world's largest oil and gas companies.

In 2015, oil and gas condensate production amounted to 534.1 million tons, and gas - 635.5 billion cubic meters.

The industry is doing a lot of work for the future. Geological exploration is expanding and new oil and gas fields are being discovered, including on the Arctic shelf. The largest energy concerns are introducing modern technologies for the extraction and processing of raw materials, storage and transportation of finished products at their enterprises.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

We fly into space and cover thousands of kilometers in less than 80 days on the roads of the world. We are able to operate gigantic machines and regulate the air temperature in our own homes. All this is possible thanks to people associated with the extraction and processing of oil, gas, coal.

History of the fuel industry

How to kindle a fire, the ancient people decided immediately - firewood, later coal. And oil, the existence of which was known already 6-4 thousand years BC, was used in construction in Babylon, for embalming mummies in Egypt, and only a few people noted its ability to burn and release heat.

Until the 19th century, oil was used only as a durable oil in church lamps in front of icons. In Russia, the first oil was brought to Moscow from Ukhta, in the north of the Komi Republic, in the time of Boris Godunov, it was then called “fire water”.

1846 (according to other sources - 1847) was a turning point in the history of the fuel industry - the first tower was built near Baku, and oil flowed like a river. By that time, they had learned to use it in the form of kerosene fuel for lamps and to purify it from harmful impurities.

Coal, despite the pace of development of oil fields, is still an important fuel for many sectors of the country's life. Gas production is also growing. All these natural resources never lay on the surface of the earth. A man won them back through great efforts and even at the cost of his life, therefore the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers is a holiday of serious, strong, strong-willed and courageous people who are able to overcome many obstacles.

Even in the southern regions, it is not easy to get oil and gas, and the work of a miner has always been considered the hardest in the world. Most of the oil and gas fields in Russia are also located in very difficult natural zones - in Siberia, in the Far East, in the Far North, where it is hard to simply survive, and work, in spite of everything, is three times harder.

Holiday of oil and gas workers in Russia

In Russia, the hard work of gas and oil workers has always been highly valued, therefore, on October 1, 1980, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR included in the Decree “On festive and memorable days» Day of oil, gas and fuel industry workers, defining the date of the holiday - the first Sunday of September.

Perhaps the date was not chosen by chance: autumn is the time when you need to take care of fuel more than anything else. Therefore, industry workers are remembered more often. However, the extraction of oil, "black gold", as it is called everywhere, involves not only the fuel direction. Crude oil is used to fix dune sands during construction, processed oil is used for motor oils, raw materials in chemical production. It is the basis for the creation of plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes, detergents and other essential human products.

Considering the huge role of oil and gas in the economy of the whole country, the Russian authorities value workers in this industry. Every year, congratulations and awards are held, the best at the state level, concerts and films are shown on television, telling about the hard life of natural resource miners. This holiday has become a way to unite people of the profession, exchange experiences and just an occasion for meetings.

Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers in other countries

Oil, gas and coal are valued not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. Once this holiday was celebrated throughout the Soviet Union. Now, when the huge country is no more, some states still keep this holiday and congratulate their courageous and strong heroes in the same way as in Russia - on the first Sunday of September. These are Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova. In other countries, the date was determined by their own, depending on local laws and customs.

A year before the introduction of the professional holiday of oil and gas workers in the USSR, the 100th anniversary of the formation of the domestic oil and gas industry was widely celebrated. In the autumn of 1864, in the west of the Kuban region near Anapa, for the first time in Russia, mechanical percussion rod drilling of oil wells using a steam engine was used. In 1865, drilling work there ceased, as oil exploration began on the Kudako River.

On February 15 (February 3, old style), 1866, the first oil gusher in Russia gushed from a mechanically drilled well in the valley of the Kudako River.

The news of the first oil gusher in Russia attracted the attention of various circles of Russian society to the oil business. Siberian industrialist Mikhail Sidorov in August 1868 began drilling the first oil well in the Russian North on the banks of the Ukhta River in the Pechersk Territory. In the same period, the first exploration work for oil with the use of machine drilling also began in the Ural-Volga region.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia ranked first in the world in oil production.

The extraction of natural and associated petroleum gas (hereinafter referred to as APG) in the country, as of the beginning of 2018, was carried out by 254 producing enterprises.

In 2017, the total gas production (natural and associated petroleum) in Russia increased by 8% (+50.9 billion cubic meters compared to 2016) and reached a record level for the entire period of existence of Russian gas production - 691.1 billion cubic meters, including natural gas - 605.7 billion cubic meters (an increase of 8.8% compared to 2016); and associated petroleum gas - 85.4 billion cubic meters (an increase of 2.5% compared to 2016).

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Gas production is one of the most important global industries, which employs a third of the country's population. Workers in the gas industry cannot be ignored among the professionals. Almost every house has gas, and we know firsthand how important it is for the population. About when it is customary to congratulate gas workers and what congratulations are due, we will tell in our article.

The day of the gas worker applies to all employees of the oil refining and mining industries. In another way, this holiday is called the Day of the Oilman or the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers, and it is celebrated on the first Sunday of September. This date was set by the Presidium of the Supreme Council on October 1, 1980. From that moment on, it was included in the Decree on holidays and anniversaries and is celebrated to this day. In 2019, oil and gas industry workers will celebrate professional holiday September 1.

Day of the gas industry worker holiday events

In 2020, the holiday of oil workers will celebrate its next anniversary - 40 years since it was included in the Charter public holidays. This holiday is relatively young, but it is always celebrated on a grand scale. Employees of the gas and oil sector of various levels take part in the festivities, starting with enterprises related to production, exploration, transportation, direct provision and supply of natural wealth. The holiday is especially celebrated by residents of towns and cities where energy production is being carried out.

Among holiday events necessarily held concerts with the participation of local groups, high-ranking officials. One of the main events on the holiday is the award ceremony for the best workers who distinguished themselves in their work during the year. Placing a photo on the board of honor of the enterprise, city, village accompanies the award ceremony. At the same time, events are held both at the enterprises themselves and on the squares of villages, villages, cities.

Oilman's Day is one of the most outstanding professional holidays, so numerous concerts with congratulations and musical programs are held on this day. Workers' settlements celebrate this day in a special way, in which mass celebrations with various treats, competitions and valuable gifts. At the end of the festival, a solemn salute illuminates the sky.

holiday events

From 11 o'clock in the morning at the enterprises of the gas and oil refining industry, solemn events aimed at congratulating and honoring employees. Despite continuous manufacturing process at factories, mining sites, open pits, there is a few minutes to congratulate colleagues. Depending on the area of ​​employment, employees take part in festive concerts and awards.

Sports competitions are held directly on the day of the oil worker, in which employees of related departments or sections compete. On the day of the oilman, an obligatory event is the presentation of awards to the best employees who have proven themselves in work during the year. After the concert, on the occasion of the professional day, a banquet or a feast with tea drinking is organized. As a rule, the event begins immediately after the concert and is timed to coincide with lunch. But sometimes the scenario can change and the holiday starts in the afternoon with a nice tasty ending in the form of a buffet table.

For this day, they prepare in advance and the plan of events, along with posters of congratulations, is posted near the entrance. As for citywide events, the festivities begin at lunchtime. Most of the mining plants and deposits are located in the north of the country, where it gets dark early. Therefore, you need to meet exactly before dark.

Some cities located in the north of our state celebrate a double holiday on the day of the oilman. For example, Nadym, Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk, Vuktyl (from September 1 to 5) simultaneously celebrate the day of the city and the day of the oilman. On this occasion, large-scale celebrations are unfolding with exhibitions, photo zones, children's drawing competitions, football or other sports competitions, festive processions, and fairs. As soon as the first star appears in honor of the oil and gas workers, festive fireworks sound.

Do not forget about the gas workers and central television. All-Russian and local channels broadcast congratulations from the president, heads of regions, heads of oil and gas enterprises. On such a day, a concert is organized with the participation of Russian and foreign pop stars.

Pictures day of the gasman

One of the most popular ways of congratulating on the day of the oilman is sending holiday pictures. Popularity came to this kind of congratulations from enterprises associated with the processing and supply of petroleum products. beautiful pictures it is customary to congratulate gas workers in in social networks, instant messengers, by e-mail.

Gasman's Day funny postcards

Congratulations for the gasman

The day of the gasman is not complete without congratulations. From the scenes of the square, TV screens, words of gratitude are heard for the hard and such important work. In general, this holiday is important for the entire population of the planet. Probably, there is no such corner on Earth where gas, gasoline or coal is not used. These minerals are vital and the oil industry is just the right holiday to express gratitude for the extraction of these minerals.


On the day of the oil worker, every gas worker deserves congratulations, those who work in the field of production, in the laboratory and research field, those who repair equipment, receive, meter, and transport gas. For this day, you need to prepare a special congratulation, which can be read from the stage, said during a festive feast, or simply sent via SMS. On our site you will just find those very suitable words that are appropriate for a gas worker.

  • On this festive day, we all gathered to celebrate a special day that belongs to the oil industry. We would like to express special gratitude to everyone who has devoted their work to the development and production of petroleum products. Your work is important for every inhabitant of our vast country. In our time, it is impossible to find a person who would not use combustible, hydrocarbon mixtures. We wish you to live and prosper, and the treasures that you mine and process never run dry. Be full of energy, health and strength to continue the work you have begun. Happy Holidays!;
  • Good day, dear gas workers! We are kicking off our annual Oil and Gas Industry Day celebration. On this autumn day, we are pleased to welcome you to this event. It's nice to see your radiant smiles that give us their warmth, along with the obtained wealth.
    On this beautiful day, it is joyful to note your productive work, which is valued by each of us, and if it were not for the hard daily work, it would not be known at what level humanity was. May our evolution continue and increase momentum every day. We wish you all good titanic health, so that it pleases you every day. May your families prosper, live in comfort and prosperity, be happy, dear gas workers!


Prosaic congratulations are ideal for toasts both in a narrow professional circle and in home environment. On our site you will find the most suitable words for expensive oilmen.

  • Dear colleagues, our next holiday has come! I congratulate you on this day and wish you from the bottom of my heart endless patience, hard struggle and achievement of high results. Our merits in professional business depend only on ourselves. Be always cheerful and healthy, without these companions we lose our orientation not only in work, but also in family affairs. Please your loved ones and never be upset over trifles. Remember that there is always a way out. Love and be loved, this wonderful feeling pushes us to the very best results! For booty, for our holiday!;

  • Oilman's Day falls on a beautiful autumn time, which was once considered the beginning of the year. Under Peter I, September 1 was a new annual period, however, in our industry, the results have been summed up by this time. Today there are awardees and those who received special marks. But, I want to note that we are a single chain in which each of us is the best employee. May the team always be united. Salute to the oil workers!;

  • On the day of the gas and oil industry, I would like to wish you eternal health. This is a storehouse of our strength and success, if it does not exist, then all joy will leave our home. May your home always be joyful, healthy, homely comfortable. Excellent success and achievement of the set results!;
  • Professional holiday - the day of summing up the results. But you can't stop there. I wish you to always be on top, so that desires and opportunities coincide with reality, and good wages are the sponsor of all that has been said. Health and prosperity to oil workers and all production;

  • Thanks to the oil workers, we all live, drive cars, fly planes and helicopters, sail on ships, live in warm houses. We endlessly appreciate your work and wish not only on your professional holiday, but every day that your life is filled with bright colors. All problems flew away as quickly as the planes, the path to innovation opened up as quickly as the increasing speed of the speedometer, and the sweet life was quiet and calm, like a gentle sea for a ship. For good luck in oil and gas business and the well-being of everyone!

funny in verse

Poems are the perfect congratulations for table toasts. On the day of the oilman, the poetic lines sound with a special meaning, they reflect professional wishes. In our selection of congratulation verses you will find a good congratulation for loved one or colleagues.

For Dad

Congratulations to colleagues

For employees


For gas and oil workers

For husband

Our beloved husband and daddy, we congratulate you on your holiday! We wish you only the very best, be always on top, may luck always smile at you, and all adversity bypass. We love you and are proud of your accomplishments!


You extract the earth's gas
And you give humanity warmth.
May peace reign in your family,
And they know they're lucky to have you.

You best friend, father and son,
I want you to be classy.
And among a thousand earthly plates
You found the one where the gas will be.


e-government Russian Federation congratulates you on the day of the gasman! As the best and most responsible employee, we inform you that you have received 8,000 additional cubic meters of gas and a cash reward at the end of the month. We wish you to fulfill the plan and fulfill your dreams! Happy holiday!

happy holiday

Let your life be endless rivers of gas and gasoline, which will bring a significant income. I wish to conquer all the earthly depths and find there the most important human wealth, happiness and love. Happy holiday!
