New Year's magical rites: proper conduct. Magical New Year for children with their own hands! In this magical new year

We offer you several simple tips how to make the New Year's holiday even more magical and memorable for your children:

1. It is important that new Year gifts were not just beautiful, but intricately and magically packaged to beckon a child with their wonderful and mysterious sparkle, their fabulous secret.

Show your imagination, even if there are several layers of packaging, you can come up with a game according to which the baby unfolds each next wrapper, solving a simple riddle, for example. But even without any games, unwrapping bright, colorful, iridescent packaging will give the child a real pleasure.

2. In order to create a festive mood for the child in anticipation of the New Year, you can craft, write, draw with him new year greetings, gifts, toys for the Christmas tree and even a family wall newspaper.

Older children can be asked to prepare a performance or a congratulation for a family celebration, or just any holiday surprise they want.

3. Give New Year's gifts to children with the most in unusual ways:

1) For example, for young children who are already familiar with some animals, these birds and four-legged friends can “bring” gifts in exchange for treats. For example, nuts or seeds sprinkled on the balcony will disappear, and sweets supposedly brought by squirrels will appear instead. Or mice for a piece of cheese left under the door will bring the baby a toy. And you can exchange the treats left for the animals for gifts in new year's eve.

2) Great will be the joy of a child who finds a wonderful gift from Winter itself on a balcony or in a snowdrift during a walk!

In order to prepare such a surprise, you need a small gift that is not afraid of cold and moisture. Pack it in a sealed metal or plastic box, wrap festive packaging and freeze in a saucepan of water - on the balcony or in the freezer of the refrigerator. There, in the water, you can add spruce twigs, cones or needles, or tinsel.

You can put a transparent block of ice with these gifts on the balcony or hide it in a snowdrift, turning the search magical gift for a child in exciting game.

3) During a walk in the hood, small gifts (possibly edible) can be thrown to the baby even by the invisible elves of Santa Claus - for good behavior and great Christmas spirit. Of course, before the walk, you should tell the child the appropriate fairy tale, and put gifts in the hood unnoticed and then wonder how they got there.

4) If your child has already grown up a little, and you want to give him some money, you can arrange for him the classic "miracle field" from the fairy tale about Pinocchio. Let him bury a coin in a pot of earth on the eve of the New Year, and the next morning, together with the coins, he will find a tree branch “grown” in the ground with money-leaves attached to it.

4. If you want Santa Claus or Santa Claus to come to your baby, it is not at all necessary to invite an actor or dress up dad in a beard and fur coat. Real magic is elusive, and traces of what came to the child will delight and intrigue the baby no less than a real figure.

Therefore, a late doorbell (ask friends or neighbors), snow footprints at the doorstep and a gift tied to the door will be a good surprise for a child who ran to open the door to Santa Claus.

A beautiful congratulatory inscription or a drawing from Santa Claus on the frosted outside of the window on the morning of the new year, along with gifts left on the balcony or window sill outside (decorated with toys or a spruce branch), will have no less effect on the child.

Both adults and children look forward to it. New hopes, new dreams are associated with it. On New Year's Eve, I want everything around to shine, please the eye and look like a fairy tale, so that the spirit of love and harmony is in the air. We hope that the tips collected on these pages will help you better prepare for the holiday, spend it fun and beautiful. After all, on the threshold of the year 2000 - the last in this century and millennium!

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations



CARNIVAL NIGHT. Scale of 1 cell: 1x1 cm.

















The holiday will succeed only if everyone on it will have fun. Think ahead of the script New Year's Eve. Games, contests, quizzes will amuse both adults and children. Have a riddle contest. The person who answers all the questions correctly wins a prize. Here are some riddles. Among them there are also old ones - from collections entertaining tasks end of the 18th century.

So big that it occupies the whole world; so small that it can fit through any gap. (Air.)

What animal does not bite, does not rush at anyone, but lives above all? (The Big Dipper is a constellation.)

Well, who is ready to cross their two swords because of a piece of paper?! (Scissors.)

The master sewed a fur coat for himself, he forgot to take out the needles. (Hedgehog.)

He sits down on everyone, he is not afraid of anyone. (Snow.)


One bag - two bags

How can one sack of wheat, after grinding it, fill two sacks that are as big as the sack containing the wheat?

(Answer: you need to put one of the empty bags into another one, and then pour ground wheat into it.)

How many ducks?

Ducks flew: one in front and two behind, one behind and two in front, one between two and three in a row. How many ducks flew in total?

(Answer: a total of three ducks flew, one after the other.)

What it is?

Two legs sat on three, and when four came and dragged one away, two legs, seizing three, threw them into four, so that four would leave one.

(Answer: the cook was sitting on a chair with three legs, the dog came and dragged the chicken leg, the cook threw the chair at the dog so that he would leave the chicken leg.)

Is it possible?

What could it be: two heads, two arms and six legs, but only four in walking?

(Answer: a rider on a horse.)

How to find out the birthday?

Invite someone to triple the number that is their birthday. Then offer to divide the resulting product by 9, multiply the quotient by 3, and divide the remainder by 3. By asking for this product and this quotient to be announced, you can tell what date this person's birthday is. How to calculate birthday?

(Answer: add the quotient to the product. Example. Let someone have a birthday on the 23rd. To guess this number, you must perform the following steps in sequence: 23 x 3 \u003d 69; 69: 9 \u003d 9 x 7 (private) + 6 (remainder); 7 x 3 \u003d 21 (product); 6: 3 \u003d 2 (quotient); 21 + 2 \u003d 23.)

How to find out the month of birth?

Ask someone to square the month of their birth. To the result, ask to add twice the serial number of the month and 1 more. According to the announced result, you can name the month of birth.

(Answer: to find the hidden number, you need to take the square root of the announced number, and then subtract 1.)


Real fun on New Year's Eve cannot be without a carnival. So, we need to stock up on crackers, confetti, masquerade masks.

Simple masks of a clown, a lion cub and a firebird can be made by yourself according to the drawings below.

Transfer children's masks of a clown and a lion cub onto thin cardboard white color and cut along the outer contours. Cut out the eyes, nose and mouth along the dotted lines. Color the masks with colored felt-tip pens: the nose and mouth of the clown are red, the eyes are yellow, the hair is blue or green, and the hat is black. Make the mane of the lion cub reddish-brown, the muzzle and ears - beige, the nose - black, and along the inner contour - gray, the glasses - red, the stars on the glasses - yellow.

Glue the ties to the clown mask on the sides from the wrong side. Cut holes on the lion cub mask for ties.

The firebird mask can be for both children and adults. Transfer it to thin white cardboard and cut along the outer contours. Cut out the eyes along the dotted lines. Paint the details of the mask with oil or watercolor paints. The background can be made purple or dark blue, circles - pink, and droplets - red. Glue the mask to the frame of your old glasses.

School of Practical Knowledge


On a holiday, the dishes on the table should not only be tasty, but also beautifully decorated and exquisite. We offer several original jewelry from the most common vegetables. They are so easy to make that any hostess, not even experienced in decorative cooking, can do it.

To get started, get acquainted with some rules of decorative cooking.

Dishes and decorations should be combined with each other. For example, fish and seafood dishes are most often decorated with lemon, any pies, appetizers from fish, meat and poultry are most often decorated with tomatoes.
If the main dish is decorated effectively enough, you should not overload the rest of the dishes with decorations.

In order for the lines of decorative cutouts to be clear, neat, you should use only well-sharpened knives.

For hot dishes, so that they do not cool down before serving, decorations must be prepared in advance.

So, try making some decorations.

Onion pitcher. Take a strong onion of medium size, peel it, wash it. With a sharp knife, make serrated cuts in the bulb so that the point of the knife reaches the very middle of the bulb. Separate one half from the other, spreading them in different directions. Place both halves in a bowl of ice water and refrigerate overnight to open like water lilies. These water lilies can decorate pilaf or other oriental dishes.

Bunches of carrots. For this decoration you will need a large bright carrot. Cut the skin off the carrots and one thin longitudinal layer so that it is convenient to place it on the board. Cut off the top, you won't need it. Cut the carrots in half crosswise so that each is about the length of a finger. Cut both parts into thin longitudinal slices. Slices, in turn, cut into sticks as thick as a match. Dip the straws for half a minute in boiling water - the color of the carrot will become brighter. Insert a bunch of carrot straws into an onion ring. Such bunches can be served cold with salads and other snacks or hot with hot vegetable dishes (for this, it is enough to place the bunches in the microwave for 1-2 minutes or heat them up for a couple).

Tomato poppy. Take a red hard tomato. Wash it and wipe it off with a tissue. Cut off one side of the tomato with a sharp knife. Make two more of the same, the same size slices. These will be the flower petals. From the inside of the slices, remove the pulp with a knife blade. Turn the petals inside out so that the inside becomes convex, and gather them into a flower. Place poppy seeds or finely chopped lemon zest in the center of the flower. Make a stem from a green onion arrow, leaves from a cucumber peel (or use real ones from any greens). Three or four of these flowers, placed on the rim of a large plate, will decorate any appetizer of fish, poultry or meat.


On New Year's Eve, no one should be left without a gift. It can be an inexpensive souvenir or some cute handmade item.

If you have already prepared gifts, it's time to wrap them in beautiful wrapping paper and tie a decorative bow. Such a bow can be bought in a store or made by yourself.

Take a silk ribbon 2-2.5 centimeters wide, cut two strips 50 centimeters long from it, cut the ends at an angle of 45 degrees. From another silk ribbon 0.5-0.7 centimeters wide, cut a strip 105 centimeters long. Starch all three strips and iron with a hot iron.

Fold both wide strips with wrong sides inside, between them lay a narrow strip folded in half and at the fold (point 1 in the figure) connect it with several stitches with wide stripes. Next, with securing stitches, connect only the wide strips at points 2-9. From the 1st to the 2nd point, the distance is 7.5, from the 2nd to the 4th - 8, from the 4th to the 6th - 11.5, from the 6th to the 8th - 11, from 1st to 3rd - 7, from 3rd to 5th - 9, from 5th to 7th - 9.5, from 7th to 9th - 13.5 centimeters.

Pull the ends of the narrow strip - and the bow will "tie".


Hostess - note


You will need: 250 g of softened butter or margarine, 125 g of powdered sugar, salt on the tip of a knife, grated zest of 1/2 lemon, 3 egg yolks, 400 g of flour, 50-70 g of coarse granulated sugar, a little oil or margarine to grease the baking sheet, 1 yolk for greasing cookies.

From butter, powdered sugar, salt, yolks, lemon zest and flour, quickly knead the dough, make a ball out of it, wrap in foil and refrigerate for 3-4 hours. After that, fashion a sausage from the dough and cut it into about 80 circles. From the circles, form sticks 8 cm long and, giving them the shape of the Latin letter "S", put them on a greased baking sheet at some distance from one another.

Dilute the yolk with a little water. Brush it on the cookies and sprinkle granulated sugar on top to taste. Bake in a preheated oven at 190 ° C in the middle position of the baking sheet for 10-12 minutes until golden brown. Let the cookies cool slightly on the baking sheet, then transfer to a serving platter.


Let's remember the good old tradition of decorating your house before the New Year and Christmas with homemade Christmas decorations and garlands. True, in last years they were replaced by all sorts of New Year's compositions. We present two of them to your attention. Make them under the force not only for adults, but also for children. A little patience and more imagination. We wish you success!


Prepare wire cutters, secateurs, wire, PVA glue and "Moment" or, which is undoubtedly better, but, alas, more expensive, a florist gun with silicone glue, as well as aerosol dyes, automotive or special for dried flowers - colors gold, green, red , or gouache paints and brushes.

From plant materials, you will need a bunch of thin long branches of willow or bright red branches of white turf, live, artificial or coniferous branches preserved in glycerin and large flat leaves of oak, maple, alder, as well as hard leathery leaves of indoor plants, such as monstera or ficus . Do not forget about alder cones, small pine or spruce cones and a small figure of Santa Claus. You will have to make bows out of paper or dough and look for original, but not glass decorations among Christmas tree decorations.

Material preparation

Coloring. There are several ways to color.

Take cardboard box from shoes. Stand it vertically, this will not allow the dye to splatter much. Put the cones and leaves inside, shake the can well and spray them with spray paint. Let dry.

Aerosol dyes can be completely replaced with PVA glue mixed with gouache. Pour PVA glue into a glass jar, add red, green or any other gouache, mix well and paint the necessary material with a brush.

You can use the most common, suitable color oil or water-based paints.

Preservation with glycerin. When dry, coniferous branches shed their needles, and the leaves curl, lose their attractive appearance and become brittle. To save natural beauty, dip them in an aqueous solution of glycerin.

Cut branches 30-40 centimeters long at an angle of 45 degrees. Remove the bark at the bottom of the stems, about 6 centimeters, and split the ends. Mix one part glycerin and two parts hot water. Pour the solution into a vessel with a layer of 15-20 centimeters and place the branches, keep them in it for 2-3 weeks, topping up the liquid as it evaporates. Soaked in glycerin, the needles and leaves will change their color: they will become brownish. If you want them to stay green, add aniline dyes or colored inks to the glycerin solution. And you can tint with green paint a ready-made, canned material.

There is another method of preserving leaves and small twigs of needles. Mix glycerin and water in equal proportions, dilute aniline fabric dyes in the resulting solution and immerse leaves and spruce branches 5 to 15 centimeters long into it. Bring liquid to a boil and cool. So repeat three or more times until the leaves and needles are completely saturated, become elastic and evenly change their color. After that, rinse and dry all the material, you can sprinkle it with spray paints or sprinkle it with artificial snow, which is sold in flower shops.

Dough decorations. Elegant bows or other figures necessary for the composition are easy to cut out of fabric or paper, but you can fashion them from dough and color them. Take equal proportions of salt and wheat flour. Add water. Knead a stiff dough. Roll out with a thickness of 0.7-1 centimeter and cut out the figures you like with a knife - bows, coins, stars. Spread them on a baking sheet, not greased with oil, dry in a hot oven, and when dry, paint.

Frame manufacturing

Weave a ring from thin branches of willow or turf. To increase rigidity with a thin wire, attach two sticks crosswise to the ring. Using the same willow or turf branches, make a pyramid. Tie the branches to the ring with wire at a distance of 5-7 centimeters from the bottom: one branch in the center, the rest - 8-10 pieces - around the perimeter. Gather the upper ends into a bundle and tie with wire. The tips - in the form of a cane handle - bend down and fix. After a few days, the branches will dry out and the mount will weaken somewhat. For greater rigidity, tighten it slightly.

Composition assembly

Intertwine between the branches in a spiral from left to right coniferous branches and leaves. To keep the composition transparent, do not lay the material too close to each other. Fix the finished work with glue. Using the same glue or wire, attach bumps, bows, and other decorations to the frame.

Wrap the handle with gold, silver or red braid and attach a bell to the tip. Don't forget the Santa Claus figurine.


To create such a composition, you will need: a vase (opaque and massive), a floristic sponge for living plants (a porous material, also known as an oasis), wire cutters, a pruner, a candle, wooden toothpicks, artificial snow, spruce or pine branches, fruits (tangerines, apples, grapes, bananas) and flowers.

Composition montage. Cut a piece of oasis to the size of the vase. Soak it in water. After 10-15 minutes, when it is completely saturated, fix it in a vase with adhesive tape (Fig. 1).

Preparation of plant material. Pierce apples, tangerines with two wires crosswise and fasten the ends of the wires together (Fig. 2). Attach bananas and grapes to the wire (fig. 3). Cut spruce or pine branches with secateurs and clean their ends 2-3 cm from the bark. Sprinkle prepared branches with artificial snow from an aerosol can. Divide the chrysanthemum bushes into separate small branches. Paint the pinecones gold or red and secure them to the wire. Prepare bows from paper, fabric or dough, paint them and fasten them to the wire too.

Candle preparation. At the base of the candle, scratch three small grooves with a knife. Attach toothpicks to the grooves and wrap them with wire (Fig. 4).

Composition assembly. Choose a place where the composition will stand. For the New Year's table, it should not be too high so as not to block the people sitting.

Determine in advance the best position and height of each element, and then carefully fix the prepared material in the oasis.

Good luck to you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

E. HUNTING, teacher of the school of phytodesign.

The New Year, for me personally, is always associated: with the smell of a spruce forest, tangerines, a crystal salad bowl, in which my mother carefully “from the heart” put Olvier, and, perhaps, with sparkling champagne, which brings you to the state of the mischievous wife of V. IN. Putin to the chiming clock: it seems that one should listen to the speech with dignity, but the legs still give way.

And every time, about a week before this incredible winter holiday, you rush to the mall and try to find at least something suitable, making your way through people and thick smells of cologne, merging together in mass ecstasy. I had no problems with gifts for my beloved women, but gifts for the bearers of the proud name - the stronger sex, who every day prove the right to consider themselves men, fighting on the battlefield "Tanchikov" - caused me a lot of questions. Even more than when replacing the gasket in a two-valve shower faucet...

How to refine and give something that will really bring joy, even fleeting? How to cause delight, stretching a miracle to the "furry beast", waiting for the moment to start a legitimate mass gluttony?

Surprisingly, the "trial and error" method demonstrated its sole omnipotence in the best possible way, so in this article I will talk about those gifts that you can still wait a little and unpack before it's too late. If you have already wrapped the whole thing in glossy paper, sprinkled with plenty of confetti, put it off until April 1st.

Historically, a holiday called Christmas first fell to us in Tsarist Russia “like snow on our heads”, it was adopted by Peter I, since he did not breathe evenly to European customs. The great emperor ordered not only to celebrate the celebration on a grand scale, accompanied by festivities and feasts, but also by the mutual offering of gifts, which has survived to this day.

However, after the October Revolution of 1917, the communists decided to remove religious holidays from the calendar, so Christmas was inexorably subjected to the so-called "amputation". But nevertheless, taking pity on the poor fellows and preventing unrest among the masses in advance, the authorities left winter holiday and called it the New Year, moving the celebration to January 1. I think that such a trick with the disposal of essentially a weekend (and more than one) would not have passed at the present time without bloodshed, herring eating and drinking champagne - after all, this holiday has entered not only the calendars of Russians, but also deep into the hearts.

But, for example, in Saudi Arabia The New Year is not celebrated on principle, and moreover, it is prohibited by the authorities. Exists special unit police, which runs on the eve of the start of the festivities and monitors compliance with the rule - "Anticlaus" - God forbid, the symbols of Santa and his assistants will be found somewhere, and if you have sparklers sticking out of your pocket, then most likely you will celebrate already at the local police station, while your rouged identity will be established. Corrective labor or a couple of days in a pre-trial detention center can be presented as a gift. Yes, in this case, the already established expression: “Rely on Santa Claus, but don’t make a mistake yourself” - reflects the situation in the best possible way.

Therefore, our warlike friends can be insanely happy with everything we give them on New Year's Eve, even if it's an innocent kiss - why not, it's better than singing softly with cellmates "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!" and get a couple more festive cuffs on the kidney for it.

And we are slowly but surely moving on to the list of gifts that, for some reason, cause a storm of emotions in the opposite sex, and not always pleasant:

  1. Shower gel from cedar cones- either the smell is too vigorous, or the particles of the cones did not please the grandfather, but I found this attribute of male hygiene in the sideboard a few years later, from the moment it was handed over to the object. I don’t deny the option that grandfather uses it in special cases, but still it’s not worth the risk - such things also have an expiration date, if you give a loved one, then theoretically in a couple of years there is a chance to smell not cedar, but fermented spruce.
  2. Nose Hair Trimmer- “It also turned out to be not a very good gift, and already deep into New Year's Eve I felt what medieval torture meant. The gift was returned to the store, and for a long time I could not make out my things, carefully packed by a young man in a suitcase and put on the stairwell, ”a friend told me on January 24, eating jellied meat.
  3. Playboy or Maxim magazine- do not once again remind what to cover female forms not necessarily beautiful linen, but glasses of champagne or two are quite suitable Christmas decorations They don't need to relax. Yes, and torturing these too vulnerable creatures is also not worth it: reading such a magazine for a man is akin to receiving a letter from the front for a girl - lyrically, sentimentally, you want to cry, but you can’t hug.
  4. Double strip test- it is strictly forbidden to shock men if they are still sober, and there is no engagement ring on your ring finger. On the other hand, in this way you will make yourself a gift, since soon it will still shine on your finger. However, the event is risky, be sure to close all windows and vents before this, turn off the gas, hot water and a landline phone - there are statistically fewer men anyway, so you should not support this trend with enthusiasm - leave it until Christmas, the weekend will come to an end there, you are already going to work, perhaps your news will be lost in post-holiday events.
  5. Christmas holidays with your mom- this gift belongs to the category: "Honey, I'm in Poland for barbecues" - it sounds absurd, I just want to fall asleep under the New Year tree and ask Grandfather Frost not to fulfill this desire, and the deuce in the fifth grade was not at all in mathematics, life is unfair, and penguins fly too. If you don't want to turn your man into white unicorns, ditch those awesome VIP tickets for the best sightseeing tour and just pour him some more cognac.

It is important to remember that in pursuit of perfect gift for your hero, you can miss something very important and significant - the holiday itself or, God forbid, your gift, so it makes sense to start looking long before the X-day.

We must never forget that there is an option: “We look at home, carefully give” or vice versa. After all, sometimes what you do not use can be useful for him. And we reassure that men are very fond of a sense of humor in their second fragile halves.

And most importantly: in our time, loaded from the Internet with the help of traffic, it is not always possible to devote a couple of seconds to your loved ones. Give with your soul, give from the heart, even if it opens after the celebration, and then your "Hulk" will not need to save the world from itself. Enjoy the moment, each other, because who knows how many more times you will be lucky enough to meet this bewitching and magical holiday together.

The well-worn proverb “As you meet a year, so you will live” ceases to evoke a premonition of magic with age. Especially now, in the era of total Instagram with its ultimate trend to clearly and publicly demonstrate that life is good. Quite accomplished women suddenly have a fear before the new year not to justify, not to meet and not to set the necessary “bar” for the start of the new year. And in the most mysterious way during this period, every second of my clients, to one degree or another, begins to doubt the success and uniqueness of their own lives.

The scenario is roughly the following. So, yesterday she was completely satisfied with her New Year's Eve scenario: everything turned out well, literally in last moment rented an excellent house in Suzdal, agreed with friends, prepared a menu, thought out an interesting program ... And the joy remained exactly until the minute I went to Instagram. And there in the tape - photos of a friend from the Maldives ... And that's it. Well, how is it? Does it mean it didn't make it? Miserable provincial Suzdal! Fool's house! Banal dishes! The mood is at zero, goes, of course, to loved ones.

It is impossible to explain to them and to myself the reason for the sudden change of mood, but it does not work out to defeat the strange annoyance either. And ashamed, and envy, I don’t want to admit it, but I can’t be happy for my girlfriend. Because, in fact, the results of the year are somehow very expressively different.

A lucky friend, just like the daughter of the American billionaire Vanderbilt - Ellochka, smiles triumphantly from the Maldivian photos, provoking the search for a symmetrical answer. How can he be on the merciless field of the Instagram feed? And "Ellochka" constructs reality, diligently conveying simple messages to the audience: everything is fine with me, just wonderful, and no worse than others! It’s a paradox, but her personal holiday, joy, happiness are not in focus at all, for nothing that she builds it so carefully, and then also polishes it with all kinds of filters. Focus on what others think and say. Holidays and vacations are not lived, but presented, and even with a restless constant check, who saw how they commented and whether they liked it.

In the depths of her soul, she understands that, in theory, she should not care who rides the subway there, and who flies on her own plane. It’s normal to be happy with what you have, because there will always be someone who has better, more and more expensive. But the glossy reality inexorably orders to accept the challenge and enter the competition.

Inside, "Ellochka" has an unbearable hunger that cannot be appeased. Who loves opera? She immediately becomes a regular in the theatre. Someone purposefully takes care of their body? She exhausts herself with fitness and diets. Is someone preparing for a serious international exam? And she is right there. However, here's the problem: her achievements do not impress her at all.

Why? It's simple. Because none of this is hers. Internal competition with someone else's joy and someone else's success completely devalues ​​efforts. But in order not to compete, you need to feel well and love your own. And once and for all decide for yourself: “Am I racing or building independent achievements and joys?”

By the way, the second option is more than real, just right now she doesn’t really want to see it and believe in it. Meanwhile, the incredible, purposeful and effective energy that she demonstrates in an endless competition testifies precisely to the fact that she has a gigantic, simply inexhaustible resource. In fact, her hunger is fraught with not only the desire to live someone else's life and endlessly run after the departing locomotive. He harbors a colossal unconscious desire to express himself and create a life for himself that will give joy.

It’s just that the energy and own resources of creativity can be spent on imitation, or you can spend it on revealing and finding yourself. Your real self.

It's a difficult path, but no more costly than obsessing over comparisons and perfectionist alignment with the latest Instagram trends. And if she decides to embark on this path, then changes will not take long. To do this, any actions and projects should proceed from the principle: "I want it, I love it, I really like it." And the principle “what Marya Aleksevna will say” will have to be decisively forgotten. And ask, very strictly and meticulously ask yourself: “Is this really mine?”. You will need to learn to appreciate, and not devalue your own, close, important and unique, and ask the question “why” instead of “why”. And we still have to set priorities and introduce gratitude into life - to the world, to God, to ourselves, to everyone we meet: let gratitude for what comes into life gradually replace the habit of complaining, being capricious and never being satisfied with anything.

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Holiday scenario and presentation.

Target: Develop children's emotional response preschool age for the New Year's show.


  • attract children to participate in the holiday;
  • develop communication skills in the child;
  • develop artistic ability children;
  • create an atmosphere of magic, mystery, mystery for children;
  • cultivate a desire to do good.

Characters: adults - Host, Snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Koschey, Baba Yaga.

Children: Snowflakes, 3 princesses, 3 princes.

The course of the holiday

Children enter the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree.

Leading. Dear guests and children, I congratulate you on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas! May the New Year bring you joy and happiness! Along with this holiday, songs, fairy tales, miracles come to us.

She has been going to us for a holiday for a whole year
Green beauty of the forests.
Then quietly dressed up in this hall,
And now her outfit is ready.
We all admire the Christmas tree today,
She gives us a delicate aroma,
And the most the best holiday New Year
Comes with her to kindergarten.

1st child:

A fun holiday has come to us -
Dreamer, joker, prankster.
He calls us all to the round dance,
This Holiday - New year.
He will give songs, fairy tales,
Everyone will be swirled in a noisy dance.
Smile, wink,
This is a holiday -

All: New Year.

2nd child:

Christmas tree, we were waiting for you
Many, many days and nights.
We counted for a moment
To see quickly.
We won't get tired today
Sing, laugh, dance.
We invite you to join us
New Year, meet friends.

3rd child:

It's so beautiful in our hall
The tree is wonderfully magnificent.
Everything sparkles and glitters
All lights are on fire.
Hello dear guest!
You are beautiful and bright.
We've been waiting for you all year
Finally, you have arrived.

4th child:

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
We hasten to congratulate everyone
Let under our miracle tree,
Ringing laughter does not stop!
The clock strikes twelve -
It means New Year.
Doors wide open, like in a fairy tale,
The round dance is dancing!
And above this round dance,
Talk, songs, ringing laughter!
Happy New Year!

All: Happy New Year everyone - everyone - everyone!

Round dance "The New Year is coming to us!" V.Gerchik.


Near the Christmas tree
Miracles happen.
Hear the sounds of the forest
Or some voices.
Quiet music sounds.
Someone is in a hurry to visit us.

A snowman appears out of breath with a large envelope.


I welcome you, friends,
I flew to you on a sled.
So I was in a hurry
That almost broke.

Leading. Snowman, we are very glad to see you at our holiday. And where are Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden? Didn't they come with you?


Santa Claus couldn't come.
I got a letter from him.
Do not be afraid, grief did not happen,
Grandfather has a lot of things to do.
He ordered you to give the letter,
And come back to me again.

Leading. Well, let's read what Santa Claus writes to us. ( Takes out a letter, reads): "Dear Guys! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! Excuse me for being a little late for your holiday. I have accumulated a lot of things: I prepare gifts for all children, I cover fields, forests and mountains with fluffy snows.

Dear children! For new year holiday I need artists, I will gather a troupe to start the holiday. Father Frost"

But in this letter, not everything is clear to me what artists Santa Claus needs, how many of them. What kind of troupe does he collect. Let's call the Snow Maiden, she will explain everything to us.

Ding - dong, dili - dong,
An ice floe gentle chime.
Fairy tale, fairy tale, begin
Come to us Snow Maiden!

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters the hall, to the song.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys!

Presenter: Snow Maiden, we read the letter of Santa Claus, tell us what kind of holiday Santa Claus came up with?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus - my glorious grandfather, sends greetings to the guys. Today he told me to gather all the guys here - dancers, musicians, all those who are happy about the Christmas tree!

Presenter: So Santa Claus needs artists? Take our guys, they dance and sing well.

Snow Maiden: And now we'll check it out. Attention! First task! And to complete it, guess the riddle.

Do you want some joy?
Rather, put your hand up
And catch winter fluff -
New Year's ... ( snowflake).

Dance "Dance of snowflakes".

Presenter: You see, Snegurochka, what talented children we have, real artists.

Snow Maiden: Wait, that's not all the quests.

The second task is waiting for you, friends, are you ready for it? ... (yes)

Enough, children, I suggest you sit and sing a song ...

To the music, Koschei flies into the hall, runs around the Christmas tree, waves his arms and legs, and shouts ...

Koschey: I! I like singing. Sign me up as an artist, take Koshchei to your show.

Presenter: Sorry, but we didn't invite you! And why did you come to kindergarten? You will scare away all the children!

Koschei (says in a hoarse voice): Nobody is afraid of me. Poor me, poor me.

Snow Maiden: Koshcheyushka, tell me what happened to your voice?

Koschey: Yes, I recently caught a cold and lost my voice. Take me as an artist.

Snow Maiden: How can I take you? You are not fit to be a singer, your voice creaks. Sit down and listen to the children sing.

Song "Children's round dance", V. Parfenyuk.

Koschey: You can listen. Well, take me! Well, at least by anyone. I'll be nice to you.

Snow Maiden: Okay, let's sell tickets. Do you even know how to count money?

Koschey: Ask!

Koshchei's song:

Day and night, day and night I believe silver
Day and night, day and night, I don't know how to rest.
I slowly wither over my wealth,
And I’ll look into the chest - and gasp with happiness.

He walks, shakes his wallet, makes noise with coins, coins are scattered, collects them and runs out of the hall.

Presenter: And also the Snow Maiden, the guys want to show you the number, play in the orchestra, but the orchestra is not simple, but New Year's.

Children perform the song "Yolochka" by M. Krasev on musical instruments.

Snow Maiden: What talented kids. Guys, do you know the lyrics? (Children answer)

Read and I will listen.


Presenter: Well, Snow Maiden, enough artists?

Snow Maiden: A couple more and that's it.

Baba Yaga flies into the hall to the music.

Baba Yaga: Will you take me to the show? Do you know how talented I am? Out of boredom.

Snow Maiden: What are you, Baba Yaga, only we missed you. Look how smart and beautiful these guys are. And you? She appeared again in rags.

Baba Yaga: I, I... will get better. I will hire a stylist, makeup artist, hairdresser, dentist. I will change beyond recognition.

Snow Maiden: Yes, even after the stylist it will be difficult to recognize you.

Baba Yaga: Well, Snow Maiden, darling. Well, you're kind. Convince Santa Claus! I can sing and I can dance. Come on, kids, stand in a circle.

Song-dance "If you like it."

Baba Yaga: Also, I can tell stories.

Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba, and they had a Goat - Ryaba ( children correct). I'd rather tell another story.

Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba. So Grandfather asks: “Bake, Grandmother, a ruddy turnip ( children correct).

He planted, Grandfather, a gingerbread man, and he grew big, big ( children laugh).

Snow Maiden: You mixed up all the tales of Baba Yaga. Made me laugh.

Baba Yaga: I not only know how to laugh and dance. Very well, I conjure with a broom. Show?

Snow Maiden: No, no, sometime later.

Baba Yaga: Well, Snow Maiden, are you taking me to the show?

Snow Maiden (walks around Baba Yaga from all sides and says): Your broom is good, I can take you ... CLEANING WOMAN!

Baba Yaga (stammering): What cleaner? I want to be an artist. For such an insult, I will avenge you without a doubt, I will put out your Christmas tree, I will fly away into the dense forest.

I'm poking around here now
I'll blow out the lights on the tree.
Shurum, burum, burum, shurum!
Passion-face, all the lights on the Christmas tree go out!

All! The ball is over, the candles are out! I ran. (runs around the tree, the tree goes out, Baba Yaga leaves the hall).

Presenter: What should we do, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden: Call Santa Claus! Guys, let's all call him together.

Children: Santa Claus, Santa Claus...

Snow Maiden: And here he is, meet everyone, Santa Claus in all its glory.

Father Frost: Father Frost: Hello kids! Girls and boys! (children greet)

Hello, granddaughter Snow Maiden, you are already here!
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
Congratulations to all children! Congratulations to all guests!
I came to you from afar. Oh, the road is not easy!
There are frosts all year round, eternal snow and eternal ice!
Each ice floe is like a house. I made my way with difficulty.
I overcame the difficult path, but I am healthy, rejuvenated

Well, dear granddaughter, Snow Maiden, tell me if you found at least one artist in this kindergarten.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, in this kindergarten all the artists sing and dance.

Father Frost: Well done boys! Congratulations, you are all accepted. And now everyone is in a round dance, we will celebrate the New Year together.

Snow Maiden:

Father Frost! Wait a minute!
You look at the tree.
The tree is sad
For some reason it doesn't shine.

Father Frost: We will fix this trouble, we will make all the lights burn!

Let's say together: "One! Two! Three! Our Christmas tree, burn! »

Children repeat the words after Santa Claus, the lights light up.

Round dance with Santa Claus New Year's round dance» T.Popatenko.

Father Frost: Guys, do you know how to dance?

Snow Maiden: Yes, Santa Claus, they can sing and dance. And for you, Santa Claus, the children have prepared a dance.

Dance "White blizzard".

Father Frost: Guys, I suggest you play.

The game "The deer has a big house."

Snow Maiden:

So you got into a circle with us - stay here!
Do not leave you, Frost! How not to get out!

Father Frost: How not to let go! And now I'll take it and leave!

The game "We will not let go!".

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, and you dance, then we will let you out.

Dance of Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, are you tired? You sit down, rest, listen to winter poems ...

Poems for children.

Leading: Santa Claus, and our children have prepared New Year's ditties for you.

« New Year's ditties».

  1. Put your ears on top
    Listen carefully
    New Year's ditties
    Let's sing for you diligently.
  2. New Year is knocking on the door
    Snowstorms sing outside the window.
    Snow on the street creaks
    Santa Claus is in a hurry.
  3. Today's New Year's holiday
    Time is moving forward.
    Spread your gifts
    Limousine Frost takes.
  4. Our Santa Claus with a beard,
    With lush mustache
    But how young guy,
    Dancing with us.
  5. Near the house, at the rink
    I made a snowman
    Made a nose out of a carrot
    Got Santa Claus.
  6. In our hall there is noise and laughter,
    The singing doesn't stop.
    Our tree is the best!
    There is no doubt about this.
  7. The New Year is knocking at the door!
    It's a holiday - no matter where!
    Only to those who miracle believe,
    He comes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
  8. Earlier letters to Santa Claus
    Ah, the snowmen!
    And now he gets
    SMS and calls!

We sang ditties to you
Is it good or bad
We only ask you
Whatever, you patted us.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the princesses came to congratulate you.

I invite all princesses.
I give them the floor.

Cinderella: Hello! I came here for the holiday

She ran away from home!
And the evil stepmother always scolded me for everything!
And I cleaned the whole house and sorted out the peas.

Princess on the Pea:

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Who keeps talking about peas here,
I didn't sleep last night, didn't close my eyes,
And where bruises I did not understand.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Peas are to blame for everything.

Sleeping Beauty:

Who did not sleep here, but friends?
I slept for a long time!
The evil fairy brought me a lot of evil from birth,
Only the prince, who is so dear to me, woke me up with a kiss!
And for the New Year's holiday, I was invited today!
It's just that I don't see it...

Cinderella: And my prince promised to come! Can't find the way?

Snow Maiden: And here are the princes coming to you!

1 prince:

Friends! I am the future king!
I want to marry a girl alone.
Who didn't sleep all night
And the pea is the only one to blame.

2 prince:

And I promised to marry that one,
Which, just right, the crystal slipper has become!
Well, today, putting on a shoe,
I will dance with her the best!

3 prince:

I broke the evil spell -
My girl woke up.
It is impossible, princess, to sleep for a long time.
Come dance with me.

Snow Maiden: Let the music sound with us, we invite you to the waltz.

The children are waltzing.

Father Frost. Well, I stayed with you for a long time, it's time for me to get ready for the journey, to go to the other guys at the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, where is the bag with gifts - tasty and bright?

Father Frost: What do you guys want? Present? Ah, well, it's possible. So, where's my bag? (looking for) Well, here are the presents! (unzips the bag, and it's empty)

Snow Maiden: This is probably Baba Yaga who took away the gifts, but we have a magic ball, he will help us find gifts (throw a ball of fishing line, the ball rolls behind the tree to the bag).

Distribution of gifts.

Father Frost:

And now it's time to say goodbye.
Santa Claus gives this order:
Don't be sick, don't be bored
And don't forget me!
Me next year
I will visit you again.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave.
