Cross stitch: technique for beginners (photo). Bulgarian cross stitch technique: features Knitting pattern Bulgarian cross

Knitting is one of the most common and affordable types of needlework. Not costly in terms of materials, this type of creativity requires only perseverance and attentiveness from the master. If you show a little patience and understand the types of knitting, you can master a variety of patterns: the Bulgarian cross with the help of knitting needles, “braids”, “spikelet”, “checkerboard”.

Knitting is a type of needlework that is widespread throughout the world. Archaeological finds indicate that hundreds of years ago it was already fashionable to wear products knitted on knitting needles. Initially, this type of needlework was unpretentious, but only wealthy citizens could afford knitted things, even of the simplest forms. Over time, skill has reached the pinnacle. This is evidenced by the first archaeological finds devoted to this topic: children's stockings dated to the third / fourth century AD, from Egypt, already took into account the shape and size of the legs, and also had anatomical features - the heel and toe.

Over time, from an inaccessible art, knitting passed into the category of simple. The nobility stopped wearing knitted things, since the availability of materials and the prevalence of products was, rather, a symbol of poverty. Knitted needles things were worn by working commoners, rarely by merchants and nobles. But their clothes were richly decorated and inlaid with jewels. Remained in high esteem knitted accessories for ladies - umbrellas, belts, shawls, gloves, reticules.

We learn to knit a Bulgarian cross with knitting needles with our own hands in a master class

There are many knitting techniques:

  • work with straight or circular knitting needles;
  • knitting on 2 or 5 knitting needles;
  • removing loops on an additional knitting needle;
  • decrease or increase in loops;
  • nakida;
  • front and back loops;
  • braids, elastic bands, openwork;
  • air loops.

alternation various kinds loops allows needlewomen to knit absolutely various patterns and create products according to the same parameters, but differing in appearance.

Knitting needles can create very beautiful things - hats, cardigans, coats, accessories. A beautiful and simple pattern that is suitable for almost any product is the Bulgarian cross.

Let's take a closer look at how to knit a pattern.

Loops used in the work:

  • yarn over Executed with the end of the needle in right hand. It is necessary to pick up the working thread "toward yourself" in order to working needle got a loop;
  • face loop. End of working right needle inserted between the flaps of the loop located on the spoke. The thread is stretched;
  • purl. The right needle is inserted into the halves of the loop, as if from the inside, the working thread is picked up and pulled.

The number of loops when dialing should be a multiple of 3, + 2 edging, which are not considered in the work.

1 row. The first loop is removed. This is the edge. Then - 3 facial loops. Now it is necessary to stretch the second and third knitted loops through the first. To do this, grab the front wall of the right loop with the left knitting needle, slightly pull the wall and drop it from above the second and third. nakid. Repeat until the end of the row. The last loop is hem, we knit it on the wrong side.

2 row. All even rows are purl sts.

3 row. Kromochnaya. To make the pattern look beautiful, we knit 1 front loop, yarn over. Then we perform the reception described in the first row, then 1 front. Repeat until the end of the row. The last one is the edge loop.

4 row. Like the second.

5 row. Like a third.

To make the pattern look beautiful and openwork, you need to watch when to shift the loops. To do this, it is convenient to focus on the yarn: it is knitted between the loops on which the loop was thrown in the previous row.

The knitting pattern is simple and understandable for both beginners who are just mastering the art of knitting, and experienced needlewomen.

The knitting pattern is interesting in that it is a little springy and resembles an “elastic band” pattern in structure. When washing and wearing, such a pattern is very convenient - the thing is not very deformed. The Bulgarian cross is obtained beautiful jackets, cardigans, pullovers.

It should be noted that the use of knitting needles big size will make the canvas more openwork. If you take thin knitting needles, then the work will be denser, not so patterned, but less transparent. This should be taken into account when choosing yarn - a winter cardigan will look out of place with large openwork holes.

The resulting canvas can be used as the basis for a big thing - sweaters or skirts. You can also leave it independent - delicate, openwork and airy, it does not overload the thing with details. Also, the Bulgarian cross can be used as a basis for embroidery, or decorate the product with ribbons, stretching them through the resulting holes in knitting.

You can use this pattern for both men's and women's products. Properly selected yarn will help open up the pattern and show the beauty of the work.

Video with knitting lessons

This openwork pattern very simple in execution, is a grid with small holes. The pattern is formed with the help of thrown loops and crochets. For a pattern sample, cast on the knitting needles the number of loops is a multiple of 3, plus 2 edge loops.

1 row: * knit 3 front, then the 1st loop of three is thrown to the left through the 2nd and 3rd loops, yarn over *, 3 front, then the 1st loop of three is thrown to the left;

Row 2 and all purl rows : knit with purl loops;

3 row: 1 front, yarn over, * knit 3 front, then the 1st loop of three through the 2nd and 3rd loops, yarn over *, 1 front.

Pattern knitting pattern

Symbols for the knitting pattern

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.

nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.

Flipped loop. The end of the left needle grabs the loop (or yarn) and pulls the next two loops into it.

The absence of a loop in the diagram.

Cross-stitch is one of the most ancient types of needlework, spread all over the world. Initially, bone needles were used, with which primitive people sewed animal skins crosswise. Then they began to decorate clothes with similar stitches. Time passes, the change of eras makes its own adjustments to everything, including needlework. This is how a kind of embroidery appeared - Bulgarian embroidery with the help of an ordinary cross.

Learn step by step the basics of Bulgarian cross stitch for beginners

Needlewomen know that there are several varieties of counting cross stitching, when the number of embroidered crosses is counted during work:

  • regular cross - stitches are made diagonally to the canvas cells, crosswise to each other;
  • alternating crosses - embroidery consists of other straight lines alternating them with ordinary crosses;
  • rice stitch - the entire background is filled with crosses of the same color and size, and then they proceed to thin rice stitches with a thread of a different color;
  • Italian cross - a classic cross in a square;
  • goat - diagonally crossed stitches;
  • ermine trace - a complex cross of three stitches;
  • double-sided cross - ordinary crosses are obtained from the front and back sides;
  • Bulgarian cross - the intersection of a simple cross and a straight one, the result is a snowflake.

Each type of cross-stitch is unique, interesting and has its supporters in the ranks of needlewomen.

Bulgarian cross stitching method.

Due to the interweaving of two types of crosses, embroidery in this technique is light, voluminous, as if airy. Most often used to fill large backgrounds - pillows, bedspreads, blankets, as well as for embroidering landscapes. Many needlewomen, having mastered this method, use this technique more often than others, even despite the apparent complexity.

In order to embroider a Bulgarian cross, you must first embroider a regular cross, starting from the lower left corner of the canvas cell. Then a straight cross is embroidered on top.

Consider step by step how the needle moves when working in this technique.

  1. Choose a canvas cell from which embroidery will begin.
  2. The needle comes out of the lower left corner (the thread is fastened from the wrong side) and sticks into the opposite upper right corner. The thread is stretched.
  3. From the upper right corner, the needle on the back of the canvas pierces the cell and goes to the upper left corner. The needle is inserted into the lower right corner. The thread is stretched.
  4. From the lower right corner on the wrong side of the base with which the work is being done, the needle sticks in the middle of the lower visual border of the cage, right under the intersection of the diagonal sticks. The needle enters the middle of the upper visual border of the cell, strictly vertically (above the center of the intersection).
  5. From the upper point, the needle through the wrong side goes to the same point on the left, sticks into the point of the visual middle of the right side of the cell. It turns out a flat horizontal line.
  6. The needle comes out in the lower right corner.
  7. The end result should look like a snowflake. This is the Bulgarian cross.

There are several varieties of needle sticking sequences - you can repeat the steps described above, you can go in a circle (clockwise or counterclockwise), you can start from the right corner, or choose your own direction of movement and sequence.

On the wrong side, you will always get an even and beautiful row of sticks. If the wrong side is confused, with crossed lines - this is evidence that you still need to practice mastering this type of needlework.

General recommendations for work are that when embroidering, the direction of all parts of the cross, that is, stitches, should be in the same direction. If the first cross began in the work from the lower left corner, then throughout the work this sequence must be observed. If it is not so, the work will seem sloppy and confused, due to the fact that the light will fall on the threads a little differently in different areas.

For those who want to master this method of needlework, you can, for starters, use simple diagrams for embroidery are usually a cross. You can work on them with a Bulgarian cross, but the work will look completely different.

Having mastered simple drawings, you can take on more complex schemes- small compositions, flowers, silhouettes of birds and people.

This technique looks very advantageous in decorating clothes - the hems of skirts, cuffs and collars of shirts, belts trimmed with this technique look unusual and interesting.

Video on the topic of the article

Cross stitch: technique for beginners (photo)

Cross stitch: technique for beginners (photo)

Many needlewomen, even doing embroidery for more than one year, do not suspect how diverse it can be. And the matter is by no means in different pictures and patterns, which is just obvious. Just
not limited to one technique. In fact, there are more than a hundred of them. Of course, it is unrealistic to master everything, and it is not necessary. However, skillfully using and combining them with each other, you can achieve amazing results. Such work can no longer be classified as simple, but it's worth it. Having learned
and other techniques, you can surprise even experienced craftsmen with your work.

Popular embroidery techniques

Among all available, the following cross-stitch techniques can be noted:

  • simple cross;
  • straight cross;
  • elongated cross;
  • Bulgarian cross;
  • rice seam;
  • Italian cross;
  • goat;
  • star;
  • Rhodes seam.

Also for decorating and finishing finished
, petit and seam "back needle". They will be given separate lessons.
Of course, you should not use all this in one work, even for security reasons. However, a combination of 2-3 different types in one picture is quite possible. In addition, many of them are used for do-it-yourself embroidery of napkins, towels and dresses.
A simple cross Perhaps this is a technique that is familiar to everyone. That's what they mean when they talk about cross stitch. First of all, it is popular due to the fact that it is easy to learn and can be used to embroider almost anything. However, it also has its drawbacks. With inept embroidery, the work turns out to be flat. In addition, other techniques are used to emphasize the subtle features of the face or the contour of the figure - the “back of the needle” seam, for example.
So, how is embroidery done with a simple cross? In this technique, 2 slant stitches are sewn in such a way that they represent the crossing of two threads. That is, you first need to bring the floss from the upper right corner to the lower left, and then from the upper left to the lower right. There are many techniques for how to embroider with a simple cross. But mainly two are used - by color and "parking". It is on her example that everything about embroidery is explained.

The scheme of execution of a simple cross

Video: how to embroider crosses

Straight cross
Straight cross Unlike the previous cross stitch technique, this one is the intersection of two straight lines. It is performed as follows. First, a horizontal stitch is sewn from left to right, and then a vertical stitch from top to bottom. If everything is done correctly, then on the reverse side there will be a series of oblique lines parallel to each other, similar to a goose step. This embroidery technology is very easy to master, and therefore we can recommend
. The straight cross can be used alone or in combination with other techniques. In folk art, such embroidery is most characteristic of the Scandinavian and Germanic tribes. She was decorated with clothes, towels, tablecloths and much more.
Elongated cross This embroidery technique is very similar to a simple cross. Unlike the latter, vertical stitches are made for 2-3 weaves of threads, and horizontal stitches for only one. The result is an elongated cross. There are several varieties of it. The most popular among them are an elongated cross with a line and a Hungarian cross. Now you can learn everything about the embroidery of these crosses.

elongated cross
Elongated Hungarian cross The first is done in exactly the same way, only a short horizontal stitch is added. But the Hungarian cross is a little more difficult to embroider, especially for beginner craftswomen. For its implementation, it is very important that the floss thread lies flat and does not twist. You need to embroider from left to right. From the lower left corner, bring the floss thread to 2-4 weaves of the canvas. Then make, as usual, a straight stitch. And already from the lower right corner, complete the cross in such a way that the thread is exactly in the middle of the previous cross, and so on. The result is that the crosses overlap one another.
Usually an elongated cross and its varieties are used to decorate finished cross-stitch.
Bulgarian cross The Bulgarian cross, in fact, is a combination of a simple and straight cross. However, with it, embroidery looks more voluminous and airy. Therefore, this technique is usually used to decorate pillows, bedspreads and landscapes. For some, it even becomes a hobby. In folk art, it is often found among the southern Slavs, and not only among the Bulgarians.
Embroidering a classic Bulgarian cross begins with diagonal stitches, and then vertical and horizontal stitches are laid on top. In addition, each element is embroidered separately. The work is quite laborious, but once you follow the advice, do it, and this technique is already used much more often.

Bulgarian cross

Bulgarian semi-cross In addition, there is also a vertical Bulgarian cross, where, on the contrary, embroidery is first done with a straight cross, and then with a simple one. There is also a Bulgarian semi-cross, which is similar in appearance. However, his embroidery is done in a completely different way. All stitches are made from the same center in a circle. You can see how the technique of its implementation looks in the next video.

Video: how to embroider a Bulgarian semi-cross

rice seam
Rice stitchIn this style, it is usually customary to embroider large geometric figures, edging for dresses, blouses and skirts. It can also be used to make an original embroidered frame on the picture with your own hands. At first glance, the rice seam seems complicated, but in fact it is suitable even for beginner craftswomen. It consists of a simple cross and a half-cross superimposed on each other. More clearly the technique of its implementation can be seen in the video.
Its embroidery is done in 2 steps. First, simple crosses are performed large sizes(at least 4 weaves of thread). Then the risks are already embroidered in a semi-cross, across the lines of the lower cross. By the way, that is why it is called rice. It looks very impressive if floss threads of one color are taken for the lower cross, and another for the upper cross, 2 tones lighter or darker.

Video: rice seam

Italian cross
Italian Cross Of all presented, this is the most difficult embroidery technique. That is why they rarely resort to it and use it mainly for decorating small items (napkins, waffle towels and so on.). The Italian cross is made in 6 steps: first, a simple cross is embroidered with floss threads, then a straight one, and now only vertical and horizontal stitches in a circle.
Of course, the Italian cross is not suitable for beginners, as it will be difficult for them to do something similar with their own hands. This cross stitch technique requires maximum concentration and patience.

“Goat” But the “goat”, unlike the previous one, is one of the simplest seams that you can do with your own hands. It will be very pleasant to embroider for those who are tired of fighting with an uneven cross. After all, the "goat" is an uneven cross.
First, a long stitch is made for 3-4 thread crossings from the lower left corner to the upper right, and then the needle is withdrawn in such a way that the intersection is narrower at the top than at the bottom. And at the end, the same long stitch is performed. Then everything repeats until the cross-stitch is over. More details can be seen in the video.
"Goat" is used only for decorating finished cross-stitch. It is also sometimes called Russian or Witch.
"Asterisk" This technique, although not one of the most popular, can come in handy when cross-stitching stars is required. After all, she got her name, as she is very similar to them. Doing it with your own hands is reminiscent of embroidering with a Bulgarian cross. But unlike it, another small diagonal stitch is made in the middle, and the lower straight cross is made a little larger than the other stitches.
Since the star stitch is a very voluminous stitch, it is also used to add depth and texture to embroidery with threads. But this is not limited to its scope. With the help of the "asterisk" you can create an interesting edging for towels, tablecloths and napkins.
Rhodes stitch Perhaps this is the simplest stitch that will allow you to create volumetric embroidery with threads. Although at first glance it looks difficult to implement. But it's not even cross-stitched. For him, it is enough to perform 8 oblique stitches so that the center is in one place. The Rhodes stitch is very easy to make on any counted fabric, except for the popular Aida canvas. This is due to the fact that she is too tough for him.
This technique is great for beginners who need to create volumetric embroidery, but it is still difficult to master other techniques. For example, if the description says: “make a star or sun”, you can use the Rhodes seam. It looks especially impressive if you embroider with metallic or lurex threads.

Rhodes seam

Rhodes seam

Rhodes stitch Of course, to tell everything about cross-stitch and all available techniques, a big book is not enough. However, if you manage to master at least 5 of them, you can already consider yourself a high-class needlewoman. After all, cross-stitch using different stitches looks much more expensive. In addition, no one can say about her that such work is from the category for beginners. For some gifted needlewomen, a hobby becomes a source of income.

Additional techniques

Seam "back needle"However, even simple cross-stitch sometimes requires the use of additional techniques that are not directly related to it. So, often the instructions indicate “make a back-needle stitch” or a half-cross, but there is no explanation of how they are performed. In addition, cross-stitch is often combined with tapestry.
The simplest is the “back of the needle” seam. In order to learn how to do it, you do not even need to take special lessons. Everything is simple. These are vertical stitches that are performed from right to left, while it goes in the opposite direction. Therefore, such a name. It has another name - backstitch (backstitch)
As the name implies, a semi-cross is half the size of a regular cross. Actually, this is how it is embroidered: Just make one slanted stitch. On the reverse side will be vertical parallel each friend stitches.
very similar to it, but unlike the half-cross, there will be slanted stitches on both the front and the wrong side.

Both techniques are used when you need to make halftones or achieve a translucent effect. So, embroidery is performed with threads of clouds, shadows, reflections in the mirror, and the like.
When they want to know everything about embroidery, they don’t even suspect how much they need to learn. After all, this needlework is one of the oldest in the world. Having learned the first lessons and techniques, you should not strive to use everything at once. Do-it-yourself works, even with a minimum of colors and threads, look spectacular. Also, do not forget that this hobby requires special approach to safety. After all, needles and scissors are used for embroidery.
And the last. It is better to master only one technique to perfection than to try to learn everything about embroidery and not finish a single work. Do not turn your hobby into a race for quality and quantity. A do-it-yourself painting can decorate a house for many years, and no one will notice minor flaws in it. Unfortunately, many of these lessons reach only after a few dozen embroidered works.

It is quite possible that summer in the middle lane will someday come. So, it still makes sense to put bread kvass. It will take at least a week to prepare a good starter, and as weather forecasters promise, just by that time the air temperature should rise above 20 C (in the afternoon).

How to prepare sourdough
homemade bread kvass


  • 2 liters of cold water;
  • 0.5 loaves of Borodino bread or 100 grams of rye flour + 100 grams of rye bread;
  • 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 3 grams of yeast.
  • Cooking time - 5-6 days

How to put kvass:

  • Fry flour or slices of bread until it darkens (but does not char, it is sometimes difficult to understand with black bread: it is just fried or already burnt).
  • In slightly warm water, dilute the yeast and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar.
  • After 10 minutes, add a third of the flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Drain almost all the water, add the same amount of fresh water, another spoonful of sugar and another third of crackers or flour with crackers.
    And once again insist a couple of days.
    Drain again, add the remaining crackers (or flour with crackers) and sugar. And refill with fresh water.
    During this time, the sourdough will lose its brazen yeasty taste and unpleasant bitterness, and it will be possible to put drinking kvass on it. To do this, once every 1.5--2 days, it will be necessary to add water, sugar to taste and a large handful of fresh rye crackers to a three-liter jar with prepared sourdough, before removing a little old soaked and sinking to the bottom. For taste, you can add raisins, mint, ginger, honey ...

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