Ladybug hairpin with your own hands. Master class kanzashi butterfly, dragonfly and ladybug

Using the kanzashi technique, it is possible to make not only flowers, but also animals. Only at first glance it seems that it is very difficult, but only by starting the process, he will absorb it with his head. Your attention step by step wizard a class for creating a small crumb - a kanzashi ladybug.

To make a ladybug using the kanzashi technique, you and I will need satin ribbons 2.5 cm wide in black and red. Their length will depend on what size you make the product itself. This can be used on 10m or 5m. You will also need a candle and a glue gun. When everything is ready, we get to work.

We first take a red satin ribbon and cut it into segments of 2.5 cm. As a result, we get a square of 2.5x2.5. And we begin gradually on each detail to burn the edges of the tape on the candle on both sides. Be careful not to have black spots on the corners. If this happens, then it would be best to replace it with a new part. We fold the segment exactly at the corner.

Again we bend the corners, both on the left and on the right, to the middle of the part.

Add up. We try not to fall apart during bending. We burn the ends of the workpiece.

In total you will need: 12 petals - black and about 40 pieces - red.

Now we make an oval from a piece of tape 4.5 cm and a length of 5 cm. It is he who will serve as the basis for the ladybug. Fold in half. On the fold line, it presses the tape well so that the middle can be seen. The blanks will not hold tightly on the tape itself, so you also need to cut an oval of the same size from felt (preferably red or black, if there is no such color, then white can also be used) and glue it to the tape itself. Then the product will not bend. By the way, you can use a glue gun here. It still won't be visible. We unfold, apply glue (the more, the better it will hold) and glue the first black petal.

Then on both sides the petals are red. Correct, and the first row is ready. It turns out among all the smallest.

Similarly, we do to the end with all the petals. In the middle we glue black, and then red.

On the last three rows add a little more black. Glue first two petals, and then the next rows of three.

You will also need black rhinestones. Glue them at your discretion on red. We glue 6 things, while using a glue gun. If the glue stick is black, then the stases can be replaced with drops of glue.

We take a black stamen, put it on the floor. We straighten it a little, and on top we also glue a large dark bead. We make the length at our discretion. Cut off the unnecessary.

Here we carefully glue such a blank to the tapes. We try to make sure that the glue does not leak from the side. This mistake, which most often turns out, cannot be corrected by anything. After gluing, do not press tightly, so as not to get a flattened head. The result is such an original ladybug.

With it, then it is possible to make both an ornament for hair and clothes, as well as paintings that are made using this technique.

ladybug on a flower

Materials that will be needed for work:

  • red satin ribbon, white, width 5 cm
  • black, width 2.5 cm
  • organza green, width 2.5cm
  • stamens for red flowers and one stamen for black
  • felt base, circle - diameter 4 cm
  • black half beads and rhinestones

From a white ribbon we cut 11 squares 5 by 5 cm, singe the edges. Fold the square diagonally. Once again, fold in half, begin to model folds, form an accordion. We need two folds, while lowering the corner down. On the other side, we do everything in the same way: fold up, then down, up again, down again and lower the corner. We straighten the petal, cut the bottom, solder. You will need 10 pieces.

Let's move on to creating the leaves. They consist of triangular petals. Organza square, fold diagonally. Since the detail is very small, it is better to use tweezers. Hold the center of the triangle, and fold it again. We place the tweezers in the center and bend again, fix everything with a lighter. We cut the back part and also fix it with a lighter. In total, you need to form 6 petals.

Let's start assembling the flower: the first row - 6 petals, the second - of 5. We apply glue along the edge of the felt base, and glue the petals. The petals of the second row, glue together, then apply glue to the middle, and glue the second row to the first.

Glue the leaves under the bottom of the resulting flower.

We cut off the red stamens, glue them between the petals of the first and second row.

For a ladybug, you need to prepare two inverted triangular petals. Red square 5 by 5 cm, connect the corners, fold the resulting triangle twice in the middle. We have an inverted petal.
Cut and burn the bottom. Turn the petal out.

Master class kanzashi butterfly, dragonfly and ladybug

Master class kanzashi butterfly, dragonfly and ladybug

The kanzashi technique is often used to create original jewelry for hair. Basically from satin ribbons make all kinds of flowers. Today we will talk about making wonderful butterflies, ladybugs and dragonflies with our own hands. There are many techniques on the basis of which such accessories can be made. In kanzashi, the principle of compiling products from pieces of tape is taken as the basis. Following the step-by-step MK, as well as photo and video examples, you can easily repeat similar products after experienced needlewomen.

kanzashi butterfly

Before starting a master class (MK) on creating a kanzashi butterfly, prepare the following materials and tools for work:

The kanzashi butterfly will be created from small pieces of ribbon. At first. We take a small piece and chop it together with the second. These details need to be bent into the shape of an airplane, as in the photo and grabbed at the bottom with a needle. We do this to avoid seam divergence. Further, in the place of the cut, it is necessary to glue a rhinestone to hold the borders. If you do not have rhinestones available, you can skip this step and when adding the elements, just hold the seams with your fingers. We singe the lower part and squeeze the seam with our own hands. As a result, we get the following element, as in the photo. Now, you need to fold evenly, press with tweezers and cut. In order to determine the amount of tape to be cut, fold it as follows, as shown in the photo or video:

The lower part is trimmed, singeed. If you did not use a rhinestone, just press the seam along the bottom with your hands so that it does not come apart. Further, the first of the wings must be applied in such a way as to determine the amount of material to be cut off the second.

We continue the master class and form a petal with a fold. In total there should be 3 similar folds for the subsequent nesting of the petal.

Please note that you need to glue a small petal into the middle of the petal with a fold. Glue is applied along the bottom of the part, after which the fold expands and the petal is carefully inserted inside. The next step, the petal with a fold is glued into a large element. In this case, the glue is applied to the seam, so that it is on the underside of the seam and a little on the side parts. Do this carefully so that you do not have excess glue. In the place where the petals begin, it is necessary to fix the rhinestone.

In the lower part, we make round petals. If you are not familiar with the technique of creating them, the MK video will tell you how to do it. You can make them triple and fix the rhinestone on the finished element. At the next stage, the master class proceeds to create a ponytail.

It is necessary to take a needle and thread and sew the blanks at equal intervals. Please note that the wings of the butterfly located at the top must be pierced and all three parts must be captured. The needle is pulled out in the center of the tail, a bead is put on and goes in the opposite direction. Next, the process must be pulled together and made three knots. At the bottom of the collection area of ​​the butterfly wings, apply a drop of glue to capture all the wings and smooth them out.

Now, our butterfly should get a body. We take a pin and string one small bead on it, a rondel another bead big size, hat, five beads. Do the same with the next pin. Next, the first and second pins must be inserted into the rondel, a large bead, rondel, and beads must be strung along the entire remaining length of the pin. The ends must be rounded using round nose pliers for this purpose. As a result, you should have a butterfly body, as in the photo.

In the center of the wings, carefully glue the created body.
The thread is brought out from the bottom of the rondel that is at the top. We make a circle around it and draw the thread on the bottom of the other side. Thus, you need to hide the thread among the rondel and beads. Similarly, we display the thread on the second rondel.
The remaining ends of the threads are tied with three knots.
We take lace, in the center of which there should be no holes. The folds are straightened, and the kanzashi butterfly is glued to this material. After that, each of the wings is fixed on the lace. An elastic band or other special fastening is sewn in the lower part, depending on what your butterfly will serve as: a hairpin, a decorative element on a bandage or a hoop, etc.

This completes the master class. Such a delightful butterfly can also be made from satin ribbons in contrasting shades. Experiment, make your butterflies in an original and unique style. The video tutorials at the end of the article will show you more options on how to make butterflies from satin ribbons.

Video: Making a kanzashi butterfly


Another option for a hairpin is a kanzashi dragonfly.
We will need:

  • ribbons of a suitable shade;
  • lighter or candle;
  • base for hairpins;
  • beads;
  • glue.

The master class begins, as usual, with cutting satin ribbons into squares. From tapes white color it is necessary to make the petals of a round shape. Further, the square blank is bent obliquely. The next step is to wrap the sharp corners of the formed triangular figure in the middle of the right corner. We take the resulting element and connect it along the central line. Unnecessary is removed. Places of cuts must be singeed with a candle or a lighter. As a result, you should get a round petal, from which the wings of the kanzashi dragonfly will be formed. In total, four petals need to be made for the wings.

Next, the dragonfly must acquire a body. To create the body, we create a petal of a sharp shape. The square segment is folded in half several times. The corner is cut off and singeed with a lighter. Thus, we get a part for the body of a dragonfly. In total, we create three blanks. Round petals are combined with each other on the basis of glue. You can see the process in the photo. Then, using glue, attach the dragonfly wings to the base of the clip. On top are placed elements of a sharp shape, thus creating the body of a dragonfly and covering the area where the rounded petals are connected. It remains to decorate the dragonfly with beads with your own hands.

Here is such a wonderful dragonfly you should get.

Video: Dragonfly Hairpin


The final master class (MK) is devoted to the creation of a ladybug from ribbons.

Such a ladybug is made quickly and easily. One of the longest processes is fixing rhinestones on ribbons. So, to make it, prepare:

  • satin ribbon (from four to six centimeters wide);
  • small black rhinestones;
  • narrow satin ribbon (six millimeters);
  • beads;
  • Super glue;
  • glue gun;
  • thick thread.

Ladybug from ribbons begins with the creation of a sharp-shaped kanzashi petal, which subsequently needs to be singed and twisted. It turns out one wing. In total, we make two such inverted elements. Next, prepare a narrow ribbon, fold one part, singe and make a head for a ladybug with your own hands. The tail is made from the second segment. Using hot glue, fix the petals-wings to each other. After that, glue the head and antennae. We make antennae from two pieces of thread, the length of which is equal to one centimeter. It remains to attach the tail and stick rhinestones on the wings.

Such a ladybug will look great as a hairpin or brooch. Just pick up a special mount for it.
A few more video tutorials will show you how to create similar crafts using the kanzashi technique in an interesting style.

Video: DIY kanzashi ladybug

If you master the amazing kanzashi technique, then for sure, such needlework will become your favorite hobby. And also - this great way make a gift for yourself or for one of your relatives, surprise your friends with the fruits of your golden hands. It is traditionally believed that flowers and floral ornaments can be modeled using satin and silk ribbons. But the work of Kanzashi has long gone beyond this topic. In skillful hands, small petals turn into birds, animals and insects. This is exactly what is shown in this lesson. Here is how to make a ladybug from red and black petals, as well as using additional fittings.

A summer and cheerful product will become a wonderful hair clip or decor for a hair band, a little girl's dress. But this does not exhaust the possible uses. For example, such bright element can become a decoration of a curtain or curtain in the house, the central part of a vase or flower pot and so on, there will definitely be a place in the interior. Do not pass by the idea of ​​​​making a ladybug with your own hands. beautiful product You will definitely find it useful and your loved ones will love it.

To make a bright ladybug in the form of a hair clip, you will need:

  • 40 square blanks of red ribbon - 2.5 * 2.5 cm;
  • 13 square blanks of black tape - 2.5 * 2.5 cm;
  • 8 rectangular blanks of green tape - 2.5 * 10 cm;
  • 1 rectangular blank of black tape - 2.5 * 3 cm (for the head of an insect);
  • 1 rectangular blank of red ribbon - 5 * 5.5 cm;
  • 2 rectangular blanks of a pink ribbon - 1.2 * 3.5 cm (for a flirty bow);
  • double-sided black stamen - 1 piece (for antennae);
  • half-beads of black color with a diameter of 0.6 cm - 6 pieces (for spots on the back);
  • half-beads of white color with a diameter of 0.8 cm - 2 pieces (for the eyes of the sun);
  • a half-bead of white color, the shape of a "flower" with a diameter of 0.9 cm - 1 piece (in the middle of the bow);
  • felt green lawn with a diameter of 4 cm - 1 piece;
  • metal clip 7.5 cm long.

Kanzashi ladybug - step-by-step diagram:

The main colors of satin fittings are red, black and green. Prepare red and black squares with sides of 2.5 cm in the indicated quantity, as well as green rectangles, focusing on the list.

Use the tweezers to make simple round petals from the red and black squares. A step-by-step modeling scheme is shown in the photo. The operations are as follows: it is necessary to bend the square diagonally once, then close all three corners in the resulting triangle, solder the corners, rounding the outer corner. The components should look like droplets.

Prepare 40 red and 13 black petals.

Glue part of the petals together in pairs, as shown in the photo in the form of birds (connecting sharp corners). Attach two red double blanks to one black petal on both sides. This will be the beginning of the back of the insect.

Next, glue the petals together in a row of single and double, expanding and lengthening the back.

There should be a black stripe in the center, red details on the sides.

The reverse sloppy side will need to be hidden; an oval of a red ribbon is suitable for this.

Prepare a red oval to mask the lower part, a black piece for the head, white half beads and a double-sided stamen.

Model green sharp leaves for the lawn on which the ladybug will sit. Bend the green satin rectangles and separate with a soldering iron, separating the two triangles.

Choose from the resulting green parts those that look like beveled cones. Such cups will become leaves.

Model a ladybug from the prepared parts.

From below, glue the red base, black head and stamen-antennae. Glue mother-of-pearl eyes on top.

Glue all the green leaves in a circle, simulating a lawn. Glue the beetle on top.

On the reverse side, the hairpin will be green.

Using the kanzashi technique, you can create unique crafts and accessories that will decorate you and your hair. Often, original and various flowers are made from ribbons. If you trust your imagination, as well as watch video materials, you can do something interesting in the style of kanzashi. And then either the brooch will become your favorite accessory.

Our master class, which will consist of three parts and a video, will teach you how to make a butterfly decoration from satin ribbons, a ladybug and a dragonfly.

In order to make such a master class (mk) and to make a butterfly, you need to decide on the appropriate fittings, so we need:

  • different shades of satin ribbons;
  • needle with thread;
  • decorative material in the form of beads and rhinestones;
  • pin;
  • rondels;
  • fire candles or lighters;
  • not big tweezers;
  • openwork lace;
  • textile glue.

Such kanzashi butterflies can be made from the remnants of satin ribbons. Take a small cut and attach it to another cut, connecting with a pin. Of these, it is necessary to make the shape of the aircraft, as shown in the photo. At the point where the cut is located, we glue the bead so that the edges do not diverge. If there is no such material at hand, then hold everything with your hands. Pour flame over the bottom of the workpiece. Fold the edges tightly and trim off excess ends with scissors. Step by step, do all the manipulations that are shown in the photo.

Pour fire down again. If you have not sewn the edges with a bead, hold the edges with your fingers. Attach the first blank to the second and see what excess material you need to cut off with your own hands.

Our master class (mk) continues with the formation of a wing with a fold. There should be three of them, as petals will be glued into them.

Look at the photo, it shows that a small element is glued into the core of the petal. Further, all this is inserted with glue into a larger workpiece. Glue must be applied to the seam. Do not overdo it, otherwise the glue stains will be visible.

The lower part of the butterfly will consist of round petals. Such a master class (mk), you can see the video or photo in our previous articles. We begin to make a ponytail.

Take a thread with a needle and sew the future butterfly. Pierce the wings at the top point, thereby capturing all parts of the blanks. Insert the needle with the bead into the tail of the butterfly and return to the opposite side. Pull everything together and make a knot.

Let's make the body of the butterfly. On the pin, we collect one bead, then a rondel and 1 large bead, one hat and 5 beads. Do the same manipulations with another pin. Round off the edges with round nose pliers. Look at the photo, you should get the same body and butterfly.

Glue the body of the butterfly between the wings.

Take openwork lace and glue it to the butterfly. Then, you can cling an elastic band or a hairpin to our craft, it all depends on where you want to apply the kanzashi butterfly.
Butterfly and our master class (mk), which we made with our own hands, is completely finished. Rely on your imagination and knowledge, and then your master class and butterfly will be the most beautiful.

Video: DIY butterfly

Dragonfly hairpin

Such a dragonfly, in the style of kanzashi, is made very simply with your own hands. In order to make such a master class (mk), we need the following material:

  • pink ribbons;
  • the flame of a candle or lighter;
  • metal hairpin;
  • decorative material;
  • textile glue.

The master class begins with the fact that we will cut square ribbons. From white material, we make round petals. Bend one square blank. Wrap the pointed corners inward. The resulting figure, connect in the center. We cut off the excess. The edges of the tape, sprinkle with fire. At the end of this part of the work, you should have 4 petals.

Now, let's move on to creating the body of our dragonfly. Make a pointed petal in the amount of three pieces. They need to be connected with glue, as shown in the photo. We attach all the details to a metal hairpin and connect with glue. Decorative material, our dragonfly is decorated.

Look what a wonderful kanzashi dragonfly we got, you have seen how easy it is to create such things with your own hands. If, some elements are not clear to you, on our portal, there is enough interesting video material.

Red ladybug kanzashi

The last master class (mk) is aimed at learning how to make such a kanzashi as a ladybug. We will make it with our own hands, without spending, at the same time, a lot of time.

Here are the materials we need to make a ladybug:

  • satin ribbon;
  • black rhinestones;
  • beads;
  • glue;
  • strong thread.

It is necessary to make one petal of a pointed shape and douse it with fire. Turn it out to the other side. You made the first wing. Still need one more. From narrow tape, by folding it and singeing with fire, we form the head. From the remaining piece, you need to make a ponytail. Glue the parts together, and then the head and tail. The antennae are made of thread, 1 cm long. We decorate the wings with rhinestones.

This wonderful and touching kanzashi ladybug will become a hair decoration, in the form of an elastic band or a hairpin.

Videos of all master classes can be found on our portal.

Video: Kanzashi ladybug
