Options for congratulating men on February 23. Original decoration of holiday tables for Defender of the Fatherland Day

The last month of winter is the shortest month of the year, flying by almost unnoticed. However, in February there are several significant dates, which have long become a good tradition to celebrate. In addition to the relatively "young" Valentine's Day, February falls main holiday all men - Defender of the Fatherland Day. So, the history of February 23 begins back in 1922, when the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army was created. Since then, this important date has been called the Day of the Red Army and Navy, and since 1946 the holiday was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. However, after the collapse of the USSR, February 23 finally lost its ideological color and turned into a “general” holiday for men of all ages, ranks and professions. Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, representatives of the stronger sex accept the most sincere words of congratulations from women - in kindergartens and schools, the circle of the family and the native workforce. In 2018, February 23 falls on Friday and is officially a day off, so men can safely celebrate the holiday both with colleagues and at home. So, how to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? We will be happy to share ideas on the video on creating a scenario for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office, and also learn how to congratulate men on the holiday in a beautiful and original way if there are more of them in the team than women. In addition, here you will find cool congratulations in verse and prose - you can say them in the form of toasts or write them into a beautiful postcard.

How to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23 - original ideas for the holiday

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent occasion to please those with whom we share office workdays and whose strong shoulder we can lean on during the difficult period of emergency. Indeed, our men deserve the most sincere words of gratitude, respect and appreciation. How to congratulate male colleagues at work since February 23? We offer a selection original ideas for congratulations on the most important men's holiday - we are sure that colleagues will be pleasantly surprised by such imagination and creativity.

A selection of ideas for original congratulations for men in the office on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

  • If there are many men in the team, it is best for each defender to prepare cute souvenir gifts - a personalized army badge, a cool T-shirt, Greeting Cards in the form of a soldier's letter-triangle.
  • On the eve of February 23, you can stay in the office to arrange a festive surprise for your male colleagues. For example, make a colorful wall newspaper or a poster with photos of employees pasted, poems and funny congratulations in prose. Don't forget to decorate your cabinets balloons different shades of yellow and green.
  • Every man wants to feel like a "hero of the day" - a defender, a rescuer and "the very best." Arrange a lottery for all male employees on February 23 with comic prizes to which a piece of paper is attached. Having unfolded such a note, a man will read a comic verse or congratulation in his own words - they need to be prepared in advance. As prizes, we select inexpensive, but funny symbolic men's gifts.

How cool to congratulate men on February 23 at work - scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day - 2018

Today, the management of many companies arranges festive corporate parties on February 23 - in restaurants, cafes, country clubs. However, not everyone can afford such events, so most often they choose their own office as the venue for the celebration. According to the established tradition, the preparation of the script, as well as the organization of the "unofficial" part of the celebration, falls on fragile female shoulders. If you are wondering how cool it is to congratulate men on February 23 at work, our scripts for Defender of the Fatherland Day will definitely come in handy. So, we begin to prepare for February 23 in the circle of our native team!

A cool script for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office to congratulate men on February 23

  • "Oscar winners - 23". At the heart of this scenario, in the best "Hollywood" traditions, is the idea of ​​presenting the Oscar award to all male colleagues at work on Defender of the Fatherland Day. So, before the start of the solemn event, we beautifully decorate the office space with balls, flags, St. George ribbons and other paraphernalia on a military theme. To the sounds of a bravura march, men enter the room, and the host delivers a welcoming speech. Then the Oscar ceremony begins - each of the nominees is invited to the "red carpet" to receive an award for "personal services to the team." Of course, we come up with comic, but tactful nominations - "Collective scholar", "Best humorist of the year", "Mr. Tactfulness". After the presentation of awards in honor of men, a comic song reworked to famous melodies sounds.
  • Military style. This scenario is just perfect for a small office, consisting of small separate rooms. On the door of each office we stick signs with inscriptions - "Barracks", "Penal Battalion", "Nurse". We decorate the door to the director's office with the sign "Headquarters", and the wall in the hall - "Voenkomat". In addition to the festive table with refreshments and “combat stagrams”, male colleagues are expected to have a “military medical examination”. Women dressed as nurses will act as nurses - the script can be supplemented with fun contests. As a result, each "conscript" receives a military ID - he is fit for military service!

How to originally congratulate men at work on February 23 - funny scenes with humor, video

Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of the most beloved holidays, which are celebrated with pleasure both at home and at work. As a rule, funny comic verses or words of prose are selected to congratulate male colleagues. How to originally congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? We offer to diversify the usual scenario by preparing skits for the Defender of the Fatherland Day - in an original way and with a touch of humor! The video provides ideas for scenes in the office that you can use to holiday scenario on February 23rd.

Video with original scenes for congratulations to male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

How to congratulate male colleagues on February 23 at work - original in verse

Every year, February brings with it not only bitter frosts and snowdrifts, but also the main holiday of the male part of the population - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On the eve of this significant day, women show real miracles of fantasy to surprise and please their beloved defenders. If you don’t know how to originally congratulate male colleagues at work since February 23, we recommend that you pay attention to poems - cool comic works. Having picked up a few congratulations in verse, you can pronounce them in the form of a toast at the festive table, adding in your own words in an original way best wishes men on February 23.

Poems-congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 to male colleagues at work

Since February 23, colleagues,
Virtual fights veterans,
Experts in computer strategies -
You can't build muscles at the screens!

In war as in war, guys
Well, life, you know, is an eternal battle,
To live freely and richly,
Work on the front lines!

Working with you is great

It's good that you all exist!

Let our service be dangerous -

It would be an honor, it would be an honor!

Keep your nose up, my colleagues!

You with the twenty-third of February!

I wish that in our century

Your work has not been wasted!

Colleagues, attention - February is on the nose:
Twenty-three - oh! - inevitably:
Let's banquet again in the spring
Despite the fact that winter is exciting!
Let's raise a glass to the brave guys,
That bravely "fight" with a photocopier,
For those who are "ploying" for a just cause
And in the offices they boast of courage ...
Irony - away! Sarcasm is appropriate here:
Where are the brave, friendly warriors?!
They, as before, worrying about us,
They stand at the post of our homeland.

Twenty third of February…
Finally with us
Congratulations, colleagues!
We've got a tsunami!

This holiday will overwhelm us,
Wrap in fetters
He really wants us
Everyone was healthy!

To laugh heartily
To have fun
To champagne with cognac
Get rich again!

This good hour has come,
When can I congratulate you,
After all, the twenty-third of February
For a long time we all waited for good reason:

Hold on tight, it's fun tonight
Everyone who has long been ready for it.
To protect yourself from ... infections of the almighty
Get ready to give credit.

How beautiful it is to congratulate men on February 23 at work - in your own words

For many, February 23 is a great opportunity to meet with relatives and friends at a generously laid table, enjoying an “extra” day off. In that wonderful holiday every man gets my sincere congratulations from loved ones, work colleagues and classmates. By tradition, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, annual solemn events, wreaths are laid at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as well as monuments to war heroes. Today it is extremely popular to celebrate the main men's holiday with work colleagues, going to the bowling alley or paintball club with the whole team. How beautiful to congratulate men on February 23 at work? In your own words, it is best to express the most sincere and warm wishes to our strong and courageous defenders. In honor of the holiday, we picked up beautiful congratulations in our own words - they can be prepared for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 to colleagues, supplemented with a few phrases of a personal nature. Congratulations to all men on their holiday!

Beautiful congratulations in your own words on February 23 to colleagues in the office

Our dear men! Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! This is a holiday of real men: those who build our future not only on the battlefield, but also in the ordinary, Everyday life; those who give us confidence in the future; those who take it upon themselves to solve problems, allowing us to remain women! May your life be filled with bright events, successes and achievements, and may your heart be warmed by the attention, love and care of relatives and friends!

This is the day of brave and strong-willed men who have someone and something to protect: their homeland, their business, their home and their loved ones, their future. We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, mutual understanding, peace and great success! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Dear Colleagues! We are pleased to work next to real men and start every morning in front of a mirror. After all, you want to look the best way to stimulate you to new achievements and raise the status of our company in the business world! Happy holiday!

Colleagues! Let your legitimate men's holiday bring only positive emotions. Always be confident in the future and continue your confident path to the top of the career ladder. Do not lose faith in your strength and the spirit of patriotism! Not only we need you, but the whole country!

Congratulations on the Defenders of the Fatherland Day, Dear colleagues! You are strong personalities, competent specialists and wonderful people. Next to you, we feel a sense of security and reliability. Your support is invaluable. Know that we appreciate it and respect you from the bottom of our hearts!

How to congratulate male colleagues at work since February 23 in the office - in prose from a team of women

Currently, Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated in many post-Soviet countries. So, on February 23, women prepare gifts and congratulations for their beloved men - fathers and brothers, boyfriends and husbands. In addition, since 2002 there has been a "legitimate" opportunity on this wonderful day to relax at home, meet relatives, friends and old comrades. In addition, many firms arrange corporate parties and other collective events, not leaving the defenders of the Fatherland without attention. Thinking about how to congratulate male colleagues on February 23 at work, office ladies try to think over the holiday scenario in advance. Even if there is only one woman in the team, congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day can be organized truly original and memorable. To do this, it is enough to pick up a few cool congratulations in prose from our collection in order to express wishes to men in your own words - career achievements, good luck and happiness in your personal life. Such congratulatory prose will melt the heart of the most severe man, and on March 8, female colleagues will definitely receive a return surprise.

A collection of congratulations in prose on the Day of February 23 to colleagues at work

Dear colleagues, we congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you peace and tranquility. Prosperity, development, achievements, prospects and growth! May there always be strength and desire, opportunities and goals. Best wishes to you!

I want to congratulate our men on the valiant holiday - February 23. Always be a support and protection for us, succeed in business and climb the career ladder. We wish you human happiness, goodness and peace, a warm home and the realization of your ideas.

Our courageous, congratulations! Even within the walls of our peaceful office, we feel under your protection, guardianship and patronage. Let your battles be only for improving efficiency, battles with competitors, and an increased salary will become a trophy. Happy Defender's Day, dear colleagues!

My dear colleagues, with all my heart I congratulate you on February 23, on the holiday of honor and dignity of a real man. I wish you all unlimited opportunities and brave forces to create a happy atmosphere in your homes, a sense of peace and pride in your hearts, successful ideas and promising ideas in your business.

Our dear men! Congratulations on February 23! Thank you for being you, so wonderful and beautiful. We wish prosperity, happiness and good to your families. May all undertakings have a worthy continuation in everything. You are our support, creative success to you!

So, how to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? On our pages you will find many original ideas for a festive scenario for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office - cool funny scenes on the video, beautiful congratulations in verse and in your own words in prose on behalf of the entire team of women. Since February 23, dear men!

At the end of winter, all men, starting from those who still go to kindergarten, and ending with those that receive pension benefit, expect congratulations and gifts from the beautiful half of humanity, and this is quite normal, because every year on February 23 the men's holiday of the "defenders" is celebrated. This is a very noble holiday, which once again shows that it is men who protect their loved ones from all sorts of adversity, so you need to start preparing for it in advance.

The question of how to congratulate colleagues creatively on February 23, 2020 worries a lot of people, because usually the male part of the work team expects something unusual from the female representatives. Come up with creative congratulations two hours before the start of the celebration is unlikely to succeed, so it is better to start dealing with this issue right now.

Specialists who are engaged in statistical data analysis found that only 4 out of 10 people know the history of the appearance of the holiday of all defenders, but this is wrong, because you need to know the history. As you know, February 23 is the holiday of the military. But before he appeared, they had just regimental days - this is the time in which they could take a break from military affairs, receive awards for their merits and devote time only to themselves. The history of the appearance of the holiday is connected with the revolution of the 18th year, which began on this day, only when it first appeared, it was exclusively a holiday for the military, who were given gifts and said different things. pleasant words. Over time, the tradition changed a little, and all men began to receive congratulations (regardless of whether they served somewhere), because they all protect their mothers, grandmothers, daughters or sisters from various troubles.

Holiday in the office

In fact, congratulations on February 23 to the office staff need to be given especially careful attention for the reason that a person spends most of his personal time (excluding sleep hours) at work. It is not enough just to meet in the morning near the dressing room to wish the strong half of humanity health, happiness, and also say a lot of those words that are usually desired in such situations and calmly go to work, because it will look strange. Moreover, usually employees at work are congratulated the day before official holiday, because the 23rd is an official holiday, which means that offices will be empty on this day (this, by the way, is another reason to say a few kind words to men, because thanks to them women can also relax a little, because they won’t have to go to work).

You can come up with something else, an option that does not involve the purchase of balls; for example, paper decorations can be attributed to it. Suitable multi-colored paper boats and airplanes that even children can make, as well as red cardboard stars and pompoms. To some, the choice of pompoms may seem very strange, because they are distinguished by femininity, but carefully consider everything, it becomes clear that in red they are a bit like carnations (really "male" flowers). In such an atmosphere, it will be very easy to organize congratulations from colleagues on February 23 in verse, because the whole entourage will create a creative mood, moreover, for each male representative, make a paper cocked hat, for example, so they can all feel like great commanders (verses 1,2 ).

Do not forget about the posters with patriotic wartime inscriptions, where men are honored and praised. They can be hung around the office or made into a collage by placing them on a large free wall, usually this technique cheers up all the employees of the organization without exception. If the posters seem too simple, then you can use photos of your colleagues, pre-processed in Photoshop so that they match the military theme. Near each photo, you can write a congratulation to a colleague on February 23, 2016 in prose or poetic form (as you like), then you don’t have to memorize poems and a test for a festive toast with a glass of champagne (verse 3).

How to congratulate colleagues?

Really think up original congratulations for colleagues is quite difficult, because this needs to be given a lot of time, which in Lately everyone is sorely lacking. Two bottles of champagne, sweets and poems learned by the female half of the office, of course, will be appreciated, but to be honest, the impressions of such a holiday will be forgotten within an hour after it ends, which means that you should think about preparing something original in advance.

Those who are looking for an original congratulation from colleagues on February 23, 2020 are advised to pay attention to the ready-made “party in a box”, which is a certain set of contests, poetic congratulations and various props to make the celebration really memorable. All tasks and texts in it are thematic, that is, one way or another connected with February 23, and entertainment is usually enough for several hours in a row.

A great idea can be a comic rewarding of colleagues with “medals” for certain merits (both in life and in the work team). Medals can be made independently, while on their front parts you can place exactly the name of any award, and on the back write a poem with humor or just warm congratulatory words in prose (verse 4).

Congratulation "on my own"

Of course, no one will notice those words that a person can come up with personally, that is, a poem written by oneself will be valued several times more than a postcard with beautiful words downloaded from the Internet. Naturally, many do not really like to write poetry, especially since you have to allocate free time for this, but there are more pleasant activities, but practice shows that congratulations on February 23, 2020 to colleagues with humor, invented on their own, are very much appreciated. Writing it is quite simple even for those who have never tried to rhyme words, because today there are special programs that select consonant words for any phrase, you just need to find them on the net.

It is not at all necessary to write a novel as long as Onegin's Letter, four fervent and sincere lines will be enough for the male employees to understand how important they are for women. If this task still remains difficult, then, in extreme cases, you can take a finished poem and change a few words in it (substitute the name and surname of your “hero”), this will also look interesting.

"Day in the Army"

In order to make the celebration even more interesting, as already mentioned, you need to create a special atmosphere, so inventing interesting congratulations From February 23, men should pay special attention to the theme of the holiday. Taking into account the fact that it was originally the day of the military, military theme would be a great choice. The office, if possible, needs to be decorated in the style of the army - on the door "charter", on the tables, metal mugs, camouflage and even a bedside table can be found by placing some office employee on it as a duty officer. You can assign the ranks of fighters of the invisible front to all employees or call them lieutenants of the marketing and sales department, if you wish, you can even cut out the stars and stick them on the “epaulettes”. Yes, and you need to meet the male half of the office especially carefully - you need to write out cool congratulations to colleagues from February 23, 2020, and then stand at the entrance and read out to each newly arrived employee an “order-wish”. Wishes should also adhere to the army style, and you can introduce yourself to colleagues as “combat friends”. Moreover, you can compose some song and sing it with the whole team (instead of dancing, someone in the background can march) (verse 5).

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, real men,
There is a reason for congratulations, and good reasons!
Defender's Day today on a calendar sheet,
Holiday of honor and courage - February 23!
We wish you happiness, joy and long years,
So that, as it should, they protect and keep us from troubles!

Congratulations on your holiday!
We wish you happiness, joy
For luck to smile
And the currency took root,
Do not lose weight and do not gain weight
Forms are slender to have.
For friends to idolize
And relatives did not scold,
Vacation in the Canary Islands
Eat pineapples.
Can you eat hazel grouse
And drink it down with wine...
To house, car, cottage
Were an easy task
And solved without difficulty
The power of only magic words.

brave soldiers,
adult men,
All those who fought
They served in the army.

Protected us
Defended the city
whole country
Under your supervision.

We are proud of you
To have enough strength
Go through the school of courage
No matter how life beats!

The deeds of the gods cannot be compared,
Greek Olympics,
While ours are alive
Defenders of the Fatherland!

It's a lie that boys are dying
What not to meet strong man.
The ladies who dive know the truth
For your beefy back.

There is a constant war.
And you are a hero in it, whatever one may say.
I wish you the main medal -
Loving maiden on the chest.

February is a cold month
Severe as a true man
And the holiday of all men in the world
We celebrate for a reason.

Today I wish you
To make your dreams come true
To live, love and prosper,
And in the heart - a ray of kindness!

Who will protect us?
When will the enemies come to enslave?
Who will throw his steel charge
On evil raging squad?

Of course he is a dear, a man.
He is our pride, our strength.
I always want him to be
And congratulations on 23.

All women know
Men are everywhere!
They lack
To beat and swear
Mercy not knowing.
Confess in love
Over a cup of tea.
Congratulations men
We don't get mad at them!
Into the frigid flock
We will change without them.

Since February 23,
You are my dear Protector!
Happy Men's Day to you!
Let the enemy be defeated;

Happiness, health, good luck, success,
Difficulties may not be a hindrance for you;
I wish you love forever
And may these words come true soon!

Let the sun shine in the peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call for a hike.
So that only in the exercises of soldiers
Move forward on the attack.
Let spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature awakens from sleep
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!
Good health and happiness
To all those who defended our world.
And who is guarding him today
And who fully gave the debt to the Motherland!
There is nothing stronger in the world!!!

Of course it wouldn't be fair
If it wasn't men's day,
If you don’t drink beer on March 8,
So fill it all up today!

Congratulations to all men today
But there is one that I love
We saw each other recently and I miss you already...
I'll give you something today!

Happy holiday to you man
Happy day of protection
It doesn't matter who you are and what rank,
The main thing is that hearts are granites.

For a long time once defended the country,
Long fought mercilessly
Long ago, won the war
He drove the enemy from the state.

I wish you a great day
More wins for you
So that your hero is not faceless,
He left a trace in history.

Good health and happiness,
And long, long life days.
And wrap yourself in your arms
Freedom, joyful children.

If there were no men
That would be cool!
There would be no reason to marry
Run straight from the institute.
Wouldn't have to wash the dishes
And wash your socks.
But, after all, it's not so difficult at all
Die of boredom?!
Who would cheer us up?
Did you go to a restaurant, to the cinema?
No, men are not in vain.
Happy twenty-third of February!

It just so happened, it just so happened
That on Defender of the Fatherland Day we have the right
Congratulate all the men - with what I had to,
And I didn’t have to pay my debt to the state!
You did not serve, but I know for sure
Come trouble - you will stand up for protection,
Don't be afraid of mortal fire
For those who are dear - without hesitation, into battle!
So don't let that day come!
May the sky above the country be peaceful!
And those who serve, let them come home,
Not scorching souls with their war.

Men, sons, fathers,
We congratulate you on the holiday.
We are proud of you, because you are great
And we all know this for sure.

We want you to be always healthy
They did not know adversity and sorrow,
So that thunder and trouble do not knock on the house,
In love, to meet the dawn.

Twenty-third is this date
All the more important to you guys!
And you are also very happy
Everything is in the soul of patriarchy.
For your views
We will honor you with:
Let the girls congratulate you
Happy Patriarchy Day!

It's February 23rd
A beautiful day, a straight day - a hero,
And in honor of him, I want to wish
You are stronger, more beautiful to become.

As well as good health and good luck.
Let the cherished dream come true.
And the best of all qualities,
Only kindness remains.

Marks the whole earth
Twenty third of February.
We set the table for men
And they bought gifts.

Don't be shy, come on
Accept congratulations,
Wishes in verse
And smiles on your lips.

May good luck accompany
All tasks are solved
To happiness for an hour
Wouldn't leave you!

On a glorious holiday
From all women - a poem!

We are sometimes unfair to you,
In vain we grumble, scold, “we don’t give”,
Sweeping with your flowers
Sometimes we beat you with a rolling pin,
You did not get an easy share,
Live side by side with us, endure everything,
But today we congratulate you something
Happy 23rd! Let's drink and sing!

February 23 -
Shaving Foam Festival.
Buy her ladies:
colleagues, sisters, wives, mothers,
To please men.
After all, they only have one day.
Complete with wishes foam
Health, joy, recognition,
Health and amorous arrows,
And the completion of difficult tasks.

It's the twenty-third of February
So there is a reason for the fun.
And let the whole earth know
What a lucky man!

Choose beautiful or cool congratulations by February 23 in verse and prose. Here you can pick up congratulations to colleagues, manager, employees, husband, boyfriend. Beautiful congratulations will give the holiday a festive atmosphere. Someone will pick nice words for husband or boyfriend. Someone with humor to congratulate a colleague or just a friend. You can sign a postcard and hand it along with a gift. Anyway, beautiful words congratulations are always nice to hear.

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

Today we sincerely and wholeheartedly congratulate men on the holiday. We wish you great and pure love, be always hot in your heart, let the fire of passion burn in them. Please our admiring eyes with your article, smile, happy eyes. May you always feel the enthusiasm and joy of life.

For every woman, mother, daughter, wife, her beloved man, son, father, husband means a lot. You give us hope that we can overcome any difficulties. You give us confidence that everything will be fine. You give us affection and love, thanks to which we find the strength to take care of the house, take care of children. Our dear men, lead us, always be the first, conquer us, protect us, and we will always be there. Since February 23!

Our dear men, our brave and courageous defenders! You are our support, hope and protection! Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! Dear, beloved, relatives, thank you for your courage, responsibility and reliability. We appreciate everything that you do for us, and we are very proud of you, because behind your broad backs we have nothing to fear! We wish you, our brave, caring and beloved men, good health, good luck in everything, strength, patience and masculinity. Be always so strong and brave. We wish you and your families happiness, love, prosperity and, of course, a peaceful sky above your head!

Dear men, we congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you never had to fight for peace. So that only unity and tranquility be in our country. Huge well-being, material prosperity, realization in your favorite business, family warmth, friendly help in all endeavors. Happy holiday!

Dear men! Happy February 23rd to you. You are our defenders, you are our guardians, our intercessors in everything and everywhere. You are the strongest, the most courageous, the kindest, and also the most beloved. Let in life you have only joyful days, only hospitable tables, only full wallets, soft sofas, a successful bite and beautiful loving wives. Good luck to you in all fields. Since February 23!

I cordially congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday that has incorporated rich and glorious military traditions, which personifies the courage and heroism of the defenders and liberators of the native land at all stages of its history. On this day, we again return with memory and heart to the terrible and unforgettable pages of the past in order to understand once again to whom we owe a peaceful sky above our heads, the opportunity to live and raise children and grandchildren. With all my heart I wish you peace, health and longevity, good spirits and family harmony, joy and kindness!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Be happy! Stay as brave, caring and reliable! Let luck not run out in your arsenal, optimism does not go out, and loved ones please with support. Bright victories and valiant achievements! Happy holiday!

No wonder Defender of the Fatherland Day itself has become a holiday for men. After all, for a real man to protect and protect loved ones is as natural as breathing. Therefore, on this holiday, I want to congratulate you, a courageous and strong man who is not afraid of difficulties, whom the Motherland, friends and loved ones can count on in difficult times. And wish you - never meet in life those difficulties that you cannot cope with!

My dear, beloved person, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. I can’t express in words that quiet happiness from the fact that I have you, my wall, my support. Be always the same bright and kind. Give us, your loved ones, your warmth. Health to you and a lot of joy.

Dear men! On behalf of the female half of our team, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish good spirits, excellent health, warmth and comfort in families! You are our reliable rear: brave, selfless, loyal! I wish that fighting qualities never come in handy in your life, and we - women - will be proud of you in peacetime!

Congratulations on February 23 in verse

The strongest, the most courageous,

Smart, sensitive, kind, loyal ...

We simply cannot count all your qualities!

We are very glad that we have you.

Together today we congratulate you,

We wish you success, good luck, prosperity.

Your February day has now come,

May he give you health and strength!

Happy holiday of courage, glory and strength!

We honor you, dear men!

And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you with love,

So that health was heroic.

Clear skies, only peaceful battles,

Career growth and achievements.

May life be generous for all blessings.

Joy, happiness, love to you, kindness.

Real, worthy and brave,

The best in the world, beautiful men,

Those who are red not in word, but in deed,

Congratulations! Victory to you, peaks!

In families - happiness, success - in work,

Women's affection, unearthly love.

Let everything that you are waiting for come true

Let life be filled with beauty.

There will be no shortage of finances,

Relatives are looking forward to

May fate advance you today

Will give hundreds of happy minutes.

In a beautiful name Man
It sounds both courage and honor,
To be inspired for no reason
Dream and mind - it's all there.
Be able to love, give us happiness,
Sometimes fickle to be:
Leave then return
And at the same time love us!
May God always protect you
From lies, betrayal, deceit,
May fate be kind to you
Life will be full, without flaws!
And let the words always sound
About you, the only, beloved,
About those whom nature has named
Beautiful name - Man.

We wholeheartedly congratulate
Happy 23 February to you!
And on Defender's Day we wish
Always be the pride of the country.
We wish to be an example for everyone,
We wish you good luck in business,
Stay first at work
And be picky about your friends.
Let no worries touch you
In the family - everything is smooth, in the house - laughter.
We wish you good health
May success accompany you.

You real men

We wish you great strength...

And so that you with this power

Defended our peace and tranquility!

We will be happy and doubly calm,

When the guys around us are like this...

So be happy and you are twice as happy,

Our colleagues, dear friends.

A man always strives for heights

He is ready to help if you need help.

The man goes to the goal

He fights, searches and rushes forward

A man is ready to argue with fate

Will stand the battle with dignity.

And every man won't give up the fight

He is true to the Fatherland, he is true to himself.

Colleagues, today we congratulate you,

We wish you good luck, health and happiness!

Guys, defenders, fighters,

You are endowed with strength, courage,

Serve bravo people and country,

Keep honor always on top!

Deep bow to your mothers,

Good, success and recognition to you,

In the hearts of love, and in the life of inspiration,

May all your goals and aspirations come true!

Receiving honors from men
And let me congratulate you!
Courage, dignity, determination
May they be with you forever!

And grow stronger only with years of strength,
Let the victory be uncountable!
And thanks to fate that Men,
Like you, there are more in the world!

Put everything aside
And read more congratulations
On the holiday date of February,
I give you my poem

You are great and you are good in everything,
And keep it up, I wish you
And may your house be rich in prosperity,
You can do anything, I know for sure!

February still scares with frosts,
But a real man doesn't care
Today he celebrates his holiday
Defender's Day knocks on every house,

Therefore, you have a wish
In life, always be strong only to be,
And all pass worthy of the test,
Love your Motherland with all your heart!

This day, in my mind
Dedicated to you, my hero!
After all, you are not without reason, no doubt
Born a worthy man!

And that day is now celebrating
Today our whole country!
He rewards his heroes
Orders sparkle on them!

Funny congratulations on February 23 in prose

I wish you strength on February 23, well, just like a hero, so that enemies fear you and break barriers. I wish you to feel at ease, always and everywhere, in general, comfortable and at ease, no matter what “fifth point” you find yourself in, because anything can happen. Humorous moments for you, so that you live happily, do not suffer, do not need, only increase financially and, of course, physically - stay in shape. Happy holiday!

I wish you a sea of ​​positive, small puddles of worries, huge clouds of money and precipitation from them. all year round. Of course, I wish you happiness, health, good luck and love. Everything bad, if it was, let it be left behind, and there will be solid prospects ahead. Congratulations on February 23!

I congratulate you on February 23 and wish on this holiday I want to remain a brave defender of the Fatherland and loved ones in any state and in any scenario of life, I wish you to boldly follow the road of happiness, not grabbing people from life. Let the paths traversed become pride, and let the paths to the heights of conquest be illuminated with bright luck.

Since February 23, dude. I wish you a hot body, a cold head, violent blood, heroic strength, real toughness in life. Always be a good cucumber, tasty and cheerful, like dumplings, businesslike and juicy, like a cheburek.

Congratulations on February 23, on the holiday of "hard nuts" and real men. I wish to prove myself Hercules in any fight or battle, I wish to be the god of love - Eros in relations with a loved one, I wish for any opponent to always remain invulnerable Achilles, I wish to be a majestic and powerful Zeus in life.

I wish you to spend February 23 with benefit, and:
- Protect your wife from unnecessary spending;
- Buy yourself a gift for a real man. car for example;
- Firmly show the mother-in-law who is the general in the house;
- Celebrate the holiday with friends in the bath;
- Avoid remorse.

Congratulations on February 23 and I wish that the cannon does not fire at idle, so that no one can shake your commanding spirit and general disposition. I wish you to be a cool pepper in a garden of cool vegetables!

Since February 23. May your eyes shoot straight at the hearts of the female, may the gun never fail you, may your broad soul be replenished with inspiration every day, and your wide pocket with a large investment. I wish you to remain a strong, fair, excellent man at all times and in any situation.

I wish you to always be a happy man with excellent health and excellent financial situation! Let there be a beloved woman nearby who will worthily share your life path with you! May everything you wish for come true and even more: a huge house, a luxury car and your own island! Achieve all your goals and never give up!

Let our tanks know no ambushes, let our nerves be as strong as ropes, let the dacha by the sea, the salary rustle in the wallet, and the enemies be afraid of our gaze, let us protect all our relatives without getting up from the sofa!

Hooray, guys! Hooray! Today you can roll, right in the morning. Congratulate each other, shake hands tightly and be sure to show off a new pair of socks. In the evening, try on new shorts and take main gift, which on this occasion will even remove the curlers. Today is our day guys, congratulations on February 23.

Congratulations on February 23rd. I wish you to be cooler than James Bond or Van Dam, I wish women to salivate from the mere sight of you, I wish with fire and sword, strength and intelligence, charisma and talent, confidence and brutality, courage and optimism to always take the upper hand of successful and leadership positions , man!


Funny congratulations on February 23 in verse

What kind of men are in the world?
Male infants and eternal children,
Men who love chic and glitter,
Gourmets and those who are used to eating appendages,
Stupid men and men with brains
And there are even men with horns.
Men rich and without coins,
Men who never heard "no" in their lives
Men who are waiting for the ideal
Men who can not be removed from the pedestal
Freeloader men and scoundrels
But in general ... all men

Today is a holiday for men
Reliable, smart, loyal!
Women have many reasons
Congratulate them first
Who will protect them best?
Of course husband, father or son!
Who always idolizes them?
Again husband, father and son!
Who is better to keep silent in an argument?
All the same husband, father and son!
Let's congratulate them
Men of all our dear ones!

They say that men are like children
They just have different toys...
Without freedom, the wind is inconceivable to them,
And without rhyme they do not know the verse.
I want a good holiday
Sing from the heart of the men!
For everyone to be a reliable friend,
And always, without a doubt, ready!

Twenty-three, zero two.
Two bottles zero five.
Headquarters in the kitchen. We're deciding
Don't rush to take it on your chest.
Don't be shy! Don't relax.
Don't get distracted by the fireworks...
It's worth it just to gape -
Wives will finish everything in an instant.
Hold on tight to the defense
And courageous and courageous.
Frying pans from "Tefal"
They won't take our heads off.
In a whirlwind of kitchen battles
We will definitely win.
And not a drop of moonshine
We will not give up to the enemy!

We are undeniably beautiful!
You are undeniably strong.
Sometimes gentle, sometimes terrible
Sometimes you are nice...
But all the problems in a relationship
Let's leave it for later though.
We, your life's decoration,
We want to tell you about
that we become more beautiful
When we try for you.
And so that everything is completely clear,
We want to wish you from us
To be a hundred times stronger, wiser,
And not to forget in the future
We are groomed, undead and cherished.
In return, we will take care of you!

February 23 -
Shaving Foam Festival.
Buy her ladies:
colleagues, sisters, wives, mothers,
To please men.
After all, they only have one day.
Complete with wishes foam
Health, joy, recognition,
Health and amorous arrows,
And the completion of difficult tasks.

Look, marvel
Who keeps native Rus'?
My soldier, the great knight,
Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid!
Musicians, burst into the harp,
Raise the flag higher
My favorite armored squirrel
Strategic hamster!
Buy a cake, chew a candy -
Oh, it was and wasn't! -
What is the size of the gun carriage for fighters?
Here the length of the barrel is important!

Congratulations on your holiday!
We wish you happiness, joy
For luck to smile
And the currency took root,
Do not lose weight and do not gain weight
Forms are slender to have.
For friends to idolize
And relatives did not scold,
Vacation in the Canary Islands
Eat pineapples.
Can you eat hazel grouse
And drink it down with wine...
To house, car, cottage
Were an easy task
And solved without difficulty
The power of only magic words.

Aunt has an uncle, mom has a dad,
Grandma has a grandfather in an old hat,
The girl has a little friend has a boy,
An older girl has an older boy.
Everyone has their own half in life,
And a man should be with a woman!
Hope, support for fragile shoulders,
Who does the deed without unnecessary speeches.
On a holiday, we honestly confess to you,
That being your ladies is very flattering!
We are calm with you, we are safe with you,
It is impossible to imagine my life without you!
Native men! Our defenders!
It is so easy for us to live under your protection!

It was not invented for you in vain
After all, this winter holiday is very useful.
And so that at the end of February
All women suffered a loss in wages ...
And if there are men in the office,
Of course, we are very happy to congratulate them
They are protectors! Though sometimes - bugs!
But they are also rewarded for this!

Seven in the morning. February twenty-third.
Not even open eyelashes
Proud of the thought that now in the answer
I am for the integrity of our borders.
At seven fifteen - I'm proud in the toilet,
At eight - in the kitchen, after eating a couple of eggs,
The thought of the one that I personally answer
For Russia within the borders.
At eight twenty - I meet in the internet
A couple of people close in spirit to me.
Like me, these guys are in charge
For the Russian Federation, the inviolability of borders.
I agree, according to "ace", to be the third ...
At ten - the first one is drunk, blitz,
By the hour - six of us, all in the answer,
For the fate of our common borders.
Somewhere…? But what are these numbers for?
Falling down as a proud publican, prostrate face,
I extinguish the thought in the salad: "in the world
There is no more reliable than ours, the edge ... "

On any holiday, an endless variety of congratulatory opportunities opens up before us. You can pick up gifts for February 23, or you can give free rein to your imagination as an entertainer and organize a special congratulation. Let such a congratulation cannot be put on a shelf or given to another, but the memories will be stored forever. So, the original scripts for February 23rd.

How to congratulate colleagues on February 23?

Holiday. A mini-corporate with a modest or immodest (depending on the company) budget, organized by employees. Remember that the atmosphere is more important than food and drinks, so make it stylized: present your men with a belly dance, can-can, gangster show or cow-girl. Such attention will not go unnoticed.

Perfect day at the office. At the slightest desire, your colleagues get coffee, all the women came to work today in evening dresses, your men's favorite music is playing, and the strict director even turned a blind eye to being late.

Obstacle course. On the contrary, since we are celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day, a man should be ready for defense at any moment. Your office today is a playground for Quake. And let there be no evil monsters here, but there are secretly replaced keyboards, hidden reports, planted buttons and a relay race to overcome the rubble of furniture.

Departure. On the weekend, get out not just to nature - "strengthen the corporate spirit", - but to arrange a combat program with a shooting range, field kitchen, monuments to heroes and authentic Belarusian drinks.

Games. If you do not plan to celebrate this holiday in any way, organize budget leisure activities - a game of mafia, for example. Here everyone will have to not only protect, but also defend themselves.

On computers. In the evening or early in the morning, make a congratulatory screensaver on the monitors of all your men, it is especially nice if each one has an individual one. And then catch the smiles of men turning on their computers.

Dinner. Do not scatter to lunch at neighboring cafes, arrange it right in the office. It would be great with the joint efforts of the employees to create a festive table with home-made dishes. You can also have a delicious meal together by ordering something special, such as sushi.

Striptease. One of the most common greeting methods, however, its variations can be quite interesting. In addition to the standard striptease, men can order something funny, a mini-orchestra at the beginning of the day, magicians, snake tamers, etc.

How to originally congratulate classmates or classmates on February 23?

A uniform. Like a soldier, but only more positively. Come up with an item of clothing for your guys with a corporate logo, picture or inscription that they will all wear today, in a slender line. It can be a cap, a T-shirt, a scarf-tie, a badge. Apply the "chip" in advance.

Excursion. On this day, the whole group can go on a tour of military monuments or the Stalin Line complex with an exposition of equipment. Traveling together with songs, eating outdoors, and taking photos will make you bond.

Driving a car. Order the guys a real men's Cadillac limousine. Let them ride around the city with champagne and shout, leaning out of the car hatch. You can meet near a nightclub and go to a party together.

Cottage. Fry a barbecue, go to the sauna and, perhaps, plunge into the ice hole. And then wrap yourself in a blanket and tell the stories of brave deeds until the morning by the fireplace.

Paintball. Why not battles these days? Divide the guys into 2 teams - let them show what they are capable of, and you yourself can cheer loudly and place bets.

Talk to teachers. Let them give the boys only good grades and give them compliments.

Active weekend. Hiking in the forest, snowboarding, extreme sports - more fun together!

Responsible for all of them. Homework, in seminars and even wipe the board and lift chairs. A trifle, but nice.

Photo. Arrange with a photographer and create a common photo with your women's team that will delight the guys for a long time to come. Smiles, eroticism and creativity are welcome.

Your fight. The guys receive an SMS with a task and are forced to ride around for half a day. different places, where they get new pieces of the "map" in order to eventually find a cafe where you girls finish your 5th mojito.

Culinary duel. Competition between dad and grandfather, who is better to fry potatoes (pancakes, chop).

Places of former glory. Home gatherings with stories about exploits: the military and not only, a day of memories, photographs and newspaper clippings.

Departure for the city. All together go to Dudutki and enjoy the Belarusian flavor.

Restaurant with program. This evening you will be offered a lot of options with programs for all tastes.

Sauna. A family trip to the bath or sauna has not yet been canceled.

Karate lesson for everyone. Here, both children and the elderly will be able to touch the martial art and compete with each other.

Fishing. You can please the men by outfitting them on a camping trip and sending them out to catch fish, or you can join the men's company and turn the ingredients for fish soup into an excuse for a fun walk to the lake.

Boxing. Most masculine appearance sports. Get out to a boxing match, watch the fight and scream, splashing out adrenaline.

Film day. From morning to evening, watch films about exploits, war, Rocky and Terminators. Don't forget Chuck Norris.

Postcards. Send in advance real hand-made cards or postcards from the store in envelopes with 23 wishes. Nothing compares to email.
Snowballs. Instead of paintball, gather friends, build fortresses and arrange a snow throwing championship, and then warm up with mulled wine.

Club. There are also planned many entertainment programs. In addition, in clubs it is convenient to spend time with all your friends.

Ideas for congratulations on February 23 beloved

Draw. Which one, the agency will tell you. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the guy may really believe that you need to be saved from the clutches of terrorists and will kill someone as a sign of great love.

day for him. From coffee in bed to a massage before bed.

gold fish. Prepare sheets where he can write down his desires. Put them in a vase or aquarium and pull them out one by one, it is a must to perform.

Photoshoot. Offer him a few images, get a camera or a photographer, and let him pose as the most courageous. At the end, join.

day of courage. Heroism sometimes lies in the little things: let him finally hammer that nail, carry you in his arms, fix the computer and with courage stand the 1st episode of Sex and the City.

Football. Match at the stadium or on TV. Shouting "Goal!", nibbling chips and nuts, drinking beer. Dress code: family shorts, socks and... nothing else.

Jedi. George Lucas was a real man, so we do not stop loving all Star Wars.
You can watch them endlessly, and then fight with rolling pins, imagining that these are lightsabers.

Steaks. Men love meat. Take him to a restaurant that serves the best rare steak, do it yourself, or offer to cook it together in a BBQ somewhere in nature.
