Zhanna Friske latest photographs of pregnant women. Pregnant Zhanna Friske went shopping

Information that Zhanna Friske was pregnant appeared in the summer. Then the singer and host of the reality show “Vacations in Mexico” left the project, causing a wave of rumors about her interesting position. Zhanna Friske, according to rumors, spent the summer in Italy with her boyfriend Dmitry Shepelev. In an interview with HELLO! the singer said: “I really want to give birth to a child. Probably, then my career will be put to rest, since combining the stage and raising a child is not for me.” However, Zhana Friske later announced that she was not pregnant. “Have you seen me on stage? Can pregnant women dance like that? Personally, I’ve never seen pregnant women move like that,” she responded to journalists’ questions. IN Lately Zhanna appears less often at social events. The thing is that the singer is in her sixth month of pregnancy, reports the publication 7 Days. The magazine also writes that the child’s father is popular TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev. According to rumors, Zhanna and Dmitry will get married in Miami on 12/12/12. Friske showed off her belly while performing a duet with Alexander Revva on the show “Property of the Republic.” Jeanne was wearing a dress of a rather complex cut, which hid her belly, which was still noticeable. Zhanna Friske introduced her parents to her fiance in the summer. “I approve of my daughter’s choice entirely. Dmitry - great guy! It’s a pity that Zhanna doesn’t tell us much about herself, she’s currently vacationing in Italy, who knows, maybe she’s already gotten married there. In any case, we bless her for this marriage,” Zhanna’s father, Vladimir Borisovich, told 7D.

Zhanna Friske is pregnant. The artist spoke about this in an interview: she revealed the secret of who the father is. Why did she decide to give birth in the USA and will there be a wedding with the child’s father. Now the performer, as can be seen in the photographs below, has gained 15 kg. Zhanna is in a great mood and enjoying her interesting position.

Who is the father of Zhanna Friske's child?

After a busy pre-New Year schedule - corporate parties, filming - the popular performer left to give birth in Miami. They kept her company close girlfriend and the famous presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. And a young man who looks like Ukrainian TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev. Soon her relatives, sister and parents flew to Zhanna. Being in the last stage of pregnancy, the artist gave an interview and spoke in detail about what it was like for her to be pregnant.

J.F.: I am glad that I will soon become the mother of my long-awaited child. The air and temperature here are very pleasant. Newborns are not even wrapped up here. While still very small, they are bathed in the waves of the ocean.

Zhanna discovered the secret of who the father of her child is. It turned out to be TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, with whom she has been in a relationship for two years now. She even recommended asking questions of interest to the showman personally. Dmitry eagerly told the curious about the upcoming event: “We are very happy, we have to share the role of parents of the unborn baby and this cannot but excite us. But at the same time, we do not lose confidence in ourselves and in the health of the unborn baby.”

Zhanna talked about how pregnancy affects her career. Soon after their summer vacation, she and Dmitry learned that they would become parents. They did not panic that now everything would go topsy-turvy. Zhanna admits that pregnancy is the best thing that has happened in her life to date.

“Pregnancy is the most amazing time. Everyone around you is running around with you, babysitting you. Everyone is interested in how you are, if you need anything. I immediately remember childhood, that carefree state when they give you everything you ask for,” Zhanna says in an interview.

The singer explained her decision to give birth in America. It turned out that everything was connected with the unfavorable climate of Moscow and its frantic pace of life. She seeks to avoid discussions in the ZhP, everything that she is currently experiencing. According to Zhanna, she herself is used to everything, but now she is responsible for the health of her baby. While the singer does not admit what gender the baby will be, she dreams of having a son.

During her interesting position, the performer gained 15 kilograms, but she does not experience any worries about this. She understands perfectly well that the cargo she carries is the most valuable in her life. “Of course, there is some feeling of discomfort, my back hurts, my legs get tired faster,” Zhanna shares her impressions. But on the whole she endures such side effects pregnancy.

Now all the attention of Zhanna Friske is focused on the health of the unborn baby. There can be no talk of any work. But, according to the 38-year-old mother, as soon as the birth is over, she will very soon return to music lessons. In addition, due to her age, it’s time for the singer to give birth.

“Many of my acquaintances, artists and work colleagues, have had offspring and are not complaining. They are excellent at combining the role of a parent and active professional activities. I can't wait to travel with my baby and show him the world and people. Now is the hottest time in my life and my main desire - to become a mother - is about to come true. It gives me a lot of strength, I just can’t put it into words.”

The actress shared the secret that her first child will most likely be born in March. By this moment, Zhanna’s entire family will gather: her relatives and the father of the unborn child, Dmitry Shepelev.

When asked whether she and Dmitry would legalize their relationship, Zhanna replied: “I don’t see the difference whether there is a stamp in the passport or not. Is a wedding really necessary? Dima and I have a different view, maybe the times are different. To be together, it’s enough for us to be happy, we don’t need any paraphernalia, registry offices and stamps.”

Other famous moms. So . Olga Kabo is rumored to be pregnant for the second time in the last three years. So expect good news from your idols!

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Initially, rumors appeared that they began to talk about this in the summer of 2012. Then Zhanna Friske, a singer and also the host of the reality show “Vacations in Mesquique,” ​​decided to leave the television project. This decision gave rise to a lot of rumors about Zhanna Friske’s pregnancy.

Zhanna Friske spent the summer in Italy with her boyfriend Dmitry Shepelev. The actress dreamed very much about a child, she said that if she gave birth to a child, she would have to give up her singing career, since she wanted to devote maximum time to her baby and his upbringing.

However, when journalists learned that Zhanna Friske was pregnant, they began to ask questions about her situation, she tried to refute the rumors, saying that she felt good and could dance like no other pregnant woman could. A pregnant woman does not move so plastically.

Over time, Zhanna Friske began to be noticed less and less at social events, as the domestic media claim, the fact is that she is in the second trimester of pregnancy, but already in January 2013 Zhanna Friske will be in her third trimester of pregnancy.

Zhanna Friske is pregnant - who is the father?

Who is the father of the child? No one knows. The media write that this is Dmitry Shepelev, who allegedly plans to marry Friske in Miami. But there was no official statement from Dmitry.

Friske showed her belly during a duet performance with Alexander Revva on the “Property of the Republic” show. Jeanne was wearing a dress with a complex cut; the star tried to hide her belly, but it was noticeable.

Zhanna Friske is pregnant - performance at the show “Blue Light on Shabolovka”

Zhanna Friske also took part in the filming of the legendary show “Blue Light on Shabolovka”, which viewers will be able to see in New Year's Eve. The guests were very surprised when they saw the noticeably rounded figure of Zhanna Friske. It became clear that Zhanna Friske would soon become a mother.

On the set, the singer appeared in short dress with a black top and a green skirt. The tight-fitting outfit emphasized the star's increased volume - the thin Zhanna Friske turned into the pregnant, plump Zhanna Friske. Dzhigan, with whom Zhanna Friske performed, could not resist touching the artist’s tummy.

Next to Zhanna is her boyfriend, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, who is taking care of his pregnant friend. The singer remains in Moscow, she feels well, and will continue to work tirelessly for some time. Zhanna Friske plans to spend the third trimester of pregnancy in Miami, where she has her own apartment. The artist will give birth following the example of her colleague Kristina Orbakaite, who gave birth to her daughter Klava in a local elite maternity hospital.

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Another star of Russian show business is preparing to become a mother. Zhanna Friske, a popular singer, actress and TV presenter, who has been repeatedly awarded the honorary status of a sex symbol by the media, at the age of 38 she decided to radically change her life by giving birth to her long-awaited first child.

Zhanna Friske is pregnant!

The first speculations about Zhanna’s possible interesting position arose after she unexpectedly announced her refusal to host the reality show “Vacations in Mexico” and sharply reduced her concert schedule. But for the rest of the summer, fans and journalists were forced to guess, as the singer carefully guarded her secret. She began to attend parties widely covered by the press less often and did not allow questions about her personal life to be asked in interviews.

Speculation about Friske's pregnancy was confirmed only in mid-autumn, when loose dresses and loose-fitting tunics no longer hid her rounded belly. Dmitry Malikov was the first to let journalists know about the singer’s interesting situation, which made her very angry. In November, at the celebration of Anna Sedakova's birthday, Zhanna appeared before the guests in a new look: a little plumper, with a very light makeup and literally glowing from within with unearthly joy. From that moment on, she stopped hiding her interesting situation and started wearing outfits that showed off her pregnant belly.

Zhanna Friske is pregnant, and who is the happy father?

Another intrigue associated with Friske’s pregnancy is the discussion of the candidacy of the child’s father. A variety of assumptions have been put forward, including the possibility of artificial insemination surgery. And here the singer, with enviable tenacity, does not want to reveal the secret. But if there is a man made of flesh, and not a test tube, then her stormy romance with the 29-year-old host of the television show “PROPERTY OF THE REPUBLIC” Dmitry Shepelev leaves virtually no chance for other candidates. The couple has been inseparable for more than six months: in the summer, Dmitry flew to Mexico for filming, then they vacationed together in Italy and Thailand.

The singer and her boyfriend celebrated the beginning of winter at Jeanne's mansion in Miami, where, again, according to rumors not confirmed by the star couple, they are going to get married. The date of the proposed wedding is shrouded in a dense halo of secrecy. But this only fuels the interest of fans and forces them to put forward many bold proposals. At first, everyone was looking forward to December 12, 2012, then to the end of the world announced in the media. But even relatives and close friends cannot lift the veil of mystery. The only thing that is known for sure is that Zhanna introduced Dmitry to her parents as her future husband.

When Zhanna Friske becomes a mother

True to her principles, the singer carefully protects information about the date of her expected birth from outsiders. But here it is much easier for fans closely watching the unfolding events to predict than the wedding day. According to our calculations, the wait is no more than 8 weeks! Considering that this will be the first birth, doctors are inclined to believe that a caesarean section is necessary.

Where will Zhanna Friske give birth?

The presence of a house in Miami and the singer’s trip there in November suggest that she plans to give birth in one of the local prestigious clinics. But Zhanna does not comment on this issue, and it is possible that she will surprise everyone again. After all, she has now returned to Russia, where she starred in the New Year’s “Blue Light,” attends charity events and continues to perform at closed parties.

Unlike many show business stars who took a direct part in the baby boom, Zhanna Friske, after the birth of her child, plans to leave the stage and career as a TV presenter in order to completely immerse herself in the wonderful motherly care of her baby. We wish her and the baby health and great luck.

While Moscow residents continue to wrap themselves in furs and scarves, the stars of Russian show business have swapped the spotlight for the scorching sun of Miami. Here are a couple of lovers - singer Zhanna Friske and TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, arrived in the city on the coast last Wednesday, were spotted yesterday walking around the southern city in the company of longtime friend Lera Kudryavtseva.

In Miami, the famous singer finally had the opportunity to take a break from prying eyes. Far away from hometown Zhanna can afford light outfits that visibly emphasize her interesting position. While walking, Friske kept stroking her noticeably rounded belly and smiling happily.

Shops with inviting SALE posters in their windows hospitably welcomed the star company. Future mom I didn’t deny myself the pleasure of purchasing several packages of clothes and accessories.

In between shopping, Zhanna, Dima and Lera relaxed in Miami street cafes, feasting on ice cream and enjoying soft drinks. Of course, in most cases, such frequent breaks were arranged for Zhanna, who could no longer afford long shopping trips.

In one of the flower shops, one of the most stylish singers purchased several bouquets. When choosing fragrant buds, 38-year-old Friske consulted with Dmitry Shepelev, who helped his beloved with advice.

The couple, who behave very modestly at social events in the capital, show feelings for each other much more openly in a crowd of foreigners.

Shepelev himself shows every possible concern for his girlfriend, who is pregnant. Tender hugs, kisses, as well as very unambiguous signs of attention that the popular TV presenter bestows on his other half, once again convince us that everything is for real in the couple’s relationship.
