Makeup at 16. Light make-up for school for teenagers

Adolescence for girls can be fun and funny, but sometimes stressful situations can also arise. What makeup to do? How to use mascara? Foundation or powder? We hope that with a few useful tips you will learn how to apply makeup and save the stress for more important things like school.


Part 1

Determination of skin type

    Consult with a makeup expert. Pick up perfect makeup for the face, hair, eyes and skin tone is very difficult. Before buying cosmetics, consult a professional. He will give you a master class on applying makeup, as well as tell you the selection procedure. suitable colors and answer your questions. You can find makeup specialists in department stores, cosmetics stores, and salons.

    Wash your face. Adolescence is a great time to start skincare. This is the age at which inflammation appears. Skin care will help prevent acne. Skin care is just as important when applying makeup. You should always start your makeup with washing.

    Apply moisturizer. After washing, apply a light moisturizer. It moisturizes the face and prepares it for makeup application. Moisturizing is very important at your age in order to prevent the signs of skin aging.

    Apply concealer. The concealer is yours best friend in the presence of acne. Concealer is for camouflage dark circles under the eyes and inflammation on the face. Apply concealer to the reddened area of ​​the skin, but do not smudge it. This way you can wipe off excess concealer. Apply a little powder over concealer to set makeup.

    Consider not using foundation. Foundation is used to even out skin tone. Teenage girls do not need a foundation, because at this age they have beautiful skin. Many experts advise applying as much as possible less makeup V adolescence. Concealer is all you need at this age. Foundations are heavy and dense, which can make your face look stale and make you look older. You need to look natural and emphasize your natural beauty.

    Use powder only if you have oily skin. Powder is not a necessary product for young skin. The powder hides the shine on the face. In addition to concealer, you can apply powder on inflammatory areas, under the eyes and on the T-zone - forehead, nose and chin. These are the places that become oily during the day. Apply compact or loose powder to the T-zone. This will help absorb the sebum and hide the shine.

    • Never use the same brush for different makeup. If you applied foundation with a brush, do not use the same brush to apply powder. Always use separate brushes.
  1. Try to stick to the 5 minute rule when applying makeup. By adhering to this rule, you will apply only the necessary makeup products, without going beyond the required. To follow this rule, allocate to morning makeup just 5 minutes. Don't rush: make more time for the most important steps: concealer, mascara, blush and lip gloss. You use too much makeup if you spend more than 5 minutes on your makeup.

    • accept your natural beauty. Keep in mind that makeup should enhance your natural beauty, not cover it up. Don't think you have to put in a ton foundation and powders. You may need it in adulthood, but now you should enjoy natural and radiant skin.

    Part 2

    Applying makeup to eyes, lips and cheeks

    Comb your eyebrows. Use an eyebrow brush, a clean mascara brush, or a toothbrush to comb your brows. Do not comb your eyebrows against their height. This makes them unkempt and causes them to grow in the wrong direction.

    • Don't over-tweeze your eyebrows. Many teenage girls make their eyebrows too thin. It is only required to make them well-groomed and combed.
  2. Apply eyeliner. The eyeliner is applied to the outer corners of the eyes to emphasize the contour. A little eyeliner will give your look expressiveness. The less eyeliner the better, as too much eye makeup will give you a sloppy look. It is better to use brown, gray or purple eyeliner. Black is good for special occasions or weekends when you want something special.

    Apply mascara. Mascara is used to highlight, lengthen and color lashes. If you are a teenager, then all you need for makeup is mascara and lip gloss. Apply brown mascara from root to tip of lashes. Move the brush upwards. Do the same for the bottom lashes.

    • Proceed with caution, as there is a possibility of sticking eyelashes. The brush will help keep your lashes from sticking together. You can also comb the cilia with a brush and break up the lumps of mascara. Do not apply a lot of mascara - the thicker the layer of mascara, the more lumps will form on the eyelashes.
    • For blue eyes brown mascara is more suitable, and black for darker ones.
    • Not everyone should wear black mascara. Decide which shade of brown or black makes your eyes look expressive and natural. save too bright makeup eyes for special occasions.
  3. Apply eye shadow. For everyday makeup, choose a natural shimmery shade of shadows. Apply shadow with a brush. Do not apply shadow under the eyebrows.

    Apply some blush. Give your face a natural glow with blush. You just need to shade your cheeks a bit. Never apply too dark blush colors. Use bronzers or light pink blush instead.

    • To apply blush, smile to find the apples of the cheeks (rounded areas of the cheeks). Apply some blush to the apples of your cheeks, nose, forehead and chin.
  4. Apply lip gloss. Gives shine to your lips natural color and flicker. If you want more color, choose the right shade. Choose soft pink or nude. Avoid dark colors as they will make you look older.

14 is the age at which most girls start their makeup experiments. However bright colors they will look out of place on the face and nails at school - it is better to postpone neon varnish and shades of candy colors until the party, make-up for school should be discreet and neat.

Since at the age of 14 many girls still have skin problems, you can start makeup by evening out the tone of the face.
You should not try to make defects less noticeable with a thick layer of thick foundation - the face will look unnatural, and skin problems can only get worse.

Use the corrector pointwise, only where masking is needed, and apply a light BB cream or mineral powder all over the face.

Eye makeup for a 14-year-old girl should not be too bright - beige shades applied to the moving eyelid and mascara are enough.

Mascara should not be applied in more than two layers - this way the eyelashes will look bright, but at the same time quite natural.

You can finish your makeup with a natural shade of gloss or a tinted lip balm - light and inconspicuous makeup ready for school!

A girl is also a woman, only a little one, and she has a desire to be beautiful, so it's time to talk about makeup for 12 years old. At such a young age, the only rule of make-up is not to harm the physical and mental health of the child, and hence the rest of the dance.

If you don’t help your growing daughter deal with cosmetics, then she will not reach out to her less, just a small clown in a skirt, smeared in all the colors of the rainbow, will appear in the house. It is even worse to forbid the child and completely use lipstick, mascara and other seductive grace - all this will result in the fact that the girl will hastily paint in transport, in the school toilet and even on the street. adult mother all you need is to remember yourself at the age of your child and help your daughter master competent makeup at 9, 10 or 11 years old, and not watch his clumsy fake.

Makeup for girls 12 years old is, first of all, a minimum of decorative means with a maximum of instrumental. Let the young lady spend more time getting to know brushes, brushes and curling machines, sponges and applicators, and put less on her pretty face bright colors. Fortunately, today you can easily find children's cosmetics on sale - this is only a prototype for adult decorative products, but the name alone does its impressive job. Hygienic lipstick with a pinkish tint, light shine, delicate varnish - all this will appeal to the girl and her parents, and there is nothing reprehensible in this. But first, you should explain to your daughter that skin care is an integral part of proper makeup, and, therefore, any make-up should begin and end with caring procedures.

In makeup for a 12-year-old girl, there is no place for such serious products as cleansing peels and scrubs, expensive masks and creams, but baby soap, cream and light tonic or lotion, young skin will always be happy. Children's products have an alluring smell of fruits and sweets, and therefore it will be twice as pleasant to use them. But it’s too early to talk about the other side of preparing for makeup at the age of 12 - about the base for decorative cosmetics. Even if age-related problems in the form of pimples already appear on the skin, and the girl sleeps and sees how to get rid of annoying freckles, it’s definitely too early to use heavy foundation and powder. In extreme cases, you can introduce your daughter to mineral cosmetics, which will not harm the skin and delicately mask its flaws.

Before you do makeup to school, you need to take care of the health of your face. A common and natural problem of every second teenager is rashes, redness on the face. This is a natural reaction of the body to hormonal changes, puberty. But it's no secret to anyone how many complexes, insecurity and spoiled mood these pimples, black dots and bumps on the face cost.

That is why you should first take care of proper cleansing of the skin of the face. Without it, no decorative cosmetics can hide flaws. The set of cosmetics for girls may include the following hygiene products:

  • light cleansing milk or scrub for problem skin (you should definitely look at the product line - it should be designed specifically for the young skin of teenagers);
  • to dry acne and get rid of oily sheen can be used white clay- natural powder is sold in pharmacies, diluted with water and used as a mask;
  • concealer, which is applied pointwise to problem areas and allows you to mask them.

Another feature that often causes discomfort to teenagers is the appearance of freckles. Certainly nothing to do with problematic skin they do not, on the contrary, are part of the individuality and beauty of the individual, but at a young age they can be perceived as a disadvantage. In this case, you can recommend a light sunscreen that will reduce or even prevent pigmentation.

How to emphasize the dignity with makeup without causing unpleasant questions from teachers? We talk about the rules of school makeup

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    5 make-up rules for school

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    The image of a young schoolgirl is light and airy, and makeup should be the same. Therefore, when creating a school make-up, it is necessary to achieve maximum naturalness without overdoing it with cosmetics. How to choose it correctly?

    You should not choose a dense foundation, bright matte lipsticks and colored eyeliners and shadows. Instead of thick mattifying creams, opt for light fluids and BB creams that allow the skin to breathe and look natural.

    In school makeup, it is best to focus on the eyes. Lightly tint your eyelashes - and your look will immediately be much more expressive. Additionally, you can add some shadows. The ideal color scheme is pastel: beige, gray and light pink shades.

    It is important to have your own cosmetics that suit your skin type and tone. If you will be using your mom's foundation or older sister, there is a risk that it will look like a foreign mask on your face.

    For problematic skin, choose products with caring ingredients: for example, aloe extract and tea tree oil in the composition.

    Inconspicuous eye makeup for school

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    In order to stand out from the crowd and emphasize your dignity, it is enough to focus on the eyes. The minimum set of tools looks like this: mascara and eyebrow gel.

    • Eyebrows need to be given a neat, but at the same time absolutely natural shape. No need to pluck your eyebrows to thin threads or make them very graphic - thick, fluffy and natural eyebrows are in fashion today. It is enough to comb them and fix them with eyebrow gel.
    • Mascara can be black or brown. Brunettes and brown-haired women can use black mascara, it will not look too bright. We advise fair-haired and blondes to choose brown: it will give the desired volume, but at the same time it will not look unnatural.
    • Additionally, you can use light shimmering shadows. Apply peach or champagne eye shadow all over the lid. Do not use dark colors or repeat popular tutorials on creating smokey ice. At school, this will look out of place, so we do not recommend spending precious time on this in the morning.
    • High school students can draw a thin arrow with a soft pencil. So they additionally emphasize the space between the eyelashes and make the look even more expressive.

    Lip makeup for school every day

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    Lip makeup should also be as natural as possible. The main two functions of lip makeup for schoolgirls are moisturizing and giving a light shade.

    • It is worth giving up bright lipsticks and pencils: firstly, they will look vulgar - not to mention the fact that they will probably annoy teachers. Secondly, it takes more time to accurately apply bright products, and after each snack, such lipstick needs to be renewed.
    • Give preference to caring lipsticks and glosses that will not only make your lips brighter, but will also properly nourish and moisturize your lips. Tinted balms, lip oils or translucent glosses are best suited for this. The undoubted advantage of these funds is easy and quick application. It only takes a few seconds to refresh your make-up.

    How to do makeup to school in 5 minutes: instructions

    When you have only 5 minutes in the morning, but you want your face to look well-groomed and fresh, follow our instructions for creating a simple and gentle make-up.

    Proper makeup should start with skin care. Especially in adolescence, it is necessary to pay attention to high-quality skin cleansing. Wash your face and further cleanse the skin with a tonic. Then apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type. Don't forget your lips: they also need hydration.

    Choose a light or BB cream: this will not create the effect of a mask on the face, but will perfectly even out the tone and hide some imperfections. Apply the cream with your fingers or sponge, so you will achieve an imperceptible coverage. Do not forget to wash the sponge properly and change it more often: bacteria appear on it during use, which can provoke rashes.

    To mask more serious imperfections, use a corrector - it should be applied locally.

    To brighten up your face, add some blush to the apples of your cheeks. Choose a shade that is as natural and light as possible.

    Brush your brows with a clean brush and set them with a clear or tinted gel. Apply light (beige, golden, gray or peach) to the entire moving eyelid. Coat your lashes with brown or black mascara. Don't apply too much to avoid clumps.

    Apply some peach gloss to your lips. Delicate and discreet makeup is ready!

    Another good example make-up for school look in our

    Beautiful everyday makeup for school: life hacks

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    If your skin does not have any rashes and does not need serious correction, use powder. Apply with a fluffy brush over moisturizer. So you can achieve a matte finish, but at the same time it will be absolutely weightless.

    A translucent tint balm is a real must-have for your makeup bag. It will not only moisturize the lips, but also, on occasion, will be a great substitute for blush. In addition, such a tool can not be overdone.

    If you have acne or red spots on your face, don't try to cover them up with a thick layer of foundation. Use a green color corrector that neutralizes redness: apply it dotted on redness. And on the entire face with a thin layer, then apply a foundation.

    Everyday make up for school

    Look for options for everyday make-up, great for studying, in our photo gallery.

Lightness, naturalness, freshness, emphasizing young age and masking problematic skin - these are the tasks that must be solved teen makeup.

The mother of the growing lady must first get acquainted with all its features, and at the age of 10-11 tell her about them. Wherein great gift there will be expensive, high-quality cosmetics, the shades of which are best chosen by adults. So you will be sure that nothing superfluous will appear on your daughter's skin, and your funds will remain safe and sound.

What do you need?

  1. Without proper care behind the skin, no makeup will look natural. That is why it is so important to ensure daily cleansing and moisturizing.
  2. The choice is natural, high quality mineral cosmetics.
  3. In the presence of rashes, choose therapeutic decorative products with vitamins and extracts of tea tree, aloe, chamomile, string. For single pimples, you can use a concealer pointwise.
  4. For eye makeup, teenagers are recommended shades of natural shades: beige, peach, cream, sand, mint, flesh, pale pink.
  5. It is better to refuse pencils and eyeliners as part of everyday makeup: the arrows make the image heavier.
  6. Instead of colored mascara before school, it is better to apply a transparent gel with vitamins to the eyelashes, which makes them longer, fuller, thicker, and gives the look tenderness.
  7. Lipstick will replace lip gloss to emphasize the freshness of youth. An even more acceptable option for this age is a balm.

What is prohibited?

  1. Cosmetics mom or older sister.
  2. All cheap products of dubious quality.
  3. A thick layer of dense, heavy foundation.
  4. Bright shades of shadows and lipstick.
  5. Smokey ice.
  6. False, extended eyelashes.
  7. Red lipstick.

In order not to worsen the condition of problem skin, teenagers should wash off their makeup daily before going to bed and never go to bed with cosmetics on their faces (read our article on how to do this correctly and what is best for this purpose).

Collecting cosmetics. From the age of 14, teenagers can use shimmering shadows for a solemn make-up, which will look attractive and gentle on a young face. One of the best options- Twinkle (matte), Satin (satin), Frost (with sparkles) or Opal (holographic) from Era Minerals (USA). Estimated cost - $15.

Video MAKE-UP TO SCHOOL / Everyday make-up for teenagers | Ira

The first rule that a little woman needs to remember is that a beautiful school make-up will not work without well-groomed skin. In adolescence, the skin is prone to rashes, acne, so a tonic, lotion for problem skin should appear on the girl's shelf. And in winter, there should be a cream that will save the face from chapping.

Very important daily care behind the face to look beautiful without makeup. Girls under 12 should not use tonal foundations and powder - this is too "heavy" cosmetics for young skin and school makeup in general.

Particular attention should be paid to getting acquainted with makeup brushes, how to care for them, how to make eyelashes beautiful without resorting to the use of mascara. This is done using a curling machine.

The main principle of school makeup for teenagers aged 13, 14 is a minimum of decorative products.

Girls at this age can get acquainted with the eyebrow correction procedure. But this is not at all necessary. better eyebrows do not paint, you can add a little brightness with the help of shadows.

School makeup for girls 12 or 13 years old is best done with hypoallergenic cosmetics in delicate pastel colors.

By the way, if the student is very young, but you want to show off in an interesting way, then you can make up with special children's cosmetics.

But, already at the age of 14, makeup for school can be done with more “adult” makeup. It is better to use products based on mineral components - they are more gentle on young skin.

In school makeup for teens, makeup artists advise eliminating eyeliners because they require skill to use, and arrows can make the look overloaded.

Eye makeup for school is done with shades of natural colors (beige, peach). It is better to replace mascara with a gel base that strengthens eyelashes. Instead of lipstick, use lip gloss - transparent or soft colors.

The rules of good manners say that either lips or eyes should stand out on the face. Experts advise dark-eyed girls to bet on makeup on the eyes and eyebrows. The basics of school makeup for brown eyes will help you learn the correct technique for eye makeup.

Let us immediately determine that brown eyes are a general vague concept. They can be light and dark, amber and chocolate, hazel and greenish.

Accordingly, make-up brown eyes for school will be somewhat different for owners of light and dark tones of the iris.

It is also important to determine which color type you belong to. Cold - winter and summer, warm - autumn and spring. It is characteristic that for schoolgirls of a warm color type, “cold” paints for eye makeup are more suitable. And vice versa: for the girls "Winter" and "Summer" it is better to choose warm shades.

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If you still have not decided on the color type, then there is a universal make-up option for brown-eyed girls. The beauty of the eyes will be advantageously emphasized by the brown-beige color scheme.

makeup at 12

instead of foundation, you can use a gentle mineral powder. for eye makeup, you should choose shades of flesh, mint, beige or peach shades. mascara is not used, otherwise, at an older age, the eyelashes will become brittle and thin. instead of lipstick - a little transparent gloss.

makeup at 13

at this age, cleansers are sure to be connected to help avoid unpleasant rashes and redness on the skin. A tonal base is not used, but you can connect a concealer, which is applied only to problem areas. eye makeup is done with shades of pastel shades, a little healing mascara with vitamins can be applied to the eyelashes. lipstick choose peach tones or apply a transparent gloss.

makeup at 14

instead of a tonal base, problem areas are masked with a concealer and mineral light powder is applied. in eye makeup, shades of light blue, cream, green or light brown are used. at this age, girls can start using light mascara, only it needs to be applied in 1 layer. use peach or pink lipstick. You can also use lip balm.

makeup at 15

let's say a light foundation, a brown eye and eyebrow pencil, mascara. at this age, girls begin to feel quite grown-up, however bright colors lipsticks to be avoided for now - on young face it looks too vulgar.

makeup at 16

the natural color of the lips is emphasized by tinted or transparent lip glosses. eyes can be summed up with a brown pencil, mascara is applied to the eyelashes. eyebrows are emphasized with a pencil or a special fixing gel is applied.
At a young age, you need to get used to washing off cosmetics at night and applying a moisturizer for young skin. It is categorically not advised to use a thick foundation, dark shades shadows and lipstick dense texture. Avoid black eyeliner and false eyelashes.

There was a desire to create a light, but very beautiful make-up just for going to work or for a gala evening? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with step-by-step recommendations for creating harmonious and natural images.

A simple make-up for every day with a step-by-step photo

Classic make-up in light colors without dark and bright accent "spots" - this option is the best suited for a casual look. The process of its creation will not take much time:

  • The first step is to create tone. It is applied in a thin layer, evenly over the entire face. In the area under the eyes, you can use a corrector to mask dark circles;
  • then pay attention to the eyebrows - they need to be tinted to give clarity to the lines, for this you can use a special pencil or shadows;
  • the moving eyelid is completely covered with basic white shadows;

  • the outer corner of the eye needs to be darkened a little - light brown shadows are perfect for this, which need to be shaded from the edge to the center along the crease;
  • apply a little dark brown to the recess on the outer corner;

  • Now it's time to create the arrow. It is best to use a gel black eyeliner, but you can use other varieties of liners. We draw a solid line along the upper eyelid, and along the lower eyelid - only in the corner, a third of the length;
  • draw the remaining part of the lower eyelid without eyeliner with a thin line of gray shadows, and apply a little pearl color under the eyebrow to make the look more open;

  • the last step is lashes (if necessary) and mascara;
  • at the very end, powder, highlighter and bronzer are applied to emphasize the lines of the face and lip gloss.

The easiest do-it-yourself evening make-up

For a festive event or an evening out, it is better to use more interesting color schemes, and this is possible even as part of a light and make-up. To create an interesting blue-lilac eye frame, follow these steps:

  1. the first step, as always, is to create even tone. For evening make-up, it is worth paying more attention to this moment - we use a foundation, if necessary, we use concealers and proofreaders;
  2. Now let's move on to the eyes. On the outer corner, apply calm blue shadows. The line should go towards the tip of the eyebrow, as if continuing the lower eyelid;
  3. then the lines need to be shaded - clarity is useless here;
  4. on the inner half of the upper eyelid we apply light shades of ivory color, you can use the option with light mother-of-pearl, blend the transition well;
  5. apply a little purple to the crease above the eyelid, also carefully blending the borders of the line;
  6. we also draw the outer part of the lower eyelid with blue shadows, fading to nothing towards the middle of the eye;
  7. the last stage of eye makeup - arrows and black mascara;
  8. since the eyes turned out to be quite spectacular, it is worth choosing a neutral shade for the lips.

What make-up can be quickly and easily done to school

Do you need makeup for school? – this question is often discussed today by parents and teachers. If this is still allowed, then the school make-up has a rather strict framework, it is forbidden to use bright colors, catchy elements, everything should be as natural as possible, cosmetics should not be very noticeable.

The general rules are as follows:

  • young healthy skin does not need to use foundation, this is allowed if there are rashes that need to be masked;
  • shadows of beige tones are usually applied to the eyes, lighter shades - under the eyebrow to expand the look;
  • you can use mascara, sometimes a thin and short arrow on the upper eyelid;
  • for lips, it is better for schoolgirls to use glosses of natural shades.

Schoolgirls want to look older, so they start using makeup early and often go overboard with its amount. It is important to master the art of make-up in your youth, learn how to properly mask imperfections and emphasize your natural beauty without overloading the skin.

Teenage cosmetics for girls

The main mistake of parents is the ban on the use of decorative products. From the age of 12, the girl's body experiences hormonal surges, due to which not only her character and perception of her own appearance change, but also the state of the epidermis. The skin reacts to periods of the menstrual cycle, is prone to redness and pigmentation. Light make-up for every day for teenagers is in most cases a necessity, not a whim. It will help to hide existing defects and feel comfortable in the circle of peers.

Teenage cosmetics differ significantly from decorative products for adult women. It has the following features:

  • non-comedogenic;
  • safe composition;
  • the minimum amount of pigments;
  • light texture;
  • translucent coating.

Makeup for girls should be natural, in nude style. You will need a range of high-quality cosmetic products designed with the nuances of young skin in mind:

  • , especially green;
  • primer or (instead of foundation and powder);
  • concealer;
  • shadows for eyebrows and eyelids;
  • gel or mascara;
  • soft ;
  • hygienic lipstick and translucent glosses.

How to do light makeup for teenagers?

While the girl is still learning to paint, she will need the help of her mother or professional beautician. It is desirable that the first make-up and selection of the shape of the eyebrows is done by a specialist. The master will clearly show how to create light makeup for teenagers, advise good cosmetics and teach some important subtleties of using and storing decorative tools. In the future, the girl herself will develop the necessary skills and will be able to distinguish the correct make-up from the vulgar "war paint".

How to do school makeup for teenagers for every day:

  1. Disguise redness and pimples with a green corrector.

  2. Dark circles under the eyes and pigmentation from post-acne hide with a small amount of light concealer. Blend well.

  3. If necessary, slightly emphasize the eyebrow line with shadows. Cosmetics should be 1-1.5 shades lighter than hair.

  4. Treat the upper eyelid with matte beige shadows.

  5. Remove loose makeup with a soft brush.

  6. With a brown pencil, underline the lash line (without arrows).

  7. Use mascara.

  8. Apply lip balm or a neutral gloss to your lips.

Makeup for brown eyes for teenagers

Cosmetologists advise young owners of a dark or coffee iris to highlight the growth line of the upper eyelashes. In this case, beautiful and light makeup for teenagers involves the use of a black or brown soft pencil and mascara of a similar shade. Shadows must be selected matte, without a shimmer, to match the skin - warm, "autumn" colors:

  • beige;
  • golden brown;
  • bodily;
  • light brown.

Teenage makeup for every day does not require the use of bright lipsticks and lip pencils. The most neutral and inconspicuous means look harmoniously:

  • transparent gloss;
  • hygienic lipstick
  • lip balm.

Easy makeup for green eyes

The beauty of the emerald iris of any shade is easy to emphasize with a black or brown pencil. To perform a simple and gentle make-up for green eyes, you will additionally need light shadows, you can use slightly mother-of-pearl products of these colors:

  • lactic;
  • bodily;
  • light beige;
  • golden brown.

To complete makeup for teenage girls with green eyes, makeup artists advise translucent hygienic lipstick with a pinkish tint. Glosses and balms of this color look beautiful. Simultaneously data cosmetical tools gently care for the skin of the lips, prevent chapping and peeling of the epidermis, help heal small cracks.

Easy makeup for blue eyes

Restrained "cold" colors are suitable for girls with the color of the iris in question. Careful everyday makeup for blue eyes - this is a line of the upper eyelid slightly lined with a black pencil and eyelashes underlined with mascara. If desired, you can enhance the shade of the iris with light shadows with mother of pearl. Suitable colors are:

  • white;
  • light beige;
  • lactic;
  • pale blue;
  • light pink.

The tone of the lips in this case is better not to make it too saturated. Makeup artists advise applying to them:

  • transparent gloss;
  • balm with mother of pearl;
  • hygienic lipstick.

Light makeup for gray eyes

There are several shades of the presented color of the iris. If it is dark and saturated, everyday makeup for gray eyes is limited to tinting eyelashes with black mascara and imperceptibly emphasizing the eyebrow line. Girls with a light iris can highlight the shape of the eyelids and the growth zone of the eyelashes more strongly. For this fit black or dark gray soft pencil. If desired, you can apply a thin layer of translucent shadows of a silvery shade to the eyelids.

In this situation, lip makeup for girls involves adding a warm tone:

  • pale pink glitter;
  • light peach balm;
  • hygienic lipstick pale coral color.

Evening makeup for teenagers

Every girl dreams of feeling like a princess, especially on the eve of the next school ball or graduation. Everyday discreet makeup for teenagers in such cases will be too ordinary and faded. Experienced cosmetologists advise to adhere to the following rules when performing an evening make-up:

  1. Do not apply sculpting. The girl needs to even out skin tone and hide defects.
  2. Highlight the eyes. You can use bright colors of shadows, build up fluffy eyelashes or decorate your eyelids with sparkles (for example, for a masquerade).
  3. Slightly emphasize the lips. Beautiful makeup for teenagers should be more natural than an adult. You should choose delicate shades of lipsticks (pink, peach), abandoning trendy dark tones (red, marsala and the like).

Makeup for a disco for teenagers

Club make-up is catchy and bright, it is noticeable in low light. It is important that teenage disco make-up meets these requirements and at the same time is not vulgar. Stylists recommend highlighting the eyes, as when doing an evening make-up, but using darker and more saturated colors. Club makeup for girls can be done in the following options:

  • smoky eyes;
  • white shadows and black pencil, lush eyelashes;
  • eyeliner glowing in ultraviolet;
  • copious amount of sparkles on the upper eyelid.
13 Aug 2013 |

IN school age the ability to properly use cosmetics and make makeup for school no less relevant than in later life. Although some adults demonstrate negative attitude to children's cosmetics, but in fact it should be understood that you need to take care of your skin already from a young age. After all, the harmful effects of the environment and pollution apply to everyone, regardless of age.

Makeup for school

Just like adult women, young girls also want to look attractive, wherever they are - at meetings with friends, during vacations or among classmates. At a young age, you learn a lot and learn for the first time - you make friends or enemies, fall in love and part, absorb new knowledge and experience in some courses or at school. But there is one useful skill that will come in handy throughout life. This is the care of their appearance and make-up.

What should be learned from an early age, so that later you do not experience unnecessary worries about your appearance? First, determine your skin type. Some have oily skin, others have dry skin, others have combination skin, and others have normal skin. It is important that cosmetics match exactly your type. And not only skin type, but also age. It is highly undesirable for a growing beauty to use adult care products, as this can cause unnecessary problems with young skin.

There are also two types of makeup - daytime and evening, and easy makeup for school- It's just daytime. It is better that he be discreet and unobtrusive. In daylight, light, pink lip glosses, beige, peach and other light shadows, black mascara look more natural. A rich lipstick color thick mascara, dark eyeliner will be good in evening make-up under artificial lighting. These are the basic rules for a flawless make-up, given which, the girl will never look ridiculous, but will grow stylish and self-confident.

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It is not necessary to display thick arrows for school daytime makeup

Girls just need to slightly emphasize the natural beauty and protect their skin from environmental influences.

What makeup to do for school?

Before deciding what makeup to do to school, you must first prepare the skin for this. It must be clean and fresh. Choose a cleansing gel or milk according to your skin type. Then to create good foundation under makeup, you need to use a tonic. It will help to give the face a healthy uniform color.

The next step should be hydration. The cream must meet the requirements of young skin. For dry skin, choose nutritious cream, and for oily - water-based. Then, if desired, you can apply a tonal foundation or powder, but they should be light and in tone with the skin. If the skin is without pimples, healthy and with an even color, then it is better not to apply tone or powder. When using blush, you need to choose soft pink or peach matte colors and gently apply with a brush on the cheeks towards the temples.

Shades of shadows should be gray, green, blue and other neutral or glittery, but no matte or dark colors that visually add age. Just do not overdo it with the shadows, let them make a slight accent on the color of the eyes.

Correct makeup for school involves special ways of tinting eyelashes. For girls from fair skin and brown mascara is more suitable for eyebrows. You can use black, but not more than two layers. If your lashes are long on their own, but short, a volumizing mascara will do. And if they are thick, but short, then you need lengthening mascara. At the same time, it is necessary to paint the cilia not along the entire length, but approximately from the middle, and the lower ones can not be touched at all. Lipstick can be replaced with good success with lip gloss in natural light shades. Visually, it makes the lips plumper and gives the appearance of freshness and playfulness.

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The basis of school makeup is lightness and naturalness

Now let's go directly to the technique of performing a school make-up. Going to school, you need not only to know well the given topics in subjects, but also to have a good appearance. It consists of properly selected clothes, hair and makeup. And makeup for girls to school has nothing to do with war paint for a nightclub or a glamorous party.

Do not forbid your daughter to use cosmetics - this is a natural stage of her development

If there is very little time left before going to school, then the last thing to do is to hurry up, you will still have time on the way to school. And at home in front of the mirror, you need to manage the available time with maximum efficiency and benefit for yourself. You don't want sloppy makeup applied in a hurry to cause sidelong glances.

Therefore, when there is little time left, you can limit yourself to using only mascara and a light moisturizing lip gloss. If the face is very light, you can still apply a little blush on the cheeks. This is not all though available funds, but they should be enough to quickly give the appearance the necessary expressiveness and naturalness.

Makeup for school photo:

This makeup is perfect for a school party.

Very often, girls need only one mascara to satisfy their first impulses to paint.

Teach your daughter the basic principles of makeup with young years- this will save her from many mistakes in her youth

Taylor Swift shows us a make-up with light arrows, which is suitable for high school girls

Barbara Palvin with a fresh natural make-up. Your daughter will definitely want to repeat it

Mila Kunis. By the way, many day makeup celebrities are suitable for high school

Who will tell you what and how to do, if not mom?

A little mascara, nude lip gloss - makeup for school is ready

  • The beauty of youth is in the radiance of the skin, the sparkle of the eyes, the freshness of the blush and lips. With too bright and rough makeup, this beauty will simply disappear, so the makeup of the youngest should be as natural and light as possible.
  • The best makeup for school is clear or tinted lip balm, the rest may not be approved by teachers. But in the company of girlfriends, you can freely “play” with cosmetics of the brightest colors.
  • Heavy, spicy, sweet perfume oriental style created for adults. Aromas of youth - floral, citrus, almost weightless compositions.
  • For everyday use, clear nail polish or light pastel colors are suitable. Leave green, blue, purple or black polish for the carnival party.

Colors and textures

  • The color scheme of decorative cosmetics should be natural and match the skin tone. With a cold skin tone, pink shades are suitable for the cheeks and lips, with a warm one - peach and apricot.
  • Eye shadows in milky, nude, beige-gray, light brown, silver and gold tones gently accentuate the eyes.
  • Shades are translucent, slightly blurry. Even bright trendy colors will look in this version gently and not defiantly.
  • Choose light, airy textures: liquid shadows, creams or mousse blushes. Products with a soft natural sheen are best suited, rather than matte or abundantly sparkling.

Makeup tools

  • If a girl starts using makeup, she will need her own set of makeup tools, which should not be shared with either her girlfriends or sisters.
  • Tools need to be looked after - wash them regularly with mild soap or shampoo under running water, otherwise bacteria will appear in them.
  • For the initial set will be enough:
    - cosmetic sponge;
    - brushes for powder and blush;
    - brushes or applicator for shadows;
    - combs for eyebrows and eyelashes.

Skin tone

  • With beautiful young skin, there is no need to use tonal means. For solemn events you can use a moisturizer with a slight tinting effect (tinted moisturizer).
  • In adolescence, many are concerned about acne. In this case, a masking antibacterial concealer is best suited, which will not only hide problem areas, but also have an anti-inflammatory and drying effect.
  • Strengthen the effect of the concealer will help antibacterial powder for problem skin. If the skin is good, you can do without powder, just wet your face with matting wipes several times a day.
  • Smooth skin will be refreshed by a drop of blush, but with acne, it is better to avoid them, because blush will only emphasize the redness and unevenness of the skin.
  • Young girls rarely appreciate the charm of freckles, considering them "problem skin." Creams with a high sun protection factor will help reduce their manifestation, and examples of celebrity owners of freckles (, etc.)

Eye makeup

  • It is enough to apply one light shade of eyeshadow and brown mascara, which is suitable for any skin tone and hair color. There is no need for eyeliner yet, but if you really want to, use a brown pencil.
  • If your daily routine includes swimming or sports, use waterproof mascara.
  • For discos and parties, you can have fun: sparkles, colored mascara, sparkling shadows, etc. Just limit yourself to one bright accent in makeup, everything will look vulgar together.
  • Unruly brows can be tamed with a fixing brow gel that is easy to use and suitable even for those girls who do not yet do eyebrow correction.

Lip makeup

  • Light glosses and tinted balms will best emphasize the natural color of the lips. If you want more brightness for evening makeup, apply a translucent lipstick in a natural tone.
  • Lips dry out especially when worn, so apply a generous amount of moisturizing balm.

Make-up removal

  • Makeup left overnight guarantees many problems, such as pimples in the morning. Therefore, it is imperative to cleanse your face of cosmetics before going to bed.
  • You can remove makeup with foam or mousse for washing, then wipe the skin with a tonic for your skin type, then apply a non-greasy cream or moisturizing facial gel.

Teenage girls should not use:

  • Thick tonal foundations: with good skin they will look artificial, and with problem skin they will turn the face into a rough mask.
  • Dark, catchy and poisonous shades.
  • Thick matte lipsticks.
  • Black liquid eyeliner, false eyelashes, red lipstick.
