September 9 is World Beauty Day. world beauty day

The best online beauty campaigns and ideas for celebrating International Beauty Day on social media.

On September 9, the world celebrates International Beauty Day - a holiday to which the world owes the appearance of beauty contests. Initially, it was invented by the International Committee of Aesthetics and cosmetologists as a professional holiday for beauty workers - cosmetologists, dermatologists and SPA specialists. The holiday very quickly grew into an international one, and today it is an occasion to talk about the modern understanding of beauty and the rejection of old standards.

We have collected several examples of how brands are changing the approach to beauty in beauty campaigns and figured out the current beauty trends.

New rules

Body positivity and self acceptance

The last few years have been a breakthrough in the world of the beauty industry: brands have directed attention to those who previously had no place on the catwalks and advertising posters - people of different builds, skin colors and ages. The pioneer in this field was the Dove brand, which launched a campaign for real beauty back in 2004. Since then, the whole concept of the brand has changed towards the struggle for the right of women to love themselves, feel beautiful and not be ashamed of their appearance.

Dove stopped working with professional models, photo retouching, and began to talk about the real beauty of women. Sincere beauty commercials have made the brand world famous, and two of them, Evolution and Sketches, were recognized by Ad Age magazine as the best advertising campaign of the 21st century.

In the Sketches video, a forensic artist creates portraits of women from their own descriptions and from the descriptions of other women. The results are shockingly different: women underestimate their beauty and describe themselves as much less attractive than other people see them:

Gradually, other brands followed Dove, and now body-positive is no longer a rarity and not a shock: plus-size models are shot in advertising for cosmetics, clothing and travel.

Ashley Graham on the cover of Allur

Brand women's clothing Lane Bryant countered curvaceous perfect bodies of Victoria's Secret models in lingerie advertising, and launched a flash mob in social networks #imnoangel. In a short video, the models demonstrate the curves of their bodies and talk about sexuality:

Another lingerie brand, Aerie, could not stand out among competitors for a long time, until it decided to use it in advertising and positioning. natural beauty and real girls. Since then, the company's business has gone uphill:

In Russia, the trend for body positivity has not yet gone beyond Instagram into big advertising, but bloggers and the media are already talking about it openly, and small brands are trying their hand at a new niche.

La Redoute, an online women's clothing store, staged a plus-size show at Moscow Fashion Week. Audience reaction was positive:

At the same time, bodypositive has already touched men in the Western market. Clothing manufacturers began to address in advertising to people of different builds. A good example is Dressmann's lingerie ad:

Health and naturalness

Ideal unrealistic beauty and the desire for it at any cost are gradually replaced by a healthy attitude towards your body. This was made possible largely due to body positivity, but the health trend itself appeared quite recently.

Internet giant Asos has abandoned the retouching of cellulite and stretch marks on models in swimsuits. Buyers were grateful for the company's decision and noted in social networks that it became easier for them to choose things on the site.

Stretch marks on the thighs are not a crime

Refusal of retouching - not only fashion trend, in France it is the law. In 2017, the country banned owners of modeling agencies, glossy magazines, and photographers from retouching model shots that weren't marked "retouched" on the photo. For covert retouching, the authors of the works face heavy fines.

At the same time, the French authorities banned the use of models with signs of anorexia in advertising, so as not to provoke eating disorders in young girls.

They began to talk about a healthy attitude to the body more and more often, and advertising with atypical models has ceased to be a rarity. H&M released an inspiring video about self-expression and the joy of being yourself, showing different beauty:

Thanks to the natural trend, the beauty industry has also remembered the beauty of people. different ages. Models over 40 began to appear in clothing and cosmetics ads and on magazine covers.

Very beautiful video about this happened with the Babor brand:

Strength and beauty

Another useful and positive step in the world of fashion and beauty helps women feel free to be strong. Vulnerable and fragile beauty gradually gives way to a strong body and a healthy spirit.

Celebrities proudly show off their muscles on social media:

And brands help women not be afraid to be themselves:

Along with women, the changes also affected men. Society, and with it the fashion and beauty industry, are thinking that the templates of male beauty and behavior are also outdated.

Brand menswear Bonobos made a touching commercial about masculinity. In it, men read this definition from a dictionary and admit that they have nothing to do with classical masculinity:

The strength of modern men is not only in the muscles, but also in the courage to be themselves and live in accordance with their personal ideals - a video from Lynx (Axe) is dedicated to this idea:

old dogmas

Here are the main contenders for writing off in circulation:

Sexism and exploitation

In the 50s, a woman was nothing more than an attribute of a man's success. In society, she was assigned the role of a diligent housewife, mother and wife. Today, women are much freer, but sometimes advertising still tries to exploit the old stereotype and objectify women, including sexually.

Most egregious was the case of clothing brand American Apparel, which ran sexist ads for a long time until a woman took over as CEO. Since then, brand advertising has been built on beauty from a female point of view and does not offend anyone:

Sexuality does not equal sexism

Perfection and photoshopped faces

The era of models perfect faces and forms are also gradually becoming a thing of the past. Ratings for the Victoria's Secret show have been steadily falling since 2013, and last year they completely collapsed against the backdrop of Rihanna's brilliant Fenty x Savages show, which she created for her lingerie brand. The show was attended by models of all colors, races and builds, including two models who are 9 months pregnant.

A year after the show, experts in the beauty world say that Rihanna turned the fashion industry 90 degrees, and now the future belongs to those companies that can adapt to the new time.

international beauty day social media

International Beauty Day yet new holiday for Russia, but it is already celebrated by everyone involved in the world of beauty - cosmetologists, fashion bloggers and make-up artists. The organizers of the holiday at Cidesco offer this year to talk about their understanding of beauty under the hashtag #InternationalBeautyDay. Stories, photos and videos are suitable for this.

We came up with some ideas on how to join the celebration and prepared templates for social media posts.

Solidarity with the trend

Our templates will help with the design of posts:

Use this template

Use this template

Here is a holiday! Does this really happen? And how to evaluate what is beauty? And who has a holiday today? We will try to answer these questions.

Beauty Day Background

Somehow, Aphrodite, Hera and Athena came to the “Judgement of Paris”, which of them is the most beautiful. And in order for the most beautiful to really feel the taste of victory, he had to give her a prize - an apple! Aphrodite, for recognizing her as the most beautiful, promised Paris as a reward the love of a woman, in beauty not inferior to herself.

This ancient myth is known to everyone, as well as its result - the winner Aphrodite helped the "judge" Paris in love. He received Helen of Troy, and the world was drowned in a bloody war near Troy.

Since then, every woman has dreamed of such a choice and an apple that should go to her. And let it be anything later: the Flood or the Trojan War, the main thing is that it is the most beautiful! Time passes, and beauty was usually thought of in this way, however, over the years, ideas about it have changed.

The Greek woman had to be tanned, light, mobile, able to sing and dance. The Romans valued solidity, calmness, white skin and hide from the sun. The Egyptians did not go in cycles in this, they were interested in aromas, incense ...

Later came the time of the pompous Rubens beauties, the pale-skinned Gioconda with her enigmatic smile, the serious Infanta Margarita, who knew from the age of three that the Spanish queen had no right to smile.

Each time has its own beauty, its own ideal. So it was until the 20th century, until cosmetologists, plastic surgeons and hair stylists, together with fashion designers, began to dictate their terms to the world.

Source of International Beauty Day

Official beauty contests have been held around the world since 1888. The first is in Belgium. It was with them that novelties from progressive cosmetologists and bold stylists were associated.

In 1946, cosmetologists from several countries decided to organize an alliance, gather at conferences, congresses, and share their latest developments. This is how the International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology SIDESCO (CIDESCO-Comite International D "Esthetique Et De Cosmetologie) appeared. Today it is a powerful organization of many thousands, whose branches (more than 30 branches) are scattered around the world.

In 1995, at the next SIDESCO World Congress, it was decided to celebrate September 9 as the International Day of Beauty. In Russia, the holiday was supported in 1999. Since then, beauty contests have firmly entered our lives, and Russian beauties have been successful all over the world.

A large army of people working for the benefit of beauty celebrates their holiday on this day: cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, hairdressers and stylists, massage therapists and fitness trainers, makeup artists and designers. And, of course, women! The main goal of any girl at any age is to be beautiful.

How is World Beauty Day?

SIDESCO honors its best employees on September 9, organizes corporate holidays and professional competitions.

In Europe and America, this day is celebrated with numerous contests, choosing beauties and handsome men for every taste: the most beautiful, the most talented, Miss World, Miss Office, Mr. Fitness Center and other events. In Russia, this is just beginning.

Numerous beauty salons on this day they organize discounts or even free promotions for their regular customers. It is worth asking in advance and winning, for example, in the price of a SPA treatment session or getting free master class hair care, skin care.

And if you think deeper than appearance, then our classics from literature were right: external beauty is superficial, the main thing is spirituality, moral purity and the desire to do good.

What is beauty? A priceless gift of nature or is it just the efforts of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons? Our time can be safely called the century of the cosmetic industry. External beauty has become so important and price that even a special holiday appeared - the international day of beauty.

History of appearance

Beauty Day appeared relatively recently, the history of the holiday begins in 1995. Beauty Day appeared on the initiative of the International Committee of Cosmetology (SIDESCO). The purpose of the announcement of the new holiday was to create a date that would unite people working for the beauty industry - cosmetologists, surgeons specializing in aesthetic medicine, consultants in the sale of cosmetics, perfume, fashion clothes etc.

But when this is celebrated interesting holiday? It was decided to celebrate beauty and aesthetics at the very beginning of autumn - 9th of September. Why this date was chosen, history is silent. However, few will disagree that the beginning of September, when there is no longer a suffocating heat, but the autumn rains have not yet charged, is a wonderful time of the year.


Despite the fact that the holiday began to be celebrated not so long ago, stable traditions of its holding have already appeared. On this day, various beauty contests are traditionally held.

Moreover, competitions can be held not only among young divas, whose appearance meets model standards. After all, the beauty of the human body is a multifaceted and subjective thing. Therefore, on September 9, competitions are held among participants whose appearance differs from the canons accepted in the modeling business.

For example, among ladies of small stature or girls with clothing size 54+. Also, competitions can be held among the fair sex with disabilities or among ladies of elegant age.

As a rule, during such competitions, not a single participant is left without an award, because ugly women does not exist, each has its own "zest", a way and does not correspond to the standards imposed by glossy magazines.

Of course, the celebration of such wonderful holiday not limited to competitions. Various colorful shows, processions, festivals and masquerades can be organized.

September 9 is considered professional holiday people working in the beauty industry. And these are not only plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, but hairdressers, cosmetics and fashion clothes sellers. Moreover, this day can be called a professional holiday for all women, because rarely any of the fair sex does not use cosmetics and does not consider himself an expert in this field.

How can you celebrate this holiday?

It is not necessary to wait for the city authorities or public organizations to take care of holding holiday events on Beauty Day. It is quite possible to celebrate this wonderful date with friends or colleagues by going on a picnic or having a fun party.

In honor of the holiday, you can hold your comic beauty contest. For example, you can organize the Miss Universe contest by inviting participants to dress up as representatives of various planets, that is, not only dugouts, but also beauties from the planetary systems Aldebarana, Alpha Centauri and other stars will take part in the competition.

But even if partying is not in your plans, on Beauty Day you should just compliment others. After all nice compliment causes a smile, and a sincere smile makes any person more beautiful. May this day beautiful people there will be a little more on our streets!

Beauty is a gift of nature, designed to make our world brighter, more interesting and even more beautiful. Our aspirations for beauty, not only physical, but also spiritual, are dictated by the desire for self-improvement, and sometimes by traditions, modern perception, and the influence of fashion. And what is given by nature, taking into account these factors, is not always and not by everyone considered truly beautiful and is subject to further work on improving the shapes, sizes, cuts, color palette ...

International Beauty Day was created so that on the autumn day of September 9, everyone who is not indifferent to aesthetics, harmony and beauty, can congratulate people who decorate our lives on their professional holiday. It is customary to include among them the masters of plastic surgery, and doctors - cosmetologists, beauty consultants, employees of the fashion industry, perfumery and cosmetics, as well as their manufacturers. The International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology SIDESCO pushed society to celebrate this day, thus honoring and praising the beauty of everyone and everything.

Although the holiday itself is relatively young, there has long been a tradition of celebrating it with various beauty contests. Not always young ladies with a model appearance participate in them. Very often, girls, women, babies with magical curls and even grandmothers who have a non-standard, but bright and interesting, original appearance can take part in them. Event organizers on this day show their creativity, sometimes along with the usual title of "Miss" they award the winners and the title of "Mister", because men also have the right to soak up the glory, admiration and applause!

International Beauty Day 2020 - congratulations

Happy Beauty Day! Happy Aesthetics Day!
May everyone be happy on this day
May the holiday be luxurious, wonderful,
Let the world drown in goodness and beauty!

That beauty is cold is not true,
She warms the world with amber fire,
She is the best award in the world for us,
To her we go in the dark to the touch!

Let love decorate your heart
Faces will decorate your joyful look,
Let beauty be warm,
Let manifestations inspire her!

Beauty is everywhere, everywhere
Do not argue - look around,
Meet the miracle with your eyes
Plunge into the beautiful world

Everything that surrounds us
All nature, all creation
They amaze with beauty
Give us reverence!

On this day you enjoy
The beauty of everything and everyone!
Don't hide your joy
Festive rings let laughter!

On Beauty Day, on this magical holiday
Let hundreds of verses be dedicated,
Odes, flowers, compliments are given,
Let goodness and love triumph!

Everyone is beautiful, you just need to believe
Everyone is worthy of awards and praise,
In the heart, you just need to sow hope,
So that everyone considers himself beautiful!

The main thing is to be beautiful in soul,
This is true beauty!
Let them take you into a round dance with them
Happiness, hope, love, kindness!

Postcard for International Beauty Day 2020

Click on the repost to copy to social. net

Faina Ranevskaya said through her movie heroine that "beauty is a terrible force." Thanks to cosmetologists, plastic surgeons, doctors and cosmetics manufacturers, this power is now available to almost everyone. Most women are afraid to even imagine life without cosmetics, creams, lotions, balms, hair dryers, styling products, etc. and so on.

Many of the fair sex will fall into a stupor if there is not a single beauty salon and cosmetologists on Earth who know everything about how to get rid of cellulite, why wrinkles appear and what causes of acne . Well, some ladies will just be hysterical if plastic surgery outlawed. In a word, if women find out that they can lose their beauty, for them it will be like the end of the world. And this means that beauty has not only terrible power, but also great importance.

The twentieth century was the century of discoveries and breakthroughs in the field of cosmetology and the production of cosmetics. Beauty has become so important that it deserves its own holiday - international day Beauty, which is celebrated annually on September 9th.

The history of the appearance of the holiday International Day of Beauty (World Beauty Day)

The initiator of the creation of the Day of Beauty was the International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology. The decision to create the holiday was made at the World Congress in 1995.

It is worth saying a few words about the organization that initiated the establishment of the holiday. CIDESCO is an abbreviation that stands for "International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology" in Russian. This association was founded in Brussels in 1946 and has made a huge contribution to the development of cosmetology. It is impossible to count the number of women who today have the opportunity to maintain the youth and beauty of their face and body thanks to the activities of CIDESCO.

Traditions of the International Day of Beauty

September 9, World Beauty Day , anything that can deliver aesthetic pleasure is welcome. Although, of course, we are usually talking about human beauty. It is on September 9 that various beauty contests are held, and not only among girls of model appearance. After all, beauty is different, and tastes, as you know, do not argue. This holiday is timed to hold beauty contests among obese women, miniature ladies of low stature, the fair sex with disabilities, etc.

Beauty is different!

If you want to pay tribute to this wonderful holiday, organize interesting competition beauty among women or men with a non-standard appearance. But not for the sake of irony or mockery, but in order to once again make it clear: "Beauty comes from within."

You can hold a beauty contest with many nominations. For example: "Miss smooth skin And clean face”, “Miss long braid”, “Miss Cinderella (small leg)”, “Miss thin waist”, “Miss beautiful speech”, “Miss beautiful walk”, “Miss long fingers”, “Miss mole”, “Miss dark-skinned”, etc. Each woman who takes part in such a competition will become a winner.

In addition to beauty contests, various processions and festivals are held, in which people with an appearance that does not meet model standards or is distinguished by originality participate and are encouraged.

Dove knows that beauty is different!

Cosmetologists, cosmetics manufacturers, plastic surgeons and even cosmetics sellers consider International Beauty Day to be their professional holiday. Why not? If you work with beauty and for the sake of beauty, then World Beauty Day is YOUR HOLIDAY!

How to celebrate International Beauty Day?

September 9 corporate events and small parties will suit many of those whose profession is connected with beauty. However, this holiday can be a great occasion to organize a party in any cheerful company. What can be organized? For example, a comic beauty contest among men. Another idea is to arrange an "alien" party, where the Miss Universe contest will be held - not only dugouts, but also "inhabitants of other planets" will take part in it. Or maybe you will like ours, which can be used to conduct an entertainment and game program both on Beauty Day and on March 8th.

Reminder: International Beauty Day is celebrated on September 9th. On this day, do not forget to compliment the beauty of all close and familiar women and be sure to congratulate people whose work is related to beauty. And be beautiful!
