July 23 is a holiday. Interesting facts about whales

Today, July 23, the world is celebrating the World Whale and Dolphin Day, residents of the Republic of Abkhazia are celebrating the National Flag Day, South Ossetia is celebrating Media Workers Day, and Egypt is celebrating the Anniversary of the 1952 Revolution on this day.

World Whale and Dolphin Day

Every year on July 23, the world celebrates World Whale and Dolphin Day - a holiday established back in 1986, after the International Whaling Commission, recognizing the merciless extermination of these animals for 200 years, introduced a ban on whale fishing, which is still in effect. This ban means that whaling and the trade in whale meat are banned worldwide.

Whale fishing, however, is not the only threat to these animals. Another main factor in the disappearance of dolphins, whales and other marine mammals is their capture for oceanariums, dolphinariums and circuses. In this regard, today is the day for the protection of all marine mammals.

National Flag Day in the Republic of Abkhazia

On June 3, 2005, the President of Abkhazia, Sergey Bagapsh, signed the Law “On Making Additions and Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Abkhazia “On Commemorative and public holidays in the Republic of Abkhazia"", in connection with which July 23 was declared the Day of the State Flag of the Republic of Abkhazia.

On July 23, 1992, the State Flag of the Republic of Abkhazia was approved by the Supreme Council of the Republic of Abkhazia at its session in the city of Akua (Sukhum), after a decision was made to terminate the Constitution of the Abkhaz ASSR adopted in 1978 and restore the Constitution of the SSR of Abkhazia in 1925.

Media Workers Day in South Ossetia

In the Republic of South Ossetia, every year on July 23, the Day of Mass Media Workers is celebrated. This day was not chosen by chance, because on July 23, 1906 in the city of Vladikavkaz, the first newspaper “Ossetianskaya Gazeta” (“Iron Newspaper”) was published in the Ossetian language.

Media workers in South Ossetia today competently and objectively cover all socio-economic and socio-political events in the life of the republic.

Anniversary of the 1952 revolution in Egypt

On July 23, Egypt annually celebrates the July Revolution - or the revolutionary coup of 1952, which marked the beginning of the national liberation revolution in Egypt.

This day in Egypt has become a national holiday and a day off.

Unusual holidays

Today, July 23, waking up from the warm sunlight, do not forget, the holiday has begun - the Day of Blind Man's Bluff with bright light.

Bluff day with bright light

Carefully! Do not frighten off the blind man's blind man with the bright sun, because these are satellites of the sun's rays or little fairies who, descending to the ground every morning, pretend to be flowers. Therefore, we do not see these fairies. But you can feel them today, on Bluff Day with bright light, like a pleasant tickling of a ray of sunshine.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Anthony the Thunderer

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of the founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, St. Anthony of the Caves, the patron saint of all Russian monks, who was born near the city of Chernigov at the end of the 10th century.

Anthony, eager to see the places where Jesus Christ lived, visited Palestine during his lifetime, and then lingered in Athos, where, having taken tonsure, he lived for several more years.

The abbot of the Athos monastery, according to legend, received a sign to let Anthony go home so that he would spread the Christian faith on Russian soil.

Anthony, returning to his homeland, settled in a cave not far from Kyiv, where many people came to him for a blessing.

Nikon and Theodosius were the first disciples of Anthony. When Anthony had 12 disciples, they dug out a large cave, where they built a church, separate cells and a refectory. Since that time, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra began.

Later, Anthony retired from the monastery and dug a new cave for himself, but the monks again began to settle next to him. When there were about a hundred of them, Anthony blessed the brethren to build the first wooden church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos on the mountain.

The life tells that St. Anthony had the gift of healing and predicted all events.

At present, the relics of the monk have not been found, they are under a bushel.

On St. Anthony's Day in Rus', the peasants attached special importance to thunder, they believed that if thunderstorms were heard on Anthony the Thunderer, then the fish catch would be good. The peasants also believed - if the thunder is sharp on this day, then there will be a quiet rain, and if it is booming, then they were preparing for a downpour.

July 23 in history

1985 - The first regiment of intercontinental ballistic missiles "Topol" took up combat duty near Yoshkar-Ola
1988 - The first flight of the MiG-29K carrier-based fighter.
1991 - The III Congress of People's Deputies of Dagestan was held, at which a decision was made to rehabilitate Akkin Chechens.
1992 - The Supreme Council of Abkhazia declared independence from Georgia.
1994 - The federal constitutional law "On the Constitutional Court" came into force Russian Federation»
1996 - The French police arrested the leader of the Basque separatist organization ETA, Julián Acurra.
1997 - Newspapers around the world publish a list of Swiss bank depositors from World War II.
1997 - Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic is proclaimed President of Yugoslavia.
1998 - The world's largest globe of the Earth was built in the USA - with a diameter of 12.5 meters.
1998 - The first assassination attempt on Chechen President A. Maskhadov.
2000 - A new natural satellite of the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, was discovered.
2002 - A giant squid washed ashore on the island of Tasmania. It weighed a quarter of a ton, and the length of its tentacles exceeded 15 meters. Thus, scientists received confirmation of one of the most mysterious legends - the existence of sea monsters.

July 23, 2017 - Sunday, 204th day of 2017 according to the Gregorian calendar. July 23 corresponds to July 10 of the Julian calendar (old style).

Holidays July 23, 2017 in Russia

  • There are no holidays on June 23, 2017 in Russia.

Also read:

Holidays July 23, 2017 in Ukraine

  • There are no holidays on July 23, 2017 in Ukraine.

World and international holidays July 23, 2017

  • World Whale and Dolphin Day. A holiday established in 1986 by the International Whaling Commission. It is celebrated on July 23 because on that day in 1982 the IWC voted to completely ban commercial whaling from the 1985/1986 season. The ban went into effect on February 19, 1986. In honor of this, every year on February 19, another holiday is celebrated - World Whale Day. It is considered the day of protection of other marine mammals. Sometimes environmental organizations different countries jointly dedicate this day to the protection of any one species of mammals, over which the threat of destruction hangs.

Orthodox holidays July 23, 2017

The following memorable dates have been established:

  • The position of the honest robe of our Lord Jesus Christ in Moscow;
  • Memorial Day of the 45 Martyrs in Armenian Nikopol: Leonty, Mauritius, Daniel, Anthony, Alexander, Ianikita (Anikita), Sisinius, Menea, Virilada and others;
  • Memorial Day of St. Anthony of the Kiev Caves, the head of all Russian monks;
  • Memorial Day of the Monk Siluan, hermit of the Caves, in the Far Caves;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyr Apollonius of Iconium;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyrs Vianor and Silouan;
  • Day of Remembrance of the reverend hermits of Egypt, starved by fire and smoke;
  • Memorial Day of Saints Eumenius and Parthenius of Gortynsky;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyrs Vasily Pobedonostsev, Peter Zefirov and Stefan Lukanin, presbyters, George Begma and Nestor Gudzovsky, deacons;
  • Konevskaya - the icon of the Mother of God.

Folk holidays July 23, 2017

  • Anthony the Thunderer. In Rus', on St. Anthony's Day, special significance was attached to thunder. If the name day of the saint fell on Wednesday or Friday, and on that day thunder peals were heard, then this promised a good catch of fish. If the thunder on Anthony was sharp, they expected a quiet rain, and if it was booming, they were preparing for a downpour. The people also said: "If on this day thunder rumbles and lightning flashes, shocks are burning somewhere in the field." In general, since the time of the ancient Slavs, thunder was considered an instrument of heavenly forces - God, Elijah the Prophet, Perun. Most often, thunder was explained by the fact that St. Elijah rides across the sky on a chariot with fiery horses, or that Elijah or God throws stones across the sky and from heaven to earth. The southern Slavs believed that thunder and lightning come from the struggle of snake-dragons among themselves. Everywhere among the Slavs there was a belief that God, St. Elijah or the heavenly serpent strikes the devil with thunder, the devil, who, hiding and escaping, climb into the water, under a tree or under a stone. Therefore, during a thunderstorm, people should not take shelter under a tree or in water. According to the ideas of the Belarusians, one should not sit on the boundary (devils are found there); places where an unbaptized baby is buried are dangerous. It is believed that thunder (lightning) does not strike some trees, nettles, or a house where there is a stork's nest. The Serbs believed that thunder does not hit a nut, so in a thunderstorm they girded themselves with a nut branch. A man killed by thunder among the Slavs could be considered both a happy righteous man and a sinner in whom the devil was hiding. A tree struck by thunder was not used for construction or for firewood, but sometimes healing properties were attributed to it (a toothache was treated with a sliver of such a tree). A house that caught fire from lightning was often forbidden to extinguish, or it was supposed to be extinguished not with water, but with milk from a black cow, sour milk or whey. July 23 was also the day of duckweed - a plant whose small leaves can often be seen on the surface of the river. It was believed that mermaids were found in places of accumulation of duckweed. “Rain grows duckweed, and water maidens tear,” our ancestors said. On Anthony, they collected duckweed from the water with pitchforks, filled baskets with it and carried it to the barnyard, where they fed it to the birds. It was also used as a fertilizer. The girls, in the likeness of duckweed patterns on the water, wove special lace, which was called so - cassocks.

Holidays July 23, 2017 in the countries of the world

  • Holiday in Abkhazia July 23, 2017 - National Flag Day. On June 3, 2005, the President of Abkhazia, Sergei Bagapsh, signed the Law “On Making Additions and Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Abkhazia “On Memorable and Holidays in the Republic of Abkhazia””, adopted by the People's Assembly - Parliament. Since that time, July 23 has been declared the Day of the State Flag of the Republic of Abkhazia. The modern state flag of the Republic of Abkhazia was approved by the session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Abkhazia on July 23, 1992 in the city of Akua (Sukhum), after a decision was made to terminate the Constitution of the Abkhaz ASSR of 1978 and restore the Constitution of the SSR of Abkhazia of 1925. The author of the flag is the artist Valery Gamgia.
  • Holiday in Egypt July 23, 2017 - Anniversary of the Revolution. The July Revolution is a common name for the revolutionary upheaval in Egypt in 1952, which marked the beginning of the national liberation revolution. On July 23, Egypt officially celebrates the anniversary of the July Revolution (Revolution Day in Egypt), a day that is a national holiday and a day off. The revolution took place in the context of the upsurge of the national liberation movement of the Arab peoples after the Second World War and the weakening of the positions of British imperialism in the Middle East. On the night of July 23, 1952, a group of patriotic military men, members of the secret Free Officers organization, led by Gamal Abdel Nasser, carried out a revolutionary coup and overthrew the feudal-monarchist regime of King Farouk. On July 26, the deposed monarch abdicated and left the country. Power passed to the Council for the Leadership of the Revolution (SRR).
  • Holiday in South Ossetia July 23, 2017 - Media Workers Day. Every year on July 23, the Republic of South Ossetia celebrates the Day of Mass Media Workers. The day of July 23 was not chosen by chance - it was on July 23, 1906 in Vladikavkaz that the first newspaper in the Ossetian language "Iron Gazeta" ("Ossetian Newspaper") was published. Today, media workers of the Republic objectively and competently cover socio-political and socio-economic events in the life of the republic. The media play an important role in the system of the state and society, in many respects being the determining factor in the formation of public opinion, influencing the processes taking place not only in the state, but also in the world. If in many countries in the calendars of holidays the day of each mass media is celebrated separately, then in the calendar of South Ossetia there is a single holiday for all the media of the republic. And in your professional holiday employees of all mass media of the Republic receive congratulations from friends and colleagues, solemn meetings are held on this day, at which state awards are presented to the most distinguished employees.
  • Holiday in Armenia July 23, 2017 - Vardavar is the feast of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. This holiday is one of the largest in the country, it is very loved by the people. It is celebrated on the 98th day after Easter. The day of the holiday is officially non-working in Armenia. The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ in Armenia is celebrated in honor of one of the most important events in the Christian religion - the Transfiguration of the Lord, which took place on Mount Tabor. According to the Bible, when Jesus Christ ascended with the apostles Peter, James and Jann to Mount Tabor, the prophets Moses and Elijah appeared to them. When Jesus Christ spoke to them, He was transformed, and His clothes became whiter than snow. The feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Armenia is called Vardavar. There are several versions regarding the origin of this name. According to one of them, the word "Vardavar" means "to shower with roses" and it is associated with the legend of the goddess of love and beauty Astghik, as well as her beloved god Vahagn. Astghik sowed love throughout Armenia, giving roses and pouring rose water, and the god Vahagn protected love from evil. Earlier on the day of the celebration of Vardvar, a pagan holiday was celebrated in Armenia. With the advent of Christianity in the Armenian lands, the holiday became Christian, but many of them pagan traditions preserved. So, for example, to this day, it is customary for Armenians to pour water on Vardavar, which is considered healing. It is also customary to give roses to each other - in memory of the goddess Astghik.

Today, people all over the planet celebrate the whale and dolphin festival. Also in Russia is the Day of Trade Workers. Readers can read about these and other events below.

International celebrations July 23, 2019

World Whale and Dolphin Day

Our planet every year on July 23 celebrates such a celebration. This holiday appeared in 1986, when the International Whaling Commission, after 200 years of merciless extermination, created a ban on whaling. The ban is still in effect today. This means that all over the world hunting is prohibited. For these animals alone, whaling is not the only threat.

The disappearance of whales may also be threatened by capture for dolphinariums, circuses and oceanariums. So this holiday is considered the day of protection not only of whales, but also of other mammals. Various conservation groups on such a day hold actions and demonstrations in defense of whales and other marine life. For Russia, such a day is of particular importance, because in the seas of our state there are more than a dozen species of whales, seals and dolphins.

Holidays in Russia July 23, 2019

Day of the State Flag of the Republic of Abkhazia

In 2005, on June 3, the President of Abkhazia, Sergei Bagapsh, signed the law adopted by the People's Assembly "On making additions and changes to the Law of the Republic of Abkhazia" on anniversaries and public holidays of the country.

The modern state flag of the country was approved by the session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Abkhazia on July 23, 1992 in the city of Akua. At the same time, a decision was made to terminate the Constitution of the Abkhaz ASSR of 1978. the modern flag of the state symbolizes the main stages in the development of the statehood of the Abkhaz people.

In the middle of the century, a purple flag with a white palm flew over the city of Sebastopolis. An open white palm on a red background shows the symbol of the Abkhazian statehood, which was formed during the time of the Abkhazian kingdom. Today, the flag of the Motherland shows itself as a panel, along the length of which there are seven alternating different stripes in width of white and green. White color speaks of spirituality, and green - life and youth.

Day of Media Workers of South Ossetia

In South Korea, every year on July 23, this holiday is celebrated. This number was not chosen by chance. It was on July 23, 1906 in Vladikavkaz that the first newspaper in the Ossetian language was published - Iron newspapers. Today, media workers of the Republic competently and objectively cover socio-political and socio-economic events in the life of the country.

Mass media play an important role in the system of the state and society. In many ways, they are a factor in the formation of public opinion and influence the processes that take place both in the state and in the world. On such a professional day, media workers receive congratulations from friends and relatives. And those who excel can be rewarded.

National Hot Dog Day in USA

Every year in America they celebrate such a celebration. Today, a classic of American cuisine can be considered a sausage, which is embedded in a roll cut from one end, and then poured with mustard and ketchup. No one can say exactly where the appearance of the hot dog came from. Such a celebration in the country was officially established in 1957. And in 1994, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council was created.

According to tradition, competitions in the art of cooking this dish are held on such a day. Statistics show that in Lately consumption of this product has increased. And a year, about 60 hot dogs are eaten by the average American.

Celebrations of the folk calendar July 23, 2019

Anthony the Thunderer

The Orthodox Church on this day celebrates the memory of St. Anthony of the Caves. He was also the founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and the patron of all Russian monks. The saint was born at the end of the 10th century near Chernigov. Since he wanted so much to see the birthplaces of Jesus, he went to Palestine. When Anthony returned home, he lingered in Athos and took tonsure.

There he lived for several years. When Anthony returned to his homeland, he began to live near Kyiv in a cave. A lot of people went to the hermit for a blessing. Anthony refused no one. On St. Anthony's Day in Rus', special significance was attached to thunder. And if the name day of the saint was on Wednesday or Friday, then on such a day one could hear thunder peals. But, it spoke of a good catch of fish. On such a day, people celebrated the day of duckweed - a plant whose small leaves could be seen on the surface of the river. People believed that mermaids were found in places where duckweeds accumulated.

People and name days July 23, 2019

Alexander, Anton, George, Daniel, Leonty, Peter.

Significant events

  • 1774 - Emelyan Pugachev's peasant army took Kazan.
  • 1881 - The International Federation of Gymnasts is established in Liege.
  • 1952 - There was a military coup in Egypt.
  • 1985 - the first regiment of intercontinental ballistic missiles Topol took up combat duty.
  • 1994 - the federal constitutional law "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" came into force.

Popular people's birthdays

  1. Pyotr Vyazemsky 1792 - Russian poet and critic.
  2. Francesco Cilea 1866 is an Italian composer.
  3. Gustav Kafka 1883 - Austrian philosopher and psychologist.
  4. Yuri Annenkov 1889 - Russian graphic artist.
  5. Vladimir Klimov 1892 - Soviet scientist in the field of aircraft engine building.
  6. Pimen 1910 - Patriarch of Moscow.
  7. Mikhail Matusovsky 1915 - Soviet songwriter.
  8. Yuri Katin-Yartsev 1921 - Soviet actor.
  9. Richard Rogers 1933 - English architect.
  10. Alexander Kaidanovsky 1946 - Russian actor.

By Orthodox calendar commemorate the Deposition of the Precious Robe of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Moscow in 1625. Do not forget about the 40 martyrs in Armenian Nikopol, who died during the reign of Emperor Licinius.

Believers do not forget to honor the memory of St. Anthony of the Kiev Caves and Silouan.

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No less important is the Day of the Konevskaya Icon of the Mother of God, which was brought from St. Athos in 1393 by the Monk Arseny.

Traditions of the day

Anthony the Gromonosets (cassocker) is celebrated, on which there is a tradition to determine the weather by thunder and start collecting duckweed.

There is evidence that the retribution for a love spell is inherited in the form of a family curse.

The whole family of the customer suffers up to the seventh generation.

Enchantment is a terrible thing.

In fact, this is damage that cripples the victim, his health and his whole life in general.

You will not envy the one who went to this black villainy - the consequences of a love spell for the customer will be terrible.

- The consequences of a love spell

Folk omens

By folk omens, the presence of clouds in the sky indicates imminent rains, and fog over the water in the morning indicates a fine day.

Is it possible to work

Believers must comply with traditional prohibitions, including not working and baking.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that best suits you and find out what hidden magical abilities you have.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden abilities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devilish influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and the support of higher powers, one can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help to cope with them, breaks in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications - a medium. We are talking about the ability to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is disturbed, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of goodness and strength that could serve for good, I will move into another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all indications - witchcraft. It is feasible for you to study and induce damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an impossible task.

But everything must be used exclusively for good and done so that others do not suffer in their innocence from your superpowers, bestowed from above.

For development internal forces requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

Most of all you have telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small, and over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that can be darkened by going to the dark side if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream, which you will never be able to forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise darkness will swallow you up and this will be the beginning of the end.

July 23 is a holiday in the world

Today is World Whale and Dolphin Day, which was initiated in 1986 at the suggestion of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and which is associated with a ban on commercial whale hunting.

Egypt celebrates Revolution Day in Egypt in 1952. I recall the July Revolution, which was the beginning of the intensification of the national liberation movement and revolution.

July 23 on the national calendar is the Day of Anthony the Thunder-bearer, and the world celebrates the Day of Whales and Dolphins. There are no official and unofficial holidays in Ukraine today.

Folk holidays

People today celebrate the day of memory of Anthony of the Caves, the founder of monasticism and the founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in Kyiv, who was tonsured on Mount Athos after spending a couple of years there.

The abbot of the monastery on Mount Athos gave Anthony a ticket to life. He received a sign and sent Saint Anthony home to spread the Christian faith. The saint had a special gift, led an ascetic life, often went hungry or ate only bread and water. He knew how to heal the sick and predicted the future. The people called him the Thunderbearer, because on July 23 a summer thunderstorm thundered in the sky, predicting the harvest. It used to be that the dull thunder on July 23 portends a quiet rain, if there is a loud thunder, it will rain.

On the feast of Anthony the Thunder-bearer, it was forbidden to swear and cut your hair, so as not to invite misfortune on your family and loved ones. Today, it is preferable to solve all problems peacefully. July 23 is better to go to the bath to improve your health.

In the world

On July 23, the world celebrates Whale and Dolphin Day for 33 years in a row. The date has been celebrated since 1986 to ban whaling and save unique animals from extermination. The holiday was established by the International Whaling Commission. On July 23, animal protection organizations often organize actions to ban dolphinariums and circuses. There is another date - World Whale Day, which is celebrated on February 19th.

Events and dates

In Egypt, on July 23, 1952, a revolutionary coup took place when members of the secret organization "Free Officers" under the command of Gamal Nasser overthrew the monarch Farouk. After that, Egypt became a presidential republic, where the head of state is the main commander of the country's armed forces. The holiday is a national day, for all the inhabitants of Egypt it is a day off.

name day

Orthodox celebrate the name day of Alexander, Anton and George, as well as Daniel, Leonty and Peter.
