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Expectant mothers are preparing for the onset of pregnancy, and trying to find out as much information about it as possible. Also, all women have an idea of ​​what basal temperature is, and what is its norm during pregnancy. At all stages of the menstrual cycle, a woman's hormones in the body change. Because of this, the basal temperature changes.

After ovulation occurs, the normal basal temperature is at least 37.2 degrees. But during pregnancy, the temperature changes. Sometimes measuring basal body temperature early dates pregnancy may be of diagnostic value. An increase or decrease in basal temperature in some cases means that there is a threat to the normal course of pregnancy. A low basal temperature may indicate a threatened miscarriage. Sometimes this may indicate a cessation of fetal development altogether.

Basal temperature does not need to be measured throughout pregnancy and not all women. Gynecologists advise measuring basal temperature for women who have encountered a cessation of child development or a miscarriage. Also, basal temperature should be measured in cases where a woman is at risk of miscarriage. In this case, by controlling, you can detect and deal with the problem at the very beginning.

Basal body temperature before pregnancy delay

Basal temperature in the second half of the menstrual cycle, it rises slightly to a value of 37 - 37.1 degrees. Before the onset of menstruation, it drops to 36.9 degrees.

If it happens that the basal temperature does not decrease within eighteen days, this indicates that, most likely, pregnancy has occurred. Even if when menstruation began, doctors advise all the same to take a pregnancy test. The basal temperature during this period rises due to the action of the hormone progesterone on the female body.

Normal values ​​​​of basal temperature during pregnancy

If the basal temperature deviates from normal values, this may indicate the presence of various pathologies. On average, the temperature can range from 37.1 to 37.3 degrees. Sometimes it can reach the value of 38 degrees. These values ​​are normal and depend on the structure of the female body.

Basal temperature values ​​for ectopic pregnancy

If the pregnancy is ectopic, then the hormone progesterone continues to be released in the body. So the increase in basal temperature is still observed. An increase in basal temperature does not always indicate the presence ectopic pregnancy. As a diagnostic tool, basal temperature is not recommended.

Elevated basal body temperature

The average basal temperature can be from 37.2 to 37.3 degrees. But its permissible increase can be up to 38 degrees. But if the temperature rises above this value, you need to contact a specialist. Various inflammatory processes can be the cause of such an increase. Anyway. It is not necessary to independently find the cause of the occurrence of an increased basal temperature. A woman should carry out any treatment under the supervision of a doctor, especially since it is almost impossible to make a diagnosis at home. Sometimes the cause of an elevated temperature can simply be its incorrect measurement.

Reasons for a decrease in basal temperature

A low basal temperature is considered if its value is below 37 degrees. This may mean that there are some complications during pregnancy. Therefore, when observing a decrease in temperature, you need to consult a doctor. Take your temperature again while at home. If the value does not change, you need to wait a few hours, then measure again. This is sometimes due to the fact that the general condition of the body is changing. If each time the temperature is below 37 degrees, then immediately consult a specialist.

If, when examining a woman, doctors find in her body low level progesterone, then she is hospitalized and all the necessary procedures are carried out. Basically, doctors manage to save all such pregnancies. Sometimes a low basal temperature indicates a fading fetus. This is called a missed pregnancy. In this case, the hormone progesterone is greatly reduced, as the corpus luteum ceases to perform its functions. This is accompanied by a decrease in basal temperature. Sometimes even in the presence of a frozen pregnancy, the basal temperature remains high. So this diagnostic method should be used only in combination.

How to measure basal temperature?

The mistake of many women is to measure the basal temperature every couple of hours. However, the results obtained are very different from each other. In the morning, the thermometer value can show 37.2 degrees, and during the day this value can change several more times. It often happens that there is a change to the smaller side.

But experts say that a decrease in basal temperature in the afternoon is absolutely normal and should not be a cause for concern for expectant mothers. It is very important to know how to measure basal body temperature correctly. To do everything right, you need to put the thermometer in the evening so that you can take it without getting out of bed. After you wake up, lubricate the tip of the thermometer with baby cream or any other greasy cream, then insert it into the anus two to three centimeters. The temperature should be measured for five to seven minutes. Only if all the rules and requirements are met, can the result be considered reliable. If you get out of bed before measuring the temperature, the measurement result will not be correct.

The following factors influence the state of basal temperature:

  • Any physical exercise. Doctors advise not only not to get up in bed, but also to roll over in bed. You need to take a comfortable position and try not to change it until you finish measuring the temperature.
  • The position of the body should be horizontal (lying down). Basal temperature should be measured only in this position of the body. There is no need to sit down, because for this reason the blood flow to the pelvis and its organs increases. This will cause incorrect readings when measuring basal temperature.
  • Uninterrupted sleep lasting four hours. If a woman slept less than four hours in a row, then it makes no sense to measure the temperature, the readings will be false.
  • Having sex before taking a temperature. If you need to check the basal temperature chart for a while, then you need to give up sexual activity for a while. In any case, you need to take a break between temperature measurement and sex for at least twelve hours. But sometimes in such cases, sexual intimacy can cause spontaneous abortion(miscarriage).
  • Eating right after waking up. Often pregnant women suffer from toxicosis. Therefore, expectant mothers are recommended to have a light snack immediately after waking up. But we should forget that you need to eat something after the temperature is measured in order to get reliable information.
  • Application some medical preparations. There are drugs that help change the values ​​​​of basal temperature. It can both rise and fall. So it’s not worth self-medicating so that the doctor knows the reason for the temperature changes.
  • Various infectious and catarrhal diseases. If a pregnant woman is sick, the correct temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bshould not be expected. In this case, you do not need to postpone going to the doctor.

Basal temperature in terms of diagnosis is reliable for the first two weeks of pregnancy, no more. After this time, the woman's hormonal background changes, and the readings of the basal temperature mean nothing.

basal body temperature chart

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So, first, let's figure out what basal temperature is. Basal temperature (abbreviated as BT) is the body temperature at rest, measured rectally. These measurements are carried out to analyze the hormonal background through changes in tissue reactions of the internal genital organs. Temperature fluctuations due to hormonal causes occur only locally, so measuring the temperature in the armpit or in the mouth is not indicative.

But against the background of a general increase in body temperature due to illness or overheating, the data obtained by measuring BT is naturally distorted.

How to measure basal temperature

By itself, the measurement of basal temperature does not give anything. It makes sense to study the trend of its change for at least several months and draw up a graph.

When taking oral contraceptives, measuring basal temperature becomes meaningless, since its level is regulated by the hormones you take, and not by your own. BBT will be approximately the same throughout the cycle.

Let's move on to the technique: how to measure basal temperature? For reliability, basal temperature should be measured daily at the same time, immediately upon awakening, without getting out of bed and minimizing movement before measurement (after all, the goal is to measure basal temperature in a state of complete rest). Therefore, it is better to prepare a thermometer in the evening, putting it near the bed, so that in the morning it is enough to reach out to it. For this, both a classic mercury thermometer and a digital one are equally suitable. The tip of the thermometer should be inserted into the anus and lie still when using a mercury thermometer - 5 minutes, if the thermometer is digital - until the beep. In order not to forget, immediately transfer the measurement results to the basal temperature chart. So, now, knowing how to correctly measure the basal temperature, we proceed to the analysis of the data obtained.

basal body temperature chart

It should be built over several monthly cycles, otherwise such measurements will not be indicative. This makes it possible to calculate the day of ovulation in a woman's cycle and determine the period of greatest fertility. This information is needed both for couples planning to conceive a child and for contraception. Although in the latter case, relying only on data obtained from the study of basal temperature is not particularly reliable. Gynecologists advise such a "calendar" method to be supported by other methods of protection.

But if you and your partner want to conceive a child, then it will be useful for you to determine the days when this can be done most likely.

To build a graph, you can use a regular sheet from a squared notebook or graph paper. The number of the day of the cycle is plotted on the horizontal axis (the 1st day is the day of the onset of menstruation), and the exact temperature measurement data is plotted along the vertical axis (with an accuracy of 0.1 0).

The basal temperature chart allows you to:

  • determine, thus calculate the days most favorable for conception (or "dangerous" days, as they are called by adherents of the calendar method of contraception);
  • establish (only a doctor can analyze your data);
  • find out if pregnancy occurred with or an uncharacteristic appearance of supposedly menstrual flow;
  • diagnose women's health problems, in particular endometritis.

Basal body temperature (BT) is the lowest body temperature measured at rest. Determining the level of basal temperature allows you to predict the onset of ovulation and determine pregnancy at its earliest stages. The technique is also included in the scheme of natural regulation of conception and is used to detect various gynecological diseases.

Measurement Rules

When determining the basal temperature, certain rules must be followed, otherwise the data obtained may be misinterpreted:

  1. BT is determined only in the rectum. Measurement of temperature under the armpit or in the mouth does not give reliable results.
  2. Measurements are taken in the morning, without getting out of bed, before any physical activity. For convenience, keep a thermometer handy.
  3. Before starting the study, at least 4 hours of restful uninterrupted sleep should pass.
  4. Measurement of BT is carried out with an electronic thermometer - the same. You can use a mercury thermometer, but with great care.
  5. The study should take place at approximately the same time of day. Deviations of 30-60 minutes in any direction are allowed.
  6. The study time is at least 5 minutes.
  7. There is no break during menstruation.

The data obtained is entered daily into a table. In the future, on the basis of the results obtained, it will be possible to draw certain conclusions. To assess the menstrual cycle and identify gynecological pathology, it is recommended to measure basal temperature for at least 3 consecutive months. It is advisable to start the study on the first day of the menstrual cycle (i.e. the first day of menstruation).

Is it possible to measure basal temperature during the day? Yes, after 4 hours of sleep. Unfortunately, such results are often unreliable, so it is not recommended to rely on them. If a woman works on a night shift, she can conduct research during the day, provided that this is her usual, practically unchanged regime of work and rest for many months.

Indications for measuring basal temperature

The study is carried out in such situations:

  • Menstrual disorders (if you suspect an imbalance of hormones).
  • Diagnosis of pregnancy at an early stage.
  • Determination of the time of ovulation.
  • As part of the MCI (fertility recognition method as a natural method of contraception).
  • Assessment of the hormonal background in some gynecological diseases (including infertility).

In most cases, the measurement of basal temperature is prescribed when planning pregnancy and identifying the causes of infertility. This examination will also be useful when looking for factors that lead to menstrual irregularities (delayed menstruation, lengthening or shortening of the cycle, etc.).

Measurement of basal temperature is not carried out in such situations:

  • If a woman is not able to measure the temperature at about the same time (special work schedule, etc.).
  • In the presence of acute inflammatory processes or exacerbation of a chronic pathology leading to an increase in overall body temperature.

In the latter case, the study will be non-informative. It is recommended to wait for recovery and only after that return to the measurement of basal temperature.

Important Aspects

There are factors that affect the level of basal temperature:

  • poor sleep (frequent awakenings, the need to get up in bed at night);
  • stress;
  • diseases of the digestive tract (including diarrhea);
  • ARVI (even without an increase in armpit temperature);
  • alcohol intake;
  • intimacy;
  • long flights;
  • change of time zones, climate;
  • reception medicines(including hormonal, sedative, sleeping pills).

All these factors should be noted in the table and taken into account when interpreting the results.

Basal temperature and menstrual cycle

Determination of basal temperature plays a big role in assessing a woman's menstrual cycle. Consider the change in parameters using the example of a normal 28-day female cycle.

The first (folliculin) phase of the menstrual cycle lasts from days 1 to 14 and is under the influence of estrogen. At this time, the follicles mature and the dominant one is isolated among them. The BT level during this period remains in the range from 36.1 to 36.7 °C.

Ovulation with a 28-day cycle occurs on the 13-14th day. The maturation and release of the egg coincides with the peak level of LH (luteinizing hormone). The day before ovulation, the basal temperature drops by 0.5 °C. Immediately at the time of ovulation, BBT rises again, reaches 37.0 - 37.4 ° C and remains at this level throughout the second phase of the cycle.

The second (luteal) phase takes place under the influence of progesterone. The endometrium grows in preparation for possible implantation gestational sac. If fertilization does not occur, a corpus luteum forms at the site of the burst follicle. From days 14 to 28 of the cycle, the basal body temperature remains above 37.0 °C. The decrease in indicators occurs only before the menstruation itself, in 24-48 hours. During monthly bleeding, BBT remains low (from 36.1 to 36.7 ° C).

Basal temperature and pregnancy

If a child is conceived, the basal temperature remains high throughout the first trimester. It keeps at around 37.0 - 37.4 ° C, and only after 14 weeks begins to gradually decrease. In the II and III trimesters, the basal temperature is fixed within 36.4-36.7 °C.

An increase in basal temperature during pregnancy indicates the following conditions:

  • inflammatory process in the appendages and uterus, pelvic organs, intestines;
  • general infectious process.

A low level of basal temperature occurs in such situations:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • a miscarriage that has begun;
  • regressive pregnancy.

In all these situations, there is a decrease in the level of progesterone, which determines the change in basal temperature. Any deviations from the norm should be reported to the doctor.

Deciphering the results

With the correct measurement of basal temperature, a woman can find answers to the most important questions for herself:

  • Is the menstrual cycle normal, and are there any deviations.
  • Does the maturation of the follicles occur, is it worth expecting ovulation.
  • Was there ovulation in this cycle, and on what day did it occur.
  • Whether the conception of a child has occurred or the onset of menstruation should be expected (you can determine its arrival 24-48 hours before the onset of bleeding).

Deviations from the normal schedule make it possible to suspect endocrine pathology, suggest the causes of infertility and timely identify some complications that occur in the early stages of pregnancy.

Normal performance

To assess the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to chart the basal temperature for at least three months in a row. The graph is lined up on a sheet in a box. A coordinate axis is drawn, where the basal temperature indicators will be vertically, and the days of the cycle will be horizontally. Each day of the cycle will have its own mark on the graph - the level of basal temperature. At the bottom, under each day of the menstrual cycle, factors that could affect the temperature (stress, sexual intercourse, illness, etc.) must be indicated.

Normal indicators of the menstrual cycle:

  • The total length of the cycle is 21-35 days (from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of another).
  • The duration of the second phase of the cycle is always 12-14 days.
  • The duration of the first phase of the cycle may vary. Its minimum duration is 7 days.

Normal values ​​​​of basal temperature are presented in the table:

Temperature curve options

There are several varieties of the schedule when measuring BT:

I type


  • There is a stable increase in BBT in the second phase of the cycle by at least 0.4 °C.
  • There is a preovulatory and premenstrual decrease in BBT.

Such a schedule corresponds to a normal two-phase menstrual cycle (it was discussed in detail above).

II type


  • There is a slight increase in BBT in the second phase of the cycle: no more than 0.2-0.3 °C.
  • The duration of the second phase is 12-14 days.
  • There is a slight preovulatory and premenstrual decrease in BBT.

Such a schedule indicates estrogen-progesterone deficiency and requires a mandatory examination by a doctor. It is necessary to assess the level of major hormones in each phase of the cycle and find out the reason for such changes. This condition often leads to infertility.

III type


  • There is an increase in BBT in the second phase of the cycle shortly before the onset of menstruation by 0.4 °C.
  • The second phase lasts less than 10 days.
  • There is no premenstrual decrease in BBT.

Such a graph indicates insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle (luteal insufficiency) and indicates a low level of progesterone (absolute or relative with a high concentration of estrogen).

Possible reasons for the insufficiency of the second phase:

  • Ovarian pathology: resistant or depleted ovary syndrome, ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome, polycystic ovaries, etc.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Pathology of the pituitary gland: hyperprolactinemia, pituitary hypogonadism.
  • Organic diseases of the genital organs: endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, polyps, tumors.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages: endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis.
  • Pathology of other organs: hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, etc.
  • Condition after abortion, curettage of the uterine cavity for other reasons.
  • A sharp decrease in body weight (prolonged fasting, diets, diseases of the digestive tract).
  • Strong stress.
  • A sharp change in climate, time zones.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Taking narcotic drugs.

Insufficiency of the luteal phase threatens infertility or miscarriage. To correct this condition, it is necessary to find out the cause of the failure. According to the indications, hormonal therapy is carried out. During pregnancy, progesterone supplementation is needed.

IV type

A monotonous curve is noted on the graph: BT remains within 36.1 - 36.7 ° C throughout the entire cycle. There is no ovulation. Such a cycle is considered anovulatory.

The anovulatory cycle is a variant of the norm. It is believed that every healthy woman can have 1-2 cycles per year without ovulation. With age, the number of anovulatory cycles increases. During puberty and with the onset of menopause, most of the cycles pass without ovulation. It is impossible to conceive a child this month.

Frequent anovulatory cycles in a woman of reproductive age is a pathology. The cause may be various endocrine diseases, ovarian pathology, etc. For an accurate diagnosis and development of a treatment regimen, a complete examination by a gynecologist-endocrinologist is necessary.

V type

A chaotic temperature curve is observed. The range of indicators does not fit into any of the known options and does not lend itself to any logic. A similar schedule occurs with estrogen deficiency. The onset of pregnancy with estrogen deficiency is a big question.

A single chaotic schedule should not frighten a woman. Such a failure can occur during stress, climate change, exacerbation of various extragenital diseases. If the schedule returns to normal in the future, no treatment is required. A chaotic temperature curve for two or more months requires a mandatory examination by a specialist.

Measuring your basal temperature is simple and available method assessment of the state of the female reproductive sphere. Regular scheduling helps to predict the onset of ovulation and menstruation, detect pregnancy early and detect menstrual irregularities. Determining the level of basal temperature is practiced in the diagnosis of endocrine infertility and other gynecological diseases.

basal temperature.

Measurement of basal body temperature (BT) allows you to solve several problems:

1. check how correctly the ovaries secrete hormones according to the phases of the menstrual cycle;
2. to determine whether the egg matures and when it happens (respectively, highlight "dangerous" days in order to prevent or vice versa, the possibility of becoming pregnant);
3. find out if pregnancy has occurred in case of a delay or unusual menstruation;
4. suspect the presence of endometritis - inflammation of the uterus.

Basal temperature, that is, the temperature measured in the anus of a woman, reflects fluctuations associated with changes in tissue reactions of the internal genital organs, depending on the production of certain hormones. These temperature fluctuations are local in nature and do not affect the temperature measured, for example, in armpit or in your mouth. However, the general increase in temperature as a result of illness, overheating, etc. naturally affects the BT indicators and makes them unreliable.

Therefore, the BT MEASUREMENT RULES are quite strict:
1A. The temperature must be changed at approximately the same time on weekdays and holidays.
2A. You should prepare a medical thermometer in advance, put it in the immediate vicinity of the bed.
3A. Without getting up, without sitting down, without showing much activity in bed, take a thermometer and insert its narrow part into the anus.
4A. Lie still for 5 minutes.
5A. Remove the thermometer, write down the indicator in the table.

By the way, on the website you can create your own schedule for each cycle.

Normally, BBT looks like a flying seagull: in the 1st half of the cycle it is below 37.0, and in the 2nd half it is higher. The schedule of the NORMAL cycle in a FERTIABLE woman has the following parameters (the average statistical cycle duration is conventionally taken - 28 days).

1B. From day 1 of the cycle until the end of menstruation, BBT consistently decreases from about 37.0 to about 36.3-6.5.
2B. Until about the middle of the cycle (in longer cycles - until about the day that occurs 2 weeks before the start of the next menstruation), BT fluctuates between 36.3-36.6.
3B. 2 weeks before the start of the next menstruation, the EGG MATURES, in connection with which the BBT rises to 37.1-37.3 within 3-4 days. (For many women, before increasing by 1-2 days, BBT may decrease by 0.1-0.2 *).
4B. During the 2nd phase, BT keeps within 37.0-37.4.
5 B. 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation, BBT begins to decline, reaching approximately 37.0 by the beginning of the period.
6B. The difference between the average BBT of the second phase and the BBT of the first phase should be at least 0.4-0.5*.

Deviations can be varied, and each feature indicates certain violations.

1B. During menstruation, BT does not decrease, but increases - the presence of chronic endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa), one of the causes of female infertility.
2B. In phase 1, BBT is high (36.6 and above) - low levels of estrogen (female sex hormones), the reason for the non-maturation of the egg in this cycle.
3B. The rise in BBT in the middle of the cycle lasts more than 3 days - the egg is either not mature or not viable. Pregnancy in this cycle is doubtful.
4B. P phase less than 12-14 days - failure of phase 2, the egg is not mature, or weak, fertilization is in question.
5V. In the P phase, BT has one or more depressions (decreases below 37.0) - the egg cell has died.
6B. The decrease in BBT before menstruation lasts more than 3 days - the egg was weak, conception is doubtful.
7B. There is no menstruation, and BBT is kept within the 2nd phase for MORE THAN 2 weeks - a likely sign of pregnancy. Pregnancy tests are required.
8B. There is no menstruation, but BBT fell below 37.0 - pregnancy is very doubtful, most likely it is ovarian dysfunction.
9B. Menstruation is scanty or unusual, and BBT is above 37.0 - pregnancy is possible against the background of a threat of interruption. Pregnancy tests are required.
10V. The difference between the average value of BT 1 and 2 phases is less than 0.4 * - the egg does not mature.
11B. In the middle of the cycle there is a double rise: BT rises, for example, to 37.1 for 1 day, then decreases to 36.8 for 1-2 days, and then rises to 37.2-37.4 and so it keeps until the end - usually a sign of extraneous influence at 1 rise (illness, diarrhea, etc. - see special notes).
12V. In the middle of the cycle there is a double rise: BBT rises, for example, to 37.2 for 2-3 days, then decreases to 36.8 for 1-2 days, and then rises and stays above 37.0, but not as steadily as usually - the egg died immediately after maturation.

With a cycle longer or shorter than 28 days, phase 1 lengthens or shortens (until the temperature rises), and phase 2 in any case should be at least 12-14 days.

HIGH TEMPERATURE in the 1st PHASE (for example, 36.8 with the usual P phase - 37.2-37.4) indicates an INSUFFICIENCY of estrogens, which must be taken (for example, Microfollin 1 tab. per day from day 1 of the cycle until the temperature rises ).

LOW TEMPERATURE in the 2nd PHASE (for example, 37.0-37.1 with a normal 1st phase - 36.3-36.5) indicates an INSUFFICIENCY of the YELLOW BODY, which is compensated, for example, by Progesterone (1.0 1% solution in / muscle every other day) or Turinal (1 tablet a day before the onset of menstruation, and in case of pregnancy - up to 10-12 weeks).

HIGH TEMPERATURE in BOTH PHASES (for example, 36.8 and 37.6) while maintaining a difference of at least 0.4 * is not a pathology. This condition is called hyperthermic and is a normal individual symptom.

A LOW TEMPERATURE in BOTH PHASES (for example, 36.0 and 36.5) while maintaining a difference of at least 0.4 * is also a normal individual phenomenon.

BBT SHOULD NOT be measured while taking oral contraceptives: the temperature will be approximately the same throughout the cycle, which depends on the concentration of hormones in the tablets, but not on one's own hormonal activity.
