The main features of platinum and its differences from other metals. Where can you find platinum nuggets? Reaction of platinum to iodine

Platinum is considered one of the most expensive precious metals used in jewelry making. Compared with other noble metals, it is easier to shrink, heat; serves as an optimal material for the creation of products for industrial and jewelry purposes. In the current economic environment, in an environment of great demand for jewelry, platinum is second only to gold.

It emphasizes the social status of the owner. It belongs to the group of white metals, so it is not easy to recognize it among other jewelry.

The composition and characteristics of the metal

How to check platinum at home was known back in the 18th century. She was considered a symbol of wealth. Even then, people determined what this piece of white material was for. Nowadays, small jewelry is made from precious ingots:

Platinum is too expensive a metal to be used to create massive pieces. High price per gram can repel buyers, because not everyone can afford a ring weighing 5 grams for one or two thousand dollars.

Modern technologies of our time allow many owners to open online stores precious products. But it is impossible to feel and explore the thing you like, but you can get acquainted with all the metal quality certificates.

However, some doubt remains, and many are forced to independently check the quality and authenticity of products. The main difference between platinum is weight and density.

Density can be compared with metals such as:

  • iridium;
  • Uranus;
  • rhenium;
  • osmium.

The metal is heavier to the touch than other precious alloys. The ratio of the percentage of pure substance is 85-95%. Thus, it can be said that platinum products practically consist of pure metal. The rest of the alloy is iridium and osmium. It is not advisable to add them as weighting agents, since this will not change the price.

The metals are nearly identical, the alloys being as precious as platinum. In the mining industry, iridium and osmium are more valuable because of the deposit.

A real platinum product, unlike other metals, is not afraid of iodine. Some chemical elements cannot affect appearance decorations. Alcohol solutions will harm the thin spray or coating, some oxides will leave a barely noticeable mark on the surface. And stronger concentrated substances completely corrode platinum.

There are not many of them, but the environment also negatively affects the metal:

  • the original shine may disappear;
  • the view will deteriorate noticeably;
  • the product will lose its properties.

Compared to silver, platinum has a lighter shade. Massive rings and large brooches are not made of expensive metals. It does not attract customers or suppliers.

How to distinguish platinum from other metals?

How to determine platinum - the main indicator of difference is the sample. It is always applied to the back of the ring; on chains - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe castle. Pendants and pendants outwardly may not differ at all from cheap metals, especially if the product is inherited. Samples are easily erased, and factory models are supplemented only with documents. Therefore, it makes sense to check the platinum for authenticity.

At home, it is quite easy to distinguish it from white gold or silver. The weight of rings made of different metals will be noticeable - a platinum product is much heavier. There are also alternative methods using chemical aggregates.

Grandma's method, which is based on the laws of physics, is also suitable: A metal with a higher density displaces more water than one with a lower density. And the density of platinum in comparison with white gold or silver is greater.

How to distinguish platinum from silver - for the experiment you will need a measuring vessel with water. Measure the weight of the product in advance. When placing it in water, keep an eye on the volume of water that is ejected. If by the standards of a glass on the data scale, the number exceeds 21.45 cubic centimeters, then you have a platinum product in front of you. Based on these values, the density of the product can be calculated.

The use of iodine has been mentioned above. He will become good helper in determining the type of metal. For the experiment, put a drop of iodine on a platinum product. There shouldn't be any changes after that. Household chemicals cannot stain the decoration, and is also easily removed from the surface.

The darker the drop of iodine on platinum, the higher the sample of the product. Compare several platinum rings of different samples, focusing on the brand of the wrong side of the product.

There is another way to determine platinum using improvised means at home - “by the tooth”. Silver, like aluminum, does not tolerate any bumps or scratches. Platinum jewelry withstands even the most severe damage. Try to bite (in the literal sense of the word) it - if traces remain, then you have a fake made of cheaper metal.

Checking by chemical home analysis:

Temperature conditions for heating platinum are too high.

At home, it is impossible to heat or even slightly melt this metal. A professional burner for melting gold will not help either.

Using a lighter, you can change the color of silver - the piece being checked will darken. Platinum won't even change color. With slight heating, the platinum ring can immediately be put on your finger - the temperature allows you to pick it up and you will not burn yourself.

Platinum is a beautiful light metal that is used in manufacturing jewelry. This is an expensive metal, and therefore small jewelry is made from it. In order not to fall for the tricks of scammers and not throw money away in vain, you need to correctly evaluate the purchase and know how to determine platinum at home.

There are a dozen methods by which you can determine the authenticity of platinum at home. This does not require complex manipulations. We will use simple substances that are in the house, for example, iodine, ammonia or concentrated salt solution. But not everyone knows how to check platinum.

First, the weight and density of the object is estimated. Products made of platinum are heavy, because of the metals of its group, this one is heavier than the others. If silver items of the same size are available, simply compare them by weight. Platinum should be twice as heavy. As for density, you will need a measuring cup for this. It is necessary to pour water and throw jewelry there. Then measure the volume of water displaced by the metal. This value should be around 21.45.

You can also simply take the sample in your hands and heat it up. The original will remain cold, since platinum has poor thermal conductivity.

Alcohol tincture of iodine

An effective method for determining the authenticity of platinum is the use of ordinary iodine. If you drop on the product, the drop will be dark. Moreover, the darker the iodine on the sample, the higher the metal sample in the jewelry. When wiping iodine from a metal object, in the case of a true jewel, there will be no streaks left.

Aqua regia

Royal vodka is a mixture of two acids: 1 part nitric and 3 parts hydrochloric. Such a solution helps to isolate platinum from several options. When cold, aqua regia does not affect this precious metal in any way. Even a high-quality fake will immediately begin to dissolve in this liquid. To dissolve platinum, aqua regia is heated. This is a rather radical method of verification; it is suitable if it is not the decoration that is being tested, but the sample.


Platinum, like any precious metal, does not have the ability to be magnetized. If the magnet attracts jewelry to itself, then there is no precious metal in it, or the percentage is minimal.

Concentrated salt solution

Everyone has simple salt in the house, and therefore it is not difficult to make a concentrate out of it. This method of home examination is the easiest and most affordable. To do this, you need a tin can and a working battery. Salt must be diluted in a tin so that the solution is sufficiently concentrated. The product is lowered into the solution. The battery is connected so that the plus is attached to the metal, and the minus to the tin. If the platinum is genuine, then chlorine will begin to be released from the solution, which will immediately become clear by the specific smell. In the case of a fake, a precipitate forms in the solution, and it becomes cloudy. With a real precious metal, transparency will not disappear anywhere.

Liquid ammonia

Another chemical method for determining authenticity. Liquid ammonia will make any other metal darken, and will not interact with platinum. This will be proof of the nobility of the product.

Alternatively, you can try using a metal sample as a solder. If it is evenly distributed over the tip of the soldering iron, then it is not a fake. When interacting with a glass blowing burner, a real jewel will not melt, but will become white-hot.

Not everyone can afford such experimental verification methods. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to contact a specialist who can determine the authenticity without damaging the jewelry. precious metal.

"Bad silver" or "silver" - this was the name given to platinum when Europeans first encountered it. Underestimated then, and later becoming the “queen” among precious metals, it still dominates the world of jewelry. So what is this unusual and rare alloy? What are the properties of platinum, its composition, history, and how does this metal differ from others?

What is platinum and what does it look like

Platinum is a silver-white precious metal that is one of the most expensive and rare on the planet. It received this name thanks to the Spanish conquistadors, who considered it dirty metal. Gold found in an alloy along with platinum was considered rotten because it was impossible to clean it from the "silver".

Raw platinum

For a long time, platinum was worth half the price of silver. The Spanish crown forbade bringing it into the country, and ordered the found nuggets to be collected and drowned in the depths of rivers and seas in order to avoid counterfeiting silver coins. The most interesting thing is that Spain later lifted this ban, because it itself began to falsify gold and silver using platinum.

At the same time, alchemists who had previously considered gold to be the heaviest metal were faced with “bad silver”. Due to its density, platinum was much heavier, so the "seekers of the philosopher's stone" endowed it with hellish features. Later in France, it was from platinum that the standard of the meter was made, and then the standard of the kilogram.

In Russia, platinum was first encountered in the Urals, initially calling it "white gold". The reserves of the "new Siberian metal" were so great that Russia took first place in terms of production in the world. The largest nugget was called the "Ural giant" with a mass of about eight kilograms, which is still kept in the Diamond Fund.

What jewelry is made from platinum

Platinum is the most wear-resistant metal with anti-corrosion properties, embodying a symbol of hardness and reliability. Imagine wedding or engagement rings in platinum - as timeless as the most strong love.

photos of platinum jewelry

A big disadvantage of jewelry made from this alloy is the high cost, if we compare similar items made of white gold and platinum, then the second will be about three times more expensive. It is no coincidence that a comparison is made between these two metals, since they are very similar in appearance. It is the demand for White gold spawned such popularity of platinum.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the combination of platinum with diamonds. Only such a gray-white frame can emphasize the depth and transparency of the stones. Not without reason, before platinum and white gold became famous, diamonds were set in silver. And given the natural hardness of platinum, you will always know that the "pebbles" are always well fixed in the ring. Such decoration can emphasize a high level of well-being and self-confidence.

Platinum Ingot

The jewelry industry is not the main one for this precious metal. In medicine, platinum is used to make electrodes for patients with angina, used in dentistry, and in the treatment of cancer. With its help, they also make mirrors for laser technology, make stable and durable electrical contacts.

How to distinguish platinum from other metals

White gold differs from platinum in that platinum is a naturally white metal, while gold becomes white by adding various impurities to a yellow silver/nickel/palladium alloy. And not so long ago, the allergic properties of nickel were discovered, so it is actively replaced by palladium. Gold is often plated with rhodium for a more “silver” hue that fades over time when wearing the product.

Platinum will always be “cleaner” than other alloys, having a high 950 fineness, which means that there are practically no impurities of other metals, which reduces the occurrence of allergic reactions to a minimum. Samples of 850 and 900 are quite rare, while the products turn out to be dimmer. Gold is made with a breakdown of 500, 585 and, at best, 750.

950 platinum rings

Jewelry made of white gold will be ten percent lighter than that of platinum. Gold is a very soft metal, and platinum is one of the hardest alloys, so the products do not scratch or deform over time.

It is even easier to distinguish platinum from silver - the latter is softer even than gold and is very plastic. Moreover, platinum is almost twice as dense.

Based on all the advantages and disadvantages, it is easy to understand whether gold or platinum is better? In addition to the fact that platinum jewelry will be more durable and practical, it is also very good way investing money, because the price of metal continues to grow regularly.

How to determine the authenticity of platinum at home

Due to the fact that platinum is a very expensive metal, the number of unscrupulous sellers on the Internet is only growing. It is best to buy jewelry only in jewelry stores, but even here you can find deception. How to check platinum at home on your own? What methods to use to verify the authenticity of the product?

Differences between platinum and white gold

One of the most simple ways recognizing platinum is a test by sight and by touch:

  • pay attention to the sample stamp: on a well-made jewelry, the numbers of “purity” of the material of manufacture will always be indicated;
  • Platinum is a dense and heavy alloy. If we compare approximately the same products from different alloys, then the platinum accessory will be heavier;
  • Platinum is an expensive metal, so it is almost never used to make large jewelry. If they offer a large chain for little money, then this is an occasion to think about the honesty of the seller;
  • check for a tooth: silver is so soft that with a slight bite, a mark will remain on the product, but there should not be any marks on platinum.
  • for additional hardness, cobalt is sometimes added to the composition of platinum, which is a ferromagnet, so this decoration is magnetized; silver and gold accessories should not be attracted.

There are methods for chemical analysis of authentication:

  • a drop of iodine on a product made from original raw materials should become dark, and the darker the spot, the purer the alloy (higher the sample); after erasing iodine - no streaks should remain;
  • when exposed to ammonia, most metals will turn black, but not platinum;
  • with hydrogen peroxide: by immersion platinum jewelry a violent reaction occurs - peroxide will begin to gurgle, when silver is immersed, the reaction will be insignificant, and when other metals are lowered into the solution, there will be no effect at all;
  • purchase an acid test kit online or at a specialized jewelry store, with which you can verify the authenticity of platinum; be sure to follow the instructions and be extremely careful when handling chemicals.

If you are still not sure if your accessory is made of platinum, then seek the help of a trusted jeweler. The specialist will perform the check more reliably and in the shortest possible time.

Today, platinum is the most expensive material for making jewelry. The demand for such jewelry and the high cost of raw materials have led to the emergence of unscrupulous sellers on the market who want to enrich themselves at the expense of an ignorant population. How to determine platinum and not fall for the tricks of scammers? Everything is very simple. You just need to know some of the subtleties of checking the metal for authenticity.

I learned about platinum in the 18th century. The first deposit was discovered in Russia. This expensive precious metal is found in nature ten times less often than gold, which is why it was nicknamed the “queen of metals”. Platinum has a high density, excellent wear resistance and resistance to corrosion. The metal is heavier to the touch than other alloys. The ratio of the percentage of pure substance is 85-95%. Thus, it turns out that platinum products consist of almost pure metal. The impurities are iridium and osmium. Products from platinum do not break, do not bend and do not fade over time. This is another plus to all the other advantages of white metal.

Despite the age of discovery of platinum, it has become popular only in our time. This raw material is used to make beautiful jewelry in the form of rings, earrings, chains, pendants and thin necklaces. Only small-sized products are made, because. massive items at a cost will turn out to be very expensive, and not everyone can afford it. For example, a 5 gram ring will cost about 1500-2000 thousand dollars.

Under the guise of a noble metal, they increasingly began to sell fakes from cheaper raw materials. There are ways to distinguish platinum from non-precious material at home.

Methods for checking platinum jewelry

Not every buyer of jewelry is an expert in determining their authenticity. It remains only to rely on the decency of the seller and the popularity of the company. On jewelry, a test is usually placed, indicating the authenticity of the metal. For platinum, values ​​such as 850, 900, and 950 apply. The first two digits indicate the percentage of the precious metal in the alloy. But what if the sample is worn out over time, and the appearance of the ring or pendant is worn out and looks more like silver. Of course, you can give the product for an independent examination, but this is an extra waste of money and time. There are several other trouble-free ways to check the originality of platinum that are easy to handle on your own.

Physical Methods

There are several physical methods that do not require special professional skills and sophisticated equipment:

  • you need to pay attention to the color of the product. Silver has a darker and duller hue, while platinum looks brighter and shinier. In addition, it does not darken and does not fade even during long-term storage;
  • weigh similar items made of platinum and silver. If you pick up an expensive metal jewelry, it will be much heavier than the same thing made of silver. If the decoration is too small and it is difficult to determine its weight, then you can use a pharmacy scale;
  • temperature change check. If you pick up platinum products and hold it in your palm for a few minutes, then it will not heat up. This is due to the poor thermal conductivity of the material. If the jewelry is made of silver or another alloy, then after such manipulations, it will heat up;
  • "tooth check" This method has been known for a long time. Platinum has such a high density that its surface is difficult to damage. The product can even be scratched with something sharp and not a trace will remain on me. If it is silver, then the softness of its structure will leave marks on it from mechanical stress;
  • platinum is notable for its refractoriness and is not afraid of high temperatures. If you bring a product from it to an open fire, nothing will happen, the color will not change, there will be no trace. It will not even heat up, while it will be impossible to put a silver ring on your finger.

Another way to test a platinum product involves some calculations. You need to put the jewelry in a container of water and calculate the volume of the displaced liquid. The result obtained is divided by the mass of the product. For the precious metal, it will be equal to 21.45, for silver - 10.5.

Chemical methods

You can determine platinum at home using iodine. A drop of this reagent on the metal will be dark. The darker it is, the higher the content of pure metal in the alloy. In addition, after wiping the iodine, not a trace should remain on the decoration.

Ammonia can also be used to test the noble metal. Having entered into a reaction with this substance, platinum will not react in any way, and silver will immediately darken.

If there is hydrochloric and nitric acid in the house, then they are also used to determine the originality of platinum. The reagents are mixed in a ratio of 1:3. Such a mixture will dissolve all metals, but not platinum.

Criteria for choosing platinum products when buying

Of course, no one will carry ammonia or, even more so, a mixture of acids when buying a product made of platinum. How to check what the seller offers original decoration? It goes without saying that the first thing you should pay attention to is the stamp on the wrong side of the product. Every self-respecting manufacturer must put it on all jewelry.

You can test with a magnet. All noble metals are immune to its power. However, this method does not guarantee a 100% result, because. silver will also not be attracted.

In the store, you can weigh a piece of gold on one palm, put platinum on the other. What is heavier and will be the desired metal. If, nevertheless, there are doubts about the originality of platinum, it is better to make a purchase in the presence of a specialist or someone who is at least theoretically savvy in matters of choosing such things.

Platinum is a precious metal that is used to make jewelry. It became known in the 18th century, but platinum has received a wide range of applications only now. Platinum is now used to make small-sized jewelry such as rings, earrings and chains. Only small jewelry is popular because of their high final cost, which not everyone can afford. In the era of the Internet, it is very easy to buy jewelry, but there is one drawback - until the moment you receive the item, you cannot see and evaluate it, that is, you can easily buy a fake on the Internet. You can play it safe from this by buying a platinum product in a special store, but even here you cannot be completely sure of the honesty of the sellers. The question arises - how to determine platinum, or rather its authenticity, and even at home?

Determine the weight and density of the decoration

Platinum is quite heavy and can only be compared with the metals of its group: iridium, osmium, uranium and rhenium. All other metals are much lighter. On top of that, in the production of jewelry, the weight of platinum will be from 85% to 95% of the total mass. In other words, platinum jewelry is almost entirely made from the base metal. And so how to distinguish platinum from possibly similar other metals is a very important question.

For example, gold and silver items have less precious metal in their mass, which affects its cost and overall value. In such a mixture, it is not advisable to use iridium, osmium or rhenium for weighting, since, in addition to the same price as platinum, they are also rare in the natural environment. In order to understand whether the jewelry is made from real raw materials, it is necessary to select a sample that needs to be checked and compare it with a similar size. Such a ring will be much heavier than the opponent, but if the products are the size of a grape, then you will have to use accurate scales to determine platinum.

If there is a measuring cup or other vessel for measuring volume, then it can be used to measure the density of the jewelry. To do this, we weigh the product and lower it into a vessel with water, after which we look at the volume of squeezed out water in cubic centimeters (it should be about 21.45).


Chemistry will help

Science can teach you how to determine platinum at home, there are many videos in which experienced jewelers teach this verification method. For example, you can use the tool that is in every first aid kit - iodine. Its drop on a product made from original raw materials should be dark, this will be an indicator of authenticity. The darker the iodine, the higher the metal sample, and after wiping, the product should not leave streaks.

Ammonia will also be a good tool for checking the precious metal. If platinum is exposed to it, then it will not react in any way to its effect, all other metals will turn black and this will be a good method to check the authenticity of the jewelry.

Unlikely, you may have both nitric and hydrochloric acid at your disposal at the same time. These chemical liquids must be mixed in a ratio of 1 to 3 to get the so-called "royal vodka". When heated, the mixture will gradually dissolve the platinum; when cold, nothing should happen.

We distinguish from silver

Silver has a much lower price than platinum, which is why unscrupulous manufacturers often pass silver off as a more expensive metal. To distinguish silver, look at the color of the item. The counterfeit metal is lighter in color, while silver has a somewhat gray tint. Also remember that large jewelry is not made from platinum due to the high cost, so if you are offered a large chain for a small price, then with a high degree of probability this is a scam.

From left to right: silver, platinum and white gold.

You can check platinum at home “by the tooth”, platinum will endure biting, and silver will receive a small mark from the tooth. Platinum is harder and therefore resistant to physical impact. At home, you can also take a rotten egg, on which you can put both decorations. Silver will blacken due to hydrogen sulfide, while platinum will retain its fresh look as before, which will help determine the authenticity of the product.

We heat up

Platinum is very refractory, so it cannot be melted with a lighter flame. Also, it will not succumb to a gas stove and even a burner. This material does not change color when heated, since it is impossible to quickly change its temperature. That is why, with a brief heating of the platinum ring, you can safely put it on your finger, because the jewelry will not have time to warm up inside. But on the basis of this experiment, it is impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions, which means that you must either use other methods of verification or contact a specialist who knows exactly how to verify the authenticity of the product from the platinum you bought.

It is a specialist who can help if you do not know how to check platinum. And it is only then that you can be completely sure that you are wearing a real noble metal.
