What should be the basal temperature during pregnancy? Basal body temperature chart.

Basal temperature during pregnancy - one of the most important indicators that most expectant mothers monitor. A few simple numbers can show you how your pregnancy is going and if everything is okay. And for women who are at the stage of pregnancy planning, it will help to accurately determine the ovulation days, as well as to understand that the pregnancy has already begun and you can start counting nine happy months.

BT: some theory

Basal temperature is a digital indicator that is measured in the morning with a thermometer, when a woman is still at rest. There are several methods for determining this temperature - vaginally, orally (in the mouth) and rectally (in the rectum). Measurements are carried out taking into account the woman's menstrual cycle, since during this period, under the influence of hormones, the temperature pattern may change.

Basal body temperature is measured "inside" the body

There are 2 phases in the menstrual cycle. It depends on them what is happening now in the woman’s body and what temperatures these processes are normalized by:

The follicular phase is the first phase of the menstrual cycle, which lasts from the end of menstruation until the onset of ovulation. In this phase, the egg matures, and the amount of the hormone estrogen rises in the blood to a maximum concentration. At this time, the basal temperature tends to remain within 36.1 ° C - 36.6 ° C. The very process of egg maturation in each woman is strictly individual and can last 11-20 days. It is worth remembering that every woman has her own life “reserve” of eggs, after the depletion of which she loses the opportunity to become pregnant on her own, menstruation stops and menopause sets in.

BBT can drop by 1-2 bars a day or two before ovulation. This is normal. After that, the concentration of progesterone sharply increases in the blood and the temperature rises in terms of up to 37.0 ° C - 37.2 ° C and lasts the entire 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle. This phase is called follicular due to the fact that its end will be the release of a mature egg from the follicle, which is ready for fertilization.

The luteal phase is the 2nd phase of the cycle, which can different women last from 11 to 17 days. It is at this time that conception will end with the onset of pregnancy. If this does not happen, then the endometrium (the inner lining of the mucous membrane of the uterus) is shed along with the unfertilized egg. Menstruation begins. It should be noted that this mechanism is protective for the body and not all animals possess it, since it appeared in the process of long evolution. Protection is carried out from the development of possible inflammation, which can provoke an unfertilized egg, which in the worst case scenario will lead to infertility. Only humans, primates, bats have such a protective mechanism ( the bats) and some jumpers (elephant shrew).

The difference in basal temperature indicators in the first and second phases should be about 0.3 ° C - 0.4 ° C, which will indicate normal life activity and the absence of inflammation in the body.

How to measure BT correctly?

The main rule is to take your temperature in the morning when you are still at rest. Preferably before a meal or even tea, because this will start the digestion process and slightly increase the temperature readings, distorting them. Measuring basal temperature 8-10 times a day is just a pointless exercise, because the indicators can fluctuate throughout the day within a whole degree, and you will only expose yourself to unnecessary worries and stress about this.

Toward evening, the temperature begins to drop and this is a physiological norm. By evening, the body temperature drops in everyone: in women, in men, in children, in the elderly. This is due to the fact that the body prepares for sleep and slows down all its processes that it will needlessly at night. So do not worry once again if you measured the temperature in the evening, and it is several divisions lower than in the morning.

Measurement of basal body temperature should be checked in the morning without getting out of bed

The algorithm for measuring basal temperature itself is quite simple, but we still focus on it, since even minor flaws in the obtained indicators can be significant:

  1. Place a thermometer and baby fat cream next to your bed on your bedside table or any surface that is easily accessible to you. In the morning you will have to reach for the thermometer and the cream without getting up (!) while getting out of bed.
  2. Lubricate with a small amount baby cream tip of the thermometer and insert it into the anus by 3-4 centimeters.
  3. Lie down like this for 7-8 minutes, making the minimum number of body movements.
  4. Remove thermometer.
  5. Remember or immediately write down the received numbers.

It is this algorithm that can guarantee the reliability of temperature indicators, but it is worth paying attention to some more points. They can be called measurement rules.

  • During the measurement, exclude physical activity, which in this case can be considered even an attempt to roll over on its side. All this will lead to inaccuracies in the indicators, and therefore at this moment it is necessary, if possible, not to move at all and not even speak.
  • Take measurements only while lying down, as any other position can provoke a rush of blood in various parts of the body (especially the pelvis) and distort the result.
  • For the time you decide to control your BBT, stop having sex with your partner. This is just a temporary phenomenon that can be waited out. But otherwise, the indicators may be incorrect.
  • As we wrote above, refrain from eating or even drinking tea until your basal temperature is measured. Yes, this can be difficult for women with toxemia, as many sources recommend that they have a light snack right after waking up. However, if you delay such a meal for 10-15 minutes, you will not get worse, but the indicators will be definitely correct.
  • BBT measurement should be done before you have taken your medications (if any) in the morning. Taking medication separately affects the temperature, and also launches the gastrointestinal tract into which it enters. All this together leads to unreliable numbers on the thermometer.
  • Attempts to measure BBT during the period of illness will be meaningless. During this period of time, the norm is an increase in temperature indicators, because this indicates the presence of a focus of inflammation in the body of a pregnant woman and that the immune system is trying to resist it. In this situation, it will be advisable to continue to mark the temperature curve on the graph only after complete recovery.

Is BT stability an indicator of pregnancy?

Above, we have already talked about the theory of the menstruation cycle in women and that before the menstruation itself, BT tends to rise by 2-3 divisions of the thermometer. If this did not happen, and the temperature indicators continue to be kept at a certain level under the influence of progesterone, pregnancy has occurred.

A certain basal temperature for some time can be a symptom of pregnancy

Quite often it happens that even after the fertilization of the egg and its implantation, the last menstruation occurs and the woman thinks that there will be no pregnancy. In this case, it is better to monitor the indicators of basal temperature or use one of best practices of our century - a pregnancy test.

Indicators: the norm for pregnancy

What should be the average temperature during pregnancy? The average BT values ​​in a future mother are in the range from 36.9 ° C to 37.3 ° C. Sometimes these numbers can increase by a few more divisions, reaching almost 38 ° C. It's absolutely normal temperature and is characteristic of the body of the future mother, since at this time the active development of the fetus takes place.

Indicators: number increase

We just talked about averages, but what if the basal temperature is over 38°C? In this case, it is necessary to contact your gynecologist as soon as possible, since only he can determine the exact cause of hyperthermia ( high temperature) from the whole variety of inflammatory diseases. In this situation, it is better not to engage in self-diagnosis and not to waste time, because the health of your unborn child directly depends on your actions in this situation, and you should not joke with this.

It is possible that you simply measured the temperature incorrectly - moved too actively in bed, tried to measure it after sex or after simple reception food. All this can lead to high performance. However, if you are sure that none of the above preceded the measurement of basal temperature, but the numbers still exceed 38 ° C, be sure to contact your doctor.

Indicators: figures below the norm

BBT and its temperature curve graphs are a proven way to determine the onset of pregnancy. BT all this time should keep the indicators slightly elevated (10-14 days). Some articles indicate that a drop in temperature during this period is a clear sign of fetal fading and a possible early miscarriage. Don't be nervous again. Remember right away that fetal fading is characterized by several obvious signs, and the basal temperature indicator is just one of them. Moreover, the indicator will not decrease, but increase to a mark above 38 ° C. You will also have aching pains in the lower abdomen, severe weakness, trembling and many other symptoms. If you do not find anything like this in yourself, then you should not panic and waste precious nerve cells.

Progesterone deficiency is a common cause of a decrease in basal body temperature

The most common cause of a "true" decrease in basal temperature is progesterone deficiency, which means that the corpus luteum does not produce enough of the hormone progesterone for a given period. Due to the lack of a hormone, the body cannot maintain the temperature regime necessary for the development of pregnancy and there may be a real threat of termination of pregnancy. In any case, you should contact your gynecologist, as this dangerous state necessarily requires medical supervision and treatment. Treatment consists in the use of hormone therapy to artificially maintain the level of progesterone in the blood of the expectant mother. The most famous and safe drugs for this purpose are utrogestan and duphaston.

Please note that the purchase of these drugs should be carried out only after consulting with your doctor and prescribing an individual dosage of the drug.

Often, ladies tend to be dramatic, especially during pregnancy, when under the influence of hormones, mood can change several times a day. In this situation, it is worth putting aside emotions and remembering that everything is not limited to one reason.

A possible reason for such indicators may simply be an incompetent process of measuring BBT, that is, neglect of the rules that we described above. Even ignoring one of them can lead to erroneous readings. However, the human factor should not be neglected either. At the time of measurement, you could be tired, sleepy, or even have a cold, which will certainly affect the correct determination of basal temperature indicators.

The thermometer must not be more than three years old and must not show any damage to the casing.

Do not forget that the thermometer is a mechanical device, and therefore it can create technical errors. Think and remember. Is your thermometer over three years old? Has he ever fallen? Is its frame uneven and slightly damaged? The answer "yes" to any of these questions may indicate that the whole reason is the unsuitability of your thermometer.

It is possible that such a low basal temperature is your physiological norm. Such cases are not as rare as you might think. Remember, did it ever happen that you clearly understood “I caught a cold” and had all the symptoms of the disease, but at the same time the thermometer showed a temperature of 36.6 ° C? This suggests that your physiological temperature indicators are lower than those of other people. In this situation, you should carefully monitor the BBT schedule, because an increase of 0.3 ° C - 0.5 ° C for a long time is a clear sign of pregnancy. Regardless of the original numbers.

Even if your BBT is lowered during the first weeks, then know that there are many such future mothers and they all bear their pregnancies without any problems and complications. But in order to establish this for sure - consult a gynecologist. Based on your temperature curve in the graph, the doctor will say for sure that this is your physiological norm or a really dangerous decrease in BBT. You will also be asked to take an analysis that will determine the level of progesterone in the blood. You should not refuse it, since it is this test that allows you to diagnose progesterone deficiency.

The main thing that you personally need to monitor: the basal temperature of your body in the first month of pregnancy should not fall below 36.4 ° C - 36.5 ° C. All indicators above these values ​​​​can be called conditionally normal and do not pose a danger to the development of your child.

Carefully monitor your basal temperature, keep temperature charts and be healthy!

Basal (rectal) temperature is measured in the rectum. When planning, it is an important indicator by which pregnancy is diagnosed in the early stages.

Differences in the phases of the menstrual cycle

Basal temperature during pregnancy is informative only with normal ovulation. There are a number of pathologies in which there is an increase in this indicator as during pregnancy, but neither ovulation nor further fertilization of the egg occurs.

To diagnose pregnancy by determining the basal temperature, it is necessary to know individual own normal indicators in different phases of the menstrual cycle. This temperature is significantly different in the first and second phases of the cycle, which is associated with different amounts of estrogen and progesterone released during these periods. Progesterone raises basal temperature, estrogen lowers it.

Phases of a normal menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is biphasic.

The first phase is follicular. It happens in it:

  • menstruation;
  • maturation of the dominant follicle in the ovary.

From this follicle, a mature egg is formed, which is fertilized by a sperm. During menstruation, the basal temperature figures rise to 37-37.2 degrees. Before ovulation, the rectal temperature is low, reaching approximately 36.8 degrees.

The second phase is the luteal. Lasts 14 days.

If the mature egg is fertilized, then it begins to move along the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, where it is implanted (introduced) into the uterine wall. Regardless of whether fertilization has occurred or not, the endometrium of the uterus thickens, acquires friability - preparations are being made for the reception of the embryo. The level of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) at this time increases dramatically.

In the absence of pregnancy, the volume of synthesized hormones falls, which causes endometrial detachment - another menstruation occurs.


A short period of the cycle, when the egg is in a state of readiness for conception, this is ovulation. It lasts about 48 hours and is located on the border of the first (follicular) and second (luteal) phases. Ovulation is the exit into the abdominal cavity from the follicle of a mature egg capable of fertilization. In the future, there occurs (or does not occur) its fertilization by a spermatozoon. If the cycle is standard (28 days), then ovulation occurs between 13 and 15 days.

It stops if pregnancy occurs or menstrual function fades. Establishing the ovulation period is necessary to select the most optimal time for fertilization.

Signs of ovulation

A subjective sign is the appearance of moderate pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Its objective signs:

  • a decrease in BT on the day of ovulation and an increase from the next day by 0.4-0.6 degrees (it reaches 37.2 - 37.4 degrees and keeps on such figures until the next menstruation);
  • an increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood;
  • increase in the volume of vaginal mucous secretions.

Change in basal temperature during ovulation

The menstrual cycle can be normal (short) or long. In this regard, the first phase (follicular) is different for everyone. The second (luteal) has the same duration - 12-14 days for all women. Therefore, if after a slight drop in basal temperature during ovulation for the next 14 days, the temperature in the rectum is increased to 37.2 - 37.4 degrees, then in the presence of certain additional symptoms, pregnancy can be stated. These signs are:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • scanty spotting for about 48 hours.

Pain and discharge of a small amount of blood (a woman may not pay attention to this) are the result of implantation of an egg in a loose uterine mucosa.

The elevated basal temperature after implantation is maintained by high amounts of secreted progesterone. In addition, signs of early toxicosis may appear: nausea in the morning, a change in taste preferences.

Lack of ovulation

Ovulation and, accordingly, pregnancy does not occur in all cycles. Every woman has "infertile" cycles during each year when the egg does not mature and ovulation does not occur. It is impossible to start in this case. Most often this happens:

  • during lactation (immediately after childbirth);
  • after the age of 35-40 years.

Changes in basal temperature during pregnancy

If pregnancy occurs, an increased basal temperature will be maintained for almost the entire duration of pregnancy - this is due to the hormonal background. In the absence of pathology during the first 4 months of an ongoing normal pregnancy, the level of basal temperature will be 37.2-37.4 degrees. Then it will begin to slowly decline. It reaches the standard level by the 20th week, after which it is not necessary to measure it in the future.

Why does basal temperature decrease in early pregnancy?

Until the 20th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to control the basal temperature daily. Lowering it by at least 0.2 degrees is a reason to visit a gynecologist. This means an abnormal change in the hormonal background: it approaches the indicators of a non-pregnant woman. The danger of this condition lies in the possible complications:

  • slowing down the development of the fetus;
  • fading pregnancy;
  • miscarriage.

When the basal temperature reaches 37 degrees, it is necessary, on the recommendation of a doctor, to undergo laboratory and functional diagnostics and start supporting pregnancy, if the gynecologist deems it necessary. With regular and careful monitoring of rectal temperature and timely consultation if a decrease in temperature is detected, the severe consequences of changes in hormonal levels can be avoided.

But sometimes the norm of basal temperature during pregnancy is 36.80 - 36.9 degrees, and 36.6 degrees are also found. It depends on the characteristics of the organism. In any case, it is important that the temperature line is at the same level, without sharp fluctuations up or down.

Why does basal temperature increase during early pregnancy?

An increase in basal temperature is just as dangerous as its decrease. This indicates pathological processes in the urogenital area of ​​the pregnant woman. Normal BBT values ​​are individual for each woman, but range from 37.30 to 37.5 degrees. If there is an increase to 38 degrees, this indicates the presence of:

  • inflammatory process, most often, infectious etiology;
  • inflammation of organs provoked by pregnancy;
  • acute poisoning (food or toxic substances);
  • exacerbation of concomitant chronic diseases;

Such pathological condition leads to:

  • the development of various anomalies in the fetus;
  • fading of the fetus;
  • miscarriage.

It is also dangerous for the health of the woman herself with serious complications.

The Importance of Measuring Basal Temperature

Temperature control is prescribed in controversial cases, when it is not known for certain whether intrauterine fetal death has occurred. For example, with prolonged spotting in the early stages of pregnancy. This is due to the impossibility of using other objective research methods:

  • on ultrasound, the fetal heartbeat is determined from;
  • increase in the size of the uterus - from 5-6 weeks.

Therefore, the condition of the fetus is determined by the indicators of BT. During pregnancy, its graphic image is a monophasic straight line.

Measurement Rules

For the reliability of basal temperature indicators, there are some rules:

  • measurement must be made not in the mouth or vagina, but directly in the rectum;
  • measurement time - morning, when the body is not subject to temperature changes, stress, the effects of food or drink taken, physical activity- all these factors can distort the reliability of the data (which is why the temperature is called basal - basic);
  • this is done without getting out of bed, preferably without even opening your eyes, in order to avoid the irritating effects of sunlight;
  • measurements must be taken at the same time;
  • the duration of the procedure is 8-12 minutes;
  • it is carried out using a mercury or electronic thermometer;
  • it is recommended to adhere to the same time for each measurement (for this purpose it is necessary to use the same thermometer, safer - electronic);
  • if a mercury thermometer is used, it must be held by the upper part to avoid errors in the readings.

All readings are recorded in a diary with comments on the reasons that could cause in each specific case temperature deviations:

  • cold;
  • lack of sleep;
  • stress;
  • sexual intercourse the day before or in the morning;
  • taking any medicines and others.

To have reliable information about, measurements must be made for 3 consecutive months.

The method for determining basal temperature, when used correctly, is reliable and will help determine not only the presence or absence of ovulation, but also the onset of pathology during pregnancy at 12-14 weeks. But the measurement of BT is not an independent reliable method for diagnosing pregnancy and its pathology. Graphing only supplements data from other surveys and objective data. For these purposes, there are more reliable methods: pregnancy tests, a blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin).

How to determine pregnancy without a pharmacy test, gynecologist and laboratory tests? Many girls use a simple home method for this - measuring BBT (basal temperature). After all, the basal temperature during pregnancy is early dates different from BT of a non-pregnant woman.

For decades, obstetrician-gynecologists have recommended this method even to expectant mothers whose "pregnant" status has already been confirmed. It is believed that a sharp change in the BT schedule in the first weeks may indicate violations in the development of the fetus.

Is it true? What do modern doctors think about this method?

The method was invented in England more than 60 years ago. Doctors have found that the temperature inside the female body varies depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. This happens under the influence of hormones. Therefore, according to the BT schedule, you can understand whether the ovaries work correctly - whether they produce the necessary hormones. You can also find out if a woman is ovulating, that is, whether a full-fledged egg comes out of the follicle.

BT is measured throughout the cycle, in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Most often, the temperature is measured in the anus. Less often - in the mouth or in the vagina. The result is entered in a special table. The BBT measurement template can be downloaded right here. To do this, click on the image and download it. You can fill out directly on the computer, you can print.

Do you trust this method?

Even 15 years ago, all gynecologists required patients to measure BBT. Many modern doctors refuse this method. Many factors can affect basal temperature, from thyroid problems to alcohol intake. So the method is not particularly accurate.

In the arsenal of modern gynecologists there are more advanced diagnostic methods:

  • Ovulation tests, which quite accurately determine the day the egg leaves the follicle. With their help, you can find out if there is ovulation or an anovulatory cycle;
  • Ultrasound, in particular folliculometry (several ultrasounds during the cycle), which allows you to assess the maturation of the follicle;
  • Tests for hormones: estradiol, progesterone and others;
  • Pharmacy tests and hCG analysis are suitable for determining pregnancy (you can donate blood, or you can determine the level).

However, the BT method still has its adherents both among doctors and patients. There are good reasons for this:

  • This method is completely free;
  • It is convenient, it can be used at home;
  • It is painless and absolutely safe. But about the safety of ultrasound, doctors still have no consensus;
  • If you measure correctly, understand the nuances and follow all the rules, then he can tell a lot about women's health.

How to determine pregnancy before a delay

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy?

In fact, the method involves measuring not only the days before menstruation, but throughout the entire cycle. The fact is that you need to analyze not some individual value on a single day, but the whole BT chart. And better graphics of several cycles - then the difference will be noticeable.

Here is a classic biphasic chart for a non-pregnant woman. First, during menstruation, the temperature is slightly elevated, then it drops to the level of 36.2-36.4. Then ovulation occurs, and the temperature rises sharply to 36.9-37.1. Then, before menstruation, it will decrease slightly - to 36.8.

Naturally, these figures are conditional and approximate. The trend is important: a slightly elevated temperature - a decrease - a sharp increase in the second phase - a slight decrease before menstruation.

The basal temperature chart during pregnancy looks different.
In the first phase and during ovulation, everything is the same. But the basal temperature after ovulation, if fertilization has occurred, will be completely different. In the second half of the cycle, the so-called implantation retraction may occur. The temperature, which after ovulation rose to 37 degrees or higher, suddenly drops by about 0.3-0.6 degrees. This may mean that the implantation of the embryo has occurred, that is, the fertilized egg has attached to the wall of the uterus.

Then BT rises again to a value of 37-37.6. The basal temperature during pregnancy does not fall before the delay, but remains high even in the most last days cycle. After a delay, it also remains elevated. It is the hormone progesterone that “works”, it slightly raises the temperature.

"Pregnant" charts

We reviewed the "classic" BT chart. But life is much more diverse ready schemes. Basal temperature in early pregnancy can be different. Here are some "atypical" pregnancy charts. We took them from real women's blogs.

Some features can be seen in these graphs.

Implantation retraction is not always noticeable.

During pregnancy, the basal temperature chart may have several similar “sinks”. These are not real implantation depressions, but simply temperature jumps, an individual reaction to hormonal changes.
Sometimes the temperature rises not sharply, but gradually.
It happens that BBT during pregnancy does not rise above 37.

Is it possible to determine pregnancy with a thermometer without a chart

How to determine pregnancy using a thermometer, if before that you did not measure BBT and did not build a graph? To do this, you need to measure BT in the last days of the cycle. This should be done in the morning without getting out of bed. Prepare the thermometer and shake it off in advance, it should lie nearby, but not under the pillow. Before this, at least 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep should pass. It is better to measure in the anus, or in the vagina. If your BBT is above 37, there is a chance that you are pregnant.

However, this method is hardly accurate. An elevated temperature may indicate pregnancy, hormonal failure, inflammation, or simply your individual characteristics.

It is easier and more reliable to wait for the delay and do the test. Or donate blood for hCG (in some cases, such an analysis will show pregnancy even before the delay).

Do I need to measure BBT during pregnancy

Rectal temperature during early pregnancy is considered one of the indicators of the proper development of the fetus. Normally, starting from the fourth week of pregnancy, BT should be above 37 degrees without sharp jumps and drops. If BBT drops sharply and at the same time you feel unusual heaviness, pain in the lower abdomen, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

However, most modern doctors do not determine the condition of the fetus by temperature, but prefer more relevant diagnostic methods (tests, ultrasound, etc.). After all, the BT method is still not reliable enough. It often becomes a cause for unnecessary unrest. Therefore, you can neglect them with a clear conscience.

Gynecologist's consultation

Obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Artemyeva answers the questions of patients.

- I'm 8 weeks pregnant. The doctor advised me to measure BBT every morning. At first it was 36.9-37.1. And then jumped up to 37.5. Is it dangerous?

- The basal temperature during pregnancy can reach 37.5 degrees and even 37.9. But in general, this is an insufficiently reliable method for assessing the condition of the fetus, insufficiently informative. You can not measure your basal temperature with a clear conscience, just quit this activity so as not to be nervous. Consult a doctor if something bothers you (pain, discharge, severe toxicosis, etc.) And be sure to do an ultrasound in the early stages.

- I think I'm pregnant, the delay, the test showed two strips. My bt is 37.6. What temperature is considered normal?

“This is one of the normal signs of pregnancy.

- I'm 5 weeks pregnant. My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, so I'm very worried. Basal temperature 36.9. The doctor prescribed duphaston. But BT does not rise. What to do?

- Do not panic and continue to take duphaston. It is not necessary to measure BT, it is better to donate blood for b-hCG 2-3 times a week - this is a more informative method. Every two days, the result should double.

- I am 12 weeks pregnant, BBT has always been 37.1-37.3. And suddenly fell to 36.9. Is it dangerous?

- This is a small decrease, within the normal range. And in general, it's time to stop measuring, for you this no longer makes any sense. Soon you will have your first ultrasound, it is much more informative.

There are not too many methods for detecting interesting position from the first days of its onset. But you really want to know about it early! For the fair sex who dream of little miracle, you need to know about such a phenomenon as basal temperature.

By observing this indicator, you can easily determine the day of egg maturation, as well as monitor the condition of the fetus. Let us consider this concept in more detail and how it fluctuates basal temperature at in the early stages .

In contact with

Basic definitions

BT is internal temperature value the female body at the moment of absolute rest, which is measured by inserting a special thermometer into the rectum. There are other ways to track basal temperature (oral or vaginal), but the most accurate measurement just rectally.

basal body temperature chart

Tracking your basal temperature helps you get a lot of important information about a woman's body:

  • see a general picture of the state of the internal genital organs;
  • learn about diseases of the reproductive system and the body as a whole;
  • follow up in the womb.

BT directly depends on the hormonal background, the predominance of certain hormones in the blood. Measurement values ​​vary depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle and with the onset of conception. Before, install what is the basal temperature during pregnancy is normal for you personally, you need to learn how to correctly determine it. Moreover, it is necessary to conduct an analysis for more than one month.

How to measure BT: basic principles

In order to be able to draw any conclusions on the basis of a thermometer, one should understand how to correctly obtain these results.

The main requirement in determining the basal temperature: the procedure is carried out earlier in the day, after you have opened your eyes.

You need to measure carefully, without straining, always in a supine position, subject to absolute rest and silence.

We emphasize that the basal temperature does not freeze during the day! Correct data can only be extracted in an immovable position of the body after a full night's sleep (at least 6 hours).

There is no need for repeated samples at different times, because the indicator can change every 1-2 hours. Hence, basal temperature in the evening, in the afternoon or in the morning after getting up and physical activities is of no value.

To extract real information, adhere to the following principles:

  1. Start off measure basal body temperature best with the onset of menstruation, and do not miss a single day. It is possible, of course, to start from the middle of the cycle, but if your goal is to get the highest accuracy of the result, then it is better to do this from the 1st day of menstruation.
  2. It is necessary to record data constantly strictly at the same time in the morning without changes. And it is important to use the same thermometer to avoid inaccuracies. The duration of the process is 5-7 minutes if it is a mercury device, 60 seconds if it is electronic. Moreover, this time should always be the same.
  3. If for some reason you need to get up earlier (for example, to use the toilet), then still conduct an observation, but be sure to get out of bed.
  4. Undesirable to fix basal body temperature during pregnancy during treatment with sedative and hormone-containing medicines. If the samples are taken in order to determine the moment of ovulation, then there is no point in doing them if you are taking birth control pills or overdid the alcohol.
  5. If measurements are taken to determine the day of ovulation, then data collection must be continued for up to 3 months.
  6. The data is recorded immediately after the thermometer is taken out, and if it is mercury, then you need to hold it by the other end so as not to bring down the results under the heat of your hand.
  7. To follow up basal temperature chart gestation, it is advisable to write down the figures obtained daily in a personal diary. At the same time, it is important to note your condition these days (stressful situation, cold, pain, etc.).

What is the basal temperature during pregnancy corresponds to the norm

Before we move on to studying the results of the thermometer, let's figure out how BT generally behaves in different periods of the life cycle and what this says about the state of her body.

Phases of the menstrual cycle (MC)

What days do you ovulate

The MC of a reproductively healthy woman can be divided in 2 stages:

  • until the moment of ovulation;
  • after ovulation occurs.

In the first stage of the cycle, the thermometer will give values ​​​​less than in the second (normal values ​​\u200b\u200bare between 36.6 and 37 degrees Celsius). After the release of a mature egg from the ovary, the content of the female hormone progesterone increases in the blood and, as a result, BT rises by 0.3-0.4 degrees.

If there is an increase, then feel free to assume that ovulation has taken place. But, as mentioned above, tracking indicators to determine have a good day preferably at least 3 months to be sure. This way you will know for sure which day the chances are the highest.

Important! If conception has not occurred, then closer to the monthly figures again fall below 37°C, since the release of progesterone at this stage is reduced.

And here increase in basal body temperature from the middle of the cycle and its stable presence at a value greater than 37°C until its end may mean the onset of an "interesting situation".

Moreover, the probability of successful conception and fixation of the embryo in the endometrium in this case is quite high.

It is worth noting that it is not the indicators themselves that are important in tracking basal temperature, because. they may vary in different representatives of the weaker sex, depending on the characteristics of the organism.

It is necessary to pay attention to the difference between the results of measurements at different stages of the menstrual cycle.

Attention! Jumps less than 0.4°C are not taken into account.

The norm of basal temperature during pregnancy

If you are convinced that gestational sac with the help of a test or after examination by a doctor, then you should not stop monitoring. On the contrary, it is very important to continue daily monitoring, because basal body temperature during pregnancy is an essential diagnostic criterion. Thanks to the information collected, you can learn about the occurrence of various inflammations, pathologies, assess the risk of miscarriage and immediately begin treatment.

Average basal temperature

Possible thermometer readings:

  1. The norm of basal temperature with the conception taking place and the successful fixation of the fetus in the womb, it fluctuates within 37.1-37.3. It reaches this value on the day of ovulation and stays at this point during the first few months of pregnancy. Note that for each female body there may be its own norm and minor deviations from the generally accepted value are not terrible. But the difference of 0.7-1 degree (no matter in which direction) indicates a possible pathology.
  2. If BT reaches 38 ° C and continues to rise, then this is an alarming bell for a woman, indicating an ectopic attachment of the fetal egg, or a fetal fading. In this case, you need to urgently, without delay until tomorrow, consult a doctor to exclude an unpleasant possibility or start immediate treatment.
  3. It is also possible to lower the indicators by 0.1-0.4 degrees. Low basal body temperature may be associated simply with the overwork of the expectant mother, stressful situations or changing weather conditions. But this sometimes also indicates the presence of any failures. You should not panic, but you still need to go to your gynecologist.
  4. A decrease in BT to 36.7 and below often entails the danger of the death of the baby and the possibility of miscarriage. If you notice such dynamics in yourself, while you do not have a cold or have been exposed to stressful situations, urgently go to the hospital.

This parameter is fixed at a constant level during the first 16 weeks, then it begins to gradually decrease. Those. if you find that you have low basal body temperature at 4-5 months, then this is not a reason to worry, but an absolutely normal phenomenon. With the onset of the 20th week, it is possible to stop your observations, because. this is no longer necessary.

So, we figured out the concept - basal temperature, learned how to properly monitor it, found out when it rises or falls. What are the reasons for this and what to do in this situation.

As a conclusion, I would like to note once again that keeping a graph of basal temperature during gestation is not only necessary, but also very important.

With its help, you can identify both the very fact of conception and the features of the course, eliminate violations and start treatment in time if problems are identified.

However, the diagnosis is not made only on the basis of your research. For this, all kinds of tests, ultrasound, examinations by a doctor are prescribed. In the course of a qualitative examination, fears can be dispelled.

But you should not neglect the maintenance of the schedule, since these seemingly insignificant numbers can save you from bad consequences., such as:

  • miscarriage;
  • ectopic attachment of the embryo;
  • the presence of inflammation in the genitals;
  • infectious diseases that threaten the health of a pregnant woman.

Regularly noting the thermometer readings, you can always notice deviations and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Important! If you measure basal temperature during pregnancy, this does not mean at all that you do not need to visit a gynecologist and conduct other medical research! Each representative of the fair sex is individual, and sometimes even in the presence of pathology, the thermometer can show data within the normal range. In addition, not everything can be revealed by measurements alone!

Video: How to measure basal temperature

Take your health and planning for your future baby seriously. Do not neglect the advice of doctors and personal monitoring of your condition. Take care of yourself, and let planning and gestation go smoothly, without disruption, and give you a wonderful meeting with your baby!

Measurement of basal temperature is one of the most popular studies prescribed for women at the stage of pregnancy planning, as well as in the first trimester. Regular determination of the temperature in the rectum allows you to identify various cycle disorders in time, suspect the cause of infertility, and also detect some deviations in pregnancy at its earliest stages.


Measurement of basal temperature during pregnancy is carried out under such conditions:

  • previous insufficiency of progesterone or estrogen;
  • pregnancy after treated endocrine infertility;
  • pregnancy on the background of IVF;
  • threatened miscarriage.

In all these situations, the doctor may recommend taking the temperature in the rectum daily from the moment the child is conceived until the period of 14-16 weeks. Along with other diagnostic methods, the determination of basal temperature will allow timely identification of such complications:

  • threatening or incipient miscarriage;
  • regressive pregnancy.

For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to donate blood to determine the level of hCG and do an ultrasound to assess the condition of the fetus and chorion. Based on the results of the examination, a therapy regimen is selected and the question of the possibility of prolonging the pregnancy is decided.

Measurement Rules

Basal temperature (BT) is the lowest temperature of the human body, measured in a state of complete rest. The determination of BT is carried out exclusively in the rectum. The difference with the temperature level in armpit is up to 0.5 °C. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is the level of rectal temperature that matters to identify various complications.

BBT measurement rules:

  1. The determination of BT is carried out every day with the same thermometer. It is best to use a sensitive electronic thermometer for this purpose, but a mercury thermometer can also be used (with extreme caution).
  2. To measure BBT, you must carefully insert the thermometer into the rectum and leave it there for 5 minutes.
  3. Determination of the level of BT is carried out in the morning, without getting out of bed, strictly after a restful sleep (at least 4 hours). With frequent awakenings, the measurement of BT will be uninformative.
  4. It is recommended to conduct the study at about the same time every day. Deviations of 30-60 minutes are allowed.

All data obtained during the study are recorded in the graph. You can draw a graph in a notebook on a sheet in a box or use special programs on a computer. The BT spread is indicated vertically in the graph (it is recommended to make separate columns for every tenth of a degree). The days of pregnancy go horizontally (the date is additionally indicated - the day and month).

Some factors can affect the level of basal temperature:

  • sexual intercourse;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • common infectious diseases (including influenza, SARS);
  • poor, restless sleep, frequent awakenings;
  • stress;
  • lactation;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • climate change, flights;
  • taking hormonal, sedative and other drugs.

All factors that can affect the level of BBT should be indicated in the table (below the date).

Basal temperature in the first trimester: normal

Normally, an increase in BBT is noted during ovulation. At the time of release of the egg into the abdominal cavity, the temperature reaches 37.0 - 37.4 ° C and remains at this level throughout the second cycle. In the case of the conception of a child, a premenstrual decrease in BBT is not observed. By the time of the expected menstruation, BBT remains high, which suggests the onset of pregnancy.

In the first trimester, BT pregnancy is in the range of 37.0 - 37.4 ° C and practically does not change. A gradual decrease in temperature begins at the beginning of the second trimester, when the formation of the placenta ends and the functioning of the corpus luteum stops. By the 14-16th week of pregnancy, BT drops to 36.2-36.7 ° C and remains at this level until the very birth. In the future, fluctuations in BBT will be noted only after the restoration of the cycle.

Decreased basal body temperature

In the first trimester of pregnancy, BT should not fall below 37.0 °C. Even the mark of 37 degrees is already borderline and requires special attention. A decrease in BT indicates the development of pathology:

threatened miscarriage

This term is understood as a condition in which there is a high probability of spontaneous abortion. In the first trimester, this may be due to a lack of progesterone, infections, pathology of the hemostasis system, or other reasons. In the earliest stages, such a complication is most often associated with anomalies in the development of the fetus. The higher the gestational age, the lower the likelihood of its termination. According to statistics, most miscarriages occur before 12 weeks.

In addition to a decrease in BT, this condition is accompanied by the appearance of other symptoms:

  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • irradiation of pain in the lumbar region, perineum, sacrum and coccyx;
  • increased tone of the uterus, felt during palpation of the abdomen (relevant after 10-12 weeks).

A threatened miscarriage is not accompanied by bleeding. With the appearance of spotting, they speak of another pathology. Treatment includes taking antispasmodics and hormonal drugs. With adequate therapy, the chances of maintaining a pregnancy are quite high.

Started miscarriage

In this condition, in addition to pulling pains in the lower abdomen, the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract is noted. It can be like a slight smearing red or brown discharge and profuse bleeding. The longer the gestation period, the more blood loss can be. Basal temperature in this pathology will inevitably decrease.

A miscarriage that has begun with ultrasound is defined as detachment of the fetal egg from the uterine wall. If the heartbeat of the embryo is determined, conservative therapy is carried out. In the case when the embryo dies, curettage of the uterine cavity and removal of the fetal egg along with the dead embryo are indicated.

A miscarriage that has begun can turn into an abortion in progress, end with an incomplete or complete abortion. In the case of an incomplete abortion, elements of the fetal egg remain in the uterine cavity, and they are removed (curettage of the uterine cavity). With a complete abortion, the uterus is cleaned on its own, and additional intervention is not required.

Regressive pregnancy

With this pathology, the death of the embryo occurs, but the uterus does not contract, and miscarriage does not occur. A decrease in basal temperature in this situation may be the only symptom. A woman who measures BBT daily may notice problems early enough and consult a doctor.

In addition to a decrease in BT, the following symptoms occur:

  • disappearance of subjective signs of pregnancy (nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, change in taste preferences);
  • reduction of the mammary glands in size;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • the appearance of bleeding.

The last two symptoms occur 2-4 weeks after the death of the embryo. After another 10-14 days, there may be an increase in body temperature, including in the rectum. This is due to the decay of the tissues of the deceased embryo and the onset of the inflammatory process.

With a regressing pregnancy, curettage of the uterine cavity is indicated as soon as possible. Otherwise, bleeding, endometritis and sepsis may develop. The body usually cannot get rid of the dead fetus on its own.

Important Aspects

Does low BBT always indicate pathology of pregnancy? Not at all. A single decrease in BBT should not frighten a woman. This may be a random measurement error or the influence of any factors that can change the level of body temperature.

Tactics for reducing BT:

  1. Measure the temperature in the rectum after 10-15 minutes (you can take another thermometer).
  2. Monitor BBT for three consecutive days (compare the results).
  3. Assess your condition. Determine if there is pain in the lower abdomen or other symptoms. Assess vaginal discharge.
  4. If the level of BT has returned to normal, treatment is not required. It will not be superfluous to inform the doctor about this so that the doctor is aware of all changes.
  5. If BBT remains below normal or progressively decreases every day, it is urgent to get an appointment with a gynecologist.

After ultrasound and other studies, it will be possible to determine the diagnosis and develop further tactics.

Increase in basal body temperature

An increase in BBT above 37.4 ° C occurs in such situations:

  • acute infectious diseases: SARS, influenza, etc.;
  • inflammatory changes in the pelvic organs;
  • bowel disease;
  • taking certain medicines.

It is noticed that in many women the basal temperature is kept in the range of 37.5 - 37.9 ° C throughout the first trimester. If future mom feels good, and the examination does not reveal abnormalities, this can be considered as a variant of the norm and an individual reaction of the body to an increase in progesterone levels.

An increase in BBT above 37.9 ° C clearly indicates a malfunction in the body and indicates the development of an inflammatory process. It is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and related specialists in order to find out the cause of this condition and select the optimal treatment regimen.

Measuring basal temperature during pregnancy is an easy way to detect various problems in time and identify dangerous complications. Women at high risk for miscarriage are advised to measure BBT daily throughout the first trimester. In case of any doubt, it is not superfluous to consult a doctor.
