What do the child often write. Video analysis of urine and urinary tract infections - Dr. Komarovsky's school

Frequent urination in a child is not uncommon. Sometimes this is a sign that he drank too much liquid or ate melon / watermelon or juicy berries. Therefore, you do not need to immediately start to panic if the child's trips to the toilet become more frequent, but still it must be borne in mind that this may be a sign of a serious illness.

ICD-10 code

R30.0 Dysuria


You should indicate the statistics of the frequency of urination in babies of different ages:

  • the baby in the first 5-7 days of his life urinates about 4-5 times a day;
  • babies up to 6 months urinate much more - about 15-20 times;
  • in the period of 6-12 months, this figure decreases to a maximum of 15 times;
  • at the age of 1-3 years, emptying occurs about 10 times a day;
  • at the age of 3-6 years - about 6-8 times;
  • at the age of 6-9 years - about 5-6 times;
  • children aged 9+ urinate a maximum of 5-6 times a day.

Also, statistics show that approximately 20% of babies under the age of 5 have frequent urination.

Causes of frequent urination in a child

The causes of increased urination in a child may be such factors:

  • an excess of fluid that the child drinks;
  • diabetes;
  • taking diuretics, for example, such as furosemide;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary organs - such as nephritis, cystitis, urethritis;
  • the development of any viral respiratory diseases;
  • stress, neurosis.

Symptoms of frequent urination in a child

Increased urination alone is not enough to suggest that a child has a problem. First, you should watch him for some time, because if this problem arose due to any pathology, it will be accompanied by other symptoms:

  • when urinating, pain is felt - in this case, older children will complain about it themselves, and very small ones may frown and grunt or even cry;
  • feeling of false urges - when a child tries to go to the toilet a short period of time after the previous visit, but there is no urine in the bladder. This is usually a sign of cystitis;
  • pain in the abdomen or lumbar region. Older children indicate a painful place themselves, and babies usually wince in pain, kick their legs, cry. If pain in the lumbar region is accompanied by fever, then this is a sign of a kidney disorder;
  • the appearance of bags and swelling under the eyes is a symptom that there are problems with the outflow of fluid from the body. Occurs with pyelonephritis;
  • urine becomes cloudy or has an admixture of blood - this is a symptom indicating the presence of problems with renal filtration, which indicates the development of glomerulonephritis.

Frequent urination in children with and without pain

In the case of an increase in daily emptying of the bladder, which occur without the appearance of pain, and the child does not have problems with night sleep, his temperature is within the normal range, and there are no accompanying manifestations - this means that the cause of the disorder is increased nervous excitation.

Increased urination, accompanied by pain, is a sign of cystitis. In the acute form of the disease, these symptoms appear sharply and suddenly, in addition to pain and increased urination, the child also urinates in small portions. In addition, the appearance of false urges to emptying is possible - in these cases, the child wants to urinate, but cannot. These urges are also accompanied by pain.

Frequent urination in children at night

Frequent urination in a child at night may be a consequence of the development of diabetes insipidus, and in addition to this, damage to the spinal cord or weakening of the walls of the bladder.

Thirst and frequent urination in a child

If the baby, in addition to increased urination, has a strong thirst, then this is most likely a manifestation of diabetes. Due to the removal of a large amount of fluid from the body, dehydration occurs. The development of type 2 diabetes is accompanied by the appearance of diseases of the urinary system and inflammation of the bladder.

Abdominal pain and frequent urination in a child

With any pathology affecting the urinary organs, there is an increase in urination. In addition, there may be pain in the abdomen or back. If, in addition to the above symptoms, the child feels chills, his temperature rises and sweating, this may be evidence of the development of renal pathology.

Frequent urination in small portions in a child

When a person is stressed or overexcited, adrenaline is released, which simultaneously increases urine production and increases the excitability of the bladder - as a result, the child often wants to go to the toilet, but the bladder is not full (as a result, emptying occurs in small portions). This condition is temporary and disappears on its own when the stress passes.

Diarrhea and frequent urination in a child

Diarrhea can occur due to the development of various endocrine pathologies. Sometimes it appears in diabetes mellitus due to a disorder of the innervation of the intestinal walls. This condition is also accompanied by a feeling of intense thirst, increased urination, a general feeling of weakness, and in addition to this, problems with the sensitivity of the limbs.

Frequent urination in an infant

Frequent urination in an infant, which occurs without pain, in some cases may be associated with a chronic pathology of the urinary tract or kidneys in his mother.

Daytime urinary frequency syndrome in children

In some cases, children suddenly have a sharp increase in daytime urination (sometimes this can happen literally every 10-15 minutes), but there are no signs of an infectious process in the urinary system or nocturia, dysuria, or daytime enuresis.

Most often, these signs appear at about 4-6 years old, when the child has already learned to use the toilet on his own. This disorder is usually observed in boys (much less often in girls).

This disorder is called pollakiuria or daytime acceleration syndrome in children. It is functional, as it does not arise due to any anatomical defects.

Usually these manifestations occur before the child starts going to kindergarten, or if he has emotional stress, which mainly develops as a result of family problems.

Such children need to be examined to exclude an infectious process in the urinary tract, and in addition, the doctor needs to make sure that the urea is completely emptied when urinating.

In some cases, this symptom can be triggered by pinworms.

The disorder resolves on its own, its symptoms disappear after 2-3 months. Treatment with anticholinergic drugs is only rarely effective.

Complications and consequences

An infectious process in the urinary tract (and frequent urination is one of the signs of the disease) is not at all a harmless violation, especially if not only the lower part of the system is affected, but also the kidneys. The consequence of untreated pathology can be the death of approximately 80% of the cells in the renal tissue, as a result of which an irreversible disorder of kidney function develops - renal failure in a chronic form.

Diagnosis of frequent urination in a child

In case of anxiety symptoms, you should consult your doctor. First, you should visit a pediatrician to undergo an initial examination, after which he can send the child for a consultation with highly specialized doctors - a nephrologist, urologist, etc. After receiving the results of the examination and tests, the doctor will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.


To make a diagnosis, some tests may be needed: urine for general, and in addition, urine culture, as well as daily urine collection for sugar, protein or salt levels.

Instrumental diagnostics

There are several methods of instrumental diagnostics. Quite often, to determine the disease, they use ultrasound, which checks the kidneys and bladder.

Also, X-ray examination remains relevant today. The picture will allow the doctor to see in detail the location of the bladder with the kidneys. This method also allows you to determine the presence of malignant tumors - for example, stones.

A voiding cystourethrography procedure is also performed, in which a special contrast agent is injected through the urethra into the bladder. You need to do this before the urge to urinate, take a picture, and then another one - at the moment when it happens. This makes it possible to detect the presence of anomalies in bladder.

The method using renoangiography - in this case, the radiodiagnostic substance is injected into / in, after which the moment of its passage through the renal vascular system is recorded. This allows you to get the so-called indirect radioisotope renoangiogram. Thanks to it, it becomes possible to assess the work of the kidneys and the blood flow in them, and in addition to this, the urinary process inside the ureters.

Kidney scintigraphy (static and dynamic form of the procedure is performed). In this case, the patient is injected intravenously with a radiodiagnostic agent that causes radioactive radiation from the organ that is being examined. Graphic fixation occurs with the help of scanners or gamma cameras. Further, these data are processed on a computer, after which they are displayed on the screen as a dynamic or static picture. This method makes it possible to assess the shape, size and location of the kidneys, and in addition to identify the presence of any formation in the kidney (for example, a tumor or cyst).

Cystoscopy, which uses a special optical device - a cystoscope. After the introduction of this device into the bladder through the urethra, it becomes possible to examine it from the inside. This allows you to assess the condition of the mucosa, examine the mouth of the ureters, and in addition to evaluate other points - the presence of tumors, calculi, various foreign bodies.

Treatment for frequent urination in a child

Since frequent urination can be a symptom of a very serious condition, qualified methods must be used to treat it. Most pathologies, except for urethritis or cystitis (in these cases, outpatient treatment is allowed under the supervision of the attending physician), must be treated in a hospital setting - these are diseases such as newly discovered diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis, etc. This allows you to fully examine the patient and constantly monitor the condition health.

Treatment should be carried out in accordance with the diagnosis, because this violation cannot be eliminated without affecting the underlying cause of its occurrence.


Anticholinergic drugs are usually prescribed for treatment, but other agents may be used in addition to them. In general, specific drugs should be selected exclusively by a doctor. There are a large number of drugs used to treat the disorder, depending on its cause:

  • in the case of an inflammatory process in the urinary ducts, antibiotics with uroseptics are prescribed;
  • for the treatment of diabetes - regular administration of insulin to the patient;
  • with the development of glomerulonephritis, cytostatics, hormones, etc. should be used;
  • to eliminate the lazy bladder syndrome, complex treatment is used - physiotherapy, as well as atropine with driptan and nootropic drugs (such as picamilon, etc.);
  • in case of development of neurosis, sedatives are prescribed.

Antibiotics for frequent urination in children

If an infectious inflammation is diagnosed, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. Children can take only mild antibiotics, as well as medicines made from plants - this is necessary to minimize the possibility of developing side effects. It should be borne in mind that it is very important to drink a full course, even if the child's condition has improved before its completion.

Physiotherapy treatment

In the case of the development of inflammatory pathologies, the following physiotherapeutic treatment procedures have a qualitative effect:

  • electrophoresis, and besides this stimulation;
  • HBO procedure;
  • carrying out heat treatments;
  • use of laser therapy;
  • ultrasound with amplipulse;
  • diadynamic therapy procedure, etc.

Alternative treatment

Among the methods folk treatment can be identified as:

You can make tea from cherry stems and dried corn hair. It is recommended to take it as often as possible to speed up recovery.

Another way is birch bud tea. For 1 glass boiled water You need 1 teaspoon of the ingredient. The medicine should be infused for about 2 hours. You need to drink tincture 3 times a day for 0.5 cups.

According to the same scheme, you can brew a decoction on centaury herbs with St. John's wort (these ingredients must be added in the same amount), and then drink instead of tea.

Tea is also brewed from the buds of the blackberry (2 tablespoons of the component are needed for 0.5 liters of boiled water). Tea should be drunk before breakfast (that is, on an empty stomach) at a dosage of 100 ml.

You can treat frequent urination with a decoction of mint. For cooking, you need dry chopped mint (20 g), which is added to boiling water (1.5 l), and then boiled for about 10 minutes. This decoction is required to drink at a dosage of 1 glass 3 times a day.

A decoction of chopped elecampane roots is considered very effective. For 1 cup of boiled water you need 2 tablespoons of herbs. Then the liquid is boiled over low heat for about 25 minutes and then left to infuse for 4 hours. The tincture must be filtered before use.

Herbal treatment

Herbal decoctions (using corn stigmas and bearberry) help to treat the disease. They should be brewed and then infused in a thermos.

A rosehip decoction works well. Berries must be boiled for 7-10 minutes, and then insist.

In addition, in pharmacies you can buy ready-made phyto-collections used for urolithiasis, urethritis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis.

Surgical treatment

If the disorder is associated with a dysfunction of the central nervous system, surgical treatment may be prescribed.


In order to prevent the development of diseases, prevention is needed. To do this, you should regularly take the child for examinations to the doctor. Children under the age of 1 need to be examined monthly. Children 1-3 years old are required to be examined every 2-3 months, and children from 3 years old - once every 5 months.

A preventive measure against cystitis and other diseases is to prevent hypothermia of the child. Don't let him sit on a cold surface (such as damp ground). Babies should be breastfed longer, because bacteria do not enter the genitourinary system of such babies.


Frequent urination in a child often develops as a result of a disease of the genitourinary system. Other serious pathologies can be provoking factors. Therefore, you should approach the elimination of this problem with responsibility - take the child to the doctor in a timely manner and begin the necessary treatment. In this case, the prognosis will be favorable. Otherwise, serious complications may develop.

The child has frequent urination (pollakiuria), and, of course, this causes anxiety among parents: is the child sick, and if sick, then with what exactly and how to treat him? As a rule, frequent urination to the toilet "in a small way" is associated with diseases of the kidneys and bladder. However, this is not all the reasons for changes in the rhythm of urination in childhood.

First, let's figure out what the frequency of urination is normal. In children, this indicator is closely related to age:

  • newborns and babies up to 6 months urinate 15-25 times a day;
  • babies from 6 to 12 months - 15-17 times;
  • from a year to 3 years - about 10 times a day;
  • from 3 to 7 years - 7-9 times;
  • from 7 to 10 years - 6-7 times;
  • older than 10 years - 5-7 times a day.

More frequent trips to the toilet is an occasion to think about the health of the child.

The frequency of urination depends on age.

Physiological pollakiuria

In some cases, the causes of frequent urination can be quite harmless and in no way associated with diseases, then they speak of the presence of physiological pollakiuria. Physiological pollakiuria is caused by the following factors:

  1. Drinking large amounts of liquid. The child drinks a lot, and, naturally, urinates more often. Moms and dads, you should pay attention to the causes of increased fluid requirements. It is one thing if a child is accustomed to drink water (tea, juices) daily from childhood or temporarily feels thirsty in the heat (after physical activity). But if it is not customary in your family to drink water often, and the child constantly asks for it, and at the same time pisses a lot, this may indicate the presence of diabetes (or).
  2. Reception medicines with diuretic effect. These include both the diuretics themselves (diuretics - furosemide, etc.), and a number of medicines from other groups in which the diuretic effect is a side effect (antiemetic - metoclopramide; antiallergic - diphenhydramine, etc.).
  3. Eating foods and drinks that have a diuretic effect (green tea, carbonated drinks, coffee, carrot juice, cranberries and lingonberries, watermelons, melons, cucumbers). Some products have a diuretic effect due to the large amount of water they contain (cucumbers, watermelon), while others increase urination due to the presence of caffeine (caffeine accelerates urine filtration, therefore, the amount of urine produced per unit time increases and urges occur more often). Cranberries and lingonberries are soft plant diuretics, that is, against the background of eating berries alone (and not drinking fruit drinks, compotes or decoctions), urination only slightly increases.
  4. Hypothermia: leads to reflex vasospasm of the kidneys and accelerated urine filtration, which is accompanied by frequent urination. After warming the child, pollakiuria stops.
  5. Overexcitation and stress: adrenaline is released against their background, which simultaneously leads to an increase in urine production and an increase in the excitability of the bladder, which is why the child often wants to go to the toilet, even with an incomplete bladder (the child urinates in small portions). The condition is temporary, goes away on its own after the resolution of the stressful situation.

Physiological pollakiuria is completely harmless, and it does not need to be treated: the urination rhythm returns to normal immediately after the due factor is eliminated. But it is often difficult to figure out whether frequent urination is a physiological condition or is it a symptom of an illness.

Signs indicating the presence of diseases:

  1. Frequent urination bothers the child constantly or very often.
  2. Pollakiuria is accompanied by other urination disorders (pain, burning, enuresis, urgency, etc.).
  3. The child has any other symptoms (fever, sweating, weakness, weight loss, etc.).

Diseases and pathological conditions with frequent urination:

  1. Pathology of the kidneys, bladder and urethra.
  2. Neurogenic dysfunction of the bladder by hyperreflex type.
  3. Pathology of the endocrine system.
  4. Pathology of the central nervous system.
  5. Compression of the bladder from the outside.
  6. Neurosis and psychosomatic disorders.

Pathology of the kidneys, bladder and urethra

Diabetes insipidus develops when the function of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland is impaired, which also produce the hormone vasopressin. Vasopressin is responsible for the reabsorption of water while filtering blood through the kidneys. With its deficiency, a lot of urine is formed. Diabetes insipidus is very rare, but can also occur in childhood. The main symptoms of diabetes insipidus are thirst, polyuria (large amounts of urine) and concomitant pollakiuria.

Pathology of the central nervous system

The emptying of the bladder occurs under the influence of impulses coming from the brain through the spinal cord to the nerve endings in the bladder. If the chain of impulses breaks, the emptying of the bladder occurs spontaneously as it fills up - there are frequent urination in small portions and urinary incontinence. This is possible with injuries, tumors of the brain and spinal cord, with inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the spinal cord.

Compression of the bladder from the outside

With a decrease in the volume of the bladder, there is a need for more frequent emptying of it - pollakiuria develops. In addition to developmental anomalies, compression from the outside can lead to a decrease in the volume of the bladder: with tumors in the small pelvis, pregnancy in teenage girls.

Neurosis and psychosomatic disorders

It was noted above that stress and overexcitation in a child provoke the occurrence of physiological pollakiuria. In the same way, pollakiuria develops if children have neuroses, neurasthenia, and various psychosomatic conditions (etc.). Unlike physiological pollakiuria against the background of stress - a temporary phenomenon observed for 2-4, maximum 10 hours, pollakiuria against the background of neuroses and psychosomatics is constant, although it may not be so pronounced. And, of course, other symptoms are found in the child - increased nervousness, mood swings, tearfulness or aggressiveness, phobias, etc.

Diagnosis (finding out the causes of pollakiuria)

If the physiological causes of pollakiuria have already been excluded, then in addition to a medical questioning and examination, the child must be prescribed, which allows you to establish the most typical cause of frequent urination - cystitis or pyelonephritis.

According to the general analysis of urine, other kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis) and can also be suspected.

Depending on the result general analysis urine, the doctor prescribes the following laboratory and instrumental studies, as well as consultations with one of the specialists (according to indications):

  • test of Nechiporenko, Addis-Kakovsky (for latent inflammation in the urinary tract);
  • Zimnitsky test (to assess kidney function);
  • a biochemical blood test (to assess kidney function and determine glucose levels);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder (to visualize structural anomalies, stones, tumors, signs of an acute inflammatory process);
  • glucose load test (to detect latent diabetes mellitus);
  • study of blood hormones;
  • consultation of a nephrologist or endocrinologist, neurologist or psychiatrist, in some cases - a neurosurgeon.

As a rule, these studies allow a fairly accurate diagnosis; in the future, other diagnostic procedures (CT and MRI, excretory urography, etc.) may be required to clarify the nature and severity of the disease.


As you can see, the causes of pathological pollakiuria can be extremely serious and require qualified treatment. Of these diseases, perhaps only cystitis and urethritis in a child can be treated on an outpatient basis, that is, at home under the supervision of a doctor from the clinic. All other causes (pyelonephritis, newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, etc.) involve treatment in a hospital, where it is possible to fully examine the child and monitor his condition around the clock.

It is clear that the treatment will be carried out in strict accordance with the established diagnosis, since pathological pollakiuria cannot be stopped without affecting the underlying disease. The choice of specific drugs is carried out only by a doctor, and the range of drugs and therapeutic measures used for pollakiuria is very wide.

The day before, you and your child could not get out for a walk. They took too long to get ready, dressed too slowly. But it was impossible to speed up this process, because the baby now and then asked to go to the toilet. Today the situation repeated itself exactly one to one: again long fees and endless “mom, I want to write”. And you are worried: something is wrong with your baby. We were right, because frequent urge to urinate is a signal that the child has problems. It remains only to figure out what they are in nature - physiological or psychological.

How often should a child pee

Pediatricians have long determined the norms of urination for different age groups. The pattern is simple: the older the child, the less often he goes to the toilet. If for babies the frequency of “small” trips up to 25 times a day is considered acceptable, then children from 10 years old and older are already equated to adults with a norm of up to 8 times. Talk about potential health problems should start if the child goes to the toilet twice as often.

True, for babies under one year old, this rule is difficult to apply. At this age, children can control little at all, especially the work of their bladder, so how much they will eat, or rather, drink breast milk, so much and pee. If you have an older child, but he asks to go to the toilet several times an hour, then you need to understand whether everything is in order with his health.

Frequent Urination Problems: Towards a Diagnosis

The first thing you should do is visit a pediatrician who will give your child a referral for a urine test. According to its results, you either exclude possible diseases, in which frequent urination is one of the main symptoms, or confirm them. This should be done as early as possible so that the alleged disease does not have time to develop into a chronic form.

So, what can be diagnosed in a child who pees too often, regardless of his age:

  • Urinary tract infection. This happens when microbes get into intimate parts from the outside world. Maybe some hygiene rules were not observed, as a result, the mucous membrane of the urethra became inflamed and now gives signals in the form of an invitation to the toilet.
  • Cystitis. This is the most common disease of the genitourinary system in children. It happens when the infection gets straight to the bladder and is accompanied, in addition to incontinence, by other unpleasant symptoms: pain, fever.
  • Diabetes. It is believed that thirst is one of his first signs, respectively, if a child drinks a lot, then he pees more often. In addition, if you notice that at the same time he is losing weight and looks tired for no reason, urgently see a doctor.
  • Synechia in girls. Adhesions in the tissues of the penis can be triggered by various reasons, including inflammation, so the urination system will also suffer.
  • Renal pathology.
  • overactive bladder. Such a diagnosis is very common in children after 4–5 years of age, and in adults, if they are not masters of their bladder.

Suppose the best option: Your child's test results were more than satisfactory. But this does not mean that you need to calm down, because the problem has remained unresolved, just now its origins must be sought in a different plane.

Situational problems of frequent urination

To define frequent urination, which is not caused by physiological causes, that is, it is not a disease, a special term was coined - pollakiuria. The word is beautiful, which cannot be said about the problem it characterizes. After all, pollakiurite children ask (go) to the toilet several dozen times a day, which can drive anyone, even the calmest parent, crazy. And really, what should adults think about if, according to all medical papers, their child is considered absolutely healthy, but at the same time he literally registered in the toilet? Let's open the secret: in this case, adults should think about their behavior and about their own parenting methods. Pollakiuria is a field of psychology. And parents are responsible for child psychology.

What can cause frequent urination in a healthy child

  • Is your baby about to cross infancy? This means that a period of great change begins in his life: it begins get rid of diapers gradually weaned from the mother's breast and introduction to artificial mixtures. Even minor changes in nutrition can affect the natural needs of the child. Be patient, he will get used to it, and your life will also go back to normal.
  • The child is already about two years old and you are actively potty train him? Are you sure you are doing everything right? Of course, with the successful completion of the mission "to go to the potty", the child needs to be made clear that he is doing well. But if you indulge in raptures to an excessive degree, then the little sly one will immediately figure out how to benefit from it. He will demonstrate how good he is at every opportunity and not very much - regardless of whether he wants to write or not, just to earn praise.
  • The kid is growing, he has already crossed the three-four-year milestone, but at the same time he began to go to the toilet almost every hour. You are nervous about this, pestering him with questions, saying how he feels, if something hurts him, and you, of course, are unaware that it just doesn’t hurt. The only thing your child needs are these questions. Simply put, he wants you to talk to him. Your attention- that's all he wants. And he found such a primitive, but effective way to get it.
  • Your child is a water drinker, or he eats too much diuretic products. A small correction of nutrition - and the problem of frequent urination can be solved.
  • Child nervous. If he is five or six years old, then he can already evaluate the events in his life emotionally and psychologically. That is, he quite consciously understands what in this world can be scary, what can be exciting, and what can be easy and pleasant. And if “terrible” is expected, then frequent urination is a completely natural reaction of a small person to big problems. Not every adult can sometimes cope with excitement and therefore is unable to move away from the toilet, then what can be expected from a child who has more than enough reasons to worry?
  • Child overcooled. At home, he runs barefoot on the cold floor, goes outside too lightly dressed - and this could not help but chill his bladder.

What to do so that the child becomes the master of his bladder

According to statistics, the problems of frequent urination in children have to be solved in every fifth family. If they are associated with health pathologies, then in this case the answer to the question "what to do?" there can be only one - to be treated. Immediately, by conducting a comprehensive examination under the supervision of good specialists.

If the doctors confirm that the child is healthy, then we begin to look for a solution to the problem within ourselves and our family. First, let's answer some honest questions:

  • Is my child receiving proper care? Am I wearing it correctly for a walk? Is he comfortable in home clothes?
  • Am I sure my child is eating right?
  • Do I devote enough time to my baby (play with him, read books to him, take an interest in his successes and problems)? Does he get my attention?
  • Is it possible to call the atmosphere in our family psychologically comfortable for a child?
  • Am I teaching my child how to deal with personal psychological problems?

It doesn't matter if you answer "yes" or "no" to all questions. The main thing is that you think about your parenting behavior, which may be directly or indirectly related to the condition of your child, including his problems with frequent urination. The sooner you think about it, the more actively you will begin to take action. This means that the faster your child will return to a normal lifestyle, in which the toilet will no longer play one of the main roles.

This is a topic of interest to many parents.

The reason that child pees frequently, are numerous physiological factors or diseases internal organs. The frequency of urination in children depends on various factors: on age, on the individual characteristics of the organism, on the diet and on the neuropsychic state of the baby. The doctor should deal with possible diseases.

So that parents can distinguish one from the other, you need to know the norms of urination in children.

How often should a child write at different ages?

It depends on age and a little on individual characteristics. In the first five to seven days, the baby almost does not urinate, then the frequency of urination increases rapidly - this continues for up to a year. After a year, the baby is emptied less and less. At about ten or eleven years old, a child goes to the toilet as many times as adults do.

The use of fruits and drinks increase urination, in which case you should not look at the standards. Also, a change in these indicators occurs in the presence of certain types of infections. Frequent urination is called in a medical environment, which is provoked by various factors.

What diseases cause a child to urinate frequently?

Pollakiuria may be a symptom of one of the diseases.

  • . The body is unable to properly absorb glucose. It is excreted in the urine instead of entering the cellular structures. The kid often wants to go to the toilet, complains of thirst, which cannot be got rid of.

  • . This disease is characterized by a deficiency of vasopressin. After filtering by the kidneys, the water is reabsorbed. The frequency of urges increases after three years.
  • Bladder dysfunction. The disease occurs with pathologies of the development of the urinary tract. Symptoms are aggravated by colds and stress.
  • . The physiological increase in urges lasts no more than ten hours, but if the functions of the body are impaired, then the symptoms persist much longer.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system. The signal to empty the bladder comes from the brain. This signal is transmitted to the spinal cord, the person goes to the toilet. If such a chain is broken, then it happens.
  • Tumor. A neoplasm can put pressure on the walls of the bladder if it is located outside this organ.
  • Infection. Infection leads not only to frequent urination, but also to weakness, fever, cough, or upset stool.

Sometimes child pees frequently due to the specific features of the formation of the genital organs in boys and girls. The boy turns red and swells in the urethra. In girls, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa affects emptying.

What are the household reasons for frequent going to the toilet in a child?

Physiological pollakiuria can be provoked big amount liquid used. This happens during hot summers or cold winters when the heating systems dry the air in the rooms, which causes intense thirst. It is important not to confuse these signs with the symptoms of diabetes. Fruits and vegetables cause a diuretic effect, watermelons, cranberries, lingonberries, cucumbers are especially strong in this regard - children should use these products with caution.

Antihistamines, diuretics and antiemetics medical preparations also cause pollakiuria. The same situation is observed after a long stay in the cold. This is due to spasms of the renal vessels, which disappears after the body warms up. Stress with pollakiuria is more common in children under four years of age, as well as at the beginning of kindergarten or school attendance, problems with other students or teachers.

Household pollakiuria is not dangerous for the baby. It goes away on its own without any treatment when the provoking event is eliminated. The danger is that parents often attribute frequent visits to the toilet to eating fruits or other harmless reasons and may miss the onset of the development of the disease.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on the frequency of urination in a child

Many acute and chronic diseases are expressed in the fact that child pees frequently. If parents use disposable diapers, this problem is detected quickly. When using reusable diapers, it is much more difficult to judge the baby's urination.

Komarovsky recommends that parents monitor how often and to what extent the baby pees. If the norms are exceeded, then you need to contact the pediatrician, who will prescribe and. These diagnostic studies are carried out in any clinic and help to quickly make a diagnosis.

If, against the background of pollakiuria, there is an increase in temperature, a runny nose, or a rash appears, then a complex of such symptoms indicates a bacterial infection of the reproductive system. In such a situation, you need to abandon the diaper and calculate the frequency of urination. At the same time at home, by the time he arrives, the parents already have information about the nature of urine output.

Sometimes the child begins to cry for no reason, and then calms down. This may indicate pain in the process of urination. To test this version, you need to remove the diaper and see how the baby goes to the toilet next time.

VIDEO Urinalysis and urinary tract infections – School of Dr. Komarovsky

How much should a child drink at different ages?

The drinking regime includes not only water, teas, milk, compotes and other liquids that the baby drinks per day. It is impossible to completely replace water with compote or something else. But it is also forbidden to completely refuse water - it is vital for every organism. Some children drink more water, others less, this is regulated by the body independently, depending on the time of year, weather, humidity, method of feeding.

baby on breastfeeding before the introduction of complementary foods does not need additional fluid intake. Everything that the baby needs, he gets from his mother's milk. Baby up to six months old artificial feeding needs additional fluid in the amount of 50-100 ml per day (or more in hot weather). In addition to water, you can give herbal teas, apple or raisin decoction. You need to drink at the request of the baby. After the sixth month, the child receives complementary foods, in which case the liquid comes already in the composition of the dishes. At this age, children are already being watered on artificial and breastfeeding.

The norms of liquid per day are as follows (ml per kilogram of body weight per day):

  • 1 day - 90 ml.
  • 10 days - 135 ml.
  • 3 months - 150 ml.
  • 6 months - 140 ml.
  • 9 months - 130 ml.
  • 1 year - 125 ml.
  • 4 years - 105 ml.
  • 7 years - 95 ml.
  • 11 years - 75 ml.
  • 14 years - 55 ml.

Of these volumes of liquid, water is approximately 25 ml per kilogram of body weight per day.

VIDEO How much water should a child drink?

What tests should be done to find the cause?

When child pees frequently, the root cause of this phenomenon can be identified in the course of laboratory diagnostics.

The pediatrician will definitely prescribe a general urine test - it is collected in a clean container. Be sure to rinse the pot well to avoid distorting the analysis. It is impossible to collect urine in the evening, only morning urine is needed. After that, you need to take the container for analysis - it is forbidden to store it in the refrigerator, this distorts the result. According to this general analysis, it will be clear whether the baby is healthy, whether he has pyelonephritis, gloperulonephritis, cystitis, urethritis.

To diagnose the disease more accurately, a urine test for protein and glucose may be required. For this, daily urine is collected, such an analysis is necessary for other kidney diseases. If there is a lot of glucose in the urine, then this is evidence of diabetes. At in large numbers salts in a baby can, as an addition to another disease.

What to do if a child often wants to write, but cannot?

Such manifestations are called false urge to urinate. Sometimes they occur a couple of minutes after the baby has urinated. This situation is repeated, its cause is an infection in the genitourinary system.

In the presence of an inflammatory process, there is pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. The process of emptying is often painful, with burning and cutting in the urinary ducts. If parents notice false urges in their baby, it is imperative to contact a specialist in order to localize the infection in a timely manner and prevent complications.

Folk remedies for the treatment of frequent urination in a child

As an auxiliary method, some of the techniques used by our ancestors in the old days can help. They can be used if the baby does not hurt anything. It is not recommended to treat children under one year old with herbs.

  • sold in a pharmacy. A teaspoon of the product is brewed in a glass of boiling water and aged for an hour. The child is given half a glass of infusion twice a day.
  • Rosehip decoction boiled for ten minutes and infused in a thermos.
  • Herbs sold in a pharmacy are prescribed as an additional treatment for pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis and urethritis.

All these folk methods will help if the baby does not have dangerous diseases, in other cases they can blur the clinical picture. No parent has yet been able to completely insure against problems with children's urination. But following preventive measures will help reduce their occurrence at times and avoid complications.

You need to be careful about the clothes that the baby wears. It should reliably protect from the cold, but the child should not sweat in it - in this case, it is more likely to catch a cold. Be sure to keep your feet dry and warm. If the baby got his feet wet, you need to quickly change his shoes and give him a warming drink to drink.

It is useful to feed the baby with breast milk for a long time, it will reliably protect the baby from many infections. If your child pees frequently, do not try to find out the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon on your own. The diagnosis established by a non-specialist will in most cases be erroneous.

Have you noticed that the child often goes to the toilet or urinates in small portions without pain? These facts should not be ignored. In addition to completely physiological and natural causes, this may indicate diseases of the genitourinary system. By contacting a doctor in time, you can prevent and eliminate problems even before complications occur.

Even if urination is painless, but unusual for a child, it is necessary to consult a specialist - perhaps this is a symptom of a disease of the genitourinary system

What is the rate of urination in children?

The amount of urine produced per day in a child depends not only on the state of his health, but also on age. Using the formula, you will find out the average rate for a baby: 600 + 100 (X-1), where X \u003d is the child's age in years. Also, our plate will help you determine how much urine should be excreted in a child normally.

Causes of frequent urination

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If the baby runs to the toilet more often than usual, it is worth considering why he experiences frequent urge to urinate. Has the child caught a cold or are these symptoms of inflammation?

Diuresis - namely, the daily amount of urine is called - depends on many factors:

  • how much liquid is drunk per day;
  • the state of health of the child;
  • baby's physical activity.


Normal (physiological) reasons for frequent trips to the toilet include:

  • Age. How younger child, the more often he urinates, because the size of his bladder is not large.
  • Use of diapers. The later the baby refuses support in the form of diapers, the more chances he has for frequent urination in the future.
  • Plentiful drink. The less a person drinks, the less often they urinate.
  • Treatment. Many drugs have a diuretic effect.
  • Nutrition. Carbonated drinks, teas, melons, cucumbers - all these foods contribute to frequent urination.
  • Hypothermia. Under the influence of low temperature, the kidneys are reflexively activated.
  • Stress. Situations in which the release of adrenaline into the blood increases contribute to pollakiuria.

If the child is a “water drink”, frequent trips to the toilet are the norm.


There are a lot of diseases that lead to frequent urination without pain:

  • pathology of the genitourinary system - cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis;
  • diseases associated with metabolism - diabetes, hormonal imbalance;
  • neurological syndromes - vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses;
  • synechia in girls - adhesions can be a consequence of inflammatory processes (more in the article:);
  • overactive bladder is a common diagnosis in both boys and girls older than 4-5 years, and in adults.

How are pathologies diagnosed?

To diagnose pathologies of the excretory system, doctors use not only instrumental, but also laboratory methods. Urine is a suspension of electrolytes and organic matter in water. The usual analysis can tell the doctor a lot, because the number of certain elements, depending on the age of the patient, indicates a pathology. Knowing the limits of the norm, you can independently decipher the biochemical analysis of your child's urine.

Deciphering a urine test can tell a lot about a child's health
IndicatorsAge norms
Up to 1 year1-6 years old7-14 years oldOver 14 years old
Protein g/dayUp to 0.2
GlucoseUp to 1.11 mM/day (up to 0.2 g/day)
Phosphorus mg/kg/dayUp to 30.0
Calcium mg/kg/day2.1±0.27
Oxalates mg/day8,0-17,0 8,0-40,0
Amion nitrogen mg/day10-60 30-250 30-150
Uric acid mg/day40-80 120-340 400-1010 270-1000
Creatinine mg/day27-90 270-415 500-1400 F 600-1800
M 800-2000
Titratable acids mg/day10-30
Ammonia mm/day4-15 35-59 29-88
pH5,0-7,0 4,8-7,0
Sodium mEq/day6,5-13,6 51,0-133,0 87,0-217,0 108,0-217,0
Potassium mEq/day12-29 35-78 25-125

The Nechiporenko test can reveal those inflammatory processes urinary system, which are not visible when deciphering the general analysis of urine

In addition to a general urine test, the doctor will prescribe a Nechiporenko test, which will show the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in it. To exclude diabetes mellitus with an increase in the level of glucose in the urine, a biochemical blood test will be prescribed.

Instrumental methods for examining the excretory system include ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys, with which the doctor can diagnose pathologies:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • violation of the structure of organs;
  • expansion of the renal pelvis;
  • mucosal inflammation;
  • narrowing of the urinary canal.

All these diseases lead to a change in the quality and quantity of daily urine. For a more accurate picture, ultrasound is done to a child with a full bladder - water conducts ultrasonic waves perfectly and helps straighten the folds of the organ.

Ultrasonography genitourinary system

Do not forget about the rules for preparing for the delivery of a urine test in children:

  • when taking the material, the pot must be washed with soapy water and scalded with boiling water;
  • if the child goes to the toilet on his own, ask him to fill a special sterile container with urine;
  • before taking the test, you need to wash the external genital organs of the child with soapy water;
  • urine must be collected in the morning on the day of the examination; storage in the refrigerator is not permissible.

One of the important studies with frequent urges in children is uroflowmetry. This is a fairly simple and non-traumatic method that allows you to measure the speed of urination in a baby.

Often, urography with contrast is prescribed for examination, which detects violations of the integrity of the urinary tract. Also in pediatric urology, CT and MRI techniques are used to make the correct diagnosis.

Treating Frequent Urination in Children

Therapy aimed at ridding the child of frequent urination without pain is prescribed by the pediatrician together with narrow specialists (urologist, nephrologist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist). Depending on the complexity of the diagnosis, the doctor will give recommendations for treatment at home. For more serious diseases that caused pollakiuria, it is necessary to treat the child in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. If the pathology is psychosomatic in nature, the therapy is corrected by a neuropathologist or psychotherapist.


To get rid of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, uroseptics and antibiotics are used. If the child has already undergone antibiotic therapy, the doctor will select the most effective medicine. Glomerulonephritis is treated with cytostatics that inhibit the process of division of pathological cells (for more details, see the article:). If the cause of incontinence is diabetes mellitus, insulin is prescribed. In other forms of it, therapy is used that stimulates the production of vasopressin, which is necessary for the normal absorption of water.

If the problem is neurological in nature, the doctor will treat the patient in combination with sedatives, sedatives, as well as nootropics that will strengthen nervous system child. The use of drugs in combination with physiotherapy procedures facilitates the course of the disease and speeds up the recovery of the baby.


Apparatus for hyperbaric oxygen therapy

In the treatment of frequent urination in children, physiotherapy procedures play an important role:

  • Electrophoresis. Delivers the drug to the site of inflammation.
  • Hyperbaric oxygenation. Significantly increases the level of oxygen in the blood.
  • thermal procedures. Expand blood vessels, anesthetize, relieve inflammation.
  • Laser. Activates blood circulation.
  • Amplipulse. Stimulates muscle contraction and nerve endings.

Physiotherapeutic methods contribute to the absorption of treated drugs directly in the problem area. They also increase the therapeutic effect of prescribed drugs.


If you notice that your child often runs to the toilet, and the doctor's appointment is not soon - do not waste time in vain. Using folk methods, you will help the baby with the first symptoms of cystitis (we recommend reading:).

Sometimes, to normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system, it is enough to drink a course of kidney tea.
  • Kidney tea. Having bought at the pharmacy, brew 1 tsp. collection 1 tbsp. boiling water and insist for an hour. Let your child drink half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  • Tincture of birch leaves. 2 tbsp. l. dry material pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, brew for 2 hours. Take half a cup before meals.
  • Tincture of cornflower flowers. 1 tsp raw materials are brewed in 1 tbsp. boiling water. Take a quarter cup before meals.

Prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system

To prevent violations of the excretory system, it is enough:

  • to instill in the baby the skills of personal hygiene;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • regularly take tests after preventive examinations at the pediatrician;
  • eat right and varied.

In case of violation of the kidneys, not one organ system suffers, but the whole body, and the consequences of such pathologies can be irreversible. After a consultation, a pediatric urologist will prescribe the child the necessary laboratory tests (urine, blood), as well as instrumental studies that will make it possible to make a correct diagnosis in time and start treatment in a timely manner.
