Repair bitten nails. Folk ways to treat nails

Most simple ways quickly grow fingernails and toenails in adults, children and after treatment of the fungus.

Well-groomed hands and healthy nails have always been considered an integral part of female beauty. Even our mothers and grandmothers tried to pay maximum attention to their hands. Grandma's recipes are still used today modern girls in the fight for the beauty and health of nails. But today there are more innovative ways to deal with short, brittle and exfoliating nails.

This article will be entirely devoted to the most effective and proven ways to grow nails on the hands and feet in the shortest possible time.

Fast Ways to Grow Long, Healthy, Strong, and Beautiful Finger and Toe Nails

How to quickly grow toenails and hands?

The strength and length of nails directly depend on the correct care of them, the state of human health and the presence of bad habits. Here is a list of those factors that can extremely negatively affect the condition of the nail plate, both on the hands and on the legs:

  1. Lack of proper, balanced nutrition and lack of vitamins in the body
  2. Bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drug addiction)
  3. Stressful situations and emotional stress
  4. Autoimmune diseases
  5. Nail fungus
  6. Hormonal disruptions in the body
  7. Diseases that contribute to the destruction of the nail structure (radiation sickness, endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus)
  8. Action of chemicals (detergents or cleaners)
  9. Constant presence of hands in the water
  10. The use of products containing in their composition such aggressive substances as toluene, acetone or formaldehyde
  11. Mistakes in the technique of building up or removing extended nails
  12. Dry air in the apartment
  13. The effect of cold on the hands
  14. Nail biting habit
  15. Wrong manicure
  16. Regular mechanical damage to nails

If all of the above factors are eliminated, then the likelihood that the nails will grow faster and not break increases significantly.

The chances of beautiful and healthy nails can be additionally tripled by the following fairly simple but regular manipulations:

  1. Manicure weekly (cutting and filing nails, caring for cuticles).
  2. Wear gloves when working with aggressive agents and constantly being in water.
  3. Refuse extended nails.
  4. Give up bad habits that negatively affect the nails (biting your nails, clicking on the keyboard with your nails, using your nails as toothpicks or other improvised means).
  5. Pamper your hands with healing massages, masks and baths.

If you want your nails to branch a few centimeters in a week, then you need a nail extension specialist.

For those who prefer natural nails and would like to increase their length by just a couple of millimeters in a week, you can use the following tips:

  1. In the evening, before going to bed, it is recommended to massage the hands. Smooth massage movements help to accelerate blood flow to the nail plate, which has a very positive effect on its condition.
  2. It is also difficult to overestimate the benefits for hands and nails of healing baths based on a variety of herbs, oils and other useful products.
  3. Application on hands nourishing cream Before going to bed, it will help moisturize the nail, give it elasticity, and, accordingly, resistance to breakage.
  4. Today, paraffin therapy is considered one of the most popular and effective hand care products. This manipulation is especially indicated in the cold season, when the skin of the hands and nails are subjected to hypothermia and drying.
  5. Properly performed manicure is an integral part of the hand care complex. Neatly trimmed and filed nails break much less often than groomed nails.

How to quickly grow nails in 2 weeks?

Those who wish to grow their nails in two weeks can be recommended to use all the methods described in the article above.

In this subparagraph, I would like to dwell more specifically on therapeutic nail baths that can be carried out at home:

  • Salt bath. Such a nail bath can be prepared on the basis of purchased sea salt - twenty grams of salt should be diluted in two glasses of warm water (you can add a couple of drops of iodine). In the finished saline solution, it is recommended to hold the handles for ten minutes.
  • Oil bath. To prepare this bath, you need to take any cosmetic oil (castor, almond, burdock), add to it five drops of glycerin and iodine, as well as sea salt (one third of the total liquid volume). All ingredients must be mixed and heated for a couple. It is recommended to lower your hands into the resulting therapeutic mixture and hold them there for at least half an hour. To heighten the effect, the oil solution can be applied to the hands, warm them and hold the mask for three hours.
  • Herbal baths. To prepare such baths, you can use medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hands (chamomile, St. John's wort, burdock root).
  • Lemon hand baths are prepared on the basis of lemon juice diluted in water, with the addition of sea or ordinary table salt. Lemon for hands and nails can also be used in a slightly different form - wipe the nail plate with a slice of lemon or dip your fingertips into its halves. After using lemon for medicinal purposes for hands, it is imperative to use a nourishing cream, since lemon can dry out the skin and nail plate.
  • Soda baths are the simplest and most affordable. To prepare them, you just need to dilute a tablespoon of soda in a glass of water. After using a soda bath, it is also mandatory to use a hand cream.

At proper care in a month you can grow quite long and strong nails - up to half a centimeter in length.

Leading cosmetologists of the world claim that this, quite fashionable today, can contribute to this. salon procedure for hands, like paraffin therapy.

But the question remains: “Is it possible to carry it out at home?” Of course yes. Let's take a closer look at how to do this.

  1. We purchase paraffin for the procedure in a specialized salon or store.
  2. We melt the paraffin according to the instructions.
  3. We do a hand massage - it is advisable to use some kind of scrubbing agent.
  4. We apply a nourishing cream on our hands.
  5. Immerse the pens in melted paraffin for just a second and immediately take them out of it.
  6. After ten seconds, we again immerse our hands in paraffin.
  7. When a dense layer of paraffin composition forms on the hands, we put on cellophane gloves on them.
  8. We warm our hands with thermal gloves or other warm gloves (mittens).
  9. Keep the paraffin mask on your hands for twenty minutes.
  10. After the specified time, we rid our hands of paraffin.
  11. We throw away the used paraffin, since it cannot be reused.
  12. We put cream on our hands.

How to quickly grow nails in 2 days?

Such an extra task, how to grow nails in two days, is almost impossible. Although some manufacturers of special cosmetics nail care claim the opposite.

Today on the market of manicure accessories there is a whole line of miracle varnishes under the general name "Smart Enamel". This series of products promises its customers to strengthen nails and stimulate their growth in the shortest possible time.

Here is a list of the most popular and already loved by the lovely ladies of "Smart enamels" of various brands:

  • Oriflame The One- this is the only remedy that promises a noticeable effect after 2-3 days of use (though, provided it is used at least twice a day)
  • Avon Nail Experts Strong Results– visible changes are guaranteed after 5-7 days
  • Relouis- a means for growing a nail in just a week
  • Orly "Nailtrition" promises noticeable nail growth in a week
  • Phytocosmetics « healthy nails"- a tool based on natural ingredients that can accelerate the growth of the nail in just a week
  • Firming complex from Eveline guarantees strengthening and growth of nails after ten days
  • Faberlik Nail Growth Booster- Serum that promotes rapid nail growth in just 10-12 days
  • NailLook Grow Long will increase the length of the nail in ten days
  • Sally Hansen Maximum Growth provides strengthening and growth within one month

A popular pepper mask can help grow nails in 3-5 days.

There is one caveat when using this mask - you can not use it more than once a month.

Preparation and use of a pepper mask:

  • To prepare a pepper mask, we take a pinch (3-4 g) of hot red pepper and a nourishing cream, as well as twenty drops of water
  • We mix all the ingredients and apply them on the nails, trying not to affect the skin of the hands.
  • We withstand the resulting mask on the nails for no more than twenty minutes
  • After the specified time, wash off the mask with water without soap.

You can strengthen and grow a broken nail in the same ways described in the article above. However, by doing therapy for one nail, you will thereby accelerate the growth of other nails. Therefore, there are only two ways out of this situation:

  • Shorten all nails to the length of the broken nail and use all known means for the rapid growth of nails in order to grow all nails again after some time.
  • Apply intensive therapy only to the broken nail, and only nourish the rest of the nails at this time.

  • A big problem with bitten nails is their unevenness and deformed shape.
  • Bitten nails must, first of all, be brought to mind, that is, give them a shape, file and put the cuticle in order.
  • The second stage of resuscitation of bitten nails is their treatment - massage, masks, baths, regular high-quality manicure and the use of additional industrial hand and nail care products.

How to grow and strengthen nails quickly after a fungus?

  • Restoring a nail after it has been damaged by a fungus is not an easy task. This can take weeks, months, and sometimes years.
  • You should not try to speed up this process by applying radical methods - a pepper mask or lemon juice. Both of these methods can lead to overdrying of the nail, which will further aggravate the situation.
  • For resuscitation of nails that have been ill with a fungus, softer and more gentle methods are suitable - moisturizing and softening the nail with the help of vegetable cosmetic oils (olive, grape, peach), paraffin therapy or special complexes for restoring nails after a fungus.
  • Special means for strengthening and growing the nail after infection include Nail Clinic therapeutic varnish.
  • Beauty salons also offer a number of procedures that help reanimate the nail after the fungus - it's all the same paraffin therapy, "sealing" nails and hot manicure.
  • Hot manicure is a method of healing the nail with a warm creamy mixture. This mixture contains a number of vitamins and minerals that help strengthen and grow the nail.
  • When “sealing” the nails, a product enriched with useful substances is rubbed into them, which is tightened from above with a special film. Thus, the action of the active composition is extended for a longer period (up to three weeks).

How to grow toenails fast?

Here are some ways to quickly grow toenails:

  • Do a daily foot bath based on green tea: put a tea bag in a bowl of warm water and hold your feet in it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Apply the above mentioned paraffin therapy for the feet.
  • Rub nail plates on the legs with cranberry juice.
  • Use special industrial tools, such as "Smart enamel".
  • Massage the feet and toes daily.
  • Use vitamins for rubbing into the legs (pharmacy fortified preparations in liquid form).

  • If a child has bad, brittle nails, then his parents, first of all, should pay attention to the health of their baby.
  • The causes of weakness and brittle nails can be a lack of vitamins, diseases of the immune, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Therefore, with such symptoms, it is better to show the baby to the doctor - perhaps he will prescribe the necessary treatment.
  • If the baby is in good health, then the habit of biting nails, often found among children, can destroy the structure of his nails. A calm conversation will help get rid of it, role-playing games, humorous poems or special means with pepper, applied to the nails.
  • If a young lady just wants to grow longer nails for some significant event, then she can try using any of the above methods for adults. True, it is best for children to refuse aggressive pepper and lemon baths.

Summing up, we can say that nothing is impossible. Having a great desire and making every effort, you can put your hands in order in the shortest possible time and, as a result, always have a neat and beautiful manicure.

Video: How to quickly grow nails?

Many children, teenagers and adults bite their nails for unknown reasons. Moreover, this happens completely spontaneously and imperceptibly even for themselves. In science, this habit is called onychophagia. Nail biting damages the nail and the skin around it. In most cases, a person bites his nails until blood appears on his fingers. This habit often manifests itself in childhood(4-5 years) and not uncommon in adolescents who continue to bite their nails into adulthood.

1) Why do people bite their nails

  • Stressful situation.
  • Auto-aggression (as an expression of self-masochism).
  • Internal conflict (self-doubt).
  • Genes (doctors admit that this habit is inherited).
  • Brittle nails (if a person has a brittle nail plate and the nails often exfoliate and break, then the “owner” decides that the best way out is nail biting).
  • Boredom or idleness.

Why you shouldn't bite your nails

  • Under the nail plate great amount bacteria and fungi. In addition, there may be eggs of worms.
  • Biting your nails can damage your tooth enamel or injure your gums. This can lead to stomatitis.
  • Biting varnished nails is strictly prohibited. Lacquer contains toxic substances.
  • If you regularly bite your nails, then over time the nail plate is shortened and the nail turns into a protruding stump.

5 ways to stop biting your nails

  • As soon as you have the urge to bite your nails, distract yourself with something else or eat something. Replace the bad habit with something to do (draw, write, touch the rosary).
  • Keep your nails in order and get manicures regularly. Use varnish, if you are a man, then colorless varnish will help you with this. Also, the pharmacy sells a special transparent varnish, which tastes bitter. Many women grow their nails to avoid biting their own.
  • Think of your own punishment. For example, when you break the ban on biting your nails, sit down 50 times.
  • Calculate the periods or times of the day when you bite your nails, so it will be easier for you to stop yourself.
  • Also pay attention to your children. If you see that the child bites his nails, then there may be some problems or stressful situations. They must be discussed in a warm family circle.

Remember that biting your nails is not beautiful in the first place, and besides, this is a bad example for children. And before you try to get rid of this habit, understand yourself or change something in your life. Onychophagia is primarily manifested due to psychological problems, this indicates that something does not suit you or worries you.

Finally, we suggest you watch a video on how to stop biting your nails.

Why do children, and often adults, bite their nails?

Stress and boredom are the main causes for most people. This habit is often a way to alleviate anxiety or find something to do in the face of scarce food for thought.

Frustration and loneliness are additional emotional catalysts that can lead to nail biting. Some research suggests that even genetics may play a role.

In the language of medicine, this behavior is called the word "onychophagy".

Nail biting is common in both children and adults, with a peak in "difficult" adolescence from 11 to 13 years old. Most often, this behavior is caused by emotional imbalance, increased anxiety, and a denial of one's value to others. Conflicts in the family, at school or at work - all this can serve as an impetus for such "self-discipline".

It often affects individuals with low self-esteem, those who are dissatisfied with their lives and themselves, creative people and workaholics.

Onychophagia can also be a symptom of a special psychological condition called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). People who wash their hands multiple times in a row or return to check the locks on their doors may be nail biting as part of the same spectrum of behaviors.

In the case of children, nail biting is sometimes associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder, and increased anxiety.

However, it can be inherited from parents, because children tend to copy the behavior of their elders. Therefore, if moms and dads do not want their offspring to repeat after them, they will have to unlearn this themselves.

The habit of biting nails: causes

Why do people bite their nails? If they bite until they bleed and the damage is really serious, this behavior can be a form of auto-aggression, which indicates a serious internal conflict that needs to be resolved. Therefore, in each case it is useful to understand yourself and answer a few questions:

  • What happens in my life when I start biting my nails?
  • What emotions make me bite my nails?
  • In what situations do I not bite my nails?

Sometimes a little introspection session can be a big help in dealing with compulsive behavior. Anyone who bites their nails unconsciously must first learn to notice this behavior in themselves and analyze the situation that causes it. After all, usually nail biting occurs without making a conscious decision, and only after a while a person with annoyance notices the consequences of his actions.

It should be remembered when the habit manifested itself and your feelings at that time. You can even start a special diary to determine what situations and sensations provoke nail biting in order to eliminate this stress factor as much as possible and more carefully control yourself if it occurs.

Why can't you bite your nails? (4 main negative factors)

Biting your nails, of course, is not as dangerous as, for example, smoking or indulging in drunkenness. It is unlikely to cause long-term damage and serious health problems unless biting on the nail bed, or the U-shaped area at the base of the nail. However, some short-term problems are very likely, such as bleeding, bacterial infections, and warts on the fingers around the nails.

Nail biting has both physical and emotional consequences. Regular biting can cause your fingers to hurt and look sore.

Hordes of bacteria and viruses transmitted from the fingers and from under the nails to the face and mouth also do not contribute to good health. There is an alternative view that these bacteria help keep the immune system alert, although most doctors still note that nail biting leads to an increased risk of catching colds and other diseases.

Nail biting can also damage tooth enamel and lead you straight to the dentist's chair, which hardly seems comfortable to anyone. It is believed that this habit can even cause problems with the temporomandibular joint.

Finally, from an aesthetic point of view, a person biting his nails does not look very elegant. Fingers gnawed to blood do not look in the best way and are likely to embarrass classmates, friends, and colleagues.

Nail biting is considered socially unacceptable. Uneven, bitten nails are disastrously far from the generally accepted standard of the appearance of a prosperous person. The owner of them, of course, cannot but understand this, and this awareness adds to his anxiety and stress.

People who bite their nails often try to hide their hands in their pockets or behind their backs, which, of course, gives them a number of inconveniences.

Consequences of nail biting (photo)

Here's what can be from the habit of biting your nails:

How to stop biting your nails at home? (13 proven ways)

Many children eventually outgrow the habit without much effort. But for those teens and adults it hasn't gone away on its own, there are several well-established methods to help resolve the problem.

“The first step in the fight against nail biting, as with any other habit, should be the development of self-awareness and the decision to change the situation,” says dermatologist Dana Stern.

Getting rid of it can be difficult and lengthy, because such a reaction to stress, boredom or other conditions has been formed and strengthened over the years. But, nevertheless, deliverance is possible. Where willpower and self-control efforts do not help, various tricks come to the rescue.

Sold in pharmacies special varnish with a bitter taste- having processed their nails, no one will be able to bite them unnoticed. This method is good for people who bite their nails, not the skin around the nails. It is noted that for people who bite the skin, the method does not work, because the bitter substance does not stick to the skin for a long time.

Many successfully replace special varnish with improvised means - mustard, garlic or laundry soap.

Can you think of yourself fine system: for each bitten nail, perform thirty squats or save a certain amount in a piggy bank - for charity.

Owners of weak and brittle nails, which you just want to gnaw when they break again, it is useful to learn to constantly carry nail scissors. Then, if necessary, it will be possible to carefully trim the nail instead of biting it to the desired shape. The same goes for burrs. Owners of fragile nails are advised to time the manicure to some day of the week and do it regularly, without waiting for any of the nails to crack or break.

Nails should be cut short- as a rule, the temptation to nibble them decreases along with the length. Besides, short nails are more practical (for example, for typing on a keyboard or smartphone, or homework) and they look great with almost any color. However, it also happens the other way around: when you want to gnaw it is short nails. In this case, it is useful to try the option with a manicure.

A good way to unlearn nail biting especially for girls is get yourself a beautiful manicure in a beauty salon. After the time and money have already been spent to give the hands an attractive look, it will no longer be possible to bite them carelessly. To increase motivation, the manicure can be bright: red or dark, so that the marks of biting definitely do not go unnoticed. But, most importantly, the owner should like it so that she does not have an extra reason to use her teeth.

It is recommended to find an alternative method to deal with stress. When it is impossible to solve all problems, it is worth changing your attitude towards them and learning to look at the world more positively. Yoga will help breathing exercises, sports, any hobby, expander, etc..

A radical method to secure nails - wrap your fingertips with plaster so that the nails will be inaccessible to encroachment. Of course, this will not look the best - and, perhaps, it will add motivation to improve.

Fake nails not only look impressive, they are also completely unattractive from a gastronomic point of view. Therefore, the extension of artificial nails can be used in order to unlearn biting your own. The main thing is to entrust the extension procedure to professionals. An amateurish approach to building can harm own nails no worse than nibbling.

Helps some people energy redirection: for this technique, you need to stock up on a carpal expander, a stress ball, or similar small thing that you can occupy your fingers with whenever you want to nibble them.

If you definitely want to take your teeth - instead of nails, you can gnaw an apple or some other fruit.

The stronger the nails, the less desire to bite them.. A healthy diet will help nails grow healthy and strong. To do this, you need to consume enough calcium and magnesium. These substances are found in dairy products, chicken eggs, legumes, cereals.

Positive visual images can be a powerful motivator. It is useful to place in a conspicuous place photographs of healthy hands with beautiful manicure as an incentive. It can be both other people's photos, and pictures of your own fresh professional manicure.

If nail biting goes too far, causes permanent damage or bleeding, and the methods of dealing with this behavior described above do not help, it makes sense to consult a psychologist. The professional will analyze the circumstances and will understand the features of this particular case.

The problem of nail biting has been popular at all times, but it is only now that it has become seriously interested. People who cannot get rid of this behavior seek advice from doctors and a psychologist, but not always the problem of getting rid of it can be solved even with their help.

The medical term for nail biting is onychophagia, which translates to “nail eating”. But even knowing what will happen if you constantly bite your nails, it is difficult for some people to get rid of this habit, because. many experts classify it as a form of neurosis. In children, nail biting may be associated with an atavistic urge to suck a finger to calm down and get rid of anxiety when the mother is not in sight. In adulthood, the desire to bite your nails is also associated with hidden stress, which a person tries to neutralize in a similar way.

Why is nail biting dangerous?

Psychologists have long stated that the problem of nail biting is psychological in nature and appears either due to boredom or due to ongoing emotional stress. For example, being inactive, or in anticipation of an exciting event, a person unconsciously puts his fingers to his mouth. Thus, a person tries to convert energy into a kind of movement. Such a habit repels others: the sight of a person biting his nails is unpleasant

Onychophagia is harmful both from a medical and aesthetic point of view. The appearance of the nails suffers first of all: the plates become thinner, expand towards the end of the nail growth and become short. Often, irregularities are observed on the nail plate. Women, in terms of eliminating such consequences, were more fortunate: flaws that arose through the fault of habit can be corrected by building up artificial tips. However, this will not get rid of the habit of biting your nails. The extension procedure is expensive, so it is not available to everyone. It is much easier to prevent the destruction of the horny plates than to spend time, money and nerves on treatment later.

Those who like to bite their nails and put dirty hands in their mouths are in for a surprise: the risk of contracting infectious diseases in such people is 45%. Bacteria and microorganisms that get from dirty hands to the internal mucous membranes of the mouth acquire fertile soil for reproduction, which means that they can easily provoke a disease. In addition, by injuring the skin of the fingers near the nail fold, a person gets another possible source of inflammation. Only complete elimination of the habit of nail biting can eliminate such negative consequences. Subsequently, the infection can also be transmitted by shaking hands and touching an infected person, or by contact with other people's personal household items. However, for this, the wound on the skin around the finger must be sufficiently open.

Causes of nail biting and remedies

Most often, the cause of nail biting lies in the psychological state of a person. These are childhood trauma, daily stress and other factors that cause emotional discomfort. You can't break a habit unless the root cause is addressed. Consider the factors most likely to lead to nail biting:

  • Stress

To get rid of stress, you need to completely change your routine. First of all, make sure that sleep occurs no later than 22-23 hours and lasts 8 hours. This sleep duration improves physiological resources. Be sure to set aside time to relax or engage in your favorite hobby, include a mandatory relaxing walk in your daily routine.

The stress that arose against the background of a certain event disappears when emotional background the person comes into balance. Along with such stress, the habits acquired with its appearance disappear.

  • Boredom

In the absence of external stimuli, the brain independently includes involuntary reactions. It can be both hand-wringing, scratching, and nail biting and hangnails. It is important during activities that are limited in movement (watching TV, reading a book) to hold an object in your hands that will replace the need to bite your nails. Any anti-stress toy will become such an object.

  • copying

Children under the age of five tend to copy the behavior of adults. Therefore, if someone in the house already suffers from the habit of biting their nails, then with 100% probability the child will perceive this as a variant of the norm. Parents can either explain to the child that it is impossible to do this, or distract attention until the child forgets about this action on his own.

It's hard enough to stop biting your nails. The power of habit is much greater than the reasonable arguments of others or your own dissatisfaction. If the moment has come when a person is ready to part with his nail biting style, then only an integrated approach will identify and eliminate the cause of the habit, as well as cure damaged nails.

What can happen if you don't stop biting your nails

The consequences of nail biting, however, are not always pleasant for a person. Since there is a constant mechanical impact on the nails and teeth at the same time, for both of them it will be fraught with superficial damage. With weak tooth enamel, crumbling of the teeth can begin over time, especially if the nails are hard and hard.

For nails, constant biting off of the tips of the nail plate leads to delamination. Prolonged exposure to human saliva softens nails and makes them vulnerable, so even with enough calcium and phosphorus in the body, nails can begin to delaminate.

Other results, if you constantly bite your nails, will also not keep you waiting:

  • with improper observance of the rules of hand hygiene, intestinal infections are possible (recall the proverb “all diseases come from dirty hands”);
  • deformation of the nail plates, which eventually acquire an ugly shape;
  • inability to do a normal manicure;
  • in children - deformation of the shape of the fingertips from constant exposure to wet saliva and teeth.

How to get rid of the habit of biting nails

To get rid of the habit of biting your nails, honestly answer yourself the questions: where and when you have a desire to put your fingertips in your mouth. Make it a rule to watch yourself, and interrupt the action halfway through if it has already begun. If self-talk doesn't help, find something to replace the temptation to taste your fingers. It can be inanimate objects or food. For example, anti-stress toys that can be squeezed at the moment of excitement, or a rosary that can be touched constantly when hands are free, will come in very handy. As for food, drying or hard fruits, such as apples or pears, will help here. However, if you bite your nails often, then this method is not convenient, as it disrupts the normal diet.

Get professional help from psychologists and visit several sessions. Perhaps these sessions will give you the opportunity to understand the underlying causes of the experiences that led to the formation of the habit. During receptions, use sedative pharmaceutical products or self-made herbal infusions.

Sometimes it happens that without realizing it, people bite their nails if they feel hungry. Therefore, during the period when you get rid of addiction, watch your diet and regimen.

Additional tricks to help break the habit

combination psychological methods getting rid of the habit with other techniques are much more effective than each of the methods separately. For example, buy bitter varnish at the pharmacy and treat the nail plates with it. The bitterness of the varnish will not allow you to put your hands in your mouth, over time a reflex will develop: the brain will associate the tips of your fingers with bitterness. It is also worth lubricating the skin around the plates with vegetable oils or any creams, since the skin there is often dry and cracked.

As mentioned above, women can build nails. There is a chance that the habit will disappear, but it is not as high as with an integrated approach. Usually the extended plates are hard, but they can leave imprints from the teeth - this will spoil appearance manicure.

Since young children do not understand the principle of psychological introspection, they must be weaned by physical means. For example, cover your fingertips with adhesive tape. Be sure to accompany your actions with a story about why this is being done, and what the habit of biting your nails leads to. In addition, it is necessary that the child is constantly busy and does not think about nails. Tell teenage girls in detail about the fact that fingertips will become unaesthetic in the future if the habit is not eradicated.

To summarize, we can advise only one thing: get rid of the problem of nail biting in a complex way. Seek help from a psychologist and use available home and pharmacy remedies.

Getting rid of the habit of biting nails is also a task social plan. It is usually unpleasant for people around you to watch and hear someone biting their nails nearby. If the problem is neurological in nature (an obsessive and irresistible desire), then the help of a specialist is needed. A psychologist and psychotherapist will establish the internal cause of onychophagia and prescribe therapy. You may need to take light sedatives that will reduce anxiety and increase stress resistance. Having learned what will happen if you constantly bite your nails, the patient may try to stop on his own, but with serious psycho-emotional factors, this usually fails.

If you regularly bite your nails, the consequences will be negative? This question is often asked by those who like to bite their nails. They ask, they ask, but they know about negative consequences very little nail biting.

Obviously, if you bite your nails, then their beauty will suffer. But for many, this is not at all scary. Even among women, there are those for whom a pedicure on their feet is more important, as it excites their partner than a manicure. What can we say about children and men. However, the consequences of the habit of biting nails can be significant and they will not concern the beauty of a manicure at all.

1. Risk of contracting infectious diseases

The number of bacteria under the nails is much greater than on the fingers themselves. And even if you carefully monitor their cleanliness, they still carry such pathogenic bacteria as Salmonella And E.coli. Whether the infection can begin from them? Yes maybe. If your immunity is weakened by any other illness. For example, the same flu.

However, in fairness, it must be said that there is scientific evidence that people who constantly bite their nails have stronger immunity compared to those who do not.

2. Development of nail infection

If infection of the gastrointestinal tract is not so common among fans of nail biting, then inflammatory diseases of the nails themselves occur constantly.

A skin infection that develops around the nails is called paronychia. Cause inflammatory process is the entry of pathogenic bacteria and fungi into micro-tears in the skin of bitten nails. As a result, there is swelling, redness, and a purulent infection develops. The condition is quite painful, often requiring surgical intervention. Today, nail biting paronychia is the most common dermatological nail disease apart from nail biting. fungal infection.

3. The appearance of warts on the fingers

4. Dental problems

According to US dentists, nail biters spend an average of $4,000 more on dental services over their lifetime than non-nail biters. And this happens due to the fact that nail biting interferes with proper dental occlusion. As a result, teeth wear down faster and become weaker.

5. Deterioration in the quality of life

Those who constantly bite their nails admit that their lives are significantly spoiled by this bad habit. They are afraid that their passion for biting nails will be noticed by others and cause a negative attitude towards them. However, trying to hide or get rid of your "sin" only leads to stress and only fuels the desire to bite your nails. The quality of life is further deteriorating.

Is nail biting a mental disorder?

In children, nail biting is not classified as a mental disorder. The same applies to very young adults, who usually bite their nails out of boredom or excitement, for example, while reading a boring textbook in preparation for an exam.

But if with age the habit of biting nails does not disappear, but, on the contrary, only becomes stronger, this is already classified as one of the forms of obsessive-compulsive mental disorder.

How to wean an adult nail biting?

1. To understand how to wean yourself from biting your nails, you need to understand what events are triggers for this behavior of yours. Therefore, get yourself a journal in which you record all the moments when you start biting your nails. For example, when watching TV. In the future, try to avoid getting into these trigger situations.

2. Try to live in such a way that your hands are always busy with something, for example, knitting.

3. Either cut your nails very short, so that there is simply nothing to bite off, or do it dear exquisite manicure, such that you didn’t have the spirit to gnaw it.

4. Weaning adult nail biting can be helped at home by wrapping nails with plaster or tape.

5. Lubricate your nails with something unpleasant to your taste, such as hot sauce. Just be careful not to burn the skin around your nails.


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