Educational games for children one year old. Games to help your one year old get to know the world

A baby at one year old most often already knows how to walk, climb chairs and a sofa. He is interested in the contents of cupboards, pots, boxes. The child has a lot of energy and it can be directed in the right direction with the help of the game. What games can you play with one year old baby?

Game examples:

Games that develop body awareness


Read the rhyme and show certain actions with the baby:

A little man ran, hurried up the hill,
(Run your fingers over the baby's head.)
I swallowed a piece of the pie on the go.
(Touch his mouth.)
A fat belly bothered him a lot,
(Tap the baby on the tummy.)
hat big hand he kept.
(Raise his arm above your head.)
And behind him - well, what a trouble!
The pancake stuck no one knows when.
(Lightly pat the baby on the bottom.)

Games that teach the baby to communicate and develop emotions

"Floating, sailing boat ..."

Sit on the floor facing the child. Slightly move his legs to the sides and put yours on them. Take his hands and start rocking back and forth. Lean forward until your child's back touches the floor, then return to the starting position. Sing a song along with this game:

Sailing, sailing boat
golden ship,
Lucky, lucky gifts,
Gifts for you and me.

The game of doodles

It’s time for a baby to give paints and colored crayons at the age of one. So he will learn to coordinate his movements. In this case, it is better to use old wallpaper, or whatman sheets. You can also draw with special crayons directly on tiles in the bathroom. First, show what you can do with a chalk or a brush, how to hold them.

"Happy Feet"

Walking barefoot on different surfaces help baby develop eye-foot coordination.
Walk barefoot on smooth pebbles. Talk to your child about how your feet feel. Walk barefoot on the sand. Note that you experience different sensations when walking on pebbles and on sand.
Try walking barefoot on cushions, logs, grass, cement, brick, and other surfaces. Each time you move to a new surface, you force your body to adapt to it, which in turn develops eye and leg coordination.

Outdoor games

obstacle course

Build an obstacle course (this time the surface bounded by the waist belts can serve as the path, the linen basin will be the bridge, the legs of the chair will be the collars). adult reads poetry:

To come to my mother
we have a long way to go.
We'll walk along the path
let's cross the bridge.
We crawl under the fence and
let's go to the wide yard...
We'll find Mom there.

For the first time, it is better to hold the baby by the hand.

Pull-ups on a stick

We need a stick about 50 centimeters long. When the child is lying, then let him hook on the stick with his handles. Then we raise the stick up with the child so that he stands on his legs.

You can pretend that you are pulling the stick and then the baby will pull himself up on the stick with all his might. You can only play on the couch!

Montessori games

We need cereals, a spoon, a tray, a sponge or brush, a scoop. Let's try to pour cereals from one jar to another with a spoon, sort out buckwheat or millet and remove the spilled with a sponge and scoop.

The birth of a baby is not only a great joy, but also a responsibility. Parental responsibilities are not limited to feeding and looking after, it is important to educate a full-fledged personality. And you can do this if you choose the right educational games for children under 1 year old.

It is no secret that the development of the child goes from the first minutes of his life. That is why it is unreasonable to think that if he cannot walk and talk yet, then there is no special need to study with him.

However, every day for the baby is a real discovery, so you need to develop it constantly, every day complicating classes and adding other ways of interacting with him. We propose to consider the monthly development of the child and determine the most useful activities with young children under 1 year old.

Are you a supporter of learning from the cradle? Research and select the most suitable training program.

Basic principles of infant development

The task of parents is not to change the natural growth (physiological and psychological) of the child, but to stimulate the desire to know the world. That is why adults need to remember the 5 basic principles for organizing developmental activities.

A one-month-old baby lying in a cradle does not know what a game is and how to invite close people to it.

It is the responsibility of the parents to offer the child appropriate entertainment, and he, in turn, will respond to such initiatives.

Thus, infant games differ significantly from the traditional pastimes of five-year-olds and even two-year-olds.

Therefore, you should not wait for the baby to demonstrate somehow to adults that he wants to play with them.

Accounting for age characteristics

This factor is extremely important for optimal child development, so those parents who think that the baby is exactly the same both at the age of one month and at the age of six months are mistaken.

The development of children is taking giant steps. According to scientists, in the first 12 months of life a person receives as much information as he is not able to receive for the rest of his life. Moreover, such knowledge is assimilated in a year many times more efficiently than later.

Dealing with a child up to a year, it is important to remember that:

  • games need to be selected in accordance with age (taking into account every month);
  • you need to influence the sensory sphere: vision, hearing, smell, touch, tactile sphere;
  • refusal to take into account the age factor is fraught with physical and mental overload.

Accounting for personal characteristics

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child, but it is worth looking closely at individual characteristics. It's no secret that the development of the crumbs goes at its own pace, so one baby begins to roll over earlier than the conventional norm, and the second - a little later.

Despite the convention normative indicators, mothers should monitor how the child performs tasks that are designed for his age. In this case, you can notice the developmental delay early.

You need to play with the child constantly, according to a certain pattern, introducing classes into the children's daily routine.

A similar rule must be taken into account because infants are extremely sensitive to change. regime moments and react negatively to any intervention or change.

The easiest way is to make a whole game course, which will spell out what time you need to deal with the baby and what games are best to play.

Accounting for children's interest

All of the above rules work if the parents take into account the interest of the baby. Do not start classes when a newborn or 8-month-old child:

  • just woke up;
  • recently ate;
  • irritated by wet or dirty diapers;
  • suffers from colic, flatulence, teething, temperature.

Games with a newborn baby should be strictly regulated. If two minutes is enough at first, then closer to 12 months, classes can last 10 minutes. Naturally, the interest of the child must also be taken into account.

Under no circumstances should you overload your baby. In the developmental process of an infant, the principle "the more the better" does not exactly work. Chronic fatigue and overwork can significantly harm the mental development of the baby.

The question of what kind of play accessories will be needed for kids under one year old is quite relevant. During this age period, the child is just getting to know the world, so it is necessary to ensure comprehensive development through the selection of the right toys.

Play equipment for newborns and infants must meet certain requirements. At the time of buying it is important to pay attention to the following qualities:

  • attractiveness and brightness (black and white toys are suitable for newborns);
  • ease;
  • environmental friendliness of materials;
  • diversification;
  • ease of care;
  • absence of removable parts or fragile elements;
  • relatively big sizes so that the baby could not push the toy into his mouth;
  • the absence of loud and sharp sounds that could scare the baby;
  • no sharp corners.

Remaining on concrete examples understand which toys are suitable for babies. So, for babies of the first half of life can be purchased:

  • rattles;
  • fabric balls;
  • rings;
  • mobiles;
  • mats for development.

When the child grows up, the range of play accessories will expand significantly. For children of the second half of life is most welcome fit:

  • musical accessories (piano for kids);
  • a small pyramid with rounded edges;
  • liners;
  • nesting dolls;
  • sorters;
  • finger theater;
  • soft books;
  • cubes (preferably soft too);
  • tumblers;
  • balls.

All these toys should not be presented to the baby at a time, since the baby will be able to play with only one or two. Offer these two toys, and after a few days, replace them with others so that the child does not get bored.

Below are classes with a child by month from 0 to 1 year. Of course, it is not necessary to follow them exactly, but they should still be taken into account. This will help you create your own early development program.

Games from 0 to 3 months

In the first quarter of life, the child is not very active. This is especially true for newborn babies.

However, for this age period, you can choose useful and effective developmental activities.

Toys by and large during this period are not particularly needed. For a child, a mother is important, who breastfeeds and soothes him. But since the psyche of the newborn is a blank slate, every manipulation of the parents is already capable of stimulating the child's development.

Help develop newborns the simplest exercises:

  • loud quiet. When approaching the baby, start talking to him. When changing a diaper, washing your skin, always say. In this case, you need to change the intonation and pitch of the voice. Quiet whispering will lull you, and loud words, on the contrary, will make you wary.
  • maternal face. Focusing on the face is an important achievement for a newborn. The mother needs to move slowly left and right so that the baby turns the head and tracks the movements;
  • observation. During the neonatal period, children see black and white objects better, so you need to take, for example, a toy zebra and drive it in different directions. The toy must be kept at a distance of 25 cm and change direction after the baby takes a break;
  • mother's voice. In order for children's hearing to develop, often call the baby by name from different parts of the room. So the child will be able to track the direction of the noise and improve auditory perception.

In the first month of life, the child's sense of touch is best developed, which is why the mother's touch is the best simulator for the intellect. Besides, mother's hands It is a guarantee of confidence and security. Therefore, experts recommend regular massage of the newborn.

Second month

The neonatal period ends with the appearance of a revitalization complex, which is noticeable when the mother approaches. In addition, the child concentrates attention longer, so the games with him will be more serious and longer.

  • bell ringing. Put the baby on the tummy, make noise in front of him with a bell and hang the bell on the edge of the bed. The next time, hearing a ringing, the child will turn towards an interesting sound;
  • tender fingers. When the child is awake, you can stroke his palms and fingers various materials. It can be knitwear, a silk scarf, a fur coat, coarse knitting. Such actions improve the sense of touch;
  • jumper. small soft toy you need to equip with an elastic band and hang over the bed. The baby will begin to look at the movement of the object. You can also purchase a special mobile - a more advanced type of suspension;
  • nursery rhymes. The well-known short poems for every action of the baby are a great version of an educational game. Mom can say nursery rhymes during massage, feeding, bathing, stroking.

Swimming in the bath is not only pleasant fun, but also a corrective activity, if the child has one. At first, you can simply bathe the baby, and then, carefully holding it, you should perform a simple exercise - the “eight”.

The child is progressing rapidly and is already able to hold his head, hold small objects in his hands, walk, watch his own hands. Children also try to roll over because they want to explore the whole world.

Such curiosity will be satisfied the following games:

  • fitball. Since the baby is able to spend about 10 minutes lying on his stomach, you can come up with a fun game with a fitball. The child is placed on an inflatable ball, which they begin to gently rock in different directions, while holding a small "passenger";
  • rattles. The child again lies on his stomach, and several bright rattles are placed in front of him. As soon as the baby reaches for one of them, support for his feet should be created so that the child tries to push off. This exercise is useful for crawling;
  • dancing. Educational games up to a year cannot be imagined without musical accompaniment. Feel free to turn on your favorite children's song and "invite" the baby to dance. It is enough just to spin slowly, clapping your hands to the beat of the music;
  • sounding bracelet. On a strip of knitwear, sew a few bells. Such a "bracelet" must be worn on any child's limb. When moving, the child will hear the ringing and begin to determine its direction, as a result of which there will be an active study of the arms and legs.

Mobile games, reading nursery rhymes, and massage remain relevant. Do not forget about swimming in the bath.

Which can be used even at the age of a newborn. Read about these game devices in the psychologist's article.

Games from 4 to 6 months

This age stage is characterized by global changes in child development. First, the child, and then sit down. Secondly, his digestive system becomes more perfect, so the parents switch to complementary foods. Become more complex and classes.

This is the time of coups, so you can not leave the crumbs alone on the surface, which is not limited by the sides.

Activities for a 4 month old baby:

  • talk. Mothers need to bend over the baby and repeat short poems or nursery rhymes in which vowel sounds are clearly audible. In response, the baby will begin to walk, continuing the “conversation” that has begun;
  • pick-ups. Diversified toys should be placed in turn in children's palms. As soon as the baby has studied the subject, it is carefully taken away and the next one is offered. Similar finger games prepare the hand for manipulations with cutlery and stationery;
  • mirror. A small mirror or other unbreakable reflective surface should be attached to the sides of the bed at a distance of 30 cm from the child's face. The baby will gladly examine his own reflection;
  • pendants. Shop mobiles with bright toys, musical accompaniment and a night light are a universal developmental complex. With its help, fine motor skills, attention, tactile feelings are improved.

Four-month-old children can and should purchase various books with bright pictures, only it is better to take not ordinary, paper, but soft ones. There are books on sale that you can take with you to the bathroom.

At this age, kids get tired of lying down, they try to sit down and crawl. Such physical activity must be encouraged in every possible way, not forgetting the development of mental processes.

Classes become more difficult and longer.

  • balls. These toys are very different. So, fabric is useful for the development of grasping, pimply - for fine motor skills, with a "stuffing" in the form of bells - for hearing. Options - a lot;
  • "coo-coo". Finding a hidden mother is a favorite pastime for five-month-old babies. The mother either hides behind the bed, or simply covers her face with her hands, and then appears with an exclamation of “cuckoo” to the joyful children's laughter. Fun develops attention and emotions;
  • jumping. The child tends to assume an upright position when supported. Let him jump a little, like a spring, holding the handles. It is only important not to put the baby on its feet;
  • "who's come?". The child reacts emotionally to loved ones. When, for example, a father enters the room, mother can say the following: “Who came? Papa has come. Who's coming out? It's dad coming out";
  • toy name. When handing a toy to a baby, one should clearly pronounce its name: “This is a doll. Look what beautiful doll. The doll's name is Masha. This expands the child's vocabulary and improves language skills.

You should talk more with the child, even if he just gurgles. Children like it when their mothers mimic them, repeating the syllables “pa-pa-pa” or “ma-ma-ma”.

A child at the age of 6 months is already trying to sit down, some succeed. This expands their horizons, therefore, there is a desire to study all nearby objects.

With small children 6 months old, you can do research on toys.

  • patties. Classics of national pedagogy! This fun is simple. Mom says a rhyme, clapping her hands, and the child repeats “applause” as much as possible. Very fun and helpful;
  • secret bag. In a small knitted bag, you need to put various objects of such sizes that they cannot be swallowed. It can be cones, baby dolls, balls, etc. The child pushes the handle into the bag, feels and takes out the object, and the mother calls it;
  • shoulder riding. If the child already knows how to sit, dad can put him on his shoulders and walk around the room or street. This will open wide horizons (in every sense) to the knowledge of the world around us. The baby, of course, needs to be held;
  • "flight". For this game, it is also better to invite dad, because not every mother will be able to lift the child by the armpits and swing. Also, the father will be able to make an “airplane”, holding the baby by chest and lower limbs.

A child who begins to crawl begins to independent research surrounding reality, unless, of course, he is sitting in a safe arena. It is important to remove various breaking, sharp and other dangerous structures from the crumbs' field of vision.

For a six-month-old child, a developing rug is of particular interest, which has a mirror, toys of different textures, and a musical panel. On this device, the baby will be able to spend a lot of time.

Games from 7 to 9 months

At this age, many children are already actively crawling, while others, by the end of the third quarter, are already starting to stand on their feet. Such mobility significantly expands the game repertoire. Educational games up to a year for kids 7 - are presented below.

seventh month

Seven-month-old babies are most often "sitting", so their hands are free for exercise. Finger games are a great option for developing activities at 7 months old. What else can you do with your child:

  • "magpie". Popular finger games, when a mother reads a rhyme and alternately bends her children's fingers, perfectly improves fine motor skills and prepares her hand to manipulate various small objects;
  • cereal bag. Small bags are sewn from the fabric, which are then filled with buckwheat, peas, beans, rice. Such homemade play accessories form fine motor skills, develop interest in learning;
  • squeaking hammer. A hammer with squeakers at the end is designed for tapping on the floor, table. A fairly useful toy for developing coordination of actions, but not every mother is able to listen to such sounds for a long time;
  • drum. To create noise, both children's musical instruments and ordinary saucepans with spoons are suitable. Tapping with different intensity allows you to develop phonetic perception and ear for music;
  • homemade books. Such books are made of fabric of various textures, buttons, and other small items. Scrolling through such “literary works” will captivate the baby for a long time, who can even consider it himself.

It is on finger games that the main emphasis is made from this age. However, it is important to form not only fine, but also large motor skills. We will talk about this in more detail later.

The child is quite mobile, mobile, inquisitive. He is interested in literally everything, so it is very difficult to keep him in the crib, and it is not necessary.

Both summer and winter are great times for eight-month-old babies to get active.

  • "meow, woof, moo". For most kids of this age, an increased interest in all living creatures is characteristic. Interest must be satisfied. To do this, the mother shows a picture with a dog and asks: “How does a dog bark?” She answers, and then asks to repeat the baby;
  • full bottle. Plastic containers of small volume are filled with cereals or water. The child twists and shakes such objects in order to see how the cereal is pouring or the liquid is gurgling. Such activities help develop vision and hearing;
  • crawl. At first, a bright toy is placed next to the child, who, in order to take possession of it, crawls. As the task is completed, the potential “prey” is pushed away, stimulating the baby to crawl;
  • "Kku-ku". Variation of the previous entertainment of the same name. An adult hides behind a chair, and a child crawls to her to find her. Then the players change roles, now the baby is hiding, and the mother is trying to find him;
  • "throwers". This includes soft cubes, tweeters, and other unbreakable objects. This entertainment helps the child to understand the ways of knowing things. And when the baby grows up a little, these items can be offered to be thrown into a plastic container;
  • "third extra". The child is offered to take two dolls or cars in their hands, and then they are placed in a conspicuous place new game shku. Usually the baby quickly realizes that it is necessary to free his hand in order to study the proposed subject.

No need to discard the old games. So, a child at 9 months will be interested in a developing rug. You can also offer a sitting baby and a business board - a sensory board with numerous items for thoughtful study.

The Montessori board is a very useful toy, so it will be useful for parents to know how to make it and what it will take to do it.

ninth month

Nine-month-old children begin to gradually master the vertical position. Also, kids are more confident with their fingers, showing interest in cutlery. What is useful to do with children of this age:

  • bath games. Since the baby is sitting confidently in the bath, special water toys can be offered to him. There are a lot of them now - from banal ducks and boats to various fountains, battery-operated mills;
  • nesting dolls. The familiar symbol of Russia is ideal for the development of a child. These pupae are suitable for understanding size, synchronizing actions, and improving motor skills. Before class, you need to demonstrate the principle of nesting dolls;
  • pyramids. Wooden or plastic pyramids with a small number of rings will come in handy. Collecting and disassembling such toys contributes to the study of shape, color, develops the synchronism of the actions of the hands and eyes;
  • "mailbox". This toy is a box (usually made of wood or safe plastic) with holes of various shapes, where the corresponding objects are pushed. As soon as the child copes with the lesson, the box opens;
  • piggy banks. A small hole is made in the lid of the plastic container, where you can throw various coins, buttons, tokens. This toy is then used as a hype or rattle. The main thing is that it is made by hand.

Manipulations with small objects pose a serious danger to children. early age because they can be swallowed. Therefore, such games must be carried out in the presence of parents.

Games from 10 to 12 months

Closer to the first anniversary date, the child becomes more and more inquisitive and skillful. During this age period, parents try to pay increased attention to the baby's walking and operating with various objects.

10-month-old babies begin to walk. This forces parents to actively develop this particular skill. But still you need to remember about other psychological processes.

For comprehensive development, you can use useful games:

  • skating. With the help of wheeled vehicles, you can show the child how the efforts made affect the result. For example, if you push the car not very hard, it will “stall” quickly enough, but if you apply force, you will have to follow it;
  • constructor. The simplest versions of constructors with large details do a good job of improving visual thinking, large and fine motor skills, and coordination of actions;
  • rag dolls. It is necessary to take toys with large facial features. This toy introduces children to the names and locations of parts of the torso and face. Mom offers to show where the doll has eyes, nose, hands, etc .;
  • drawing. On a landscape sheet, you need to depict a fish or a house with paint or a pencil. Mom thus shows that writing objects leave marks on paper. The child will definitely want to get acquainted with felt-tip pens or paints, but so far he cannot draw on his own;
  • clapping. To teach your child to act by imitation, invite him to repeat elementary actions after you. For example, a baby claps his hands, taps his foot on the floor, slaps his knee with a pen, etc.

Let's not forget about walking. With the help of the mother, the child moves around the room, and in order to protect him from injury, it is necessary to remove all dangerous objects and cover the sharp corners of the furniture.

Eleventh month

Physical activity is on the rise. A child at 11 months walks, explores the environment with a vengeance. Both physical activity and the development of cognitive skills should be encouraged. They will come to the rescue many useful activities:

  • rolling machine. Wheelchairs have been specially designed to improve walking skills. The child, moving the car on wheels, follows her, keeps her balance and simultaneously looks at everything around;
  • rocking horse. The most popular toy of all time. Under the supervision of parents, the baby sways, thereby improving vestibular apparatus. This will help speed up the confident walking of the child;
  • sand games. Modeling Easter cakes, pouring sand into a bucket with a scoop - all this contributes to mastering the skill of owning cutlery. In order not to interrupt such a useful activity in the winter, you can buy special kinetic sand for your home;
  • "Caught a fish". On sale there are special fishing rods with magnets that can be used to “catch” various objects. A fun and useful activity that helps the child develop the accuracy of movements and motor dexterity;
  • clockwork toys. This group includes clockwork cars, trains, mice, etc. First, you need to demonstrate the principle of operation of such play accessories, and then the child will be able to start the machine on their own.

Learn from the article what it is and how to play with it. Also, parents will be able to read how to prepare this game material at home.

For babies up to 1 year old and even older, toys such as pyramids, magic pouches, mailboxes, nesting dolls, are of great interest. Therefore, you do not need to put them on the shelf if the child continues to get involved in them.

twelfth month

A child at 12 months old is quite an adult man. He already looks at famous games and things differently, so you can experiment using familiar toys in an unusual light. What a one-year-old baby might be interested in:

  • Finger paint. A great activity is to put handprints on whatman paper, which can then be turned into various bright drawings - the sun, a tree, a little man, octopuses. It is important to take safe paints for babies;
  • modeling. Salty dough or special clay - accessories that effectively contribute to the improvement of fine motor skills. While the baby cannot sculpt figures, however, he is quite able to knead the plastic mass with his fingers;
  • "show color". 12-month-old babies are able to distinguish primary colors, but they are not yet able to name them. Parents, taking, for example, a blue rattle, ask the child to show an object of the same color. After a successful attempt, be sure to praise the baby;
  • "Cinderella". Peas and beans are poured into a small basin, mixed well and offered to crumbs to arrange them in various dishes. It is imperative to ensure that the little craftsman does not push these objects into the nose or mouth;
  • "Spiderman". A rubber band is stretched between heavy chairs so that it resembles a cobweb. Mom shows how to pass through an obstacle, and then invites the baby to feel like a superhero.

During the game, you need to follow not the exact implementation of the instructions, but the emotional component. It is important to smile at the child, support him and praise him for every action performed.

A huge plus of all these fun is the absence of a special “props”, so that the mother will not only develop the baby, but also save money on purchasing expensive gaming accessories. Well, based on the games described above, parents can come up with their own entertainment. Dare!

A lot of energy for tirelessly jumping, running, playing, exploring the world around us, and another 1 year - suitable age to get started with your baby.

Of course, such a baby is still too small for full-fledged lessons, so parents need to choose the right ones with which you can teach your child something new without overloading it.

What can educational games teach for a one-year-old child?

While writing this article, I studied several forums where moms hang out.

And on one of the forums, a real war broke out in the topic of educational games for a one-year-old child.

Some mothers argued that, starting from one year, you need to deal with the crumbs as much as possible, spitting on everything: household chores, self-care, and even your husband.

Others argued that while the baby is at such a tender age, he does not need to be overloaded with lessons, he should do what he wants.

Still others (and I liked their position the most) said: “Don't go to extremes.

Developing games are needed, but you should choose those that your child likes and don’t spend too much time on lessons.”

Educational games are very useful for a child who is already 1 year old. With their help, you can:

  1. Study body parts.
  2. Introduce the baby to the outside world: animals, plants, aromas, colors, sounds, etc.
  3. Build creativity.
  4. Learn to navigate in space.
  5. Cultivate a love of books.
  6. Help control emotions.
  7. Teach the baby many necessary and useful things.

Educational games for a one-year-old child: learning parts of the body

1 year is the right age to teach your baby the names of body parts.

It is at this age that the child begins to take an interest in his body (including the genitals), so this interest must be used.

I offer you two educational games:

1. Tell the child a rhyme, pointing first to your body parts, and then to the child:

Show me where your nose is (point to yours)
One two Three
Show me where your nose is (point to yours).
Here is your nose (point to the child's nose).

2. Rhythmically repeat the text, pointing to the body parts you are talking about:

I have ears
To hear.
I have eyes
To see.
I have a nose
To breathe, etc.

Educational games for a one-year-old child: books are best friends

Some parents make the mistake of believing that at 1 year old, the little one is too small to get acquainted with books.

A one-year-old child is an excellent student if you choose the right books: with hard pages that cannot be torn, richly illustrated.

Read books to your child at the same time: for example, 15 minutes in the afternoon and 15 minutes in the evening.

Educational games for a one-year-old child: getting to know the world around

There are so many interesting things for a baby in the world around him.

You can facilitate the process of getting to know him with the help of educational games.

    We study colors.

    So far, the names of the colors do not tell the baby too much.

    You can study them with the help of objects familiar to the baby: toys, food, clothes.

    Constantly say that the car is red, the hat is white, and the cucumber is green.

    Ask your child to group items by color or select toys of the same color.

    As the animals say.

    You can imitate animal sounds yourself, use recordings or talking toys.

    Ask the little one to repeat these sounds, periodically ask him questions: “How does the cat say?”, “A - dog?”, Praise for the correct answers.

    You can also study the sounds that inanimate objects make: telephone, car, etc.

  1. While walking, explain to him what you see.: here is an uncle driving a typewriter, but an aunt is walking with a dog, but beautiful flowers, etc.
  2. We study smells.

    At 1 year old, a child should understand that lemon, orange, flowers, mother's perfume, etc. smell nice, be able to smell something and express their emotions.

Constantly communicate with the baby, ask him a lot of questions, explain what you are doing now, etc.

Without such communication, the baby simply will not be able to get to know the world around him well and understand how it works.

Educational games for a one-year-old child: hide and seek

Hide and seek is not just a game for yourself, because with the help of it you can teach the baby to navigate in space, analyze information, rely on their senses: sight, hearing, etc.

The most favorite hide-and-seek games for one-year-olds:

    Close your eyes with your hands and say: “Where is Masha? No Mashenka?” Opening them, say: “Here is our Mashenka!”.

  1. Hide some toy that makes sounds and offer to find it.
  2. Hide something in the other corner of the room so that its edge peeks out.

    The peanut must find the hidden thing.

    Find mom.

    You show the baby that you are hiding behind the sofa / table / chair and invite him to find you.

    You can encourage the child with songs or rhymes.

Educational games for a one-year-old child: helping mom

Mothers who have one-year-old children often complain that they do not have time to do anything around the house, because the baby constantly requires attention.

It will be much easier for you if you involve your baby in:

    Give him unbreakable dishes and let him "cook dinner" with you.

    While you're vacuuming, your child can "sweep" with a tiny broom.

    Putting things in order.

    Invite the little one to help you assemble the toy so that his nursery is clean.

To make the help of the baby look more real, buy him the appropriate toys: a set of dishes, a toy iron, etc.

Do not forget to praise the baby after each completed work.

With the help of such games, you will not only free up time for doing homework, but also teach your child something useful.

Educational games for a one-year-old child: useful toys

It is very important to buy for a one-year-old baby useful toys. He must have:

  • pyramids;
  • cubes;
  • music pad or phone;
  • cars for boys and baby dolls for girls so that you can play story games;
  • big and small balls;
  • waterfowl toys that will make the bathing process more interesting;
  • puzzles or constructors with large details.

When buying or receiving a new toy as a gift, you should show your baby what it is for, how to use it, etc.

If the child does not show interest in tsatska, then you can hide it, and then try to present it again in a few months.

We invite you to watch an interesting video

about educational games for a child, for which you need water:

Educational creative games for a one-year-old child

Don't Ignore Development creativity baby, as this may affect the baby when he grows up.

You can form the creative abilities of a one-year-old baby with the help of:

    Drawing with crayons, pencils, markers on a special board, etc.

    If you are afraid that the child will outline something wrong, for example, furniture or wallpaper, then keep pencils, paints, crayons and markers in an inaccessible place, draw with the baby, explaining to him where it can be done and where not.

    Turn on cheerful music and start dancing with the little one.

    Games on musical instruments.

    Moreover, these can be both real children's instruments (drums, xylophone, piano), and home-made ones, for example, a rustling bag or a metal can with beans.

  1. Modeling from plasticine or salt dough.
  2. Crumpled newspapers and stuffing them into some kind of boxes or bags.

Of course, this is not all educational games for a one year old child.

In specialized literature, you can find many other ways to take care of the full education of your little one.

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It happened: the baby turned one year old! At this age, children become incredibly inquisitive and active. The choice of games and activities is becoming more and more extensive. What is the best way to develop and educate a child during this period? What to focus on? What activities with the child and toys to choose?

Many mothers, inspired by the advice of teachers on early development, rush to buy toys and learning aids as soon as the child is one year old. But in most cases, the baby completely ignores puzzles, "lace-ups" and other "braces". And the child reacts negatively to the imposition of such toys. He cries, throws them on the floor, tries to run away. This is not a reason to despair and put an end to the development of the baby!

No need to force him to play what he is not interested in yet. Such useful toys will definitely interest him sooner or later. At the very beginning, it is better to focus on the development and consolidation of the child's existing skills, namely, walking, first words, fine motor skills, and sensory skills. Games for children of 1 year old are very diverse and will help parents not only to consolidate, but also to repeatedly improve the skills of the baby, adding new skills and knowledge.

You don't have to wait for instant results. The child needs a little time to master some new game or learn to play with new toy. Parents need to be patient and work with the baby every day.

You need to do this as positively as possible, without getting tired, to show how to build a tower of cubes or assemble a pyramid. The results are bound to come, perhaps much sooner than Mom and Dad think. You can not put pressure on the child! Not interesting - no big deal.

Speech development

Speech development is the most important area of ​​study with the baby. How to develop speech in a one-year-old child? Of course, talk to him. Constantly. Do not be lazy to tell your child how the day went, or describe what you are doing (cooking food, cleaning the apartment). Describe the world around him when you walk on the street. Name objects, their color, size (the terms “big” and “small” are enough).

Fairy tales, children's songs, nursery rhymes and poems are great for developing speech. There are many beautiful children's books with poems on sale now. Rhythmic phrases are easier to hear and remember the child. It is very good to buy a lot of different books with bright pictures, including special copies for bathing, in order to have fun and informative time in the bathroom.

When the baby is one and a half years old, you can pay attention to the technique of working with cards with bright pictures and words. Montessori, Doman, Lupan, well-known and authoritative teachers of early development have such classes.

The meaning of the lesson is to show the baby a card and talk about its content, naming an object or animal, describing a color, etc. Such activities with a child can be carried out several times a day, using no more than three or four cards. You need to make sure that the baby is not tired.

Cards can be purchased in ready-made sets or do it yourself

Development of fine motor skills and sensory

The development of motor and sensory skills is of tremendous importance! Such classes are the best way to develop brain activity, the correct perception of the environment, the psycho-emotional development of the personality.

In this area, you can come up with a great variety of entertaining games. Children love to play with grains. For one-year-old babies who still put everything in their mouths, it is better to choose semolina. It is relatively safe, it is impossible for her to choke, clog her ear or nose.

"Find a toy":

  • You will need a large bucket, basin or Plastic container(at least 10 l).
  • Several packs of the cheapest semolina.
  • Several small toys such as ping pong balls.

It is necessary to pour the cereal into a large container and bury toys in it. Next, the child is invited to find in the semolina what is buried there. The game is very fun. Children will be happy to rummage through the groats, pour it in their hands, look for toys.

It is very good for motor skills to practice finger games - the usual "Okay" or "Magpie-Thief". This is not only fun, but also great for developing coordination and rhythm.

Children love water games. You can play in the bath, pouring water from bowls different sizes, catch small rubber or plastic toys in a large basin or bucket.

A great purchase would be various rubber bath toys, special children's faucet or shower heads that make bathing interesting and fun.

Development of creative abilities

What to do with a child in a year to develop a creative vision of the world? Perfect for finger painting and plasticine modeling. Modeling is better to postpone until the time when the baby stops pulling everything into his mouth. And here is the drawing finger paints can be practiced immediately after 1 year or even earlier.

Perfectly develops motor skills and thinking of playing with cubes, a pyramid and sorting toys. These are educational toys that can be safely purchased by the year and earlier. If you actively play these games with your child, teach how to build a tower and assemble a pyramid, then in a month he will easily do it himself.

Perfectly develop motor skills and coordination of trying to eat on their own. Don't be afraid to give your child a spoon. Yes, at first most of the porridge will be on clothes and on the floor, but after a few weeks it will be possible to happily watch the crumbs who eat on their own.

It is best to choose special paints, bright and safe, and the drawing paper itself big size. Today, such products can be purchased at any stationery store or children's supermarket.

Physical development

With children, you need to play not only games that develop the brain, you need to devote no less time to physical education. How to take care of physical development crumbs?

The first and most important rule is to walk more! At the same time, you need to allow the child to stomp their feet along the street. It often happens that in a year babies still do not know how to walk on their own. No problem! In a year and a month, most of these children are already taking their first independent steps. It is necessary in every possible way to encourage the baby, praise and admire his efforts.

At home, you also need to organize activities such as gymnastics and exercises. At the same time, it is important not only to teach the child exercises, but also to show by example, doing exercises with him every day. Parents will benefit from this practice.

Experts believe that in childhood physical and mental development are inseparable from one another

You can include the following exercises:

  • Rolling the ball from mother to child and back.
  • Running ("catching up" with parents).
  • Ball toss.
  • Walking on an inclined plane.
  • Climbing ladders, steps or stairs with the support of mom or dad.
  • Climbing on a chair, chair, sofa. Getting down from there.
  • Rolling on a large inflatable ball with the help of adults.
  • Walking in place.
  • Raise your arms up and to the sides.
  • From a year and a half, you can start jumping in place.
  • Closer to the age of two, it is good to practice exercises such as “milling” with your hands and raising your legs, bent at the knee, at right angles to the body (marching).

Of course, do not despair if the baby does not immediately begin to repeat the movements. Or he doesn't like some of them. A month or two will pass, the child will get used to it, and gymnastics will become his favorite pastime.

You can not be lazy to teach your crumbs something new. The development of a child in a year is very important! Every month it is necessary to introduce new classes, give the baby useful knowledge, teach the necessary skills. This work will quickly bear fruit, and the baby will give more and more reasons for pride.

Many parents get lost when it comes to playing with toddlers. Feed, wash, take a walk with the baby, many young parents know how, but most do not know what they spend with the crumbs in their free time from these troubles.

Naturally, the main development of a child up to a year takes place in the form of a game, which is aimed at the formation of basic speech skills, coordination of movement and familiarization with the outside world.

This article will detail the main exercises and educational games for children in 1 year that contribute to these goals. First, we will discuss the features of infants by monthly period and suitable games at this time.

Games that develop speech at 1 year old

A six-month-old child coherently babbles, pronounces syllables, and by 7 months you can hear an imitation of an adult's voice, that is, individual syllables that were formed by chance or were copied from an adult's speech. After another month or two, start playing with the baby in imitation of new syllables, say the syllable several times and wait for the baby to answer you. This game trains articulation apparatus, and naturally enriches the baby's babble.

From six months to 10 months the child is actively developing an understanding of the words of an adult. The child is able to enjoy the voice, and listens to speech, beginning to understand them. This promotion of the baby encourages him to turn his head and look for certain objects with his eyes, either in a specific place or throughout the space of the room.

According to the abilities, they are selected and educational games for a child in 1 year, in which it is necessary to represent and name the main processes, such as “okay”, “what a big one!”, “goodbye”, etc., they can be repeated many times while the baby is interested.

I think it's not worth explaining the essence of these games, the name speaks for itself.

From the age of eight months, educational games for a child at 1 year old take on a new direction - we teach children to look for a couple of well-known objects with their eyes, then ask them to get the item they are looking for.

In the course of communication and games, it is necessary to address the baby by name as often as possible: in the ninth month of life, the baby is able to remember his own name, look for an adult with his eyes, turning his head, and approach the person who calls him by name. Therefore, it is worth playing rhymes with the name of the baby or various jokes - parents can come up with such simple games on their own.

Educational games for a child at 1 year old: learning subjects

Now consider specialized educational games aimed at studying the surrounding objects. Games are again the most elementary: put a voluminous, colorful and sounding object in the usual place and call it several times until the baby turns his head in the direction of finding the object. For example, putting the baby’s favorite toy dog ​​on a shelf that the baby can easily see, and say: “Where is Deniska’s dog, woof-aw?”. Then, taking the little one in your arms, bring it to the toy and let it have fun with it. Try to conduct such classes when the baby is calm and cheerful, and nothing bothers him. Having mastered this game, try to change the usual location of the dog and repeat your question, let the baby look for his toy in the room. Thus, the connection of the word "dog" with the toy itself is formed, and not with the shelf on which it stood. Do this game with other items.

Education can be carried out not specifically, but to use the interests of the child. For example, the child focused on the included lamp, be sure to ask: “Where is the light, look?”, And do not forget to call the baby by name: “Deniska, where is the light? Here's our light!" All educational games for children at 1 year old must be repeated several times, from one time a baby up to a year old will not be able to establish a connection between the event and the explanation, so please be patient and perseverant. Over time, such games, for the identification of objects, need to be complicated, by adding new objects, for example, a pupa will be added to the dog. The parent needs to be told, “Look Deniska, here is the dog, but where is the doll?”. Such games form visual memory, introduce you to the world around you and help you focus on a specific thing.

Educational games for a child at 1 year old: we develop movement coordination

The simplest a game aimed at developing motor skills in a child- hide and seek in place. For example, a mother throws a small scarf over her head, or simply covers her face with her hands and asks: “Where is mother?”, After opening her face, she says: “Here is mother!”. Let the child repeat these movements himself, closing and opening his or his mother's face.

At the age of six months, teach the baby the name of the main movements, thus establishing the connection between the movement itself and its execution. For example, wave a pen, saying "goodbye," and then wave your baby's hand in response, repeating the words. All educational games for children at 1 year old are repeated many times, the baby gets used to constant communication and is actively advancing in learning, largely imitating adults.

Do not think that games with babies can only be verbal. From the age of six months, begin to actively explore objects around. Give the child a certain toy in the hands, let him examine it, then show her how to knock on other things and what sound comes out, wave the objects, or let the baby throw it on the sofa, such simple games perfectly form the coordination of the movements of the crumbs. Show that the ball needs to be rolled, and rubber toys can compress and decompress.

Approaching the first year of life, the ability of children to develop understandable speech is saturated, with effective education, the number of understood words is rapidly increasing. It is worth teaching children to remember not only their own name, but also the names of adults and children who are next to them. Here's another interesting educational games for children in 1 year.

In the game, all means are good

Educational game for a child at 1 year old: "Search in the sandbox"

All you need for this game is the contents of your kitchen cabinet and a small toy. Take out a jar of semolina - this is our sand - and pour about a kilogram into a spacious pan or into a wide bowl and expose this imitated sandbox to be torn to pieces by a toddler. The surprise and enthusiasm of the baby will be immeasurable, because he likes to learn everything new so much! After he enjoys sowing through the fingers of the cereal, and tastes unknown grains, take him on an exciting search. Hide any insignificant toy in the croup, and do not interfere with the efforts of the little one to find the hidden treasure. When the treasure is found, offer the kid a wooden sieve and teach him how to use it. So the most exciting educational game is ready, for an hour, and mommy will have time to cook dinner during this period.

Educational game for a child at 1 year old: "Young Explorer"

For this game, your old bag, rid her of all the little gizmos and empty departments fill all sorts of interesting to the touch and appearance subjects. Anything you have on hand will do: a small toy, a cucumber, a pencil, safe eating utensils, a rustling bag, a purse with compartments, a key ring, and a ringing phone. All the items that are used in the adult world are extremely attractive to the child, and he will delve into the treasury bag with admiration.

Educational game for a child at 1 year old: "Funny faces"

We offer to make a developing craft with your own hands, for this you only need a plastic cup, a regular straw for cocktails (or a tube of spaghetti), a cut-out cardboard circle, tape and a pencil. Then do the following process: draw a mischievous face on a cardboard circle (five centimeters wide). We fasten the muzzle to the straw with tape. And at the bottom of the plastic glass we cut a hole and thread a tube through it so that the face is inside the glass. By moving the tube up and down, you will get a smiling man jumping out of the bowl. Rest assured, this will greatly amuse your baby.

In general, I think the principle is clear, in educational games with children up to a year a variety of dishes are suitable: wooden, plastic, small toys for examining, taking out, inserting, etc. Offer to get a seductive toy by pulling the string towards you. Buy toys for your baby that roll when touched, such as balls, cylinders, etc., this encourages the baby to crawl after them, pushing and catching up again and again. Offer the baby, who is in the crib or playpen, a cloth, a ball, a ball, light skittles for throwing.

Child development does not require a lot of money, but only your attention and effort.
