Normal temperature in infants 5. Increased body temperature in children of the first year of life

There are some criteria by which the general well-being of a newborn child is determined - these are behavior, sleep and appetite. However, the most significant indicator is the normal temperature in the baby. It is somewhat different from the norm in an adult, and its indicators depend on multiple factors.

What should be the optimal body temperature for a baby?

thermoregulatory processes in childhood formed before reaching 12 months. By this time, the body temperature in newborns becomes the same as in an adult, that is, 36.6 degrees.

To measure oral temperature, a digital thermometer is placed under the tongue for a minute

The normal temperature in an infant at 1 month varies between 37-37.5 degrees. In the future, these figures usually decrease. The normal temperature in a baby at 2 months is already from 36 to 37.

Answering the question, what temperature should a newborn have, it is necessary to take into account where the measurements are taken:

  • armpit area - the normal temperature for the baby is from 36 to 37.3 degrees;
  • oral measurements - the norm of temperature in newborns is 36.6-37.2;
  • indicators of rectal measurement can range from 36.8 to 38 degrees; this method is resorted to if the child is able to lie still for several minutes, otherwise damage to the intestinal walls is possible.

The temperature of the newborn at 38 degrees will be considered normal if the general condition of the baby does not cause signs of concern.

To determine what temperature in newborns is considered normal, it is necessary to take measurements over several days at the same time. It is not recommended to measure immediately after the baby wakes up or eats.. It is also important that he was in a calm state and not capricious.

How to measure the temperature of a baby

To determine what the temperature of an infant in a normal state should be, it is necessary to measure it for several days. For this, they are used (in the following article, the issues of choosing a thermometer for crumbs are discussed in more detail):

standard mercury

It is considered universal, but far from safe. When using such a device, the baby's body temperature will be displayed with maximum accuracy, but it will take more time to keep it.

Usually it is within 10 minutes, which creates significant difficulties, since the baby is not able to wait calmly for such an interval.

In addition, according to calls World Organization health care, the production of such thermometers should be stopped before 2020. This is explained by mercury used to make the device emits fumes dangerous to the human body.

digital electronic

Considered one of safe ways. The temperature of the baby is measured in seconds, and at the end of the process an audible signal is given.

The main disadvantage of an electronic device is the inaccuracy of indicators when measured in the groin area or armpit.

This is due to the fact that there is no close contact of the body with the thermometer, which is necessary for obtaining accurate readings. After the beep is given, you need to hold the thermometer for some more time..

It will not be possible to measure the temperature with a nipple thermometer only in heart-rending screaming child or not recognizing nipples in principle

Such a device is convenient to use when measuring temperature in newborns, when other methods are not possible. The miracle dummy has a lot of positive reviews, is popular in use.

In addition, it has been proven that such a measurement method shows fairly accurate results.

Ear tympanic

Such a device is designed to measure the infrared radiation of the eardrum. Among the contraindications for use are:

  • age up to 3 months;
  • ear infection.

Non-contact infrared

It is also distinguished by convenience and safety, but is considered one of the most expensive. Also, the data is not accurate.

Thermal strips

They are convenient to use while you are away from home. It only takes about 20 seconds to measure the temperature. The strip is applied to the forehead. Main disadvantages: inaccurate data and short shelf life.

It is best if the temperature measurement takes place in the armpits.

Body temperature control is usually continued until it normalizes.

The normal temperature in an infant is more difficult to produce by the oral method, since the child can push the thermometer out with his tongue.

The rectal method is more accurate results, but also causes some discomfort. In addition, the thermometer will need to be washed after each use..

Body temperature in newborns up to a month rises not only in case of illness, but also for other reasons, for example, overheating or uncomfortable room temperature. Read about fever in a child without symptoms, where you will learn about 5 causes and 7 hidden diseases.

What to do to avoid overheating

Each parent should treat their child with special attention and prevent the baby from overheating, since such a condition of the baby is much more difficult than hypothermia.

Normal temperature in newborns is determined by several criteria:

  • warm body;
  • activity;
  • pink skin color.

Signs that a child may be overheated include:

  • loss of appetite;
  • low activity;
  • temperature increase.

In more serious situations, overheating can be fatal.

To prevent this condition, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The child must be dressed appropriately for the weather. So, for example, in the summer, you can get by with a cotton shirt and a sheet to cover the baby. We talk about the intricacies of choosing the items of the set for discharge for a newborn in the summer.
  2. Plentiful drinking should always be provided.
  3. A panama hat or scarf should be worn on the head.
  4. In extreme heat, you should try to walk in places where there is shade, and not go out into open sunny space.
  5. In summer, you can’t keep a baby outside for a long time, because under the rays of the sun not only the stroller, but also the child can heat up.
  6. In no case should you leave the baby alone in a closed car, even for a short period of time.

6 ways to keep your baby's temperature normal

In order for the temperature of the newborn to be normal all the time, it is necessary to observe a special temperature regime. To create comfortable conditions, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  1. In the room where the child is located, the temperature should be between 18-23 degrees.
  2. Regardless of whether the baby is indoors or outdoors, he should be dressed in a layer less or more (everything will depend on the season) in relation to an adult.
  3. It is important to ensure that the baby does not freeze during a night's sleep. It is better to use a natural blanket, made of cotton or wool. It is able not only to retain heat qualitatively, but also to provide the necessary thermoregulation.
  4. The child must be dressed according to the season and weather conditions. Baby's head should be warm. This will prevent hypothermia of the body, since up to 30% of all heat is lost when the head is uncovered.
  5. At first, it is advisable to keep a thermometer in the room to measure the temperature in the room.
  6. To determine whether the baby is warm or not, you need to put your palm on the back of the head. If it is cool, this indicates that the baby needs an additional source of heat.

Parents tirelessly monitor the health of their baby. That is why they want to know what temperature a newborn should have. Pediatricians consider it normal if this indicator fluctuates from 36 to 37.5 degrees. These figures are typical only if the measurement is made in the armpit. A few days after birth, the temperature will be between 36 and 37 degrees. After stabilization of the thermoregulation of the body, the indicator will become familiar - 36.6 degrees.

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Indicator norms

Normal temperature in infants is an ambiguous concept. Its value directly depends on measuring way:

  • In the armpit area - from 36 to 37.3.
  • With the oral method of measurement - from 36.6 to 37.2.
  • The rectal version is from 36.9 to 38.

In newborns, the process of becoming thermoregulatory is still ongoing. Their body gives off too much heat, so they often get cold. In this case . Parents may also notice blue discoloration of the arms and legs.


Important! Babies are easy to cool or overheat, both of which are dangerous and can be harmful.

Additionally, it should be noted that the process of swaddling will delay the formation of natural thermoregulation. The child cannot adapt to external conditions. In the future, the risk of colds increases. That is why the baby needs only normal care.

The norm of temperature in a child up to a year changes from 36 to 38 degrees. In this case, the principle of measurement plays an important role. However, other physiological features. To determine the indicator, it is necessary to measure twice a day. Thanks to this, it will be possible to determine the average stable body temperature.

Measurement Features

For newborns in different conditions specific temperature readings. The mercury thermometer should only be used in the armpit. It is allowed to measure in a sitting position after growing up the crumbs.

Parents should monitor the location of the device. We should not forget about the dangers of mercury. up to a year will show the correct value if measured for 8-10 minutes.

An electronic thermometer is considered completely safe. It's much easier to use. This will ensure that the correct result is obtained. It is simply indispensable in the first month of a child's life. For ease of use, the device is equipped with a sound timer. The whole procedure will take no more than three minutes. Such a thermometer can be used for rectal and oral measurements. We should not forget that the result obtained in the armpit may differ by several degrees.

With the oral method of measurement, the thermometer must be placed under the tongue. The procedure will take no more than one minute.

The norm of temperature in a child up to a year old will be obtained only if all the preparations are made correctly. In the process of measuring by the rectal method, the baby should lie on one side. At the same time, mom tightly presses his legs to her stomach. It is also important to pre-lubricate the tip Vaseline or baby cream. The result will be obtained correctly only if the thermometer is inserted into the rectum to a depth of at least two centimeters.

Some parents prefer to use a temperature indicator. This is a small strip with divisions that must be applied to the baby's forehead. It will take just a few seconds to get the result.

At 2 months, it is convenient to measure the temperature using dummy thermometer. However, it is only suitable for those children who are already accustomed to this device.

Measuring a child's temperature

Maintaining normal temperature

The normal temperature in the baby will be kept only if the regimen is observed. To create comfortable conditions, it is necessary to follow exactly the following recommendations:

  • The air temperature in the children's room should be from 20 to 24 degrees.
  • Experts advise putting on a child one layer of clothing more or less than adults now wear. Attention is always drawn to the weather and the season.
  • It is important for babies not to freeze at night. It can only be covered with a blanket from natural materials . They help to keep warm inside, but at the same time do not interfere with natural thermoregulation.
  • During walks at 3 months and later, the baby should be dressed according to the season. There must be a cap on the head. It helps to minimize the risk of hypothermia. In infants, about 30% of all heat comes out through the pores on the head.
  • The room should hang the usual wall thermometer. Thanks to him, it will be possible to control the temperature in the room.

Breasts should not be overheated

Prevention of overheating

A normal temperature in a child at 4 months and older will allow him to grow and develop properly. Additionally, it should be noted that for infants overheating is much more dangerous than hypothermia.

Dr. Komarovsky is convinced that if the child is comfortable, then he will have a pink body. In addition, he will exhibit moderate physical activity. If parents notice a decrease in appetite, then most likely the baby has a fever. Quite often, such situations arise precisely in the warm season.

Important! Overheating of the child is very dangerous, it can lead to death if the necessary measures are not taken in time.

Baby overheating is dangerous

Normal temperature in a child at 4 months and later is important. To maintain it, it is recommended to use the following tips:

  • Should be carefully selected. In the hot season, you should opt for a shirt made of cotton fabric. It is sometimes allowed to cover his body with a sheet.
  • For a child, it is important drinking regimen. During the day, he should receive a sufficient amount of fluid.
  • In hot summers, walks can only be made in the shade. The open sun can harm the condition of the skin.
  • We should not forget about panama. It will protect the baby from sunstroke.
  • Strollers should not be left unattended on the street.
  • The child must not be left alone in a completely closed car.

Maintaining an optimal temperature regime is very important for the baby. If mom suspected an increase in this indicator, then you can use a conventional mercury thermometer. To date, electronic versions of the device are also very popular. The choice of the place of measurement plays an important role. Depending on this, the interpretation of the results is carried out.

Useful video: temperature in newborns and infants

In the first months of life, the child is still adapting to external conditions. The task of parents is to surround him with care and attention. Thanks to this, the baby will be able to grow and develop properly.

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Body temperature is an important indicator of the condition of the infant. Therefore, it is important for mothers to know all the nuances when measuring it, as well as the range of indicators corresponding to the normal state of the body.

Temperature in an infant

All life processes of newborns are not yet fully formed, so they have their own characteristics and are fundamentally different from those occurring in the body of an adult. This explains the fact that the baby's temperature can drop and rise in the range of 36.5-37.5 degrees in one day, which is an absolutely normal state. To understand what temperature should still be, we suggest in the article below.

About the mechanisms of thermoregulation

After birth, the thermoregulation of the baby, like the rest of the processes of the child's body, needs to be adapted to the conditions of the external environment. This is manifested in the fact that heat loss in newborns is higher than heat production (heat production). As a result, they are much more likely than adults to freeze. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the following signs: blue nasolabial triangle, as well as limbs with their simultaneous cooling.

In general, the process of thermoregulation, and, therefore, the normal temperature is established in a child before the first year of life. The first three months are considered the most difficult in the life of children, since it is during this period that their body is very sensitive to any changes in external environment, especially for sudden temperature changes between the room and the street. All this, subject to improper care, leads to the fact that children very easily overcool and overheat. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the norm of body temperature in infants.

With a constant, the child slows down the formation of thermoregulation mechanisms. As a result, the adaptation period is delayed, and the baby becomes more susceptible to viral diseases.

Did you know? Until the age of seven months, babies have the unique ability to breathe and swallow at the same time.

Temperature norms in an infant

In the first week from the moment of birth, the body temperature of the baby is considered normal from 37.0 to 37.5 degrees (measured in the axillary zone). Starting from the second week, it often fluctuates from 36 to 37.5 degrees. Such drastic changes very often cause inexperienced parents to panic for no good reason.

On average, the body temperature of a baby is 0.3-0.4 degrees higher than that of an adult. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the temperature indicators of the body vary significantly depending on the measurement area, and have their own standard values.
Temperature norms in a newborn child:

  • 36-37.3 degrees - temperature in the axillary zone;
  • 36.9-38 degrees - rectal;
  • 36.6-37.2 degrees - oral.

It also changes depending on the time of day. So, in the morning the temperature, as a rule, does not rise above 37 degrees. And in the evening, on the contrary, its increase is noticed. In a state of absolute rest, during sleep, it decreases.

Each child's body is unique, and in order to understand what temperature will be considered normal in a newborn, one must proceed from the characteristics of the body of a particular baby.

How to measure the temperature of a newborn

There are three types of thermometers for measuring human body temperature: mercury, electronic, mini-indicator. But, nevertheless, speaking of a small child, it is better to dwell on electronic form, since it is more accurate than a mini-indicator, and, compared to mercury, safe. It is undesirable to measure the temperature immediately after the baby has eaten, it is better to do this between meals and after at least an hour from the moment physical activity. In this case, the baby should be in a calm state, not resist and not scream. There are also several ways to determine the temperature, which we will consider below.


This method involves placing a thermometer, previously lubricated with glycerin or liquid paraffin, into the rectum. In this case, the baby can occupy two positions. In the first version, the baby is placed on the knees of one of the parents with its tummy, and in the second - with its back on a flat surface, raising its legs.

Further, through the anal passage, it is deepened to 2 cm and held in this position for one to two minutes. After that, the thermometer should be carefully removed and the result evaluated.


This method means placing a thermometer in the mouth, preferably under the tongue. At the same time, it is important to hold the thermometer with your hand so that the baby does not accidentally damage it or swallow it. And in just a minute, the result will be ready. It is very convenient for oral and rectal methods to use an electronic thermometer, since it independently beeps when the measurement result is ready.


This method is the most popular among all listed. Usually, a thermometer is placed in the left armpit, although this is unprincipled, and it is pressed down with a hand from above. It is important to make sure that the thermometer is not very cold, this can cause dissatisfaction in the child. To do this, hold the thermometer in your hand for a few minutes to warm it up. Then bring down the mercury column of the thermometer to a mark below 36 degrees. It is recommended to keep the thermometer in the armpit for 7 minutes, although 2 minutes will be enough.

Important! For axillary measurement, it is best to use a mercury thermometer, since the electronic one will show the result with a large error in this case.

To obtain average indicators of the child's temperature, it should be measured twice a day - in the morning and in the evening (at 17 o'clock). If the child is sick, then it is measured at least every 3 hours.

Rules for maintaining optimal temperature

To maintain a healthy body temperature in a newborn, it is necessary to provide him with a special thermal regime and constantly make sure that he does not freeze or overheat. Many pediatricians advise from birth to harden the child's body, but you need to do it correctly, having previously discussed all the nuances with the doctor.

In general, there are general rules, allowing you to maintain a comfortable temperature for the baby:

  • the air temperature in the room where the child is located should be in the range of 20-24 degrees;
  • to maintain the optimal air temperature in the children's room, you should use a thermometer that will help you monitor its fluctuations;
  • Your baby should be dressed appropriately for the weather. In the cold season, put on a layer more than that of an adult, and a layer less - in a warm one;
  • the correct diet also contributes to heat exchange processes.

How to keep your baby warm

In order to avoid freezing the child, you should be guided by the following tips:

  • you can check if the child is cold by touching the back of the head with your hand. It shouldn't be cold;
  • in the absence of a newborn headgear, almost a quarter of the body's heat is consumed. Therefore, always wear a hat for a walk;
  • so that the baby does not freeze at night, you need to use blankets made from natural fabrics (cotton, wool). This will help not only to warm the child, but also to ensure proper thermoregulation;
  • if the baby's limbs turn blue, he began to hiccup, then, most likely, this indicates that he is cold. It is necessary to deliver the crumbs to heat as soon as possible.

Did you know?The first mercury thermometer was created back in 1626 by the famous Italian scientist Galileo and doctor Santorio.

Overheating is difficult for a child to infancy and is considered very dangerous. In rare cases, it can even be fatal. It is especially important to monitor whether the child has overheated in hot weather. For this, there are general rules that should be followed:

  • while walking on the street, the head of the child should always be covered with a panama or scarf;
  • The baby should be given plenty of fluids. If he is on breastfeeding then apply more often to the chest to avoid dehydration;
  • choose clothes for a child only from natural breathable fabrics;
  • walking with a stroller on the street should be in the shade so that direct sunlight does not fall on the child;
  • it is strictly forbidden to leave a child in a stroller for daytime sleep without supervision;
  • never leave your baby unattended in a car as it heats up very quickly in the sun.

Important! Elevated body temperature in a child may indicate a disease. Therefore, if the baby has other symptoms in parallel, or the temperature readings are too high, then you need to urgently call a doctor for an examination.

In general, the condition of the baby, including its temperature, is affected by great amount factors that parents can control and prevent freezing or overheating. Exactly proper care will allow your child to grow up healthy.

“Little children are small problems,” our grandmothers say. But, when a baby appears in the house, any deviation from the norm can lead a young mother to panic. Often it is heat the body of a newborn becomes one of the main causes for concern.

What temperature is considered normal for a newborn?

To begin with, let's decide what temperature a newborn baby can be considered normal. The normal temperature in newborns can vary between 36.3-37.5 ° C, and directly depends on the time of day and the place of measurement. The temperature can rise by a few tenths of a degree in the evening, and fall in the early morning. It is also characteristic that during sleep the temperature may be slightly lower than during feeding and active wakefulness. You can measure the temperature of a newborn in the rectum, in the armpit and in the mouth. The average rectal (measured in the rectum) temperature may exceed the axillary temperature by 1°C, and the temperature in the oral cavity by 0.3-0.4°C.

How to measure body temperature in a newborn?

For infants up to 5-6 months, the most optimal way to measure temperature is rectal. For this manipulation, it is better to use not a mercury, but a special electronic thermometer, the tip of which must be lubricated with baby cream. During the temperature measurement, the child should not move, because this can damage the intestines.

There are several positions in which it is convenient to carry out this procedure:

  • the child lies on its side with legs pulled up to the body;
  • the child lies on the tummy, legs hanging down (mother holds the baby on her lap);
  • the child lies on his back, with his legs raised up.

Causes of fever in a newborn

Body temperature is considered elevated if rectal exceeds 38°C, axillary - 37°C, and oral - 37.5°C. Signs of temperature in newborns are not only increased rates thermometer, but also continuous crying, refusal to eat. High fever is not a disease, but a symptom. Therefore, most often, an increase in temperature is a consequence of a protective reaction of the body to a viral infection. Sometimes a fever occurs as a result of overheating, but this temperature drops quickly if the child is undressed or undressed.

In a newborn, body temperature may also rise after vaccination. This is a normal reaction of the baby's immune system.

How to help a newborn with a fever?

Important: axillary temperature above 38 ° C is very dangerous for children under the age of 1 year, especially for infants up to 3 months. Excessive fever in a newborn can lead to convulsions, so in this case, you should immediately call a doctor!

Parents need to know that in infants, body temperature can have non-standard values ​​​​even if the child feels normal. For example, instead of the usual 36.6 ° C, it can change up to 37.5. Sometimes the indicator can reach 37.7 ° C, and this will be normal body temperature. The data may change constantly. This is due to the fact that the final and stable temperature values ​​are formed only by the end of the first year of life. And before that time, it can significantly exceed our usual indicators.

In order not to panic once again with an unexpected increase in values ​​\u200b\u200band to know what the normal temperature is, it is recommended to determine the exact indicator individually for your child. It is necessary to measure it only when the baby is in a calm state and feels good. Measure the temperature for several days, and then display the average. This will be the individual value of the normal temperature for your child.

Increased body temperature in infants. Should I be worried?

A sharp increase in body temperature is a very common phenomenon. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as teething, overheating in hot weather, an allergic reaction to a vaccine, pill, or other medication, overwork, and dehydration. Such jumps in degrees are usually very scary for parents and cause them real panic.

If you find this, do not rush to resort to antipyretic drugs, pay attention to the condition of the baby. If he feels normal, you can wait a bit until these symptoms disappear on their own, because the normal temperature is very unstable. Ventilate the room if it is too stuffy, perhaps this is what caused the change. Give the child a drink, change into less warm clothes.

Remember that having a fever is better than not having one, as it means your body is fighting off a possible infection. Therefore, you do not need to drastically reduce it, by doing this you can seriously harm the child's immunity.

Pay attention to the baby's chair. If it is too liquid, then this will be the main signal for going to the pediatrician and a more thorough examination.
