Dual evitest pregnancy test. Evitest pregnancy test - overview, instructions for use and features

The use of rapid pregnancy tests has long been a familiar procedure for women. A wide range of products that includes Various types tests. Among the manufacturers, the German company HELM Pharmaceuticals Gmbh occupies a leading position, producing several types of tests under the trade name "Evitest". How to use them and what is their accuracy?

The principle of operation of the test for pregnancy "Evitest"

The Evitest pregnancy test is several types of rapid tests from Helm Pharmaceuticals that can recognize pregnancy at the most early dates. The work of all types of Evitest products is built on the same principle - they give a reaction to a certain amount of hCG in a woman's urine. Enhanced production of chorionic gonadotropin begins immediately, as soon as the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus. The reagent contained in the test reacts to an increase in the amount of the hormone and gives the result.

With a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, the maturation of the germ cell and its exit from the follicle falls on the 14th day. It takes several days for the egg to be fertilized and reach the uterine cavity. Possessing high sensitivity, the test is able to respond to pregnancy already on the 24th day of the cycle, while most of the less sensitive products determine the presence of pregnancy only after the 1st day of delay.

If a woman's menstrual cycle is not stable, then she should do double testing to reliably determine pregnancy. First, a test is done to determine ovulation. Having found out the date of ovulation, you need to add 15 days to the resulting number, and on the marked date, conduct a pregnancy test. In the first and second cases, to eliminate the error, you can use different types tests.

Test sensitivity and its significance

Many women, at the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, want to check its onset as soon as possible. An indicator of successful conception is the growth of hCG, the concentration of which increases every day. An early detection of a completed event requires a test with a high degree of sensitivity, capable of recognizing an increase in the hormone of pregnancy at the very beginning of the process.

Manufacturers indicate the digital value of the sensitivity of the test on the packaging of the product: the lower its value, the more accurate the result. All models - both strips "plus", and jet "perfect", and cassette "proof" - have a sensitivity of 20 mIU / ml. The manufacturer claims that all of its tests are 99% accurate when used correctly.

How to use the product

In order to get a reliable answer from a pregnancy test, you should carefully study how to use the product. There are general requirements for the implementation of the procedure, prescribed in the instructions:

  • When buying Evitest, you should check the tightness of the package and the expiration date.
  • The test strip cannot be reused.
  • Checking the indications is carried out no later than 5-10 minutes after the procedure. After this time, the answer will be false.
  • Testing should be done in the morning, when the concentration of hCG in the urine is highest.
  • To collect urine, you need to take a sterile container.
  • Before the analysis, you can not drink a lot of liquid, its excess can adversely affect the final result.

In pharmacies, you can find 4 types of pregnancy tests of the brand in question: Evitest One, Evitest Plus, Evitest Proof, Evitest Perfect. Since they represent several types of products, each of them, in addition to those described above, general rules, has its own peculiarities of application.

Let's dwell on the details of testing all 4 types of express tests and find out which one, when and how to apply.

"Evitest one"

Evitest One is a test strip. Starting the procedure, you need to collect urine, remove the product from the package, immerse the strip in a container with urine up to the mark indicated on the surface of the strip. After holding in the urine for 4-6 seconds, it is removed and placed on a flat surface for manifestation. After 5–10 minutes, the answer is ready; it is not advisable to wait for an answer for more than 10 minutes. Deciphering the answer: 1 red line - negative, 2 red lines - positive (pregnancy has occurred).

"Evitest plus"

Evitest Plus can be used to confirm the result obtained after testing Evitest One. It is recommended to resort to it 2 days after using the first test, since the level of hCG is constantly rising, and during this time it will increase so much that the result will be most accurate. However, it can also be used for independent analysis.

Do testing in the morning, repeating the same manipulations as with the One model. In addition, the use of this Evitest test is justified if the primary reaction was unclear (pale staining of the strips) or it was obtained before the delay in menstruation.

"Evitest proof"

Evitest Proof is available as a tablet or cassette. To start testing, the cassette is removed from the package. Then you need to urinate into a container, collect some urine from it into the pipette that comes with the product. The device is placed on a flat surface. The liquid collected in the pipette (4 drops) is dripped into the window on the cassette. Waiting for a response - 3-5 minutes. After 10 minutes, there is no point in waiting for changes - Evitest shows the same result.

"Evitest perfect"

The "Perfect" model is a jet device. During the procedure, remove the protective cap from the tip of the test and substitute it under the stream of urine for 3-5 seconds. Then the cap is put on the tip again, lay the device on a flat surface and wait 5-10 minutes. It is not recommended to spend more time to get the result. The main condition for all tests is that the surface on which they are laid out must be dry.

How to determine the result?

So, the procedure was carried out, the test reacted to the level of hCG in the urine, now we need to figure out how to regard what it shows. What do the marks that appear mean:

  • Two strips appeared on the test - this means that the answer is positive, the pregnancy has come.
  • Only one strip appeared, the control one, and the second one did not - the answer is negative.
  • The strip appeared in the wrong place or it did not exist at all. Most likely, there was an error in the procedure or the test itself turned out to be defective.

If the test showed pregnancy, you should go to the gynecologist and prepare for bearing the child. With a negative reaction, you can conduct another analysis in 2-3 days. The reason for the delay in menstruation may be not only pregnancy, so you should contact a gynecologist and get checked. If the period is delayed for a week or more, the test can be done not only in the morning, but at any time. The main thing is not to urinate 2 hours before testing and not to drink a lot of fluids.

Why can a test fail?

All devices of this manufacturer are of high quality and reliability in operation, however, they can also give erroneous results. The reasons for the errors lie in certain factors:

  • early test, when the level of hCG has not risen enough to get a reaction;
  • incorrect procedure (they kept the strip in the urine for a long time or, conversely, took it out early);
  • during the test, the woman takes hormonal drugs (for example, to increase hCG);
  • development of a tumor and other diseases;
  • product has expired.

Reasons for a false negative result

A false negative result is quite common, and it is associated with certain reproductive system problems that a woman may not be aware of. The mistake also occurs through the fault of the woman herself, if she used diuretics or drank a lot of water before the procedure. A false-negative result can become in the presence of vascular and kidney diseases, as well as with the threat of spontaneous miscarriage.

Reasons for a false positive result

It happens that the second strip of the test after contact with urine looks blurry, pale. The photo clearly shows how a false positive test result manifests itself. This means that the increase in hCG levels is not associated with pregnancy. An increase in the hormone of pregnancy occurs after childbirth, abortion, miscarriage. It also rises if a woman has taken fertility drugs or she has some kind of pathology, possibly a tumor.

Deserving a lot of approving reviews, Evitest tests in practice justify their accuracy and reliability. However, they also fail to avoid erroneous results. Advice to all women: after doing some tests with the help of a rapid test, making sure that you are pregnant, fix the result by visiting a gynecologist. Do not delay in contacting a doctor even when the test results are in doubt.

In order to determine pregnancy, it is not necessary to go to the doctor now, it is enough to purchase a pregnancy test. But besides this, you should be able to use it, as well as know which product to buy in this direction. Often in each box there is an instruction in which each step is described in detail.

Important! When buying a pregnancy test, it is important to pay attention to the shelf life. If they are exceeded, then the reagent may not respond adequately to the hormone contained in the urine.

At this stage in the development of pharmaceuticals, there are great amount pregnancy tests of various modifications, but the principle of their work is the same - they are soaked with a special reagent, which, as a result of interaction with urine, shows the result. But the conditions of use may be different depending on the type of express test itself.

The most common is the test strip. And the most popular manufacturer is Evitest. Another no less popular manufacturer of this category of goods is Frautest. The principle of determining the position of a woman is fully consistent with the previous analogue.

How to use the Evitest pregnancy test correctly so that the result is true?

Main characteristics How to use Advantages
A paper strip impregnated with a reagent.

Each functional area is highlighted in a specific color.

The most accurate result can be obtained only in the morning at the first urination.

The strip is immersed in a container of urine to a certain level, which is indicated on the test in a different color. 1. Using the test strip is quite simple.

2. The cost of this type of product is low.

3. This pharmaceutical product gives a 97% guarantee for the result.

When light streak above the specified level, it will get wet, the test should be laid on a flat horizontal surface.
One bar will appear on the white field, which indicates that the test is working.
After a few seconds, if the result is positive, a second line appears.

How to use the electronic test?

Recently, more and more often use an electronic test to determine pregnancy. Its advantage is that it gives the most accurate result.

Hypersensitivity allows you to determine the result already a week after the conception of a child - this is the earliest time. Depending on the need, you can independently choose the degree of sensitivity of the test.

The most popular manufacturer of this type of test is Clearblue, so the instructions for using this brand of products will be considered.

How to use electronic test:

  1. First you need to read the instructions, which are necessarily enclosed in the package along with the device.
  2. You can test at any time of the day from the first day of the delay in the menstrual cycle. But it is better if the procedure is performed in the morning. In anticipation of the procedure, you should limit the amount of fluid you drink.
  3. Immediately before the procedure, a foil bag is opened, in which the test itself is located. The blue cap is removed from the body of the device and testing is carried out.
  4. The absorbent tip should be vertically lowered under the urine stream. It is important that the rest of the body is not wet. In this position, the test remains for 5-6 seconds.
  5. You can collect urine in a clean container and dip the test with an absorbent tip into it for 20-30 seconds.
  6. After the urine is absorbed, the cap is put back on the body, and the test itself is placed on a horizontal surface. If desired, you can hold it vertically with the tip down.
  7. The Clear Blue test is processed within three minutes. At this time, an hourglass is displayed on the screen.
  8. At the end of the allotted time, the result is displayed on the monitor.

In addition to the result itself, the screen displays the period if the test itself is positive. That is why even gynecologists sometimes use the digital type of this device in their practice. Using an electronic pregnancy test is simple, and most importantly convenient, accurate and fast.

Note! While waiting for the results, do not lower the absorbent tip of the device down.

Clearblue is considered a third generation test, so it is often compared in terms of reliability with ultrasound. Many gynecologists trust the indicators of this device in determining the timing of pregnancy.

Using an inkjet test?

Using an inkjet test is much easier than any of the above. Due to its complex design, the result obtained is 100% reliable. Such a device is considered the most hygienic and fastest in processing results.

You can carry out the procedure at any time of the year, as even in the short term, an accurate result is given. If the strip appears slightly, this is a positive result.

The phased use is determined by the following steps:

  1. The first stage is the study of the instructions, as well as the study of expiration dates.
  2. The second is opening the sealed package and the package where the device itself is located.
  3. Urine is released into a special separate window using a pipette. You can substitute the test under a stream of urine. In any case, this method is simplified by the fact that it is not necessary to take urine into a container.
  4. After that, the device is placed on a horizontal flat surface.
  5. The result will become clear in 2 minutes.

Tests of this type are produced by many pharmaceutical companies, among which there is Evitest. All of them guarantee high quality and reliability of their products.

And yet, with a guarantee of high accuracy and reliability, the choice itself is best made in accordance with the recommendations of the gynecologist.


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Evitest is one of the most popular pregnancy test systems that are in demand among women around the world. Universal express devices, they allow you to determine pregnancy in the early stages at home. Evitest tests are available in several varieties, which allows you to choose the best product in each case.

Advantages Evitest pregnancy test:

  • The sensitivity of the instruments is very high compared to a number of other tests. So, pregnancy can be detected already at a level of hCG in the urine of 20 mIU / ml.
  • The manufacturer assures that the accuracy of the test is 99%, provided that the diagnostic study is performed correctly.
  • Evitest is convenient to use anywhere, not just at home, if you purchase an inkjet device.
  • The result can be assessed as soon as possible (in 3-5 minutes).
  • Evitest offers 4 types of devices, which gives women a choice.
  • For the production of tests, only high-quality and non-toxic materials are used.

Operating principle

Evitest tests respond to the presence of a specific hormone in a woman's urine, which is called "human chorionic gonadotropin" or hCG for short. A reagent is applied to the strip of the device, which, when hCG particles get on it, turns red (crimson). For the study, the woman's urine is required.

Chorionic gonadotropin is produced first by the shell of the embryo (chorion), and then by the placenta during gestation. The hormone begins to be produced in large quantities immediately after the embryo implants in the uterine wall. This happens 5-6 days after the conception happened. However, during these periods, the level of hCG is still not high enough for the test to be able to “recognize” it in the urine.

However, 14 days after conception, the hormone content in the blood and urine begins to increase rapidly. Every day it becomes almost 2 times more. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the test on the first day of the delay in menstruation, which will allow you to get the most reliable result. Although you can try to add 10 days to the date of ovulation and perform the study on that day.

Types of Evitest tests:

Evitest One. This instrument is the simplest of the entire Evitest product line. It is represented by a strip fixed on a plastic base. To perform the procedure for determining pregnancy, you will need to collect urine in a separate container, where the test will be placed.

Evitest Plus. This product is similar to Evitest One, however, the package will contain not one, but two devices. The principle of their action remains the same. If a woman purchases Evitest Plus, then she gets the opportunity to save money, since two devices in the kit will cost less than buying tests in individual packaging. In addition, to clarify the results, you do not need to go to the pharmacy again.

Evitest Proof. This is a cassette pregnancy test. The whole device is completely enclosed in plastic packaging. The kit also comes with a pipette, which is necessary for taking urine and applying liquid to the cassette. This test is considered to be an instrument that is as accurate as those used by professional diagnostic lab technicians. The Evitest Proof cassette test provides the most effective interaction between urine and reagent, which increases the reliability of the result. However, the cost of such a device will be an order of magnitude higher compared to classic test strips.

Evitest Perfect. This device is jet, which allows you to diagnose pregnancy with great comfort. Evitest Perfect is equipped with a convenient holder and a tip with a plastic cap. This form of the device allows you to carry out the procedure with comfort and makes it as hygienic as possible. Moreover, to collect urine, you do not need to look for and prepare a container. To carry out the testing procedure, it will be enough to bring the device under a stream of urine.

Evitest Supreme is highly sensitive, this inkjet test is housed in a cassette with an ultra-modern design. It has all the benefits of previous generation tests, which makes it the most convenient for women. However, it should be understood that such a test cannot be cheap.

Can Evitest pregnancy test make a mistake?

Although Evitest tests are highly accurate, sometimes the result can be false positive or false negative, even if the device itself is in good working order and if all the rules for its operation are observed.

So, a false negative result can be obtained when the test was carried out too early or urine with a low concentration of hCG was used to perform it. It is also possible if women have kidney disease, which contributes to the difficult removal of the hormone in the urine.

A false-positive result is most often due to a recent miscarriage or abortion, or the presence of a hormone-producing tumor in the woman. Also, the test can give incorrect information about pregnancy against the background of a woman taking medicines containing chorionic gonadotropin in its composition. Such drugs are most often used to treat infertility.

In the event that a woman has doubts, she needs to re-test. If the result is still unsatisfactory, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice.

Indications for use

Evitest tests are designed to determine pregnancy at home.

Mode of application

Although all devices of the Evitest range are very easy to use, nevertheless, before starting the diagnostics, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions. It is attached to each product and has some features. They can affect the correctness of the procedure and the interpretation of the results.

Instructions for Evitest One and Evitest Plus

After the strip is removed from the package, you need to protect it from moisture. Preliminary care should be taken to prepare a container for collecting urine (any dry and clean container will do). Urine is collected in the container, after which the test is lowered into it to the immersion zone marked with a line. After 3-5 seconds, the dough is removed and laid out on a flat surface. The result can be evaluated after 3-5 minutes, but after 10 minutes it will be invalid.

The appearance of one line indicates that there is no pregnancy, and the appearance of two lines indicates that there is a pregnancy.

If a woman wants to conduct a control study, for example, when a second stripe is too pale, it is recommended to wait two days, and then perform the test again.

To increase the accuracy of the study, you need to take the first morning portion of urine, as it is the most concentrated, and it will contain more hCG hormone.

Instructions for Evitest Proof

This test system is presented in a cassette, which must first be removed from the individual packaging. Also included with the cassette should be a pipette.

Urine should be collected in a container, drop a pipette into it and take the fluid. Then, using a pipette, it is introduced into a special round-shaped window, which is located on the test cassette. The device itself must lie on a flat and dry surface. For the study, no more than 4 drops of urine will be required.

The result can be assessed 3-5 minutes after the liquid has been added to the window. However, 10 minutes after the procedure, it may change, but its reliability is violated.

Instructions for Evitest Perfect

This device is inkjet. Therefore, to use it, you do not need to collect urine in a container. It is enough just to release the test tip from the protective cap and substitute it for 3-5 seconds under the stream of urine. Then the cap is returned to its place, and the device is laid out on a flat and dry surface. The result is evaluated after 5 minutes, but no later than 10 minutes.

In order for the result of the study to be as reliable as possible, it is necessary to take into account the following tips for using Evitest devices:

  • The same test cannot be run twice. All products of the Evitest line are disposable.
  • You can not evaluate the results of the test later than 10 minutes after exposure to urine on the device.
  • Store the tests at a temperature not higher than +30 and not lower than +5°C.
  • Devices that are past their expiration date cannot be used.
  • Do not use before testing. a large number of liquids.
  • If the testing procedure requires a preliminary collection of urine in a container, then you should choose a plastic or glass container, and at the same time it must be clean.
  • If the test was accidentally overexposed or its results could not be evaluated during the first 10 minutes, then it may give false information.

Using express tests is the fastest and affordable way early diagnosis of pregnancy. Helm Pharmaceuticals produces a line of well-established rapid pregnancy tests Evitest. What kinds of test systems are produced under this name? When and how should they be used? Can tests show false results? All of this will be discussed further.

Test strips are the most inexpensive and popular rapid pregnancy tests. The disadvantages of the tool include some inconvenience associated with collecting urine for testing.

  • Evitest (Evitest One) is the simplest and most affordable option in the line of express tests for this trading uterus. Complete set: one test strip and the instruction packed into a box from a cardboard.
  • IN carton package Evitest Plus (Evitest Plus) contains instructions and two test strips, each of which is packed in a separate sachet. This option is convenient for re-testing and is cheaper than two packages of Evitest.

Evitest strips for pregnancy, how to use

  • Immediately before the diagnosis, open the sachet with the test, take the test strip by the colored end and immerse the opposite end to the indicated mark in the urine for 5 seconds.
  • Lay the test strip on a flat, dry surface out of direct sunlight.
  • Evaluate the result within 5 minutes. After 10 minutes the result is invalid. The appearance of one strip in the control zone (on the right) indicates the absence or too short a pregnancy. The appearance of both the control and test strips (left) is interpreted as pregnancy. The absence of strips on the used test or the appearance of only one test strip requires a second diagnosis.
  • The test is not reusable.

Tablet pregnancy test Evitest

Evitest Prof (Evitest Prof) is the only tablet test system in the line of express pregnancy tests Evitest. Equipment: test tablet, pipette, women's calendar, instructions. The advantage of Evitest Prof is the thoughtful design of the test, which eliminates the error in the diagnosis.

Tablet test Evitest for pregnancy, instructions

  • Collect urine in a clean container.
  • Immediately before the procedure, remove the pipette and test cassette from the package.
  • Place the test on a clean, dry surface not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Using a pipette, drop 4 drops of urine into the round window located on the right side of the test cassette.
  • After 3–5 minutes at room temperature, evaluate the result. If only a strip appears in the control zone (on the left), then there is no pregnancy or the period is too short. If both strips appear, then there is pregnancy, and even a pale strip in the test area (on the right) indicates this. If no stripes appear at all on the test used, or only a strip appears in the test area, then the test is considered invalid or defective.
  • The test is single use and cannot be reused.

Inkjet pregnancy tests Evitest

Inkjet test systems are the most comfortable and hygienic: they do not require urine collection, you can conduct an express test in any restroom. There are two types of inkjet tests in the Evitest line.

  • Evitest Perfect (Evitest Perfect) - a test system made in a classic design and white and purple colors.

  • Evitest Supreme (Evitest Supreme) - this test system has a modern attractive design. A wave-like shape, a combination of metallic gray and muted gray-blue colors, convex patterns decorating the surface of the plastic case - this test is not only easy and comfortable to use, but also pleasant to keep as a souvenir, the first "news" from the future baby.

Jet test Evitest for pregnancy, application

  • Immediately before carrying out the diagnostics, remove the test cassette from the package, remove the cap.
  • Place the end of the test cassette marked with an arrow under the stream of urine for 5 seconds for Perfect tests and for 10 seconds for Supreme tests. It is important that urine only reaches the absorbent end.
  • Within 5 minutes, evaluate the result. If two lines appear, then the test is positive. The appearance of only a control strip indicates the absence or extremely short gestation period. The appearance of only a test strip or the absence of any strips on the used test means that a repeat rapid test is necessary. On Evitest Perfect, the control strip appears on the left, the test strip appears on the right, on Evitest Supreme - vice versa.
  • The test is intended for single use.

Digital express test Evitest for pregnancy

Evitest Next (Evitest Next) is a digital test system, the only diagnostic tool in the Evitest line, which is recommended by the manufacturer for use even before the onset of a missed period. It does not require preliminary collection of urine, but if desired, it can be used as a regular test strip.

Digital pregnancy test Evitest, instruction

  • The test system is unpacked immediately before the diagnostics.
  • Evitest Next can be used as an inkjet test: remove the cap and place the absorbent end of the test under the urine stream. The test should be held vertically with the absorbent end down. Also, Evitest Next can be used the old fashioned way: collect urine in a clean container and immerse the absorbent end of the test into it for the entire length.
  • An hourglass should appear on the test display.
  • After about 10 seconds, the image will flash and a beep will sound. After that, the test should be carefully removed from the urine stream / container with urine and, keeping it still vertically or laying it on a clean and even horizontal surface, wait for the result.
  • After 5 minutes, another beep will sound to indicate that the diagnosis is complete. If the result is positive, the inscription “pregnant” will be displayed, if there is no or too little pregnancy, the display will say “not pregnant”. If the test used was defective or something went wrong in the course of its implementation, then the message “error” will be displayed on the screen.
  • The test is one time.

Evitest for pregnancy - when to do

Home pregnancy tests respond to a specific "pregnancy hormone" hCG. The production of hCG starts a day after the introduction of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus - implantation. Implantation occurs 6–10 days after the release of the egg into the fallopian tube.

The accuracy with which a rapid test can detect early pregnancy is determined by its sensitivity. This indicator indicates the minimum amount of hCG in urine that the test system is able to capture.

Evitest test strips for tablet and inkjet express pregnancy tests have a sensitivity of 20 mIU / ml. The manufacturer recommends using them no earlier than the first day of missed menstruation. With early implantation and a rapid increase in hCG, these tests will be able to show a positive result a few days before the delay in menstruation, although the test strip in such cases is usually much paler than the control one. But since a woman cannot be sure exactly when exactly she had implantation and at what rate the hCG growth is going on, it is better not to rush and wait a couple of days. Or conduct a more accurate study: take a blood test for total hCG.

Evitest for pregnancy photo of a test taken two days before a missed period.

Evitest Next has a sensitivity of 25 mIU / ml. Clinical studies have been conducted in which it turned out how accurate the result shows Evitest Next for pregnancy before a delay.

  • 4 days before the expected date of the start of menstruation, the test showed a positive result in 51.6% of expectant mothers.
  • 3 days before the start date of the expected menstruation, Evitest Next detected pregnancy in 80.6% of pregnant women.
  • 2 days before the expected start date of critical days, 90.3% of women learned about their "interesting" situation.
  • One day before the date of the expected menstruation, the reliability of the test was 95.2%.

Evitest did not show pregnancy - reasons

  • Diagnosis was carried out at too short a time. Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle, late ovulation, ignoring the minimum recommended time for an express test - all this can lead to the fact that the concentration of hCG in urine at the time of the diagnosis will be insufficient, and the test will show a false negative result.
  • Not suitable for diagnostic material. Urine collected after the first morning urination is ideal for analysis. It is possible to collect material for analysis at another time, but in this case it is important that the interval between urination is at least 4 hours. On the eve of the rapid pregnancy test, it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid, take diuretic products or medications.

  • impaired renal filtration. This condition leads to a violation of the excretion of metabolic products, including hCG, from the body with urine. Violation of renal filtration is observed in diseases of the kidneys, atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart failure.
  • Ectopic pregnancy, some chromosomal abnormalities, threatened miscarriage. These conditions are characterized by a slower increase in the level of hCG, therefore, when diagnosed in the early stages, the test may show a false negative result.
  • A defective, expired, improperly stored, or misused rapid test.

Evitest for pregnancy false positive result - causes

  • Taking medications containing hCG. In gynecological practice, hCG preparations may be prescribed for the treatment of infertility. After using them for some time, tests may show a false positive result.

  • trophoblastic diseases. They occur when there is a violation of the growth and development of the trophoblast - the cells that make up the outer layer of the blastocyst.
  • Cystic formation of the ovary can provoke the appearance of a second strip on the test. In this case, the test strip is usually much paler than the control.
  • Recent miscarriages, abortions. After an abortion, the level of hCG drops gradually, so rapid tests may show a non-existent pregnancy for some time.
  • Incorrect use of the test. Failure to follow the rules described in the instructions is fraught with a distortion of the result. A common mistake when using the Evitest pregnancy test: the results are evaluated later than the time indicated in the instructions. Ghost strips that appear after 5 minutes for inkjet tests and 10 minutes for test strips do not indicate pregnancy.
  • Expired express test, manufacturing defect, non-compliance with recommended storage conditions.

Evitest for pregnancy - reviews

  • Evitest is recommended by 82% of female users.
  • Evitest Plus liked 89% of women.
  • Evitest Prof was liked by 90% of the women who used it.
  • Evitest Perfect was appreciated by 90% of the women who tested it.
  • Evitest Suprem was liked by 83% of women. The main drawback was the rather high cost of the goods.
  • Evitest Next is not very popular yet, but all the women who tested it liked it.

Evitest for pregnancy - price

Prices for express tests of the Evitest line can vary greatly depending on the place of purchase. Below are the average prices for Evitest in Russian online pharmacies.

  • The cost of Evitest is 95 rubles.
  • Packing Evitest Plus will cost 160 rubles.
  • Evitest Prof can be purchased for 265 rubles.
  • For Evitest Perfect, you will have to pay about 330 rubles.
  • Evitest Supreme is the most expensive in the Evitest line. The average cost of this cassette test exceeded 400 rubles.
  • The estimated cost of Evitest Next is 400 rubles.

Evitest for pregnancy - where to buy

Evitest - common express tests. Test strips, in addition to drugstores, drugstores, pharmacy stores and online stores, are often sold in supermarkets and convenience stores.

Evitest Prof and Evitest Perfect can usually be purchased without any problems at pharmacy stores or distance selling pharmacies.

Evitest Supreme and Evitest Next are less popular due to their relatively high cost. You can buy them in large pharmacy chains or online pharmacies.


Helm Pharmaceuticals offers 6 varieties of high-precision rapid pregnancy tests Evitest. On which day the diagnosis should be carried out depends on the type of test chosen. Inkjet, tablet tests and test strips are recommended to be used no earlier than the first day of delay. Evitest Next can be used 4 days before the delay, but at this time the risk of obtaining a false negative result is quite high.

In some cases, a rapid test may show false results, so it is recommended to visit a gynecologist to clarify the diagnosis.

C pregnancy test "Evitest Plus" I have connected the most wonderful moments of my life. It is both excitement and fear, joy and awe, expectation and hope. I wanted a child for a long time, but it so happened that for the first time I tried a pregnancy test in action only at the age of 27, before that there was no reason.

My husband and I planned our long-awaited lyalechka carefully and diligently. For several months of attempts, I conscientiously waited for the delay and could not stop the tears when they came, evil and merciless, these days ...

This time everything was somehow different ... Frequent urge to go to the toilet a little, but, probably, autumn - I caught a cold, my chest was a little swollen and ached, but probably menstruation is coming soon, logically, hormones are playing, I was terribly sleepy, but again it's autumn, it's raining...

It was 9 days from the day of the attempt, and the girls from the laboratory diagnostics department (at that time I worked in a hospital and access to any tests was free) suggested that I do a blood test for hCG.

Chorionic gonadotropin ( CG, hCG) is a hormone secreted by the placenta during pregnancy. It belongs to gonadotropic hormones along with luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, but differs from them in amino acid sequence. It begins to be produced from the first hours of pregnancy and increases several thousand times by 7-11 weeks, then gradually decreases.

A pregnancy test is based on a qualitative analysis of the presence of the β-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. A decrease in the level of hCG in the blood during pregnancy or a slowdown in its growth may indicate a spontaneous miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

It’s scary, of course, but I didn’t really want to suffer for at least a week. I donated blood and went to the workplace, somehow I even got distracted and forgot that my whole life could turn upside down from the results of this analysis!

And at the end of the working day, a phone call and a laboratory assistant in a cheerful voice announces that the result is 15 units. To my question "How much is the norm?" - the answer is "For healthy people up to 1, but since you are pregnant, it's normal for you!"

I can't believe my ears! The first thought that popped into my head was that the laboratory assistant was just joking. But then I understand that no one will joke with such things. The second thought is that they were mistaken, but something I very much doubt that besides me today a couple of pregnant women took a blood test for hCG. So there really is a pregnancy, it remains only to make sure that it is present and do an ultrasound and a pregnancy test. In the urine, this hormone appears much later than in the blood, and the effect of all pregnancy tests is precisely based on the fact that they capture traces of it when excreted by the kidneys. But still I decided to try to do the test, although I did not really count on success.

On the same day I went to the pharmacy and bought Evitest, but not simple, but immediately double, to check everything more than once. Its cost at that time was about 100 rubles, a little expensive compared to tests for 8-10 rubles, but in my opinion the quality of this particular test is much higher, you can trust it.

The next day (10th after) I do a test in the morning. before that, I carefully read the instructions so as not to do something wrong and not get a false positive or false negative result. It's good that detailed instructions are attached to the test.

At first, the test strip did not react in any way to the manipulations carried out with it, I was already ready to get upset, burst into tears, accuse the hCG blood test of misinformation and giving me false hopes. But while I was wringing my hands on the test strip for about 5 minutes, a pale, pale ghost of the second strip began to appear. I couldn't believe my eyes! At first it seemed to me that this was due to the fact that I wanted it too much, I rubbed my eyes. The strip was in place. Then I thought that I was just seeing double from the accumulated tears in them. But the second strip still remained in its rightful place and conveyed hello to me from the baby.

After 2 days, as it should be according to the instructions, I did the second test (12th day after). The feelings were already completely different, I already understood that a certain amount of time was needed for the strip to appear. In this groove, the greeting from the baby was more pronounced, the strip was brighter and there was no longer any doubt about its presence on the test.

There was no limit to my happiness, probably every woman who has been dreaming of having a child for more than one year will understand me. I spent the whole evening looking at my stripes, I talked to them, telling them how I was expecting a baby, what toys I would buy for him, how we would walk. In general, I began to gradually go crazy with joy and with hormones bubbling in me.

Menstruation never came to me, but Lyalya came, now she lies in the crib and groans.

So don't expect delays! The test perfectly shows a miracle without it! In my version, it was already on the tenth day! At this time, sometimes it is even impossible to assume pregnancy, a woman may not feel the slightest sign that she is already developing new life!

However, if the pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, why not try to find out about it early?
