Evitest for pregnancy is positive. Tests for ovulation and pregnancy "Evitest": reviews, descriptions, prices, instructions for use

Evitest is one of the most popular pregnancy test systems that are in demand among women around the world. Universal express devices, they allow you to determine pregnancy on early dates at home. Evitest tests are available in several varieties, which allows you to choose the best product in each case.

Advantages Evitest pregnancy test:

  • The sensitivity of the instruments is very high compared to a number of other tests. So, pregnancy can be detected already at a level of hCG in the urine of 20 mIU / ml.
  • The manufacturer assures that the accuracy of the test is 99%, provided that the diagnostic study is performed correctly.
  • Evitest is convenient to use anywhere, not just at home, if you purchase an inkjet device.
  • The result can be assessed as soon as possible (in 3-5 minutes).
  • Evitest offers 4 types of devices, which gives women a choice.
  • For the production of tests, only high-quality and non-toxic materials are used.

Operating principle

Evitest tests respond to the presence of a specific hormone in a woman's urine, which is called "human chorionic gonadotropin" or hCG for short. A reagent is applied to the strip of the device, which, when hCG particles get on it, turns red (crimson). For the study, the woman's urine is required.

Chorionic gonadotropin is produced first by the shell of the embryo (chorion), and then by the placenta during gestation. The hormone begins to be produced in large quantities immediately after the embryo implants in the uterine wall. This happens 5-6 days after the conception happened. However, during these periods, the level of hCG is still not high enough for the test to be able to “recognize” it in the urine.

However, 14 days after conception, the hormone content in the blood and urine begins to increase rapidly. Every day it becomes almost 2 times more. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the test on the first day of the delay in menstruation, which will allow you to get the most reliable result. Although you can try to add 10 days to the date of ovulation and perform the study on that day.

Types of Evitest tests:

Evitest One. This instrument is the simplest of the entire Evitest product line. It is represented by a strip fixed on a plastic base. To perform the procedure for determining pregnancy, you will need to collect urine in a separate container, where the test will be placed.

Evitest Plus. This product is similar to Evitest One, however, the package will contain not one, but two devices. The principle of their action remains the same. If a woman purchases Evitest Plus, then she gets the opportunity to save money, since two devices in the kit will cost less than buying tests in individual packaging. In addition, to clarify the results, you do not need to go to the pharmacy again.

Evitest Proof. This is a cassette pregnancy test. The whole device is completely enclosed in plastic packaging. The kit also comes with a pipette, which is necessary for taking urine and applying liquid to the cassette. This test is considered to be an instrument that is as accurate as those used by professional diagnostic lab technicians. The Evitest Proof cassette test provides the most effective interaction between urine and reagent, which increases the reliability of the result. However, the cost of such a device will be an order of magnitude higher compared to classic test strips.

Evitest Perfect. This device is jet, which allows you to diagnose pregnancy with great comfort. Evitest Perfect is equipped with a convenient holder and a tip with a plastic cap. This form of the device allows you to carry out the procedure with comfort and makes it as hygienic as possible. Moreover, to collect urine, you do not need to look for and prepare a container. To carry out the testing procedure, it will be enough to bring the device under a stream of urine.

Evitest Supreme is highly sensitive, this inkjet test is housed in a cassette with an ultra-modern design. It has all the benefits of previous generation tests, which makes it the most convenient for women. However, it should be understood that such a test cannot be cheap.

Can Evitest pregnancy test make a mistake?

Although Evitest tests are highly accurate, sometimes the result can be false positive or false negative, even if the device itself is in good working order and if all the rules for its operation are observed.

So, a false negative result can be obtained when the test was carried out too early or urine with a low concentration of hCG was used to perform it. It is also possible if women have kidney disease, which contributes to the difficult removal of the hormone in the urine.

A false-positive result is most often due to a recent miscarriage or abortion, or the presence of a hormone-producing tumor in the woman. Also, the test can give incorrect information about pregnancy against the background of a woman taking medicines containing chorionic gonadotropin in its composition. Such drugs are most often used to treat infertility.

In the event that a woman has doubts, she needs to re-test. If the result is still unsatisfactory, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice.

Indications for use

Evitest tests are designed to determine pregnancy at home.

Mode of application

Although all devices of the Evitest range are very easy to use, nevertheless, before starting the diagnostics, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions. It is attached to each product and has some features. They can affect the correctness of the procedure and the interpretation of the results.

Instructions for Evitest One and Evitest Plus

After the strip is removed from the package, you need to protect it from moisture. Preliminary care should be taken to prepare a container for collecting urine (any dry and clean container will do). Urine is collected in the container, after which the test is lowered into it to the immersion zone marked with a line. After 3-5 seconds, the dough is removed and laid out on a flat surface. The result can be evaluated after 3-5 minutes, but after 10 minutes it will be invalid.

The appearance of one line indicates that there is no pregnancy, and the appearance of two lines indicates that there is a pregnancy.

If a woman wants to conduct a control study, for example, when a second stripe is too pale, it is recommended to wait two days, and then perform the test again.

To increase the accuracy of the study, you need to take the first morning portion of urine, as it is the most concentrated, and it will contain more hCG hormone.

Instructions for Evitest Proof

This test system is presented in a cassette, which must first be removed from the individual packaging. Also included with the cassette should be a pipette.

Urine should be collected in a container, drop a pipette into it and take the fluid. Then, using a pipette, it is introduced into a special round-shaped window, which is located on the test cassette. The device itself must lie on a flat and dry surface. For the study, no more than 4 drops of urine will be required.

The result can be assessed 3-5 minutes after the liquid has been added to the window. However, 10 minutes after the procedure, it may change, but its reliability is violated.

Instructions for Evitest Perfect

This device is inkjet. Therefore, to use it, you do not need to collect urine in a container. It is enough just to release the test tip from the protective cap and substitute it for 3-5 seconds under the stream of urine. Then the cap is returned to its place, and the device is laid out on a flat and dry surface. The result is evaluated after 5 minutes, but no later than 10 minutes.

In order for the result of the study to be as reliable as possible, it is necessary to take into account the following tips for using Evitest devices:

  • The same test cannot be run twice. All products of the Evitest line are disposable.
  • You can not evaluate the results of the test later than 10 minutes after exposure to urine on the device.
  • Store the tests at a temperature not higher than +30 and not lower than +5°C.
  • Devices that are past their expiration date cannot be used.
  • Do not use before testing. a large number of liquids.
  • If the testing procedure requires a preliminary collection of urine in a container, then you should choose a plastic or glass container, and at the same time it must be clean.
  • If the test was accidentally overexposed or its results could not be evaluated during the first 10 minutes, then it may give false information.

A modern woman has the opportunity to choose which test to use for home pregnancy determination. The choice is great - these are simple strips, and more complex cassette tests, and even reusable electronic devices. Most of the fair sex are sure that the test must necessarily match the combination of price and quality, and Evitest brand tests are called one of the most popular in this ratio.

What are there?

Evitest is a German brand, which once again confirms that German quality is not just a common phrase, but also a certain guarantor of reliability, no matter what. The manufacturing company is known as one of the world's leading manufacturers of test diagnostic systems. She produces ovulation tests, pregnancy tests. Diagnostic systems for « interesting position» at home, this brand is represented by four items.

Evitest One

The simplest of all available options. It is a regular express test, a strip strip. The box contains one strip for single use. She sinks into the urine for a set time.

Evitest Plus

This is also a simple system, but it consists of two strip strips. One can get an answer to a question of interest, and the second is designed to confirm or refute the primary result. It is obtained by immersing the distal part of the strips in urine.

Evitest Proof

The tablet version, according to the manufacturers, has a higher accuracy, which is provided by the design itself - the test strip is securely covered with a plastic case. The kit includes a pipette, which is used to instill the collected urine. The liquid is applied to one window in the body, and in the other, after 5 minutes, the result appears.

Evitest Perfect

This is the most expensive test from the Evitest line, but it is he who is called the most accurate and hygienic.

How do they work?

Although there is some variation in the use of the Evitest types described above, the main "mechanism" of action is completely identical. Each system determines pregnancy by the presence in the urine of molecules of chorionic gonadotropin - the hormone hCG. A chemical reagent is applied to the test zone of the strips, into the absorbent tip of the inkjet test, which, when a substance is detected in urine, enters into a chemical reaction with it, which ensures the coloring of the second strip.

HCG is produced in the female body in large quantities after the implantation of the embryo takes place, and the embryo is fixed in the cavity of the reproductive organ, where it will have to spend the next 9 months. Implantation usually occurs a week after conception, the average time is from 6 to 9 days. After implantation, the level of the hormonal active substance doubles every two days.

The hormone penetrates into the urine somewhat later than into the blood plasma, but usually by the beginning of the delay in the next menstruation, its content in urine exceeds the threshold of susceptibility of the test system, and hCG molecules become distinguishable for the reagent of most existing test systems. That is why it is recommended to test no earlier than the first day of missed menstruation. And the earliest date is 4 days before the delay. But to determine the pregnancy before the delay begins, basically only ultrasensitive tests can.

The sensitivity of Evitest does not allow these tests to be classified as such. It is 20 mIU / ml, which indicates high, but not ultra-high sensitivity. This threshold for the perception of the active substance in the urine suggests that tests can determine pregnancy not only after a delay, but also a couple of days before it starts.

Advantages and disadvantages

All tests of this brand are disposable - and strips, and cassettes, and inkjet systems. There is also no other level of sensitivity besides the one indicated above. At the same time, each of the tests of this brand has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Evitest One

Has only one stripe. And this is a definite minus, since for confirmation you will have to go to the pharmacy again to buy a second test. The disadvantages of the system also include the need to collect urine in a special container before conducting self-diagnosis. This can be inconvenient if the woman is away from her home toilet and also time consuming to diagnose. The advantages of the system are in its low price and availability - tests of the One type are available in any pharmacy.

Evitest Plus

Contains 2 strips. double test more practical, because it saves a woman from having to buy a second strip separately. The strips per pack are presented in two separate packs. The undoubted advantage of this system is its price.

If you buy 2 separate strips, they will cost significantly more than 1 double set.

The disadvantages of the test are the same as those of a single strip - you need to collect urine.

Evitest Proof

No need to look for a container for urine, as it is included in the kit. There is also a pipette in the box, which should be used to collect and bury urine in a specially designated space in the case. Among the advantages, women call in their reviews a rather high accuracy, hygiene of the test.

But the obvious downside is the price- a tablet-type test is much more expensive than a strip strip.

Evitest Perfect

The inkjet test is convenient to use, the holder helps to carry out the test in just a few minutes with maximum comfort and hygiene. The advantage is that the woman is not “tied” to her own toilet, she can take the test anywhere - at work, in the university toilet, etc. There is no need to collect urine before testing. The system is considered to be highly accurate.

The only problem - the highest price among the entire line of diagnostic systems.

How to use?

Each model of the Evitest test is attached detailed instructions which will help to diagnose correctly and get a reliable result. Please note that compliance with the manufacturer's requirements is a very important condition if you want to get an accurate answer to your question.

Evitest One and Evitest Plus

You should take care in advance that there is a container in which you collect urine. It may be special Plastic container from a pharmacy or just a glass jar, for example, from baby food. It must be clean and dry. After collecting urine, you should remove the strip from the bag, holding it by the part opposite to the distal end. The side that is considered the immersion zone should lower the strip into the urine to the level marked by the dark stripe. Keep it in the urine for about 5 seconds, after which the strip is taken out and laid out on a flat and dry horizontal surface.

After 3-5 minutes, you can evaluate the result. But do not delay, because after 10 minutes the verdict will be invalid, anomalies that are not related to pregnancy, for example, a gray stripe in place of the second strip, may appear on the test. Such a strip is a trace of the reagent after drying, it does not indicate pregnancy. A positive result from Evitest looks like raspberry or lilac 2 stripes. Negative is represented by a single bar in the control region.

Evitest Proof

Collect urine in a container, it is included. With a pipette, which is also available, you need to collect a little urine. The cassette should be installed on a flat surface, do not try to hold it in your hands. 4 drops of liquid are applied to the window. Then you need to wait from 3 to 5 minutes, but not more than 10 minutes, to get an answer to the question of the presence or absence of pregnancy.

Evitest Perfect

Remove the cap from the tip, place it under the stream of urine during urination for 5 seconds. Then the cap must be returned to its original place and put the device on a flat surface away from water for 3-5 minutes. Then the result should be evaluated.

Which to choose?

Which of the presented tests is better to choose for use, it's up to you. It depends on your financial capabilities and personal preferences. If we talk about accuracy, then all four types are characterized by high accuracy, which is confirmed by the reviews of women on thematic forums on the Internet.

If you are sure that the test will need to be done once, you can get by with One. If you have to do the test again, then it is better to buy a double version, so you can save a lot.

The main thing is to choose a quality product. Take the system only in a pharmacy, avoid shopping in a supermarket, because storage conditions are often not met there. Be sure to evaluate the expiration date, as an expired reagent cannot guarantee a normal chemical reaction.

If you are doing the test before the delay or immediately after it begins, conduct a study on morning urine - it is more concentrated and dense. If you have taken hCG preparations, then there is no expediency in conducting a home test at all. If you get a doubtful result, repeat the test after 48 hours.

C pregnancy test "Evitest Plus" I have connected the most wonderful moments of my life. It is both excitement and fear, joy and awe, expectation and hope. I wanted a child for a long time, but it so happened that for the first time I tried a pregnancy test in action only at the age of 27, before that there was no reason.

My husband and I planned our long-awaited lyalechka carefully and diligently. For several months of attempts, I conscientiously waited for the delay and could not stop the tears when they came, evil and merciless, these days ...

This time everything was somehow different ... Frequent urge to go to the toilet a little, but, probably, autumn - I caught a cold, my chest was a little swollen and ached, but probably menstruation is coming soon, logically, hormones are playing, I was terribly sleepy, but again it's autumn, it's raining...

It was 9 days from the day of the attempt, and the girls from the laboratory diagnostics department (at that time I worked in a hospital and access to any tests was free) suggested that I do a blood test for hCG.

Chorionic gonadotropin ( CG, hCG) is a hormone secreted by the placenta during pregnancy. It belongs to gonadotropic hormones along with luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, but differs from them in amino acid sequence. It begins to be produced from the first hours of pregnancy and increases several thousand times by 7-11 weeks, then gradually decreases.

A pregnancy test is based on a qualitative analysis of the presence of the β-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. A decrease in the level of hCG in the blood during pregnancy or a slowdown in its growth may indicate a spontaneous miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

It’s scary, of course, but I didn’t really want to suffer for at least a week. I donated blood and went to the workplace, somehow I even got distracted and forgot that my whole life could turn upside down from the results of this analysis!

And at the end of the working day, a phone call and a laboratory assistant in a cheerful voice announces that the result is 15 units. To my question "How much is the norm?" - the answer is "For healthy people up to 1, but since you are pregnant, it's normal for you!"

I can't believe my ears! The first thought that popped into my head was that the laboratory assistant was just joking. But then I understand that no one will joke with such things. The second thought is that they were mistaken, but something I very much doubt that besides me today a couple of pregnant women took a blood test for hCG. So there really is a pregnancy, it remains only to make sure that it is present and do an ultrasound and a pregnancy test. In the urine, this hormone appears much later than in the blood, and the effect of all pregnancy tests is precisely based on the fact that they capture traces of it when excreted by the kidneys. But still I decided to try to do the test, although I did not really count on success.

On the same day I went to the pharmacy and bought Evitest, but not simple, but immediately double, to check everything more than once. Its cost at that time was about 100 rubles, a little expensive compared to tests for 8-10 rubles, but in my opinion the quality of this particular test is much higher, you can trust it.

The next day (10th after) I do a test in the morning. before that, I carefully read the instructions so as not to do something wrong and not get a false positive or false negative result. It's good that detailed instructions are attached to the test.

At first, the test strip did not react in any way to the manipulations carried out with it, I was already ready to get upset, burst into tears, accuse the hCG blood test of misinformation and giving me false hopes. But while I was wringing my hands on the test strip for about 5 minutes, a pale, pale ghost of the second strip began to appear. I couldn't believe my eyes! At first it seemed to me that this was due to the fact that I wanted it too much, I rubbed my eyes. The strip was in place. Then I thought that I was just seeing double from the accumulated tears in them. But the second strip still remained in its rightful place and conveyed hello to me from the baby.

After 2 days, as it should be according to the instructions, I did the second test (12th day after). The feelings were already completely different, I already understood that a certain amount of time was needed for the strip to appear. In this groove, the greeting from the baby was more pronounced, the strip was brighter and there was no longer any doubt about its presence on the test.

There was no limit to my happiness, probably every woman who has been dreaming of having a child for more than one year will understand me. I spent the whole evening looking at my stripes, I talked to them, telling them how I was expecting a baby, what toys I would buy for him, how we would walk. In general, I began to gradually go crazy with joy and with hormones bubbling in me.

Menstruation never came to me, but Lyalya came, now she lies in the crib and groans.

So don't expect delays! The test perfectly shows a miracle without it! In my version, it was already on the tenth day! At this time, sometimes it is even impossible to assume pregnancy, a woman may not feel the slightest sign that she is already developing new life!

However, if the pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, why not try to find out about it early?

The benefits of this test include:

  • high sensitivity of the test, which is 20mME / ml;
  • test accuracy over 99%;
  • diagnostic capability from the first day of delay menses;
  • the ability to use anywhere, at any time of the day;
  • getting results within 3-5 minutes;
  • the presence of 4 types of test to determine pregnancy at home;
  • use in the production of high-quality materials, sterility, verification at each stage of production.

The action of the Evitest pregnancy test, like any other test, is based on the detection presence in the woman's urine chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Reagents are applied to the test strip, which stain when interacting with the hormone contained in the urine.

- This hormone which is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. Chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced immediately after embryo implantation(its attachment to the wall of the uterus), that is, 5-6 days after conception.

However, the level of this hormone in the urine, necessary to establish pregnancy, is reached a few days later. The synthesis of hCG continues throughout pregnancy.

Starting from the second week its content in the blood and urine is growing rapidly, doubling every 1.5 days, and reaches a maximum by 11-12 weeks, and then begins to decline.

To the test result was the most accurate, you should add 10 days to the estimated date, and then conduct a test.

Test types

The Evitest brand produces a whole series of tests for definitions of pregnancy Evitest at home.

Evitest One is the simplest test consisting of one strip. The strip is taken out of the package and lowered into the urine for the specified time.

Evitest Plus Pregnancy Test– includes two test strips to increase the accuracy of the analysis. Used in the same way as the previous one. To clarify the test result after a while, the test should be repeated.

Evitest Proof - cassette test for pregnancy Evitest, including a special cassette and a pipette. It is more accurate and convenient to use than the above types and is a prototype of professional laboratory diagnostics, since its design provides a more efficient interaction of the liquid with the reagent.

Pregnancy test Evitest Perfect - inkjet test with holder and cap. Its advantage, hygiene and comfort of use is that it is not necessary to collect urine for testing and take care of the sterility of the container. A strip of test just needs to be substituted under a stream of urine.

Evitest Supreme— an inkjet test cassette in an ultra-modern design, which is the most sensitive and stylish test.


The device of all types of the Evitest test is quite simple, but in any case it should carefully study the instructions, which is in the package.

Although different types test and act on general principle, it can differ significantly in trifles, from the exact observance of which the correctness of the result depends.

How to use Evitest One

Remove the dough from the packaging, avoiding moisture on it. The test strip is dipped into pre-collected urine to the specified there are marks on it for 3-5 seconds, then placed on a horizontal surface. After 3-5 minutes, you can evaluate the result, but you should not wait more than 10 minutes.

If one red line appears on the test, the test is negative (no pregnancy), if two red stripes- positive pregnancy test evitest (pregnancy is present). The test is carried out at room temperature.

How to use Evitest Plus

The second test is done to confirm the result of the first. It is recommended to carry it out after 2 days, since every 1.5-2 days the level of hCG in the urine doubles.

It is best to do a second test in the morning, immediately after sleep, as in a short period of pregnancy the highest concentration of hCG contained in the first morning urine.

How to use Evitest Proof

Remove the cassette test and pipette from the package, put the cassette on a horizontal surface.

Take a small amount of urine into the pipette and drop 4 drops into the round indicator window on the surface of the tablet.

After 3-5 minutes, you can evaluate the result, but don't wait more than 10 minutes. The test is carried out at room temperature.

How to use Evitest Perfect

Remove the protective cap from the test cassette. Substitute the tip of the cassette marked with an arrow under the stream of urine for 5 seconds, then close it again with a protective cap. After 5 minutes, you can evaluate the result, but you should not wait more than 10 minutes.

The test is being conducted at room temperature.

We follow the rules

To obtain the most reliable result, you must:

  • do not use the same test twice;
  • evaluate the test results no later than 10 minutes after the procedure;
  • store Evitest in packaging at room temperature (5-30 C) in a place protected from direct sunlight and moisture;
  • do not use an expired test;
  • best test in the morning when the concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine is maximum.

Should not be consumed a lot of liquid the night before- this can adversely affect the reliability of the test.

The sequence of actions is simple:

  • urine must be collected in a clean glass or plastic container;
  • the strip is placed into the liquid strictly vertically;
  • while waiting for the result, the test should be placed on a dry horizontal surface;
  • do not trust the result if the test strip is underexposed or overexposed in the urine, and also if the second strip appeared later than after 10-15 minutes;
  • with an indeterminate result it is recommended to take a blood test for hCG, since its level in the blood is higher than in the urine.

It is possible to obtain false positive or false negative result.

False positive test shows two stripes in the absence of pregnancy.

False negative test may show only one strip when there is a pregnancy.

These results depend on the following factors:

  • are the all test conditions, specified in the instructions;
  • is the woman sick?
  • the concentration of the hormone is still too low, so it is worth retest later a few days.

Evitest pregnancy test: the price varies in the following range:"Evitest One" and Evitest Plus - from 30 to 85 rubles; "Evitest Proof" - 162-185 rubles; "Evitest Perfect" - 110-120 rubles.

Consumer reviews

“More than once I had to use the Evitest test with a delay in menstruation. And this test always showed the exact result.

If there is no pregnancy, then no, and if there is, then even if it is small, the test will still show it. In my early stages during the first and second pregnancy, the test showed a barely noticeable second strip.

I doubted, I did the test again and again, but the result was the same. Now I only buy Evitest and no other. Evitest has many different tests, but they are not clear to me, and I buy regular strips. The strip is cheaper than the inkjet test and easy to use. The result will not change if you buy a more expensive test. Julia, Korolev

“I was really looking forward to my pregnancy and tried a bunch of tests, including Evitest. I must say right away that there were early signs of pregnancy, so there was very high hope for Evitest. But even after the delay of menstruation, he stubbornly did not want to show anything. And I did everything according to the rules, as it should be in the morning.

Being completely upset, I bought Frautest with a window, just to have some other one. I came home from work about three days, I think I'll ruin this one too. In the morning I checked for Evitest, there was nothing. Well, I drip e drops into the window - and what do you think, in three days a weak second strip is shown, which after 15 minutes became clear. The next morning I did Evitest again and again nothing.

Although all the signs are there. I don’t want to pass judgment on this test, but personally I’m not very happy with it and I think it’s right to buy tests from different companies.”
Inna, Kharkov

“Once a story happened to me, which still surprises me to this day. I was doing housework one Saturday and the idea came to me to go take a test. On the one hand, there were still 6 days before the delay, and on the other hand, you can’t fool your intuition! At home, there were only the usual Evitest tests in the form of paper strips.

Believe it or not, but a weak second line appeared! I asked my husband to buy a few more tests on the way home, he brought Evitest again. Used a couple more just to be sure. They also showed a pale second stripe. Two days later, I donated blood for hCG, and the analysis showed that the second strips on the tests are not ghosts, I really am pregnant!

These are the Evitest tests that are sensitive, it turns out! If the second strip is poorly visible, then the hormone is simply still very small, the period is very short. Definitely recommend!"
Vera, Rostov-on-Don.

“Whenever there were some doubts about the absence or presence of pregnancy, I bought this particular test. I have never been pregnant, but the fact that there is no pregnancy, he showed exactly. And it didn't let my friends down either. I think that Evitest is convenient, easy to use and has a reasonable price.

Don't overpay for more expensive tests. In addition, it is available in almost any pharmacy. I believe that the test may show an incorrect result if the woman has some hormonal disorders, or if the test was not bought at a pharmacy, but somewhere else where the storage conditions were violated.

“It was Evitest that gave me a false positive result. I did not take hormones, there were no other problems in the body. I can’t get pregnant for a long time, and then I saw two stripes. I was delighted and went to the doctor - but neither ultrasound nor hCG showed anything. Since then, I have not bought Evitest, I do not trust him. ”

“I was planning a pregnancy ... and now the delay))) I asked my husband to buy two tests, even though the instructions say what to do in the morning, but I was eager to know the result, I did ... ... .. yes, 2 strips))) went to bed happy. In the morning I did it again and again 2 strips. On the same day, I went with my husband to the gynecologist, she examined and said: “there is no pregnancy, well, or maybe an ectopic one, although it doesn’t seem to exist either, you have a cyst, go for an ultrasound, you will come in a week.”

I left in tears, my husband took my hand and dragged me to the ultrasound. They did a vaginal ultrasound, the result: a fluid inclusion in the left ovary, that is, a cyst and that's it. A week and a half later, I decided to go for a second ultrasound, only the usual one, in a different place ... lay down while talking about the results of the previous ultrasound, the doctor laughed and said: “YOUR BRUSH IS SIX WEEKS!!!”

My eyes popped out of my head. Here are the doctors in the clinic! Evitest turned out to be right, I was pregnant!!! I got registered in another polyclinic, not a foot in the previous one. ”

“I didn’t get to use such tests often, but still the experience was a couple of times.

What can I say about Evitest? Very expensive. I bought it only when there was no other choice (they are sold in any supermarket, but our pharmacies close early).

Simple and easy to use. Once I got a defective one, showed pregnancy when she was gone. At the doctor’s appointment, I was convinced of the opposite, which I was glad about. ”

When you need to quickly determine whether pregnancy has occurred or not, you can use the test. To date, the choice is great - such funds are freely available. The most popular pregnancy test is Evitest. It is simple and easy to use. It can be used already on the first day of a missed period.

Features of the Evitest pregnancy test and its varieties

There are both positive and negative opinions about the Evitest pregnancy test. What does he represent? This is a special device that allows you to make an immunochromatic study of the body and confirm or deny pregnancy. This test is highly accurate. He can show the onset of conception as early as 10-14 days.

Evitest is the name of a brand that is a manufacturer of pregnancy tests.

The brand provides products of different types:

  • Plus;
  • Proof;
  • Perfect.

These devices can be used anywhere: at home, in a store, in a hospital.

An important condition is to choose the test that will satisfy the requirements as much as possible.

Evitest One is the most primitive of all. It has only one strip with a special reagent. This type is less popular, as many people do several tests at once to get the most accurate result.

Evitest Plus is a simple diagnostic method, one package contains two test strips. This offer is more interesting for women, so this type is acquired more often. It is possible to recheck the result at no additional cost.

Proof - is a tablet test. For the study, a special pipette is attached. With its help, you need to collect urine and put a few drops on the tablet. Wait a while and evaluate the result.

Perfect - inkjet test. For its implementation, special cartridges are used. The kit includes several such devices. Changing cartridges is very easy. Possesses high accuracy.

Benefits of the test

Evitest pregnancy test reviews are positive. Has the following benefits:

  1. highly sensitive;
  2. the accuracy is 99.5%;
  3. diagnostic measures can be carried out from the first day of delay;
  4. does not require special conditions for;
  5. The manufacturer only uses quality materials, the production takes place under sterile conditions with a check at each stage.

Almost all tests work on the same principle - determining the presence of the hCG hormone in the urine. It begins to be produced in the body of a woman after the attachment of the embryo. Every day, its amount in the urine and blood is rapidly increasing.

The maturation of the egg and the bursting of the follicle occur in the middle of the cycle, subject to its regularity.

If the cycle lasts 28 days, then ovulation occurs on the 14th day. There is a high chance of conception these days. If fertilization has occurred, then the egg moves to the site of implantation.

A positive result can be obtained already on the 24th day of the cycle. In this case, the test must be highly sensitive.

If a woman has an irregular cycle and is planning a pregnancy, then you can correctly determine the release of an egg by conducting an ovulation test. After 14 days, you can start a pregnancy test.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for the Evitest pregnancy test, in order to obtain an accurate result, certain rules must be followed:

  • Use only once.
  • You can evaluate the result only in the first 10 minutes after the study.
  • Store in a dry place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Open immediately before use.
  • Do not use if expired.
  • The procedure is carried out immediately after waking up. It is in the morning that a woman has the highest amount of hCG in her urine.

How to use the Evitest pregnancy test?

Terms of use:

  1. Collect the morning portion of urine in a clean container.
  2. Insert a special strip with an indicator into the urine and wait a few seconds.
  3. Lay on a horizontal surface and wait 3 minutes.
  4. The result is reliable in the first 10 minutes of use.
  5. One line is negative, two lines are positive.

Does the Evitest test detect an ectopic pregnancy?

Evitests for pregnancy can determine both normal and ectopic conception. Therefore, after receiving a reliable result, it is necessary to consult a doctor for confirmation. Ectopic pregnancy, with its late detection, has negative consequences.

Probability of a given test error

According to research and feedback from real buyers, the probability of error is minimal and is more than 99%. To confirm the result, it is recommended to do several repeated procedures to eliminate errors.
