Rules and recommendations for washing caps of various types of fabric. We wash the cap correctly to keep its shape

Caps are worn during sports or in the summer to protect the head and face from the sun's rays. As a result, the product is covered with dust and dirty spots. The so-called baseball cap rim, the part that constantly comes into contact with the head, suffers the most. This causes the appearance bad smell and ingrained contaminants. The product can be or in a typewriter. The choice of washing method will depend on the type of fabric used to make the baseball cap.

Before washing your cap, you should familiarize yourself with general rules carrying out the procedure:

  1. First you need to clean the baseball cap from dust and dirt with a dry brush. If this is not done, then during washing, the dirt will be deeply fixed in the fibers of the product. You can also go over the fabric with a sticky roller to remove fluff and other stuck-on debris.
  2. When washing, it is advisable to use a delicate powder. Suitable for washing children's clothes. It is recommended to add fabric softener. Otherwise, the product will become too rigid.
  3. Shouldn't be used a large number of washing powder. In addition, you need to thoroughly rinse the baseball cap after washing. Otherwise, it will leave stains from detergents.
  4. Do not use bleach or powders with bleaching properties to clean colored caps. It is also worth checking if the product does not shed during washing. To do this, apply a little detergent to a damp cloth and rub the fabric from the back. If after drying there are no streaks left and the material does not fade, the baseball cap can be washed. If the color changes, it is advisable to dry clean.
  5. Pay attention to the material of the visor. If plastic was used in its manufacture, the visor will not change its shape after washing. And if the visor is cardboard, then the cap can only be cleaned with a dry brush.
  6. Cotton and synthetic baseball caps are machine washable.
  7. Caps made of drape, leather and fur should preferably be dry cleaned.
  8. Woolen products can be washed in cold water with the addition of a small amount of a delicate detergent designed specifically for woolen items.
  9. Baseball caps with decorative elements (rhinestones, stickers, etc.) should be cleaned with extreme caution. It is strongly not recommended to wash such products in a typewriter so that they do not deteriorate and lose their appearance.

Once you have decided on how to clean your cap, you can proceed to hand or machine wash.


If the baseball cap cannot be washed in the machine, it should be hand washed. For this you will need:

  1. Wipe the cap with a dry soft clothes brush, removing dust and dirt. Then remove small particles with a sticky roller.
  2. Pour warm water into a wash basin. Add a little delicate washing powder or other detergent in the form of a gel. Mix composition.
  3. Holding the baseball cap by the visor, lower the fabric part into the prepared solution and rinse.
  4. Then you need to take an old toothbrush, moisten it in soapy water and carefully rub the rim of the cap. It is this part that is most polluted, as it constantly comes into contact with the head, becomes greasy and absorbs sweat. The brush can also be used to rub other stains on the product.
  5. Lastly, clean the visor. So it gets wet less, and the risk of losing shape is significantly reduced. To wash the visor, it is necessary to moisten the sponge with the previously prepared solution and wipe the surface inside and out.
  6. After that, the fabric base of the cap is rinsed in clean cold water. And the visor is wiped with a clean, damp sponge several times.

If the baseball cap is heavily soiled, you can lather problem areas and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Machine wash

Cotton and synthetic caps with a plastic visor can be machine washed.

Moreover, you can use not only a washing machine, but also a dishwasher.

Washing machine

To prevent the baseball cap from deforming during machine washing, the following rules should be observed:

  1. It is necessary to set the delicate washing mode. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees if the product is made from natural fabrics, and 30 degrees if the cap is synthetic.
  2. The powder should be delicate. You can take a detergent for washing children's things or a special gel. When choosing a powder, you need to consider the color of the fabric.
  3. Do not add large amounts of detergents. Otherwise, stains will remain on the material.
  4. Spin should be turned off. Otherwise, the product may be deformed. This is especially true for caps with a very tight and straight visor. It might be better to wash them by hand.

Wool baseball caps can also be washed in washing machine. But great care must be taken. The water should be cool (temperature not higher than 30 degrees), and the speed of the machine should be minimal. To do this, set the most delicate washing mode, suitable for woolen items.


If the house has a dishwasher, then you can wash the product in it. The big advantage of this method is that the baseball cap is fixed in one position. Therefore, the risk of deformation is much lower than when washing in a washing machine, where the cap is constantly moving inside the drum.


  • put a dirty baseball cap on the top tier of the dishwasher (usually glasses are placed there);
  • add a small amount of dishwashing detergent;
  • start the washer.

If there is serious dirt on the cap, it is worth pre-treating the fabric with soapy water. This will require:

  • dissolve shavings in warm water laundry soap or some stain remover;
  • moisten the sponge with the resulting composition and wipe the baseball cap;
  • especially carefully you need to process the rim of the cap;
  • in this state, the product is left for 10-15 minutes.

After the allotted time, the cap is sent to the dishwasher.

How to dry your cap properly

To maintain the original shape of a baseball cap, it is important not only to wash it correctly, but also to dry it.

Action algorithm:

  • immediately after washing, leave the cap in the bathroom, without wringing or twisting, for a few minutes, so that water can drain from it;
  • then gently blot the product with a terry towel;
  • after that, the baseball cap must be pulled on an object of a suitable shape (three-liter jar, ball, small upside down pan or inflated balloon) so that there are no folds and creases anywhere;
  • if the cap has a straight visor, you need to put a stack of heavy books on it, otherwise it may bend after drying;
  • then you need to wait until the product dries without using electric heaters, radiators, clothes dryers and other heat sources.

In the case when the even visor is still twisted, it should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Then put under a homemade press and wait for it to dry.

It happens that after drying the fabric becomes too soft, losing the necessary rigidity of the form. To fix this, you can use this method:

  • to 1 liter of warm water add 3 tbsp. l. starch;
  • mix the solution thoroughly;
  • moisten the sponge with the resulting mixture and wipe the product several times;
  • then with your hands give the cap its original shape and dry it in the manner described above.

In addition, sometimes a dried cap becomes too wrinkled. Steam can solve this problem. You will need to treat the fabric with a steamer or hold the product a little over boiling water. After the baseball cap is dried again, pulled over a can, ball or other suitable object.

If the cap is covered with a layer of dirt, and there are traces of sweat on its rim, there is no need to rush to throw the thing away. Wash the product really at home. The main thing is to be careful so that the cap does not lose its shape.

Favorite things wear out faster than others. This is one of the universal injustices. Caps are harder than others, but don't rush to throw a dirty hat in the trash. Lifehacker will tell you how to give a baseball cap a second chance.

How to wash a cap

Soak the baseball cap in warm (not hot!) water. Add a spoonful of laundry detergent or half a capful of stain remover.

If there are very dirty spots on the cap, rub them with a stain remover using an unused toothbrush. In places with a pattern and at the seams, use the brush more carefully.

Let the baseball cap soak. If after a few hours the stains do not disappear, wipe them again with a stain remover.

Rinse the cap well in cool water. Now it remains to dry the headdress.

Wrap a towel around a coffee can, put a wet baseball cap on top. If you need a cap urgently, dry it with a hair dryer on a gentle setting.

What Not to Do

Even if it was not possible to remove the stains, you should not resort to extreme measures. They will finish off the headgear.

  1. Do not use a washing machine. A spinning drum can help remove stains, but the pancake that forms after washing is hardly suitable for outdoor use during daylight hours.
  2. Do not wash your baseball cap in the dishwasher. Many smart people advise putting the cap on the shelf for glasses: here no drum will crush it. But even if you decide to spoil the technique and pour it into the dishwasher tablet compartment washing powder, the remnants of the dishwashing detergent will paint the headdress no worse than ordinary bleach.

How to increase the life of a cap

  1. Wear a baseball cap only on a clean head. Unwashed ones can be hidden under a headdress, but this will not add novelty to him, but will only shorten an already short age.
  2. Do not touch the cap with your hands. A lot of grease and dirt accumulates on the hands.
  3. Store your cap in a closed closet with a scarf stuffed inside. This is enough to keep the baseball cap from deforming and gathering dust.

Take care of things and let them last as long as possible!

Among headwear, the cap occupies a leading position, especially in summer period. But it is in summer that she especially suffers from dust and sweat. You have to wash your cap almost every week. And you could use a washing machine to make your job easier, but the result could be a violation of the shape and size of the garment. Although you can clean the cap without this miracle of technology.

Where to begin

Just pour water into a basin, pour powder and rub the cap will not work. With this method of care, there is a risk of breaking the visor or affecting the size of the headgear if the temperature is not observed. In addition, the fabric can shed, which also does not add to the attractiveness of your favorite cap.

To prevent this from happening, you should carefully study the label on the inside of the baseball cap (water temperature, the use of bleach, the possibility of using a washing machine, and much more). This will help you wash properly. If there is no label left or was not originally there, then it is worth proceeding from the material that was used when sewing. Here you will have to rely on your knowledge and feelings. Or just go straight for cleaning as carefully as possible.

Of the cleaning products you will need:

  • water - it is better if the temperature is about 30 degrees (for natural fabrics it can be increased to 40), which will preserve the color and structure of the material;
  • washing powder;
  • ammonia;
  • remedy for fat;
  • sponge.

This is the main thing that will be required in order to return the cap to its original form. You can also prepare an old toothbrush to make it easier to clean difficult stains.

If there is no time at all, and you need to wash your favorite hat, then you can use the washing machine. You just need to act according to the instructions, otherwise you will have to go to the store for a new thing.

How to do it right

The result will be satisfactory, and you will not have to return to washing the baseball cap again in a couple of days if you carefully carry out each of the steps.

  • Before proceeding with the main cleaning, it is necessary to carefully inspect the cap for the presence of difficult stains. These can be traces of fat or sweat, ingrained dirt. Such contamination must be treated with ammonia or a stain remover that does not contain chlorine. Apply liquid to them with a cotton pad and leave for about half an hour - an hour.
  • Now you need to draw water into the basin, dissolve the powder in it and gently wash the cap without putting much effort. Separate places can be rubbed with a toothbrush or a sponge with a hard side. But again, you should not rub and twist the headgear much, otherwise there is a risk of ruining the thing.

It is worth remembering that if the inside of the visor is made of cardboard, washing is prohibited. In this case, it is easier to buy a new baseball cap. Or you can try to gently clean the dirt with ammonia or soap suds. But this method does not guarantee a perfect result.

You can also carefully open the seam, remove the frame of the visor, and after washing, return it to its place.

Another important point- before sending the cap into the water, it is worth checking the durability of the paint in an inconspicuous place. To do this, simply wipe with a damp cloth.

  • After the baseball cap is clean, you need to rinse it gently. This can be done either in a basin, constantly changing the water, or under the shower. The hat cannot be pressed. In order to get rid of excess water, it will be correct to blot the product with a towel.
  • Dry the baseball cap, preferably on a can or on a special blank, so that it retains its original shape. By the way, you can use a ball that is suitable in size for this purpose.

In order to wash the baseball cap in the washing machine, you must select the delicate mode and turn off the spin cycle. After completion of work, remove excess moisture and dry in the same way as for manual cleaning.

Happy owners of dishwashers can take advantage of its capabilities in order to get rid of their favorite headwear from pollution. This option is even better than the washing one, because the cap will not move - water and detergent are passed through it. A similar method will more reliably preserve the structure of the fabric.

The water temperature, again, should be set no higher than 40 degrees for natural fabrics and 30 for synthetics. At the end of the cycle, blot the cap with a towel and send it to dry.

Despite the apparent complexity of the task, returning the cap to its original cleanliness is quite simple. Subject to all conditions - temperature, care and accuracy, it will return to its original state without consequences for its structure.


A cap is a kind of headgear worn by children, men and women, and which gets dirty more often than other headwear. With regular wear, it quickly becomes dirty, dust and sweat settle on it, and it requires a good cleaning. Of course, you can ask the dry-cleaner for help, and they will clean your cap for you. But if you decide to do it on your own, then “wind on your mustache” all the secrets on how to wash a cap, how to dry it with the help of improvised means so that it does not lose its shape.

Before you take care of this part of the wardrobe, read the instructions on the tag on how to care for your cap. The main problem of cleaning is that they very quickly lose their original shape and their visor deteriorates. However, there are models of caps that can be washed both by hand and in the washing machine.

But there are also models that can only be cleaned.

What do you need to wash a cap?

Prepare the following items that are necessary for washing it:

  • brush with soft bristles
  • roller brush,
  • scotch,
  • sponge or rag
  • warm and cool water
  • detergent.

You will also need:

  • drying mold,
  • washing machine,
  • Dishwasher,
  • jar,
  • plate.

Basic rules for washing caps

Before washing the cap, take a dry soft bristle brush and clean it. You can use a roller brush and clean the lint, fluff, hair, dust particles and motes adhering to the fabric. If you don’t have a roller brush on hand, then you can take a piece of tape and gently stick around the cap with the sticky side.

Now prepare the solution for washing the cap. To do this, take 2 cups of water and 3 tablespoons of laundry detergent.

Mix thoroughly and, using a foam sponge, gently apply the solution.

Particular attention should be paid to the rim of the dress, as this is usually the dirtiest place. Sweat and dirt usually accumulate here.

You can rub the bezel with soap and leave it to lie down for a while, and then gently wash off the soap with a brush and clean water.

When it is washed, fill with clean warm water and carefully remove all the dirty foam from the cap. And then rinse it gently with cold water.

How to wash a cap in the dishwasher

It can also be washed in the dishwasher. The dishwasher washes hats quite carefully and neatly, and many housewives use this. Place the cap on the top tier in the dishwasher where you normally put glasses. We add a special powder designed for washing dishes.

Since the dishwasher has a water flow from below, it will be washed delicately.

If the cap is not washed

If using hand wash your cap is still dirty, how do you wash your cap then? You can try using a stain remover. Gently dilute the stain remover in warm water and apply it using a sponge to the garment.

It is necessary to wait 20 minutes and after 20 minutes you can gently rinse the stain remover with clean water.

Is it possible to wash the cap in the washing machine

If the tag does not indicate a ban on washing in a washing machine, then you can try washing the cap in an automatic washing machine. Wash the machine in the machine on the hand wash mode and without spinning. The temperature regime must be selected 40 C.

How to dry a cap after washing

When it is washed, put it on some form, you can put it on a three-liter jar and leave it in this form until completely dry.

You can use a terry towel to dry the cap. Blot it with a terry towel, gradually the terry towel will absorb all the moisture. After that, you can wear a cap on some kind of uniform. On a jar, ball, plate, and keep it on the mold until it is completely dry.

And if your cap is not washable, it's easier to buy a new one. Take a look and buy if the price suits you.

Using all the above tips on how to wash a cap, you can easily put your cap in order!

A cap is the best companion for all summer walks and travels. IN Lately this headdress has become incredibly popular not only among men and children, but also among women. Everyday wear, especially in hot weather, is fraught with severe pollution. From sweat and accumulated dust, the inside of this product is covered with a layer of dirt that spoils the entire appearance.

It is at this point that the question arises of how to wash the cap. The first thing you should pay attention to before washing is the material from which your item is made. This headdress consists of two parts - fabric and a visor, which can be made of cardboard or plastic. Caps with a cardboard visor are not washable, when wet, the visor will lose its shape and you will no longer wear such a thing.

  • warm water;
  • detergent liquid;
  • soft brush or sponge.

Before washing, clean the cap from visible dirt. Hard-to-remove or greasy spots pre-treat with a mild chlorine-free stain remover. Dilute the powder in a small amount of water. Taking the cap in your hands, start using a brush to clean the surface of the headgear, both from the outside and from the inside. Try not to touch the visor and act without effort and friction. Particular attention should be paid to the rim of the headgear, this part is most susceptible to pollution.

Having cleaned the cap with soapy water, it's time to move on to removing it. A clean sponge or cloth dipped in warm water should do the trick. After removing all the foam, you can start drying. Do not resort to twisting or wringing the product. It must dry naturally. Most of the moisture can be blotted with a thick terry towel. A wet cap will retain its shape better if it is dried on a round object of the right size. For these purposes, an inverted jar is suitable.

It also happens that gentle manual cleaning does not cope with pollution or there is simply no time for it. It's time to think about using specialized laundry devices. How to wash a cap in the washing machine and not ruin it? Almost every modern model of the machine - the machine has a mode for washing delicate fabrics. It is suitable for cleaning caps. Set the desired temperature - no higher than 40 degrees, pour the powder. Choose a reliable and proven detergent for delicate fabrics or specialized for washing hats. The most important condition for machine washing a cap is to turn off the options - spin and dry.

Another reliable way to wash caps has appeared in the arsenal of housewives. It is suitable for all owners of a dishwasher. This unit copes well with washing hats, without harming them. The cap is placed on the topmost tier for cups and glasses. After adding the powder that you use to wash dishes, start washing. The water flow comes from the bottom, which provides gentle care for your product.

Frequent washing of a cap may not be beneficial to its appearance. Try to regularly carry out preventive measures so that the headgear is less dirty. After wearing, you can air the cap, and wipe the newly planted stain with a damp cloth, which will also help get rid of traces of dirt. Dry cleaning with a conventional brush is effective for light dirt.

Use the rules for proper care behind the cap, they will help you keep it in perfect condition.
