Breathing exercises for pregnant women 2nd trimester. The expectant mother will be in shape: breathing exercises for pregnant women

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 17 minutes


Pregnancy is not a disease, and therefore expectant mothers can and should engage in feasible sports and feel moderate physical activity. Every pregnant woman should consult her gynecologist about the type of exercise and intensity of exercise.

We will present the most popular and useful exercises for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

The benefits of gymnastics for pregnant women - indications and contraindications

The benefits of gymnastics for pregnant women can not be overestimated, therefore, doctors recommend that almost every expectant mother perform it daily.

An expectant mother can be introduced to effective exercises at.

  • We know a strong restorative effect of gymnastics on the entire body of a pregnant woman as a whole. The work of all organs and systems improves, the mechanisms of metabolism are actively launched, the protective resources of the body increase.
  • Physical exercise improves mood and allows the expectant mother to overcome depression.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  • With the help of physical exercises, edema can be avoided, which disturbs almost all expectant mothers, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Physical exercises allow you to relieve tension and clamps in the muscles, unload the spine and stabilize your posture.
  • Regular gymnastics during pregnancy will allow a woman to quickly return to her previous shape after childbirth.
  • Exercise prepares the body of expectant mothers for childbirth.
  • Burning calories through exercise keeps pregnant women from gaining weight excess weight and prevent fat deposits on the abdomen and thighs.
  • Doing exercises will greatly help the expectant mother learn to control her own breathing and control her body during childbirth.
  • Strong muscles and proper breathing are the key to a significant reduction in pain during childbirth.
  • Getting rid of is another positive property of regular gymnastics.

This list is endless. Surely every woman who is expecting a child or was previously pregnant will tell you about the benefits of the exercises that she performed during pregnancy.

Video: All about gymnastics for pregnant women

Are there any contraindications or restrictions to gymnastics during pregnancy?

  1. With placenta previa physical activity and stress are prohibited!
  2. It is forbidden to play sports and exercise for women with threatened miscarriage.
  3. With uterine hypertonicity gymnastics should also be postponed to a quieter time.
  4. Avoid exercise at risk of bleeding .
  5. For varicose veins or hemorrhoids do not perform exercises that increase the load on the legs.
  6. Any strength exercise , as well as exercises associated with jumping, sharp turns, bumps and falls are prohibited throughout the entire period of pregnancy!
  7. With hypertension, hypotension, anemia the expectant mother needs to get a doctor's recommendation to perform certain exercises.
  8. Prohibited physical activity of the expectant mother with toxicosis in the last months of pregnancy .

Even if you feel great and do not see any contraindications for doing exercises, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor who is watching you, and ideally, to undergo an examination.

It is worth noting that there are special exercises that can be performed by pregnant women at any time and even those who have contraindications to other exercises - this breathing exercises for expectant mothers.

Basic breathing exercises for expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy

Perform breathing exercises daily for half an hour, before or after the main gymnastics.

These exercises can also be done throughout the day, at any time.

Exercise 1:

Lie on the floor with your legs slightly bent at the knees.

Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Breathe in slowly through your nose and then breathe out.

Inhalation should be done as deeply as possible, while inhaling, try not to increase the chest, but breathe only with the diaphragm, raising and lowering the stomach.

Exercise 2:

In the same position, lay right hand on the chest, and the left on the stomach.

Inhale deeply, slightly raising your shoulders and head, but trying not to change the position of the abdomen. Change hands and do the exercise again.

Repeat several times.

Exercise 3:

Sit cross-legged. Lower your arms along the body.

Bending your elbows, lift them up so that your fingers stay at chest level. At this time, take a breath without changing the position of the abdomen and chest.

Slowly lower your arms as you exhale.

Gymnastics exercises in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Although the body of a woman at the very beginning of pregnancy may not feel the changes, very important and powerful processes of the birth of a new life are taking place in her universe.

An embryo, consisting of only a few cells, is very vulnerable to all external influences, so the 1st trimester of waiting for a baby is the time to start taking care of him and learn to limit yourself from what can harm the course of pregnancy.

Video: Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

What exercises can not be performed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy?

  1. First of all, you need to remove all abdominal exercises from your gymnastics. - they can provoke uterine tone - and, as a result, bleeding and abortion.
  2. It's time to forbid yourself from jumping and sharp bends.

Useful gymnastics exercises in the first months of pregnancy:

  1. Exercises for the thighs and muscles of the perineum.

Lean on the back of a chair. Slowly sit down, spreading your knees wide. Hold in a half squat, then slowly return to the starting position.

Exercise to perform 5-10 times.

  1. Exercises for the calf muscles - prevention of edema.

Position - standing, legs together, socks apart.

Holding on to the back of a chair, slowly rise up on your toes. Feel the tension in your calf muscles, then slowly return to the starting position.

Perform 5-8 times at a slow pace.

Watch your posture!

  1. Exercise for the muscles of the legs, perineum and abdomen.

Leaning on the back of the chair with both hands, the right leg must be extended forward, then slowly taken to the side, back, then to left side(“swallow”, but move the leg strongly to the left). Do the same for the left leg.

Perform the exercise 3-4 times for each leg.

  1. Exercise to maintain the shape of the breast.

Clasp the palms in front of the chest, elbows apart parallel to the floor.

Squeeze your hands tightly in the lock, then slowly release the tension.

Follow the correct breathing and do not hold it for a long time!

Repeat the exercise 8-10 times at a slow pace.

  1. Exercise for the hips, abdomen and sides.

Put your feet shoulder-width apart. Make a small squat, bending your knees, and slowly rotate your pelvis - first to the right, then to the left.

Perform the exercise without effort and discomfort.

Make sure your spine is straight!

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester - exercise video

If the expectant mother felt signs of toxicosis at the beginning of pregnancy, then in the second trimester these unpleasant sensations have already passed. The body begins to get used to the changes that occur in it, and the risk of miscarriage is already unlikely.

Video: Gymnastics in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, attention should be paid to those exercises that strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdomen, back and hips - to prepare for even greater loads that await in the last months of pregnancy.

Helpful advice: In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, while exercising, it is better for the expectant mother to wear.

  1. Kegel exercises - to strengthen the pelvic muscles and prevent urinary incontinence

  1. Exercise sitting on the floor - for the muscles of the back and abdomen

Sit on the floor, spread your arms to the sides and back a little, lean on them. Turn your torso and head from one side to the other.

Do not hold your breath, breathe evenly.

Repeat the exercise 4-5 times in each direction.

  1. Side lying exercise

Lie on your left side. Left hand pull forward in front of you, put the right one on it.

Slowly raise the right hand to the top and take it back to the maximum possible distance, without turning the body and head. Return the hand to its original position. Perform 3-4 such exercises, then do the same on the right side.

  1. Exercise for the muscles of the back and abdomen.

Sit on the floor, heels under the buttocks, hips and knees pressed together. Extend your arms in front of you.

Slowly tilt your head and body forward, trying to touch the floor surface with your forehead, then slowly return to the starting position.

Do not try to perform the exercise through force! If the exercise is difficult or your stomach is bothering you, spread your knees a little.

  1. Exercise for proper breathing

In a sitting position, bend your knees and slightly cross. The arms are straightened and rest with the palms on the hips.

Slowly raise your hand and pull up, while taking a deep and slow breath, slightly tilting your head back. Then exhale slowly, lowering your hands to the starting position.

Perform the exercise with the other hand, in total, perform 4-7 times for each.

  1. chest exercise

Exercise to maintain the shape of the chest from the previous block for 1 semester, continue to perform in the second.

Gymnastics exercises for the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, rules for performing

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, it becomes difficult to perform most of the previous exercises.

Fitball comes to the aid of expectant mothers. There are excellent exercises to prepare for the upcoming birth, which are good to perform with a fitball.

  1. Exercise with dumbbells to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen

Sit on the ball. Hands with dumbbells (0.5-1 kg) lower along the body.

Bending your arms at the elbows, raise the dumbbells to the armpits, then just as slowly lower them to the starting position. Do not tilt the body!

Then bend your arms at the elbows and raise the dumbbells to your shoulders - slowly lower them.

Alternate these movements. Remember to follow the correct breathing.

  1. Exercise in the prone position - to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and perineum.

Lie down on the floor. Put one foot on the fitball. Try to roll the ball, moving your leg to the side, then return it to its original position. Repeat 3-4 times.

Roll the ball also, bending your leg at the knee.

Do the same with the other leg.

  1. Exercise for chest muscles

Holding the fitball in front of you with your arms extended forward, try to slowly squeeze it with your palms, then just as slowly relax your hands.

Make sure that during this exercise there is no tension on the stomach!

Run 5 to 10 times.

Video: Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester - preparation for childbirth

All information in this article is provided for educational purposes only, may not be appropriate for your specific health circumstances, and does not constitute medical advice. The site с reminds you that you should never ignore the advice of a doctor, especially during pregnancy!

During pregnancy, a woman refuses many things, even more tangible changes await her ahead. Relaxation gymnastics has a general strengthening and healing effect on the entire body. Such gymnastics cannot be imagined without breathing exercises. If you consciously control your breathing, you will be able to influence the work of others. internal organs and systems: cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine. It is necessary to do breathing exercises during pregnancy. There are no contraindications to this gymnastics.

Breathing exercises for pregnant women needs to be done daily. It is included in your gymnastic complex most often at the beginning of a lesson, also between physical exercises - for relaxation, at the end of the complex - to achieve a state of relaxation.
Breathing exercises should be done with pleasure. If you perform an exercise, and it causes discomfort, you don’t like it, then we recommend that you take a break, move on to the next exercise. You need to try to concentrate on the exercise being performed, not to be distracted, not to talk. Many people breathe through their mouths when doing breathing exercises - a mistake. Inhalation and exhalation is done through the nose.

Method of breathing exercises

Breathing exercises for pregnant women last from 10 to 30 minutes. Breathing exercises take 10 minutes, 10 minutes - breathing warm-up, 10 minutes - relaxation after breathing exercises. Between exercises, you need to pause to take a break - close your eyes, breathe in the way that is convenient for you.

Starting positions for performing breathing exercises:

  • lying on your back, bend your legs at the knee and hip joints, you need to lean on the feet;
  • lying on your side, bring your knees to the body;
  • sitting on a chair, in the lotus position, in Turkish;
  • some exercises can also be done while walking

Breathing warm-up

Starting position - standing, sitting. Exercises:

  • on inhalation, we take our shoulders up, on exhalation - down;
  • while inhaling, take the shoulders back, opening the chest, while exhaling, return to the original position;
  • performance circular motions shoulders - go up on inhalation, down - on exhalation.

Breathing exercises

1. delayed breathing

Performing this exercise, you will discover that it has an analgesic effect, helps with insomnia, a nervous breakdown. You need to fully concentrate on yourself, find inner peace and tranquility.
Starting position - sitting, lying on your back, side, standing, arms arbitrarily. You need to count to yourself: inhale for 4 counts, hold your breath for 2 counts while inhaling; inhale for 4 counts, pause for 2 counts. It is also quite possible to do this exercise while walking - inhale for 4 steps, hold for 2 steps, exhale for 4 steps, pause for 2 steps. If 4:2:4:2 is difficult to do, then 2:1:2:1 should be used. Breathe through your nose, not too deeply.

2 Performing Localized Breathing

- Breathing in the lower lungs has a pronounced calming effect, it is necessary to use it during nervous overstrain, insomnia.
Starting position - lying on your back, on your side; put the palm of one of the hands on the stomach, place the palm of the other on the chest. Inhale and fill the lower sections of the lungs, the stomach swells, on exhalation it falls. On inspiration, the chest remains motionless. Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Breathing through the middle sections of the lungs. This type of breathing restores strength, relieving fatigue, and gives self-confidence.
Starting position - lying on your back, sitting, the palms of the hands should be placed on the side of the chest, you can also on the ribs, elbows apart. When you inhale, air fills the middle sections of the lungs, rib cage expands to the sides, fills like an accordion, on exhalation, the ribs return to their original position. On inspiration, the elbows should slide to the sides, the stomach and chest should be motionless. Inhalation and exhalation must be carried out through the nose.

Breathing in the upper lungs. This breathing noticeably improves mood, also helps to cope with depression, apathy. Starting position - lying on your back, sitting, standing, place the palms of one of the hands on the stomach, the palm of the other hand on the chest. On inhalation, air fills the upper sections of the lungs, the chest rises, on exhalation it falls, the stomach should remain motionless. Inhalation and exhalation must be done through the nose.

3. Full yogic breathing

This type of breathing in breathing exercises for pregnant women is most in the best way supplies the body with oxygen, and also trains the respiratory system. Harmonious-full breathing consists of lower and upper breathing.
Starting position - lying on your back, sitting, standing. On inspiration, air fills the lower, middle, upper sections of the lungs. First, the stomach is filled, then the chest expands to the sides, at the end the chest rises up. On exhalation, the air gradually leaves first from the lower, then from the middle, upper sections of the lungs. First the belly goes down, then the chest goes down. Inhale and exhale lengthen.

4 hissing breath

This breathing serves to train the respiratory system. Starting position - sitting, standing, lying. It is necessary to take a deep breath, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, exhale very slowly through closed lips and teeth. You will hear a hissing sound. You need to repeat the exercise no more than 5 times. When you breathe, you need to make sure that your head does not spin, your eyes do not darken. If this happens, you are breathing too deeply. Dizziness is a sign of hyperventilation. You need to pause and rest.


Take a starting position, close your eyes and breathe slowly, with pleasure. Immerse yourself completely in your inner world, relax. If during gymnastics in the initial position lying on your back you have dizziness, weakness, rapid breathing, discomfort, then the cause is squeezing of the inferior pudendal vein by the uterus. This happens if on later dates lie on your back, choose the starting position - on your side, sitting, do not lie on your back for more than 5 minutes. If you rolled over on your side, the discomfort does not go away, then you need to stop the session and consult a doctor.

Is it worth it to do breathing exercises in a group?

  • the composition of the group must be constant;
  • it is important to feel personal sympathy for the instructor, if he is unpleasant, then the result of the classes will be minimal;
  • it is desirable to conduct classes in nature, or at least the design of the room should be appropriate for relaxation.
  • The musical accompaniment of the lesson is important - the sounds of rain, birdsong, slow instrumental music.

You need to create an emotional mood for yourself, even if the instructor makes every effort, if you do not give yourself the right settings before class, then the therapeutic effect will be minimal.

During the bearing of the baby, special breathing exercises for pregnant women become a good alternative to the usual gymnastic exercises, the training video of which we now present to your attention.

When is it useful and why? In fact, there are many such cases.

Breathing exercises in the 1st trimester

For example, breathing exercises for pregnant women, whose 1st trimester is not going well, accompanied by drowsiness, weakness and general physical discomfort, helps to improve well-being, because:

  • tones the desired muscle groups;
  • saturates the body, and most importantly - the brain, with oxygen, stimulating its work and normalizing the hormonal balance;
  • relieves stress;
  • helps to distract from worries and focus on the main event that is happening now in a woman's life, in the very center of her body.

Breathing exercises tone the necessary muscle groups; saturates the body with oxygen and helps relieve stress.

Despite the fact that breathing exercises are considered the most gentle and safe type of physical activity, it is better to consult a doctor before mastering it. Remember: during pregnancy, caution is never superfluous!

Breathing exercises in the 2nd trimester

Such gymnastics is no less useful in the second trimester. If your goal is to keep slim figure or tighten it, improve your well-being and prevent possible health disorders, you also need breathing exercises for pregnant women. The 2nd trimester is usually easier than the first and third. This means that this is the right time to start or continue breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises in the 3rd trimester

And, of course, for those whose pregnancy is already coming to an end, gymnastics for pregnant women is also important. The 3rd trimester is a kind of finishing period, a period of active preparation for the upcoming birth. Breathing exercises will not only strengthen the abdominal and pelvic muscles, creating the necessary conditions for the birth of the long-awaited baby, but will also teach the expectant mother the most important thing - to control her breathing.

Breathing exercises will strengthen the pelvic muscles and teach you to control your breathing, which will be vital during childbirth.

This skill will help to cope with pain and maintain composure at the right time, so that the birth itself will be easier, and the risk of complications will noticeably decrease.

The basic position for breathing practice is sitting on the mat with crossed legs, the back is straight, the hands are on the knees with the palms up, middle and thumb pressed against each other.

Breathing exercises on video

Breathing exercises anesthetize the birth process. Learning to breathe with the stomach and perform simple breathing exercises with Olesya Kochina:

Breathing exercises on video from Maria Porozinskaya:

Breathing exercises for pregnant women from Christina Shalimova:

Breathing exercises - questions and answers with Natalia Zemskaya:

Breathing exercises for pregnant women in the "School of Health":

Breathing exercises - doctor's consultation:

Breathing exercises for pregnant women reviews:

Breathing exercises are very useful for both mother and child. When I was pregnant, she helped me get distracted.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the tummy is so small that it may not be noticed. But it is impossible not to notice a change in mood - the mother is tormented at the same time by various culinary fantasies and toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting. Mom can lead a normal life, do gymnastics under the supervision of a doctor. In the second trimester, the tummy is rounded, although the toxicosis disappears, it becomes harder for the mother to move, so simple home gymnastic exercises will help improve your mood.

Class safety

Basic breathing

There are the following types of breathing that you need to master and do for two minutes once a day in the first and second trimester:

  1. Thoracic breathing - a deep breath through the chest through the nose, hands in the middle of the ribs.
  2. When breathing from the stomach, taking a quick breath through the nose sticking out the stomach, diaphragmatic breathing is obtained.
  3. Inhale, hold, exhale, hold the breath - four-phase breathing, each stage lasts five seconds.

Exercises on the gym ball

You can do simple gymnastic movements on a fitball, the first and second trimester.

Exercises from the first to the third month

Severe toxicosis in the first trimester and the inability to accurately determine how stable the pregnancy will be, requires gymnastics exercises that are quite gentle on the body.

Exercises from the fourth to the sixth month

If the pregnancy goes well, you can afford more difficult gymnastics exercises, even though the stomach is already visible and the mother feels it in all positions of the body. You can do all the gymnastics exercises that are intended for the first trimester, and also supplement them with the following:

Remember that in any - the first, second or third trimester, gymnastics is not the main thing. The main thing is an active life (without serious physical exertion), psychological comfort and healthy eating. Of course, you need to completely give up alcohol and smoking. Unlike popular belief, smoking harms the baby more than alcohol, because in a smoking mother, the child suffocates right in the womb, and can be born with signs of asphyxia and corresponding pathologies - muscular dystonia is the simplest thing that an irresponsible mother can have.

Pregnant women need a special diet and lifestyle, which are determined individually. If a bad psychological climate or severe physical exercise, here already no gymnastics, including breathing, will help. But with the support of loved ones during pregnancy, gymnastics exercises will be a good help in improving the health of mother and baby. The first trimester of pregnancy is especially important, and especially during the first pregnancy, when the mother's body adapts to new conditions. Breathing exercises are important not so much for pregnancy as for a successful and painless childbirth. Therefore, breathing exercises are especially effective from the fifth month, when preparations are being made for the appearance of the baby.
