Gel or acrylic extensions are best. Nail extension - which is better: gel or acrylic

acrylic nails

To date, the most common materials for nail extensions are acrylic and gel. The composition for building is made from a mixture of liquid with. This mixture is toxic, has an unpleasant pungent odor. Chemicals can irritate the skin and make natural nails brittle and weak. Acrylic build-up will have to be abandoned in the following cases: if you are taking a course or taking antibiotics (at the same time, the body begins to produce acetone, which rejects the material); suffer from diabetes, herpes or intestinal diseases; there are hormonal disorders. The chemical components that make up the acrylic mass can cause an allergic reaction, fainting and even suffocation.

Among the advantages are the following:

Acrylic is a fairly durable material. Such nails will be worn for a long time, reliably;
- if you accidentally break an acrylic nail, you can even repair it yourself;
- a fairly simple process of removing such nails, there are special solvents that will help remove acrylic nails in a matter of minutes.

Cons of acrylic building:

Your natural nails with acrylic extensions are prone to negative impact. Acrylic penetrates deep into nail plate, which creates difficulties during correction and sawing;
- acrylic nails look more rough and artificial, even if they are made by an experienced master (which cannot be said about gel ones);
- after long wear acrylic nails the natural plate begins to deplete, therefore, after removing the artificial nails, special care is required.

gel nails

Pros of gel nails:

Gel nails look more glossy and natural than acrylic ones;
- the polymerization process is faster than that of acrylic, sometimes two minutes is enough;
- the components included in the gel do not emit toxic substances and do not smell;
- in the process of building up, they require little filing.

The main component for building gel nails is the resin of coniferous trees, as well as other semi-synthetic and natural components. Such a composition is considered less harmful, it does not have a pungent odor and is not toxic.

Cons of gel nails:

They are not as reliable and strong as acrylic, although they cost a little more;
- gel nails it is very difficult to do it yourself;
- it is impossible to repair independently damaged gel nails;
- gel nails cannot be removed by special means(as in the case of acrylic), in this case, one way out is sawing.

So what to choose?

Both acrylic and gel have similar results: they strengthen nails and make them long, make hands feminine and sexy. But still, you should pay attention to the above characteristics and make your choice. An experienced master will also help you make the right choice based on your wishes and requirements, the structure of natural nails. By the way, the varnish looks much better on gel nails.

Luxurious manicure- A great addition to any look. Not all ladies have long, beautiful shape nails. For such representatives of the fair sex, a solution was found -. There are many myths about this procedure. The following material will dispel or confirm them.

Consider building up two types of materials: acrylic and gel. We will find out which one holds better, does not harm the nails.

gel extension

The product was developed relatively recently. It is similar in composition to the natural nail plate, its surface is non-sticky. The gel has benefits:

  • strength. The raw material is plastic, ideally takes the form of a natural nail, which means it will last longer than acrylic;
  • saves nails. The nail plate tends to break, crumble. The gel solves the problem by strengthening the natural nail, making it thicker. Regular extensions will help grow the nail to the desired length;
  • stunning shine. The raw material itself has a bright sheen. With such nails, you can additionally not use varnish;
  • smell and nature. There are no impurities in the material, so after building up you will not feel any unpleasant odor;
  • durability. When adjusting, it is allowed to wear the gel for up to one year, then it is recommended to take a break (up to 6 months), then build up again. The material will not harm the natural nail, on the contrary, it will fill all the microcracks, make the nail plate smooth, even;
  • time saving. The process of building up good master It will take no more than two hours, correction of one nail - half an hour. The rest of the time will be occupied by decor;
  • withstand any shock. Lovely ladies do not sit still: every day you need to cook food, wash dishes, clean up. Not complete without a variety household chemicals. The nail will not dissolve in any product, it will last a long time;
  • any design. The base of the gel can be included, the original drawing,. it will be well fixed, the ornament will not lose its original beauty, brilliance;
  • hypoallergenic. Rarely causes allergic reactions safe means for nails, skin;
  • safety. Breaking your nail is an annoyance, and an extended one is a real pain. The gel copes with this task well, due to its elasticity, the material does not capture the nail when it breaks, no deformation of the nail plate occurs.

Gel extension has not only advantages, but also minuses:

  • discomfort. The material dries under, the top layer of the nail is sawn off, more susceptible to ultraviolet rays. There may be a burning sensation. After the end of the procedure, the discomfort disappears;
  • break more often. Due to its elastic structure, gel is not as practical as acrylic. A cracked, broken nail cannot be restored in any way, you will have to rebuild it;
  • feel temperature changes. The nail may crack during frost: it is recommended to use such material only in the warm season;
  • artificiality. Acrylic nail looks more natural than gel nail;
  • gel nails cannot be removed by yourself, the help of the master is required.

acrylic extension

The raw material has been used for a long time, acrylic has earned the popularity of many ladies, thanks to its advantages:

  • strength. Acrylic is a fairly thin material, but durable, it is quite difficult to break it;
  • temperature resistant. Such marigolds will withstand frost, heat;
  • volumetric design performed exclusively on acrylic nails;
  • natural appearance . Unlike gel, acrylic takes the form of a natural nail plate, it is quite difficult to distinguish from natural nails;
  • easy to remove. It is enough to dip acrylic nails in a special solution so that the material is completely dissolved.

Minuses acrylic:

  • has an inelastic structure, it is more difficult to give the desired shape;
  • requires a highly skilled craftsman. In order to properly distribute the material before it hardens, experience and skill are needed;
  • lack of shine. The participation of a polishing nail file, colorless varnish is required;
  • Strong smell, which will remain for a short time after building. Some firms have begun to produce material without a sharp aroma, but the quality of the resulting product is much lower than its counterpart;
  • nails don't breathe. Acrylic does not allow air and water to pass through, a natural nail will most likely look worse than after gel extensions.

Important! Acrylic nail extension is prohibited for pregnant women, allergy sufferers, people suffering from asthma. Vapors emanating from the material adversely affect the respiratory system.

Which is better: acrylic or gel extensions?

Having studied the pros and cons acrylic, gel, we can conclude that each material is good in its own way. Acrylic is durable, but more harmful to nails, has contraindications.

Gel excellent suits everyone, but in the toe is slightly inferior to the previous material. Depending on the situation, the condition of the client's nails, the master will advise you on a good option.

IN Lately specialists mix acrylic and gel. The base layer is made with acrylic, then coated with a gel. The technology combines the advantages of both materials. The nails become immediately shiny, durable, any pattern is performed.

The main thing to remember- carefully choose the master, be interested in the quality of the proposed raw materials. A novice specialist may incorrectly perform the extension technique, damage the natural nail. Possible consequences such a procedure: a fungus, a quick breakdown of your nails and much more. Poor-quality material causes a lot of adverse reactions, quickly loses its beauty.

Consider all the above tips, choose for yourself perfect option extensions. An excellent manicure will be the highlight of your image!

Now it’s not enough to know only the basics of manicure, customers have become more demanding and you can’t get off with a simple coating of gel polish. Therefore, the gaze of the novice master rushes to nail extension. And here the question arises, on what to learn to build up, in the first place, and what is generally better than gel or acrylic for building up? In this article, only the technical parts of the issue are described without any opinions or preferences. So let's get started...

Pros and cons of acrylic:

The obvious pluses include the elasticity and density of acrylic. With this quality, it is very easy to create a three-dimensional design on a nail of any complexity. Three-dimensional acrylic figures look quite original and beautiful, not every girl has this, it's a fact.

Due to its density, acrylic does not spread over the nail, which makes it possible to do whatever your heart desires with the “subject”. Thick acrylic is easy to remove the desired shape of the nail without additional effort.

Polymerization of acrylic occurs independently and does not require additional equipment and time. For those who know how to work with acrylic, this is a significant plus. With a stream of customers, every minute can count.

The removal of the acrylic coating occurs in the process of soaking in a special solution for removing acrylic nails. For beginners who do not know how to use the device, this is undoubtedly a plus.

The downside is that it has a strong smell. For this reason, some clients flatly refuse acrylic extensions, thinking that it is more harmful than gel and prefer the second one. In fact, it cannot be said that acrylic is more harmful than gel, their compositions are very similar. They both belong to the same chemical family. But you can't explain it all. In addition, often the owners of beauty salons or express manicure islands completely refuse to use acrylic because of its pungent smell.

Another significant disadvantage for a beginner is the rapid polymerization of acrylic in air. When you are just learning, it's time to align the nail plate or blind beautiful figure is simply not enough. Acrylic dries quickly and then you have to cut with a nail file for a long time to remove all the bumps. It’s good when a beginner learns in training studios from masters with vast experience. But there are those who decide to learn on their own. For independent wizards, acrylic can seem like hell.

The next disadvantage is the lack of gloss. To make the nails look shiny and natural, you will have to cover the acrylic with an additional top coat or varnish. This will add both weight and volume to the nail, which not everyone likes.

Several works with acrylic.

Gel pros and cons:

Plus gel in its diversity. Now you can buy a gel of any consistency and for any preference.

The next plus is self-levelling. Modern gels have such a property that it greatly facilitates the work of both experienced craftsmen and novice craftsmen. The gel lays flat on the nail without leaving tubercles, rather than acrylic, which will have to be filed by hand. This is a definite plus.

The gel retains its gloss for a long time. Unlike acrylic, the gel does not need to be sanded, it itself has a great gloss that lasts for the entire period of operation of the manicure.

The extension gel has practically no smell, which allows it to be used in any salons or, mentioned above, islands of express manicure in shopping centers. This is a huge plus for both beginners and "experienced" masters.

Polymerization of gels occurs only with the help of a lamp and absolutely does not dry in the air. That gives a sufficient margin of time for accurate alignment of the nail plate or for experiments and sculpting figures.

The disadvantages include a more liquid consistency of the gel. It will be harder for them to make a three-dimensional figure like acrylic, but nevertheless it is possible. Although, if we are talking about a novice master, then it is more likely that it will not work. The gel will spread over the nail, preventing the figure from remaining voluminous. Again, it all depends on the degree of gel density. Fortunately, today you can buy a gel for building up any consistency.

Extension gel requires more thorough preparation of the nail plate and more auxiliary elements than acrylic. This applies, first of all, to the three-phase extension system.

For polymerization, a professional gel drying lamp and gel polishes are required. And of course, it takes time from 1 to 3 minutes for each finger, depending on the power of the lamp. This is a significant disadvantage for a master with a flow of people.

The main disadvantage of the gel is its fragility. Acrylic is often preferred precisely because of this shortcoming.

Several works with gel.

So what to choose, gel or acrylic?

First of all, you need to evaluate where you will work. If in the salon where they normally relate to specific smells, then you can work with acrylic. If you got a job as a manicure master in an express manicure somewhere in a shopping center, then of course there can be no talk of any acrylic. Based on this, determine what gel or acrylic is best for you.

The second thing you need to understand what you want specifically from building. If you need perfect highlights or a quick repair of the nail, then of course you should take a closer look at the gels. If the paramount task is design, then acrylic, respectively.

Each master has his own view of what is happening and therefore it is necessary to choose what exactly to work on, based on your own needs and preferences. Each of the pros and cons presented can be the inverse of different masters. Choose the materials that are right for you. And remember, what is a minus for other masters, for you it may turn out to be a plus. That's all we have.

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Acrylic gel or polygel appeared in the nail field in 2017 and many masters fell in love with this material for its unique properties. Let's understand what is acrylic gel.

Acrylic gel, acrigel, polygel - different brands have their own names, but the result is the same, this product combines best qualities gel and acrylic.

How to use acrylic gel?

  • do a manicure in the usual way
  • degrease the surface of the nail
  • apply primer
  • apply base coat
  • stick the formand with the help of a scraper or pusherput a drop of acrylic gel
  • with a brushdipped in degreaserform the architecture of the nail plate
  • moisten the brush periodicallyin a degreaser
  • polymerize in a UV lamp for 2 minutes,LED lamp 30 or 60 seconds (depending on the power of the device).
  • we produce sawdust. Acrylic gel sawdust leaves much less dust than other materials.

We also talked about how to work with acrygel and strengthen nails with it in a live broadcast.

What are the advantages of acrylic gel?

Acrylic gel does not require the use of a monomer, unlike acrylic, it polymerizes in a UV, LED, CCFL lamp, does not cause burning and does not spread. Therefore, acrylic nail extension can be performed in record time, which will please both you and the client.

What brands of acrylic gels are present in imkosmetik?

  • Artex, Bluesky, Canni

  • Elsa Professional, Grattol, Lunail

  • Masura, Monami, Nail Passion

  • Nail Republic, OXXI

  • RIO Profi, TNL Professional, Vogue Nails

Polygel from this brand is available in 10 and 20 ml tubes. The color of the polygel selected for the photo is transparent pink, has a medium-thick consistency. Squeeze a small drop from the tube and use a spatula to apply the material to the nail plate. To form a nail of a small length, a drop of about 5 mm is enough.

The material has no smell, it is elastic, plastic and easy to model. Color close to natural nail. According to the experience of use, it turned out that it is better to apply the polygel on the base coat, since peeling off is possible when applied to the primer. This is an excellent material for repairing nails, building up, extensions and is well suited for beginners and those who are just trying their hand at nail modeling, - advises Ekaterina Volosnikova, nail service master and host of imkosmetik live broadcasts.

Available in 11 shades from the classic white to the popular rose parfait, and the 18 ml jars are available in several colors. The manufacturer produces acrylic gel in turquoise jars, sometimes the color of the inscriptions on them may change and this does not affect the quality of the product.

Acrylic gel from TNL also has a thick consistency and viscosity of the material. Unlike Vogue Nails polygel, it has a more porous structure. Acrylic gel can be used to strengthen the nails, extensions or extensions using molds or top molds. Acrylic gel from TNL wears well for more than 3 weeks with proper handling of artificial material and adherence to nail extension technology.
