Strongly rubbed the skin between the legs, what to do to make it go faster. How to treat skin abrasions with natural remedies Rubbing between the legs treatment with folk remedies

Most often, scuffs in the groin appear in the summer heat, when the skin of the legs begins to sweat actively and the hips rub against each other. Especially strong irritation on the skin appears with increased activity: when cycling, running, walking fast. The first piece of advice for women with skin chafing due to rubbing legs is to replace the skirt with trousers.

If you do not solve problems with the skin in the groin, manifestations of prickly heat, rashes, chafing, will cause serious complications and consequences. Athletes and people with overweight.

There is an opinion among the people that abrasions of the legs often occur in obese people. It happens that a couple of extra pounds already cause chafing. This is due to the unique anatomical structure of a person. Some people have special rollers on the inside of their thighs that rub against their sides even with a slight increase in weight.

Irritated skin becomes a favorable environment for the penetration of a fungal infection. The logical cause of chafing between the legs is considered to be the constant wearing of synthetic clothing, blocking the supply of oxygen to the skin, causing chafing.

There are a number of reasons that provoke abrasions in the groin:

  • Completeness. A common cause of rubbing between the legs. In addition to irritation, the heat causes prickly heat, sores, dark spots. Upon contact of the surface of the thighs, the skin begins to darken and differ from the rest of the surface in color.
  • Synthetic clothing. Wearing clothes, especially underwear, can cause chafing of the skin, which is difficult to deal with. Rough synthetic clothing does not provide enough oxygen to the skin, causing profuse sweating and irritation.

Small abrasions on the skin between the legs bring tangible discomfort, interfere with normal life. Abrasions are formed as a result of contact with the skin, other materials. With constant friction, redness, peeling, sometimes bleeding wounds appear at the site of irritation. In the presence of such manifestations of irritation, appropriate treatment is required.

It is better not to treat, but to try to prevent the appearance of rubbing on the skin in the groin. Treatment of scuffs is carried out using various folk remedies that help speed up the healing process.

The sequence of actions during the treatment is as follows:

  1. Rinse the affected area. Gently, thoroughly wash the irritated area of ​​the skin of the legs with water using a mild detergent cosmetic. Then dry the surface of the skin of the legs. Choose a soft and delicate cotton towel, do not wipe the irritated area, pat it gently. It is important to wash the place of irritation; during intensive training or constant movement, the skin areas sweat, traces of sweat must be washed off.
  2. Application of powder or talc. To reduce friction, it is shown to use types of powders. A special cosmetic product is suitable, you can use baby powder. If cosmetics no, try taking soda or starch and sprinkle irritation. Scientists do not recommend the use of talc for such purposes, according to research results, the use of the product can provoke the development of malignant cells.
  3. For treatment, it is recommended to use healing ointments. It is permissible to use petroleum jelly, diaper rash cream, body balm. Any tool will do. Common on sale special means, designed to combat chafing in people engaged in permanent sports training. After applying the ointment to the damaged surface, fix the area with a gauze bandage or sterile material. If the chafing between the legs shows a complex character, bleeding areas appear, pain occurs, it is worth visiting a doctor who can professionally and correctly select medicine that speeds up the healing process.
  4. It is acceptable to use ice packs. If during exercise a person feels that chafing appears, cool the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Do not place ice directly on exposed skin. An ice pack must be wrapped in a cloth, then placed on the skin. Keep a cold compress for no more than 20 minutes. Ice treatment will not get rid of the problem, but will provide relief at a particular moment.
  5. It is advisable to use soothing oils or gels. Apply the juice of the aloe vera plant to the irritated area of ​​​​the skin. It is permissible to buy a healing gel in a store, it is important that the product does not contain chemical additives. It is recommended to apply drops of tea tree on the body. The agent is applied to a swab, rubbed over the surface of the irritation. Herbal extracts will promote rapid healing and speed up the healing process.
  6. At the end of the working day, during the rest, carry out soothing procedures in the form of baths. The water is warm, add two cups of baking soda mixed with ten drops essential oil lavender. The temperature of the bath is not high, avoiding the provocation of severe redness and chafing. The procedure takes 20 minutes.
  7. If the chafing does not go away after home treatment, there is an infection of the rubbed area of ​​​​the skin, make an appointment with a doctor. If you find an infection or a reddish rash on the surface of the skin of the legs, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. With severe pain and discomfort, a doctor's consultation is also shown.

Preventive actions

Treatment is an unpleasant and lengthy process; it is easier and easier to prevent the onset of pathology. Among the preventive measures are the provisions:

Attrition more often noted on the heels and toes with excessive sweating and inept skin care, especially with ill-fitting shoes. The appearance of P. of the protruding parts of the foot is facilitated by its various deformations, for example, a pronounced deviation of the toe outward. P. can also occur on other areas of the skin, for example, in the armpit, on the neck (due to friction of coarse seams on underwear or a tight collar), on the palms (when playing tennis, rowing, working with faulty garden tools, etc.). ).

Initially, redness, swelling and soreness of the skin appear in the area of ​​​​mechanical irritation (the so-called namin). Then, if the mechanical action on the skin continues, a vesicle containing a clear liquid (so-called water callus) may form. In some cases, with continued trauma, an admixture of blood (the so-called blood callus) may appear in the fluid. When the bubble is opened, a weeping surface is formed in its place, through which, as through the entrance gate, various infectious agents can penetrate. Often this leads to the development of a purulent inflammatory process.

When P.'s signs appear, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the mechanical effect on the skin, which is its cause. If this is not possible, for example, during a hiking trip, you should wash the area of ​​​​abrasion with water,

it is desirable to treat with a solution of potassium permanganate (namin can be tanned with cologne or vodka) and protect with a bactericidal patch, which should not be glued to damaged skin. In cases where full assistance can be provided, a warm bath is made with a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate or a 2% solution of boric acid. After that, the skin is thoroughly dried (wetted) with a gauze napkin or towel, sprinkled with talc, zinc oxide, baby powder, greasy powder, or smeared with baby cream. Then a dry sterile bandage is applied (it is better to use a gauze bandage or make a thin patch on the damaged area of ​​the skin from gauze, strengthening it with adhesive tape). The resulting bubbles try not to damage, but are treated with a solution of methylene blue or brilliant green (brilliant green). If the bubble still breaks through and there is a weeping surface, then it is treated with an antiseptic solution, after which a sterile bandage or bactericidal patch is applied. With extensive blisters and signs of suppuration, you should consult a doctor.

It is necessary to ensure that the skin in the P. area is not injured additionally. To do this, with P. it is recommended to wear more spacious and soft shoes or put a special pillow under the heel.

As a rule, under these conditions, the bubble shrinks, “new” skin grows under it, and everything passes without a trace.

To prevent P., you need to wear well-chosen clothes, underwear without coarse seams, choose the right shoes (for foot deformities, they should be with an individual shoe), observe personal skin hygiene (especially in the hot season, with long transitions). Persons engaged in physical labor must monitor the serviceability of tools, sports - sports equipment and carefully adjust it for themselves. Going on a hike, on a long walk or excursion, you should make sure that your first aid kit contains potassium permanganate, a sterile bandage and a bactericidal plaster.

Most often, scuffs in the groin appear in the summer heat, when the skin of the legs begins to sweat actively and the hips rub against each other. Especially strong irritation on the skin appears with increased activity: when cycling, running, walking fast. The first piece of advice for women with skin chafing due to rubbing legs is to replace the skirt with trousers.

If you do not solve problems with the skin in the groin, manifestations of prickly heat, rashes, chafing, will cause serious complications and consequences. Athletes and people who have extra pounds often meet with similar skin defects.

Excess weight

There is an opinion among the people that abrasions of the legs often occur in obese people. It happens that a couple of extra pounds already cause chafing. This is due to the unique anatomical structure of a person. Some people have special rollers on the inside of their thighs that rub against their sides even with a slight increase in weight.

Irritated skin becomes a favorable environment for the penetration of a fungal infection. The logical cause of chafing between the legs is considered to be the constant wearing of synthetic clothing, blocking the supply of oxygen to the skin, causing chafing.

There are a number of reasons that provoke abrasions in the groin:

  • Completeness. A common cause of rubbing between the legs. In addition to irritation, the heat causes prickly heat, sores, dark spots. Upon contact of the surface of the thighs, the skin begins to darken and differ from the rest of the surface in color.
  • Synthetic clothing. Wearing clothes, especially underwear, can cause chafing of the skin, which is difficult to deal with. Rough synthetic clothing does not provide enough oxygen to the skin, causing profuse sweating and irritation.

Rubbing treatment

Small abrasions on the skin between the legs bring tangible discomfort, interfere with normal life. Abrasions are formed as a result of contact with the skin, other materials. With constant friction, redness, peeling, sometimes bleeding wounds appear at the site of irritation. In the presence of such manifestations of irritation, appropriate treatment is required.

It is better not to treat, but to try to prevent the appearance of rubbing on the skin in the groin. Treatment of scuffs is carried out using various folk remedies that help speed up the healing process.

The sequence of actions during the treatment is as follows:

  1. Rinse the affected area. Gently, thoroughly wash the irritated area of ​​the skin of the legs with water using a mild detergent cosmetic. Then dry the surface of the skin of the legs. Choose a soft and delicate cotton towel, do not wipe the irritated area, pat it gently. It is important to wash the place of irritation; during intensive training or constant movement, the skin areas sweat, traces of sweat must be washed off.

    Body powder

  2. Application of powder or talc. To reduce friction, it is shown to use types of powders. A special cosmetic product is suitable, you can use baby powder. If there are no cosmetics, try taking soda or starch and sprinkle irritation. Scientists do not recommend the use of talc for such purposes, according to research results, the use of the product can provoke the development of malignant cells.
  3. For treatment, it is recommended to use healing ointments. It is permissible to use petroleum jelly, diaper rash cream, body balm. Any tool will do. On sale are common special tools designed to combat scuffs in people involved in constant sports training. After applying the ointment to the damaged surface, fix the area with a gauze bandage or sterile material. If the chafing between the legs shows a complex character, bleeding areas appear, pain occurs, it is worth visiting a doctor who can professionally and correctly select a drug that accelerates the healing process.

    Healing ointment

  4. It is acceptable to use ice packs. If during exercise a person feels that chafing appears, cool the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Do not place ice directly on exposed skin. An ice pack must be wrapped in a cloth, then placed on the skin. Keep a cold compress for no more than 20 minutes. Ice treatment will not get rid of the problem, but will provide relief at a particular moment.
  5. It is advisable to use soothing oils or gels. Apply the juice of the aloe vera plant to the irritated area of ​​​​the skin. It is permissible to buy a healing gel in a store, it is important that the product does not contain chemical additives. It is recommended to apply drops of tea tree on the body. The agent is applied to a swab, rubbed over the surface of the irritation. Herbal extracts will promote rapid healing and speed up the healing process.
  6. At the end of the working day, during the rest, carry out soothing procedures in the form of baths. The water is warm, add two cups of baking soda mixed with ten drops of lavender essential oil. The temperature of the bath is not high, avoiding the provocation of severe redness and chafing. The procedure takes 20 minutes.

    Redness on the legs

  7. If the chafing does not go away after home treatment, there is an infection of the rubbed area of ​​​​the skin, make an appointment with a doctor. If you find an infection or a reddish rash on the surface of the skin of the legs, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. With severe pain and discomfort, a doctor's consultation is also shown.

Preventive actions

Treatment is an unpleasant and lengthy process; it is easier and easier to prevent the onset of pathology. Among the preventive measures are the provisions:

  1. Make sure that the skin always remains dry between the legs. At times when the integument sweats, powders should be used, especially when playing sports. Wet and sweaty surface of the skin exacerbates the situation, after attending training, you need to change into dry, clean clothes.
  2. Choose the right size for your clothes. Things that are tight or tighten the body will provoke redness, contribute to the formation of scuffs on the surface of the skin. It's better to prioritize natural fabrics, synthetic items with a neatly fitting silhouette. Thanks to the use of such things, it will be possible to avoid friction between the hips, which will cause the formation of scuffs in the future. When playing sports, wear a minimum number of things, preferably not cotton - they do not evaporate sweat well, get wet quickly. Do not get carried away with things with rough protruding seams and hard straps. Wearing such clothes for several hours causes abrasions. If a tendency to irritation is found, it is better to opt for things that are soft and comfortable.

    Suitable clothes

  3. Drink more water. This is important when doing sports training. Due to sufficient fluid intake in the body, the body sweats more actively, preventing the formation of salt crystals. Crystals cause friction to begin, leading to scuffs.
  4. It is permissible to use a special ointment for prevention, it is easy to prepare the remedy yourself. For manufacturing, it is worth purchasing A&D ointment, the drug is used in the treatment of scuffs, add petroleum jelly. In a container, stir in a glass of the product, a quarter of a cream with vitamin A and E and a cream based on aloe vera. The mixture will turn out to be quite thick, after thorough mixing, the substance is recommended to be regularly applied to the surface of the skin between the legs, prone to irritation. Such a tool is effective for preventive purposes and in the treatment of scuffs on the legs.
  5. You have to be careful about weight. Try to eliminate extra pounds. People who are overweight are prone to the formation of scuffs between the legs. If you manage to get rid of extra pounds, the likelihood of irritation between the legs will decrease. Follow a diet, get involved in sports, giving preference to exercises that do not cause friction.

Agree, there is no person who would not be pleased with the arrival of summer and the opportunity to take off heavy and warm clothes. But for many, this is the beginning of another problem, which is even embarrassing to talk about. Well, how then, suddenly limping, tell your companion: “I rubbed heavily between my legs” ?!

What to do in such situations and how to get rid of a constant summer problem, we will tell later in the article.

First, about what causes rubbing between the legs

The most common opinion about irritations that occur between the legs is that they appear in obese people. Unfortunately, this is only half true, since overweight people, of course, are more at risk of rubbing their skin than others, but thin people also suffer from this problem.

It's all about the structural features of the body: for many people, regardless of their weight, their legs touch in their upper part. And if sagging muscles of the inner surface of the thighs and tight underwear with a rough seam along the edge are added to this, then the person finds that he has rubbed between his legs.

We will discuss what to do to avoid this, but now we will simply list what can cause wear:

  • “wrong” underwear (tight, non-absorbent, with rough edges);
  • structural features of the body (fullness, x-shaped legs, flabby muscles);
  • increased sweating (as a rule, people with endocrine or nervous system, hypertension and women during menopause);
  • non-observance of hygiene rules.

How to save yourself from rubbing between your legs

So that you don’t have to call your friend (mother) with the words: “I rubbed between my legs, what should I do?”, think about how to protect yourself from this trouble. Here are some of the most effective ways to prevent scuffs.

  • A spray containing silk proteins will definitely help you. It is usually bought in cases where the shoes rub the feet, but this drug is quite suitable for our problem.
  • Baby powders (especially those containing talc and cornstarch) are also very effective. Yes, and they are much cheaper than the mentioned spray. True, powders have drawbacks - they do not last long and, moreover, stain clothes.
  • Good in cases like this baby cream from diaper rash based on talc.
  • Since constant moisture between the legs provokes the appearance of diaper rash, you can lubricate the inner sides of the thigh with a solid antiperspirant. It will delay the formation of sweat, but you can use it only if there are no abrasions on the skin yet - otherwise you will experience a burning sensation and increased irritation.
  • Men, by the way, in the described cases like to use aftershave.

Once again about the prevention of irritation between the legs

And what can be done so that a woman does not rub the skin between her legs again? Beauticians will also tell you what to do, since it turns out that you can achieve a good effect with the help of cosmetic milk. It is applied to the supposed places of irritation, and it helps sufferers to walk for 3-4 hours without the danger of rubbing their feet into blood. You can take the bottle with the product with you. By the way, one of the advantages of milk is that it does not leave marks on clothes.

You can sew pantaloons from silk jersey or make something similar from tights, cutting them off and treating the edges with varnish or acetone so that there are no arrows. This will protect the upper leg and save you from permanent diaper rash. But, as you understand, knickers are not the most rosy prospect if it rubs between the legs in the heat. What to do?

The most effective, but at the same time requiring time and patience, is the strengthening of the inner surface of the thigh. After all, even in not very full people, scuffs between the legs are not something unprecedented. And all the fault in this case is the flabbiness of the muscles of the inner thighs. Therefore, doing regular exercises for the legs, you will help yourself get rid of diaper rash.

Yet it is easier for a woman than for a man to tell his close friend about what she rubbed between her legs. What to do, the representatives of the stronger sex are more restrained and shy in such situations! But this does not detract from the problem, because they often have scuffs - both on the inside of the thigh and between the buttocks, and all because of the fact that men have (may the reader forgive us such an intimate detail), as a rule, there is also "vegetation". And what should men do in such a situation?

Properly selected underwear saves from such problems. Preference should be given to "boxer" shorts that cover the upper part of the leg from the groin and, moreover, do not cut between the buttocks. It is good if this underwear is "breathable", that is, breathable. This will prevent moisture from accumulating in the named risk area and causing irritation there.

But, choosing underwear, you should also remember about trousers - they should be loose and not have thick, roughly processed seams.

What to do if abrasion has already occurred?

The methods listed above will save any person from the named problem, but what if he has already rubbed between his legs? What to do?

If the abrasion has already appeared, and not only irritation, but also wounds have appeared on the skin, try following the recommendations below.

1. Be sure to take a shower or wash the damage with soap or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (this is necessary in order to remove sweat, which greatly irritates the skin) and disinfect it.

2. Scuffs must be ventilated, let them dry properly and then apply a compress of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect (oak bark, chamomile, aloe leaf, St. John's wort, etc.) or smear with an ointment with a similar effect (for example, Bepanten) or "Panthenol").

In such cases, Desitin ointment helps very well, which contains substances that help create a film on the skin that does not allow moisture to pass through, and this helps diaper rash heal quickly. The effect of this tool is noticeable after 24 hours.

If crusts appear on the site of healed wounds, lubricate them with "Rescuer" or other similar greasy ointment.

What other ointments help if rubbed between the legs

What to do if small diaper rash appears between the legs every now and then - everyone decides for himself. We will note that to combat this in modern medicine, there are many effective means. In addition to the Bepanten and Panthenol preparations mentioned above, zinc ointment is very popular in such cases, which helps relieve inflammation, dry the wound, and is also an excellent antiseptic.

The Skin-Cap cream also helps to solve the problem, which quickly removes inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect, preventing infection of damaged skin.

When to See a Doctor

Of course, few people, at the first appearance of the problem described, will immediately go to the doctor with the question: “I rub between my legs when walking, what should I do?” Most victims will try to get rid of diaper rash on their own. In this situation, there is nothing wrong, but only if the irritation is not strong and easily amenable to home treatments.

If, despite the measures taken, the condition does not improve, and weeping wounds and cracks appear at the site of the diaper rash, the temperature rises, chills and burning sensation occur in the damaged areas, you should urgently contact a dermatologist. It is possible that fungi or bacteria have got on the damaged skin, and this condition is already fraught with serious consequences, up to blood poisoning!

Summing up

We hope that now you know what to do if it rubs between your legs in the summer, and you will be able to insure yourself in order to prevent such troubles. The main thing - remember: you can be treated on your own only with small amounts of abrasions!

Watch your weight, do more sports and be very demanding on the quality of the product when choosing underwear and trousers - all this will save you from many problems. In addition, take care of prevention, preventing the possibility of diaper rash with the help of the remedies listed in the article, and then you will not have to ask yourself: “Rubbing between the legs ... What should I do?”

There are many in our country obese women. No matter how the world tries to make the ideal slim figures, anyway, part of the population is obese or has a small excess weight. At the same time, a variety of problems appear, some of which are not even spoken aloud. But so many women would like to solve them!

Fullness is not only a big load on the bones, stretch marks and a big belly. In addition, chafing is also formed. Where? Only ladies of large sizes know about this, but only they don’t admit it to anyone, because it’s very embarrassing to talk like that. Full legs, large hips lead to the fact that while walking the legs touch in rather tender places and rub heavily. In just a few minutes, you can rub the skin into the blood, and this is much more painful than calluses on the feet.

Why is this happening?

Such chafing is not always a sign of completeness. There are women who simply have legs, and even with a slight weight, this problem manifests itself. Moreover, there are not only sores caused by rubbing, but also prickly heat or dark spots.

The skin rubs against each other, and not just once, but for several hours a day. It darkens her. The space between the legs, or rather, the upper part of the legs on the inside becomes brown or grayish in color, significantly different from the surrounding skin. You can even see this on the beaches, but usually ladies shyly cover themselves with a pareo, because they know about this problem.

Speaking about such manifestations, two problems should be singled out: the first is how not to rub your legs, how to walk without pain and terrible ulcers. The second problem is how to remove dark circles. Of course, they immediately disappear after losing weight, but this is the most difficult way, which not everyone can do. But our mothers, and even grandmothers, faced these troubles, and for so many years a solution was nevertheless found.

How not to rub your feet

The easiest and most comfortable way is not to wear skirts and dresses. Pants don't rub your legs. This is a cardinal decision, but it is what many adhere to. At the same time, trousers are not worn at all for a long time, since even a dense fabric cannot withstand such stress. Most large women are forced to buy new pants every 3-5 months, as holes appear on the inside of the hips.

The second solution popular among the older generation is starch. Regular potato starch is available at any grocery store. Before going outside, apply on clean skin. It is not visible, creates a light coating that prevents scuffs. But it only works if the person is not sweating. And the effect is enough for three hours. Talc acts similarly, but you can always put it in your purse and add it.

Pamper your skin with delicious - chic nourishing mask oatmeal with honey. Click here for all the details!

A good solution is a fat cream. But this is only when you do not plan to sit down somewhere, because then there will be traces on the dress. It is better to take an option that is not immediately absorbed, for example, baby cream or even petroleum jelly. You will have to add more regularly so that there are no problems.

A good modern solution is an antiperspirant. A dry deodorant that contains talc works best. Apply on the legs in the same way as on the armpits - and forget about the problem forever. The choice of such products is huge, it is optimal to take one that does not have a bright smell. There are even compact options that fit easily into a bag.

Proper clothing is also an option

If you wear the right underwear, then your legs will not rub. Special shorts will save tender places from injuries. You can buy them in a regular store, but keep in mind that good models are only in decent brands. The best option - light, breathable materials that do not gather, do not roll and at the same time are not noticeable under clothing. Such things exist, but they are not very cheap.

Also, many ladies have adapted to make shorts from tights. Cut tights no more than 15 den thick and carefully process the edge so that arrows do not form. Such things also save from chafing, but care must be taken that the skirt is not too short so as not to accidentally expose such “beauty”.

How to remove irritation

If you have already rubbed your feet, then you need to take a bath, wash the affected areas with a soft detergent and apply a healing cream. The pharmacy has creams for children that help with prickly heat. Options for bedsores will also relieve unpleasant symptoms. And if it happened, then at least a day go in trousers.

Do not use iodine, brilliant green or other similar means. Hydrogen peroxide is also contraindicated. Just a healing cream will be much more effective.

Dark spots are not a sentence

Many women have learned to do without ulcers using various means, but some have resigned themselves to the fact that it will no longer be possible to remove the ugly skin color in this area. But there is a solution for that too. There are several ways, one is suitable for one, for others - others. Choose yours and take action.

Make a special scrub for this area. Take leftovers from brewed coffee, add a few drops lemon juice and some softening cream. Apply to blemishes in a circular motion to remove the dead skin layer. Wash off with warm water. You will have to repeat the procedure constantly, but the color will gradually become much lighter.

A good remedy is hydrogen peroxide. Apply to a cotton swab and wipe the surface dark skin. Repeat the procedure twice a day. The effect will become noticeable only after a week. Again, if you are not losing weight and wearing skirts, friction continues, so you will have to constantly use whitening.

Lemon juice brightens the skin well. You can even wipe the spots with a slice of lemon, but it is important: you can use it only when there is no irritation. Yes, and such a procedure sometimes causes allergies, so the juice is sometimes mixed with water.

There are whitening creams on sale, for example, achromin. These drugs are more suitable for highlighting age spots, but they also affect chafing. It is necessary to use twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The effect will be in a week, and complete whitening will occur in a month, but the course will sometimes have to be repeated.

Full legs are not a problem at all today, everything can be solved. Or maybe you also have some secret ways to get rid of such troubles? It would be very interesting to know, share below in the comments.

Hyperhidrosis between the legs in the groin is most often experienced by women, but men can also suffer from this disease.

In addition to increased sweating, intimate area, the disease is accompanied by the appearance of chafing on the skin. They can grow in size and bring significant discomfort.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I got rid of hyperhidrosis!

To: site administration


I have recovered from excessive sweating. I tried powders, Formagel, Teymurov's ointment - nothing helped.

It will not help to completely get rid of sweating and chafing between the legs.

However ethnoscience help reduce the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

For the following methods of traditional medicine are used:

  • Bathing in herbal baths. To do this, add a decoction of string, chamomile, calendula and yarrow to a hot bath.
  • Adding vinegar or sea salt to the bath. They will help you get rid of bad smell and reduce sweating in the groin.
  • Rubbing with a decoction of. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in a decoction and treat the damaged areas of the skin.
  • Hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of bacteria and bad breath between the legs, as well as reduce inflammation.

Recommended for the prevention and treatment of excessive sweating.

Cleanse the affected area. Wash the affected area thoroughly with water and a mild detergent. Rinse off any residue with clean water. Pat your skin dry with a clean, dry towel. Cleaning the affected area is especially important if you have been exercising or sweating a lot. It is very important to wash off traces of sweat before proceeding with the treatment of irritated skin.

  • Do not wipe, but only pat the skin with a towel so as not to cause even more irritation on the skin.

Apply powder. Apply baby powder to your skin. This should help reduce friction. You can use baby powder that does not contain talc, baking soda, corn starch, or the like. It is not recommended to use talc or products containing talc, as according to some studies, it has carcinogenic properties. This is especially true for women and products that are applied to intimate areas.

Apply ointment. Use petroleum jelly, body balm, diaper rash cream, or any other product designed to prevent chafing on the skin. Some products are specifically designed to prevent chafing in athletes. After applying the ointment, the affected area can be covered with a sterile bandage or a woven patch that allows the skin to breathe.

Do a cold compress. Cool irritated skin by applying a cold compress. This should be done immediately after exercising, or when you notice irritation. Do not apply ice directly to the skin, as this will only aggravate your condition. Instead, wrap the ice in a towel or cloth and apply the resulting compress to the affected area for about 20 minutes. Cold compress take the pain away.

Apply soothing gel and oil. For example, aloe vera gel can be applied to the affected area. Both natural aloe gel and a ready-made product sold in a pharmacy or in a store are suitable for this (but make sure that it contains a minimum amount of additives before buying). Aloe Vera is great for soothing the skin. You can also put a couple of drops of tea tree oil on a cotton swab and wipe the skin thoroughly with this swab. Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties, and therefore can prevent infection and promote rapid healing.

  • Take a bath. Prepare a soothing bath by mixing 2 cups of baking soda and 10 drops of lavender essential oil in warm water. Make sure the water is not too hot as this can cause more irritation. Lie down in such a bath for 20 minutes, and then dry yourself with a soft towel.

    • You can also make a soothing tea and add it to your bath. For a soothing tea, you will need 1/3 cup green tea, 1/3 cup marigold flowers, and 1/3 cup chamomile. Brew all this in two liters of water and let the tea brew well. When the tea has cooled, strain it and add it to the bath.

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