Tie history. Mysticism in tying a tie In detail: how to tie an Oriental or Eastern knot tie


It was in the winter of 1976. I went on a business trip to Tbilisi and stayed there. Four days before I left, I ran out of money.

How to be? In the morning in the buffet of the hotel I had breakfast with kefir and bread. At breakfast, I realized that in my suitcase were two new Italian ties in cellophane wrapping, I decided to sell them.

But where? How? I remembered that on Rustaveli Avenue in the hotel "Tbilisi" there is a bar, the golden youth probably gathers there. “The right place,” I decided.

And went to this bar. I still had money for one cup of coffee.

I sat down at the bar and ordered this cup. The bartender looked at me curiously. I decided to start my commercial operation.

“Just passing through Italy,” I began. The bartender looked at me with even greater interest.

"On business?" - he asked.

“Well, yes, I am a film director,” I lied.

"Are you filming?" the bartender asked.

“We will shoot,” I continued my lies.

The tie operation was confusing.

“Don’t you need a bartender for filming?” - asked my interlocutor. It was a very handsome young brunette in a nylon white shirt. Didn't want to upset him.

“We have one episode in a bar. Maybe take it from you?" "Of course," the bartender replied, and pulled out a bottle of scarce White Horse Scotch whiskey from under the counter.

He poured a glass of whiskey and added a red caviar sandwich to it.

“This is for you, help yourself, please,” he said.

I drank White Horse and ate a sandwich. Now he was not allowed to sell ties. You could only give. But then I fell into a stalemate.

I left the bar, after whiskey and red caviar I was hungry, but there was no money even for bread. I turned to the doorman of the hotel.

“I'm in transit from Italy,” I told him. - Filmmaker. Selling Italian ties.

The porter looked at me without any interest.

“Go to the restaurant, go to the kitchen, to our chef Givi. He buys everything."

I found the service entrance to the kitchen, asked: “Where is Givi?”

Givi was nowhere to be found. So I wandered around the kitchen in my coat and cap. There was a smell of meat, vinegar, pepper, garlic, something else very appetizing.

Finally, I went into the back room, where Givi and his friends were sitting over a bottle of cognac. I turned to him. Reluctantly, he looked up from the cognac and his company.

It was almost a two-meter man with a powerful neck. The collar of his "beanie" was wide open. It seemed to me that such a person never ties his tie.

"What's the matter?" - Givi asked rather gloomily. I continued my line, although it was already pointless, almost harmful.

"I'm in transit from Italy, working as a film director, selling two Italian ties."

Something suddenly flashed in Givi's eyes. "From Italy?" he asked, and thought about it. Then he said: “This is not for me. This is for David. Come on, I'll accompany you."

We went up the service ladder to the second floor of the hotel. From there to the director's office. An elegant man in a blazer came up to meet us.

"David," said Givi, "this man is from Italy." Then he switched to Georgian. David also answered him in Georgian. Givi left. "Sit down," said David.

We sat in a corner at a small table. David opened a bottle of Borjomi. I was silent. "From Italy? David finally asked. - For a long time?" “Two days,” I replied. “You see ...” But David interrupted me: “I could now take three hundred thousand,” he said thoughtfully.

I'm completely lost. Who does he take me for? Apparently, for the currency. “No, no,” I said. “I have no currency.” “So it’s gold? David asked and continued. "Can you wait until tonight?" “I can’t until the evening,” I answered. “I have two Italian ties, brand new.”

David looked at me with uncomprehending eyes. “Why did you find Givi? he finally asked. "I trust Givi." - "I also trust Givi, but I don't have currency and gold." David didn't understand. "But you're from Italy?" - “Well, yes,” I confirmed, “from Italy. Two days. I'm a filmmaker." - "No gold, no currency?" he asked me sadly. - “No, it doesn't. Only two new Italian ties.”

David considered. I thought he got angry. We were silent for several minutes. I got up to leave. "Give me your ties," David said grimly. I took out my ties from my bosom and put them on a small table in front of him.

David took out his wallet and casually threw two twenty-five rubles on the table. "Thank you," I said. "So I'll go?" David was silent.

I left the office and happily remembered that there was a cheap barbecue place around the corner near the market.

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The story is that if you find a piece of a tie and chicken bones in your pillow, you need to hang the tie on a cross on the road, and give the bones to a black dog Tamara Sukhovey - waitress, 29 years old and didn't get out of bed in the morning. drove to

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It turns out that in the Middle Ages, if a person survived after hanging, he had to wear a piece of rope for the rest of his life, this was a sign that Lady Luck herself favored this person.

Since ancient times, a tie has been a symbol of good luck that attracts positive energy. The tie itself is a charm. For the fair sex, men who wear ties evoke more pleasant emotions than the rest, because they have the highest status in society.

Scientists have also found that people who wear a tie are smarter than the rest, because it directly affects the brain of a man, but a lot depends on how to tie it.

American psychologists have come to the conclusion that those students who wear ties to class learn better than their peers who do not wear ties (a tie, pressing lightly on the jugular vein area, activates the right hemisphere and helps to concentrate on a specific task). Despite such unusual properties of ties, they have one drawback - they dull the individuality.

For example, the pioneers were forced to wear scarlet ties in order to raise a whole generation of an obedient nation. Pioneer's tie, tied with a knot of Hercules, told all the surrounding pioneers that they were their own among their own.

The Incas had their own knot writing, some elements of which are very reminiscent of modern ways of tying a tie. It is exactly how the tie is tied around the neck that will say a lot about a person, regardless of which tie he chooses.

simple knot. The long end is wrapped around the short end from left to right, then another turn and pass through the loop with the long end down. This is one of the most common ways of tying a tie, and among the Incas, this way of tying a knot meant service to the master.

At green in the shape of the number 8 popular with strong men. It is believed that this way of tying a tie brings love and wealth.

long knot. After making two turns with the long end around the short one, pass it from top to bottom through the resulting loop. Among the Incas, this method of tying meant victory. Such a node brings money.

Knot Pratt brings success. You need to skip the short end under the long one, skip the long end in the middle and point to the left, then you need to turn to the right and stretch it through the resulting loop.

Windsor knot attracts money. You need to skip the short end under the long one and bring it out to the right, then you need to wrap the short end, from below and the long end through the resulting loop, now wrap the knot, from left to right and stretch the long end through the loop again.

The ability to tie ties can become a kind of secret weapon. The tie also has love magic. A man’s tie reflects his life path, and in order to go along this path with his beloved, you need to give him two ties - one wide (7-9 centimeters) and long - at least 145 cm. One of the favorites of the French king brought out such a formula for a happy tie.

If you want your man not to cheat, then you need to make sure that his tie always falls 2-3 centimeters below the waist. This is a sign that means that a man already has a woman. The lower thin end of the tie must be pinned to the upper and thicker part of the tie. Thus, you will energetically fasten your intimate life.

two ties

Not mine.
It was a long time ago, in the late 80s, but as you know, the classics have no age. Moscow, a technical university, a couple is walking along the tower. The teacher is old, honored, polite, ceremonial. And by virtue of his gallantry, he asks the beautiful half of the audience for permission to take off his jacket. Because it's spring, it's hot. Naturally, the ladies agree, he (facing the audience - it's important!) takes off the aforementioned item of clothing, hangs it neatly on the back of a chair, straightens it ... That is, everything happens very glamorously. A good shirt with a tie is found under the jacket. But now the solemn part ends and the teacher decides to continue what, in fact, he came for - to read the lecture further. With this intention, he turns his back to the board, to the audience. And then there was a groan, common and friendly - he had another tie hanging on his back! The people are crying, no one is able to breathe and speak, while the teacher, not understanding the reasons for the sudden change in the behavior of the course, begins to turn around, showing tie No. 1. At the sight of him, the ability to restrain himself disappears completely and the studiouses neigh out loud. The teacher begins to spin perkyly around his axis, suspecting, apparently, a hole in some place, demonstrating both of his ties at a fast pace. This goes on for some time, until someone breathes and explains to him what, in fact, is the matter. And I must say that he was quite respected by the students. He pats his forehead and tells this story:
He put it on in the morning and, already in full dress, remembered that he had forgotten to shave and, in order not to stain his tie, he moved it onto his back. Well, after shaving, I realized that it was not couture to go to work without a tie, put it on and went. Everyone remembers this story!


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Why does the concept of "Friday humor" exist? Why is there no "Monday humor" or "Thursday humor"? Everything is very simple. It's stupid to have fun on Monday - the beginning of the work week, there is so much to do, at work all colleagues are angry and sleepy. Thursday is fish day. What's funny here? But on Friday it comes - the time for humor, jokes, jokes, anecdotes, practical jokes. In five days, you have honestly worked out your labor “duty”, there are two days of rest ahead, you can relax a bit in anticipation of the upcoming weekend. You have every right to laugh and giggle in unison with your colleagues over any character: make fun of a pizza delivery man, for example, or over one of your employees, the boss's secretary, the boss himself, etc. Friday has a special humor, Nothing to do with poison and malice, It can be rude, sometimes below the waist, But then, damn it, to the slaughter! The Internet community is this great force of creative fellows, which perfectly “cuts the chip”. She (this force) came up with special demotivators for Friday. Demotivators about Friday itself and for Friday: with humor, with jokes, with poems, with funny pictures, with anime and frames from popular films. This is a very spicy dish, it is often seasoned with pepper. It very often uses obscene language and some parts of the body that are not customary to demonstrate on other days of the week. Photo jokes are original and hilarious for Friday - often photo-toads, but sometimes successful pictures of embarrassment of people, animals, insects, etc. Incredible, funny situations that sometimes happen around us are captured in the photo, a sparkling caption has been added to many, and now everyone can get a positive charge when watching. Friday jokes are popular in the office environment, where everyday work is often boring and monotonous. But at the end of every week comes a magical Friday and everything changes! Occasionally, if the authorities are not in place, some even allow themselves a bottle of beer. The main thing is not to catch the eye of the authorities. It's hard to hold back from loud laughter, Humor continues to bloom on Fridays, Blogs fill up, and fun in social networks, You can't take your eyes off the girls with vociferous eyes! Our site, where humorous pictures, flash drives, demotivators, video jokes are collected and constantly updated, will try to make your every Friday bright, unforgettable and fun, which means the coolest!

The tie is a striking symbol of the penis. In addition, the tie symbolizes the freedom of sexual choice.

If you see yourself in a tie, this suggests that you can easily change sexual partners (like a tie).

A plain tie indicates your commitment to traditional ways of sex.

A bright, colorful tie indicates that you like to experiment in sex, often forcing your partner to take positions that seem uncomfortable or indecent to him, or to have sex in the most unexpected places.

If you have a rich selection of ties in your closet, then you are running a mess. sex life without making too stringent demands on their partners.

If you admire yourself in a tie, then you are proud of your penis and its functioning.

If your tie was cut off or removed, then this indicates the fear of castration, which arose in you back in the days when you were engaged in self-satisfaction (and maybe you are doing it now). In addition, such a dream may indicate impending problems in the sexual sphere.

If a woman tries on a tie, then he feels like a man without a penis, and in life he strives in his behavior to approach the role of a man. Get a lover good medicine.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Tie

If in a dream you cannot find a tie for your suit, then this dream warns you that unpleasant surprises may befall you if you are not attentive enough to your relatives.

If you buy a lot of different ties in a store, then this dream says that you are dissatisfied with something in life and are waiting for changes. You need to switch to something pleasant and calm down.

You try to buy a tie in a certain color, but no matter how much you shop, there is no such thing anywhere. This may mean that your life may change dramatically and, perhaps, you will part with a person who is very dear to you.

Interpretation of dreams from

The tie is one of the most common men's accessories, every man wore a tie more than once. There are many reasons for this: dress code at school, institute, office; now on sale are a lot of stylish summer suits that can also be worn with a tie; ties appeared in sports style clothes; a tie is worn at events such as weddings, birthdays, exhibitions, theaters, creative evenings and ... this is far from full list. For some men, a tie is a way of self-expression, for others it is a noose that they get rid of as soon as they step outside the door. But, whatever our attitude to ties, they exist, and, moreover, have a long history.

Before delving into the history of the tie, it makes sense to understand some concepts. For example, in German they say "halstuch" (formerly "krawatte"), which in Russian means " neckerchief"(or a strip of fabric tied around the neck, as a decoration, accessory).

For example, a tie in Ukrainian - "cravat". But this has nothing to do with the bed. Croatia - Croatia, Croats = Croats, they served as mercenary troops - light cavalry in Austria-Hungary and wore neckerchiefs - ties like pioneers. Western Ukraine was also part of Austria-Hungary, and from here, through the Rusyns, the word got into Ukrainian language. In 1635. after the Croatian soldiers defeated the Janissaries of the Turkish Sultan, they were invited by Anna of Austria to her court for their valor. Croatian officers then wore colorful silk scarves.

The word tie familiar to us comes from the German word Halstuch, which means neckerchief. Indeed, ties originated from neckerchiefs.

Modern Hasidim (there is such a group of Jews) wear ties, but they didn’t wear them before and despised those who wear them, calling the tie - goering (in Yiddish - herring). Some groups of believers in Russia and Ukraine, such as the Pentecostals, did not wear ties and were expelled from the church for wearing ties.

However, Jews have long worn neckerchiefs, for example, Judas wore such scarves that are now in fashion among the Palestinians, in the heat they tied their heads with this scarf, and during a sandstorm they covered their mouth and nose. The British took to these headscarves. fighting in the desert. You can wrap your face and even your head in a sandstorm, or for warmth. The neck is protected from chafing and the collar is protected from dirt.

For many years, the wearing of keffiyeh was ubiquitous among British soldiers, who now call them shemagh. Their use by some units and formations of the armed forces and police of the former British Empire dates back to before the Second World War. Because of their convenience, shemaghs have been adopted by the Palestinian police, the Jordanian border forces, the Sudanese Defense Forces, the Arab Legion, the British SAS, not to mention others who wore them while working in North Africa. After the war, their use by the army continued in the desert and temperate latitudes. With the onset of the War on Terror, shemaghs, usually cotton and army-style olives with gray or black embroidered designs, were adopted by the US military. Their practicality in arid environments such as Afghanistan and Iraq explains their popularity among soldiers. Soldiers often wear a shemagh, rolled into a triangle and wrapped around the head, protecting the face and eyes from sand. Like other articles of wartime clothing, such as T-shirts and khakis, the Arafatka has recently become both ethnic and military chic among those who are not interested in either politics or the military. In Europe and America and Australia, the black and white keffiyeh (keffiyeh) has become a youth fashion item, often worn as a regular scarf.

From the British, these scarves got into the US Army.

For the first time in Europe, a neckerchief called "focale" appears among the Roman legionnaires, for whom it is not used for decoration, but has a purely practical meaning. Legionnaire's clothing consisted of a woolen shirt (tunica) with short sleeves or without them, over which armor was worn. A scarf was tied around the neck so that the shell plates would not rub it. Officers made neckerchiefs from silk, which the Roman Empire imported from China. The fact is that silk does not allow lice to start up in underwear, and this is so important in military conditions that in the flesh until the 19th century in the armies different countries, including Russian officers wore silk underwear and silk neckerchiefs.

After the collapse of the great empire, many Roman traditions and customs, including the wearing of neckerchiefs, were inherited by the Romanians, and from them the focales passed to the Croats, whose cavalry regiment during the parade with bright neckerchiefs, which were part of the uniform at one time, and struck down the young Louis XIV.

But the oldest mention of a tie or neckerchief is a sensational find in China. In the 70s of the 20th century, while digging a well, peasants found statues of an entire army of warriors of Emperor Qin Shi Huang Di, who ruled around 220 BC. Refusing mass sacrifices, he ordered to bury with him a terracotta army - an exact copy of the warriors and horses. This act was a gift not only for those who were to be buried with the ruler, but also for us, as perfectly preserved statues allow us to see the first semblance of a tie around the necks of Chinese warriors.

Terracotta Army

There are historical references that in ancient Egypt and ancient Rome they also used neckerchiefs, which indicated the privilege of their owners. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the tradition of wearing "fascalia" (the so-called neckerchiefs in Rome) was inherited by the Romanians, and then by the Croats. It is the Croats who can be credited with the appearance of a tie in Europe ...

On the Croatian military during the victorious parade that marked the end of the 30-year war, Louis XIV (King of France) saw brightly colored neckerchiefs that were part of their uniform. So, in 1663, the history of the tie received an additional boost. Since the king was a great connoisseur of everything beautiful, this detail did not escape his attention. It is not known for certain, but some historians claim that the king ordered the future Minister of Defense, François Michel Le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois, to get some of these handkerchiefs for him. Around this time, the German name "halstuch" appears.

Louis XIV

In the 17th century it became fashionable long vest under a camisole, it was customary to tie a long scarf around the neck, which was wrapped around the neck several times, and the free ends simply hung down. These scarves were very popular. Many options were invented to tie such scarves, which took a lot of time for fashionistas of that time.

The next era in the history of ties came 100 years later, and, of course, it happened again in France, which, as you know, is a trendsetter. Where else? Indeed, in France, fashion did not disappear even during the bloody wars and destructive revolutions. The Great French Revolution cut off not only heads from their shoulders, but also neckerchiefs from their necks. Gone are the old-fashioned tie knots. Gone was the flirtatious bow lavaliere. One of the slogans of the revolution is "New times - new ties!" This is how the revolutionary neckerchief ancroaiable, that is, “incredible”, was born, draped from the chest to the very chin and skillfully tied with several complex knots. In the capital European cities of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, a new prestigious and highly paid profession arose - a tie-tying teacher.
A great invention cannot be hidden - and soon the "incredible" tie crossed the English Channel. In England, these huge neckerchiefs were called "napkin fashion". Ties were sewn from silk, wool, satin, with a variety of patterns and without them. In Europe, textbooks on tying ties were published, among their authors was an incredible fashionista and dandy Honore de Balzac. The great French novelist never managed to become the best teacher on the tie case, but one of his statements on this subject went down in centuries: "A man is worth the same as his tie."
By the middle of the 19th century, fashion came to England for turn-down collars, and it was then that the history of a long tie began, moreover, a colored one - the prototype of the modern one. In those days, it was very popular in the marine and sports environment, and therefore it received the appropriate names: regatta or four-in-hand (a sports term for managing four horses). Bohemia continued to wear the romantic lavalier, but the courageous and concise regatta gradually gained more and more solid positions. They say that it was invented by a young yachtsman. Not wanting to waste time before the competition on the painful tying of a tie, he simply cut it at the back and sewed a loop and a button in place of the cut, which were not visible from under the shirt collar. By the way, the practical regatta is still part of the military uniform in many countries of the world. Soon the time came for the plastron - a scarf that was tied in a knot on the chest and stabbed with a special decorative pin. Its British variant is the escot, which takes its name from the famous Windsor Racecourse.

The British elevated the tie to a cult, and a negative statement about the accessory was a personal insult - "an insult that can only be washed away with blood."

Peter I, with his innovative disposition, began to encourage the wearing of ties. Decrees were issued that forced them to be worn, which was a sign of a civilized appearance. But Peter studied Western fashion not so much at balls and receptions as at shipyards and schooners, so the tie in Russia comes from the democratic neckerchief of a Dutch sailor rather than from a lace court bow. Russia desperately resisted such an innovation, but Peter I insisted, applied repressive measures, punished no less than a beard - and the humiliated boyars, having shaved off their beards, put on neckerchiefs. And at first there was a terrible confusion. The Russians could not in any way distinguish a neckerchief from a handkerchief, which was also a novelty for them, and the great tsar was forced to issue a special explanation that "it is not worth wiping with a tie and it is not ordered to blow your nose." The Russian merchants did not recognize ties also because they adhered to the traditional Russian style in their clothes, to which this elegant detail of the costume did not fit at all. In short, Russia disliked the tie. No wonder in Rus' he received so many contemptuous names: and gavrilka, and noose, and eyelet, and snake, and even fofochka.

Peter I

A tie in the nineteenth century became incredibly popular: they were made from different fabrics, such as silk, satin, wool, etc. Incredible ornaments and patterns; unusual colors; was invented great amount knots, the most popular was the "Byron knot". There were "tragic ties" that were customary to wear to funerals. Popular was "Walter Scott" - a tie in a cage, and a white tie, which is supposed to be worn only on special occasions.

The famous Lord Byron introduced the fashion for loosely tied scarves that did not tighten the throat, they were called like that - a la Byron. By the way, Alexander Pushkin adored these ties. Ardent artistic natures remained true to the lavalier. "Tragic" black ties were worn not only during funerals and mourning, but also as a mournful symbol of unrequited love, and snow-white ones were considered appropriate either at high-level diplomatic receptions or at balls, but in no case with a jacket: only tailcoat or tuxedo. The Walter Scott tie, named after the English writer, was made of checkered fabric, similar to the checkered clothes of his Scots heroes.

1924 was a decisive year for neckerchiefs - the American entrepreneur Jesse Langsdorf patented the "perfect tie". Such a tie is still being sewn - it consists of three parts of fabric, cut along the oblique.

The Revolution stigmatized the necktie as a bourgeois relic, making an exception only for its pioneer variety. But then the NEP arrived in time, and the tie was “legalized” again. In the 60s, a unique device came into fashion. It’s embarrassing to call that item a tie, but we wore this Something - from an incomprehensible material, an indistinct color, with an eternal knot, on an elastic band, and for special glamor also with soldered bottle glass instead of a tie pin. True, every cloud has a silver lining: the price of such a "masterpiece" was quite affordable - from a ruble to one and a half. Maybe this is the reason for the sad circumstance that we have not learned to truly love the tie, we treat it like the boyars of Peter the Great, and continue to take it off in the evening over our heads so that, God forbid, we do not damage the knot .. .

Pioneers in the USSR wore a red tie in the style of those neckerchiefs worn by the first settlers (pioneers) in America, and this was an imitation of the Scout organization.

Pioneer gastuk- a red neckerchief tied in front with a special knot, a symbol of belonging to a pioneer organization, a symbolic particle of the banner of a pioneer organization. The three ends of the tie symbolize the unbreakable bond of three generations: communists, Komsomol members and pioneers.

During its existence, the pioneer tie has undergone a number of changes.

At first, the tie was not tied, but fastened with a special clip, which depicted pioneer symbols - a fire against the background of a hammer and sickle, surrounded by the inscription "Always ready!" The image of five logs of a fire and three tongues of its flame symbolized the five continents and the Communist International, which was supposed to ignite the flame of revolution on these continents. The ends of the tie were threaded into the opening of the clip from above with its lock open, which was deflected by pressing thumb. Holding the ends of the tie with one hand, with the other hand the clamp was pulled up to the level of the neck and, releasing the latch, fixed the ends of the tie.

Due to the complexity of manufacturing, clips have not received a truly massive distribution, and pioneer ties, from the moment of their inception, in most cases were tied with a special knot.

I remember we joked:

How to tie a tie - take care of it.

It may be useful to strangle someone ...

For all the time of its existence, the tie has changed its shape, color, patterns, acquired brothers, who also took a strong position in the history of the tie. Relatively recently, in the 20th century, a standard tie size appeared - its width is 8.2 centimeters, a width of 7 centimeters is possible, they are still found. Usually, now they make ties from silk and jacquard. There are few details left on the tie, they have become stricter and calmer, most likely this is due to the fact that the "color" is returning to the dress itself.

Such was the history of the tie, it changed, went out of fashion and returned, but it has earned a place in our wardrobes.
