A gift for the best teacher with your own hands from quilling. Quilling panel "Educated Owl"

Hello, friends! As you know, in early October, Teacher's Day is celebrated - a holiday that in one way or another affects everyone: someone selflessly works in the field of pedagogy, someone studies, and for someone this day is an occasion to remember their school and student years and congratulate favorite teachers and teachers or teachers of their own, already grown up children. In Russia, Teacher's Day is officially celebrated on October 5, and, by the way, World Teacher's Day falls on the same date. In a number of countries, for example, in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, professional holiday teachers is celebrated on the first Sunday of October, which means that this year it will happen almost simultaneously with the celebration in Russia.

Be that as it may, there is not much time left to prepare for the holiday, and it's time to think about what to give the teacher. The first thing that comes to mind is traditional flowers and postcards. Moreover, it is much better if the latter are made by hand - such a gift is more sincere and touching and is always perceived with special trepidation. But how to do this (at least one of the options), you can learn from the new master class by Ekaterina Shkodovskaya, dedicated to creating a postcard for Teacher's Day, decorated using the quilling technique. Along the way, you will get acquainted with another way of making paper flowers, namely, paper chrysanthemums, as well as the technology for making interesting decorative curls from paper strips.

Materials and tools:

quilling paper;

sheets of paper in pale orange, light orange and bright orange;

design cardboard, scrap paper;

scissors, quilling tool;

PVA glue;

thermal gun;

half beads for decoration;

printed inscription "Happy Teacher's Day".

This time we will make a postcard with two wings. To create a postcard base, we need a rectangle of designer cardboard measuring 28x15 cm. It must be folded in two places so that the opening parts close exactly in the middle (this will be clearly seen below).

Immediately prepare the following details: 1 large circle (cut out using a regular CD) and 3 small ones (about the size of a coin).

Now we need scrap paper. I used two types: light with polka dots and dark with ornaments.

I used the light one for the sashes of the postcard, cutting out the rectangles a little smaller in size (2-3 mm in length and width) than the sashes. Dark - for the circle, which is also slightly smaller than its design cardboard backing.

We glue the corresponding blanks. And then we glue the large circle to one of the wings so that the middle of the circle coincides with the middle of the postcard.

Let's deal directly with the decor of our postcard for Teacher's Day. I decided to make the main element, perhaps, the most autumn flowers - chrysanthemums. There are many ways to make them out of paper. In this case, I suggest using this: add colored paper in several layers and draw by hand an approximate diagram,

on which we then cut out such petals of two colors and in large quantities.

Additionally, we will make cuts between the corners to make the petals more lush.

Now we glue the petals to our blanks, to the very circles with a diameter of a large coin. Glue in several layers, give the shape of a flower and fluff.

So, cut the fringe and twist paper strip.

Important! The strip should expand slightly along the length, then when twisting and when the flower “opens”, all its petals will lie flat and be visible.

This is the flower I got.

Let's make 2 more quilling chrysanthemums, one of which should be two-color (it will have alternate petals different color).

Let's lay out the ready-made flowers on our postcard blank, placing them beautifully on a large circle.

Add green leaves (“wave” element):

And then we will complement the composition with a couple of unusual curls. They are made as follows:

- first fold 4 strips for quilling Green colour, gluing their tips on one side to each other,

- twist the strips from the same end to a certain point,

- let go of the roll, letting it unwind a little spontaneously, after which we begin to slightly tighten the strips in turn - first the first, then the second, and so on - until our curl is sufficiently untwisted,

- cut off the end and also glue the 4 ends of the strips on the other side.

The result should be such an interesting decorative curl:

We make another one of the same and glue both to the postcard, in suitable places.

As the finishing touches of the decor, we glue half-beads (using a heat gun). And then we just have to stick a congratulatory inscription "Happy Teacher's Day." We decorate it and glue it on another leaf of our postcard.

That's all, the postcard as a gift to the teacher is ready :)

* * *

Friends, next time you will have a master class on creating a quilling panel "Scholarly Owl", which can also be a wonderful handmade gift for Teacher's Day, and the MK itself is an interesting tool for classes with children, for example, in technology lessons or for independent mastering the technique of quilling. Subscribe to site updates so you don't miss anything.

And you can find several more options for postcards for Teacher's Day - using scrapbooking and paper cutting techniques.

Have a wonderful mood and success in your work!


Hello, friends! We continue to actively prepare for the upcoming professional holiday of all teachers. Last time you met with one of the options for a greeting card with quilling decor. And today another idea is waiting for you, how to make original gift to the teacher with his own hands - a panel in the quilling technique "Learned Owl". All the nuances of its manufacture, as usual, will be revealed by Ekaterina Shkodovskaya. And in the course of her new master class, in particular, you will learn how to make one of the elements of looped quilling, which will allow you to create the magnificent plumage of your future paper owl.

Materials and tools:

quilling paper;

quilling tool, scissors;

PVA glue;

thick cardboard;

bird feather.

To create a panel, we need a substrate made of thick cardboard. On it, you must first make a sketch of our learned bird with a pencil. This can be done by hand or you can find a suitable image on the Internet and transfer the outline to cardboard.

Since I will have a smart, well-read quilling owl, I will put it on a stack of books :)

When the image of an owl has formed, you can proceed to paper rolling. Let's make the eyes first. To do this, we twist 2 tight black rolls and, without letting them bloom, we glue them. These will be the pupils.

Then we grease the tip of the yellow paper strip with PVA glue and continue to tightly wrap it onto the finished black rolls to a size corresponding to the size of the eyes in the sketch.

Next, take a strip of white paper and finely chop the fringe. After smearing the uncut part with glue, carefully glue the strip to the black and yellow roll. We repeat the procedure with the second roll. We let them dry, after which we slightly open the fringe - and the owl's eyes are ready.

Let's digress a little from owl anatomy and pay attention to books, or rather, their spines. Cut out 2 strips of colored paper of a suitable size.

Since the spines of books are usually convex, let's add volume to our "spines" with a pencil or other cylindrical object.

Lubricate the edges of the blanks liberally with glue and glue the book "roots" to the corresponding places in the picture. And at the same time decorate them with golden rims.

Now our scientific owl has something to sit on, and we can continue to work on translating its image into paper. We will lay out all the elements from the bottom up, starting with the paws.

From light beige quilling paper we will make 6 drop elements. I made them from halves of stripes, since my quilling owl will be medium-sized.

We glue the blanks to the cardboard backing and to the upper book spine, three pieces on each side.

For further work, we need a lot of stripes of light brown, brown and dark brown.

We make a lot of “drop” elements from light brown stripes and glue the first row of stripes clearly above the paws.

And we glue each next row, going a little to the previous one. We spread it to the end of the breast of our owl.

Now we will make the wings. To do this, we will prepare looped elements consisting of three or four loops.

We first fold one loop from a strip of paper, then add another and a third, leaving a small tip of the strip. We bend this tip over the first loop and glue it.

Here are the loops.

We begin to glue them with loops down, also overlapping and in the direction from bottom to top.

And so we lay out to the end of the wings.

After the wings are ready, let's take care of the owl's head. We glue the ready-made eyes and lay out the head “feathers” around them - looped elements of white and light brown, as well as brown and dark brown.

Let's not forget the beak. For him from the strip yellow color make 3 tight triangles different sizes and glue them on top of each other - from largest to smallest.

The space under the beak will be filled with looped elements in 2 layers.

Our quilling owl is ready. And to emphasize her erudition and wisdom, we glue a real bird feather to the paw.

A voluminous frame will give a complete look to our panel using the quilling technique. It can be made from cardboard according to the classical scheme:

To do this, we measure the finished panel and, in accordance with the obtained dimensions, draw and make a frame.

And you can use finished scheme by printing it out on cardboard. In this case, it will be necessary to predetermine the following dimensions for the quilling panel: 68 x 91 mm. These are the internal dimensions of the frame, and the external - 92-115 mm.

* * *

Well, friends, now you know what else you can make a gift for a teacher with your own hands, and maybe not only for a teacher. Create yourself, create with your children and enjoy this process :).

If you are still tormented by the question of what to give for the upcoming holiday, then you may like an autumn bouquet of sweets with real maple leaves. How to do it, you will find out very soon.


Yours Inna Pyshkina.

Teacher's Day is perhaps the most common professional holiday celebrated in many neighboring countries. It has truly become popular, because the profession of a teacher has been and remains to this day one of the most important. Teaching is not even a profession, but a way of life. Today, as in all ages, the teacher is not only and not so much the custodian of knowledge, a model of behavior, imitation for children, but a master who is able to teach his students to find the necessary knowledge in the boundless ocean of modern sciences, to acquire the experience of self-education. A real teacher should inspire his students to learn.

On Teacher's Day, it is customary to give teachers flowers, but I propose to move away from this stamp a little and make an unusual and original craft with your own hands. We will make a globe, because this item has become an attribute that almost everyone associates with school.

For work we need:

1. Styrofoam ball;
2. Strips for quilling;
3. A tool for winding quilling strips or an ordinary wooden skewer;
4. Ruler with the designation of the diameter of the circles;
5. Glue - pencil, adhesive tape, simple pencil;
6. Scissors;
7. A small sheet of white cardboard;
8. Plastic straw for drinks.

First, we will make a leg for the future globe: for this, we fold a sheet of thick cardboard into a cone, fix the edges on it with adhesive tape, cut the bottom of the cone with scissors to the desired length, achieving its stability.

IN foam ball make a small hole and insert a cone into it. The cone should fit snugly into the hole, but for reliability, its edges can be lightly greased with glue. It is better to use dry glue for work, and not PVA, for example, a glue stick.

To designate the poles on the globe, we insert a small piece of a wooden skewer from above and below into the resulting globe model, on which we subsequently glue small pieces from a plastic tube for juices.

Now, with a simple pencil, we approximately denote the continents and islands on the globe.

Well, now you can "decorate" our globe. We will “decorate” with “drops” twisted from quilling stripes. The shape of the "drop" was not chosen by chance, since it allows you to most fully fill all the voids and gaps on the globe. In order to make a “drop”, insert the end of the strip into the socket of the quilling tool and wind it tightly.

After that, we place our roll in a circle on a ruler with a diameter of 14 mm, weaken it and let it unwind a little. We glue the end of the resulting roll.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that when working on creating figures from quilling, it is highly recommended to use a ruler with the indicated diameters of the circles, in this case all the figures turn out to be exactly the same in size.

We make drops of those colors that should be present on the globe. In this work, mainly blue and blue colors, since most of the earth consists of water, and the colors were chosen for the continents: orange, green, yellow, white. We place the “drops” and glue them close to each other so that there is no free space between them.

After the entire ball is pasted over with multi-colored "drops", you can "decorate" the globe's leg. Here, too, a “drop” figure of only one color was used.

Well, in the end, you need to build an arc that is present on any globe. We will also make it from “drops”, only we flatten them on both sides. The "blobs" will be black so that the arc contrasts with the color of the globe.

We glue the figures directly onto the globe, connecting them to each other, starting from the top pole to the bottom.

So our gift for Teacher's Day is ready. I am sure that teachers will definitely like it, because the present is not bought in a store, but made with your own hands, carries a piece of the warmth of the soul of the child who made it. Happy holiday, dear teachers!

Irina Demchenko

Quilling for Teacher's Day and quilling postcard - master class

Our children spend 9 months a year on getting an education. And, let's say this phrase sounds very dry, but inside the room, which is called the school, a lot is happening. The child goes on a new journey every day and his guides to all the expanses of information, communication with children and gaining new knowledge is the teacher. Teacher's Day is the day when we simply have to express our gratitude to those teachers who, for many years, most often, by vocation (and not by the cost of paying for the profession) give our children new knowledge.

Quilling for Teacher's Day and quilling postcard - master class

Of course, the child must initially be taught to perceive such events in a special way and learn to express respect for their teachers. To do this is quite simple. Over the years, children learn various applications, get new skills in needlework and undoubtedly, they can apply their knowledge to create something new. Of course, you can do traditional set in the form of flowers and sweets. But, it is quite nice for the teacher to receive a handmade gift. Especially when such a gift is made by the hands of his beloved student. Therefore, we will try to master new quilling and appliqué techniques specifically in order to please and show our teachers the reliability of their upbringing. Teachers can be given the most different gifts including beautiful chrysanthemums. But what if you make a real postcard based on various do-it-yourself paper chrysanthemum modules? Special quilling paper will help in this action and show how you can apply your knowledge in such a way as to get the desired result as quickly as possible. Work materials The set for work is extremely simple:

  • Take plain paper for quilling
  • We will also take paper in the color finish of pale, bright and light orange colors.
  • Prepare designer-type cardboard for work, also take scrapbooking paper
  • You will need tools in the form of scissors, as well as a tool for working with quilling
  • Prepare PVA glue for subsequent work
  • You will need a heat gun
  • Take also decorative half-beads and a printed inscription “Happy Teacher's Day”

Starting the basis of work This postcard will be designed using two flaps. To create the base of the postcard, we need to make a rectangle of designer cardboard in the size of 28 by 15 centimeters. It must be folded in half so that the parts for opening are closed in the middle of the sheet. The following details should be prepared: A circle (application using a CD) and 3 small circles (coins will do). Next, take scrapbooking paper. Let's take a light tone with polka dots, as well dark option with ornament. Light is used to make sashes in a postcard. Using the cutout of rectangles in smaller sizes (2-3 millimeters of removal in width and length). A dark one is formed for the circle, which will also be a couple of millimeters smaller than the substrate. The blanks must be glued, then, a large circle should also be glued for one leaf in such a way that the middle in the circle coincides with the middle of the postcard. Postcard design To make a decor for Teacher's Day, you need to come up with a design. To begin with, we will take autumn flower chrysanthemums. For this we need quilling elements. It is necessary to fold sheets of colored paper into several layers, then draw an approximate version of the scheme by hand. Then, cut out the petals in two colors according to this pattern, on a large number of. Further, with the help of additional actions, make cuts with the help of corners so that the petals come out more magnificent. Next, the petals must be glued for blanks. We use the same mugs that were made from coins. Next, you need to glue a small number of layers to give the shape of a flower, then fluff. In order not to leave an empty core, we fill it with a smaller flower, which is made from paper of the same design option as in flower arrangement. We form chrysanthemums Next, we form a fringe from paper, then we form a strip of paper. It is very important that the strip of paper expands in length, then the flower, when twisted, will look exactly from the side of the petals, and also, all the elements will lie along straight line, will stand out. Get a chrysanthemum flower. In the same way, you need to form two more such chrysanthemum quillings, one of which will be issued in a two-color version. Also, make some variations of fringe flowers using a contrasting, bright orange color, using the same method as the core. Finished flowers are laid out on the blank. Further, they are placed on a large mug. After, green sheets are added. Curls and design After - the composition is complemented with a curl. The curls are made in this way: It is necessary to twist four strips for quilling in a green color scheme, then glue their ends on one side to each other. Then, the strips need to be twisted at the same end until the right moment. Then, the roll must be released, let it unravel a little, then, pull up the strips in turn - first we will pull up the first strip, then the second strip, and so on until the curls are untwisted. You also need to cut the ends and glue the four ends of the strips to the other sides. Get our version. We form two such curls and place them on a postcard. At the end, you need to glue the half beads and then glue the inscription. We make out the inscription and fasten it on the other side of the sash in a postcard. Postcard is ready!


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Beautiful postcard for Teacher's Day. Master class with photo

Master class "Postcard for Teacher's Day, made in mixed media"

Age audience: amateur cardmakers aged 10 to 100 years old

Description: this material is offered to children and adults interested in making postcards self made(children, mothers, grandmothers, fathers, grandfathers, teachers of additional education).

Target: Manufacturing greeting card in mixed media: appliqué + quilling

1. to teach the techniques of working with paper in the technique of applique and quilling
2. educate aesthetic taste and interest in cardmaking
3.develop Creative skills and outlook

The term "cardmaking" is familiar to those who like to create greeting cards with their own hands, but for beginners in this business I will try to decipher it. Translated from English card-postcard, make-to do. If you combine these two words, you get the production of postcards.
This art originated in Ancient China when the custom arose to exchange cards, invitations for the holidays. Good idea spread in the 13-14th century in Europe, this art was accessible only to wealthy people. Everything changed at the beginning of the 19th century, when printed materials began to develop and many people could congratulate their relatives with postcards. Cardmaking appeared and became popular in our country about 10 years ago.
Cardmaking is a type of creativity that involves making postcards in various techniques:
Pop-up (Pop up)- union of two techniques: cutting and kirigami;

scrapbooking- from English. "scrap"-cutting and "book"-book, a technique that combines appliqué and decoration with elements from ribbons, flowers, made with decorative hole punches and more. others;

Decoupage- gluing elements cut from 3-layer paper napkins or decoupage cards to the base;

Embroidery-creating patterns on fabrics with a needle and thread;

Pergamo- embossing on tracing paper;

iris folding(Iris Folding) - laying out strips of colored paper according to the scheme;

isothread- making a pattern on cardboard according to the scheme with threads and a needle;

Mixing techniques in making handmade postcards is encouraged. We will now deal with mixing techniques. I propose to make a greeting card for Teacher's Day using two techniques: applique and quilling!

For work, we need materials and tools:

1.two sheets of watercolor paper -20.5 x 29.5 cm
3. printout with pictures for application
4. strips of green, yellow, red paper - 0.7 mm x29 cm
5.colored pencils,
6.wax crayons,
7. felt-tip pens,
8.gel black pen,
9. quilling ruler,
10. ink pads with orange and red paint (used in scrapbooking for toning)
12.glue stick,
13. PVA glue,
14. air markers
15.decorative plastic eyes
16. simple pencil

One of the techniques that are necessary for our postcard is "appliqué". The "Applique" technique has been familiar to us since childhood. We know how to cut elements and glue them to the base, these skills will come in handy for us now!

Print out images taken from the Internet

Cut out each element with an allowance of 2 mm

Glue the pencil and glue the cut out elements to the watercolor paper - this must be done in order to make it more convenient to color the pictures.

Let's start coloring pictures. First, we work with colored pencils and wax crayons, and then add brightness with felt-tip pens (apples are not painted - they will be guidelines when gluing elements, and will not be visible on the postcard)

Cut out with a 2 mm allowance (the layer of watercolor paper should not be visible).
Elements for creating an application are prepared.

We turn to the development of the Quilling technique. Quilling is the manufacture of crafts from strips of paper. The strips are wound on a special quilling tool, a roll is created, then the roll is modified by pressure, from the sides or from above, and numerous shapes are obtained, when combined, interesting openwork patterns. A rowan brush was created using the quilling technique for our greeting card. First, consider what a rowan twig looks like in nature.

Photo from the Internet
Numerous round red or orange berries are collected in a brush, a leaf of complex shape, it consists of small oval leaves.
We proceed to the manufacture of mountain ash and prepare strips of red color in the amount of 24 pieces. To make one berry, we need to sequentially glue one whole strip and one half of the strip.

We will use the quilling tool and wind the prepared red strip, remove it from the tool and glue it with a drop of PVA glue (choose glue that is thicker - it glues the elements faster).

It is necessary to prepare 16 berries

From two green strips 0.7 x 29 cm glued in series, we will make a roll and dissolve it on a quilling ruler - the diameter of the hole on the ruler is 18 mm, then glue the end of the strip to the roll. Such an element is called a free spiral.

From a free spiral, we must get an oval.

For this:
1. squeeze the free spiral between the thumb and forefinger
2. the spiral is compressed and an oval is obtained.
To make rowan leaves, we need to make 12 green and 5 yellow ovals.

The ovals will stick to the petiole:
1. take half of the green strip
2. bend it in half, and bend the ends in opposite directions
3.glue the strip with PVA glue (the tips remain not glued)

The petiole is ready, it remains to complete the second one, since we have two complex leaves.

We assemble the leaf: glue one green oval to the petiole, it will be the central leaf, and then glue all the remaining ovals.

This is how the leaves that are needed to create the composition look like. We have 3 more green ovals left in stock. We will need them when the rowan branch is finally glued to the postcard.

The stalks for berries are made in the same way as the petioles for leaves are made, but a smaller size is taken:

1. cut off one fourth of the green strip
2. fold in half
3. cut the bent strip along, we get two thin stripes
4. bend the edges in different directions for each strip
5. glue each strip without gluing the folds

You need to make 8 strips in total.

We connect each berry with a stem. In total, 8 berries must be connected to the stem, the rest of the red rolls will be glued to the postcard later.

In order to form a bunch, it is necessary to connect the berries with the stalks using PVA glue in groups: 2-3-3.

We connect all the resulting elements into a brush.

While the elements are drying, we proceed to the formation of the postcard:

1. Divide the wide sides of watercolor paper measuring 20.5x29.5 cm in half, put dots with a simple pencil, use a ruler and the tip of scissors to draw a line connecting the dots - the resulting groove divides the sheet in half
2. bend the sheet along the intended line (this method of making a postcard does not give creases on thick and at the same time loose paper)

The base of the card is ready, let's start decorating it

IN Lately there are more and more new devices, materials, tools for creating postcards - one of these innovations is air felt-tip pens. Why are they airy, because fireworks of colorful splashes appear when they blow with force into the transparent cap of a felt-tip pen.
Before we apply the paint, it is necessary to make a paint stopper out of cardboard measuring 12.5 x 19 cm. We also need a newspaper on which a postcard will be placed (we don’t want to stain everything around with paint).
If you do not have such air felt-tip pens, then remember the proven method of applying paint with an old toothbrush:
1. breed watercolor paint water
2. dip the tip of the brush into the paint
3.stroke the brush with your thumb and spray

This technique is called the "spray" technique and is used to create fantasy paintings using stencils.

We produce a similar coating inside the postcard

We will also paint the substrate for the inscription

Glue the inscription to the substrate that has dried up after applying the paint, cut watercolor paper at a distance of 3-4 mm from the inscription, draw dotted lines with a black gel pen.

The leaves have dried up and you can start assembling, you need to glue a green strip one-fourth of the whole strip to one of the leaves.

Let's move on to the application on the postcard:

In the upper right part of the postcard we glue the globe (we work with glue with a pencil), below we glue a stack of books with an apple (the sheet of the second apple and the beginning of the petiole of the first apple are in contact)

We glue an owl on a stack of books (we glue it on apples), on the left side of the postcard we place pencils at an angle.

We paste the inscription on the pencils.

Applique elements can be made more voluminous by gluing a volumetric double-sided adhesive tape under each element in several places, this is done if the card is made using the scrapbooking technique.

Let's start forming a rowan branch:
1. glue two sheets
2. glue a bunch of mountain ash from 8 berries to them

When the branch dries, lay it out on a postcard and try on the location. Carefully turning it over to the wrong side, apply PVA glue to the leaves, stick it on the postcard.
