How to give complementary foods between feedings Komarovsky. The introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding according to Komarovsky

Today, disputes about how to properly care for, raise, and educate a child do not subside for a minute. Grandparents, accustomed to living by Soviet rules, who read Soviet books about caring for a child until they foam on their lips, argue with the younger generation, which is set up in a progressive way and, in turn, has read “fashionable” advice on the net. Especially a lot of conflicts happen at the time of the introduction of the first complementary foods - the first "adult" food - into the child's diet. What should parents do so as not to harm their beloved little man, in order to give him only the best?

Doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky enjoys a certain authority both among the younger generation and among mature people, and even among grandparents. Many of his tips, articles and videos covering seemingly elementary things become a real revelation for young parents. So, due to the numerous requests of our readers, today we will talk in detail about the rules for the introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding and artificial feeding"according to Komarovsky".

What is the main idea behind the introduction of complementary foods according to Komarovsky?

Regarding the timing of the introduction of complementary foods to children of the first year of life, Dr. Komarovsky adheres to the same rules as World Organization health care (hereinafter - WHO). That is, healthy children who are on breastfeeding, the first complementary foods are introduced at the age of 6 months. For children on artificial or mixed feeding, as well as for children with special medical indications, the timing of the introduction of complementary foods is shifted in one direction or another by 1–1.5 months.

But when it comes to complementary foods, there are certain differences. So, Yevgeny Komarovsky recommends starting a child’s acquaintance with adult food with fermented milk products (kefir and cottage cheese), and only after their successful introduction, in his opinion, can a baby be “acquainted” with cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Scheme for the introduction of complementary foods according to Komarovsky

The first portion of kefir, with such a scheme for introducing complementary foods, should be no more than 3-4 teaspoons, after which the child should be supplemented breast milk or adapted milk formula. If the baby tolerates the introduction of a new product for him (it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the child to complementary foods), the next day the portion doubles, the next day it doubles again, etc. Thus, approximately 4–5 days from the start of the introduction of kefir , the baby will be able to eat a full portion, i.e. 120-150 milliliters.

After kefir is introduced into the baby's diet, you can begin to introduce him to cottage cheese. According to the scheme for the introduction of complementary foods according to Komarovsky, the first portion of cottage cheese is added to kefir in the amount of 5 grams, i.e. 1 teaspoon. Naturally, the mixture of kefir and cottage cheese must be brought to a homogeneous state. To do this, you can use an ordinary small strainer or an immersion blender (the latter is more convenient to use for larger portions). Further, if the child takes cottage cheese well, the next day the portion doubles, the next day it doubles again, and so it is brought to the optimum - 30 grams.

Table for the introduction of the first complementary foods according to Komarovsky at 6 months

Note: Dr. Komarovsky recommends introducing complementary foods during the second feeding, i.e. in the morning. With this scheme, it will be easier for you to track the reaction of the child to new food and, if necessary, take appropriate measures.

The second dish of complementary foods Komarovsky recommends choosing cereal porridge, for example, buckwheat, oatmeal or rice. Moreover, unlike WHO, Komarovsky recommends preparing porridge for the baby not on water, but on milk and replacing it with not the first, but the last feeding. The scheme for introducing porridge is the same as the scheme for introducing fermented milk products.

Note: before the introduction of bovine or goat milk in the diet of a child under one year old, consult your doctor or representatives of the patronage service. Many children are allergic to lactose. In this case, the introduction of milk into the child's diet is recommended only after he is 3 years old.

The main purpose of complementary foods is the adaptation and addiction of the child's body to new food. This means that the baby gradually receives a variety of foods in addition to the usual familiar diet - formula. Pediatricians' opinions about complementary foods may differ, and parents face a difficult choice - who should they listen to?

Complementary foods according to Komarovsky have their own nuances and subtleties that should be studied by all mothers who decide to feed their children according to the system of this specialist.

When is the best time to introduce the first "adult" food?

This is the very first question that arises in front of a mother when her newborn baby begins to grow up. The first year of a child's life in pediatrics is the most important stage, A proper nutrition is of great importance. Evgeny Olegovich believes that if a child has developed normally before the age of six months and there are no deviations, then he does not need additional food, except for infant formula.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that 6 months - ideal age for the artificial, when it's time to start introducing new foods into the diet.

Also The readiness of the child to complementary foods can be judged by several signs:

  1. since birth, the weight has doubled;
  2. the ability to sit independently;
  3. the ability to hold an object with two fingers;
  4. showing interest in new foods;
  5. food is not pushed out by the tongue;
  6. the baby may turn away if he is full or does not want to try the product.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Exact adherence to the recommendations of the doctor and the introduction of complementary foods according to his rules strengthens the health of the baby, he actively develops physically and psycho-emotionally. A balanced set of new products, which Komarovsky proposes to introduce according to a specially designed scheme, allows the child to receive all the necessary nutrients in accordance with his age.
  • The baby begins to develop new skills. He learns to hold a spoon and direct it to his mouth, sorting through food with his fingers, developing tactile sensations. Chewing food helps the child prepare the gums for the beginning of the appearance of the first teeth. When the baby holds food in his hands or even plays with them, fine motor skills are developing rapidly.


Introduction rules

Evgeny Olegovich recommends starting complementary foods smoothly and carefully. A new product should be tried in the morning, since the rest of the time you can observe the child and easily track the possible appearance negative consequences in the form of rash, itching, colic, diarrhea.

It is better to start with half a teaspoon, every day gradually increasing the portion to the required amount. In case of allergy or intestinal disorders, the new product should be discontinued for 3-4 weeks, after which the attempt should be repeated under careful parental supervision.

Products should only be freshly prepared and offered to the child in a separate clean bowl.

It is very convenient to feed the baby with a special plastic or silicone spoon., it does not injure the delicate gums of the baby.

These tips coincide with the opinion of most pediatricians, but Komarovsky also has his own developed principles:

Where to start?

  1. According to the rules of Komarovsky, complementary foods should be started with kefir. This is due to the fact that kefir is similar to milk, to which the digestive system is already accustomed. In addition, it contains lactic acid bacteria that help strengthen immunity, reduce the risk of intestinal infections, improve digestive processes and reduce the load on the baby’s fragile liver.

    The product should be tried in the morning. In the absence of negative reactions, the dose should be gradually increased from half a teaspoon to 150 ml per feeding.

  2. After a week, you can introduce cottage cheese. If the baby does not like its taste, the doctor advises adding a little sugar. When kefir and cottage cheese replace one feeding and the child gets used to them, you need to move on to milk porridge. Recommended cereals for the first feeding are rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  3. By 8 months, it is allowed to introduce fruits and vegetables, gradually adding egg yolk and meat to the puree. In this case, you need to start with a decoction of vegetables or meat, and only after that give mashed potatoes or soup from these products.

Table by month

Age Feeding time Products
6 months 6.00 Mixture
14.00 Mixture
7 months 6.00 Mixture
10.00 150 ml. low-fat kefir and 30 mg. cottage cheese
14.00 Mixture
22.00 Up to 200 ml. porridge
8 months 6.00 Mixture
10.00 150 ml. low-fat kefir and 30 mg. cottage cheese
18.00 Mixture
22.00 Up to 200 ml. porridge
9-12 months 6.00 Mixture
10.00 150 ml. low-fat kefir and 30 mg. cottage cheese
14.00 Up to 200 ml. vegetable puree or soup
18.00 Mixture
22.00 Up to 200 ml. porridge

No baby can always eat only mother's milk or a special mixture: sooner or later it will be necessary to teach him to eat other foods. With the introduction of a new diet, the child will receive the nutrients necessary for growth and development; food will help shape his chewing skills and prepare his gums for, and will also affect the development of fine motor skills.

There are two concepts that mothers confuse when teaching a child to eat: complementary foods and complementary foods, and we will figure out what they mean. Dokorm- this is feeding the baby with milk formula or some products, when the baby's breast milk is not enough: he does not eat up, does not receive the necessary nutrients and you have to feed him additionally. Lure is the food that is given to a breastfed baby to accustom him to adult food. How to do it right?

Famous children's doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky insists that the introduction of complementary foods is possible only when the child reaches the age six months. Introducing complementary foods earlier is pointless and even harmful to the baby.

The fact is that if the mother eats in a balanced and correct way, then the baby receives enough nutrients from her milk. If the child is bottle-fed, then he should also get useful substances. When the baby is malnourished or simply does not have enough nutrients, then either it is worth making efforts to ensure that the mother eats well, or choose a mixture that suits the crumbs and resort to supplementary feeding.

At the same time, it is also not necessary to introduce complementary foods later, because monotonous nutrition for babies older than six months can affect its growth. The timely introduction of complementary foods will strengthen the health of the child, allow him to develop properly both psychological and physical aspects.

It is necessary to choose products for the introduction of complementary foods correctly, and introduce any new product into the baby's diet gradually and with caution. Dr. Komarovsky advises to start with one sip or one spoon, after which - again give him breast milk or formula. After evaluating the reaction of the baby's body - whether sleep, stool, skin condition and behavior have changed, it is already possible to increase the dose.

If all is well, you can gradually increase the dose of food and accustom the baby to it. If something went wrong with a new product, you didn’t like the child’s reaction to it, you should stop trying for a while. If the baby simply refuses food, he does not need to shove it.

When some allergic reactions suddenly appear, the introduction of complementary foods should also be postponed. Remember that complementary foods should not be started if the child is sick, and three days after vaccination three days after it.

Complementary feeding rules according to Komarovsky

Some are sure that complementary foods should be introduced from vegetables or fruits, some - that porridge cooked in breast milk would be ideal. However, Komarovsky is sure that kefir will be the most useful first product for a baby: the baby’s body gets used to milk, and therefore it should perceive fermented milk products well. Kefir contains bacteria that have a positive effect on the immune system and prevent the development of intestinal infections. Also, this drink reduces the load on the liver of the crumbs and improves its digestive processes.

Dr. Komarovsky says that he introduces a new product in the morning, gradually and slowly replacing the main feeding habitual for the child - breastfeeding or formula. For the first time, the baby is enough for one or two teaspoons of kefir. If the body responds normally to them, then in the future it will be possible to increase the dose - until the child begins to consume up to 150 ml of kefir per feeding without supplementary feeding with breast milk or formula.

After about a week, if the baby does not have any reaction to kefir and his health is good, you can safely add cottage cheese to his diet. For a six-month-old baby, 30 g of the second per day is enough, and for a child over the age of nine months - 50 g each. If the child does not like cottage cheese, then you can add a little sugar to it - the main thing is not to overdo it.

When the child gets used to both kefir and cottage cheese (Komarovsky says that it takes 10 days), and they will completely replace his morning feeding with breast milk or formula, you can start feeding with porridge. Rice, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge (semolina can be introduced only after eight months) in milk (cow's or breast milk, you can also use a mixture) should replace the baby's evening feeding.

Scheme for the introduction of complementary foods according to Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovskiy recommends introducing vegetables or fruits into the child's diet only by the eighth month of his life, after he starts teething and at least one comes out. And then you need to start complementary foods with decoctions, and only then - give the child vegetable purees or soups. For a decoction, you need to chop carrots, cabbage and potatoes, cabbage (if desired - onions), pour boiling water over it at the rate of 100 g of water per 50 g of vegetables. The mixture must be closed with a lid and put on fire, cook until all the vegetables are completely boiled. Then the broth must be filtered, and then boiled again, when it cools down - pour into a bottle. On the first day of the introduction of such complementary foods, the baby will have enough from 30 to 50 g of broth, on the second day - twice as much.

If the child responds well to vegetables, you can give him soup or mashed potatoes, gradually increasing the dose up to replacing one feeding. To prepare mashed potatoes, you need to stew different vegetables in boiling water, wipe them and add salt and milk (25 ml per 100 g of vegetables) , then - beat everything and bring to a boil. It is necessary to add quite a bit of vegetable oil to the finished puree - 3 g is enough.

After two weeks, it will be possible to add egg yolk and meat. For example, stew or boil vegetables not in water, but in meat (best of all - chicken) broth. Then - add mashed meat or yolk to mashed potatoes or soup.

The introduction of complementary foods with fruits is possible only after the appearance of the first tooth - if it is not there, then you can give the baby juice, but, of course, it cannot be complementary foods. For older children, you can add small pieces of fruit to cereals, or give fruit purees or large pieces that you can suck on.

By nine months, complementary foods should already replace three feedings. First, it is kefir and cottage cheese, to which it will be possible to add children's cookies. Then - it can be any porridge. In another feeding, the child receives a husband or a vegetable dish with the addition of meat, yolk and vegetable oil. By ten months, he can already eat soup not with meat, but with fish broth.

The main thing is to be careful when starting complementary foods with foods that are familiar to you: a still-forming children's body can react badly to them.

Complementary feeding table from Dr. Komarovsky:

Type of complementary foods Age, months
Porridge enriched with Fe, Ca, P, Zn4,5–5,5
vegetable puree4,5–5,5
Meat puree4,5–5,5
Fruit purees and juices6
Cottage cheese6,5
egg yolk7
Kefir, yogurt (no more than 200 ml)9–12
Whole cow's milkNot recommended in the first year of life

The introduction of complementary foods: homemade food or factory

Of course, it is not necessary to cook all the products for the introduction of complementary foods yourself; you can buy special soups and purees in the store. Pay attention to manufacturers, expiration date and composition. And do not believe if the manufacturer claims that fruit purees can be given to very young babies: this publicity stunt can have a bad effect on the health of the baby. Follow the recommendation of Dr. Komarovsky and monitor the reaction of the child's body.

The advantages of finished products from the store: it saves mom's time, is additionally enriched with vitamin and mineral complexes, has many components; Also, you can always take it with you. Its disadvantages: its purchase hits the wallet, the shelf life of an open jar is only 24 hours, and the vegetable purees themselves are not as tasty as when they are cooked on their own.

Pros of home-cooked complementary foods: saving money, better taste, the ability to adjust the texture and taste of dishes. Disadvantages of homemade food: it takes a lot of time to prepare it, and it is impossible to cook it outside the home.

In any case, the mother will have to choose for herself what kind of food and the introduction of which complementary foods will suit her baby.

Before you delve into the schemes and tables that Dr. Komarovsky offers to young parents, you need to understand what complementary foods are. Many mothers do not quite understand the meaning of this word, especially since pediatricians usually call it any additional feeding. For example, if a woman has too little milk and she is offered milk formula for a child, then this is not complementary foods, but supplementary foods. Milk mixture, by the way, in this case, you can safely replace the milk of pets.

If you are trying to add “adult food” to your baby’s diet that will complement dairy, then this is complementary foods. According to Komarovsky, this must necessarily happen on time. In addition, it is important to choose the right nutrition so that the baby is better weaned from the breast.

The introduction of complementary foods according to Komarovsky should begin at the age of six months, despite the fact that many adults (and even pediatricians) recommend accustoming to regular food as early as possible. But if you want your baby to be healthy, then you should forget about outdated diets and keep up with the times.

Why only 20-30 years ago complementary foods started earlier? Dr. Komarovsky gives this clear and simple explanation. The fact is that when a woman ran out of milk in Soviet times, animal milk or various mixtures were added to the baby. For hygienic purposes, they were boiled, which led to the evaporation of all the necessary vitamins and minerals. This made the baby unhealthy, he developed hypovitaminosis and lack of weight. Even those breastfeeding mothers who had enough milk did not eat well enough at that time to provide their child with everything necessary. That is why they tried to start complementary foods even at two or three months.

Complementary foods according to Komarovsky must be started using a small amount of products, because caution does not hurt here. Do not forget to supplement with the food that is considered more familiar to the child (milk formula or mother's milk). You should carefully monitor the reaction of a small organism: does a rash appear, does the baby sleep well, and so on. If there are no negative manifestations, you can gradually increase the dosage. If you have problems, it is better to consult a doctor, and postpone complementary foods.

Do not forget that it is better not to start adding new products immediately after the child's illness or after vaccinations. Do not force the baby and feed food by force.

Complementary foods according to Komarovsky for months

Complementary feeding according to Komarovsky for months must be carried out exactly as shown in the diagram. It is also very important to monitor the reaction of your baby.

6 months

The feeding scheme is as follows:

10-11 am: 150 ml of low-fat baby kefir with 30 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

22-23 pm: Store-bought formula or mother's milk.

To avoid problems with the introduction of kefir into children's diet, you must first give 4 teaspoons and immediately supplement with store-bought mixture (mother's milk). It is very important to observe how the child reacts to the product. With a normal reaction, it is necessary to increase the dose a little every day, supplementing him with his usual food.

As soon as you reach 150 mg of kefir per day, you need to start introducing cottage cheese. Here it is also very important to do it gradually so that the child gets used to it. If desired, sugar can be added to the mixture of cottage cheese + kefir. This rhythm persists until the 7th month of a child's life.

7 months

6-7 am: Store-bought formula or mother's milk.

14-15 days: Store-bought formula or mother's milk.

18-19 pm: Store-bought formula or mother's milk.

22-23 pm: Cereal porridge with milk (no more than 200 ml).

Before resting at night is the best time to add the next product in complementary foods. Cereal cereals with milk are an excellent option. Here, special attention should be paid to buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. To introduce a new food, it is necessary to start again with a small amount of it (4 teaspoons). If there are no problems, increase the dose.

8 months

6-7 am: Store-bought formula or mother's milk.

10-11 am: The old scheme of low-fat baby yogurt with cottage cheese.

14-15 days: Soup or vegetable puree (no more than 200 ml).

18-19 pm: Store-bought formula or mother's milk.

22-23 pm: The old scheme with cereal porridge with milk.

Remember that you can start giving vegetables to a child only after he has at least one tooth. Puree or vegetable soup is best left for the third feeding, which takes place during the day. To see how the child's body will react to vegetables, you first need to give the baby a little decoction. Increase the amount every day. With a normal reaction, you can switch to soups / purees.

3 weeks after the introduction of vegetable soup, you can try meat broth (it is better to choose chicken meat). If the child's reaction is positive, you can start adding grated meat or hard-boiled egg yolk. But remember that before 1 year it is better not to give more than half of the yolk.

For the second feeding, you can increase the amount of cottage cheese (up to 50 g).

9 months - 1 year

6-7 am: Store-bought formula or mother's milk.

10-11 am: The old scheme of low-fat baby yogurt with cottage cheese.

14-15 days: The old scheme of mashed potatoes or vegetable soup (possible with meat or yolk).

18-19 pm: Store-bought formula or mother's milk.

22-23 pm: Cereal porridge with milk.

You can make soups or purees from vegetables with the addition of any meat, but make sure that it is lean. If you are making mashed potatoes, you need to pour milk over it and add pieces of grated meat. Starting from the 10th month of life, you can try to replace meat broth with fish. Vegetable oil can be added to food.

You can add a little fruit (soft) to cereal porridge with milk. Try to breastfeed your baby at least once a day for up to a year. Formula milk can be continued up to 2 years.

Complementary feeding table according to Komarovsky

The feeding table according to Komarovsky helps to better understand how to properly add various “adult foods” to your child's food. But do not think that the doctor gives a full-fledged scheme with columns and rows, in which special rules are written that are suitable for everyone. "Table" is an inaccurate description. Komarovsky gives only advice, but each parent must pay attention to the reaction of his child and act in accordance with it. In addition, the above described complementary feeding scheme is quite understandable.

The doctor recommends introducing low-fat kefir as the first product. Sour-milk food is the best to start complementary foods because it has a very similar composition to what your baby is already familiar with. In addition, the bacteria that live in fermented milk products help the growing body fight infections faster and better. They also reduce the load on the young liver and improve digestion.

So, friends, talking about food, talking about the first meal - in fact, this is complementary foods - this is an exciting topic for everyone. Probably, the pediatrician has several such topics - such as “We treat diarrhea”, “We treat snot”, “We treat cough”, “Complementary food” - wake up at night, we will tell you how to live with it.

I ask you to write down 10 simple rules:

Rule number 1. When to start

The most important rule of complementary feeding is when to start? I used to say this: from 4 to 6 months, the baby does not need complementary foods, it is needed for the mother.

Now I will say this: there is no complementary foods until 6 months. You see, medical science does not stand still, and there is more and more evidence that these experiments are not necessary until the child reaches 6 months. Fine?

Rule number 2. Independence from the type of feeding

It is very important to immediately forget that the feeding system has something to do with the timing of complementary foods:

  • We are artificial, we need complementary foods from 3 months!
  • We are breastfeeding, we will generally start in a year. Up to a year - only mom!

My friends, regardless of the type of feeding, the optimal time to start complementary foods is 6 months.

Rule number 3. We do not experiment with a sick child

Complementary foods and generally new products are given when the child is healthy. If the child is sick, something is wrong - let's not experiment with the sick.

Three rules we already know - well done!

Rule number 4. Calm environment

Again, why do you need these experiments if you went somewhere to visit, are going on a trip - tomorrow we are going somewhere, and today let's give something, and we will treat diarrhea all night! Therefore, if we are going to give some new products, let's adapt to the circumstances and not experiment when it is inconvenient for one of the family members.

Rule number 5. First food, then the main food

What is very important? Complementary foods are still given when the child is really hungry, that is, they are given before feeding him the main meal. It is clear that if you put him on your chest, then after he has eaten, it is already very difficult to conduct any experiments with new, unusual food. So once again important rule- first complementary foods, then the main food.

Rule number 6. If a child refuses a new food

Another rule - if he refuses, do not be upset, but do not close this topic either. Refuses - repeat after a while, offer, offer, offer.

What is also very important - if you really want him to eat it, but he does not eat it, eat it yourself in his presence. This is very conducive.

Rule number 7. Monocomponent new food

One more rule: everything new is monocomponent. That is, if we decide to give porridge, then we do not need to give porridge from 7 cereals, and then guess which one did not suit us. Agreed? Well done.

Rule number 8. The gradual transition to complementary foods

If we have replaced one of the feedings with complementary foods, then we will start experimenting with another only after that. That is, it is not necessary to conduct experiments every feeding. Let's eat mom in the morning, the second feeding is complementary foods, mom. And when we completely replace the second feeding, then we will carry out some experiments on the third, fourth. This is desirable. Agreed? Well done!

Rule number 9. Gradual expansion of the menu

There is another rule that it is advisable to listen to - as a rule, new products that the child has never tried before (and there may be several such products at once) should not be given at intervals of less than 5 days. That is, you do not need something new every day. Then again it will be difficult to figure out who is really to blame.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Rule number 10. The term for a complete replacement of feeding is a week

By and large, I must tell you that, as a rule, for a complete replacement of feeding - for example, we decided to give the child oatmeal - as a rule, optimal time in order to replace the mixture with oatmeal completely - about a week. It's clear? That is, we know that the child eats this milk formula. Today they gave 20 g, tomorrow 40, the day after tomorrow 80, etc. - a week to replace feeding.

The rules are over. Now very interesting things, because again, medical science does not stand still.

Food and allergies

For example, in the US, a very acute problem is associated, for example, with peanuts. They have a very common - you probably know - peanut butter. They have great amount children with peanut allergy. And all my life they told mothers: “Never give peanuts to small children! This increases the likelihood of allergies!”

And suddenly, literally a lot of recent studies prove that, it turns out, if children from 6-8 months old are given peanuts in a small amount, then this dramatically reduces the likelihood of allergies later, when they are older.

I mean, that's how things change. Another question is that if there are people with allergies in the house, if this topic is relevant for the family in principle, then it is better not to conduct such experiments.

Why am I saying all this? Very often, right now, your doctor can advise you on something that goes against what is written in many books. But science does not stand still and everything changes.

For example, fish. In many books they write that fish is better after a year: we start feeding with meat, and then fish. And now, if a child receives fish soup or pieces of fish in broth, starting from 8 months, it turns out that there will be nothing wrong with this - please, to your health!

And one last piece of advice for you.

Lure, as knowledge of the world

You know, it turns out that almost the most chic thing about complementary foods is the very process of eating, when the child himself is hands, a spoon. But with us, quite often, complementary foods look like this: they sat down, wrapped them up, put a horn, 2 horns, and then a bottle.

Guys, already at 6 months, try to do this - complementary foods at 6 months, when he starts eating this cottage cheese - this, as you understand, has absolutely nothing to do with calories, food. Yes, this is actually the knowledge of the world, new ways of eating.

Therefore, they already seated such a little one, put a plate in front of him, gave him something that looked like a spoon, and let him try to eat. Yes, he will be covered from head to toe in this spoonful of cottage cheese. He will still get dirty sooner or later, but, nevertheless, it is very great for his development, for motor skills, for intelligence.

It is very cool when a child learns what he will eat himself. It's better than watching cartoons on TV together. I draw your attention to this. You want to give the child cottage cheese - they sat the child down, gave him a plate, sat down opposite with exactly the same plate with cottage cheese, and eat this cottage cheese. He looks at you and repeats.

I really want your children to look at you, and not at the cartoons on TV. Explain to dad that he personal example needed in the process of complementary feeding is much more than all Masha and the bears combined.
