The child began to get sick. What to do if the child is sick

The health of children is of utmost importance to all parents. Of course, each of us understands that there is no child who would never get sick. But at the same time, all parents try to reduce the number of childhood diseases to a minimum and prevent their development. Pharmaceutical preparations (multivitamin preparations and various dietary supplements) and home remedies (hardening, exercise, herbs, etc.) also benefit. But sometimes all measures are not enough, and the baby still catches a cold. Let's clarify what to do if the child gets sick, and what to do if he gets sick?

The child gets sick, what to do?

In the early stages of the development of the disease, there is a chance to notice it in time and take measures to treat it. Timely reaction of parents will help prevent the occurrence of especially unpleasant symptoms and complications. To prevent the further development of the disease, you can use both pharmacy products and home remedies. But it is advisable to use them all only after consultation with a qualified pediatrician.

So, if you are sure that you have encountered a viral disease, discuss with your doctor the advisability of using antiviral drugs. Popular children's medicines of this type are represented by Oscillococcinum, Anaferon for children, Viferon, Kagocel, etc.

So, Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic preparation, it is available in the form of granules. The contents of one tube of the drug should be placed under the tongue and kept until completely dissolved. If the disease has just begun to develop, you need to take the medicine as soon as possible, after which you can take two or three more doses with an interval of six hours.

If the child starts to get sick and sniffles, you can use Aqua-Maris - this is sea water for irrigation and washing. Vibrocil droplets, asterisk ointment (carefully - very allergenic) and nozzle patch will help prevent the further development of the disease, the latter includes essential oils for inhalation, it is glued to the child's clothes.

Of the pharmaceutical drugs, you can also use ordinary Ascorbic acid, but only in moderate dosage.

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, in order to prevent its further progression, it is extremely important to give the child plenty of fluids. An excellent effect is given by various plant-based teas, for example, with linden, chamomile, mint, thyme or raspberry jam. As a drink, you can use compotes with berries and fruits, weak tea with lemon, cranberry juice, warm milk or ordinary warm water.

Also, parents should ventilate the baby’s room more often (the ideal temperature is 20-22C) and maintain sufficient air humidity in it (at least 40-50%). During the heating season, you can use an ordinary spray bottle with water, in addition, wet towels should be thrown over the batteries. If you have a humidifier, you can add an essential oil to it, such as fir, eucalyptus, lavender, or cedar.

No need to force-feed the child, during any illness, the appetite naturally decreases.

What to do if the child is sick?

If the baby is still sick, continue to take all the above measures: drink plenty of water, moist air, airing. With an increase in temperature indicators, do not bring them down if they do not exceed the mark of 38.5 ° C or if there are no direct medical indicators for this (a history of febrile convulsions, etc.).

If the temperature rises, call the doctor at home and consult with him. To reduce the temperature in children, Nurofen or paracetamol products, such as Panadol, etc., are usually used.

If a cold has led to a severe runny nose, systematically instill and rinse the child's nose with saline solutions. If you find nasal congestion, use vasoconstrictor drops as recommended by your doctor.

When a cough appears, most often only a significant amount of warm drink, moist and fresh air in the room is enough. But in some cases, you can not do without medicines, represented by drugs that can thin the sputum and promote its evacuation. Children are most often prescribed drugs with ambroxol and herbal preparations (with licorice root, ivy, etc.).

If the child does not have a temperature, you can carry out warming procedures - put compresses on the chest, warm up the nose or carry out inhalations. So, you can boil potatoes in their jackets until fully cooked, drain a little water and mash them into a puree. Let the baby breathe over the rising steam for ten minutes, then put the mashed potatoes in a bag and form a compress on the baby's chest. Fix it well and send the baby to bed to warm up well. After an hour, the compress can be removed, but it is best for the child to stay warm under the covers.

In order to increase the immunity of the baby and contribute to the treatment of a runny nose and cough, you can prepare the following home remedy. Wash a medium lemon, make a few punctures in the peel and boil it for five minutes on a minimum fire. Cool the lemon, squeeze the juice out of it and combine it with a couple of tablespoons of glycerin. Pour the mixture into a glass and add honey to it to the top of the glass. Mix well and leave for two to four hours. Then give your child a teaspoon three to seven times a day.

Children's diseases in most cases are inevitable. However, each parent would like to reduce their number or at least prevent the development of complications. How can you help if a child gets sick? How to treat a cold or SARS?

Cold in childhood occurs very often. Usually, this term also means ordinary SARS. How do these diseases differ, and what can be done as first aid?

SARS is caused by viruses. They can be very different:

  • rhinovirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • parvovirus;
  • influenza and parainfluenza;
  • respiratory syncytial virus;
  • enterovirus and others.

To get sick with SARS, contact with a sick person is necessary. Usually infection occurs by airborne droplets.

A cold is always preceded by hypothermia. It can develop due to being in a draft, walking in too light clothes.

Sometimes, on the contrary, parents dress the child warmly, and he sweats quickly, after which he freezes in wet clothes. Overheating is no less dangerous than hypothermia.

The result is a decrease in the body's defenses and the activation of conditionally pathogenic microflora. Most often, a cold is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, adenoiditis, otitis, bronchitis.

But sometimes hypothermia facilitates the penetration of the virus into the body, and the usual SARS develops. What can be done if the child starts to get sick?

First aid

Every parent wants their baby to get well as soon as possible. And often they are ready to give the child the most expensive and most effective, in their opinion, drugs. From the pediatrician, many are also waiting for appropriate appointments - medicines for each symptom.

However, polypharmacy (excessive use of drugs) is not only not useful, but most often harmful to the child's body.

When children have the first symptoms of a cold, you need to remember about simple but effective measures and start with them.

First of all, you need to take care of the following points:

  • ventilation.
  • Humidification of the air in the apartment.
  • Proper clothing.
  • Moisturizing mucous membranes.
  • Plentiful drink.
  • Decrease in body temperature.


The course of the disease and its duration depend on the ambient temperature and its humidity. You should always be more careful with children than with adults. Too warm and dry air contributes to overheating of their body.

This is especially dangerous when the temperature rises. It is also an excellent habitat for pathogenic viruses and bacteria. It is in dry air that they can live for a long time and retain the ability to reproduce.

In central heating conditions, it is not easy to influence the ambient temperature. The only way to achieve cooling and air circulation is through ventilation. It is this method that can quickly and effectively reduce the concentration of microbes in the apartment. Airing will not only facilitate the course of the disease, but also protect other family members from infection.

Many parents and, especially, the older generation are afraid to ventilate the room, because being in a draft is dangerous even for children. healthy child. It certainly is. And therefore, when the windows open, the sick baby must be transferred to another room.

How often should you ventilate? The more often this happens, the faster the concentration of pathogenic microbes decreases, and the less likely it is that the disease will proceed with complications.

The optimal temperature in the room when a child is ill ranges from 18 to 20 ° C. And it is better to let it be 17 ° C than 22 ° C.


Microbes thrive in dry air, but high humidity prevents their normal movement. In addition, humidified air is good for breathing and mucous membranes even outside of illness. It is desirable that the humidity in the child's room be at least 70%. Even figures of 75–80% are preferable to 40–50%.

How to quickly and effectively increase the humidity of the air if the baby starts to get sick? Previously, pediatricians advised hanging wet diapers or towels on batteries. However, with the advent of indoor humidity meters - hygrometers - it became clear that these measures were ineffective. Humidity, if increased, was insignificant.

The most effective were devices called "humidifiers". Today's market offers parents a wide variety of these devices. They come from different manufacturers and sometimes differ significantly in price. However, even the cheapest humidifier normalizes air humidity faster than wet laundry. These instruments must be used in conjunction with hygrometers.

Also, if the child suddenly fell ill with a cold, it is advisable to wash the floors more often. On the one hand, this helps to humidify the air, and on the other hand, it effectively rids the room of dust in which microbes live.

Proper clothing

Previously, there was an opinion that if a child caught a cold, he should sweat. To do this, they put on warm pajamas and woolen socks, covered him with a thick blanket and gave him tea with raspberries. And the air in the room was warmed with the help of improvised means.

However, in case of illness, these measures are dangerous, especially if the baby has a fever. Warm tight clothing prevents the body from cooling and increases the fever.

But even if a sick child does not have hyperthermia, it is not worth overheating it. The air temperature in the room should be no higher than 20 ° C, and the clothes should correspond to it. Usually this is a home suit or long-sleeved pajamas made of natural fabric. At a temperature of 20 ° C, it can be thin, cotton, and at 17–18 ° C, it can be denser, for example, from a baize. It is better to dress the baby warmer at a lower temperature than to undress at 25-30 ° C.

Moisturizing mucous

Often from modern doctors you can hear recommendations for moisturizing mucous membranes with a cold. The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky speaks about this especially often in his programs and books.

Why is this measure so important? In addition to general immunity, which acts throughout the body, there is also a local one. Saliva and mucous secretions contain special antibodies that prevent pathogenic bacteria and viruses from penetrating deep into the body. They are the first line of defense.

But the less fluid in the mouth and nose, the lower the effectiveness of local immunity. With dry mucous membranes, it practically does not work.

First of all, parents need to prevent the drying of these zones. The child must receive enough liquid. In addition, attention should be paid to toothpaste. Sometimes the wrong remedy contributes to the development of dry mouth.

However, the most effective measure is to moisten the mucous membranes with saline solutions.

Saline solutions

When a child gets a cold, what is the first thing to do? You need to go to the pharmacy for saline solution. In the future, they should always be at hand.

Ready saline solutions are very convenient to use. They often come in spray form. Some - for example, Salin - are sold in vials as a solution.

The main disadvantage of such drugs is their price. Often it is quite high. However, this does not mean that during the period of illness it is necessary to abandon the moistening of the mucous membranes.

In a pharmacy, you can buy a 0.9% sodium chloride solution, which is saline, and its price is quite affordable for most people.

If there is no opportunity to buy medicines, you can prepare the solution yourself. To do this, in one liter of warm boiled water dissolve a teaspoon of ordinary table salt. Then the liquid is poured into a vial, you can use a thoroughly washed container from vasoconstrictor drops for this.

The drier the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, the more often they need to be irrigated. It is almost impossible to overdose saline solution.

The most famous ready-made preparations for moisturizing are:

  • Humer.
  • Lamisol.
  • Salin.
  • Aquamarine.

Plentiful drink

Drinking plenty of fluids when you have a cold is an excellent detoxifier. Besides, a large number of warm liquid softens dry cough and facilitates expectoration.

  • Warm sweet tea.
  • Fruit drinks and compotes at room temperature.
  • Table or alkaline water without gas.
  • Herbal teas such as chamomile.

Drinking should be just warm, not hot, otherwise it will burn and irritate the inflamed mucous membranes.

It is very important to drink a child during an illness, even if he does not want it too much. Parents should be offered a variety of drinks to choose from. In addition, the drink should be sweetened. For this purpose, you can use sugar or honey.

In case of illness, the energy consumption in the baby's body increases significantly, and its universal source is just glucose.

In conditions of sugar deficiency, the metabolism starts in a different way, and ketone bodies begin to accumulate in the blood. Then they are excreted in the urine, as a result of which it acquires the characteristic smell of acetone.

Acetonemia worsens the condition of the child and causes the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness, severe lethargy;
  • lack of appetite.

Prevention and treatment of acetonemia is a plentiful sweet drink.

Temperature drop

The first symptom of an onset of the disease is often fever. Many parents are wary of hyperthermia and seek to rid the baby of fever as soon as possible. However, this is not always necessary.

An increase in temperature is referred to as a protective reaction. At the same time, interferon is actively produced in the body, which destroys viruses. As soon as hyperthermia stops, the production of this natural protector stops.

It is necessary to reduce the temperature when it worsens the child's condition. This usually happens when the thermometer reads 38.5–39 °C. Some babies do not tolerate fever even at 37.8-38.0 ° C. In this case, the fight against hyperthermia must begin earlier.

Regular airing and cooling of the air contributes to the normalization of body temperature. Warm water baths can also be used. It is important that it is not cool or cold, as this will cause vasospasm and increase hyperthermia.

Do not rub babies with alcohol or vodka - alcohol will easily penetrate the skin and begin to poison the body. Water-vinegar wipes in children are also not welcome.

However, even with a common cold, the temperature can rise very quickly. And in this case, antipyretic drugs can not be dispensed with.

Antipyretic drugs

In childhood, two main drugs are allowed to reduce temperature. These are ibuprofen (Nurofen) and paracetamol (Efferalgan).

Analgin in children is not recommended for use due to the toxic effect on the blood system. But, despite this, it continues to be used in hospitals and ambulance teams when a quick antipyretic effect is required. And yet, this medicine has no place in the home medicine cabinet.

Previously, a drug containing nimesulide was widely used in children. The children's suspension was called "Nise". Nimesulide has established itself as a highly effective antipyretic, however, kidney toxicity observed in some studies during treatment has led to a ban on this medicine in children.

The most dangerous is the previously popular Aspirin. It has been proven that the treatment of colds, SARS and influenza with this remedy for children under 12 years of age is fraught with the development of Reye's syndrome, a formidable and extremely dangerous liver damage. Currently, pediatricians do not use Aspirin at all in their practice.

There are a number of other medicines that should not be used at the onset of a cold in babies.

What other drugs are undesirable when the baby is just starting to get sick? First of all, these are antiviral agents. Currently, there are no etiotropic drugs in the world that would effectively fight SARS. Perhaps the only effective remedy is only oseltamivir (Tamiflu), but the indications for its appointment are quite narrow, and self-medication is unacceptable to them.

Anti-allergic medicines for the common cold are also meaningless, although they can often be seen in the prescriptions of some pediatricians.

Often, pharmacists recommend that parents purchase immunostimulants or immunomodulators that will help the child quickly cope with the infection. However, there are currently no really effective drugs of this direction, as well as antiviral ones. Most often, they have only a psychotherapeutic and calming effect on parents.

It should also be remembered that drug intervention in the normal immunity of a child is unacceptable, and the harm from it is much more than good.

At the beginning of a cold, you do not need tablets and cough syrups. It is possible to suppress the cough reflex only with whooping cough, in all other cases it is dangerous.

If you prescribe funds to thin the sputum and its better discharge, this will most likely increase the cough.


Do you need antibiotics for a cold? These drugs do not act on viruses and such treatment is meaningless. In addition, the uncontrolled prescription of antibiotics in a sick child more than once leads to the development of drug resistance of microbes and suppression of immunity.

The doctor thinks about these medicines if on the fourth day of illness the condition of a small patient only worsens. But even this is not an indication for starting antibiotic therapy. Only the data of an objective examination and laboratory tests or radiography are important.

When the baby gets sick, you can and should help him overcome the infection. However, in most cases, this does not require the appointment of medications.

The common cold is a disease belonging to the groups of acute respiratory infections. In colloquial speech, it is customary to call a cold when a child becomes ill from hypothermia. The reason may indeed be associated with it, but more often the disease is of a viral nature. It is most likely that the disease will manifest itself in the cold season, autumn and winter periods.

Causes of childhood colds

The main reason when a baby, who has gone to the fourth or fifth year of life, falls ill with a cold, is reduced immunity, which could not cope with the attack of the virus on the baby's body. In addition, a draft can serve as a cause of acute respiratory infections, in which the child is overcooled and, as a result, caught a cold. In any case, a weak immune system plays a key role, in which the baby begins to get sick. Consider the most common causes of weakened immunity.

Every year in the summer the child has a rest, spending time as he wants. In the fall, it's time to visit preschool or school institutions. After the relaxed state in which the child was on summer holidays, the body receives stress, switching to a new daily routine. This causes a weakening of the immune system and, as a result, vulnerability to diseases. Viruses are activated summer period died under the influence of the rays of the sun. In autumn, a small amount of sunlight and high humidity creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of viruses. If the immune system is weakened, the child can easily pick up the virus in the hallways of the school or in the classroom.

In winter, acute respiratory infections can be caused by hypothermia. Wet feet from puddles or slush, a draft, a frosty wind - all this contributes to a decrease in immunity and, as a result, a cold sets in. You can catch a cold in the summer, which is considered even more dangerous. Sudden hypothermia can be obtained by being in a draft after a hot beach, which will certainly cause a runny nose and reproduction of viruses in sputum with reduced immunity.

There are actually many causes of acute respiratory infections, but the main factor is a decrease in immunity against the background of stress, sudden cooling, or hypothermia. If nothing is done and no measures are taken to normalize the child's condition, the phase of the acute respiratory disease itself begins, which will have to be treated by resorting to medications.

Every year, during the winter, viruses are activated, which creates flu epidemics around the world. The flu and the common cold have similar symptoms, but differ in how fast they develop.

First signs

Signs that appear with ARI in children:

    the presence of a cough;

    runny nose with stuffy nose;

  • presence of high temperature.

These signs indicate that the child is ill with a cold.

The first symptom of acute respiratory infections in children whose age has not crossed the first year of life is a runny nose. Its presence can also cause incessant sneezing, difficulty breathing freely. It is difficult for children who have gone 3-4 years of life to blow their nose, which is why parents need to carefully clean the baby's nose.

With acute respiratory infections in children, there is a danger of a cold turning into a disease such as otitis media. This happens when mucus from the nose enters the middle ear through the Eustachian tube. Therefore, clean the baby's nose should be extremely careful.

After a runny nose, the child begins to cough. This sign indicates the fact of ARI. In this case, immediately call a doctor, as there is a danger of turning into pneumonia.

However, the baby becomes lethargic. If the baby is a year old, then he becomes capricious and whiny.

After coughing, the temperature begins to rise. Temperature is the process of the body's fight against disease. You do not need to do anything if the mark on the thermometer does not exceed 38 degrees.

Prevent disease at an early stage

At an early stage, it is possible to prevent a cold if you understand the mechanism of the appearance of acute respiratory infections in a person in a given situation. The cold has two types of expression, depending on how it is received. Consider both types on the example of a child who went to school.

Type one - a sharp cooling of the body.

As you know, children love activity, especially when there are a lot of them and they are in one place. At school break, children run after each other, play, communicate with each other. They get hot, they sweat and try to take off warm clothes. This is where the hated draft comes into play. What happens to the body at this time?

An overheated body, in order to ensure normal functioning, opened the pores to the maximum for the evaporation of internal heat through the surface of the skin. With a sharp temperature drop, the body, reacting to the incoming cold, instantly closes the pores. At the same time, the temperature inside the body remains elevated, and the surface of the body begins to cool. Closed pores do not allow the body to remove excess moisture through itself. This leads to the fact that the body begins to remove moisture through the nose. This is what causes the cold. In turn, the release of moisture in the form of a runny nose is not enough for internal cooling, which causes an increase in temperature. It is at this moment that the immune system weakens sharply, which is a prerequisite for a cold.

What to do to prevent the development of the disease at the first stage, the cause of which is a sharp cooling of the body? The answer is simple - you need to heat the surface of the body. To do this, you can do rubbing the body, wrap the child's body with a warm woolen shawl. The task is to open the pores for increased sweat production. Tea with lemon, raspberries or currants will help the immune system recover and normalize the functioning of the body. Together with sweat, the amount of excess accumulated moisture in the body will decrease, which will lead to the normalization of body temperature and the elimination of the common cold itself.

The second type is the gradual hypothermia of the body.

The child goes to school. At the bus stop, the transport was waiting for a long time, in addition, I managed to get my feet wet. While he was in an open cold place, the body gradually began to lose heat, and deep hypothermia began. Immunity begins to weaken - the prerequisite for a cold has gone. As a result of such hypothermia, in which the whole body loses heat, the second type of cold begins. The temperature begins to rise slowly, rising above the norm, but the child is cold, he is cold, there is a chill. Simply put, he is feverish.

The fact is that with such a development of the situation, the pores remain open and cannot close. This provokes the evaporation of heat and fluid from the body. This condition occurs only in cases where a person has been in the cold for a very long time and the body has lost a large amount of heat.

In this case, every effort should be made to close the pores and help the body stabilize itself. You can rub the surface of the child's body with ordinary vodka.

Care, conditions and nutrition of a sick child

First of all, it is necessary to maintain fresh and cool air in the room - approximately 20-22 degrees Celsius with normal humidity. Humidity is necessary to prevent drying out of the baby's nasopharyngeal mucosa. A child breathes twice as often as an adult, which contributes to increased loss liquids. A humidifier helps replenish lost moisture in the body. To do this, it is enough to use special devices and ventilate the room periodically.

When airing, the patient should not be in this room to avoid drafts. Some doctors recommend keeping the temperature in the room at 16-18 degrees Celsius. This temperature regime is due to the fact that with a cold, the patient's heat transfer is very weak. To increase heat transfer, it is necessary to influence the external temperature environment, which is lower than the temperature of the child. The lower the room temperature, the higher the patient's heat output.

Ventilation ideally helps to eliminate germs and microorganisms that have accumulated in the room.

It is very important to have a slight excess of fluid in the child's body during illness. The fact is that a cold is accompanied by a runny nose and sputum, which are separated during coughing. The task is to prevent the mucus in the baby's body from thickening. Thickened mucus will be much more difficult to remove when blowing your nose and coughing, creating an additional burden on the immune system and the body. The presence of fluid prevents the mucus from thickening by thinning it, allowing it to be disposed of freely. It is necessary to drink the child as often as possible.

An important role in the treatment of the child is played by the fluid entering the body, and not by drugs. To do this, you can use compotes, plain water, tea with raspberries. It is impossible to give tea with raspberries constantly and immediately. At the beginning, a couple of glasses of ordinary tea, maybe with lemon, then only tea with raspberries. Water the child should be often, but in small portions. This will increase sweating and urination. Together with sweat and urine, the remains of viruses and microorganisms that provoke the disease will be removed from the body. Drinking plenty of water is a prerequisite for recovery from colds.

During the illness, the child may lose his appetite. To strengthen the body, you need the intake of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. Useful substances enter the body with food. In diseases of acute respiratory infections, loss of appetite is caused by the need for the body to fight the disease. This is the reason why you should not force-feed the child, creating an additional burden on the struggling organism. Feeding should be exclusively at the request of the patient.

It is important to remember that the patient's diet should consist purely of his usual food, preferably vegetable. No need to try to compensate for some exotic dishes, fruits, etc. New food is perceived by the body as something unrecognized, which you need to get used to. This will create a burden on a weak body, and this should not be allowed.

Video "Treatment of colds in children"

The common cold is a very common disease. When it occurs and how to treat it is described in this video


Yulia Timoshenko

A shock dose of ascorbic acid, herbal teas, fruit drinks, rosehip infusion.


Legs in a bowl of water with mustard. Breathe over boiled potatoes. Tea with raspberries or honey. Wrap before going to bed - to sweat. Vitamins in the form of juices or fruits. hematogen and glucose.

Galina Doroshenko

Drop a nose of aloe. Plentiful drink. Vitamins.

Tatyana Rassokhina

Contrast baths are also good, as long as there is no temperature, legs in cool water for 10 seconds, and for 10 seconds in warm water, so several times - the procedure forcibly mobilizes the child's immunity, and it is quite possible that the disease will not go further ... You can do it before going to bed, then the child also sleeps well.


I always start giving Anaferon (antiviral) into the nose of Aquamaris. If the nose is blocked, then the drops are protargol.


Yes, I also like Anaferon. 1st day of the loading dose, it helps me! You can 1st day every 30 min. 2nd day 3 times at regular intervals. Viferon can be delivered to the ass for 5 days.


Aflubin - and a cold is really inhibited - no snot, no temperature ... (with influenza and bacteria, it does not help).

What to do if a child is worried about a runny nose and sneezes?

It is known that sneezing is unconditioned reflex the human body, which occurs as a reaction to certain stimuli. However, when a child sneezes frequently, parents have serious concerns about the health of their baby. In the absence of a runny nose and temperature, such a process should not disturb parents, but in the case when these symptoms are accompanied by sneezing, it is likely that a viral infection has entered the body or a cold begins to develop.

Why do children sneeze?

A child sneezes for basically the same reasons as adults, with the only exception for newborns and infants, in which such a process can be caused by completely different factors. First of all, young mothers should understand why the child often sneezes, because in this case they will know how to behave with the baby. Pediatricians say that sneezing in newborns is caused by the fact that after giving birth, their nasopharynx is cleared of mucus that accumulated during the prenatal development of the crumbs. Also, children mainly begin to sneeze during or after feeding, which is explained by the still unformed Eustachian tube connecting the nasopharynx and ear. When sucking the breast, tickling can occur in the nasopharynx, which causes the child to constantly sneeze.

In addition, a runny nose and sneezing in a child can also occur for the following reasons:

If the baby’s sneezing is not associated with these factors, such a natural process in the body, on the contrary, benefits him, because the baby’s nose is thoroughly cleaned of various microparticles. In addition, this method can eliminate accumulated mucus, since children do not know how to blow their nose on their own. For this reason, in order for them to start sneezing, aloe or Kalanchoe juice is dripped into their noses.

Sneezing as a sign of a cold

In the case when such phenomena indicate the course of a cold in the child's body, parents should know what to do when the child begins to sneeze. Such a sign usually indicates the initial stage of the development of a cold, so parents should try to stop its development. During this period, funds can help traditional medicine, after which, if necessary, they resort to medicines. If a child has snot and sneezes, the following therapeutic actions can be carried out:

With a runny nose, it is very important to prevent the mucus from drying out, for this it is recommended to increase the humidity of the air when it is dry in the room - above 22 degrees, where the baby is located. You can also moisturize the nasopharyngeal mucosa using special means in the form of sprays and drops. Do not forget also that during this period the child should drink plenty of fluids in the form of water, juices, tea, compote.

How to treat snot and sneezing in a child - all parents should know, because, in this way, you can improve the well-being of the crumbs, speed up the healing process, and also eliminate the development of possible complications that are dangerous to his health. According to pediatricians, in children over the age of 2 years, a runny nose in a mild form may not be treated, because the body's immune system itself will be able to resist the disease.
To do this, it will only be necessary to create the necessary conditions:

  • ventilate the room;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning;
  • walk with the baby in the fresh air;
  • give him warm tea to drink;
  • increase the amount of vitamins consumed;
  • steam your feet before going to bed.

When filling the nose with thick mucus, of course, you need to take all measures aimed at eliminating the problem. For these purposes, it is necessary to wash the nose immediately upon detection of mucus in the nasopharynx. It is important to remember that children under the age of 2 years should not be washed with a nose, you can only drip saline into the nasal passages, followed by elimination of mucus with a rubber bulb. You should also not abuse vasoconstrictor drugs, they can only be used as directed by a doctor, without exceeding the indicated dosage and the recommended course of treatment.

It is known that hardening will prevent the development of not only colds, but also many other diseases, so it should be given due attention.

How to protect yourself from the autumn cold and not get sick

The transition period from winter to summer is a well-deserved record for the number of people who get sick with a cold or flu. At this time, there is a peak of ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza and tonsillitis. To avoid this, you should learn how not to get sick in the fall. There is nothing difficult in this: you need to take precautions, strengthen your immunity, dress according to the weather. In most cases, a cold occurs due to the negligence of the person himself.

How to reduce the risk of colds in the fall

There are many important factors. Will help:

  1. Nutrition. Scientists have proven that there is a relationship between what we eat and the risk of starting to get sick with a cold. For example, sweets attract microbes due to the high content of sucrose, which is a breeding ground for many microorganisms. Food with a high protein content has a protective effect: fish, cottage cheese, chicken. They do not like cold infections food high in iron (buckwheat, meat, pomegranate).
  2. Feet are warm. More often, a cold occurs due to hypothermia that occurs in the legs. This condition is optimal for the development of a cold, so it is important to dress according to the weather so that the legs, head and hands are well insulated.
  3. Wash your hands more often. They are constantly in contact with other objects on which the infection is located, which increases the risk of getting sick. During the dangerous period of the rise of colds, it is important to wash your hands regularly after a walk.
  4. Rinse your nose and eyes. In order not to turn white with a cold, you should clear the path of infection into the body. It usually occurs through the respiratory organs (nose and mouth) or through the mucous membranes (eyes). For washing, it is better to use sea water, isotonic salt solution. The procedure should be carried out 2-6 times a day.
  5. Ventilate rooms. Fresh air tempers the human body, strengthens the immune system. Doctors advise to go out regularly, but do not forget to dress for the weather.
  6. Cold and hot shower. A method of hardening and strengthening the immune system, which is recommended to protect against colds regularly, and not just in the fall.
  7. Exercise. This is a way to strengthen the immune system, protect against colds. It helps to get rid of toxins and toxins, improve all metabolic processes in the body. It has been proven that those who play sports are much less likely to get colds.

How not to get infected from a patient

The danger of most colds in the autumn is that the infection can be transmitted from person to person. If you do not know how not to get sick in the fall, strengthen your immune system, it is better to take measures to protect yourself from infection when communicating with other people. This problem is especially relevant for women who have recently become mothers: infant does not yet have strong immunity. Also at risk of getting a cold are older children who attend school and communicate with huge amount other people.

During pregnancy and lactation

Mom and newborn are a single whole not only on a spiritual level, but also in the matter of immunity. It is known that the baby receives protection from colds at first along with milk. The health and immunity of the baby is affected by the health of the mother, which should be worked on. During pregnancy and after childbirth, the following actions should be taken to protect against infection:

  1. Vaccination. All girls, regardless of trimester, are encouraged to get regular vaccinations against common strains before epidemics of colds and flu. This should not be done if the pregnancy is less than 2 weeks. Modern vaccines do not harm the fetus or mother. You can also give injections while breastfeeding.
  2. General strengthening of the body. Strong immunity of the mother - best advice how not to get a cold in the fall. To do this, you need to strengthen the defenses, stimulate the body's natural mechanisms to fight infections during pregnancy.
  3. Prevention. It is necessary to exclude or minimize communication with sick people, do not use common objects with them, even if it is a husband. Do not visit during the epidemic of colds public places. If you are going to go out somewhere, you should wear a mask (to be replaced every 2 hours). You can lubricate the nasal mucosa with Oxolinic ointment.
  4. Be sure to cover your face when interacting with your child, and keep tissues handy to use if you sneeze or cough.
  5. You should breastfeed even if you have a cold and heat. Antibodies are passed along with milk to the baby, which fight infection.
  6. Keep your distance if you are already sick. Do not lean too close to the child, do not kiss him on the lips, even on the forehead.
  7. To reduce fever, as a rule, paracetamol is prescribed 4 times a day every 6 hours. It can be taken even by infants with colds. In the absence of temperature, you can steam your legs for the night, put on warm clothes and crawl under the covers.

To a small child

Recommendations on how not to get a cold in the fall for a schoolboy are no different from general rules. The immunity of older children and adolescents no longer depends on the mother, therefore, it needs the same precautions as for an adult. Dr. Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician, makes the following recommendations:

  1. Warm clothing for the weather.
  2. Food high in vitamins and protein. Less sweet.
  3. Wash your hands often and ventilate the room, drink plenty of fluids.
  4. Avoid contact with sick people.
  5. If necessary, go to public places, wear a mask, lubricate the nose with Oxolinic ointment. After returning home, gargle.
  6. General wellness procedures, regular sports.

What to do if you feel like you are getting sick

It is necessary to start treatment for the disease at the first sign of a cold, it is impossible to delay it so as not to aggravate the condition. Symptoms of the disease will manifest as fever, stuffy nose (runny nose), sore throat, possibly in the ear. The person will feel lethargic and tired. Most medicines are designed to simply relieve the symptoms of a cold, but they do not always cure the ailment itself. In the worst case, the infection will spread, cause complications, and antibiotics will have to be taken.

Our body must cope with colds on its own, so it is important for a person not to do all the work for him, but to maintain immunity. To protect yourself from developing the flu or a cold, you need to quickly take protective measures:

  1. Increase the amount of liquid consumed per day.
  2. Eat natural remedies for colds: honey, garlic, onions. They are excellent antiviral, natural remedies from a cold.
  3. Drink a vitamin complex.

Methods for preventing influenza and SARS at home

The best advice on how not to get sick in a rainy autumn is prevention. It is wiser not to catch a cold at all than to treat the consequences. In addition to the methods listed above, there is much more that can be done to protect against the flu and colds. For more information on preventive actions:

  • Get vaccinated. This is not a cure for the flu, but introducing a small dose of the virus into the body will cause our body to develop antibodies to it and effectively resist. Injections are performed according to the rules:
  1. Vaccination is done once a year. After 12 months, the vaccine no longer works.
  2. Begin to vaccinate at the age of 6 months and up to 65 years. After 65, as a rule, an injection of pneumococcal vaccine is given.
  3. The injection site may ache a little - this is normal.
  4. The vaccine may be distributed in the form of a spray. Its effectiveness is lower than that of vaccination.
  5. There is no vaccine for the common cold. The best way protect yourself from the disease - follow the rules of hygiene, strengthen the immune system, drink a vitamin and mineral complex.

  • Many people believe that alternative medications help treat flu or colds. As a rule, they take echinacea, vitamin C, zinc, but scientific evidence for their effectiveness is this moment No. At the same time, patients note the following effects of these drugs for colds:
  1. echinacea, when the first symptoms of a cold appear, reduces the severity of the common cold, its duration;
  2. zinc is able to reduce the symptoms of a cold only on the 1st day of their appearance.
  • Consume chicken broth. It's popular folk remedy from colds really has a positive effect on the body. If you start eating it at the first symptoms of the flu, it can help fight the infection or reduce its symptoms. The broth acts as an anti-inflammatory tonic, unloads the body and the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Get more rest. To strengthen the immune system or fight a cold, the body needs to get proper rest. Avoid going to school or work. You need to allocate at least 8 hours a day for sleep. Sleep in a place convenient for you, ventilate the room regularly.

No matter how hard the parents try to protect the baby, it is impossible to completely eliminate viral or bacterial infections. Moreover, the child sometimes needs to be sick in order to familiarize the immune system with viruses and bacteria, train it and develop an adequate immune response. But it is important that the disease proceed quickly and without complications. Parents are especially anxious in the first three years of a baby's life, when the immune system has not yet fully formed, and the body does not have much experience in fighting infections. To try to reduce the duration of the disease and prevent possible complications, as soon as the child begins to get sick, you need to actively act.

Child 1 year old: how to treat?

The greatest concerns of parents are caused by any illnesses of babies who are barely a year old. At this age, children begin to walk, actively explore the world around, their social circle expands significantly. They spend a lot of time outdoors, playing in the sandbox and communicating with their peers, some of them start attending a nursery in their second year of life. Naturally, the chance of catching a cold or other infections increases. Toddlers do not yet have personal hygiene skills, sneeze or cough without closing their mouths, and thus spread viruses or germs around them. Many children put in their mouths the hands they used to touch the toys of cold babies. In addition, a child can become infected from sick adults who come to visit, or while traveling in public transport, staying in crowded places.

If a child at the age of 1 falls ill, what should parents do? First of all, don't be nervous. If the temperature is high or the baby is very ill, call a doctor! Regardless of the severity of the disease, you need to provide the baby with peace and sufficient sleep. If the child does not want to eat, you need to adjust his diet according to his appetite and be sure to give him plenty to drink. It is important to ventilate and humidify the air in the room where the child is located, and to clean regularly. All medicines that you are going to give a child without a doctor's prescription, you must definitely check whether they are allowed at this age.

Child 2 years old

Older children, starting from 2-3 years old, actively contact with people, so the risk of a cold becomes even higher. Most children at this age start going to kindergarten. Long stay indoors, presence of sick peers, hypothermia during walks, stress from early rises and changes in routine associated with the start of the visit kindergarten, - all these factors weaken the immune defense and contribute to frequent colds. If a child begins to get sick at 2 years old, you need to leave him at home, give him more to drink. In a word, the child's body needs to be helped to actively fight the cold.

First aid for a child at the beginning of a cold

The first natural question for parents who understand that the child is starting to get sick is sneezing: “What should I do?”. You should not immediately run to the pharmacy with the intention of buying as many drugs as possible that will eliminate all symptoms and ensure a quick recovery. Self-medication is not only not useful, but in many cases can be harmful. Possible indigestion, drug poisoning, allergies, other side effects. But in anticipation of a doctor who will make the right appointments, of course, you need to take some measures:

    regularly ventilate the room in which the sick child is located, humidify the air;

    use essential oils;

    make sure the child is properly dressed;

    keep drinking regimen,

    clean and moisturize the mucous membranes of the nose and throat of the child.

Any medications used at the first sign of a cold should be age appropriate and safe.

All actions of parents should be aimed at alleviating the condition of the baby and speeding up his recovery.


If a child began to sneeze, how can parents prevent him from getting sicker by stopping a cold in the initial stages? You need regular access to the room for fresh air, frequent ventilation (every 1-2 hours) and humidification of the air using special devices or towels moistened with water. Be sure to thoroughly ventilate the room before going to bed, if the weather permits - leave the window open at night. Diffuse essential oils in the room. They will help in the disinfection of the air and the destruction of bacteria and viruses.

Dyshi® Oil

Also with essential oils, so-called passive inhalations can be carried out. When a child starts getting sick, they should definitely be on the list of things to do. Good for passive inhalation. It contains essential oils with antiviral and antibacterial properties. Dyshi® oil can be dropped on paper napkins and spread them out in the children's room and at the head of the bed, you can also apply it on Stuffed Toys and baby clothes. The use of passive inhalations helps in the fight against the onset of a cold, facilitates breathing and improves mood.


If the baby is naughty, feels lethargic, unwell, his temperature rises, often the parents wrap the child warmer, put him in bed under a warm blanket so that he sweats. But such actions are not always necessary. If the baby is cold, he has chills and the temperature rises, the hands and feet are cold and dry, it will indeed be useful to dress the baby in a warm suit or wrap him in a warm blanket to keep him warm. Against the background of an increase in temperature, peripheral vessels narrow, heat is concentrated inside the body, actively fighting viruses or microbes. As the fever reaches its peak, the child becomes pink, hot to the touch, begins to sweat. At this time, the baby becomes hot, he tries to open up, and caring parents wrap him up even more. It is not impossible to do this so that the body temperature decreases, it is necessary to create conditions for heat transfer. Sweat and light clothing, cool room air allow the body to cool down faster. Therefore, during the period of illness, when the baby sweats, he needs light cotton clothes, which should be changed often as they get wet.

What to drink?

During the onset of the disease, the body needs more fluid to speed up metabolism and activate the immune system. Babies up to three years old can be given to drink warm boiled water, dried fruit decoctions, compotes, berry fruit drinks and juices diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.

From 2-3 years old, you can give non-carbonated mineral table water, milk, herbal teas with honey (if there is no allergy) or sugar, lemon or ginger. Children from 7 years old can be prepared with linden and chamomile extracts, as well as vitamin C. It is important that the drinks are warm, but not scalding, drinking very hot drinks increases body temperature, may worsen the condition, there is a risk of burns.

Do you need an antipyretic?

At the first sign of illness, if a fever occurs, many parents immediately try to give the child antipyretic drugs to reduce the temperature. But this is the wrong tactic. An increase in temperature is a protective mechanism that allows you to activate the immune system and create an unfavorable environment for viruses and bacteria to reproduce. Therefore, pediatricians recommend that if the temperature does not exceed 38.0–38.5 ℃, do not knock it down with drugs, but let the child fight the pathogens on their own. However, this rule does not apply to everyone. It is necessary to reduce the temperature at any of its values ​​if the baby has previously had febrile convulsions, he has problems with nervous system, especially with the brain, the child reacts poorly to temperature, has chronic diseases.

In all other cases, you need to drink plenty of water, light clothing. Antipyretic drugs should be taken only on the basis of paracetamol or ibuprofen, strictly in the age dosage and in compliance with the intervals between doses. The goal is not to bring the temperature down to the coveted 36.6 ℃, but to reduce it to safe values, enabling the immune system to fight the infection. If the temperature has returned to normal, it is not necessary to take antipyretic courses, they will only harm.

