How to learn the use of conscious self-hypnosis? Suggestion: methods and techniques How to learn vampire suggestion.

The origins of vampire magic lie in ancient times. Researchers disagree on the nature of vampires' magical powers. Some argue that at the beginning of time all vampires were magicians and had great power over the world (see). Subsequently, much of that knowledge was lost, and what some modern ghouls can do is only miserable crumbs of their former greatness. Others believe that the first vampires were no different from ordinary people, and they acquired all their superpowers in the process of evolution in order to survive in the confrontation with human civilization. Both points of view have a right to exist, if only because in this moment they can neither be proven nor disproved.

First of all, the magical abilities of vampires must be separated from their natural qualities. The natural qualities of vampires include: the need for blood, a long lifespan, the ability to see in the dark, a painful dislike for religious symbols and rituals. The following fall into the category of magical abilities: developed werewolf skills, the ability to inspire people with their thoughts at a distance and power over mirrors. We habitually call it magic and do not really believe in the reality of such things, considering them tricks and quackery. Of course, objective scientific research could dispel all doubts, but vampires, for obvious reasons, are in no hurry to become guinea pigs in closed laboratories.

It is unlikely that today in the world there will be at least a hundred vampire magicians who can turn into bat or revive your own reflection in the mirror (see). Ordinary vampires are not capable of this and therefore fear their more powerful counterparts almost more than ordinary people. In the struggle for survival, vampire mages have a huge competitive advantage, and if it occurred to them to exterminate all other vampires, then nothing would stop them on this path. And since ordinary ghouls continue to exist, many researchers argue that there are no more vampire magicians left, and those who call themselves that way are ordinary deceivers, or mentally ill individuals prone to all sorts of hallucinations.

However, some scientists have played their theories and hypotheses to such an extent that they are ready to declare crazy anyone who tries to encroach on the truth of their "scientific picture of the world." True, at the same time, they forget to clarify that their “scientific picture of the world” excludes not only the existence of vampires and psychics, but also the Universe itself, since the chance of its occurrence with properties suitable for humans is so insignificant that it fits within the limits of the widest error.

The only proof of the existence of vampire magicians, albeit indirect, is the fact that at all times ordinary ghouls were afraid of them with terrible force, and only a very serious opponent can scare a vampire. Of course, I'm not saying that there is a war between vampires in the Nietzsche sense of the word, like a struggle between vampires and super-vampires, but individual cases of mass death of ghouls make you think about what is happening. On the other hand, the lack of evidence equalizes any theories, placing them in the general category of conjecture. Vampires are not gods, in order to believe in them, they must be sought and studied, like many other things in this world.

Suggestion Magic

The ability of vampires to manipulate people is well known (see). However, here we are not talking about banal hypnosis, which any person can master, but about the suggestion of ideas and thoughts at considerable distances without direct contact with the victim. In other words, a vampire magician located, say, in Moscow, can control a person living somewhere in Vladivostok, without even meeting him once. Usually, mentally unbalanced personalities of the schizoid type fall under such influence. At risk are also epileptics and people prone to hysterical seizures.

Schizoids are very secretive, so their friends and relatives may not notice changes in their personality caused by external influences for a long time. The vampire dictates his will to the schizoid, suggesting certain fantasies, sometimes of an erotic nature, less often through voices that sound in his head. This process takes a long time, but the vampire acquires almost unlimited power over his servant.

With hysteroids and epileptics, the situation is both simpler and more difficult at the same time. In order to subdue the epileptic to his will, the vampire only needs to cause him to have a seizure, but the next attack will bring the puppeteer's efforts to naught, and he will have to start all over again. The same is true for hysteroid type people - the vampire's power over them lasts from one hysterical fit to another.

Neurotics and conformists can also be victims of vampire suggestion, but they are too susceptible to other factors, and the connection with them is rarely stable. Sometimes vampires use completely crazy people for their own purposes, but playing by the rules of a madman is fraught with unpredictable consequences for a manipulator. Only vampires with a stable psyche and strong will dare to do such a thing.

As a rule, vampires act according to the same scheme. They find a person suitable for their goals, ordinary, but with claims to exclusivity, and inspire him with the need to kill other people, that is, turn him into a maniac (see). The vampire then uses him as a hunting dog. The maniac catches the victim that the vampire likes and waits until the owner is satisfied, and then kills her with particular cruelty in order to hide the bite marks of his master.

The presence of an elusive patron explains why some serial killers who do not have any outstanding mental abilities sometimes cannot be caught for decades by the best investigators in the country. The vampire knows what traps the police have set for his slave, and easily bypasses them. When a serious hunt begins for a maniac, the vampire leaves him to the mercy of fate and finds himself a new servant. From time to time, ordinary ghouls use similar tactics, although they are often caught along with their "breadwinner" and judged as accomplices.

If a vampire mage prefers to hunt alone, then he manipulates his victims, luring them into deserted hard-to-reach places, but the risk in this case is much greater than when using a maniac servant. Having fallen under suspicion, he will be forced to deal with an entire investigation team consisting of several people, among whom there may be those who are immune to suggestion, and then big trouble awaits the vampire.

Transformation Magic

The debate about whether vampires can turn into animals, and if so, in which ones, has been going on for a very long time. Some researchers say that vampires can only turn into bats, others argue that a bat is the only animal species that vampires cannot turn into. Still others believe that all this is just an illusion and self-deception, and in fact the vampire only seems to be traveling in animal form. Fuel was added to the fire by Carlos Castaneda's book The Teachings of Don Juan (see), in which he describes in detail his own transformation into a crow, after which the discussion on this issue safely came to a standstill.

Castaneda became a raven under the guidance of his teacher don Juan. Turning back into a human, Carlos asked him if he had really turned into a bird or if it just seemed to him, to which don Juan replied in his inimitable manner: "It takes a long time to learn how to be a real crow." Thus, before asking whether vampires can actually turn into animals, it is necessary to answer much more complex issue Q: What is "actually"?

The picture of the world of an ordinary person does not allow the very possibility of such transformations, but the magical picture of the world does not exclude them. A paradoxical situation arises: from the point of view of the layman, the vampire does not turn into a beast, but from the point of view of the vampire, he does. And since both of these points of view are only distorted interpretations of reality, the one that you hold at this moment will be true. Simply put, even if a vampire transforms into a beast in front of people whose picture of the world excludes this, then they simply will not see anything.

It is also argued that a vampire cannot turn into a bat because of the difference in weight, but the law of conservation of mass refers to the scientific picture of the world and does not play a significant role in the magical one. Strictly speaking, a powerful vampire can become anything: a mouse, an elephant, and even a stone on the road, of course, only if his picture of the world is suitable for such cases.

Werewolves are extremely dangerous even for powerful vampire mages. During the transformation, the vampire is defenseless against his enemies, and can be killed by them. In the form of a beast, he becomes a desirable prey for predators and hunters. That is why vampire lions or vampire tigers do not roam the streets of our cities - any policeman will immediately shoot them and that's it. The transformed vampire ceases to think humanly, otherwise he risks losing his life. He accepts the behavior pattern of the beast he has become and follows it to a certain extent. If he crosses this line, he will not be able to transform back, and not because he will lose magical abilities, but because he will believe that he is a beast and forget about his vampire essence.

Mirror Magic

Many have heard that vampires are not reflected in mirrors and do not cast shadows. Religious people believe that this is due to the lack of souls in vampires. In fact, the nature of this phenomenon is not mystical, but magical in nature and is directly related to the ancient technique of animating mirrors, which is owned by gifted vampire magicians. Special properties reflections have been known for centuries, although not everyone knows how they can be used for their own purposes. Vampires have developed a highly complex and dangerous method of controlling mirror doubles. The essence of this method is to separate the reflection from itself and force it to obey. As a result, the vampire briefly ceases to be reflected in the mirrors, and at this time his double travels through the looking glass, performing all sorts of tasks.

Basically, this technique is used to obtain information. Since all the mirrors in the world are one big Mirror, the vampire's doppelganger can get into any of them and see everything that is happening around. Sometimes people notice a strange movement in the mirrors out of the corner of their eye, which does not correspond to the reflected reality - this is how you can detect a double sent by a vampire. He will not cause you real harm, but this is a serious reason to wonder why the vampire is interested in you.

In the magical world, mirrors are portals that connect different points in the real world. Legends say that ancient vampires could not only bring their reflections to life, but also travel with the help of mirrors, using them as doors leading to any place they wanted. In order for a vampire to pass through a mirror, it had to be of the right size and of good quality. Today, such mirrors are in every home, but there are no vampire magicians left who can use them.

Once upon a time, people learned to resist the mirror magic of vampires. As soon as they saw the reflection of the ghoul in their mirror, they immediately broke it. If the vampire's double did not have time to disappear in time, then he died, and his master died with him. Often the mirrors were simply covered with a piece of cloth and they tried not to discuss important issues nearby. Some vampire hunters still do this, which is why mirrors are virtually non-existent in their homes, or they are in hard-to-reach places, such as attached to the inside of closet doors. Most of the time, they only reflect the darkness and the clothes hanging inside.

In order to protect yourself from vampire magicians, it is not at all necessary to break the entire mirror entirely. It is enough to scratch the reflective layer a little, and then the vampire will no longer be able to use it. There is another way to keep the vampire reflection away from your home. If you suspect that someone is watching you, put a lit candle in front of the mirror in the evening, or direct a very bright light at it. The next time the vampire looks into it, they will briefly go blind and lose all interest in you. As in the old days, the best defense against vampires is an attack (see).

Every person, at least once in his life, dreamed of mentally forcing a person to do something or inspire him with his thoughts, this is especially evident in disputes and discussions. In, esotericism and other similar areas there are good advice and even manuals devoted to the question of how to inspire a person with something. There are many individuals in history who have achieved excellent results through suggestion.

basic information

All types of suggestions can be divided into 2 types:

  • straight;
  • indirect.

Direct suggestion most often affects people who have little om. Such suggestion is most often accompanied by a flow negative energy, for example, you can yell at a person and the like. If, on the contrary, everything is in order with your opponent's intelligence, then you can influence him only with the help of positive emotions. In general, in order to understand how to learn how to inspire people with your thoughts, you need to understand them well and understand what this or that person is like.

If you are going to influence a person who is insecure in life, then you need to use an imperative tone, that is, you need to suppress him with your authority. If, on the contrary, the person you want to influence is agitated or aggressive, then you need to be calm and balanced. In this option, you need to use long phrases that can calm a person and moderate his ardor. To understand how to learn how to inspire thoughts in another person, you need to learn how to gesticulate correctly, as this enhances any influence on a person. In general, your task is to make the person believe that your words are his own thoughts.

Indirect suggestion can be divided into subspecies:

  • informational;
  • affective;
  • complimentary;
  • figuratively emotional;
  • suggestion by negation;
  • allegorical suggestion.

To understand how to inspire a person with his thoughts, it is necessary to understand each of these subspecies.

Information subspecies

Here it is important to use information that is known to everyone, which has already been confirmed somewhere, for example, news or the media. You will operate with proven facts to influence the opinion of another person.

Affective subspecies

You can use it at the moment when your opponent is in a state of passion, since it is in this state that a person is most vulnerable. Your task is that you need to win the trust of a person, calm him down, that is, become his best friend in this situation. And then your advice will be for him the only solution to his problem.

Complementary subspecies

You need to overwhelm your interlocutor with compliments and praise. Thanks to this, he simply will not resist your pressure and will “melt”.

Figurative-emotional subspecies

You need to create all the conditions for a person in his fantasies to present the advantages of the object or thought you inspire over others. This method of suggestion of thought at a distance is the most effective, as it directly affects the subconscious person.

Suggestion by denial

To begin with, it is necessary to create a situation, as if a person is mentally doing something, and then provide him with all the arguments against these thoughts, that is, he needs to abandon any actions in real life.

Allegorical subspecies

Your task with your stories, like a joke, anecdote, myth, aphorism and the like, is to convince him of this or that action. To achieve excellent results, you need practice, a lot of practice, and only then it will be very easy for you to inspire any person with any thought or action.

Hypnosis is a rather serious procedure. When introducing a person into a trance, you need to be extremely careful, otherwise it can have serious consequences. Perhaps such that people may not get out of this state. Therefore, before trusting your own body and soul to the master, you should think many times. Hypnotization is not a game or a joke, but a responsible matter. For fun, don't take risks. Basically, hypnosis is needed in order to find out the character of a person. Sometimes a person has amnesia and cannot remember anything. This is where hypnosis can be of great help. In order to learn this skill, you do not need to have any psychic abilities. It is enough to read a lot about this, then look for people who will learn this. And then try to practice.

The strongest hypnotization is among gypsies. They can force a person to give away all valuable things with one glance. Most of it is innate, but someone is taught. As a rule, it is given to them quickly and they are in a hurry to try this skill on people. It's all about touch. Usually, when gypsies come up, they offer to tell fortunes, then they grab onto right hand. It is worth noting that after this, the eyes of a person are directed to that same gypsy. There is an automatic forgetting that you can not look into the eyes. At this moment, the gypsy realizes how quickly she took possession of the man and begins to tell him his future. At the same time, gently stroking your hand and playing with your eyes. A person begins to trust, and in the future he gives everything that was in his pockets. This hypnosis wears off after 30 minutes. During this time, the gypsy will have time to run away far.

Many criminals use hypnosis to extort money from ordinary people. It's all fast enough and without noise. Most experienced thieves are trained in this skill through books and the Internet. How does all this work in practice? The scammer chooses a victim for a long time. First looks at appearance, then sets up surveillance. After that, as if by chance, he meets. It is worth noting that before introducing a person into hypnosis, a scammer gains confidence by talking about himself interesting stories. Naturally conceived. Then he looks into his eyes and begins to speak in a monotonous voice. The person gets used to it. At this time, the fraudster can touch the points on the body that are most sensitive. They contribute to the fact that a person can give out the most intimate secrets. After that, you can already clearly look at your eyes and in your thoughts pronounce what you need. It is possible that through the eyes and thoughts there is a high probability of taming a helpless person. Therefore, do not forget that hypnotization is a very serious matter. So, it is better to be careful and not trust the first comers, and also not to look them in the eye. No matter how childish it may sound, but safety is the key to a long life.

It is undeniable that the abilities of vampires are extraordinary and different from what is available to an ordinary person. How these creatures acquired such power and how strong it is is not known for certain. There are several points of view on this issue. And since it is not possible to prove the failure of each of them, everyone believes in the version they like more. According to the first assumption, the first vampires had incredible strength and, according to their abilities, they were all magicians and ruled over the world. With the passage of time, they have lost their abilities and are now content with little. The second assumption is the opposite of the first. On the contrary, it is believed that vampire magic is only gaining momentum and is associated with the accumulation of experience that has been collected and enriched over the centuries. Which of the versions is more plausible, for sure, will not be presented to find out.
What is the vampire magic?

These are by no means the physiological features of this type of creatures, such as pallor, the ability to move quickly and a special diet. entangled in another. Firstly, a real magician - a vampire has the ability to transform or shapeshift. This feature is not inherent in everyone from the clan of immortals, only the chosen and especially strong representatives can possess it. Secondly, the ability to inspire your thoughts to a person and control over his mind, which puts the vampire on a much higher level of development than any, the most extraordinary representative of the human race. And the third feature is the power over the mirrors in which vampires can revive themselves.

Suggestion magic.

This is one of the unexplored and extraordinary features of vampire magic. And do not confuse suggestion at a distance with the already ordinary hypnosis, which you can simply learn. The suggestion of thoughts on a global scale, across thousands of miles, to a person with whom the vampire is not even familiar, this is the true magical ability.

Suggestible people suffering from certain mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, hysteria or epilepsy are much easier to use for their own purposes than a person with a stable psyche. Sometimes, a person who does not stand out in any way, either in mental or in physical plane, becomes a maniac - a killer. And for years remains elusive for the investigating authorities. It is possible that it is the wise vampire magician who controls his servant, who is his food supplier. As soon as the owner feels the approach of danger, he abandons his "ward" without regret and finds a new one.

The magic of transformation.

One of the most difficult manifestations of the magic of real vampires is the ability to transform and take on the appearance of various animals. There are disputes among people interested in this topic about whether such transformations are possible. There can be no single answer to this question. Because, based on the worldview of an ordinary person, such a transformation is unacceptable and unrealistic. And the vampire's magical worldview allows for such changes. Therefore, if an immortal wants to show this ability to a person, he will still not see him. Therefore, we can conclude that the reincarnation of a vampire is a matter of faith for each individual creature, depending on the worldview.

Mirror magic.

Everyone knows the ability of a vampire not to be reflected in a mirror, and that he does not have his own shadow. This does not apply to physiological features, but on the contrary is an indicator of the highest magical skill of a vampire. Presumably, the shadow and reflection are servants and carry out certain orders of the master.

The ability of mirrors to be a link between worlds and various distant points of reality is used by vampires to the fullest. Perhaps, unfortunately for them, the magic of modern vampires is not strong enough to use this time and space portal.

To protect yourself from the penetration of someone else's energy through the mirror, you do not need to break it, as in the Middle Ages. It will be enough to damage the surface by scratching it a little. Alternatively, you can place mirrors on the inside of the cabinet door. And then the penetration of the reflection of the vampire into our world will be problematic.

If it exists, it will be unknown and incomprehensible for a very long time. common man. And the immortals are in no hurry to reveal their secrets to people.

Interesting facts about vampires:

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In this article, we will get acquainted with the rules for constructing suggestion formulas for practicing self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis.

There are many rules, but we will consider five basic ones that cannot be dispensed with.

Positive wording

The first rule for constructing suggestion formulas is that any formulation of suggestion must sound affirmative. You must exclude suggestions from your formulations, or be careful about constructions that contain particles "not", "no", opposition and avoidance formulations ("from", "against", "without", "quit", "get rid of ", "exclude", etc.), because the subconscious in most cases does not perceive particles of denial, such as "not", "no".

If, for example, a person is troubled by pain or insomnia, then the form of suggestion must be constructed in such a way that it displaces unwanted experiences, states. If the symptom is insomnia, then a possible formulation of the suggestion may sound like "Sleep is deep, sound, I fall asleep quickly, easily." If the symptom is headaches, then the suggestion is "My head is clear, fresh, I feel well, my condition is improving."

Multiple repetitions

The second rule for constructing the form of suggestion is that any suggestion must be voiced many times. At least three, five or more times. In this case, it is desirable to use as many synonymous words as possible, describing the desired state with keywords that are close in meaning.

For example, a person feels insecure in a particular situation. The goal in this case is to replace the current state with the desired one. The suggestion may be: "I feel confident, comfortable, free; in any situation I feel confident and calm."


The third rule for constructing the form of suggestion is the gradual realization of the desired goal. In most cases, it is important to inspire not the end result, but a certain process of achieving a particular goal.

This is especially important when suggesting any long-term changes. There is such a conditional concept of "inertia" or "latent period" i.e. the moment when changes have already taken place, but have not yet entered a person’s life steadily and clearly. And at this very moment, and better in advance, you need to set yourself up for a gradual change. Instant miracles do happen, but they don't always happen. As they say, everything has its time, and you just need to wait a bit. Therefore, if, for example, we try to inspire ourselves with good health as a fact that has already happened - "I have good health" - and instantly and momentarily health changes extremely rarely - then inside, in response to your suggestion, it will sound "lying, lying, lying", after all, subjectively or objectively, health at the time of suggestion may not be all right. That is, in response to affirmative suggestions that state what is desired as accomplished, protests may arise.

In this case, suggestions are best built according to the following scheme. For example, the goal is to improve health, then the suggestion is "every day, every hour my health improves, I feel better and better."

Motivation, active position

The fourth rule is motivation. It is important to inspire not just a passive expectation of achieving certain goals, but some internal motivation, desire, intention to achieve these goals. It is useful to build the wording of the suggestion by adding phrases such as "I try", "I can", "I achieve", "I realize".

On the example of improving memory: the goal is good memory, suggestion - "every day, every hour, I try, I can, I train my memory, my memory is getting better and better."

Binding to context

The fifth rule for constructing suggestion formulas is binding to the context, contextual situations, events. Where this wording is most relevant. For example, a person feels confident at work when communicating with colleagues, partners, clients, with an audience, but when driving a car, he is uncomfortable. Here it will be useful to inspire a sense of confidence not in a general context, but with reference to a specific situation, circumstances.

For example: the goal is confidence in driving, the suggestion is "every time I sit behind the wheel of a car, I feel comfortable, confident, calm, focused."
