How will the child like the first meeting. How to please a child without complex strategies? Additional question on the page

Girlfriend has a wonderful baby who punched you in the eye, and now the eye is twitching at all the children in the world? Read the article, apply our tips on how to make friends with your child and like him, and enjoy the company of the happiest people on the planet.

Really fun with kids. Unless, of course, make friends with them. This is especially important for those who work with children. If you make friends with a child, you will win his trust. If you gain trust, then it is much easier to communicate with him and explain what can and cannot be done.

And in communicating with a child there is another indisputable plus - it relaxes. Children are straightforward, sincere and unpretentious. You can (and should) be honest with them, you can relax and chat with them. But first you need to get in touch with him. Here's how to do it.

Children from three to seven years old do not like to be treated as if they were small. Talk to children like an adult, but remember that you are talking to a child. If you are talking to a child for the first time, then be sure to introduce yourself and ask for his name.

You will be amazed when you find out how much Small child can (and wants to!) tell. The main thing is to ask him about different things. Of course, not all children like to chat. Sometimes there are very modest and shy children. But by showing genuine interest, you will melt the heart of any child. If you don’t know what to ask, then look at what the child is doing or what he is holding in his hands. Show genuine interest in what he loves.

Children are incredibly impressionable. And they love attention. Show him that you are not one hundred percent adult, that you still have gunpowder to fly back to the country of childhood. Many are afraid, but they love to be tickled. They will run away from you, but come back for you to tickle them again. Scary faces can make kids laugh. But just do not scare the children until you have more or less made friends with them.

Can you do simple magic tricks? Or simple paper airplanes? Or draw? Or maybe you know how to make funny sounds or imitate animals? Yes, whatever. Many children are easily surprised and interested even simple things. Especially when they are bored.

Tip five. If the child is modest and shy

Then talk to him quietly and calmly. Introverted children do not like noisy and loud people. Another point: when talking with children, then bend over, and even better, sit down. To be on the same level with the child. If you are taller and bigger, it may scare him. And he will become even more shy.

Every child can find an approach. It is much easier to make friends with them than with adults. The main thing is to smile at them, be sincere with them.

Try to arrange a meeting in conditions that will suit both you and your parents. young man. For example, an acquaintance can be organized in a cafe or restaurant, in which case the situation will be less tense than when meeting with parents at home. But even if they insist on the latter option, do not worry, as most likely they will be hospitable.

Restrained style in appearance

Dress for the meeting as your boyfriend's parents prefer. Perhaps they are conservative, and then they will not like an outfit that is too modern or revealing. Better dress modestly. put on long skirt, jeans or trousers. The top should also be modest, covering the neckline. Gather your hair in a hairstyle and make an inconspicuous make-up.

The desire to get married at all costs can lead to both success and complete failure. How to respect boundaries? Let's watch the video!


Give the guy's parents small gifts, thus expressing your respect to them. Ask the guy what kind of flowers and sweets his mom likes. some cosmetic product or a small souvenir, such as a cigarette case or a lighter. Find out from a young man what can please his parents, and choose gifts according to their preferences.


When meeting, observe the rules of decency. Smile at your boyfriend's parents and say hello to them. Be humble. No need to fuss and offer your help in preparing for the feast or cleaning the room. You can offer it, but even if you are politely refused, agree and stop being active for a while. Also, do not constantly talk, leave it to your boyfriend and his parents. Only engage in conversation when the opportunity arises.

Good words

Sitting at the table, be sure to praise the dishes that the guy’s mom has prepared. Also thank his dad for raising such a decent and skillful man. Do not forget to praise your young man in front of them. Tell how you met, how he cares about you and how he cares. Parents will be pleased to hear warm words about their son and to see that he has a polite and grateful girlfriend. At the end of the evening, thank your parents for their hospitality and say that it was a pleasure to meet them.

After meeting, most likely, you will often see the guy's parents or call them up. Remember to be friendly and outgoing, ask about their well-being and how they are doing. Gradually, you will get used to each other and make friends, so you will not feel awkward and you can.

Working with children requires a lot of commitment. Parents sometimes are unable to cope with a skittish child. But what about a nanny who has just met a baby and must find an approach to the child in a matter of days. After all, the assistant will be able to perform her duties well only when she establishes contact with her pupil. Nanny job in Dnepropetrovsk is available to many women, but can anyone cope with the main duties of an assistant and pick up the key to the heart of her pupil?

You can find a common language with the child even at the time of the first meeting at a personal interview. What is required for this?

First, thoroughly prepare for the meeting with the baby. Purchase a toy in advance that will be appropriate for the age of the child. You can consult with the parents of the crumbs and ask them what is in this moment interesting baby. A small souvenir will be able to win over a child and interest you.

Thirdly, if the child is still silent and gloomy, then try to approach him yourself, sit down next to him, start a dialogue. Invite the baby to read a fairy tale together or play hide and seek.

Fourth, do not be upset if the child at the first meeting did not show a clear desire to communicate with you. The second time, the baby will definitely see an already familiar aunt in you and will probably want to get to know you better.

Fifthly, if you managed to melt the heart of the baby and he made contact with you, then you can walk with the baby along the street or be with him on the playground. You can talk to your child interesting topics, tell him informative stories, and also tell the baby a lot of interesting things about nature, plants, animals.

Fifthly, after you finally get a job as a nanny in Dnepropetrovsk, then try to always take into account the opinion of the child and treat him with respect. Show only kindness and affection to the baby, try to find a middle ground between strictness and permissiveness.

Parents play a very important role in ensuring that the child finds a common language with the nanny. Mom and dad should help the baby overcome his fears and be able to feel free in the company of the teacher.

Before you search effective method To find a common language with the baby, it is necessary to establish contact with the parents. You must win over employers even during a telephone conversation so that they have a desire to meet with you in person.

Remember that you must have a good-natured and accommodating appearance. Choose your clothes classical style, neutral colors without unnecessary decorative elements, make-up should be discreet, neat hair. Try to smile sweetly and set yourself up for a positive outcome of the interview. Position the parents towards you and the child will also be drawn to you.

Good nanny Be sure to be able to become a true friend to the baby, a faithful comrade and an indispensable assistant. If you can win over a baby, then babysitting will only bring you pleasure. Try to be honest, sincere and tolerant with your child. The baby should feel protected in you. The child needs to know that he has someone to rely on while mom and dad are not at home.

Of course, the nanny will not be able to replace the parents, but will occupy not the last place in the life of the baby. It is very important that you treat the work of a nanny in Dnepropetrovsk not just as a profitable income, but also get satisfaction from your profession. Remember that children, despite their whims and disobedience, are very vulnerable and sensitive creatures. Only guided by love can one achieve great success in raising children. Do not leave the baby unattended, try to diversify his leisure time, in game form spend cognitive activities, encourage the child for the slightest achievements, and the baby will definitely consider you the best nanny in the whole wide world.

Part of parenting is to guide children and help them adjust to life. Often this requires setting certain limits, refusing and correcting the child's behavior. In order for children not to take such instructions with hostility, it is necessary that the relationship between parents and children ensure trust and understanding.

Now that we have found out that a good relationship with children is the key not only to minimizing misunderstanding, but also to their success in life, let's figure out how to improve relations with a child.

If your relationship with your child is devoid of positive interactions (and according to research, there should be five such interactions for every negative interaction), this can upset the healthy balance in the relationship.

Since after 30 days of repetition, any action becomes a habit, try to include in your to-do list as many actions as possible aimed at your communication with the child.

21 Examples of Positive Interactions

In this regard, we present to your attention 21 examples of positive interactions that will help you get closer to your child.

  1. Hug your child every day for five minutes after he wakes up.
  2. Have breakfast with your child, at the table talk with him about plans for the day.
  3. Do not yell at your child to make him wash his face, brush his teeth, etc. Rather, make a schedule for him with pictures and praise the child when he completes the appropriate tasks.
  4. Leave a note with warm words along with the lunch that you give your child to school, etc.
  5. Jump together on the way to school or sing songs in the car.
  6. When you say goodbye, tell your child that you will miss him and look forward to seeing him at home. Also do not forget to wish your child Have a good day instead of the usual "behave yourself."
  7. During the working day, try to have at least a minimum amount of rest, so that when you come home, you have more energy for your family.
  8. Always listen carefully when your child shares information with you about how his/her day went: don't be distracted by work, books, TV or music during this.
  9. If your child gets into a fight, listen to both parties to the conflict, sympathize with them and help resolve the problem peacefully.
  10. If your child gets upset because you cooked something for breakfast/lunch/dinner that he didn't want, don't remake the meal at the child's whim. However, do not forget to sympathize with him and let him cry, etc.
  11. When you and your child are learning lessons, sympathize if the child is having a hard time and encourage him in every possible way.
  12. Laugh at his jokes.
  13. Despite the fact that it is better to limit the child in certain actions, such a restriction does not apply to emotions. If you know how your child feels, you strengthen your emotional connection.
  14. Set aside 15 minutes a day to play with your child. At the same time, let him choose his occupation - build a pyramid of cubes, draw a picture, etc. Let him feel like a "director" for these 15 minutes.
  15. During dinner, ask your child interest Ask and give him time to think about the answer.
  16. Before bathing, arrange pillow fights or other fun competitions.
  17. If the child does not want to go to bed, use your sense of humor and empathy, but insist on your own.
  18. Listen calmly and compassionately to your child's complaints about any problems (for example, if he had a fight with a friend at school or kindergarten), do not rush to get nervous and interrupt the little narrator.
  19. If you get angry when you can't get your baby to bed, calm down first and then use your emotional connection with him to get what you want.
  20. Read to your child before bed. Hug the child and snuggle up to him - let the child feel that everything is fine. Don't forget to tell him how lucky you are to have him.

The list seems long, but in fact, it does not take much time to build relationships with a child and make them warmer and more trusting. When you develop such habits in yourself, you will notice that the child makes more contact, swears less and wants to follow your advice. Such a relationship between parents and children will lead to the fact that the child will turn to you for advice.

You have interviewed and decided to open your house to the nanny. How to prepare a child? What should parents pay attention to? And how should a nanny behave when meeting a child and how to prepare for a meeting? We will give you a number of recommendations.

The child needs to be prepared for a meeting with the nanny in a few days. Tell her what her name is and what she looks like. Describe the nanny as a very kind, positive person. Set your baby up for the fact that they will have a lot of fun with the nanny, that together they will play the baby’s favorite games, draw, read books and do many other interesting things.
1. When the long-awaited guest arrives, give her a tour of the house. Outline the territory of the apartment where the nanny will work with the child.
2. Your task is to competently build a relationship with the nanny. Mom orders the service, the nanny performs. Of course, if your babysitter is great teaching experience her advice and recommendations are worth listening to. But the last word must remain with the mother. You are responsible for the health of the child, his upbringing.
3. Another important aspect is the boundaries in the mother-nanny relationship. Even if the nanny is your age and has similar hobbies and interests as you, you need to keep your distance. Do not discuss personal topics with the nanny and do not ask her about personal matters. The nanny should perceive you as the mother of her pupil.
4. In the early days, you should not leave the child alone with the nanny. The usual mode of the child and the daily routine should not change due to the presence of a nanny. It will be better if the nanny will be present with you at first.
5. You can organize a joint walk. Show where you usually walk with the baby, introduce her to the child's friends.
6. To make it easier for you to explain to the nanny all the rules of conduct, we have compiled.
7. You probably wondered: is it possible to spy on a person, is it ethical? Ethical is what is good for your child. You will be calmer if there is a surveillance camera in the house. Any reputable office has cameras and people can work quite comfortably. Also, there are surveillance cameras in children's centers and private kindergartens, and it is absolutely normal that a mother can look at her child online.
8. Do not allow any reticence. If you do not like something in the actions of the nanny, it is better to immediately tell her about it. After all, the nanny does not yet know your rules and habits.
After the nanny leaves (her first visit should not be long, 2-3 hours is enough), talk with the baby and ask about his impressions of your nanny. Based on the impressions from the first day, it is difficult to judge the correctness or incorrectness of your choice of a nanny. After a week or two, you can already draw conclusions. If the baby runs to meet the nanny with pleasure and does not want to part with her, then you have made the right choice.
You can read even more tips on how to conduct a telephone interview and an interview in the section.

The nanny needs to prepare well for the first meeting with the child.
1. You must have a neat, well-groomed appearance. None long nails, red lipstick and miniskirt. You go to work with your family, not the office.
2. You need to take a change of clothes and shoes with you, in which it will be convenient for you to work with your child. Wash your hands as soon as you come into the house.
3. Bring a small toy, book, or coloring book to connect with your child.
4. Ask the mother and the baby to show you the child's room, his toys, things for the house and walks.
5. Don't try to be too active on the first day. Stay present in the house during normal activities, let the baby begin to get used to you. Observe the actions of the mother and the habits of the child. See yourself quietly and modestly, too much activity from you can scare the child and mother.
6. Talk less about your achievements and upbringing methods, you should have told this at the interview. You came to the child, try to establish contact with him.
6. When you see that the child has begun to show interest in you, invite him to talk about his toys. If he is still gloomy and gloomy, try to start playing with his toys yourself, and role-play. This will help the baby to calm down and get involved in the game. You can start drawing, for example, a forest with animals, and also comment on your actions.
7. You must understand that success in establishing yourself in the family depends on whether the child likes you.
8. What games does the baby like, what kind of food does he like, does he have allergies - all this you should find out from your parents during the interview and fix it in your notebook. So that on the first working day not to be distracted from communication with the child for various questions.
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