How to determine the presence of gold in the ground. Where to look for placers and nuggets of gold and how to find it in the river

And where can it be found? This question is of interest to gold miners today. The current topic of the search for precious metals and gold mines, which will solve all material problems in one hour, worries people all over the world. Despite the fact that the reserves of metal in nature have been greatly depleted, this does not prevent people from looking for gold and finding it in the form of nuggets or sand. In Russia, with its vast territory and rich subsoil, it is not so easy to find metal, geologists and amateurs are engaged in the search. It is difficult to say which of them will be lucky, but the excitement around gold does not subside, but, on the contrary, is gaining momentum.

What will history tell?

How to find gold and where to look for it? Ivan III was the first of the tsars of Rus' to ask this question. The lack of metal was constantly felt, even coins were minted from a low-grade alloy, trying to save gold and silver, which was brought from other countries. To solve the problem, the king invited a specialist from Italy, who was supposed to find the precious metal on the territory of a large country. But he did not succeed, and all the hopes of Ivan III were unjustified.

Prospector's work

Deciding to continue the dynasty, Ivan the Terrible focused on Siberia - in his opinion, the region was rich in minerals and other elements. The king attracted a huge army, conquered Siberia, but never found gold. All searches came down to the fact that a small nugget was discovered. From this nugget, Ivan the Terrible made himself a cross.

Peter I decided that gold could be found on the territory of Russia and he managed to change the situation. Work began in the Urals and in other regions, as a result of which the emperor got what he wanted -. During the development of the ore deposit, one of the largest deposits of precious metal in the Urals was found.

Even a simple worker who decided to build a house on the river bank managed to find gold in the ground. The landscape attracted the man, and he began construction immediately after the end of the war. In 1945, a worker found a small nugget in the ground.

Geologists immediately arrived on the spot, they were looking for metal, but they could not find anything significant, in addition to a few more nuggets. The worker was ordered to postpone the construction of the house. Later, the authorities came to the conclusion that a mine should be dug at the place where the nuggets were found. This decision was correct - thus, one of the largest deposits of the precious metal on the Amur was discovered.

In the Soviet years, they searched for gold in the mountains, on the banks of rivers. The work of geologists was so extensive that it led to success. The metal was found in Siberia, the Urals, as well as in other regions of our country. Even in the Moscow region, a deposit was discovered, which was recognized as promising.

The troubled 90s cooled the ardor of individual seekers, since the deposits were protected and had links with the criminal world. But today the situation has changed, the search for gold is carried out by people who have an idea of ​​where it can be found and to whom it can be sold.

Certain skills, knowledge of the area, as well as the study of maps and archival documents - all this will not harm the conduct of search procedures.

How to search and where?

The search for precious metal is amazing activity, but to get the result you need to carry out a number of works:

  • study the features of the area;
  • collect information about promising deposits;
  • communicate with the local population.

The work begins with the study of archival documents, as you need to have an idea about the features of the area. It is also worth paying attention to whether the region is considered promising in terms of gold prospecting and what climatic conditions it has.

This is how gold is washed

Information about deposits is the key to success. In many deposits where mining was stopped back in the days of the USSR, prospectors later found gold.

Local residents can help in the search for gold: the indigenous population will tell about the climate, and also remember the cases of finding the precious metal.

Where to look? This is the next question that seekers may be interested in, but gold deposits can be found anywhere. Maps of such places do not exist in Russia. The most promising regions are:

  1. Krasnoyarsk region.
  2. Irkutsk.
  3. Magadan.
  4. Ural.
  5. Amur.
  6. Yakutia.

On the territory of these regions, gold is mined on an industrial scale. And there are also separate groups of seekers who work autonomously or under a contract.

Any person can mine precious metals in Russia, for this it is enough to conclude an agreement with a company or a person that has a license. Work is carried out on the banks of rivers, in the mountains and on dumps.

Some experts argue that it is not worth reinventing the wheel and looking for metal where it does not exist. It is worth searching for gold in territories that have already fallen into development; where nuggets were found or precious metals were mined.

A gold-bearing river is a concept that any geologist can talk about. Metal is most often found in riverbeds. There are several reasons why rivers come under the attention of searchers.

Gold is a heavy, dense metal, it is surrounded by lighter rocks. If the river erodes the rock layer, then the metal settles. Over the years, when studying the riverbed, you can find large deposit Au. They also study the river bank for the presence of an element in the bowels of the earth.

It is worth noting that geologists are studying vast territories, they are exploring the area in search of gold. But experts often lose sight of certain corners of the area - in such places, seekers find Au most often.

There is a chance to find the precious metal in places of volcanic activity - gold comes to the surface with magma. In such places, dumps are examined. As a rule, the precious metal can be found without much difficulty, since gold does not hide deep underground, but is close to the surface.

The question of where to look for Au is still open today. Metal can be found anywhere, it is not difficult to get sick with a "gold rush" - the main thing is that the search is successful. There are several rules that will help coordinate the search for metal:

  • do not repeat the route of geologists;
  • do not take unpromising regions into development;
  • to study the deposits of the times of the USSR, which were previously closed.

There is such a trend: fields that were previously closed and recognized as unpromising for one reason or another are now being taken into development again. The reason is that progress does not stand still. In the USSR, mainly alluvial deposits were developed, not wanting to spend time and money on the development of indigenous deposits.

The prospect was that geologists estimated the found place of extraction of the metal by the number of alleged deposits of the element. If the assessment was low, then production was stopped or not started at all, the field was recognized as unpromising. But technology does not stand still, and today mining is carried out where it was previously stopped. Of course, there are other reasons for this, one of which is that they are constantly declining, and the demand for this metal is growing.

How can you mine Au?

There are several main ways that searchers use. Some look for deposits of the element using a metal detector; others wash the water of the rivers with the help of a dredge.

1) Searching for gold with a metal detector is very easy. You just need to get the right equipment. If we are talking about the metal that is hidden in the quartz pleats, then the metal detector - essential tool for work.

You just need to explore the territory with the help of the device, if something interests you, you need to take a soil sample. As a rule, the precious metal is not hidden deep in the bowels of the earth; it is not difficult to find it with a metal detector. Another rule for those who search for Au in this way - if you managed to find one nugget, then you need to examine the soil carefully, since the nuggets are located in pairs or groups. By examining the soil with a metal detector, you can find a few more.

2) Another way is to wash the water with a dredge. This is a device that allows you to extract metal from water. Previously, Au was extracted from river water using locks. They were made from sheep skins. Today, other devices are used.

By the way, the gateways have not gone anywhere, they have improved. Today, it can also go with the use of gateways, but if, of course, we are not talking about industrial production.

To mine a metal, its properties are used. The element combines with mercury to form an alloy. Therefore, there are locks that are equipped with plates, on the surface of which mercury is applied in a small amount. Flushing using such locks helps to obtain an alloy of mercury and gold - an amalgam.

As for the dredge, this device is quite effective for finding and detecting Au. But the dredge changes the course of the river, breaks it, for this reason the use of such equipment requires a special permit.

Attention should be paid to places with erosive relief. The mouth of the river is also capable of being mined, provided that metal was previously found in these places.

Types of deposits that will help find gold:

  1. Bottom.
  2. Terraced.
  3. Residual.
  4. Eluvial.

The bottom of the river is where Au can accumulate for years. If the channel allows, then the grains can find a recess and accumulate in it for several years or centuries. Because the gold is heavy, it quickly settles to fill the hole.

If the river erodes the shore, then a double bottom can form, and metal deposits are often found between the rock layers. This type of deposit is called terraced. Finding a terrace that has been forming for several years is the dream of any seeker. The field can be large and very profitable.

A residual deposit is one in which work has already been carried out, but later nuggets or gold in the form of sand were discovered. In such places, Au is searched for in dumps. The prospect of detecting metal in such deposits is higher. You can find gold next to the residential area itself, which was previously in development.

Eluvial can be found when exploring mountains, especially if they are surrounded by a body of water.

If there are not enough rivers, mountains and plains, then you can take into development the territory where gold was found, or the territory that is actively explored by geologists. Many people find the precious metal up close industrial enterprises, which are focused on the extraction of ore.

There is another trick. Searchers can explore the territory that geologists previously studied, but found nothing. It is difficult to find metal in such a place, but anyone can be lucky.

There is no guarantee that going in search of gold, man will find something. On average, exploration and development require not less than a year. After this time, it is possible to find Au, but not everyone is lucky. In which places there is gold, and in which it is not, one can only guess, sometimes it is possible to find a nugget where gold has never been searched.


Alluvial gold (placers) is found in sedimentary deposits in the channels of ancient rivers and in deposits of modern streams. Placers are alluvial, terraced, channel (bottom, spit). Terrace deposits are found on the banks of rivers, and bottom deposits are found under the water of rivers. Primary deposits are gold-filled cracks or fissures in bedrock or ore. Eluvial gold placers are formed on the slopes in the remains of ore, which, under the action of natural forces, detached from the ore deposit. Usually they are located directly under the ore deposit from which they broke away. Alluvial placers - deposits of part of the gold ore, which have detached from the ore deposit and fell into the scope of the water flow. The hill from which they were washed away may no longer exist or even change its location.
In the Tertiary period, about 2 million years ago, the mountain ranges underwent major changes. Many water streams were formed, the channels of which do not exist today. Terraces of these streams far from existing rivers are known to contain rich placers. These deposits are often dark in color. Blue colour. In the light, the color of the deposits changes to a dirty red. At the very bottom of the sediments of ancient streams, gold can be found, formed as a result of very strong rivers, capable of creating deposits of high concentration. Look for layers that are dyed in different colors, with different hardness and densities. Some of these deposits, if hard enough, may resemble bedrock.
The principle of "shortest path" is applicable in this case with terraces. It is also necessary to check what is behind all the ledges in the sides of the valley, located far enough from the existing water level in the river.

Where to dredge gold (part 1)

The movement of gold, which is 19 times heavier than water, is quite predictable. In order to move the gold from its place, a strong pressure of water is needed, therefore, when it weakens for one reason or another, the gold settles in the place where the water pressure fell. Gold, especially its grains and nuggets, do not float but "creep" along the bottom of the river, the gravitational force presses them to the bottom. The bottom may be of bedrock or layers of clay that is not washed away by the flow of water. As a rule, gold moves along the shortest trajectory tending to a straight line. Of course, when the river bends and changes direction, the flow of the water changes the position of the gold, but the gold is not carried by the water as easily as ordinary stones. Gold with deposits starts moving only when the water pressure is strong enough. Thus, when trying to determine where gold is concentrated in a river, you first need to know what the river looks like during a flood. This does not mean floods caused by heavy rainfall, but those that occur once a year with spring waters. If possible, carefully examine the riverbed for what the riverbed might look like during one of the worst spring floods. Note the tops of the bends and the width of the channel during a similar flood. After that, connect the midpoints of the floodplain with an imaginary line, taking into account the bends of the channel. It is most likely to find gold-bearing deposits along it. It is sometimes called the "gut of the river". Gold always moves along this shortest path along the riverbed.

Picture 1
1 - the border of the riverbed; 2 - the boundary of the riverbed during the flood; 3 - the core of the river.

The channel placer of gold, as a rule, begins at the end of the inner bend of the river channel and gradually narrows, further along the "gut" of the stream. The closer you are to the turn of the modern riverbed, the narrower and more powerful the placer jet will be, respectively, the farther you are from this turn, the wider and less powerful it will be.

Figure 2
Placer jet shape.

Another good indication of where the placer plume may be is the large boulder riffles that run in a line from one end of the inner bend of the river to the beginning of the other. Get into a comfortable position at the end of a bend in the river with a good view of the beginning of the next bend downriver. Notice a chain of boulders with riffles that starts roughly where you are and runs in a nearly straight line to the next bend. Usually, gold sands follow these boulders. At the same time, a placer with gold may not be as wide as a roll with a chain of boulders.
When dredging channel placers of gold, you should always clearly monitor whether you have moved to the right or left of its stream. Channel placer - only part of the alluvial deposits of sands located in the modern riverbed.

Where to dredge gold (part 2)

Considering the hydrology of each bend in the river, the flow of water moves faster in the outer bend of the river than in the inner bend in the river. Thus, the pressure of water on the inner bend weakens, and on the outer bend increases. As the gold travels downstream, the part of it that was at the outer bend is carried away around the bend in the river. That part of the gold, which was closer to the inner bend, settles where the water moves more slowly at the beginning of the turn. It is too a good place where you can find gold.

Figure 3
1 - fast flow zone; 2 - zone of slow flow;
3 – gold deposition line; 4 - place of gold precipitation

Under the influence of gravitational forces and other influences during a flood, gold is pressed to the bottom. The river bed is bedrock. The bedrock may be shallow, have little sediment on top (or even be completely clean), or it can be quite deep (9-12 meters below the sediment). Since the gold lies on the bedrock, you need to reach it by dredging. With all of the above in mind, you should be looking for a channel where the bedrock is shallow. You can determine this by examining the banks of the river above the water. The open rock on the shores indicates that it is located shallow under water. How shallow can only be determined by dredging. Sheer drops of bedrock on the banks may indicate a continuation of the steep descent further inland, which means that the bottom may be quite deep. The gradual descent of the bedrock on the banks means that the bedrock in the channel is shallow.

Figure 4
1 - descent in the bedrock; 2 - the bottom of the river; 3 - sediments;
4 - alluvial gold; 5 - bottom of bedrock (raft)

Keep in mind that the above rules do not work in all cases. If bedrock does not come to the surface on the banks themselves, examine the sides of the river valley. Note the ledges on both sides of the river valley not far from each other, and then draw an imaginary line from the ledge downstream to the ledge upstream. Where the imaginary line crosses the river, the bedrock is at its lowest depth.

Where to dredge gold (part3 )

The bedrock at the bottom of the river is not the only place where gold can be found. If there are several layers of clay between the river bed and the lower bedrock, and these layers of clay are dense, they can act as "false bedrock". Thus, if the flood is not strong enough to erode and carry away all the layers on the bedrock, then it only removes the material of the upper layers. Gold is heavier than the materials of the clay layers, but if they are immovable and do not wash, then gold cannot penetrate them. Therefore, gold can lie on a layer of clay and only slightly penetrate deep into loose bottom sediments.

Figure 5
1 - layers of clay; 2 - alluvial gold

As a rule, gold is found in the first, upper 15 cm of the clay layer. Clay layers differ from each other in terms of their thickness (thickness) from a few cm to meters. Therefore, it can take a long time to reach the next layer. When working in areas that have multiple layers of clay, you should work with each layer as if it were bedrock. Once you have reached the current layer, start moving right and left across the surface until you reach the edge of the clay layer. After finding the edges, you should decide whether to continue development at this level or move further inland. However, remember that the presence of gold sands on a given layer of clay does not mean at all that another layer of sands will be directly below it at the next level. It is possible that another one is located below, under this layer of clay, but it may be located to the right or to the left, or it may be completely absent. If you have already gone deeper, then it would be wiser for you to move on to the next layer or bedrock, whichever comes first. When mining sands on clay layers, it is possible to obtain gold of a fairly high size, but the largest gold is mined from the underlying bedrock. Therefore, try to work in places where you can quickly reach the bedrock, or where there is no more than one or two layers of clay before it.

Where to dredge gold (part 4)

Gold moves only in those parts of the river where the pressure of the water is strong enough and makes it possible to wash sediments heavier than water. Therefore, when the water pressure drops, gold sinks to the bottom - it accumulates. Let's look at some conditions that reduce the pressure of water in a river during a flood - this will give us a rough list of places where gold can accumulate.
The inner turn of the river is a promising place for gold prospecting. At the beginning of the inner turn of the river and at the location of the spit and rifts, there is a good concentration of gold. This is because the current velocity at the inner bend of the river is less than the average current velocity. We also know that the current speed at the outer turn of the river is higher than the average current speed. Therefore, as a rule, gold is never found at the outer bends of the channel, as the pressure of the water carries it away from there.
Consider the situation with a large boulder in the water. Water washes the boulder from all sides. If you take a closer look at how the water flows around the boulder, you will see that there are two places where the flow practically stops. This central part in the center in front of the boulder and just immediately behind the boulder. There can be traps for gold here, and it tends to be cleaner in the back pocket than in the top pocket. Boulders in the riverbed trap gold, if they are located on the "shortcut", then the probability of finding gold behind them increases significantly.

Figure 6
1 - boulders; 2 - gold
Likewise, any item at the bottom of a river that is washed by water will trap gold. For example - a log or pebble islands.

Where to Dredge Gold – Part 5

As long as the flow of water is strong enough to move the gold, it continues to move. We have already talked with you about the turns of the channel, and how they affect the pressure of the water. Also, we have already covered the situation with objects washed from all sides by water, such as boulders. We also mentioned that gold "creeps" along the bottom of the bedrock of the river (raft). The gold continues to move in this way as long as the pressure of the water is strong enough. The following 2 circumstances can stop it:
- The raft at the bottom of the river can be quite uneven with ledges and obstacles behind which gold will accumulate gold.
- The raft of the river may have cracks and caverns where gold will fall.
The search must begin with the study of the bottom of the river. Barriers in bedrock trap gold in different ways. If the top of the barrier slopes downstream, then gold is deposited behind the barrier. In the case of an upstream slope, gold collects in front of the barrier. The configuration of rock ledges located on the sides of the stream act in a similar way.

Figure 7

Focus on cracks and vugs in the rock at the bottom of the stream. If gold has found one of these places, it will remain there until the bedrock is modified by the action of water pressure, an earthquake, or the movement of large boulders along the bottom. The flat underlying rock at the bottom does not give the gold the opportunity to hide from the forces of water pressure, so it continues its movement down the river until it finds a secluded place.

Figure 8
1 - cracks; 2 - protrusions; 3 – places of gold concentration; 4 - flat surface of the raft

If you're dredging in one place and you've reached the bedrock and it's flat, then move to another place. It is possible that you will find a random nugget here as well, but most likely you are wasting your time. On flat surfaces, gold does not linger.
However, if there are cracks and vugs in the bedrock, be sure to check them. Gold usually settles in them. Any roughness and ridges on the bedrock surface can act as a trap for gold. Gold lingers in potholes in the bedrock, so keep looking until you hit the edges of the potholes. Cracks in the rock may not be large. The smallest particles of gold will find their way into even the smallest cracks. Undoubtedly, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the contents of these cracks. It is better to clean them two or three times. To do this, use a powerful pump and crack cleaning tools. Very thin cracks must also be opened, as very large pockets of gold can accumulate in them. Sometimes a large amount of gold can be obtained from a trap in which, at first glance, there is nothing. Therefore, do not pass by any cracks and caverns in the bedrock.

Where to dredge gold part 6.

Gold moves if the pressure of the water is strong enough to overcome the weight of the gold. The fourth case is where gold can concentrate, this is the place where the river widens or deepens and the flow of water slows down its speed.
Consider the case of a runoff of a certain volume of water. When water moves along a channel 7.62 m wide at a speed necessary for river sediments with gold to be dragged along a narrow river channel. If the same amount of water moves along a channel 30.48 m wide, then the flow rate slows down several times and the gold sinks to the bottom. It occurs when a river flows into a lake or another river. When falling into stagnant water, the water pressure drops. Therefore, the area of ​​the river bottom, at the beginning of the fall in water velocity, will be the site of gold precipitation. It is possible that the gold will be distributed in a thin layer throughout this area, so look for places where gold can concentrate - overhanging rock, boulders, cracks, etc.

Figure 9
1 - the channel expands and the current slows down;
2 - fast current; 3 - deposition of gold.

In a place where the bottom level changes sharply towards increasing depths, the water pressure drops and the flow rate slows down, gold sinks to the bottom. In places where the channel turns from a sloping to a flat one, the river flows out onto a plain with a lesser slope, a significant scattering can be found. Waterfalls work in a similar way. The boulders at the base of the waterfall trap the gold, preventing the churning water from washing it away. Sometimes gold is deposited right under where the water is bubbling.

Figure 10
Use a topographic map to locate waterfalls, depressions, and abrupt terrain changes and check them out.

Many people sometimes wonder where to find gold. For the past few years, Russia has been ranked 5th in the world in terms of the amount of gold produced. For many Russians today, the search for gold is becoming a matter of life and a good source of income. Finding a gold nugget is a great happiness for a passionate gold prospector.

History of gold mining in Russia

The history of the extraction of this mineral in Russia dates back several centuries. Russia has been in search of gold nuggets since 1719, when Peter the Great issued a decree on the start of gold prospecting. Back in the distant 18th century, the inhabitants of our country wondered how to find gold.

The precious metal was first found at the beginning of the 18th century in Eastern Transbaikalia. The next place where the search for gold nuggets was crowned with success was Altai. But in these places, the metal was obtained not from gold deposits, but from deposits of silver-lead ores. It was possible to find native gold only after many years in the Urals. It happened in the area of ​​modern Yekaterinburg. In May 1745, an ordinary peasant Erofey Sidorovich found gold, who decided to build a house for himself. He showed his friend the found gold. A friend worked as a silversmith. He realized that the gold nugget was real. Specialists arrived at the place of discovery and continued the search with tools. But, unfortunately, then they could not find anything. Only after a long time the search continued at this place. The gold diggers decided to dig a mine, and then the search was crowned with success. A gold mine was opened on this territory, which received the name "Original".

"Gold Rush" in Russia and America

In the 20s of the 19th century, when people realized that finding this fossil was a very real task, a real Golden fever. Mamin-Sibiryak described her very well in his novel "Gold". Since the middle of the 19th century, experts have found the answer to the question of where to look for gold, and dense mining began in many regions of our country: in Altai, in the Nerchinsk district, in the Belgorod region, in the region of many Siberian rivers: the Yenisei, Kolyma, Lena, Amur and many others.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the number of gold deposits in Russia totaled 5800. About 75% of all deposits today are located in Siberia and the Far East of the country. The largest volumes are mined in the Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk Territories, Irkutsk, Amur, Sverdlovsk, Magadan Regions, the Republic of Sakha and Buryatia, as well as in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

At the end of the 19th century, the gold rush also swept America. In 1896, the New World was shocked by the news that a large deposit had been discovered in the Klondike region. The whole country has gathered where the gold is. From there, in less than 100 years, 390 tons of precious metal were exported, the value of which is approximately 4.4 billion US dollars. Then the news about places rich in this valuable mineral overtook America at the moment of the deepest crisis. The country was going through great amount bankruptcies because the economy suffered from stock market fluctuations. Thousands of people went to Alaska in search of gold nuggets. As a result, the gold rush had a good effect on the development of the economy of Western Canada, Alaska, and the northwestern part of the United States.

Mining devices

To start mining, you need to purchase some equipment:

  1. Metal detector. Today it is not difficult to buy a metal detector. They are sold in every city, they can also be ordered in the online store. Metal detectors differ in characteristics. They have different working purity, detection depth, device power supply, discrimination quality, i.e. the ability to distinguish between metals.
  2. Tester. This is a device that determines the content of precious metal in an alloy within 5 seconds.
  3. Gold probe. These devices run on electricity. They have tentacles with high sensitivity. With their help, you can search for metal at the bottom of the river and in other hard-to-reach places. If we find nests of gold, the light on the device will signal this. When we search with a probe, the process becomes many times faster and better.
  4. Trays. Devices for filtering water in streams in order to find out the presence of gold in it.

Gold mining technologies

There are three main methods for finding gold:

  1. Extraction with the help of a dredge. This is a gold mining machine designed to wash water from the river. It is based on the principle of a tray, but there are a lot of trays on it. However, the dredge has a deplorable effect on the environment, destroying rivers.
  2. Extraction by gravitational differentiation. The technology consists in grinding rock containing metal. After grinding, the entire mass is placed in a special centrifuge, in which the metal is separated from the rest of the mass.
  3. Metal detector. On average, it is believed that only 5 kg of pure gold falls on a ton of land. Thus, gold mining is a rather unprofitable event. However, there are deposits in which the gold content is much higher. You can find such deposits using a metal detector.

Mining with a metal detector

If earlier the fossil was mined without a metal detector, then in 1996 in Russia appeared special devices, with which it became much easier to go in search of gold nuggets. Like many years ago, people who are looking for gold are concerned about the question of where to look for gold. Every year many people set off in search of gold nuggets. If the trip for gold is successful, you can significantly increase your fortune. To date, the cost of one gram of 375 samples is 980 rubles, 500 samples - 1280 rubles, and 583/585 - 1850 rubles. As you can see, gold mining is a very profitable business. Where is the maximum gold found?

The best place to mine gold

Many people ask if there is gold in the mountains? The answer is unequivocal - yes, there is. Mountain streams are a very “fishy” place for gold miners. Neither the sea, nor the swamp, nor the rivers provide so many opportunities for gold miners. Gold mining in streams is very good decision. Metal gets into them from mountain slopes. All lighter rocks are carried out by water, and gold, due to its gravity, accumulates and forms gold-bearing placers. In Russia, a record amount of gold is found in mountain streams. In search of gold nuggets, gold miners turn to rafts - these are bedrocks that lie under the pebbles of the stream. Gold is deposited there. The raft, located under the pebbles of the stream, stores the largest gold nuggets. Above the raft, of course, there is also gold, but in much smaller quantities. The higher the distance from the raft, the less likely it is to find gold.

When searching for gold with a metal detector, it becomes difficult that sometimes it is so deep that it is not possible to get it with a metal detector. Therefore, you need to choose places where the raft is as close to the surface as possible. Often such places are found in the form of rocks. There are many such people in Buryatia, for example. The surface of the rocks was once the bottom of a stream, but after the stream created a deeper channel. By the way, it will also be useful to examine the territory of the rocks above the water at a height of up to 15-20 m. Gold deposits in the cracks of the rocks will help to easily identify the metal detector. If there are no obvious rocks, it is recommended to explore the entire stream in the hope of good luck. By the way, there are criteria by which it is possible to determine the probability of finding gold in a stream. A specific indication of the presence of gold in a stream is a large number of pebbles and boulders of quartz. Gold is often found in quartz veins.

There is another technique for determining whether gold can be found in a stream - washing. This is an old way of searching for gold. Washing should be done about 500 m above the mouth. Washing is carried out in a special tray. If at least one piece of gold was found in the tray during washing, it means that there is a high probability of finding gold in this place. But the tray is not a 100% diagnostic method, since large pieces of gold do not fall into it, but only small grains. To search in streams, you need to use more sensitive metal detectors, such as EurekaGold, SD2200, GP3000.

Is there gold in the earth?

Gold prospectors are concerned about the question of whether gold can be found in the ground. The experts say yes. Under the earth is stored a myriad of wealth. What are the ways to extract gold from underground? First, you can search with a metal detector equipped with a special discriminator, a device that helps to identify precious metals. But, in addition to the classical method, some people go in search of gold without professional equipment relying on miraculous devices like vines. The vine is a kind of pendulum, which allegedly changes the nature of the movement when approaching the treasured place with gold. But such mining methods are far from scientific. Of course, it is better to go in search, armed with special tools, and not rely on magic.

Some geologists believe that only 20% of the total gold reserves have been found in the world so far. This means that everything else is yet to be found. Although the search for gold is prohibited by law in our country, they plan to rewrite the subsoil law. And in some places abroad, the search for gold is still quite legal today. For example, in Australia you can pay a ridiculous amount of several tens of dollars and go looking for nuggets anywhere. It's easy to sell them there.

Experienced gold miners say that if you have a good metal detector, then it is almost impossible not to find gold in gold-bearing places.

10 tips from the pros on how to find gold nuggets.

1. Better buy special metal detector to search for gold. If the funds do not allow you to roam, then at least take the device with the maximum operating frequency in this price category. Examine the settings and search programs. Focus on setting the ground balance. Buy headphones so you don't get distracted by the noise of the water stream. native gold most often has to be sought near rivers.

2. Whenever you find a gold nugget, keep looking around. The radius of the search vector can be very large, but usually where there is one nugget, there may be others.

3. When you find out about the place where the gold nugget was found, go there to search. It is likely that your metal detector with different settings will help you find more. For example, deep-seated nuggets may well remain unnoticed other prospectors.

4. Better not to use discrimination, since in nature gold is often found in the form of alloys, and by turning on discrimination, you risk missing a valuable find.

5. When looking for gold in rivers and streams, use a submersible waterproof coil . Slowly lead it downstream. Vary the working height if the mineralization of the search site causes too much interference.

6. When searching for gold in the water, special pans for panning gold and a good shovel. A shovel should be used to remove the top layer of pebbles and gravel.

7. When the target is located, move it with the scoop to the water tray. Consider the target carefully. If it's not gold, throw the water, sand, and rocks back into the stream and keep looking.

8. Gold can be found in oxbows and dry riverbeds . A good sign for finding gold is a river valley with steep banks.

9. Dried riverbeds can be found on moisture-loving vegetation , which usually grows along the banks of rivers. Of the trees, for example, willow or willow. In addition, a sign of the former channel is overgrown pebble placers.

10. Always celebrate on the map area where you have already searched for nuggets. Maybe in the future, when you have another metal detector, you want to check the same area again.

Hello dear readers! I propose to continue the search for places where it is worth going to a person who is thirsty for gold. These include the river channel - natural.

We will reveal the secrets of how to find gold in the river: where to look, how to mine, what equipment to use. And most importantly - let's name the rivers and streams, which contain the richest reserves of gold grains, and even whole nuggets.

Experts refer to river gold as secondary deposits, which were formed as a result of rock destruction under the influence of natural factors (mainly temperature changes) and washing away by water flows.

Scientifically, such placersAu are called alluvial deposits, which are divided into three types:

  • terraced;
  • bottom;
  • oblique.

To find terraced gold placers, sometimes it is enough to get close to the shore, which is rich in the natural form of the precious metal. Often they are found in river beds, both in full-flowing streams and in the place of dry arteries. "Terrace" is called the bottom, rising above the level of the coast.

Bottom deposits occur in the root channel, that is, in the valley where the river flow passes during the period of low waters. The chances of finding them are higher in places where the bedrock is shallow. And deposits of the third type should be looked for on a river spit, whether it is pebbly or sandy.

Is it possible to find gold in an ordinary river

Particles of precious metal in Russia are scattered almost everywhere. You can look for them in any river that carries water from the hills to the lowlands. Theoretically, in order to train in search and find precious grains, there is no need to leave the Moscow or Leningrad region, and even more so the Caucasus or the Urals.

But in practice, the number of grains found will be negligible in monetary terms, unable to justify the effort and time spent. If the task is to look for significant prey, you will have to go to the Far East or to the eastern part of Siberia - closer to the gold mines.

Life hacks for prospectors

A few tips on how to mine the yellow metal from the river to extract more:

  1. The largest accumulations of Au are in natural traps - near large boulders that block and sharply slow down the flow of small mountain rivers and streams. The lower downstream such a “golden trap”, the more metal you can find, and the cleaner it is.
  2. It is also beneficial to look for gold in other places where the water flow slows down - at the mouths of mountain streams and streams, at the turns (bends) of the channel.
  3. The precious metal accumulates at any obstacles in the way of water - in pits and whirlpools under waterfalls, on shallows and spits, near fallen trees, ledges and other irregularities.
  4. Bottom gold can be found not only in genuine bedrock, but also in false, representing a bottom of dense clay.

In other words, we must remember that gold is much heavier than water, the streams do not carry it away, but slowly drag it along the bottom, and on the river one should look for places where it is easiest for grains of gold nuggets to freeze and settle.

Yellow metal satellites

Minerals most commonly found in rock next to the yellow metal - silver, quartz, galena, lead, pyrite. The first is usually found with gold in some nuggets. The latter is especially often confused by beginners with the value they are looking for due to the brilliance and yellow color that he possesses.

I state with regret that even having found these signs of presence, one cannot be sure that the location of the precious metal is also here. But even unremarkable pieces of minerals should be checked for the presence of a yellow sheen, the hue and color of which does not change when light is refracted. It gives out the presence inside Au. We noticed such a shine - congratulations, we managed to find gold!

Mining technologies

The three main methods of extracting gold from the river used by enthusiastic prospectors are:

  • dredge or minidrag;
  • gravitational differentiation;
  • metal detector.


The dredge pumps out the rock from the bottom, moves it to a special chute and washes, separating the gold. Its negative impact on the environment is offset by convenience for the gold digger.

Gravitational differentiation

Gravitational differentiation refers to the grinding of rock containing gold. This is an industrial mining method that is suitable for the development of primary deposits, but not suitable for individuals.

metal detector

The equipment of the gold digger includes a metal detector (metal detector) and a mini-dredge or a tray for washing the rock.

You also need full equipment to go to the area where you are going to look for and mine gold.

How to wash by hand

To wash the gold with your own hands using an ordinary tray, you need a round or rectangular trough up to 40 centimeters in size and a sieve. If at least one grain remains in the sieve during washing, the miner can be congratulated: the placer was found. If not, you need to try further. Of course, such washing requires tremendous patience.

The principle of operation of the minidredge is the suction of sand and small particles of pebbles from the bottom with the mechanical separation of gold from the rock. The disadvantage of using this device is that it creates a lot of noise, attracting the attention of conservationists. In order to mine the precious metal in this way, I strongly advise you to first acquire a license, otherwise you will be in trouble with the law.

TOP 10 Russian rivers rich in gold reserves

Prospectors with experience have made a truly golden ten of watercourses, where there is the most jewelry of the same name - it is worth looking for it there:

  1. the basin of the Siberian river Lena;
  2. the length of the river Bohm;
  3. Jalon stream;
  4. creek Million;
  5. the Unakha River (all in the Amur Region);
  6. the Bodaibo river in the Irkutsk region (the city of the same name with gold mines is even mentioned in Vysotsky's "criminal lyrics");
  7. the Bolshoy Chanchik River, a tributary of the Bodaibo;
  8. the Alekseevsky stream in the Kamchatka Territory;
  9. the Talga River in the Khabarovsk Territory;
  10. the Sanarka river is the only one not in Siberia and not in the Far East, but in the Urals, in the Chelyabinsk region.

There are quite a lot of large grains on Bodaibo and in the Millionny stream, in other streams you can still find nuggets.


No matter how long and successfully industrial mining is carried out in the places of Au deposits, it never sweeps all the gold clean, leaving a non-poor "catch" to private prospectors.
