Lost Santa Claus. Scenario for celebrating the New Year with a small child

Scenario game program

"How Father Frost lost his memory"

Fairytale music, the Snow Maiden appears

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! You recognized me? I am the Snow Maiden, my magic mirror led to you, it told me that you are looking forward to the holiday. Is it true? Are we in a good mood?Will we play with you? (Yes)
How about singing songs? (Yes)
What about dancing? (Yes)
What about being bored? (no) Of course, we will not be bored!
What about yawning? (no no)
That's right, guys, we won't yawn today either, because the most magical winter holiday!

If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the tree goes to the house,
What holiday?
-New Year!
It would be time for us to start the holiday, but only without Santa Claus this is impossible. Where does he linger? Let's call him together (Santa Claus!)

Music, Santa Claus comes out. With an energetic step, he approaches the guys, shakes their hands

Father Frost: Hello guys! Hello, Vanya, hello, Masha (approaches the children and calls their names incorrectly).

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, what is happening to you? You mixed up the names of the guys!

Father Frost: (points to the child) Isn't your name Masha? Kate? Sveta? Oh, Snow Maiden, something is happening to me, apparently, I have become old, it's time for me to retire, I don't remember anything. Neither the name of the guys, nor why I came here. Is this a train station? Are you waiting for the train here?

Snow Maiden: No - no, this is not a station, this is a festive hall and we are waiting for the New Year.

Father Frost: New Year? Guys, who is the New Year?(answers guys)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, you are probably tired from the road, sit down, rest. And the guys and I will remind you what the New Year is. You will rest, and we will go on to please the guys and present gifts from your magic bag.

Santa Claus sits on a chair

Snow Maiden: Guys, tell Santa Claus what the New Year is(answers guys). Of course, this is the most favorite holiday of all boys and girls. And without what there is no New Year? Of course, no gifts. And it is so nice to give gifts, we have been preparing gifts with snowmen for a whole year so that they would please everyone later. And here the main thing is not to confuse anything and remember what to give to whom.

Rabbit - a carrot, watchman - a rifle,
A ballerina - a skirt, a captain - a spyglass,
The rider - a bridle, the shepherd - a sheep,
A gentleman - a cane, and a dog - a bone.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, you won’t confuse who to give a gift to?

Father Frost: What are you, granddaughter. It's simple.
Rabbit - a rifle, a watchman - a carrot,
The ballerina - a pipe, the captain - a skirt,
To the rider - a sheep, to the shepherd - a bridle,
A gentleman a bone and a dog a cane
Snow Maiden: What are you, you got it all mixed up. Let's try one more time. On the path we will meet ...

Father Frost:
A rabbit with a bridle, a watchman with a lamb,
Captain with a cane, a ballerina with a bone,
A rider with a carrot, a shepherd with a rifle,
A gentleman with a skirt, and a dog with a straw.

Snow Maiden: Guys, do you remember what and to whom we should give?

And the dog?

Father Frost: Well, bad luck, I do not understand what happened to me. I have never confused gifts. Maybe some kind of witchcraft, or some kind of virus wandering through the magical forest? Guys, do you know any cure for this trouble?

Snow Maiden: How we do not know, we know. The best medicine- this is a good festive mood that the fluffy forest beauty creates for us. After all, the New Year does not pass without an elegant Christmas tree. Now the guys and I will show what Christmas trees are and the memory will immediately return to you. Get up everyone from your seats.

Christmas trees are tall (tiptoeing)low (sit down), fluffy (arms wide apart) and slender (press the arms to the body).

game in progress

Father Frost: Your medicine is working! I remembered! We have such a beauty in the Palace! Fluffy, tall! And sausages, sausages, tangerines, caramels hang on it.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, you are confusing something. There are no sausages or sausages on our Christmas tree. Our Christmas tree is decorated with beautiful balls and lights. Guys, let's remind Grandpa what else happens on the Christmas tree. I will name items if they are available. Christmas trees, you loudly shout "Yes!" and clap your hands, and if that doesn't happen, then you shout "No!" and pat your knees.

Prickly needles...
- Gingerbread, sweets ..
- Chairs, stools...
- Tinsel, garlands ..
- Games, masquerades...
- Boredom from idleness ...
- Kids, fun...
- Lilies of the valley and roses...
- Santa Claus...
- Loud laughter and jokes...
- Boots and jackets...
- Cones and nuts...
- Chess pawns...
- Serpentine, lanterns...
- Lights and balls...
- Confetti, crackers...
- Broken toys...
- Cucumbers in the garden ...
- Waffles, chocolates...
- Miracles for the New Year ...
- With a song, a friendly round dance ...

Snow Maiden: Well done! How attentive. What else happens on the Christmas tree?(choose two people)

Here our guys, even with their eyes closed, can determine what can be hung on a Christmas tree. Is it true? This box contains various little things, some of them can be hung on the Christmas tree, and some cannot. We will blindfold you, and you should find New Year's items by touch and put them in your bags.

game in progress

Father Frost: What good fellows you guys are. Unmistakably found all the New Year's items. And the truth is, these are no sausages, but very beautiful toys, just like on my fluffy beauty. How we dress up our beauty with the Snow Maiden for the New Year, and we go to the forest, for mushrooms and berries, and butterflies flutter around, birds sing. Beauty…

Snow Maiden: Oops, you're confused again. Do butterflies flutter in winter, and mushrooms grow with berries? On New Year's Eve, the blizzard sings its songs, and the snowflakes are spinning. I'll have to do some magic and turn you guys into snowflakes for a few minutes. Get up everyone from your seats. One, two, three, whirl our dance in a blizzard!

magical music

Spin, my snowflakes! Imagine that the north wind is blowing. It is boring for snowflakes to spin one by one, snowflakes are combined into groups. As I clap my hands and call out a number, you must form groups of such a number of snowflakes. Santa Claus, join us!

game in progress

Father Frost: Snow Maiden! I remembered! I remembered the favorite winter game of boys and girls! Snowballs! Guys, do you like to play snowballs?

Snow Maiden: Then let's play! Let's arrange a team standings for the game of snowballs.

Two teams of 5 people. Each child has two snowballs in their hands. From a distance you need to get a snowball into the boots. Which team will be more accurate.

Snow Maiden: Well done boys! real snow snipers! Did you know that the snowballs you played with are magical. They grant wishes. Everyone who held it in their hands will surely fulfill his most cherished desire next year. Grandfather Frost is a real magician, besides wish-fulfilling snowballs, he also has a magic staff. By the way, where is he? Grandpa, where did you leave your staff?

Father Frost: Oh, trouble, trouble, I forgot where my staff is.

Snow Maiden: Indeed, it's a problem. After all, the one who touches the staff will forever remain frozen! Guys, let's look for it together. Only when you find him, do not take it in your hands, but call Grandfather Frost.

music screensaver, the children are looking for a staff hidden in the hall.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, do you remember what magic your staff can do?

Father Frost: You offend the Snow Maiden, although I’m a Grandfather, I remember something else. Whoever passes under this staff will be healthy all next year.

Snow Maiden: Guys, who wants to be vigorous, active, healthy next year? Get up from your seats, then we will be recharged with health for the whole year. Grandfather and I will hold the staff, and you must go under it. Just remember that you can’t touch the staff, otherwise the magic staff will enchant you, freeze you.

game in progress

Father Frost: Oh, I'm exhausted, I'm tired. I would like to sit down and rest. Yes, I'm afraid that I'll sit down and forget everything again. What to do? Snow Maiden, you know everything.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, don’t worry, you have a rest, and the guys and I will read New Year’s poems to you and then you won’t forget anything for sure.

Children take turns approaching Santa Claus, reading a poem

(if the poem is not ready, then Grandfather Frost asks to sing a song or say some wish for the New Year. Gives a gift).

Father Frost: Thank you guys, you saved the new year! After all, what a disaster could happen if I mixed up the gifts or didn’t decorate the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: You are very smart, talented and resourceful. It's time for Grandpa and I to get ready to go. But before we say goodbye, I want us to dance a little more and rejoice.

vocal number

Snow Maiden: Now it's time to part. Goodbye, guys!

Father Frost: See you soon!

Scenario new year holiday"Santa Claus returned to the children"

Apartment. The girl Masha is sitting among the scattered toys. On the closet, on the coat hanger, hangs Russian folk costume.

Girl:(offended) It's always like that, always. The most interesting time, the new year is on the nose, and my mother is still at work. She promised to play with me today, but she prepared an outfit and left. And I'm bored without her (grumbled). I'm already tired of playing, and it's not interesting to be alone (yawns).

(falls asleep). Brownie appears (approaches the girl).

Brownie: Oh, oh, oh.. Yes, she is sleeping.

Girl: Who is sleeping? Who is speaking? Who are you?

Brownie: Do not you see? I am Brownie.

Girl: Brownie? Alive? Speaking?

Brownie: No, dead, silent. Don't you see yourself?

Girl: I see. But I don't believe my eyes.

Brownie: But you have to believe. Because I have business with you. I don't have time to talk.

Girl: What do you want, old man?

Brownie: (offended) Here's another one, old man. As in a fairy tale right ... And I'm not old at all, I'm still quite young. However, it doesn't matter. I brought you a letter from the Snow Maiden. Hold .(sips letter)

Girl: Letter? From the Snow Maiden? To me? How interesting .(reads letter)

(Dear Katya, my grandfather has disappeared. The children are waiting for him for the holiday, but I don’t know where he has gone. Maybe something happened to him? I really need your help. Come.)

That's great! The Snow Maiden needs my help! But how can I get there, she didn’t indicate the address?

Brownie: I do not know. Think carefully, where can Santa Clauses and we, Brownies, live?

Girl: Where?

Brownie: In a fairy tale, that's where!

Girl: In a fairy tale? How can I get into it?

Brownie: How how. You have to say the magic words. "Snip-snap-snurre-snurre-baselurre." I think that's what wizards say. Come on, try it.

Girl:(repeat words, nothing happens). No, it doesn't work. Something is wrong (thinks). Ah, I know! In fairy tales, there are no such ordinary girls.

Brownie: And what are there?

Girl: Well, there are all sorts of Alyonushki, Masha, Vasilisa the Wise.

Brownie: Well, so, your name is Mashenka Girl:

Girl: And it's true. Now I will put on a suit, say magic words and get into a fairy tale.

(The lights go out, “Lady” sounds. The girl repeats the magic words.)

The light is on. Forest glade, stump (there is a telephone on the stump), snow. There is a Calendar with one sheet (December 31) near the snowdrift, Masha comes up to it ..

Calendar: Hello from me to all of you!

Girl: Whose skeleton are you?

Calendar: You, Marus, wipe your eyes,

Yes, take a better look.

calendar in front of you

Indeed, very, very thin.

Girl: What made you thin?

Lost all leaves.

Calendar: Here's the last tear

I will call you New Year.

Strict days I keep records,

I have for this

Discipline is not lame,

Well, what about the fact that the body is melting,

Not a hindrance in our business

I will be leaner in the body,

In general, it will come to you soon

Cheerful New Year!

Girl: What did he say about the New Year?

Calendar: (loudly) Will come to visit you soon.

Girl:(angrily) What are you? Crazy? (rubs ear)

Is the new year almost here?

Frost is nowhere to be seen.

How will we celebrate the holiday?

Calendar: Maybe his grandfather overslept?

New Year's Eve is gone.

Girl: Santa Claus could not forget

Frost couldn't sleep

Calendar: It can't be like that.

Is this date New Year's?

Tomorrow, it will come to you.

Girl: Like tomorrow, we need it today. Children have a holiday today. And I'm going to help him.

Girl: Hello!

Snow Maiden: Masha, is that you?

Girl: Yes it's me. And who are you?

Snow Maiden: It's me - Snow Maiden. Masha, grandfather fell ill, his heart sank, his back shot.

Girl:(looks around) Where are they shooting? Unclear

It seemed likely.

Snow Maiden:(loudly) No, there was a sharp shot in the back.

Girl: No shooting. All around is quiet.

Can at you something with a head?

Snow Maiden:(loudly) Yes, it shoots in the back. Here!

Girl: Oh, Snow Maiden, business.

Finally I understood.

Shot in the lower back?

So, it doesn't work.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa is really bad.

Shot and deaf.

Girl: The children are waiting for you for the holiday,

How can we celebrate the New Year?

Snow Maiden: Well, okay, do not grumble,

Look for another grandfather

Good Bye! See you later,

I have to treat grandfather all evening.

(phone conversation ends)

Girl: So here's the help you need from me.

The kids won't understand us

After all, they are waiting for gifts.

Calendar: Oh, to get the currency,

You could buy everything.

Girl: What should we do, I don't know

Calendar: It can be seen, and I melt with my mind (shrugs).

(Domovoy exits)

Brownie: What am I to you? I've already figured it out. We need a young Santa Claus.

Girl: And there are no young grandparents.

Brownie: It happens, it happens. We are in a fairy tale.

Hey Magpie, where are you?

(Magpie appears)

Magpie: Here I am, here I am, Your Honor.

Brownie: Fly around the whole area

Spread the following message: (Unfolds the scroll)

(is reading ) “Santa Claus is urgently needed,

To have a beautiful nose

Young, healthy, strong

Just enough to be beautiful.

A beard would be a shovel

And preferably rich

I could buy gifts

to give to the kids."

(spoken) There's only an hour left

Here is a Decree for everyone.

Fly around the whole district,

But find us Frost.

Magpie A: I'll try to find it.

Brownie: Well, then fly quickly.

(Magpie flies away. The rest sit down, wait)

Girl: Time flies forward

The hour will soon pass.

(Knock on the door, a magpie appears)

Girl: Is it lucky? It's you?

Magpie: Of course it's me!

And I will make you happy !

Girl: Have you searched?

Magpie: Yes, just like I promised

He is on his way to the house.

Girl: Is this reality, tell me, is it not a dream?

Magpie: Yes, you are not dreaming here,

You can be sure of this.

Everything is with him, a beautiful nose,

The real Santa Claus.

And he is rich and smart. ( knock on the door)

Girl: Oh, he's knocking, It's obvious he is!

(Sponsor included)

Brownie: Come in, we are waiting for you

What will make us happy?

Sponsor: I salute you all!

How I heard about the Decree

I gave up everything for a while,

I ran here right away.

Since childhood, I tell you for sure,

I dreamed of becoming Frost.

As I heard: "I need it urgently",

He ran quickly at a trot.

Calendar: (touches Sponsor's nose)

Your nose is very good

Come to Santa Claus.

Girl: I will say, you are a fine article,

Santa Claus will come out good.

Brownie: The view is good, the clothes are delicious,

And, apparently, not a fool.

Calendar: (busy) The view is good - it's cool,

But we need more currency

To buy gifts

And dress the kids.

Sponsor: We are always happy to help

We buy everything the kids need.

What else is the problem?

Girl: No more.

Sponsor: May I sit down?

Magpie: What are you? When to sit down?

We must hurry on our way.

A whirlwind rushes the New Year,

It will fly on the threshold here and there.

(Knock on the door)

Brownie: Who's knocking on the door?

(Bear enters)

Bear: A guest from the forest, a wild beast.

Girl: Curious. Come in.

Oh my friends, look

Bear came to visit us.

Bear: Barely found you

How I heard about the Decree

I ran here right away.

I was in a hurry to jump

Santa Claus to become.

To please the children

In humans and animals.

And a whole load of gifts

I brought for the kids.

Magpie: You? Gifts? Whole cart?

Well done! And what did you bring?

Bear: A barrel of honey to the eyeballs,

And a bunch of dried apples

Both nuts and mushrooms.

Girl: Yes, Potapych, there are no words,

You helped us a lot

God bless you!

Sponsor: What a good news

Only Santa Claus is already there.

I came before you

I will be Santa Claus!

Bear: How so? All my life I dreamed

So hoping, so waiting.

Sponsor: Don't worry, we'll shake it,

We will find a place for you.

Magpie: True, true, Michael,

We will give you a place.

Girl: Don't be angry, I beg you

You listen to what I say.

Bear: Speak, I'm not angry

Can I be nice somewhere?

Girl: Everything, believe me, will be fine,

You will be with Frost.

Magpie: With him, with the kids to play

And distribute gifts.

Sponsor: We have nothing to share

Together we will have fun

We are children at the Christmas tree.

There will be foxes, wolves,

We are with you right here

Bear: (joyfully to the girl)

You understand my pain

The stone was removed from the soul in an instant.

Pleased with the offer

This is very sweet to the heart.

Santa Claus and children nearby,

What else is needed for happiness?

Magpie: Thank God it worked out

There was a place for everyone.

Brownie: Well, now we must hurry. Children are waiting! Go?

All together: Let's go! (Leave)

Room of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. D. Moroz is sick, trying to get up.

Snow Maiden: No, grandpa, you can't get up.

Father Frost: I need to pack a bag.

I'm completely stuck

Why are you holding me?

Everyone woke up: pines, spruces

Only I'm in bed.

Snow Maiden: I say you can't get up.

Santa Claus: (rising, holding on to his back) Oh, shot there again.

It's time for the kids to celebrate.

Snow Maiden: When you get well, let's go to the children.

Father Frost: Wait? New Year is already at the yard, it's time for the kids.

(Rises) The year has gone by like a dream

Hey, Mouse, all to me.

Where are you mice, failed? (Mice appear)

1 Mouse: Here we are all like a bayonet.

D. Moroz: So so, mouse boss,

There is a question for you.

2 Mouse: We will answer you in full.

D. Moroz: Oh, my back again!

Everything is spinning, God grant patience.

Gave you to keep

I'm with a bag of gifts

The distribution time has come.

Children are waiting for gifts

I'm sitting right here here.

1 Mouse: Do you want a bag? Well take it

Give his children .(gives an empty bag)

D. Moroz (surprised) He's empty. Where are the gifts?

Answer, mice, to me.

1Mouse: And the gifts came crashing down

Turned into fluff and dust.

D. Moroz: Where do you put the dust?

2Mouse: Our kids ate everything

It was very tasty. (noses hung up)

D. Moroz: Yes, bad things.

Snow Maiden: In vain stocked up with you

With a nose, grandfather, remained.

Whom did you entrust the bag to?

Good thing you didn't get eaten.

D. Moroz (to mice): Maybe your mouse kind from the stocks will scratch?

1Mouse: What reserves are we talking about?

You can cut off your head.

In our burrows for many years

There are no stocks.

D. Moroz: Well, little mice, everything is cunning,

2Mouse: We don't know how to be

Live until the spring days

In order not to stretch the paws

And never sleep.

D. Moroz: (with annoyance) You mouse breed

Getting fatter year by year

You chew everything, you eat everything

Therefore, do not squeak here,

I don't want to look at you

(Mice run away)

Snow Maiden: (to D. Moroz) Lie down and don't get up

Don't bother your back.

Just lie down for the night

Tomorrow you will hurry to the children.

They'll be bad without you

So, be strong, don't groan.

(Knock on the door) Doctor Aibolit enters.

Aibolit: Hello dear.

Who is sick here, tell me.

I treat the old and the young

Do you also have patients?

Snow Maiden: Aibolit, in his bathrobe,

You are very timely and to the point.

Hello dear, by the way

We need you very, very much.

Aibolit: (suits to D. Moroz)

Hello, hello dear!

Are you by any chance sick?

Snow Maiden: Shot in the lower back

Not suitable for children.

D. Moroz: Help me, you, hurry up

To keep the kids entertained.

Aibolit: (in the ear of D. Moroz)

Bad, grandpa, in appearance

Where, show, it hurts?

D. Moroz: Loin and deaf.

I'm bad, doctor, very bad.

Aibolit: Bad bad. Indeed

Have you had the flu?

D. Moroz: Well, of course, it's not a question.

He carried everything on his feet.

Aibolit: (loudly) Not treated?

D. Moroz: No no no.

Aibolit: (looks into D. Moroz's ear)

With the flu, the jokes are very bad,

Complication, So you went deaf.

So, try to sit lower

D. Moroz: I can't, it hurts right here (points to the waist)

Aibolit: (presses) So, what's here? Wedge sitting?

D. Moroz: Don't push! Oh, it hurts!

Aibolit: And now you bend over

Touch the floor with the handles

D. Moroz: What do you! No! Such passion!

I'm falling apart!

Aibolit: All clear. Everything here is complicated

Are you seriously ill?

Flu rewarded to the fullest

A reliable wedge drove into the back.

And deaf from the complications

And now, without a doubt,

Only a miracle will help you.

D. Moroz: What did you say? What's wrong?

Will you help or what?

(Aibolit throws up his hands)

Snow Maiden: No, Aibolit is unable to

Everything hurts a lot.

Aibolit: (to the audience)

Treat flu, get vaccinated

Then the problems will disappear

There is no harm from vaccination

You will always be healthy.

Get rid of laziness

Wipe every day.

Never forget.

Brush your teeth and go for a walk.

(Old Man Hottabych enters)

Art.X.: What a noise, but no fight

I'm Hottabych, hello everyone.

I flew here to you

How to get things done.

Aibolit: Children are waiting for Santa Claus

And we have misfortune here.

Snow Maiden: Our Santa Claus fell ill

And all weakened, and deaf.

Some kind of wedge climbed into the back,

And perhaps not alone.

D. Moroz: There is a crunch in the body, a cart creak

Flu, like a bath leaf stuck.

I've completely lost my strength.

The white light was not nice to me.

St.X.: (in the ear) You are not only weakened by the ear,

You are completely debilitated.

Children will celebrate the holiday with whom?

It's not clear to me at all.

D. Moroz: Yes, with children on New Year's Eve
I'm neither back nor forward.

Round dances how to drive?

Well, I don't know what to do?

Art.H.: So, do you want to be healthy grandfather?

D. Moroz: I? Healthy? I'm a hundred years old.

Art.H.: I'm twenty years old

And health, whatever

And you bent over, oh yeah oh

Turned into gray moss.

(St.X. pulls out a hair from his beard)

(speaks) Kriblya, krablya, give us strength,

To make Santa Claus come to life.

Let diseases run away

Everything will go like horrible dream,

Let him be as before.

(Santa Claus straightens up, dusts himself off, straightens his clothes)

D. Moroz: Behind the wedge disappeared somewhere,

I straighten my back.

And I breathe freely.

You can see my youth

Returned. Just a miracle!

The strength is in me. Where?

(To Hottabych) You, Hottabych, gave me strength

Did a miracle

And I couldn't think

That I will be healthy again.

Snow Maiden: Hooray! Hottabychu, hurrah!

D. Moroz: But we, friends, it's time to go.

Snow Maiden: It's already time

The children have been waiting for us . (Leave)

They come out from behind the Christmas tree, on the one hand - Girl Masha, Brownie, Calendar, Magpie, Sponsor, Bear

On the other hand, Father Frost, Snegurochka, Aibolit, Old Man Hottabych.

Girl: Oh, where are you from and where to?

And we are here to help.

Magpie (D. Morozu) After all, you twisted the disease,

The wedge scored, spoiled the hearing.

Calendar: Who would have thought that

That you are suddenly cured.

D. Moroz: Behold, the great magician is before you,

He owns miracles.

Healed without further ado

And now I'm ready to go.

You completely wrote me off

Children, don't wait for me.

Snow Maiden: What are you, grandfather, you are not a burden to us

You are such a joy for the children.

Sponsor: You, Hottabych, are a magician from God,

You did a lot for the guys

No doubt about anything

We say thank you.

Magpie: And now the question is:

Who is Santa Claus here now?

Sponsor - fresh, young,

Or a grey-haired grandfather?

From everything I'm just in shock,

Explain to me, Magpie.

Sponsor: Our grandfather, without a doubt,

And there will be no other opinions

Well, we, what to guess,

We will help Misha.

Snow Maiden: Everything is clear and without words,

Since our grandfather is healthy,

He is our Santa Claus.

Magpie: Resolved my question

Now hurry up

Hurry up to the guys rush.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, get on your way

Mish, don't forget the presents.

Sponsor: We will buy many more gifts,

Enough money, thank God

For children, there is no need to regret.

Bear: Here the kids will be happy

When we bring everything to them . (Loads a bag with gifts on a sleigh)

Snow Maiden: Time does not wait for us. Let's go to! ( leave)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

D. Moroz: Happy New Year you guys!

Both boys and girls!

We met again in the hall

Were you waiting for me and my granddaughter?

(children's answers)

Raise your hands higher

Well, squeeze everything together.

Happy New Year! With new happiness.

Snow Maiden: Let all bad weather go away

May good luck await you all

Does not leave you all year!

And let the magic fairy tale

New Year will enter the hearts!

D. Moroz: Gather all the people

Let's celebrate the New Year together.

Let's all go in a round dance,

And we will sing about the Christmas tree.

Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

D. Moroz: Well, what good fellows

And now I want to see how you can have fun. I suggest you play.

(Several fun games, round dances “Once in a frosty time”, “We will now go to the left ...”, etc.)

Snow Maiden: Take a deep breath,

Collect happiness in yourself.

Let it live in everyone

On this glorious New Year!

D. Moroz: I give everyone, friends, success,

That's so big for everyone!

Together: Goodbye, guys!

Happy New Year to all! Hooray!

Scenario for the New Year - "Where did Santa Claus go?"

Scenario for the New Year - "Where did Santa Claus go?" perfect for a high school night. Second part. The first part of the script is here - "Where did Santa Claus go?" part 1.

Leader: That's it, here we will wait for the Nightingale the Robber, he will negotiate with Santa Claus, exchange gifts for Snow Maidens.
And you (turning to the assistant), guard the Snow Maiden.
Robber: Ataman will be done.

Baba Yaga 1: And where did they take us?
Baba Yaga 2: Speak English, otherwise they will hear ... (nods towards the robber who cleans the weapon)
Baba Yaga 1: How are we where did we hit?
Baba Yaga 2: Neznaing, we are Russian, not boom boom in English.
Baba Yaga 1: Why did you say the last word in Russian? We agreed...
Baba Yaga 2: Sorry, it broke out ... I didn’t finish school - complete denseness.

Baba Yaga 1: Where do you think they brought us?
Baba Yaga 2: Yes, certainly not in the registry office ... They want to give the Nightingale to the robber ...
Baba Yaga 1: Is he like a man of himself? Prominent? Sports?
Baba Yaga 2: What are you .... what an athlete ... so, a fan of whistling.
Baba Yaga 1: So you have to run away ..
Baba Yaga 2: Why, I haven't had fun yet?
Baba Yaga 1: Just imagine, the Nightingale the Robber will come, he will see that there is no Snow Maiden, it will be bad for everyone ...
Baba Yaga 2: I am a modern girl, I can stand up for myself ...
Baba Yaga 1: I can, I can, why are you going to hang around here? Everyone is celebrating, but what have we forgotten here?
Baba Yaga 2: And that's right ... you need to have fun elsewhere.

(the leader of the gang and the Nightingale the Robber (small) approach the microphone)

Leader: here is the Nightingale the Robber, we caught the Snow Maiden, now your task is to exchange for gifts ..
Nightingale the Robber: Are there two Snow Maidens?
Leader: Well, and that we will demand twice as many gifts for them ...
Nightingale the Robber: Well, chicks come here.

Baba Yaga 1: And you yourself catch up with us.
Baba Yaga 2: (Whistles) Run.
(they run away, the robbers are chasing them around the stage, they fall and the grandmothers run away in the opposite direction).

Snow Maiden: Guys, so we didn’t find Santa Claus, what should we do ...
Bullies: (crying)
Hooligan 1: Can they give us some candy?
Hooligan 2: Or Tangerines?
Snow Maiden: do not cry, there will be Santa Claus.

(Grandma Ezhka No. 1 flies onto the stage on a Broom - brings Santa Claus)

Santa Claus: Thank you for a ride, but I was afraid I would be late, that's the story
Baba Yaga 2: (Flies out on a broomstick) The robbers are chasing us, it’s already close, what should we do ...?
Santa Claus: Don't be afraid, now we'll deal with them!

(The nightingale the robber runs out)
Nightingale the robber: (looks around, sees that he ran out alone) Guys, well, catch them!

(rest of the gang runs out)
(shouting) Ah, we'll catch everyone, we'll have enough sweets!

Santa Claus: It doesn’t happen that some robbers spoil the New Year’s holiday, but come on, freeze the staff, punish the evil bullies, wean you from doing bad things.

(Speak clearly and loudly)
Now when you think bad
It will be cold for you, so much so that you can’t get warm,
Now learn to do only good deeds!

Nightingale the Robber: It's cold, but how can I be harmless?
(robbers repeat)
And how am I without pranks?

Santa Claus: But for good behavior hold the candy (takes out a big one).

And now we guys can not be afraid of robbers and continue our holiday, celebrate the New Year!!!

Santa Claus is handing out gifts!

This scenario is literally created to be shown at all kinds of New Year's corporate parties, festivities, matinees and evenings. At the end of the skit there is a special place for congratulations to all spectators. It comes out very organically.

The scene involves: Host, Santa Claus - recruits, Santa Claus - commander.

LEADING: If you think that in order to become Santa Claus it is enough to have a beard, a costume from the Youth Theater and “snort”, then you are mistaken. This is a difficult profession, before working in which it is necessary to pass the KMD - the Course of the Young Santa Claus. And so, imagine a secret base for the preparation of Santa Clauses.

IN ROLES: 2-3 “RECRUITES” stand in a line (clothes - berets, military trousers (cotton), a T-shirt, a false beard on the head, Santa Claus's cap). A COMMANDER appears (similar clothes).

COMMANDER: What's up with the newbies?! Serving as Santa Claus is not a "citizen" for you ... in the sense - not everyday life. It's a real "holiday" here. Every situation is close to extreme!

Rookie 1: Like in the army?

COMMANDER: Better. There, at least they give you weapons, but here your entire arsenal is charm and more snacks.

Rookie 2: And the staff?

COMMANDER: A staff is a last resort... when there is absolutely nothing to eat. First, let's look at the theory. In accordance with the New Year's Code of the Russian Federation, Santa Claus is a financially responsible person who must deliver a gift to the customer (child), carry out his congratulations, listen to a rhyme, as well as other complaints and suggestions ...

Rookie 3 Come on and celebrate the new year!

COMMANDER: Here! This is a typical mistake! Who is your main enemy?

Rookie 1 Intercom not working?

Rookie 2 Addresses not on google maps (or "inaccurate address")?

Rookie 3 A heavy bag of gifts?

COMMANDER: No! Remember, your main enemy is the father of the child! As soon as you have fulfilled the function of congratulations and are about to leave, he invites you to the kitchen. It's a capture! Believe me, if at least someone left the Somali pirates, then no one managed to get away from the Russian man offering a drink. How will you get out of captivity?

Rookie 1 I'll say, "Thanks, I don't drink."

COMMANDER: And he: “Me too. By a little. For the New Year!

Rookie 2 "And I have an ulcer!"

COMMANDER: He: “I understand. But in honor of the holiday. At our work, Seryoga was also diagnosed with an ulcer, and he drank on holidays and eventually resolved.

Rookie 3 “You know I'm in a hurry! I have my next order!

COMMANDER: And he: “Yes, yes, yes. Now for a glass of wine and go. There are people there too. Everyone will understand! But you will come with a "New Year's mood."

Rookie 1 Well...

Rookie 2 Uh...

Rookie 3 Mmmm…

COMMANDER: That's all - you're eliminated. Mission not completed!

Rookie 1 What to do?

COMMANDER: That's why, newbies, the position of the Snow Maiden was introduced. You go to the kitchen with the Snow Maiden. The object's attention immediately switches to her: jokes, jokes, alcohol. At this time, you discreetly go out and go to the mother of the child with the phrase: “There your husband is not breathing evenly to the campaign to the Snow Maiden” ... After that, the wife comes into action, which immediately neutralizes your opponent! Victory!

Rookie 2 Cool!

Rookie 3 And what is the most difficult thing in the profession of Santa Claus?

COMMANDER: The most difficult thing is if you are trusted to congratulate <НАИМЕНОВАНИЕ ВАШЕЙ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ> . From there alive ... in the sense, sober ... no one has ever returned!

Santa Claus in captivity
Leaders take the stage. This is a girl and a boy evening dress And
formal formal dress.
Moderator: Dear guests! We welcome you all to this fabulous
Presenter: Today is a special day, because very soon we will all be
celebrate an incredibly beautiful, magical and beloved holiday.
Of course, it's New Year's Eve!
Leading: Let's spend it in such a way that it was remembered
you can still have a whole year, but put it on YouTube is not ashamed.
Presenter: Yes, we are waiting for such adventures that the video of the holiday
get a lot of views. And all of us will become real stars of the Internet!
Host: I propose to start the fun. To do this, you need to light the Christmas tree.
One of the high school students enters the stage with a canister and matches.
Senior student: What should be lit here? This is us right now.
Host: No, no, you misunderstood. We need the Christmas tree to shine
bright lights. And for this you need real magic.
Presenter: Well, or at least a garland and an outlet of suitable power.
Let's call the school electrician and the physics teacher, I think they can
help us. Let's guys three-four e lek trick, e lek trick!
Host: Do not forget that the New Year is a time of miracles, so we need
fairy tale characters. Guys, let's call Santa Claus!
Presenters with guests present at the holiday begin to call Grandfather
Frost. The song of the group "Disco Crash" "New Year" sounds, and on stage
Baba Yaga comes out in a rocker bandana and leather jacket. On her shoulders
dressed up as Santa Claus. In her hands she carries a large red bag and

Baba Yaga: Hello my irises! I am cheerful, oh, that is, cheerful Grandfather
Frost, I brought you gifts, we will light it together - a nasty holiday
Presenter: Something tells me that you are not a grandfather. Look at
myself! Where are the good wizard's business, quickly speak. And then we are at you in a moment
find control.
Baba Yaga: No! I am that magician, just with Santa yesterday
met, celebrated the holiday, so I look bad. Guys, anyone
of you believe that I am real?
Some of the guys sitting in the hall will surely shout in jest that
really believes in it.
Baba Yaga: Come on stage as soon as possible, my yacht! I am a gift to you
hand over. You will be alone, sitting among these goofs full!
Hands a schoolboy a bunch of mice and lizards. Such awesome toys.
can be bought at any gift or children's goods store.
Baba Yaga: What are you, my dear, I see, are you not happy? Ali does not like the gift
fell. So I'll tell you how you can make a delicious soup out of these delights.
By the way, it is not a shame to serve it on the festive table to guests. You take a big one
cauldron, salt there to taste, two packs of bay leaves, the same amount of black
Host: So, let's stop this circus. You, grandma, better become
one of the administrators social networks and there is a culinary public lead.
There will be a lot of subscribers for sure.
Presenter: That's it, and don't talk teeth to us. Where is Grandpa doing? Nobody
they don't believe you here!
Baba Yaga: I have proof. Now my granddaughter will do.
They call her Snow Maiden.

A kikimora in a green wig, dressed in a snow maiden costume, enters the hall.
Leading: And what is your granddaughter with hair? Yes, she doesn't look like
snow maiden.
Baba Yaga: All this is a cursed subculture. My yacht turned into punks.
This is she without a Mohawk now, otherwise she will come out, it happened in an open field, but the birds are all
with fear to the south ahead of time and fly away, and some even go up
paws fall.
The bear, and he did not touch her, but the hares with squirrels said that
when he ran away, he crossed himself three times with his right paw.
Host: Well, if you keep saying you're real, let's
we'll light the tree. Santa Claus can do it.
Baba Yaga: One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree.
Knocks with a staff, nothing happens.
Kikimora: Let me try. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn! Nothing comes out
Probably the batteries are dead. Come on, start the damn thing. One, two
three, Christmas tree burn!
Host: Okay, stop this farce. Let's do it! Let's call the guys from
Hall to help and decide everything in a fair fight. If they defeat you, you
tell me - where did the grandfather and gifts go, and if you, then you will be with
us to celebrate the New Year.
Two guys are invited from the hall, the presenters invite them to participate in
tug-of-war competition. Baba Yaga, along with Kikimora, of course,
lose and fall funny on the floor.
Kikimora: It's all because of you, you old hag, I told you, tie it up
fly agaric stew three times a day, and then at such a pace and Koschey
You will look like a handsome prince.
Baba Yaga: Okay, okay. We'll tell you where your beloved wizard is. But
we will also have our conditions.

Moderator: what, I wonder - a VIP-class stupa and three million dried toads?
Kikimora: No. You will need to answer all of our questions correctly.
Would you like to take part in the quiz? Then we will tell you how the holiday
Baba Yaga and Kikimora take turns asking questions:
1. We had a dog with Kikimora, and so she was tied to
rope, the length of which is as much as eight meters. One day she
managed to walk three hundred meters. How did it happen?
(The rope was not tied to anything but the dog).
2. Which is heavier: a kilogram of coniferous needles that remain
after you throw away a Christmas tree or a kilo of lead?
(Both have the same weight).
3. What is the main difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus? (Main
the difference is not in the clothes and appearance, one - Russian fabulous
character, another American).
4. Two birch trees grow in a snowy field, each of them has
seventeen pins. How many cones are on two birches? (On the birches
cones do not grow).
Baba Yaga: Well, you answered the questions, now you can have a wizard
give away.
Both villains leave the stage and bring Santa Claus into the hall. He sits on a chair
tied to him with tinsel. A bump sticks out in the mouth of a fairy-tale character.
The leaders untie the old man.
Santa Claus: Oh, you evil spirits of the forest. What did you think! Give me immediately
return my staff and fur coat! For the fact that you decided to ruin the holiday for the guys,
I will freeze you. Ice cold, snow whirlwinds, rather here.
Santa Claus hits the floor with a staff and both villains freeze in place.

Presenter: They played a cruel joke on you, grandfather. But today is not
an ordinary day, but a magical one, maybe we will free them, but we will take from them
a promise that they will not misbehave again. Do you agree,
dear guests?
Santa Claus: Well, well, granddaughter, be yours. That's just the old me
became, there is no memory at all, to bewitch, then I bewitched them, but how can everything be back
return, I don't remember. Now…
Melt, melt and don't freeze again. No, it doesn't work. Freeze Freeze
wolf tail. Also not that. It's like a completely different opera.
Presenter: How can we be now? Maybe someone knows this
spell, otherwise the chimes are about to start beating, and our uninvited guests are still
pores in a stupor.
Santa Claus: My granddaughter knows the spell, but she went to the salon in the morning
beauty and still has not returned. Let's call her together.
The presenters and the whole hall loudly call the Snow Maiden. Sounds like a modern melody
Granddaughter of Santa Claus enters the hall. For this role, select
pretty girl model appearance.
Santa Claus: Where have you been, granddaughter, so much has happened here?
Snow Maiden: What happened to you again, grandfather? I'm late for the spa
I sat in line at the hairdresser's for three hours, with Cinderella I almost
got into a fight. And the neylart master from me in honor of the holiday is generally double
I wanted to cut the price.
Leading: About times, about morals! Your grandfather was kidnapped by forest villains,
we freed him with the guys, and now he froze them, but how to unfreeze
Snow Maiden: Well, you in general. Well, grandfather, you amaze me. And call your
to a foreign partner with whom you exchanged experience yesterday so that
barely reached the house is not fate?

He takes out his phone from his pocket and pokes at the buttons.
Ale, hey, Santa, how do I blow doo? Oh, so you understand Russian? Great,
so you walked yesterday! How can we unfreeze two villains? I got it.
Thank you! smack!
Listen, grandfather, Santa says that they need to be warmed three times with a staff.
Santa Claus: Oh, well, for sure, but I constantly forget how it works
Approaches the villains and hits them on the head with a staff. After that, Baba Yaga and
Kikimora are thawed.
Baba Yaga: Forgive us, grandfather, it's just that no one loves us, here we are
We decided to celebrate the New Year at least once in a good company.
Kikimora: Yes, she is lying. We're just in the background beautiful Christmas tree in fashion
They wanted to take a selfie in clothes, but they couldn’t light it.
Santa Claus: Well, okay, the joke is with you. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn!
He hits the floor with his staff and at this time the Christmas tree lights up with colorful lights!
Baba Yaga and Kikimora take out the phone and run to her to do fashion photo.
They make funny faces and pose.
Host: This wonderful moment has come. Christmas trees coming soon
set on fire in millions of homes across the country. People will cut lettuce, open
champagne and will celebrate this magical and most beloved holiday!
Presenter: We wish you all to meet this holiday in a circle around
truly close and beloved people. And most importantly, be
