There is no doubt humanity will find a way. What kind of people can be called grateful? According to the text and

There is no doubt that humanity will find ways leading to renewal, deepening and inspiring of its culture. But for this, it must learn gratitude and build its spiritual life on it.

Modern humanity does not appreciate what is given to it; does not see his natural and spiritual wealth; does not extract from his inner world what is in it. It appreciates not the inner strength of the spirit, but external power - technical and state. It wants not to create, create and improve, but to own, dispose and enjoy. And therefore, it is always not enough and everything is not enough: it always counts its “losses” and grumbles. It is possessed by greed and envy and knows nothing about gratitude.

And so, each of us must first of all learn gratitude.

We just need to open our spiritual eye and take a closer look at life - and we will see that every moment, as it were, tests us, whether we are ripe for gratitude and whether we know how to give thanks. And the one who survives this test turns out to be a man of the future: he is called to create a new world and its culture, he already carries them in himself, he is a creative person; and the one who does not stand this test is possessed by spiritual blindness and envy, he carries within himself the decay of a perishing culture, he is a man of the obsolete past. This is the criterion of spirituality, this is the law and measure, which few people think about, but by which it is necessary to distinguish people.

As soon as a person opens his spiritual eye and perceives the universe around him - through this cruel bark of everyday life and familiar, habitual, dead vulgarity - so he will discover a great many gifts that surround him from everywhere. Usually we accept these gifts self-confidently and indifferently, as something taken for granted, as our “existential minimum” due to us: it seems that all this is scattered in the world “so, by the way”, “out of nowhere” and has no special significance. We measure these gifts by the measure of our personal benefit, and grumble and become indignant if something does not satisfy us or does not suit us ... We go through life as domineering and self-righteous

(text work in progress)

It would seem that there are no obstacles to expressing a sense of gratitude for help, human support, a good deed done. However, very few people can claim the title of grateful today! Everyone turned into angry, callous and indifferent individuals, unable to pronounce a simple word"Thank you" after helping or favoring them.

I. Ilyin touched upon the topic of gratitude in his text, where he writes: “This is the answer ... of the heart to the ... beneficence rendered.”

such a human quality of character as the ability to be grateful is considered a response of love to love, joyful emotions to kindness, light radiation to warmth, devotional service to gratitude that was bestowed on someone. Ilyin's position is to observe the truth that humanity needs to learn to be grateful, and on this feeling to build their spiritual life. The author's opinion can be regarded as the most correct, because gratitude acts as an important quality of a person, although, alas and oh, as it was written above, only a few have the ability to answer

good for good.

An example of when people are not able to show gratitude is contained in the legend about Danko, transmitted in the story “Old Woman Izergil” by Maxim Gorky. Young handsome guy named Danko volunteered to help save the tribe from certain death. For this, he had to sacrifice his own life, and tear his heart out of his chest in order to light the way for the movement of the tribe. Danko saved people, but he died. But those for whom the sacrifice was made rejoiced and rejoiced.

Other works on this topic:

  1. A.P. Chekhov, with his play "The Cherry Orchard", which is considered quite well-known in Russian literature, showed an example of an innovative approach to the transfer of old ideas in the new ...
  2. In the lyrics of F. I. Tyutchev, the spiritual life of a person is directly connected with picturesque pictures of nature. So, for example, in the poem “K. B” meeting of lovers...
  3. I. A. Ilyin in his article raises a problem related to the meaning mother tongue. According to the author, Russia presented its citizens with an invaluable gift - the great Russian ...
  4. Turgenev saw in the image of Bazarov "a tragic face." One cannot but agree with this, his “reflective nihilist” has his own point of view, but does not know how to apply knowledge ...
  5. The focus of our attention is the text of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, a Russian surgeon and naturalist, which describes the problem of gratitude to loved ones, a sense of duty to them. Thinking over...

Sometimes a person's doubt puts an end to him, and often it does not depend on how smart he is.

Friends today, a little about one very serious topic, about our doubts. You yourself know perfectly well what these thoughts are and what feeling they evoke. It is clear that these are our thoughts that come to our minds when some kind of situation arises in front of us that requires a decision, action from us and which can cause anxiety in us, lead to indecision and somewhere even cause us to panic, and most importantly slow down our actions.

If you look deeper, then on the one hand, these are kind of guardians. The thoughts that protect us from ourselves are aimed at the best choice and imply good intention.

On the other hand, they can not only literally slow down actions aimed at achieving goals, but simply take possession of a person and make him worthless and miserable.

There would be so much more in the world successful people, do not be these thoughts of doubt - so strong and capable of causing various fears. It is especially insulting in those cases when a person, possessing a truly talent, allows doubts and fears to take possession of himself, and instead of achieving great success, he remains uncommon and unhappy. Although in many cases, laziness or small ambitions of the person himself can contribute to this.

By the way, from big brains and constant thinking, problems can also arise. More often you need to remember golden mean and more trust in the subconscious. It's easier to say wisdom, like success, this is not always the lot of smart and very smart people.

And so, to begin with, let's try to parse What are these thoughts of doubt, this will help us to treat them more correctly, respond adequately, perceive them more calmly and use them for our own benefit, and not introduce ourselves into a state of uncertainty, inaction and stupor.

I will give a simple example. This is something like the actions of a computer, a rough comparison, but quite accurate, so it will be easier for you to perceive what I will write below.

You have downloaded some new program to your PC or want to update an old one. The program has been downloaded, now to use it, you need to install it. A box pops up where your PC asks you "Are you sure you want to install or update this program?". And you press the button either "YES" or "CANCEL".

Thoughts of doubt, this is also a kind of program that asks you again, only with the difference that our brain plays the role of a PC. Moreover, everything happens in the same way as in the case of a computer - automatically, without asking us whether we want this frame "YES", "CANCEL" to pop up, or it would be better if this did not happen.

It's all about first and foremost. If this program were not inherent in nature within ourselves, thoughts of doubt would arise, much less frequently. But the doubt itself, in its essence, is intended for the good of us. But the nuance is that the more opportunities and forces we give to this program, we rely on it, the more we associate ourselves with her - those more actively it intervenes in our life.

If we take into account that beliefs and attitudes are laid down (recorded) to us from childhood, then we can imagine what strength this or that program, belief and some kind of principle (rule) can gain. Further, everything goes on knurled, our actions almost entirely depend on these internal settings. You won't even be aware of it. Now imagine that you always or almost always gave in to doubts, pressed the "CANCEL" button ....??

There is still a lot to do with how you treat to these thoughts of doubt, how you perceive them, whether you consider them your enemies, and what feeling this thought of doubt arouses in you.

Feelings can be different, from fear and anxiety to indifference. Depending on the importance of the decision and your attitude to the situation, the state in which you arrive and what is important, on your beliefs and attitude towards yourself.

Even the most difficult situation that requires a responsible and correct decision is perceived differently by different people. She will panic one and make him inadequate, invigorate the other and force him to act actively, introduce the third into a temporary stupor and uncertainty, the fourth is all on the drum, etc.

In general, everyone relates to doubts in their own way, as well as to any other situation in life and to themselves. And remember the phrase - "Treat yourself and life easier" These are the words of a wise man.

So you need to learn how to deal with doubts correctly. So that they simply perform their direct function, they were allies, not enemies. And do not block the road to your success.

And so, doubts give rise to such thoughts -"Can I?" , " Am I doing the right thing?", "And if it doesn't work out?", after them thoughts of fear can stretch "What if I lose everything", "What will happen to me" and so on. Isn't it a strong blow to us.

Such thoughts take away our strength, weaken us, and put obstacles in the way of our goals. But it is not necessarily that, as we think, it should or should not happen. For starters, this is just an obstacle that has arisen on the way to our desired action. And this obstacle makes you believe in the correctness of the chosen solution, sort of asking us again - "Are you sure that this will be for your good?", if so, then press the "YES" button.

And here we will have three options for the development of actions.

1). you succumbed under the weight of doubt and missed a probably good opportunity to achieve something. There is not much to write here. You doubt yourself too much, allowing doubts and fears to dominate you. If you want to achieve something, you will have to reconsider not only your attitude towards doubts, but also towards yourself. If you always doubt everything and do nothing, then nothing will be achieved.

Plus, this attitude of yours can lead to the fact that you begin to doubt everything, even trifles, you cannot allow yourself to think in this way.

somne nia are different and for everyone without exception. And of course, even in such a delicate situation as meeting a woman. I also always have some thoughts of doubt.

I take the second step and then another thought, - “I wonder what she will tell me,“ Fuck off ”or something cooler, so what to do with such thoughts? But not what, you go, you are afraid, and you do it. Only I direct the energy of this internal excitement not to thoughts to cope with them, but to actions, like, I fluff my tail, etc. - In short, I did not write this.

The main thing is to understand and accept deep inside yourself - you can’t concentrate on these thoughts and being afraid of the fears that have arisen - do nothing, otherwise luck will turn away.

2). Second option. you accepted the decision to act, but doubts do not leave you, you act all the time under pressure and with caution. How does it happen in the brain.

You have made a decision, you are already acting, but something greatly disturbs you and you realize that these are thoughts of doubt that have not gone anywhere and are spinning in your head.

If you start repeatedly analyze them (conduct an internal dialogue) trying to understand the essence of what specifically worries you, then you can fasten some other unpleasant thoughts, fears or something else. That is, wind yourself up trying to find a solution.

And now imagine that you suddenly decided to change your stereotype of thinking, rooted in the brain, and turned doubts into a kind of ally who wishes you well and only subconsciously clarifies "YES or NO". It's natural reasonable doubt.

First, by treating these thoughts in this way, you will feel calmer and more sober, and most importantly, you will be able to assess any situation more correctly.

Second- only the mere fact that you considered doubts to be something unpleasant already caused tension in you, spoiled your mood and took away energy, now this will not happen.

AND thirdly, you can apply all the forces in full to where they are really really needed.

It is important to always remember this. Any result, it's always all the same result. In order to start acting, you need to break something that interferes within yourself, and often this can only be done by treating yourself brutally. This is the only way to change yourself and your life. Act, act and act, less thoughts and your dream will begin to acquire the boundaries of reality.

3) .Most wise course of events. Making the final decision is still one-two think over and weigh everything, and you need to do it on a cold head without unnecessary emotions, and finally start acting.

In every case, especially in a big goal, there will always be a risk, this is normal. Do you want to make sure everything is secure? This is not the case in serious matters. Until you wait for such an opportunity, it may happen, you will not need it.

The best thing you can do is until you feel the situation, the moment when you not only understand something for yourself, but feel internally that it is yours and it is necessary. And take action, and act responsibly. Having chosen the path, do not look back at doubts and.

If you have decided something, you need to go to the end - but at the same time you need to take responsibility for what you are doing. What exactly a person does does not matter, but he must know why he does it, and act without doubts and regrets


What is worth fearing is the missed opportunity and the years gone by. Remember, it is optimistic people who, even if they make mistakes, achieve more in life. Look at everything a little more optimistically.
Do you want to live life without committing big mistakes? - excellent, then do not do anything worthwhile - let you only have one this one, yours biggest mistake.. And time is running out of us - you won't catch it!

“None of the desires is given to you separately from the power that allows you to fulfill it”

In general, in the end I want to say that only fools are always sure of everything, any normal person has doubts from time to time. And you can't be 100% sure of anything. Just you need to believe in yourself and listen to your heart. Good luck!

(1) There is no doubt that humanity will find ways leading to renewal, deepening and inspiring of its culture. (2) But for this it must learn gratitude in order to build its spiritual life on it.

(3) Modern humanity does not appreciate what is given to it; does not see his natural and spiritual wealth; does not extract from his inner world what is in it. (4) It does not value the inner strength of the spirit, but external power - technical and state. (5) It does not want to create, create and improve, but to own. (6) Dispose of and enjoy. (7) And therefore, it is always not enough for him and everything is not enough: he always counts his “losses” and grumbles. (8) It is obsessed with greed and envy and knows nothing about gratitude.

(9) And so each of us must first of all learn gratitude.

(10) We just need to open our spiritual eye and take a closer look at life - and we will see that every moment, as it were, tests us, whether we are ripe for gratitude and whether we know how to give thanks. (11) And the one who passes this test turns out to be a man of the future: he is called to create a new world and its culture, he already carries them in himself. (12) He is a creative person; and the one who does not stand this test is possessed by spiritual blindness and envy, he carries within himself the decay of a perishing culture, he is a man of an obsolete past. (13) Here is the criterion of spirituality, here is the law and measure, which few people think about, but by which it is necessary to distinguish people.

(14) What is gratitude? (15) This is the answer of the living, loving heart for the favor given to him. (16) It responds with love to love, joy to kindness, radiation to light and warmth, faithful service to the bestowed grace. (17) Gratitude does not need verbal expressions, and sometimes it is better for a person to experience and manifest it wordlessly. (18) Gratitude is also not a simple recognition of someone else's beneficence, for an embittered heart accompanies such recognition with a feeling of resentment, humiliation, or even a thirst for revenge. (19) No, true gratitude is joy and love, and in the future - the need to return good for good. (20) This joy flares up by itself, freely and leads love - free, sincere. (21) A gift is a call that calls for a good answer. (22) A gift is a beam that requires reciprocal radiation. (23) He immediately addresses both the heart and the will. (24) Will makes decisions; she wants to respond and begins to act; and this action renews life with love and kindness.

(25) So gratitude cleanses the soul from envy and hatred. (26) And the future of mankind belongs precisely to grateful hearts.

(According to I. Ilyin*)

* Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin (1882-1954) - famous Russian philosopher, literary

critic, publicist.

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What is true gratitude? How to distinguish it? It is this problem that Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin raises in this text.

Discussing this question, the author draws our attention to the importance of the feeling of gratitude, saying that it is “a criterion of spirituality, a law and a measure that few people think about, but by which it is necessary to distinguish people. ” He also tells us that “the future of mankind belongs precisely to grateful hearts. »

According to the author, true gratitude is not just the acceptance of a good and noble act of another person. This is a sincere desire to respond to this act, to bring happiness, joy to another, to provide reciprocal assistance.

I cannot but agree with the opinion of Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin. Recognition of someone else's beneficence is not yet gratitude, because embittered, zhes


  • 1 of 1 K1 Statement of source text problems
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There is no doubt - humanity will find ways leading to renewal ... (Ivan Ilyin, "The Way to Obviousness")
These words of the Russian philosopher put the question before modern man who has a future. Today's reality confirms the urgency of the issue. Humanity is faced with the task of survival under the threat of total annihilation. What threatens a person?
Our planet is all that humanity has. It is like a house, but it is not a mechanical set of building materials and things necessary for life. The Earth is a living organism, to which humanity sometimes treats carelessly and carelessly, sometimes shamelessly, consumeristically. The truly global dangers today are wars and a barbaric attitude towards ecology.
Wars take away great amount lives. This is not only about the various deadly weapons of mass destruction that mankind has accumulated. During wars, the economy is destroyed, people die of hunger, cold and heat, and diseases. The level of weapons today is such that if this arsenal is put into action, it threatens to destroy the entire planet. Mankind is unlikely to survive this war. Scientists and politicians understand this, and ordinary people are afraid of this.
No less acute is the problem of environmental safety. Cynical methods of subsoil development, extraction of resources are accompanied by violations of the environment. The consequences of such developments are detrimental to nature. An unimaginable amount of industrial waste, poisonous chemical and nuclear waste - are also capable of poisoning all life for many thousands of kilometers. Modern weapons also pose a mortal danger to the environment. Humanity lives at the expense of the planet, according to the principle "after us, at least the grass will not grow."
Why has humanity allowed such lawlessness in relation to its own planet? This question has been asked by thinkers and philosophers at all times, and the current situation suggests that the search for answers to these questions is urgent.
The reason is in the person, in the imperfect consciousness. The most terrible problem for humanity is human thinking.

Look around: people are accustomed to compete, envy each other, deceive, strive to suppress the weaker ones. They build relationships among themselves, between corporations, between countries and peoples - on the principle of injustice. Any action creates a reaction. The level of hatred rises, aggression accumulates, and the result is always war.
No less disgusting is the habit of a person to live at the expense of others - whether it be an ingenuous gullible neighbor, a weaker country, or a planet. With incomprehensible selfishness, people destroy everything around them: relations and peace between countries, nature, its flora and fauna. Greed turns into huge losses not only for the surrounding world, but also for the most aggressive person.
