How are working days postponed in connection with the celebration of International Women's Day. How working days are transferred in connection with the celebration of International Women's Day Shortened working day by March 8

It became known that in 2018, the Russians, in addition to holidays and "normal" days off, will have a hard rest for another 28 days. Full vacation, and paid. This luxury was the result of the postponement of the weekend due to the holidays.

The Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations supported the draft resolution of the Russian government on the postponement of holidays in 2018. In this regard, the Russians will have solid new year holidays, "long" holidays on February 23 and March 8, quite decent May holidays, and there will also be an opportunity to relax in June and November.

How to relax on New Year's Eve

New Year holidays 2017-2018 will be ten days - from Saturday, December 30, 2017, to Monday, January 8, 2018, inclusive. Thus, the last official working day will be on Friday, December 29, and the first working day in the new 2018 will be on Tuesday, January 9. Here, as doctors warn, the main thing is to correctly calculate your strength and not get carried away with strong drinks with a fatty high-calorie snack.

Defender of the Fatherland Day February 23

On Defender of the Fatherland Day Russians will be able to rest for three days - from Friday, February 23, to Sunday, February 25, inclusive. This is convenient because you do not have to go to work immediately from the festive table.

Women's Day March 8

Women in 2018 will also be lucky, at least as far as their holiday is concerned. Traditionally popular in Russia International Women's Day we have to walk and rest for four whole days - from Thursday, March 8, to Sunday, March 11. This is very convenient, because, as after Defender of the Fatherland Day, you don’t have to “get up to the machine” immediately after a stormy celebration.

May beds

It will turn out well for the Russians and the beginning of the summer season - on 1st of May Russians will be given four days off at once, and this is not counting the lonely standing 9th May.

The May holidays will begin on Sunday, April 29 (Saturday, April 28, you will have to work) and will last for four days - until May 2 inclusive.

On Russia Day, which is celebrated on June 12, will also be able to relax longer - small summer holidays for working Russians will last from Sunday, June 10, to Wednesday, June 12, inclusive. You will have to work for this on Saturday, June 9th.

Although November 7 it’s not a day off in Russia for a long time, but you can’t cancel the habit of celebrating in the midst of autumn, so we have a holiday Day national unity which is celebrated on November 4th. Due to the fact that November 4 falls on Sunday next year, the Russians were compensated for this loss. Therefore, we have to rest from Friday, November 3, to Monday, November 5 inclusive.

And there, as they say, New Year not far off, and, judging by the calendar, from December 29-30, 2018, Russia will again go on a ten-day New Year vacation.

Who is the laziest

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the number of non-working days. Russians annually receive 40 paid non-working days, consisting of 28 days of vacation and 12 days off associated with public holidays.

In second place among those who like to relax are Italy and Sweden, the citizens of these countries have a rest for 36 days.

Following are the residents of Brazil, Norway, Finland and France, who each have 35 days off.

In last place is Mexico, where there are only seven days of paid vacation plus six public holidays.

In China, a little better - a five-day vacation plus 11 days of holidays.

In the US, ten days of vacation and ten days of public holidays.

In terms of vacation duration, Russia is in second place (28 days), second only to Brazil, where workers rest for 30 days.

In 2016, International Women's Day will be celebrated on Tuesday - on this day March 8 falls. IN last years in Russia it is customary not to “break” the holidays. Therefore, if a public holiday is celebrated on Tuesday or Thursday, then the only working day separating it from the weekend also becomes a day of rest - Saturday or Sunday is not transferred to it. The schedule for postponing holidays is approved annually by the Government of the Russian Federation.

This year, in accordance with the schedule for Monday, March 7, the day off has been moved from January 3 (Sunday). Thus, we will rest on March 8 in 2016 for four days in a row - starting from Saturday (the fifth day) and ending with Tuesday (the eighth). After that, the residents of the country are waiting for a shortened - three-day - working week.

At the same time, the last Friday before the weekend on March 8 will be a normal, not shortened working day - since it is followed in the calendar not by a holiday, but by a regular Saturday.

For organizations working on a six-day work week, as well as schoolchildren and students studying on Saturdays, the March holidays will be three days - from Sunday to Tuesday.

Rest days on March 8 - 2016

  • Saturday, March 5 - a day off (excluding those who work or study for six days);
  • Sunday, March 6 - a regular day off;
  • Monday, March 7 - an additional day off for everyone, postponed from January 3;
  • Tuesday, March 8 is a non-working holiday.

From the history of the holiday on March 8

Rest on March 8 in 2016 in Russia will be the 51st time: half a century ago, in 1966, International Women's Day in the USSR became non-working for the first time. And, despite the change of political regime, it still remains so.

At that time, the holiday already had a long prehistory: March 8 counts events since 1957. Then in New York, the famous “march of empty pots” took place - a strike of women working in light industry, brought to the limit on a working day at 16 o'clock for meager pay. By the way, the “march” turned out to be effective: after it, women began to work for 10 hours a day. And in 1908, on the same day (and again in New York), another mass women's protest took place: more than 15 thousand women demanded equality: wages without a "discount" for gender, another reduction in the working day and the provision of the weaker sex with the right to vote .

Two years later, at the Women's International Conference in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin came up with the idea of ​​establishing an international women's day. It was assumed that on March 8, the women of the world would organize mass actions, drawing public attention to their problems. This initiative was supported - and soon the eighth day of spring began to be celebrated in many countries of the world.

After the October Revolution of 1917, when in most countries women had already ceased to be "second-class people", March 8 continued to be celebrated mainly in socialist countries. Since 1975, it has been included in the UN calendar.

In the USSR in the second half of the 20th century, March 8 eventually lost its politicization and ceased to be associated with the struggle for women's rights - and gradually turned into a "holiday of all women." At that time, Mother's Day was not celebrated separately in the country, Valentine's Day was not celebrated - and March 8 became an occasion to express love and gratitude to wives and mothers, girlfriends and colleagues. The unofficial symbols of the holiday are the first spring flowers - mimosa and tulips. And one of the common traditions of the holiday is family “ role-playing games”: husbands and children on this day tried to take over all the housework that a woman usually does, giving the hero of the occasion the opportunity to rest on March 8.

At the very beginning of March, spring gives us Holy holiday- International Women's Day, on which everyone traditionally congratulates the fair sex in their families, in labor collectives and among acquaintances.

Officially, March 8 is a day off, and if according to the calendar it is in close proximity to Saturday or Sunday, then often working people in Russia have another three-day day off. To determine how many days off will fall on March 8 in 2018, you need to familiarize yourself with the calendar.

In 2018, International Women's Day falls on Thursday, that is, in the middle of the working week and Friday remains working.

Since the day that precedes the holiday, according to the labor code Russian Federation is subject to a reduction by one hour, then on Wednesday the 7th there will be a reduction in the number of hours: this day will last 7 instead of 8 working hours.

On the 7th, in most work groups, corporate congratulations of women on their holiday take place, after which the whole country goes on an official day off. It is provided by the state so that men have the opportunity to congratulate their native women and spend a holiday with their families. The next working day should be a regular Friday - the 9th.

But the Russian Ministry of Labor decided to meet the interests of working Russians and made a proposal to postpone the day off from January 6 to March 9, thereby ensuring an extension of the rest period this month.

So, the week that this holiday falls in 2018 is as follows:

  • March 5 and 6 (Monday and Tuesday) - regular eight-hour working days;
  • March 7 (Wednesday) - reduction of working hours by 1 hour;
  • March 8 (Thursday) - Women's Day (holiday);
  • March 9 (Friday) - rescheduled day off;
  • March 10 and 11 are standard days off.

How many rest days

Summing up all the transfers and requirements of the production calendar for 2018, you can understand how we relax at the beginning of spring in connection with the holiday. After the 3rd and 4th (Saturday and Sunday), there are two full working days (Monday-Tuesday), then an abbreviated one (Wednesday), and after it four days off (from Thursday to Sunday).

Thus, the state provides people with an excellent opportunity to relax during the four-day vacation, which will be the first in a series of spring long weekends in 2018.

Coming soon International Women's Day. It is included in the number of non-working holidays, transfers and rules for how we work in holidays March 8, set Labor Code and a special decree that the government issues annually. For a five- and six-day week, the schedules are different.

Who makes the rules

All non-working holidays are fixed in Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Separately, how we work on March 8 is not indicated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 875 dated July 10, 2019, relevant for 2020. But on the basis of this standard, it was drawn up, which fixed the mode of operation for the March pre-holiday period.

How we work on the eve of March 8

The Labor Code established the following rule: the working day on the eve of a public holiday is reduced by one hour (part 1 of article 85 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to this rule, we will find out if the Friday before March 8 is shortened: no, it is 06.03, which means that there is one more day off between the last labor and holiday dates - Saturday, 07.03. Therefore, there are no reductions on Friday 06.03 for employees, we work full time.

But whether they will give a salary before March 8 depends on the payment schedule established by the institution. For example, if the transfer is made before the 10th or even the 15th, employees will receive their wages after the official rest. If the payout period is from the 1st to the 8th inclusive, expect a reward before the weekend.

How to work 5 days a week

Those with a five-day work week will have two regular days off and one postponed public holiday. Here is how we work on holidays 08.03 with a five-day week:

  • 06.03 - regular labor Friday;
  • 07.03 - closed Saturday;
  • 08.03 - International Women's Day, falling on Sunday;
  • 09.03 - Monday, day off due to the transfer;
  • 10.03 - working Tuesday.

How to work 6 days a week

The six-day week is different. Pre-holiday Saturday is shortened by one hour, and on 09.03 employees officially have a rest. Here is the current work schedule on March 8, 2020 for the six-day period:

  • 06.03 - we work on Friday as usual;
  • 07.03 - on the pre-holiday Saturday we work an hour less;
  • 08.03 - rest on Sunday;
  • 09.03 - we continue to rest on Monday (postponement of the holiday);
  • 11.03 - start work duties on Tuesday.

With a six-day work period, the duration of work before the weekend does not exceed five hours (Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that working time on Saturday, March 7, for such employees will actually be reduced by 2 hours - up to 4 hours.

If according to the schedule 08.03.2020 you have to go to work

What to do in this situation, whether this day is postponed or not, if the operating mode of the enterprise falls on March 8, 2020: if according to the schedule (or shift) it is necessary to work on March 08, you will have to work on this date without transfers. But the employer pays for work on holidays at an increased rate.

If an employee works on a day off (holiday), including on a shift schedule, an additional payment is determined for him in accordance with Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Here is how March 8 is paid to those who worked on this day:

  • in accordance with the double piece rate for pieceworkers;
  • at a double daily (hourly) rate for employees at the tariff rate;
  • not less than a single daily or hourly rate per day or hour labor activity in excess of the salary according to the position, if the employee worked according to the monthly norm of working hours;
  • not less than a double daily or hourly rate for a day or hour of labor activity in excess of the salary according to the position, if the employee worked above the monthly norm of working time.

The amount of payment for work on weekends and holidays is established by a collective, labor agreement, local act.

In a higher amount, the actual time worked on a weekend or holiday (from 0 to 24 hours) is paid. The same algorithm is applicable if part of the shift falls on such a date.

The employee has the right, at his request, to receive another day for rest: in this case, work on this date is paid in a single amount. The day on which the rest takes place is not paid.

Although February and March are not very rich in public holidays, these months still have two “red” calendar dates. And the Russians are waiting for them with great impatience. These are men's and women's holidays.

How we relax on February 23 and March 8 in 2018 in Russia: Weekend schedule, calendar

It goes without saying that Defender of the Fatherland Day and International Women's Day are public holidays. And how many days in a row we will rest, now we will tell. February 23rd falls on a Friday this year. It is followed by two calendar days off - Saturday and Sunday. Thus, on Defender of the Fatherland Day we will rest for three whole days in a row. At the same time, Thursday, February 22, is a pre-holiday day. You can legally leave work an hour early. And on the occasion of International Women's Day, Russians are waiting for a big weekend.

See also: Ideas for gifts for colleagues on February 23: classic, comic, office, do-it-yourself

We will rest and relax from March 8 to March 11, 2018, the C-ib website informs. The Russian government, compiling the production calendar, resorted to a transfer. This resulted in an extra day off. So, on Friday, March 9, the day off was postponed from Saturday, January 6. We add that March 7 in the working calendar is considered a pre-holiday day, therefore, the duration of work is reduced by one hour.

Production calendar 2018 with holidays and days off, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation

Taking into account the transfer of holidays, the calendar - 2018 assumes six long days off and holidays:
from December 30, 2017 to January 8, 2018 inclusive (10 days of New Year holidays);
from February 23 to February 25 (3 days on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day);
from 8 to 11 March (4 days dedicated to International Women's Day);
from April 29 to May 2 (4 days to celebrate the Spring and Labor Day);
from 10 to 12 June (3 days for the celebration of the Day of Russia);
from 3 to 5 November (3 days, dedicated to the Day national unity).
One holiday - May 9 in honor of Victory Day - will have to rest in the middle of the week.

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To help you - the service "Accountant's Calendar". With it, you can filter the list of reporting and taxes paid for your company.
