How to get the status of a father with many children, if the children are from different marriages: what benefits are provided and how to apply by law. Husband has a child from another woman

The change in legislation affected the status of fathers with many children. While maintaining the main condition for determining a large family, the circle of persons belonging to a large family has been expanded. A family is considered to have many children if it simultaneously brings up three or more children, both natural and non-native (adopted, adopted children, stepdaughters and stepchildren). The age of children is up to 18 years, with the exception of students of higher educational institutions. Until graduation, they are considered to be in the care of their parents and are considered part of the family, although they live separately. We will talk about what benefits are due to a father of many children if his children are from different marriages in the article.

Types of benefits provided to a father of many children if children are from different marriages

The title of a father of many children is equivalent to the title of a mother of many children. The main thing is the status of a large family. Find out what benefits are provided to low-income families.

It is preserved under one condition: registration and residence at the same address of parents and children.

Men who have three or more children from different marriages and pay alimony for their maintenance cannot receive the status father of many children and related privileges.

The law, having equalized the father and mother in the right to be called large families, first of all took into account children's interests. The essence of the legislative innovation: children should grow up in a complete family, where both parents are engaged in upbringing. About the list of documents for receiving monthly, child allowance find out .

The tax legislation provides for norms that reduce the tax burden on parents with children.

In this case, the status of large families does not matter. A man can have more than three children from different marriages living separately from him. The number of children is taken into account when calculating personal income tax.

Discount amount:

  • for the first and second child - 1400 rubles each;
  • starting from the third - 3000 rubles;
  • for a disabled child, regardless of age - 12,000 rubles;
  • for a full-time student up to 24 years old, if he is a disabled person of groups I, II - by 12,000 rubles;
  • 25% refund of income tax per full-time student.

This amount reduces the taxable income of the father. To whom they give maternity capital will tell.

The main criterion for eligibility for a divorced parent is the payment of alimony..

What are the rules for children living separately from their father

The parent receives the right to a discount if he is employed on a permanent basis, under a contract, under an agreement.

For registration, you need to contact the accounting department at the place of work with an application and documents confirming paternity and payment of alimony:

  • copies of children's documents;
  • certificates of adoption (adoption);
  • certificates of guardianship;
  • medical report and certificate of disability of the child;
  • a certificate from the university about studying at a day hospital;
  • divorce certificate;
  • certificates of payment of alimony from the previous place of work.

Copies of birth certificates of children, adoption, guardianship must be notarized or certified by the chief accountant. Proof of child support payments will be required if they are made on the basis of an agreement between former spouses or by court order. How to claim compensation for kindergarten will tell.

By voluntary agreement, the father can transfer the agreed amounts for the maintenance of the child on his own within the prescribed time limits. The court decision concerns the provision of a child by granting him the property rights of a divorced parent (an apartment, a summer residence, other real estate).

To confirm the fulfillment of obligations for the maintenance of children, the father must present copies of the voluntary agreement or court decision certified in the court in favor of the child.

What benefits are fathers entitled to children from one marriage while living with him

The benefits of a large family now apply to both parents equally.

Now the father, like the mother, can receive tax, social, labor, medical preferences, and relief in paying for utilities and transport services.

Professional and labor benefits:

  • preferred employment in the specialty, other things being equal, in terms of education, qualifications and length of service;
  • permission to work on a reduced working week, if there are minor children in the family;
  • free 2 week vacation if there is a clause in the collective agreement;
  • job retention with downsizing.

A father with many children has the right:

  • to reduce utility bills by 50-70% or cancel completely;
  • free travel in public transport;
  • a 50% discount on the payment for a wellness voucher;
  • preferential queue for obtaining a land allotment for the creation of a farm;
  • reduced rate when providing a loan for organizing your own business;
  • reduced real estate tax rate.

Single dads get the same benefits as single moms:

  1. Business trip and overtime work with the consent of the father, if he has dependent children under 5 years of age or a disabled child.
  2. Additional 4 days off per month in the presence of a disabled child.
  3. Vacation time at the choice of the parent when the family has a disabled child.
  4. The tax benefit for PN is increased by 2 times.

Eligibility for a title father of many children, and appears at the same time as the third child and disappears upon reaching the age of 18, when the number of minor children is less than three. The exception is children with disabilities and students of higher educational institutions of federal significance under the age of 24 years.

Registration of benefits when cohabiting with children

The registration procedure begins with obtaining the title of a parent with many children.

Certificates of an approved form are issued at the municipal and district departments of labor and social protection population.

To obtain a document, you must submit the following papers (copies and originals) for consideration:

  • about the birth of children;
  • on the disability of children;
  • about studying at a university;
  • a certificate of the number of registered people in one living space;
  • passport;
  • identification code;
  • statement.

Single fathers additionally need to present a death certificate of the mother of the children or documentary evidence of the mother's non-participation in the upbringing of the children.

Difficulty in registration arises when children, living with a parent, are registered elsewhere (with grandparents or in donated, inherited housing).

In such cases, a certificate of residence signed by the neighbors is required.

Having a document confirming the status of having many children, a man can apply to the relevant authorities:

  • health care;
  • utility services;
  • municipal and regional departments (financial, land, tax);
  • bank branches.

A list of additional information for registration of approved regional and is indicated when applying.

State support large families becomes more tangible. Equating the status of mother and father when raising more than 3 children helps to strengthen the family, improves the situation of children in the financial, moral, psychological state.

In a world ruled by strong and independent ladies, it is not uncommon for women with children from their first marriages. Are men ready to take on such responsibility? Is a child from another a hindrance to new happy relationship? Two real stories with different views and comments by family psychologist Natalia Lukashevskaya on the pages of VOLNA magazine.

Story #1

Gennady, 32 years old

When I started dating mine, now ex-girlfriend I knew about the existence of a child from my first marriage. This fact didn't bother me at all. At that time, I had no protests against other people's children and boldly entered into such a relationship. I was very in love with this woman.

I don't know if I treated the child as my own, because I have no children and I have nothing to compare with. Yes, and my beloved tried not to let us contact often. I think that she, as a competent mother, did not bring us together on purpose. Her opinion, it seems to me, was such that men come and go, and introducing a child to everyone in a row is not entirely correct. Perhaps she was afraid that the child would become attached to me.

To be honest, children are a problem. If the former had no one to leave the child with, then our joint trips were canceled, and we had to look for an alternative to joint or separate pastime. I wanted to spend time with my beloved, but I had to spend time with friends in taverns.

My family and friends were very skeptical about my relationship. Mom said it would be over soon. And friends hinted and even pressed with a united front that I myself capitulate. Many relied on their own experience, and only now I understand how right they were.

After 1.5 years of relationship, we broke up. Not because she has a child from her first marriage. But now a woman with a child is taboo for me. I decided to start a relationship only with someone who does not yet have such an experience. However, if there are so many pluses in a woman that they are not “crossed out” by the presence of a child, then it will be possible to think about reconsidering her position. But I'm not sure that this can happen.

Story #2

Plato, 39 years old

The fact that my chosen one has a child from her first marriage, she told me during the meeting. It was said so easily and naturally, and I decided that I was unlikely to have problems with such a woman (smiles).

Two weeks after the beginning of our communication, I was already introduced to the baby. I will say that I did not have any discomfort and awkwardness. I think that even the child was more unusual that my mother had me. Everything went smoothly: we played, walked together - it was not any particular difficulty for me to interest him, the baby easily made contact. Joint vacations, various events and trips quickly brought us together.

In family matters, I was used to making decisions on my own, and my relatives did not particularly oppose such an alliance of mine. There was even a moment when my mother asked me to send him to visit them. I think that my parents took my choice normally, they certainly didn’t build barriers. Our relationship is already 6 years old, and 5 years ago we had a common child.

I don’t have such a division into “my” and “not my” child. They receive the same gifts. We also equally praise them for their merits and scold them for their misdeeds. Perhaps there is perception inside, but I try to share love in equal proportions.

And I certainly worry when our eldest child leaves for the weekend with my wife's first husband. Perhaps it is even parental jealousy. Maybe this mood is transmitted to me from my wife, and I share her feelings. And perhaps this is how my love for this little man is manifested.

My opinion about when men meet women with children, but do not bring such unions to marriage?! So these men don't love their women! Children are not a hindrance to relationships!

Psychologist's opinion

Lukashevskaya Natalia, psychologist, family psychologist, mediator

Modern Russian society is rapidly changing, changes affect all spheres of adult life. What remains unchanged is that such different man and woman find each other in order not to be lonely, learn to love and be happy, form a family, become one and continue their family. But you should not treat love as a way to get rid of problems.

Presenting themselves as a couple, each of the partners wants to be loved and needed, however, men and women have completely different hopes and views on the future associated with marriage. Whether there will be development in relationships and love depends on three components: “I”, “you”, “we”. To avoid misunderstandings between partners, I propose to discuss such concepts as love, marriage, family, parenthood, and choose what is acceptable to both, to find a compromise. In order to get to know and understand each other on a psychological level, there is enough time from six months to a year.

But it also happens that one of the partners already had experience family life And he even has a child. Who is more difficult in such a relationship? Can you take on a new role? What are these relationships for? What problem do you want to solve, being with this partner? What need do you want to satisfy by being in this relationship? Learn to be honest with yourself, then you can be honest with others.

A person is given the talent of love, and if you decide to develop this talent with this particular woman, having a child is not an obstacle. The style and content of communication with a man form the moral attitudes of the child. Try to look at the world through the eyes of a child, because changes in his life occur regardless of his desire. Show interest and attention, try to be natural in communication. Be patient. Look for something for which you can fall in love with a little person. The child will definitely grow up, understand and appreciate the contribution that you have made.

Hello Christina! My husband and I have been living for the sixth year, we have two children, a son is 4 years old, a daughter is 1.5., when his daughter was born, he had a mistress, 5 years older than him. that she is pregnant, he insists on an abortion, and she couldn’t get pregnant for 9 years after the birth of her daughter, she refuses to have an abortion and says that she will give birth for herself. They did not communicate, then when she gave birth, he did DNA, he is the father of the child and washed it down on himself, now they don’t seem to have a relationship, but it happens that he goes to the child. I’m constantly jealous of him, scandals at home, what to do in this situation, tell me please? We both want to save the family.


The first thing to understand is that a serious injury has occurred in your family. The one that has consequences for life is a child from another woman. Which is now an integral part of your husband's life. And that means your life.

And you both need to learn how to cope with and adapt to this new reality. Otherwise, the family cannot be saved.

How to do it?

You and your husband should talk openly about the future. What relationship does he plan to maintain with this child, how to participate in his life? How often to see each other? How much money to give? etc.

And together with your husband, you must develop an acceptable for both of you relationship with this child.

This alone brings some relief. Since the future is already seen a little more stable and predictable. And this is calmer.

Second moment.

Your husband is guilty before you. And if you really want to save the family, you need to be very attentive and honest with yourself at those moments when you consciously or unconsciously seek to increase his guilt. Thus, as if compensating for the pain that he caused you.

All women after the betrayal of her husband want to do this. And almost everyone does. But this is a road to nowhere. The path to even greater alienation and strengthening of negative family scenarios.

Guilt is the feeling that underlies many betrayals. And so that cheating does not repeat itself, it is very important to track this feeling in yourself (when I feel guilty or when I want to cause guilt in another) and, if possible, “not let” into family relationships.

Next moment. This is to understand what happened in your relationship with your husband, which led to the appearance of another woman. As a rule, another woman is a consequence family problems, not the reason. And when the reason is known, then there is a much greater chance of not repeating it in the future. And the feeling that these terrible circumstances do not somehow happen by themselves. And you can influence it to some extent.

And from such awareness, too, become calmer.
