Can a father become a father of many children. What are the benefits for a father of many children? Reduction of large fathers

Father of many children- a loner receives the same benefits as mother of many children. A family can be considered large if it simultaneously brings up 3 or more children under the age of 18. This rule applies to relatives, and officially adopted and adopted children. If the children are from several marriages, the rule applies to stepchildren and stepchildren. The main condition for the status large family- this is the joint residence of the father and all minor children at the same address. Although the status can also be obtained by the father, who lives separately.

In the article, we will look at the definition of a father of many children and the nuances of status: the benefits that are due and what to do if the children are from different marriages or the father lives separately. And also, how to apply for the status of a father with many children, what benefits are due to children living together.

Definition of a father with many children raising more than three children from different marriages

The status of "father of many children" is a man who brings up more than three children, including from different marriages. These are native children and adopted (officially adopted or adopted). To obtain, you will need to register the status of a large family. To do this, you need to contact the Department of Labor and social protection population at the place of residence. You will need to collect and submit the following documents:

  • written statement;
  • passport;
  • father;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • a certificate stating that all family members are registered in the same living space;
  • divorce certificate (or death of mother).

You will need original documents and notarized copies. The status of a father of many children is lost after all children become adults.

If the children live separately after the divorce, the father can independently allocate material support. They serve not only alimony. By voluntary agreement, property rights are granted to an apartment or a country house.

Benefits and payments laid down for fathers of large families

A single father with many children is equal in rights to a mother of many children. It is subject to the following types of benefits and benefits for fathers of large families:

  • social;
  • labor;
  • medical.

A single father with many children has the right to:

  • a subsidy on payment for utility bills in the amount of 50 - 70% (in some cases, the family is exempted from paying completely);
  • in the amount of 100% of earnings (regardless of insurance experience);
  • 50% of the cost of vouchers for spa treatment (including health Camp for children);
  • obtaining a soft loan for the construction of a house or the purchase of an apartment (if it is necessary to improve living conditions);
  • priority queue for obtaining a land plot in the village (if it is planned to open a farm);
  • preferential rate on a loan to start your own business.

Read also about subsidies for the construction of houses for large families.

Professional labor benefits include:

  • preferred employment (in the case when the education, skill level and seniority are the same);
  • the opportunity to have a reduced working week (if the children are minors);
  • unpaid leave up to 14 days (if there is such a clause in the collective agreement);
  • impossibility to dismiss due to redundancy (except in case of liquidation of the enterprise).

What documents are needed for maternity leave read to your father.

The only reasons for dismissal are:

  • appearing at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • systematic violation of labor protection rules;
  • constant absenteeism;
  • proven theft, embezzlement or willful damage to property;
  • persistent, intentional dissemination of personal information about employees;
  • disclosure of confidential or secret information.

A father with many children is also entitled to tax benefits, primarily to a reduction in income tax. Tax incentives for having many children rely only to an individual. They are also eligible for benefits intended for single mothers:

  • if a child with a disability under 5 years old is a dependent, overtime work and business trips can only be with his consent;
  • additional 4 days off per month (if the child has a childhood disability);
  • income tax credits are doubled;
  • vacation at a time when the father needs.

The relief is:

  • for 1 and 2 children up to 1400 rubles;
  • on the third and subsequent - from 3000;
  • if there is a child with a disability - 12,000 rubles (regardless of age);
  • for a full-time student - 25% of the amount;
  • for a full-time student with a disability up to 24 years old - 12,000 rubles.

This amount is deducted from the father's tax deduction each month.

If he lives separately, the amount of the tax deduction directly depends on the amount of alimony paid.

Benefits are also received by a man who has 3 or more children from different marriages. Even if he lives separately, there is an opportunity to enjoy preferences.

Application for benefits if dad lives separately

If the father, after the divorce, lives separately from the children but takes an active part in the upbringing, he can apply for the status of having many children. To do this, he must be officially employed under a contract or an employment contract. You will need the following documents:

  • certificate of guardianship (for adopted children);
  • documents confirming the child's disability (medical report and certificate);
  • a certificate from the university confirming the study at a day hospital;
  • certificate of full payment of alimony from the current or former place of work.

Copies of all documents are certified by a notary or the chief accountant of the enterprise where the father works. Proof of good faith payment of alimony will be required if between ex-husband and the wife failed to reach an agreement. In this case, the distribution of duties occurs by decision of the court.

To prove the conscientiousness of the fulfillment of obligations to the children, it is enough for the father to present a voluntary agreement or a contract of donation of real estate shares.

Benefits for children living with their father

Minor children in a large family are entitled to the following benefits:

  • entry in kindergarten out of turn;
  • free meals at school;
  • free travel in public transport;
  • free medical preparations(children under 6 years old);
  • 50% discount on the use of textbooks.

Children with disabilities from a large family receive free medical equipment and:

  • wheelchairs;
  • walkers;
  • crutches.

Also, children with injuries of the musculoskeletal system have free access to the necessary medical equipment.

Some benefits remain for children from a large family after reaching the age of 18, while they are studying at a university. For example, it is an opportunity to travel for free in public transport.


This video will tell you about what benefits are due to a large family.


The status of "father of many children" is a man raising 3 or more children. Not only relatives are taken into account, but also adopted, or from several marriages. Including, these may be children from several marriages. This status gives the right to the same benefits and preferences as for a mother of many children. What documents are needed for registration child allowance read . Even if the parents are divorced and the children live separately, the status of the father of many children is preserved.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a father with three or more children under the age of 17 is considered to have many children.

Has both for himself and for each child.

It is worth noting that the category of "fathers with many children" includes those men who are raising adopted children who are not yet eighteen.

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Benefits for fathers with many children

Today, mothers with many children are entitled to a number of certain benefits. But today there is also the status of a father of many children, which allows a citizen to enjoy a number of benefits provided by the state.

Main list of benefits:

  • A father with many children can receive benefits at work as vouchers for children to health government agencies which are issued free of charge.
  • The status of "large" gives the right to pay only half of the total debt on payments for utilities. This benefit is new, as previously the detailed discount was only available to mothers.
  • Children from large families can ride public transport for free (intercity flights are an exception).
  • For children under 6 years old, the father can receive the necessary medicines free of charge.
  • Getting school meals free of charge in educational institutions.
  • Receiving a 50% discount for the use of literature in educational institutions.
  • The placement of children in institutions for preschoolers is out of turn.
  • Preferential conditions in the field of taxation (including benefits for entrepreneurs).
  • Taking out a loan for the purchase of residential real estate or for the construction of a residential building on favorable terms.
  • If necessary, the purchase of prostheses and orthopedic products for children free of charge.
  • Preferential working conditions and the provision of a number of employment in a new place of work.
  • If necessary, assistance in improving living conditions.
  • Providing special conditions for issuing a consumer loan. For large families, the interest rate on the loan does not exceed 2% per annum.
  • Issuance of a subsidy for the construction of a residential building (if necessary), which is issued once.
  • A father with many children is granted vacation benefits in the form of an additional 10 calendar (paid) days to the main vacation, excluding holidays and weekends.
  • A man who officially has the status of a father with many children has the right to receive disability benefits, which is equal to 100% of the average monthly earnings.
  • If the financial situation of a large family is beyond the threshold of need (for each region, the threshold of need is set individually), then the father of many children can apply to the Social Security and children under 2 years of age will have to be provided with food free of charge.
  • A man who takes care of three or more children up to the age of seventeen, inclusive, has the right to receive social assistance from the state under certain conditions. Most importantly, family income should be below the poverty threshold.
  • Also, state assistance in the form of benefits and subsidies can be used if a certain number of objective factors affected the size of the family's monthly income.

A father with many children from the state can receive a fairly extensive list of benefits, which will greatly improve the financial situation of a large family.

List of required documents

In order for a man to officially become a "large" father, it is necessary to provide the following list of documents to the labor rights protection institution:

  • A certificate indicating the composition of the family.
  • Birth certificate of the child (an original must be provided for each of the children in the family).
  • TIN (copy and original).
  • Parent's passport (copy and original).

The list of documents includes a rather simplified list of documents that must be submitted to the relevant authorities in order to be granted the official status of a father with many children.

Lack of benefits

There is a list of situations in which benefits will not apply:

  • Deprivation of father's parental rights.
  • If one of the three children has reached the age of eighteen, then, automatically, the father is deprived of the status of "large" and payments of previously existing benefits are terminated. But if there were four or more children under 18 in the family, then, accordingly, the effect of all benefits continues.
  • If the father, who was previously deprived of parental rights to one of the children, wants to restore them and return the status of a father of many children, then it is necessary, in addition to documents, to prove to the commission that the housing conditions are suitable for three or more.
  • If a married couple decides to adopt three or more children, then the state will always meet such people, if it is sure that all the necessary conditions for living will be created for the children, and the financial situation will allow them to raise children.

Today, fathers with many children are entitled to a rather extensive list of benefits that will somewhat improve the financial situation of such a family.

It is essential to learn as much as possible about each type of benefit in order to be able to take advantage of it in real life. The Russian Federation will always be on the side of large fathers and mothers.

About what benefits there are for large families, presented in the video:

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A father with many children in Russia has the right to count on state support in the same way as a mother. Often, fathers are forced to raise and provide for children without a wife or their mother. In such a situation, the father is forced not only to support the family, but also to solve everyday problems that usually fall on the shoulders of a woman in the house.

A father of many children can be recognized as a man who has three or more children: relatives or adopted by him in the prescribed manner. Children from different marriages will also be considered large when the father is established. But there are prerequisites for establishing the status of a father of many children:

  • all three children must live together with the father, and not just be provided with alimony from him;
  • Russian citizenship for a man and his children is mandatory;
  • registration of the whole family in one region;
  • confirmation of legal rights or family ties for each of the children;
  • the age of the older child must not exceed the established threshold for full-time or other forms of education.

Individually, each subject of Russia has the right to establish its own requirements for recognition large status. The main criteria are:

  • the age of the older teenager until which he will be considered in need of paternal support;
  • full-time education, in which a teenager cannot get a job for additional income;
  • conscription service in the army, due to which the teenager also does not have the opportunity to help the family with money;
  • the number of minor children established in different regions is different.

To find out the conditions for compliance with the established norms of a particular region, it is necessary to obtain information from the local social security authorities.

Under these conditions, a father living with children has the right to apply to social authorities to obtain the legal status of having many children. He will need to write an application and provide the required documents. After an affirmative decision, the man will be issued.

Having received the status and certificate of a father of many children, a man can claim the same privileges and benefits as a full-fledged family or a single mother with many children.

All benefits and additional payments entirely assigned to the regions of Russia. The only payment that is made from the federal budget is 100,000 rubles. It is assigned to a parent who was able to raise more than six children up to the age of eight. For this, he is awarded the Order of Parental Glory.

All other measures state aid allocated from the local budget.

Medical Benefits

At a young age, the immunity of children is still being formed, and they are subject to constant diseases. That is why the provision of preferential medical care especially true for large families. Dads with many children have the right to:

  • emergency medical care;
  • free vitamins;
  • free provision of necessary medicines for children under 6 years of age;
  • preferential right to allocate a voucher to a sanatorium once a year for each baby.
To receive discounted medicines, you must apply with a prescription from a doctor to a social pharmacy.

Labor privileges

Dads with many children are forced to provide for the whole family, so they are provided special conditions work and rest:

  1. They are obliged to give priority to employment in their profession on the basis of qualifications.
  2. An additional day off with a 40-hour work week if there is a dependent child with a disability.
  3. Additional unpaid leave of 14 days annually.
  4. Exceeding the norms of the working day or sending on long business trips only with the written consent of the father.
  5. Part-time work with dependent children under 14.

Tax relief

When paying taxes, fathers with many children also have certain privileges. To obtain them, you must write an application to the personnel department at work or to the Tax Inspectorate and submit Required documents. What is eligible for:

  • standard tax deduction for each child when calculating personal income tax;
  • partial or full exemption from taxes if you have your own business or farming;
  • discounts or complete abolition of transport tax;
  • a tax refund of a quarter of the cost of his children's education.

Communal payments

A significant expense item for each family, especially in the winter season. Therefore, fathers with many children are provided by the regions with a discount of 50 to 70% on all utilities.

And those families who live in private homes can also be offered a discount on combustible fuel up to 50% or firewood allocated free of charge.

Transport services

Moving around the city with three or more children makes it much more difficult and fetters the family. That is why they have:

  • free travel on public transport;
  • preferential travel by intercity transport links to medical or educational institutions.
Individual regions may provide other benefits at their discretion.

Social benefits

One of the widest groups of benefits to which all dads with many children, without exception, are entitled:

  1. The right to receive a land plot with an area of ​​at least 6 acres.
  2. Obtaining soft loans to improve housing conditions.
  3. Priority admission of children to kindergartens and educational institutions.
  4. Providing a school uniform.
  5. Providing free meals in schools and kindergartens.
  6. Cultural development of children through the allocation of free tickets to museums and other recreational activities at least once a month.

Cash payments

If a father is raising three or more children on his own, he is entitled to receive the following payments:

  1. Allowance for the care of a child until he reaches one and a half years. Paid by the employer in the amount of 40% of the permanent average monthly income. If the father is unemployed, then this allowance is paid by the social authorities in a fixed amount. For 1 child 3065.69 rubles, for the next - 6131.67 rubles.
  2. Has the right to maternity capital at the birth of a second or third child after the entry into force of the program since 2006. In 2017, its amount was 453,026 rubles.
  3. Regional surcharges are set individually in each subject and depend on the standard of living in it.

Also, in accordance with the norms of the Russian Labor Code, fathers at work can be provided with the following types of benefits:

  • leave at a convenient time for the employee, especially if he needs to take care of a disabled child who has not reached the age of majority;
  • two-week vacation, provided that this condition is in the local acts of the organization;
  • at least four additional days off per month, provided that the employee is raising a disabled child;
  • a father of many children can be sent on a business trip or involved in overtime work only with his direct consent, drawn up in writing, while he must be raising children under five years of age or a disabled child.

Otherwise, the privileges will not differ from those provided for mothers with many children.

Benefits and rights of large families at work in 2018

However, if such conditions are not spelled out in the collective agreement, then the implementation of the right is impossible. Attention! The list of labor privileges for workers with children is quite wide, but it only partially concerns the topic under consideration.
Because it applies to all working people with children. And not designed personally for parents with many children.

Employment benefits disputed by employers In 2014, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation expressed its unequivocal position on the labor issue of the rights granted by earlier acts in the field of labor relations.

They have partially retained their power to this day. It was about the right to receive annual leave in the summer or any other convenient period in the first place. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation confirmed by its act that subclause “b” of clause 3 of the joint Decree No. 235 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU for January 1981

List of benefits at work for mothers with many children

Read also the article ⇒ “Compensation for large families for school uniform". Labor benefits for mothers with many children Labor benefits are provided to mothers with many children on the basis of submitted birth certificates - no other evidence of having many children is required.

You will also need a certificate indicating that the woman is either a single mother or that her spouse is not employed. Benefits, concessions and features of labor relations with a mother of many children are regulated by labor legislation.

There are no other preferences other than those contained in the Labor Law.

What rights does a mother and father have at work according to the labor code

Code, other federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, if these actions give rise to a loss of confidence in the employee on the part of the employer; commission by an employee performing educational functions of an immoral offense incompatible with the continuation of this work; a single gross violation by the head of the organization (branch, representative office), his deputies of their labor duties; submission by the employee to the employer of false documents when concluding an employment contract; the use, including a single one, of methods of education associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of a student, pupil. In addition, a number of labor benefits, although not directly related to parents with many children, can be applied to them.

They are, first of all, enshrined in ch.

What are the benefits for fathers with many children?

Otherwise, such an employee may challenge his dismissal through the court, which will force him not only to accept the dismissed employee to his previous workplace, but also to pay for forced absenteeism. In addition, a father with many children may fall under staff reduction. This is the basis for terminating the employment contract with him. Reduction and dismissal of fathers with many children If the company is downsizing, then the father of many children is not immune from dismissal. But it is worth relying on the provisions of Art. 179 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that employees raising children have the right to preferential retention at work.

But the employer must also comply with all personnel nuances. The employee must be notified 2 months before the upcoming events, as well as offer him all available vacancies that correspond to the qualifications of an employee with many children.

Dismissal of large fathers

However, according to the Large Families Support Program in force in the Russian Federation, if there is a demographic growth in the region, then in order to obtain this status, a family must have more than four children. Families with many children are recognized:

  • with more than three minor children - only in regions where the overall population growth is negative;
  • with the presence of more than four children under the age of majority - in regions where the demographic indicator of population growth is constantly growing.

At the same time, it should be noted that if children are enrolled in full-time education in educational institutions of secondary vocational education or in a university, in this case the family will be considered large until the child is 22 years old.

What are the rights of a mother with many children at work


In any case, a family with a large number of children by the standards of the region will be guaranteed to receive some state support in the form of discounts, for example, on utilities, and benefits, including relief at work, provided for by Russian law. What benefits can large families count on at work?

Only general rules apply here. Benefits for a mother of many children All provided labor rights and benefits for a mother of many children at work are regulated by the norms of the TKRF. There are no other labor benefits for employed parents with many children.

Shopping Mall of the Russian Federation - vacation for parents with many children

Employees of any organizations, which at the same time are parents of many children, are considered by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation as a very vulnerable category of hired personnel. What is it connected with?

  • Firstly, the time that other employees spend on vacation (weekends, non-working hours, etc.) during the working year, they are engaged in raising children;
  • Secondly, there is a problem of inconsistency in rest time - children, as a rule, are free in the summer, and parents' vacation falls on a different period of time.

As a result, a worker with many children cannot fully restore his working capacity, which affects the quality of his performance of his labor duties.

In order to solve this problem, the Government of the Russian Federation approved a set of benefits and special rights for parents with many children.

Get compensation and benefits

Attached is an act on equipping the workplace with the necessary equipment, agreed by representatives of the employer, the employment center; the employer, when hiring a citizen belonging to the category of parents with many children, sent by the employment center, concludes an employment contract with him for an indefinite period; in the event of termination of the contract, the employer, within three days, notifies the employment center of this and employs a citizen belonging to the category of parents with many children in the vacant workplace in the direction of the employment service. In accordance with Art. 2 Law of the Republic of Khakassia dated October 2, 2008
As an example, we can cite the Decree of the Government of the Belgorod Region dated January 16, 2012 No. 14 pp “On approval of a program of additional measures aimed at promoting the employment of people with disabilities, parents raising children with disabilities, parents with many children, implemented in the Belgorod Region in 2012”, in accordance with which the list of employers planning to create jobs for the employment of parents with many children was approved, as well as the amount of compensation to the employer for the costs of acquiring, assembling and installing equipment to equip the workplace for the employment of parents with many children in the amount of 30 thousand rubles per 1 workplace ( it was planned to create 40 jobs in 2012 for the employment of unemployed parents raising children with disabilities, parents with many children).

Benefits for a father of many children at work under the labor code

Answer: No employees can be called to the workplace on holidays and weekends, unless an accident has occurred at the enterprise, or a state of emergency has been declared.? Video tips. What benefits are due to a father with many children in Russia in 2018 But there is also a list of mandatory benefits that must be provided to the father:

  • concessions on utility bills;
  • medical benefits;
  • travel by public transport;
  • childcare benefits preschool and payment discounts
  • provision of school meals and school supplies;
  • lending with concessions and assistance in the development of your own enterprise;
  • preferential admission to the workplace and labor indulgences in the course of labor.

The Ministry constantly checks the amount of benefits provided. Therefore, the parent will receive all the necessary benefits.

Benefits for a father of many children at work under the Labor Code 2016

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that citizens raising children have the priority right to leave the workplace. In addition, the sole breadwinner in the family also has additional benefits, which are listed in Art. 256 - 264 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The dismissal of the father of a large family, as well as the mother of a large family, is possible only in the following cases:

  • a legal entity undergoes a procedure of voluntary or forced liquidation, that is, it goes bankrupt or closes on its own;
  • an individual entrepreneur terminates his activity on the same grounds.

But the only large breadwinner in the family must confirm his status. To do this, he must bring to the personnel department copies of the children's birth certificate, a copy of the marriage certificate, a copy of the certificate of a parent with many children, as well as documents confirming that he is the only breadwinner in the family.
