How to unravel a big tangle in your hair. How to comb very tangled hair? The long ends of the hair on the back of the head and crown are very tangled: what to do

This causes a lot of discomfort, since they are not just confused, but sometimes fall into whole tangles, which take more than one hour to unravel. One stop solution for such a problem, no: however, before trying to apply many tools, it is necessary to analyze the origins of this problem.

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon.

The long ends of the hair on the back of the head and crown are very tangled: what to do?

  • The simplest and most radical option, if your hair is very tangled: shorten your hair. Sometimes attempts to unravel greatly contribute to loss. You will lose much less hair if you cut off split ends at the same time; after all, most often the hair begins to get confused precisely from below.
  • If you are not ready for such drastic measures, then you should work hard to save your favorite curls and untangle your hair after bouffant. A thorough brushing will help. To do this, you will need a lot of time and a comb with wide teeth. It is better to take a wooden one so that static electricity is not conducted. Combing will help solve the problem

Shampoo and brush D Meli Melo for quick combing of tangles

To untangle the hair with a round comb, if they are stuck there, you can use shampoo or oil (vegetable), as well as another comb, but with rare teeth, gradually separating strand by strand.

It is better to start combing from the end so that the knots from above do not accumulate at the bottom, which will only complicate the situation.

  • If your hair is very tangled after washing, you should use a conditioner. There are many similar products that not only give softness and shine to the hair, but also facilitate the process of combing the strands.
  • When the hair on the back of the head gets very tangled during the night, better in the morning apply a little balm or oily cream. This will increase slip, and the strands will be easier to untangle.
Hair conditioner

Fluffy curls: prevention of entanglement

To prevent hair from getting tangled in the future, first of all, you need to review your diet: exclude all “harmful” foods, add more fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish and nuts.

Features of caring for a child's hair

Multivitamin complexes can help out during periods of spring beriberi and reduced immunity.

To protect your hair from external influences, never forget a hat and panama! This also makes the hair very tangled.

Ultraviolet damages hair

Reduce your use of blow dryers, flat irons, and flat irons to keep your hair hydrated and strong for as long as possible. After each shampooing, apply moisturizing masks, balms. There are many tools on the market for better combing.

A hair mask will help strengthen your hair

We prepare the remedy at home: a mask recipe

Natural hair masks also serve as an excellent remedy for tangles. As a rule, they contain oils: castor, olive, linseed, soybean, argan, walnut ... Any oil can be combined with ingredients such as egg yolk, liquid honey (not candied!) or vinegar.


Since it natural products, in any combination, they can not cause harm, but will only benefit the health of the hair.

If your hair is very tangled, you should not immediately run to the salon and cut off the entire length. There are a few easy fixes for this problem!

Sometimes after washing, curling or evening hairstyles, the hair becomes very tangled, especially if it is long and thick. Combing them seems impossible and very painful. But there are several ways to unravel the tangle without harming the curls.

Small tangled tuft of hair

In this case, you can try to untangle the hair with your hands. It is necessary to carefully divide the curls into small strands with your fingers, and then draw a flat comb with sparse teeth along the tips and gradually higher, to the roots. A tangled tuft needs to be dispersed a little with your fingers and pulled up a few hairs from it. You can’t pull down: you can pull it out with onions!

Heavily tangled long hair

First, wash your hair with shampoo, without combing the strands. It is strictly forbidden to unravel dry hair, otherwise you will tear it out by the root or confuse it even more!

Then we apply a balm or mask on them. Let stand for 20 minutes.

We carefully begin to separate the wet strands with a comb with sparse teeth or hands, starting from the tips and gradually rising to the root part, while holding the strand at the roots. However, wet hair is very fragile, so you need to take it apart slowly and do not pull it down! Ideally, you need to lie on the sofa, hanging your head down, or sit on a chair with your head between your knees. But even if you remain in a standing position, you need to tilt your head.

Having untangled all the knots and tangles, again grease the strands with a mask and wait another 15 minutes. Rinse your hair with cool water.

Hair wrapped around a round comb or Velcro curler

In this case, it is necessary to soak the strand wound on the brush in the balm and slowly rotate it so as not to pull out the hairs. Before unwinding the tangle, it is useful to sprinkle with oil. At the end of the procedure, you need to gently comb your hair with a comb to get rid of torn hairs.

Text: Polina Yanulova

Photo: open internet sources

The fact that the hair gets tangled from time to time is a completely natural process. But it happens that instead of a slight tangle, tangles begin to bother, which are very difficult to comb out, and in the most advanced cases, part of the hair generally has to be parted. We will understand this problem and find out why the hair is very tangled and how to deal with tangles.

Why does hair get tangled

Mostly hair gets tangled when it reaches below shoulder length.

The main reasons for this problem are:

  • bad habits;
  • nervous tension;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • refusal of a hat in winter weather;
  • long stay in a room with dry air;
  • the use of aggressive alkaline agents;
  • hard and chlorinated water;
  • based on ammonia and x;
  • high-necked clothing or synthetic scarves, etc.

All of the above factors can "poison" the procedure of combing hair. But this can and should be fought. Further in the article, we will reveal the secrets of unraveling tangles and how to prevent them.

How to unravel tangles in your hair

The easiest way to get rid of tangles is to cut them off. But cutting them every time, you can be left without hair.

Instructions for combing tangled hair:

  1. First, wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. Apply a mask or balm.
  3. Gently squeeze out the water and wrap your hair in a towel.
  4. Start dismantling the strands from the bottom, moving up.
  5. After detangling, once again apply the mask to the hair, leave for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Wash off with cool water.

To fix the result - rinse your hair with vinegar water.

Use combs to detangle tangled hair natural materials with sparse teeth. Plastic products will only exacerbate the situation due to electrification.

Strongly tangled hair: what to do

Ways to deal with tangled hair:

  • braid your hair at night;
  • try to wear sweaters or sweaters made of natural fabrics, as synthetics electrify hair and tangles form;
  • it is better to cut;
  • use masks and hair balms;
  • choose shampoo with keratin;
  • once a week pamper your hair at home,
  • with daily shampooing, add apricot or peach oil to the shampoo;
  • salon procedures also help to avoid hair fall (lamination, keratin straightening and cautery).

Folk remedies for tangled hair:

  • Mix a couple of spoonfuls base oils-, burdock and If there are none, then other types will do. Most importantly, don't use essential oils. After washing your hair, apply the composition to your hair, wrap it in a bag or put on a special cap. Wrap a towel over the top. The wrap lasts 20-30 minutes. Wash off the mask using shampoo.
  • Rinse with vinegar twice a week. For 1000 ml add 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar. It will make hair more manageable and neutralize static stress.
  • Use for rinsing infusions of nettle, chamomile, dandelion or burdock. All drugs can be bought at a pharmacy and they are inexpensive.
  • Mix 25 g of burdock oil and 2 yolks. Apply to hair and leave for 1 hour. Wash off the mask with shampoo and let your hair dry naturally.
  • Comb your hair at least 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes. Such a head massage will ensure blood flow to the hair follicles.

If all methods did not give the desired result, then consult a trichologist. He will be able to determine the cause of tangled hair.

Any owner of more or less long hair at least once in my life I faced the problem of tangled strands. Someone simply forgot to comb, someone "suffered" from a complex hairstyle, and someone was helped by a strong wind. Having failed to curb the huge tangle, many are beginning to look towards scissors, one of the drastic measures. Dear girls, take your time! Learn how to comb very tangled hair to keep it healthy and long.

Hair detangling instructions

Step 1. We wash our hair with shampoo, without combing the strands. Detangling dry hair is strictly prohibited! You will only uproot them and confuse them even more.

Step 2. Apply a balm or mask to them. Let stand for 20 minutes.

Step 3. With gentle movements, we begin to disassemble the wet strands. You can do this with a comb with sparse teeth or even with your hands. Do not comb wet hair for too long - warm water makes them vulnerable to mechanical stress. You need to start the process from the tips, gradually rising to the root part. Experts insist on the importance of posture:

  • Lie down on the sofa with your head hanging down;
  • Sit on a chair with your head between your knees;
  • Remain in a standing position, but also tilt your head.

Step 4. Having untangled all the knots and tangles, again grease the strands with a mask and wait another 15 minutes.

Step 5. Rinse the strands with clean water and wring out with a towel.

Home remedies for detangling hair

A home remedy for untangling strands has a lot of advantages over its analogue from the store. This and natural base, and absolute safety, and the absence of preservatives, and relatively low prices.

Yes, and it is very easy to prepare such a spray:

  1. Combine unscented conditioner base and warm water in a bowl.
  2. Stir the liquid with a wooden spoon or glass stick.
  3. Let the mixture cool down.
  4. Pour in a few drops of any ether and apricot kernel oil.
  5. Pour the spray into Plastic container with sprayer.
  6. Use to detangle strands.

What comb to unravel the tangle?

In the matter of unraveling tangles, a comb occupies not the last place. As a rule, most women use brushes made of metal or plastic, although experts insist on using combs made from natural materials - bone, bristle and wood. Unlike plastic and metal, they do not accumulate static and do not lead to knots at the ends of the strands.

Pay attention to very important nuances:

  • For combing tangled curls, a brush with rare teeth is suitable;
  • Tangles are easier and safer to disassemble with a comb with processed edges of the teeth;
  • The bristles on the brushes should be long and hard;
  • Choose medium bristle. If it loses its shape, it can be restored with a weak solution of alum.

By the way, do you know how to choose a comb?

Hair tangle prevention

To prevent a luxurious mane from turning into one ugly tangle, follow our helpful tips:

Tip 1. It is better to wash your hair in the shower, without tilting it over the basin or the bath.

Tip 2. Make sure that the water gets on top of the head and flows down the back of the head and back. Of course, if you only need to wash your head and not your whole body, this method is not very convenient. But beauty requires sacrifice, and this is not the biggest of them.

Tip 3. Be sure to use conditioners, balms and masks. They make the hair structure heavier, which makes it much less tangled.

Tip 4. Do not wrap your head with a towel and do not rub the strands. Fluffy fabric will only exacerbate the problem. Better gently blot excess moisture and throw the mane back.

Beautiful and smooth hair

Tip 5. Do not comb wet hair, especially if it is thin and of decent length.

Tip 6: Ditch the hair dryer in favor of natural drying.

Tip 7. If your hair is constantly tangled, get special agent for untangling strands (usually for children), express conditioner or spray. They are biphasic and herbal and often contain healthy cosmetic oil. Using these products is very easy - just sprinkle them on the strands after drying, wait a couple of minutes and go through the strands with a comb.

Tip 8. Comb your hair from the ends, gradually moving up. The brush or comb should glide very gently, so don't make any hasty or sudden movements. Strongly tangled hair should be sorted out with your hands.

Tip 9. Do not sleep with your hair loose, collect it in a loose braid or bun, otherwise you simply won’t be able to do anything in the morning. This rule also applies to the performance of various household chores. We also note that such a hairstyle should not be tight, otherwise the strands will also begin to fall out.

Tip 10. Remember to comb not only in the morning and before bedtime, but also during the day.

Tip 11. Thin and withered strands are prone to tangling. To avoid these problems, do not forget about panama hats, hats and sunscreen. They will protect your head from bad weather and the sun.

Tip 12. Do not constantly use mousses, varnishes, foams and sprays, or wash them off every day.

Combing very tangled strands is not so easy, but doing elementary rules will allow you to quickly solve this problem.


How to detangle badly tangled hair and tangles in your hair at home.

My hair is tangled, what should I do? sick, bed rest, hair length below the waist. Now unreal tangles that I don't know how to comb. Who has dealt with this problem?

Here are two options

1) cut everything off.

2) be patient, take a thin comb, and slowly unravel.

You take a hair mask, apply it, trying not to tangle your tangles even more, sit with it, comb it gently. You can use hair balm.

Buy keratin for hair, smear it well, sit down, comb it gently. Those tangles that you can't unravel, cut off. Then wash your hair and apply keratin again.

Take a shower and gently untangle your hair under water. This is how I untangle the tangles in my hair.

This is really a serious problem. For example, my hair is very tangled, and if you do not comb it for several days and lie down, a huge lump will form, similar to a washcloth. Sprays won't help if the tangle is severe. Plus to masks and balms, apply to wet hair, sit for 10 minutes, and try to comb.

Just not oil! While you wash off, you will lose half of your hair, but it will not help to untangle. It is better to take products based on keratin or silicones, apply to your hair and comb your tangles gently.

you need to call good master for hair extensions. It was so. All unraveled.

Lots, lots of conditioner, and gently untangle with your hands. I myself was in this situation recently.

Well, my advice, do not wet your hair, detangle dry. Maximum - spray a couple of puffs. Better not smear anything, you can only aggravate. Especially if the hair gets tangled on its own.

With a large needle, ask someone to pull out one strand. And then generously lubricate and comb with balm. I remembered how, as a child, I woke up all the time with sweets in my hair, my mother cut it.

And this happens to me. You need to comb your hair more often and put it in a ponytail at night, and not only at night, and not only in a ponytail. A scythe in such situations is ideal. A light brush will help.

Well, I think, in this case, you can take a comb and carefully, starting from the ends, comb, carefully and carefully, so that it does not hurt, comb your hair.

You can wash your hair and apply a thick mask or balm. It helped me. In the process of washing, the hair untangles itself.

Buy a comb tangle teaser. If your hair gets tangled, it's perfect. Well, a tool for easy combing hair or liquid silk.

After salt water it was. Bast on the head, I won’t comb it, I thought. Tangle teaser (compact which) was and a lot of balm, but not sulfate-free, the more silicone, the better. Don't worry if the hair is long, ask someone to help you, it will be easier.

Now I can’t comb my hair at all, it hurts terribly and my hair is a nightmare. And the teaser is perfect, she doesn’t dart and unravels all the shreds. I have curly hair of my own, and therefore I have suffered with tangled hair all my life, and only this comb is my salvation.

Better cut. After the chickenpox, I couldn’t do anything, just really cut it off. And is hair down to the waist - is it beautiful? Better haircut! Update at the same time! And if the hair gets tangled - perfect!

In my youth, I had mine up to the waist, and all the way such garbage, nothing, coped somehow. I scratched without any means, for a long time, but effective

It untangles the teaser well, before it constantly tore her hair in a rage. Thanks to those who came up with it! You can also try a brush with natural bristles. But don't get wet. Buy a teaser, even in Avon there is, and in a fixed price for 50 rubles. Also good reviews.

I should have braided my hair! And now - except that with a balm to spread and gently comb. Or go to the master.

That they carped that she did not braid her braid. Maybe she was unconscious for three days, who knows?

Maybe yours is just too dry? Once they break off, it means that the ends are very split, most likely this is because you use a flat iron or a hairdryer a lot, well, my hair is long, very large or too tangled lumps, I unravel 3 hairs with my hands, but they never break if I do not abuse ironing.

I don't blow dry, no flat irons. Masks, balms and so on. And I don't even paint now. Still such a story. And still I don’t know how to unravel the tangles in my hair.

You don't scratch now. Go, wash them, and a nourishing mask, then a balm, then on a wet spray for ease of combing or oil-serum, a lot will fall out, but this is normal, if you do not comb for a long time, then they will still fall out over the previous days. The norm is that every day a certain amount of hair should fall out.

From a molehill, as they say. Or in the shower and make a mask, apply a good conditioner. And that's it, your problem is solved.

You just go, wash your hair as best you can, and then comb, comb, be patient. I had this, only I was lying for two weeks, 80 cm of hair were almost dreadlocks to the roots. Got it done in a little over an hour.

Make a mask with oils, then rinse your hair, apply balm on them, rinse. Buy a spray for easy combing. Call your mom or a friend. And brush gently. Be patient. And do not panic that your hair is tangled, what to do, do not pull it!

Wet your hair, smear with Sulsen paste, be sure Russian production, she does not dry her hair, I think you can easily unravel with your hands without washing off the paste.

I never understood questions like this. I’m waist-deep, it happens on weekends, without combing, I tie my tail and walk, in two days they get tangled to knots, but if you gently straighten and unravel with your fingers, starting from the tips, everything is untied in a few minutes, combed with a comb and voila. There are special sprays for easy combing. I can’t imagine what the state should be so that it cannot be unraveled. By the way, oils and shampoos can confuse even more, I do not advise.

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