How to make hair smooth and shiny - the secrets of professionals. The main secrets of hairdressers that you should know about How hair is smeared in a hairdresser after a haircut

To achieve beautiful styling, it is not necessary to go to the salon. However, not every girl manages to properly style her hair at home so that hair to hair.

It turns out that hair stylists have their own secrets for perfect styling and shiny hair, which they don’t really like to talk about.

1. Attention - tips. Usually, when washing hair in the salon, the hairdresser uses conditioner after shampoo. But not everyone knows that conditioner or balm is applied only to 2/3 of the length of the hair.

2. Professional cosmetics- another trick of hairdressers. It is impossible to achieve the same effect “as in the salon” using care products from the mass market at home. To get a salon shine, and the hair began to look healthy and silky, you can use cosmetics purchased in specialized shops. Now it's available.

3. For styling, many use invisible hairpins and hairpins. But not everyone knows how to use hairpins correctly. To keep the hairpins well on the hair, they are sprayed with varnish a couple of minutes before use.
Almost all women stab invisible women incorrectly: with the wavy side up. And it is correct to stab on the contrary, collecting the hair from below with a wavy side. The straight side of the invisible should be on top of the hairstyle.

4. Long-term basal volume on the hair can be achieved by yourself if you use a hair dryer with a diffuser at home, which lifts the hair when drying from the roots.
Another way is to wind slightly damp strands at the very roots onto large curlers and dry them with a hairdryer.

The third home method is to tilt your head forward and blow dry your hair from the back of your head in this way. In all three cases, it is possible to strengthen the created volume with the help of varnish, sprinkling just a little bit on the root zone in front and on the back of the head.

How to protect hair from the sun?

At first glance, the sun's rays do not threaten us with serious diseases and burns. However, the sun definitely "does not like" our hair, it deprives them of color and moisture.
You will be surprised, but sometimes the sun causes the hair to burn out to amazing shades: brown, yellow and even green.

In addition, ultraviolet rays and salt destroy the hair roots. To avoid the harmful effects of the sun, use shampoos and sprays with a high SPF content. In addition, the shampoo summer season must always contain protection against chlorinated water, salt and other harmful substances.

After a long exposure to the sun and contact with salt water, wash your hair with a special shampoo and use a mask to restore your hair.

In addition, it contains vitamins and minerals, moisturizing additives that create a hydrolipidic film.
Particular attention should be paid to the scalp. In summer, the skin especially needs care, because the sun seriously dries it, which leads to dandruff.
To avoid this, pay attention to shampoos with a high content of salicylic acid. It will help to cope with overtime work, moisturize the skin and protect it from harmful bacteria.

Remember: it is impossible to completely neutralize the effects of ultraviolet radiation, so be sure to bring a couple of trendy hats with you to the resort!

Article Source: Hair-Fresh

You always leave the hairdresser with a great haircut. Unfortunately, on the second day, after washing the hair, the spell dissipates: the strands "bunch", become electrified, and become dull. In addition, they are difficult to stow, although in the cabin it seemed that there were no particular problems with them. Why can't you get the same effect at home? The answer is simple: professionals have at hand not only the best drugs, but also their secrets, which they reluctantly share... Get to know the most important of them!

A good wash will prolong the life of your hair.

Shampooing seems like a simple operation: just wet your strands, apply a generous amount of shampoo, lather, and then rinse. Nothing is further from the truth! Because it is the proper washing of hair that plays a key role in their care.

  • First of all, you need to remember that the hair should not be washed very hot water as this may damage their structure.

  • In addition, the amount of shampoo that we use should be minimal (excessive amount of it will only contribute to the dryness of the strands).

  • It is also worth forgetting about the rush during this process to spend a few minutes on a gentle and thorough head massage. This procedure brings us many benefits: it improves the blood supply to the skin, strengthens the hair follicles, makes our strands strong and full of shine.

  • Do not forget to unscrew the tap with cold water at the end of the procedure. Thanks to this, the hair scales close up, and our hair will shine beautifully!

Fast drying will enhance the shine of the hair

Did you know that fast drying is the secret to healthy, shiny hair? Thanks to this method, the strands retain moisture longer, remain soft to the touch, and at the same time more pliable to modeling procedures.

  • Before you take up the hair dryer, gently dry your hair with a towel, remembering that the liquid from the hair should not be "squeezed out", but only slightly squeezed out.

  • Then the strands should be carefully combed. Instead of using a brush, use a wide-toothed comb.

  • During drying, it is better to keep your head down. So the hair not only dries faster, but also not too close to each other, as a result, they become more fluffy!

Moisturizing before washing

Long, shiny hair is perhaps every woman's dream... But sometimes washing in cold water and adequate drying does not bring the expected results. What then? Perhaps during washing or combing, the scales of our hair are damaged, and as a result, the strands become dull.

  • A few minutes before it is worth rubbing a few drops of argan or coconut oil into the very tips. Thanks to this, the "stems" of the hair will not be damaged, and after they dry, the strands will acquire a beautiful shine!

"Renewal" of greasy hair

Your problem is not dry strands, but rather too greasy? Does it also happen that the next day after washing them, they are already "stale"? Instead of panicking, change the rules of care that have been followed so far.

  • First of all, during the day, try not to comb your hair - otherwise, you will only spread sebum faster through the strands, which will look unsightly in a short time. Replace your brush with a wide-toothed comb, which will not only help discipline your hair but also keep it fresh for longer.

  • really big problem. If there is no way to wash your hair, you can sprinkle the strands at the roots with dry shampoo. This cosmetic product quickly absorbs sebum, so that the hair will look fresh again.

  • Dry shampoo acts as a "lifeline" also in the case when we have used too much leave-in conditioner or styling product. You just need to wait a minute and carefully comb the curls so that there is no white coating left.

You don't need to be a stylist to enjoy healthy, shiny and fresh-looking hair every day. It is enough to know hairdressing tricks!

What else can be applied to hair for styling? Any firm offers several varieties of funds. Styling spray is a great alternative to foam. Its advantages - many people do not like the feeling of foam on their hair, they feel flakiness and heaviness. Often these are either incorrectly selected foams, or from a low-quality cheap series.

Spray - a tool that combines good fixing qualities with the lightness felt by the hair. Many sprays are based on water - this is very good for color-treated hair. The less alcohol the product contains, the less hair dries out from it. Sprays are very easy to apply - spraying on hair is more convenient than smearing it. The lightness of the sprays ensures a long “life” for the styling - the hair is fixed, but it is not hard for it.

It is important not to confuse just a styling spray with a spray varnish. This remedy will cause the hair to stick together if used incorrectly. It is applied in the same way as varnishes, at the end of blow-drying.

There are also jelly-like and creamy styling products, but they are used less and less often, due to the difficulty in applying and distributing through the hair. In any case, it’s better to immediately see if there are a lot of alcohols in the composition of any styling - it will immediately be clear whether it is worth stacking on it or not, no one wants to dry their hair.

The final means of fixation - to highlight strands, curls, create a "sloppy look" - numerous gels, waxes, fondants, creams, varnishes - either very greasy to the touch or dry quickly - require experience in application. Their use makes the hairstyle either expressive, or completely deprives it of any form - from the pomaded strands, the hair sticks together and lies on the head at random. To learn how to manipulate styling tools, see how a professional does it. Although there are exceptions...

... Somehow I had to observe in one salon the styling, which was done by a very respected master. Her regular client came (she went for styling every two days and she was automatically included in the schedule of visits to the salon at a certain time in the morning).

The master began by massaging into the hair and skin (!) of the client with short haircut enough foam for styling that would be enough for four people. All hair was raised from the root and stood perpendicular to the head after drying with a hairdryer and brush, only the ends of the hair were bent to the back of the head. The shape of the hair was not too impressive. I thought that the styling just didn’t work out, but it didn’t seem so on the client’s face. The head was like a ball of burdock.

It turned out that this was just the beginning of the installation. The master surprised me greatly by gaining a solid amount of oily wax, which is usually used to weight wavy hair. long hair. With it, she resolutely smeared all her hair at the roots, turning the “burdock” into “plucked burdock”. The client's skin began to show through her hair, and the strands began to sag down from the weight of the wax.

Obviously, in order to preserve the effect achieved by styling, the master sprinkled each “icicle” of wax and hair with a strong spray varnish, and then varnished with the usual strong fixation varnish.

I was afraid to imagine what the client, smeared with foam, wax and varnishes, is now feeling, when suddenly ... I saw that the master picked up a tube of gel. Squeezing a portion the size of a pigeon's egg onto her fingers, she spread the gel all over her hair. Of course they didn't fall. They stood upright and gleamed dully, throwing a reflection on the even more exposed scalp of the client.

And then an even greater shock awaited me. Turning her head with a two hundred gram amount of different styling products on her hair to the master, the client smiled at her and said: “Only after your wonderful hands, I feel that I can spend the day without worrying about the shape of my hair!”

Despite the fact that I described the styling of the master from a very, very good salon, this is an example of how not to style your hair. Sometimes the status of the salon works to protect the reputation of the master. Any woman styling her hair will understand that the master was not very ... and the salon, with its authority, made her a super master with golden hands.

So, we discussed how to wash your hair, how to apply care and styling. What about the styling itself? Here, of course, the most interesting begins.

If you are the owner of a short haircut or middle length and want to give your hair volume and a certain direction, never start styling with a round brush. Why? You won't succeed. If you begin to twist a strand with a brush and dry it with a hairdryer, your hair will never be turned in the direction you need from the roots. Imagine that you have twisted on curlers - this is almost the same effect - somewhere from the roots the hair is in the right direction, and somewhere not at all. Because of this, the ends of the hair eventually go in different directions and you become like a disheveled tomboy.

What kind of brushes should you have? Universal brush for basic styling for hair from short to semi-long - a flat plastic brush, familiar to everyone from visits to salons - any master starts styling with a similar brush. Why is this brush used? Because she, thanks to the presence of two teeth different lengths- small and large, it is able to style any hair from the roots, while minimally injuring and easily combing them.

Styling with such a brush is the main one, after which you can “polish” your hair with a round brush with small bristles. Attention: there may be several round brushes for your hairstyle - if the hair is short, the diameter of the brush is small, if longer - a little more, if the hair is over 10 cm long - the brush should be 5 or more centimeters thick.

Surely you have watched more than once how hair is styled in a hairdresser - at first they often take a flat brush and stretch the hair on it, giving volume to the hair at the roots. Then they scroll through the strands on a round brush and get smoother strands with slightly curled tips.

But the movements of the master are very difficult to catch, it often seems that with a brush of the first type, chaotic strands are simply picked up and carelessly dried. This is not so, in fact, at this time, the master sets the direction for all the hair on the head, turning them from the root in the right direction. (See photo for chapter)

Without it little secret neither styling strength nor further styling with a round brush is possible - the hair will still turn out with the tips in a direction convenient for them. This is the main mistake of laying at home.

Another subtlety - at home, during hair styling, almost everyone tries to immediately capture more hair and, clinging their teeth with zeal, they pull a strand on the brush. The result of such efforts is a hill-like styling, with bulges and depressions throughout the mass of the hairstyle.

For good quality styling with a hairdryer and a brush, it is important to remember a small rule - the strands that you comb out for stretching on the brush should be no wider than 1 cm, then you will evenly and quickly dry and style your hair on the whole head. In the photo you see how to properly comb and lift a strand on the brush so that it has volume and easily joins the rest of the already dried hair.

Look carefully at the photos in the explanation of this part of the chapter, and you will see how to hold the brush and where to direct the air of the hair dryer so that both the hair is dry and the skin on the head is not burned.

Also pay attention to the styling steps - many people use the accelerated method of drying their hair, tilting their heads down and randomly directing a stream of air from a hair dryer, then, having already straightened up, dry the rest of their hair.

Believe me, if you are not too lazy and part your hair (if necessary, use hair clips), the styling will be of better quality, and you will not go through with it for half a day, but until you find it necessary to wash your hair.

Interestingly, in conversations with clients, I often note this detail: many style their hair as soon as traces of their previous styling disappear. And for this they are forced to wash their hair again. If you style according to the rules I suggested here, you will be able to "tweak" your styling even if the hair has lost a little volume or changed the direction in which you styled it. Just take a brush and repeat styling on dry hair in the place that “lay down” wrong. The styling agent applied by you, heated by the air of the hair dryer, will “work” again and the hair will again lie in the right direction.

One more recommendation. In practice, explaining to my clients how best to style their hair, I am faced with the need for a practical demonstration and a small “master class” for each client. How to separate the hair, how to hold the brushes, to what extent to dry the hair - I explain all this separately and give the brushes and hair dryer to the clients in their hands, they learn right in the hairdressing chair.

This brings tangible benefits to them and to me. I fundamentally try to teach all my clients how to style, so that they do not go to the salon for this. This saves them money and time. Yes, and my working hours too. You don't have to be seven spans in the forehead to learn how to style your hair. Almost all of my clients are able to cope with this themselves, many note that the explanations in the salon helped them a lot.

Use this method - talk to your master, even if it will be billed as a consultation. Each master can tell you exactly how he styled your hair, what he used, and what features he can emphasize. This collaboration will be beneficial - you will learn to act better on your own, reduce the time at home styling, and you will not worry that styling may not work out.

So far, we have only talked about styling haircuts from straight hair, short and semi-long. It is time to pay attention to the owners of wavy and curly hair, as well as those who wear straight long hair.

I often use the Internet and visit sites and blogs where girls and women ask questions related, in particular, to hair styling. To my great surprise, the questions are often repeated and, reading the answers of the site participants, I come to the conclusion that they know just as little about hair. But I like this opportunity to communicate, all participants sincerely try to help each other. I, too, when I have time, write the answer. And it can be very nice to receive an e-mail thanks from the girl or woman who asked the question.

Here are the most common problems with which the owners of long straight, wavy and curly hair turn to the Internet for help.

“My hair is incomprehensible - not straight and not wavy, I don’t understand which ones. I try to stretch them out with irons and spray them with a special fluid. But they are probably used to it. Now I’m walking like “fluff” and I don’t know what to do ... "

And a picture of a girl with light hair, shoulder length. The answer was this - be sure to go to the salon and process the ends of the hair along the entire length so that the slightly exfoliating structure of the hair, fluffing up at the ends, is removed. A haircut must be done by a good (if possible) master with well-sharpened scissors, preferably German, Japanese or made in Italy. What will it give? Good scissors, like a razor, will cut off the layered ends of the hair, a fresh cut after such scissors no longer fluffs up and is less prone to delamination in the future.

How to style - be sure to apply not a fluid, since it no longer helps, but a good, not heavy care spray and a light styling foam before straightening with irons. This will fix the hair in the state that their owner needs as much as she needs it. After treating wet hair with foam (retreat 1-2 cm from the roots, so that there is no feeling of “dirty hair at the roots”), dry them with a hairdryer and a brush. And then stretch with an iron. And the problem was solved!

“I did highlights on long hair six months ago. Now it looks so bad that I'm ready to walk in a headscarf. In addition, it is still too early to cut it, but I really want to, because I fit it with a bristle brush, and it stands on end from it. Previously, I could smooth all my hair smoothly, now after styling it was like an electric shock - all the hair to the sides. What can be done?"

In the photo - a girl with very ugly large white strands on a good 20 cm of hair, with regrown blond roots. The recommendation was unambiguous - to tone with either tinting foam or casting paint white hair tone-on-tone with your own hair. Toning with foams on bleached hair lies flawlessly and lasts a long time, you just need to choose the right color. I assumed that the girl washes her hair with shampoo to add volume to her hair, and recommended changing it to shampoo according to the type of hair. Care along the entire length was not required, but bleached hair needed to be treated with conditioner - without affecting their regrown hair. This smoothed the structure and weighed down the hair, preventing them from “standing on end”. And, most likely, the brush with which the styling was done had to be updated - the old brush can also damage the hair with its bristles when styling.

I received an answer - in fact, the shampoo was to add volume to the hair, and the brush was a bit old, and the hair after Toning and applying balms began to lie perfectly and obediently smoothed out.

“I don’t know how to deal with my stupid curls - just some kind of ram! I hate my hair! Short ones are worse than long ones. I want to stretch them with irons for a long time, but it does not work. I stretch at home for an hour and a half, go out into the street and feel how they crawl up and curl again. What can you pull out?"

Photo - long curly red hair, layered cut, below shoulder length. The answer is - do you need to straighten it? This red-haired splendor is best emphasized, especially since curls are now at the peak of popularity! How to emphasize? After washing, apply foam to the hair, comb, wrinkle the hair with your hands and dry naturally if there is no diffuser. After drying, apply a small amount of hair wax on your palms and rub with the same squeezing movements, starting from the ends and moving towards the middle, without affecting the roots. You will get wonderful, glossy individual curly curls that will not fluff - wax will not allow, and the next day it is enough to comb your hair with a sparse comb and repeat the wax treatment again. True, the pillowcase gets dirty from the wax faster than usual, but this is not a problem, is it?

I doubted that advice would be accepted on the Internet, usually I show the owners of curly hair in the salon such styling, and they finally appreciate how rich they are endowed by nature. But the "curl victim" responded with an enthusiastic letter thanking her for the timely advice - she was already about to chemically straighten her hair.

I must say, such tools are in the arsenal of modern salons, and owners of very strong, “Negroid” curls often resort to them. But I have not yet met a single person with an average degree of curl of hair who would be willing to part with their curls for half a year. On mature reflection, everyone wants to stay curly. So they are used to it. In fact, what should a person do who has worn curls all his life, but suddenly got straighter hair? These are new questions and problems. A curly hair Not only fashionable, but also comfortable!

“I’m growing my hair out, it’s already shoulder-length in the back. When I get confused to put them inside with the tips, I look like a gnome with a backpack - the neck is not visible and the volume of hair is at its level. The view is nowhere worse, but I'm not going to cut off my hair. How to grow further?

The answer is why keep curling your hair inward? They actually look like a mound at the level of the neck, which makes the figure lower due to the invisible line of the neck. At the top of the head, the hair can continue to be lifted, and at the level of the neck it should already be straightened, made longer, the tips can be twisted outward. If the hair has grown - it must be made noticeable.

“I have perfectly straight hair, I blow dry it and that’s it. But at the top of the head there are always some short individual hairs sticking out. I can't stand lac. Maybe my hair is breaking? And I would like to make the ends of the hair strands, but I’m afraid to cut my hair with thinning - since I’ve already grown over after such a haircut ... I don’t know, maybe this is nonsense, but I want to somehow finish it so that I like it!

The answer is that hair constantly falls out and new ones grow, hence short hair at the crown - in the places of partings they are more visible. To smooth them without varnish, and make the ends of the hair strands, there is a simple tool - shine, or, in other words, hair gloss. Usually sold in bottles, like varnish, but it only makes the hair shine. Becomes heavier when applied to the ends and middle. It is necessary to spray at close range, because. the agent quickly settles into microdroplets. The effect is similar to wax, only very light. Often its name is translated as "radiance".

“I bought myself bendable curlers for curls on long hair. I twisted my hair - horror, very bad ... Yes, and it did not last long, it turned into almost straight hair. What, so I can't see curls? Who will say what?

The answer is that if the hair is straight and long, it is difficult to wind them on the hairpins on your own, you need some experience. It is better to try to buy curlers - Velcro. They should be of different diameters, from small, slightly thicker than curling irons, to medium and large. Quantity - with an average density of hair, 20 pieces of each size. The secret of beautiful styling is the more often you pick up strands, the more you wind the curlers, the better the styling will be.

Apply foam to washed hair, comb through with a comb, dry naturally until semi-dry. Using a comb, comb out small strands, starting from the forehead and wind them around the curlers. Roll all the hair, use the largest curlers for the longest hair. If there is an old model of a hair dryer for drying at home - our mothers and grandmothers had such devices - a large hair dryer that is installed next to them, a corrugated hose is attached to it, which leads to a hat worn on the head with curlers - everything will be dried in half an hour. If not, you need to walk and dry for a long time. But the result is beautiful curls until the next wash.

The girl answered - the curlers were available at home, the hair dryer was found in the dad's garage. The hairstyle came out so well that the girlfriends had to tell how and where the styling was done. And the pursuit of old hair dryers began - who found it in the country, who at their grandmother, who bought it in a thrift store, and those who didn’t get it found out that such models are still being produced now. True, you can’t buy them so cheaply, but a new hair dryer for drying at home is also not bad!

“I have an elongated ladder haircut. I just don’t understand why I style the back of my head with just a wonderful round big brush, and round “donuts” of hair are obtained at the temples. Until they fall off, I look…”

The answer is in the back perfect styling because nothing is wound there with a round brush, it straightens and lies well. And at the temples, when you wind it on a brush, there are spherical shapes made of hair. It is not necessary to create volume at the temples, put a strand of hair on the brush and dry it, simply pulling the hair back without twisting. You will get a slightly curved (almost imperceptibly) strand - due to the bending of the round brush. And that's it!

Questions are different, but from this experience it is clear that the hairdresser would answer them quite easily. And if you have questions of your own, feel free to ask how to deal with your problem at the barbershop. The answer may be complete!

To prevent hair from fluffing during the hairstyle, and this is especially true when weaving braids, masters use various styling products. Helpful Hints help the hairstyle last longer and make it more neat.

How to process hair when weaving

  1. The simplest and harmless remedy- This is water. Spray your hair with water and comb well, distributing moisture. To make the braid smooth, comb the strands with a brush. Despite the fact that the water dries quickly, the hairstyle will still look neat. Suitable for everyday hair.
  2. Moisturizing spray-conditioner for hair. Curls in addition will receive protection and nutrition.
  3. Serum for split ends or liquid crystals for hair. Hair is easier to comb, shiny and easier to style.
  4. Wax or cream-gel. Designed for the tight weave you'll want to go through for days. Use a small amount of such products so as not to weigh down your hair.
  5. Special smoothing creams, which you will find in professional ranges such as Londa, and household ones, such as Wella. They have an average fixing effect.
  6. Plain mousse or foam. Not suitable for thin, sparse hair, as it can give them the effect of dirty, wet and sparse.
  7. Lacquer for fixing the finished hairstyle or its elements in the process of execution.

You will get even more useful and practical information from the video lesson. You will see with your own eyes how styling products help in the process of weaving braids. Now you can safely start mastering the various braided hairstyles that you will find.
