How to lighten hair easily. Headline Trying on the image of a blonde

Many ladies are interested in how to lighten hair at home with folk remedies. Today, there are many ways that help solve the problem of harmless environmentally friendly staining.

How to lighten hair without dye at home - bleaching at home

Every woman who wants to lighten curls at home needs to use natural folk remedies. You can lighten curls using natural, environmentally friendly products, or with the help of chemical components. Experts recommend using natural ingredients, as they are harmless. If you still want to use chemical components, then it is better to contact specialists.

There are many ways to color curls in White color:

  • lightening cinnamon,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • hydroperite,
  • clarification with kefir,
  • powder, etc.

How to lighten curls without using paint at home, using folk remedies:

Lightening hair with cinnamon at home

Lightening with cinnamon is more suitable for dark-haired girls. Mix one tablespoon of ground cinnamon with conditioner in a 1:1 ratio. Apply to curls, and keep warm for at least an hour.

Lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide at home

For clarification with peroxide, we use only a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide! Try to work carefully with peroxide so as not to harm yourself. It is best not to leave the peroxide in the locans for more than an hour at a time. To lighten only the ends of the hair, use a solution in the ratio of 70 ml of peroxide and 30 ml of water. Spray on the tips, leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with water.

Also, hydrogen peroxide will help lighten unwanted hair on the legs and arms. To do this, we need: hydrogen peroxide 6% - 30 ml., warm water - 30 ml., 2 ampoules of ammonia (10%) and 1 teaspoon of soda. We mix all the ingredients, apply the resulting mixture on the hands and feet, without rubbing. You need to keep 50-60 minutes. Wash off with water afterwards.

Hydroperit for bleaching hair

We buy hydroperit in any pharmacy in the form of tablets. One tablet is dissolved in 1 ml. water. To prepare the composition, the tablets must be ground to a powder state, add a certain amount of water, ammonia and liquid soap.

For example, to get 60 g of a bleach composition with 10% hydrogen peroxide, you need:

  • 15 tablets of hydroperite,
  • 35 ml of water
  • 6 g liquid soap
  • 8-10 g ammonium.

Kefir is an excellent folk remedy for lightening, which is able to cure and restore curls. For clarification, various recipes for kefir masks are used. simple mask is that kefir is applied to dry curls and left for 2-2.5 hours under a plastic cap insulated with a towel.

The composition of a more complex recipe: kefir (250 ml.), One egg, juice of 1 lemon, a couple of tablespoons of cognac and a little shampoo. In this case, kefir should be as fat as possible and not less than 2.5% strong.

How to lighten hair ends at home without dye

To lighten the tips, you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite, lemon or cinnamon powder, but the safest method, of course lemon.

This method is considered the safest, harmless and even beneficial for curls.

To do this, you need to squeeze the juice of a lemon and actively apply to the tips. Keep for 30-40 minutes. Repeat this every day for at least a week. You will see a dramatic change in color, and the hair will become stronger and saturated with a beautiful shine.

Lightening hair at home with paint and powder

To use the powder, we need an oxygen agent. Powder is able to discolor curls by 5-6 tones. Suitable for all hair types and all white coloring technologies. Guarantees reliable results. Mix powder with oxygen in a ratio of 1 to 2.

Powder for hair for bleaching - which one to choose?

It is best to choose powder based on the type of hair. There are different variations of powders: for brittle and dry, for dry, for oily, for mixed type, for normal, and universal - for all types of curl.

How to quickly lighten hair at home with powder

We mix the powder with the appropriate oxidizing emulsion (6%, 9%, 12%) in a ratio of 1: 2. The percentage of oxidizing emulsion is selected depending on the type and structure of the hair. Leave the prepared mixture in the container for 5 minutes. After leaving the resulting mixture for 30 - 45 minutes.

Blonde hair- the dream of women at any age. Luxurious blond curls give the image femininity, youth, but not everyone is born with such natural wealth. How to lighten hair, to give them the necessary shade?

There are a lot of methods, this is the use of special chemicals and paints, traditional peroxide, which allows you to get a color 7 tones higher than your own. For weakened curls, sparing folk remedies are recommended, along with coloring, restoring the hair structure.

4 methods of lightening hair

To lighten curls at home, you can use the most various means including folk. Chemical methods give the best result, but they can change the structure of the hair, which negatively affects it. appearance. Therefore, the choice of method must be approached very carefully.

There are four lighting tools in total:

Lightening curls with professional means

Professional tools - special paints, the set of which includes:

  • powders for clarification (in a jar or sachet);
  • developer in the form of a cream (for light curls, numbers 20 and 30 are suitable, for black, dark brown - 40), you can not take an oxidizing agent more than the 40th number, since the hair will be damaged, restoration will be expensive;
  • toner to remove unpleasant yellowness;
  • color corrector;
  • tinted shampoos(only for natural blond hair).

It is necessary to use the funds in full accordance with the instructions provided. Attention should be paid to the dosage, for very dark hair you will need not one, but several procedures, it will not work to perform clarification at a time at home.

Lightening with peroxide

Question, how to lighten hair with peroxide at home, many ask. The substance is easy to buy, it is inexpensive, easy to use. But only a 3% solution can be used for lightening, a strong remedy will ruin the hair, and it will be difficult to restore them. Since peroxide dries curls, it is necessary to use special balms, deep-acting conditioners.

Before the procedure itself, it is necessary to moisturize the hair, apply coconut oil. You do not need to wash your hair, especially use shampoos in advance. Peroxide is applied literally for 20 minutes. Particular attention is required when dyeing brown hair, overexposure of the mixture will result in an orange tint.

Lighting in salons

This method is the simplest and most reliable, since the coloring will be carried out by a specialist in a salon. But there is one nuance - to choose, how to lighten hair in the salon, recommended based on customer reviews. You also need to remember that in salons, masters often refuse to lighten already dyed hair so as not to seriously damage them.

Lightening folk methods

Folk methods for lightening curls at home are the safest, although they do not allow such a choice of color as chemical ones. Hair can be lightened by just a couple of tones, black, dark brown, dark red will not work. But on the other hand, natural remedies are useful, help restore the structure, make curls silky, smooth, elastic. In addition, folk remedies contribute.

The most commonly used lemon juice, kefir, honey. One of the safest methods is clarification with chamomile decoctions, and to give the hair a subtle, sophisticated aroma and soft shade cinnamon is recommended.

5 effective home remedies for lightening hair

Safely lighten hair at home possible with the help of folk methods. These are means such as kefir, lemon, chamomile decoctions, honey, cinnamon. A feature of natural remedies is that they are suitable for light blond and blond hair, they allow you to lighten curls by a couple of tones, giving them golden color. In addition, the result for everyone will be different, it all depends on the initial shade, the condition of the hair, the effect of the selected product on it.

The safest methods how to lighten hair at home, are kefir and decoctions of ordinary chamomile. The most dangerous is the lemon, the juice of which wets the curls, after which it is required to be in the sun to fade the color. Lemon is the easiest way, but the sun's rays greatly injure the hair, it becomes dry, brittle, dull.

Lemon for lightening hair

Lemon is the most effective method but only recommended for oily hair. To obtain desired shade you need to mix the juice from one lemon with 0.5 liters of water, use the resulting rinse liquid after washing your hair. Juice acts directly on the pigment, brightening it. To enhance the effect after rinsing, sit in the sun for about 10 minutes.

For natural blond hair, you can get lightening by 2 tones, yellowness disappears from chemically dyed curls.

Honey as a lightener

The effect of honey on the hair structure is similar to peroxide, although more effort must be made, and the effect will not be negative.
After masks with honey, the curls become shiny, very soft, and can lighten by 3 tones.

Before starting the procedure, the head should be washed using shampoo, adding about ¼ teaspoon of ordinary soda to it. After washing, the hair is dried, honey should be heated, distributed along the length of the hair. The head is wrapped in a film, a warm towel, after which you can safely go to bed. If clarification is performed during the day, then you need to keep the product for at least 2-3 hours.

Chamomile decoctions: simple and healthy

In order to lighten hair at home, you can use decoctions on chamomile, with which the hair is rinsed after washing. For naturally light curls, chamomile gives a light golden hue, soft and pleasant.

To prepare, you need to brew 2 full tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers in 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, the broth is filtered, used to rinse the curls. To enhance the effect, you can add the juice of half a lemon to the product. After rinsing, the head is not wrapped in a towel.

Kefir for clarification and recovery

Kefir is well known as a means to restore the structure of the hair, but it also allows you to lighten the curls by a couple of tones. During exposure, kefir washes out the pigment, penetrating deep under the scales. This action is often used when it is necessary to solve a survey, how to lighten arm hair. But the method is laborious, you must immediately stock up on patience.

For clarification, half a glass of kefir is mixed with one raw egg, juice of half a lemon, a small amount of shampoo, 2 full tablespoons of good cognac. The mixture is applied to the curls, closed with a film, a warm towel for the night. In the morning, the curls are washed with shampoo, be sure to use a balm.

Cinnamon for softness and flavor

How to lighten hair with cinnamon
? It will take 2-3 treatments to get a 3 tone color. Except pleasant soft color cinnamon will give curls a subtle aroma that lasts for a long time.

The procedure requires half a glass of balm and 2 full tablespoons of ground cinnamon, stir, apply to washed curls with a comb. The head is wrapped in a film, a warm towel for 4 hours. During washing, it must be ensured that all cinnamon particles have been washed off, after which the curls are additionally treated with water and lemon juice.

Is bleaching hair dangerous?

Chemical dyes for lightening hair are harmful without exception, they destroy the structure.
The negative effect can only be controlled by choosing gentle products, which is especially true for oxidizing agents. Lighten hair without harm possible only by folk methods that allow you to change natural color for a couple of tones, while healing curls.

The dangers of dyeing hair with hydrogen peroxide are as follows:

  • when exposed to hair, peroxide gives the pigment the ability to dissolve in water;
  • after that, the pigment is literally washed out, voids appear in the hair structure;
  • clarified curls become not only lighter, but also lighter, they are brittle, subject to negative influences.

Before dyeing, you should evaluate the general condition of the hair, its thickness, porosity, frequency of lightening or dyeing for Lately. This will help you choose the right brand of oxidizer, its amount, and exposure time. When lighting at home, you must consider:

  • the degree of alkalinity, acidity of the clarifying composition, its quantity, the time of exposure to the curls;
  • the pH level should be 4.5-5.5, the lower value will be the most optimal, formulations with a pH greater than 7 cannot be used, as they are very harmful;
  • the use of peroxide changes the structure, the curls lose their silkiness, which necessitates careful care, the use of special balms and folk methods.

How to lighten hair at home right? Attention should be paid to the choice of means, desired result, staining conditions. If chemicals are used, it is recommended to assess the condition of the hair; only gentle products can be used for very damaged curls.

Women constantly want to experiment in everything, and hair is no exception. Curling and straightening, cutting and extensions, coloring and bleaching. No matter how good a lady looks, she will want to change her appearance. It is important to understand that bleaching is a chemical process that removes pigment from the hair structure. After the procedure, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules for restoring and moisturizing the hair.

How to bleach supra hair

  1. The spouse is also called white henna. Unlike his red henna friend, white composition structure is a chemical composition. It effectively bleaches the hair if used correctly.
  2. Supra can be purchased at a professional cosmetics store or in a beauty salon. In addition, you will have to buy an activator (oxygen) with which henna is diluted.
  3. The activator is available in various concentrations, from 6% to 12%. The higher the score, the lighter the final result. At the same time, the hair is more exposed to chemical components, which in itself is a negative factor.
  4. To properly prepare the composition, mix white henna and activator in a glass or ceramic dish, observing a 1: 2 ratio. Properly prepared mass has a creamy consistency and a whitish tint.
  5. After preparing the mixture, lubricate the skin along the hairline with a large amount of oily cream. Heat the supra in the microwave or in a water bath, the mixture is applied to the hair while warm.
  6. For bleaching to be successful, put on gloves, comb your hair. Divide the entire scalp into thin curls, process each of them separately. Main Feature it is considered abundant application of henna on each strand, while trying not to touch the scalp.
  7. To increase the strength of the bleaching, wrap each curl in food foil, then put a bag over your head and wash it with a towel. Turn on the hair dryer, warm the fabric from a distance of 30 cm. The exposure time is half an hour.
  8. When the specified period comes to an end, remove the towel and free your hair. First, rinse the henna with plain water, then rinse several times with shampoo and apply a balm.
  9. To stop the bleaching process and neutralize the effect of a chemical agent in the hair structure, prepare a solution. Dilute in 5 liters. water 270 ml. table vinegar. Rinse your hair with the resulting composition, dry with a towel.
  10. If the result did not suit you or turned out to be insufficient, repeat the procedure no earlier than after 25-30 hours. At the same time, make nourishing masks 2 times a day to partially restore damaged strands.

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most effective ways. For this reason, the use of the composition includes a number of features that must be considered.

Terms of use

  1. Dilute the mixture only in ceramic, glass or porcelain dishes, apply the product with a staining brush, not with a foam rubber sponge.
  2. Wash your hair not a day before the procedure, but 5-6 hours before the intended lightening. Wash off dust and excess sebum, otherwise they will react with peroxide. Use shampoo and conditioner, then let your hair dry to keep it damp at the core.
  3. Get a sprayer in advance, with which the composition will be applied. It is sold in gardening stores, drugstores and hardware supermarkets. In cases where there is an empty bottle with a dispenser at home, rinse it, dry it, and use it as directed.
  4. Depending on the structure of the hair, different concentrations of the drug are used. For thin and brittle hair, it is recommended to choose 5% composition, for hard and dense - 8-12%, for medium - 6%.


  1. When the strands are completely dry, comb them with a comb. Prepare a rinse solution: take 1 lemon, squeeze the juice out of it, dilute with 1 liter of water. Apply to hair, leave for 10 minutes. Rinse the curls, dry them with a towel.
  2. Now you need to figure out how long to keep the peroxide on your hair specifically for your length and density. To do this, do a test: select a curl that is hidden from the eyes. Soak a cotton pad in peroxide, moisten the strand, wait 30 minutes. After the expiration of the period, wash off the mixture, evaluate the effect obtained (how much the hair has become discolored).
  3. Take a thin comb, make 2 partings from the forehead to the parietal part. Leave the first section loose, pin the other two with clips. The part with which staining will be carried out should be divided into thin curls.
  4. Proceed to applying the composition. Mix together 45 ml. regular shampoo, 75 ml. hydrogen peroxide, 45 ml. ammonia, 55 ml. water. Protect your skin with gloves, pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle, shake.
  5. Place one curl in the palm of your hand, spread the product along the entire length and comb through with a wide comb, wrap in foil. Do all the manipulations with each strand separately. Wrap your hair in cling film and wrap your head in a towel.
  6. The duration of exposure to peroxide on the hair is calculated taking into account the test that you performed. Control the process by periodically unfolding the foil on the strands in different areas of the head. The longer you keep the mask on, the more the curls will fade.
  7. When the time comes to an end, proceed to the wash. Remove the peroxide from the hair carefully, otherwise the bleaching compound will act on the core. Complete the procedure by rinsing with a solution that is prepared from 250 ml. table vinegar and 4.5 liters. water.
  8. In order for the discoloration to take place evenly, it is not necessary to repeat the procedure every 3 hours. Wait an interval of 2-3 days, then apply the composition again. Vary the exposure time to your liking.

Bleaching with soda is achieved by the action of alkali on the dye and hair structure. The technique cannot be called complicated, but it is important to adhere to the rules for diluting the composition.

  1. Girls with chestnut and reddish shades of hair should be extremely careful, because in the end the yellowness can come out.
  2. To prepare the composition, you will need to dilute 90 gr. drinking soda in 480 ml. hot water, then stir until the granules are completely dissolved. When the mixture is ready, cool it to an acceptable temperature, pour into a spray bottle.
  3. Divide your hair into thin curls, shake the jar with the mixture, evenly apply the soda solution to each strand. Wrap your hair in foil, wrap your head in a towel. Exposure time - 45-60 minutes.
  4. When the specified period expires, wash off the preparation with shampoo, apply a conditioner-rinse or make nourishing mask. Eliminate the use of thermal appliances or reduce the temperature at which they operate.
  5. If the result does not satisfy you completely, carry out another discoloration in a week, not earlier. If after the second time the effect turned out to be insufficient, perform manipulations 2 times a month until you achieve what you want.
  6. An alternative to bleaching with soda is considered to be the use of laundry soap. To do this, grate half the bar on a grater, dissolve in 700 ml. boiling water and cool. Pour into a sprayer, application technology is identical to the previous one.

How to bleach hair with cinnamon

Cinnamon bleaching is considered quite effective and gentle, but you should not count on instant results. The amount of the composition is given for shoulder-length hair, vary it according to personal indicators.

  1. Prepare a glass bowl, pour 165 gr. liquid honey, 85 gr. your usual hair balm, 90 gr. crushed cinnamon. Wrap the container in foil, wrap it in a towel, leave it at room temperature (preferably near heaters) for 1.5 hours.
  2. While the mixture comes, wash your hair and dry it with a towel. When the mask is ready, add three chicken yolks to it and beat the composition with a fork. Test by applying a small amount of mass on the wrist. If after 15 minutes you do not notice irritation, start bleaching.
  3. Comb your hair, divide the entire hairline into thin curls. Protect the skin of the hands with polyethylene gloves, place one strand in the palm of your hand. Scoop the mixture with a brush, spread over the entire length, do not touch the scalp. Apply the composition to the remaining hair, wrap each curl with foil.
  4. Create a steam bath for your hair by wrapping your head in plastic and a towel. Turn on the hair dryer, point it at your head and hold for 5 minutes, thoroughly warming up your hair. For cinnamon bleaching to be successful, soak the composition for about 6-8 hours. At the end of the procedure, you may feel a burning sensation, it will pass in half an hour. Rinse off with shampoo and water.
  5. Next, prepare a solution of 4 liters. water and 220 ml. table vinegar. Rinse your hair with it, dry it naturally. If the result was insufficient, repeat the technology again after 5 hours.

Honey bleaching is similar to cinnamon bleaching, it is also gentle and effective.

  1. Wash your hair with a silicone- and sulfate-free shampoo 3 hours before your treatment. Dry your hair with a towel, rinse the strands with a solution of soda. To prepare it, dilute 75 gr. table powder in 2.8 liters. water, stir. Apply to strands, wait 2 minutes, rinse.
  2. Go through the hair with a wide comb, starting combing from the tips to the basal region. If there is a serum for easy combing, apply it. The mixture will not react with honey, so manipulations are considered safe.
  3. Prepare a glass dish, pour into it the amount of honey that is required for the hair of your thickness and length. Keep in mind that the mask should be applied in a dense layer. Heat the honey in a steam bath or microwave until the mixture is warm.
  4. Divide the entire hairline into thin strands. If the honey is thick, add a small amount of water to it and stir. Dip a brush or foam sponge into the mixture, distribute in a generous layer over each strand. To ensure that the hair is completely saturated, get honey to drain from the ends of the strands.
  5. Now secure your clothes and shoulders by wrapping your hair in foil or plastic wrap. Cover your head with a towel, prepare a hair dryer. Turn on the device, point it at the head from a distance of 30 cm, heat the hair for 7 minutes, create a steam effect.
  6. For honey to act on the core of the hair, keep it for at least 7 hours. If possible, leave overnight. When the specified period comes to an end, rinse the honey with water, wash your hair with shampoo. Prepare a decoction of medicinal plants, rinse them with strands.

The composition of the lemon contains an acid that destroys the coloring pigment. An alternative to this method is to use citric acid, but it is considered quite rigid.

  1. To carry out the procedure, you will need to first wash your hair with shampoo without using a conditioner. After that, you can start preparing the mixture. Take 7 lemons, squeeze the juice out of them, strain through 3 layers of gauze.
  2. Dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 3: 1, pour into a spray bottle. Wet your hair, divide it into curls, treat each strand with the prepared solution, wrap it with foil or cling film. Wrap your head with a towel, heat with a hairdryer, leave for 2-3 hours.
  3. After the specified time, rinse the solution with running water and shampoo, apply a balm, rinse after 15 minutes. Prepare chamomile decoction: brew 120 gr. flowers of the plant in boiling water, let it brew for 3 hours, strain, apply to hair, do not rinse.

How to bleach hair with castor oil

Legends can be made about the benefits of castor oil for hair, but not all people know that bleaching masks are prepared on the basis of this product. The composition effectively removes even dark shades from the structure, such as chestnut, chocolate and black.

  1. Bleaching with castor oil is carried out only on clean hair, nothing else. For this reason, 2 hours before the procedure, you need to wash your hair with shampoo without sulfates and parabens, apply a balm, rinse and dry your hair. In no case do not apply a mask, the protective film will not allow the oil to penetrate into the core of the hair.
  2. Proceed to the preparation of the composition. Take a deep bowl, mix five chicken yolks and 160 ml in it. castor oil. Beat the mixture with a mixer, whisk or forks so that the mask rises 1.5-2 times. Place the container with the mass in the refrigerator, wait 3 hours.
  3. At this time, wet your hair with a solution of the juice of one lemon and 1.5 liters of water. Wring out the hair, divide it into small strands. Scoop up the prepared product with a foam sponge, evenly cover the hair along the entire length. Wrap each strand with cling film, leave for 1.5 hours.
  4. After the set time, wash off the mixture with water at room temperature, in no case hot, otherwise the yolk will curl on the hair. Treat the mop well in the parietal region and on the temples, in these areas the mixture is most difficult to wash out.
  5. If the resulting discoloration is not enough, repeat the procedure after 12 hours. After all the manipulations, rinse the curls with a solution that can be prepared from 5 liters. water and 260 ml. table vinegar with a concentration of 6-9%.

It's easy to bleach your hair at home if you stick to it. practical advice. Experts in the field of hairdressing recommend the use of supra, hydrogen peroxide, cinnamon, lemon, Castor oil and honey. It is these components that discolor the hair with minimal damage.

Video: hair lightening secrets

Many girls dream of light curls. Nature, on the other hand, does not ask our opinion and decides for herself what hair color she will give. But, not all of the fair sex agree with nature and many of them decide to change their hair shade to the one that they like best and are more suitable. Some ladies turn to specialists for help, others decide to change the color on their own. That's exactly how to lighten hair at home and will be discussed in our article.

Lightening hair at home with professional products

For lightening hair by professional means will need:

  • bleaching agent (powder or liquid);
  • color developer (usually in the form of a cream);
  • toner that removes yellowness;
  • tint products (balms, shampoos, etc.).

Below is an instruction on how to lighten hair with professional means.

  1. First prepare the main composition. To do this, mix bleaching powder and color developer.
  2. The resulting creamy mass is applied to the hair with a special brush. You need to apply the composition very carefully, painting over each hair so that the color is even.

In order not to stain the skin of the face and neck, lubricate them well with a fat cream.

  1. A plastic cap is put on thoroughly smeared hair and left for the period of time recommended in the manual.
  2. Next, removing the cap, the hair is washed using shampoo and balm.
  3. If, after bleaching, the hair has acquired a yellow or red tint, then applying a special color corrector will help get rid of it (it is applied similarly to paint). Tinted shampoos, balms and based on natural products will also help remove yellowness.

Lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide at home

For the procedure you will need:

  • spray bottle;
  • disposable rubber gloves;
  • foil;
  • hairpins;
  • comb;
  • shampoo;
  • balm;
  • towel;

The procedure must be carried out strictly following the instructions, otherwise you can severely damage the hair without achieving the desired effect.

Stages of implementation:

  1. Hair is washed, dried with a towel and combed thoroughly.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide (3%) is mixed with water (1:1). The resulting liquid is poured into a spray bottle.
  3. The hair is divided into sections and the solution is evenly sprayed onto them. It is necessary to process the entire length: from roots to tips.

If you only need to lighten a few strands, then you can use cotton swabs that are moistened in a clarifying solution. A swab is carried out over the strands, the color of which they want to change

  1. After treatment with a solution, you must wait a while. The waiting period depends on the initial shade of the hair. So for dark colors it is 30 minutes or more. The lighter the color you need, the longer you have to wait. The maximum time for peroxide treatment of hair is one hour.
  2. To evaluate the result, you can wash several strands. If the color suits, then they start washing the entire head, if not, then you can still wait.

In case of burning, itching, irritation and other unwanted effects the solution must be washed off immediately!

  1. To speed up the process, you can cover all your hair with foil and heat it for 10-15 minutes using a hair dryer.
  2. After the required time has passed, the solution is washed off the hair with cool water and a balm is applied to them for 20-30 minutes.

Lightening hair naturally

Now let's talk about. Such clarification is the safest. But, the result will be noticeable only for naturally light brown hair. The owners dark shades, most likely will not be able to evaluate the effectiveness of such a method.

TO natural remedies that can lighten hair include:

  • cinnamon;
  • lemon;
  • chamomile;
  • kefir.

Let's take a closer look at how to whiten hair using each of these products.

Lemon. This is the most effective of the listed means, but at the same time the most unsafe. This method is suitable for oily hair, it is better not to use it for dry hair. To lighten hair with lemon, the juice of one fruit is mixed with two cups of water. This solution is used to rinse the hair. A ten-minute exposure to the sun immediately after rinsing can increase the effectiveness of the solution. Brown hair after that they brighten by 2 tones, in addition, this method helps to remove the yellowness that appears after chemical staining.

Honey. Before the procedure, the hair is washed with shampoo mixed with a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. When the hair dries a little, preheated honey is applied to them. Then wrap the head with a film, and cover it with a towel on top. Without removing the mask, they go to bed. Wash your hair thoroughly in the morning. A honey mask can be used during the day. The main thing is to keep it at least 3 hours.

The honey lightening procedure is quite laborious, but the effect of it exceeds all expectations: the hair becomes 3 tones lighter, acquires shine, softness and silkiness.

Chamomile. Lightening with chamomile gives a weak result. Only girls with blond hair can notice him. But even brunettes will appreciate the healing effect. To obtain a clarifying solution, two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers are brewed with boiling water. To enhance the effect will help the addition of juice from half a lemon. The resulting liquid is used to rinse the hair.

Kefir. To prepare a mask based on kefir, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. kefir (100g);
  2. raw egg (1 pc.);
  3. half a lemon;
  4. shampoo (one serving);
  5. cognac (2 tablespoons);

All ingredients are well mixed, the mixture is distributed over the hair in a smooth layer. The head is wrapped with cellophane film and then with a clean towel. The mask is left overnight. In the morning, the hair is washed well with shampoo and balm.

Cinnamon. To get a mask, you need to mix cinnamon (2 tablespoons) and hair balm (half a glass). The prepared mass is applied to clean hair. For even distribution, you can use a simple comb. Then the head is covered with a film and a towel. The mask is kept on the head for 4 hours. At the end of the procedure, the mask is washed off using shampoo. To enhance the effect, you can rinse your hair with lemon water.

Not only brightens the hair, but also improves their structure, and also provides them with a wonderful fragrance that lasts long enough.

We hope this article helped you decide how to lighten your hair. We advise you to choose folk methods for self-lightening, which can help not only change the color, but give the curls a healthier look, and it is better to leave the use of chemicals to professionals.

Every woman is prone to some kind of change in her appearance. One of the most available ways changing the image is hair coloring. Salon procedures, which use various chemical dyes and bleaches, harm the hair, making it dry and brittle. Therefore, it is important to approach the choice of a brightening agent very competently.

To give the hair the desired shade, while not harming them, help proven folk remedies from natural products. In this article, we will tell you how to safely lighten your hair at home.

Benefits of natural dyeing

Of course, home remedies for lightening hair will not turn a burning brunette into a bright blonde. But they are quite capable of lightening hair by several tones.

In addition, such products have advantages over chemical analogues:

  • availability,
  • the absence of chemicals in the composition,
  • safety,
  • additional therapeutic effect.

Home remedies do not provide negative impact on the structure of the hair. Homemade paints do not contain ammonia. They destroy the structure of the hair and make it brittle and dry.

You can lighten your hair several times a month. That is, constantly update the shade without harm to the hair. The components included in folk remedies for lightening not only color, but also help the hair recover, give shine and strength.

Means for home clarification are always at hand, cheap and effective.

Ways to lighten hair at home

There are so many ways to lighten your hair without resorting to purchased, aggressive dyes. Of course, changing the color radically will not work, but in most cases this is not necessary. For home lighting are used:

  • Herbal decoctions.
  • natural masks with whitening ingredients.
  • Less aggressive chemicals.

Before using masks, shampoos and home paints, you need to test for allergic reactions. Apply a little on the crook of the elbow or behind the ears. Wait ten minutes. If during this time nothing has changed, then the product can be used without fear. If there is itching, redness, irritation, then the product can not be used.

Herbal decoctions

You can lighten your hair at home with various herbs. Suitable chamomile, nettle, and other plants.

The most famous and simple method of lightening hair is common chamomile. It gives the hair a pleasant golden-straw color. But only women with blond hair can use it. Chamomile does not work on brunettes. In addition, the plant copes with seborrhea, gives a firming and antibacterial effect. Able to even slightly mask light gray hair. Decoction with chamomile: pour two tablespoons of flowers with a liter of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, strain and rinse clean hair. Do not rinse.

You can resort to lighting with And. Mix one tablespoon of dried nettle and chamomile and pour a liter of boiling water over it. Leave for ten minutes and filter. Rinse wet washed hair with a decoction and wrap in a terry towel. Walk like this for twenty minutes. After an hour, rinse your hair with chamomile decoction.

No less effective recipe with saffron. For a liter of boiling water, two tablespoons of dry chamomile and a pinch of saffron. Cover and set aside for half an hour. Then squeeze a lemon into the composition and, if desired, two drops of lavender or mint oil. Apply the composition to the hair like a regular paint. Wrap your head in a towel. And leave for half an hour. Wash off with warm, almost cool water.

Homemade hair lightening products should be used in one go.

Rhubarb- This is a herb whose stems are long and fleshy. Considered a vegetable, but used in desserts. Rich in acids (malic, citric), beta-carotene, minerals, trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, it not only brightens the hair, but also brings them significant benefits. To give your hair a golden hue, you need to regularly rinse them with rhubarb decoction. How to cook: two tablespoons of dry root - 250 ml of boiling water. Put on fire and simmer for half an hour. Remove, strain through cheesecloth and set aside. The decoction should not be hot, but warm enough to keep the scalp comfortable. Rinse clean, slightly damp strands to their full length. Wring out the curls with a towel and leave to air dry.

If you want to double the effect, you can cook white wine rhubarb rinse. One hundred grams of roots - 400 ml of wine, 0.5 tsp. soda. Boil the composition. Reduce the heat and put the mixture in a water bath until it is reduced by half. Filter and let cool. Rinse hair from roots to ends. Do not wash with shampoo.

Lightening hair with onions known to our grandmothers. There are many nutrients in onions that are good for hair. Onion gives a pleasant golden-red hue, but it has a drawback - a pungent smell. Therefore, it is used less frequently than analogues. Clarifier with onion peel strengthens hair, gives it shine and silkiness. Accelerates their growth. Ideal for light and chestnut curls. How to make at home: remove the husk from several onions big size. Pour boiling water over. Simmer on fire for about half an hour. Filter and cool to warm temperature. Rinse clean damp strands.

If you need a bright copper color, then mix the onion peel with glycerin. Add 15-20 ml of glycerin to the finished onion broth. Mix well. Rinse your hair daily. The course is ten days. It is advisable to prepare fresh clarifier every day. So that there is no smell after rinsing the onion, the hair is rinsed with water and vinegar or lemon juice.

Masks and shampoos

In addition to herbal decoctions, shampoos and masks prepared at home can lighten hair at home. They use spices and seasonings (cinnamon, cloves, saffron, black pepper, mustard, rosemary), honey, extracts, and various products.


Suitable for brown hair cinnamon brightener. It does not suit blondes - it gives a reddish dense shade. But brown-haired women can easily lighten strands with it. Cinnamon has an unusual, persistent aroma, but not as nasty as ammonia dyes. The most effective cinnamon sticks. It is more fragrant. Grind the sticks well in a mortar or grind through a coffee grinder. Roll them again with a rolling pin. And crush again. The powder can be used as an ingredient for lightening hair, accelerating growth, improving their appearance.

Recommended for blondes honey cinnamon brightener. Take 50 grams of cinnamon powder, three tablespoons of honey, and a little hair conditioner with a moisturizing effect. How to do it: Melt the honey in a water bath to a liquid state and leave to cool. Pour cinnamon and conditioner into the warm composition. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula. Apply to hair along the entire length for half an hour. The course is once every seven days. For eight weeks. After two weeks of application, the hair will become lighter by two tones.

An effective recipe for brown-haired women and brunettes is being made based on cinnamon and honey. You will need cinnamon - two tablespoons, honey - the same amount, 50 ml of water. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Spread the honey-cinnamon mask through the hair and leave overnight. Be sure to wrap your head with polyethylene and a warm cloth. If you are doing this for the first time, then it is better to leave it for two hours. The scalp can sting significantly. But you have to be patient. If the burning sensation is unbearable, then this is an individual reaction to the spice. In this case, the hair is washed under running water with detergent and rinsed with chamomile decoction. One use every thirty days is enough. With each procedure, the strands are lightened by one shade.

Another option for lightening hair - cinnamon and lemon. Cinnamon - 40 grams, honey - four tablespoons, one lemon, half a glass of water, and half a glass of conditioner. Take warm water and carefully stir honey in it (it should be liquid). Squeeze out citrus, cinnamon and conditioner. Keep on hair for at least three hours. Rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo. Apply the mask once every four weeks. Blond hair changes 2 shades after the first application. For dark, two procedures are enough.


Lemon a popular ingredient in brightening masks. Use citrus juice or essential oil. It suits even burning brunettes who want to lighten the strands. Although of course it will not work to become a bright blonde, but you can get an olive tint. In addition, diluted lemon juice is rinsed with hair to consolidate the effect of other masks and shampoos. This enhances the lightening of the strands. Dark-haired with dense hair who want a golden hue for hair, just apply pure lemon juice to them. And get out in the sun for fifteen minutes. No more, so as not to burn the hair. Lemon juice dries hair, so it is recommended to alternate it with moisturizing and nourishing products.

Lightens hair effectively lemon honey remedy. Honey softens and nourishes the hair, while lemon strengthens it. Ideal for blondes. Suitable for dry and brittle hair. Operates carefully and efficiently. Softly brightens by one or two tones. Preparing a mask is simple: mix lemon juice and liquid honey in equal proportions. Distribute over the entire length of the strands. Wrap your head with polyethylene and top with a warm scarf or towel. Wash off with warm water after an hour regular shampoo.

Easy to cook bleach for brunettes with lemon. Prepare half a liter of chamomile decoction. Two tablespoons of rhubarb roots pour 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar. Warm up a little. Squeeze lemon juice from 4 citrus fruits into the composition. Mix with chamomile. Pour liquid honey into the finished composition - 3-4 tablespoons and 50 grams of alcohol. Shake thoroughly. Apply to damp, clean strands. For thirty minutes. Be sure to wrap your head to enhance the effect.

L lemon mask for blondes home cooking is also quite easy to make. Half a liter of apple cider vinegar, two tablespoons of chamomile flowers, rhubarb and calendula. Juice of four lemons. Combine rhubarb with vinegar. Simmer for ten minutes, always under the lid. Pour in herbs and squeezed juice from two citrus fruits. Boil five more minutes. Do not remove the cover. Remove from stove and leave to cool. Pour the juice of two more lemons into the warm composition. Use as usual. Masks can be kept in the cold for three weeks, but it is better to use them at a time Use lemon after each shampoo to maintain the result. If there is no time to prepare the composition, you can use ordinary water with citrus juice.

Another home clarifier - lemon oil. It eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair roots. Gives hair a healthy shine. Therefore, lemon oil is often added to natural lightening formulations. It is enough to drop a few drops into the kefir, honey, cinnamon mixture so that the effect intensifies several times.

Other mixtures

Kefir without additives, it brightens the strands well. It can be used in pure form or mixed with other ingredients. The product is suitable for dark-haired and fair-haired women. For girls with dark hair, it is better to mix kefir with something. It will suit blondes in its pure form. Recipe: kefir - 100 ml, chicken egg yolk, lemon juice (one citrus), 30 ml of cognac. Connect all components. Lubricate dry curls. Keep all night or two hours, if there is no time at all. Lemon and kefir have a double brightening effect. Enough two or three times a month.

You can resort to the use of brightening homemade paint with chamomile and glycerin. Half a liter of water, a quarter cup of glycerin and half a cup of dried chamomile flowers. Simmer the herb over medium heat for fifteen minutes. Cool to normal temperature and add glycerin. Distribute throughout damp hair. Keep 45 minutes. Wash off with shampoo. Home paint softens, nourishes and gives curls a pleasant shine and liveliness. If you want to lighten the curls quite a bit, then just add two tablespoons of the mixture to the water.

Remedy with tea leaves and rhubarb root will not only help lighten the hair, but also makes the curls shiny and soft. A glass of water, five to six tablespoons of rhubarb, a pinch of black tea. Mix tea leaves with the root of the plant and pour boiling water. Cover and leave for an hour. Filter. And can be used on clean hair. Wrap your head. Keep for half an hour. Wash away.

Pharmacy funds

In addition to herbs and masks, there are other home bleaching methods. They are also often used if you need to quickly lighten curls at home. You can buy the necessary components at any pharmacy or store.

- an effective way to lighten the strands well. Approximately four tones. But you need to use it carefully, if you overdo it, the hair will be overdried and very difficult to restore. So it is better to lighten the strands with peroxide gradually. So that they do not deteriorate and keep a healthy look

Hydroperite tablets no less effective method, which gained relevance back in Soviet times. The tablets can be bought without a prescription and are inexpensive. Great alternative to expensive chemical paints. This is a chemical product, so you need to handle it very carefully. This is especially true for brunettes. If you overdo the composition, the hair will become stiff, dry and faded.

Baking soda known to everyone. It is in the kitchen of every housewife. Soda is milder than peroxide or hydroperite. It cleans the hair and scalp well from any impurities. Fights the manifestations of the fungus of the scalp and increases the volume of the hair

Hair lightening can be done with white henna. White henna is a product of synthetic origin, unlike other types of henna. It does not contain ammonia, metal oxides and other chemicals. They destroy the hair from the inside, changing its pigment. It is not recommended to use it for dyed blondies, so as not to spoil the hair. Henna can give a greyish-green tint that is almost impossible to remove. How to dye curls with henna: mix white henna with very hot, but not boiling water. And put in a water bath for five minutes. Cool the mixture and apply to wet strands.

It is recommended to pour a little shampoo into the mixture to make it easier to apply. Put on a plastic cap and wrap it with a towel on top. Walk like this for half an hour, but not longer. Rinse well under warm running water to remove any residue. After that, be sure to use a little balm to soften the hair and make combing easier. Do not wash your hair for three days so that the effect of henna is fixed

Rules for home lighting

Each of the above methods has its own advantages. However, for greater effect, it is important to observe simple rules and subtleties of home hair lightening. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • the composition of home recipes,
  • the presence of allergies to the components of the mask or decoction,
  • frequency of natural coloring,
  • hair care after treatments
  • original hair color.

So fair-haired and red-haired people will cope with discoloration faster than dark-haired ones.
And on Thin hair impact faster and more efficiently. You will have to tinker with dense hard strands.

After lightening, you need to nourish and strengthen your hair with various home formulations.
You need to start with soft clarifying agents, you should not experiment with hydrogen peroxide and similar preparations - they are more harmful.

To achieve a greater effect, you need to alternate capable of home clarification.

Do not exceed the dosage of ingredients in recipes. This can provoke an allergy.
For those who have never used strand coloring, it is better to start lightening with herbal decoctions and lemon juice.

After perm hair is badly discolored. Therefore, it is recommended to withstand a three-week break. After clarification with light means, staining can be carried out after about a week. If the brighteners are strong, then you need to wait two weeks so as not to injure your hair.

It is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide, hydroperite and other similar products - less often. They act faster and more efficiently, although not as aggressively as paints, but they do more harm to the hair. Hair becomes stiffer, does not comb, split and, if previously dyed with synthetic dyes.
