How to twist beautiful curls at home. How to make beautiful and voluminous curls at home

Every girl dreamed of flowing curls, whom nature rewarded with straight hair. Today, there are many ways to make your dream come true. So, how to make curls at home?

Large curls with ironing


Curlers are the most common device that can create large curls, thin spirals, luxurious waves and small curls on strands of any length. The modern market offers great amount different models, but the principle of their use is approximately the same:

Curls from flagella

To make light romantic curls, it is not necessary to use by special means. Enough combs and 10 stealth. By the way, we are talking about this method.

1. We wash our hair with shampoo, blot with a towel and apply styling product to them.

2. We divide the hair into thin strands, each of which is twisted into a ring and fixed with an invisibility on the head.

3. Dry your hair with a hairdryer or put on a hat and go to bed.

4. We remove the invisibility and lay the curls with our hands.

To experiment with a hairstyle, it is absolutely not necessary to acquire a whole arsenal of styling tools. With a conventional straightener, you can both smooth out and curl our strands. This is very easy to do, but first let's talk about safety:

  • We curl only with the use of thermal protection. These can be special sprays with some minimal fixation, or hair foam;
  • We work only on absolutely dry hair. This applies not only to drying after washing, even the applied styling should dry thoroughly;
  • The safety of your hair directly depends on its quality, so choose a device that has ceramic or Teflon plates. Yes, it will cost much more, but hair is more important. Irons with rounded edges are easier to use, they are more convenient and ergonomic, but this is not such a fundamental criterion.

Hair tongs that you should pay attention to when choosing:

  • BRAUN ST 750 (Satin Hair 7) / ES3
  • PHILIPS ProCare Keratin HP8361/00
  • REMINGTON S9500 E51 Pearl
  • Rowenta for elite Optiliss SF3132

Let's move on to the curl itself. With the help of a rectifier and our imagination, you can make several different types curls:

Large spirals. Luxurious classic that transforms every woman. This hairstyle is out of fashion, so we simply have to learn how to do it ourselves. So, we divide our entire head of hair into separate strands. Their value will depend on how large curls you plan to wind. The principle is simple: starting from the root, wind the strand onto the styler, hold the tip with your fingers. We slowly draw the iron along its entire length, slightly lingering at the tip so that it does not remain even.

Harnesses. Here we get a slight spectacular waviness. The first steps will always be repeated, regardless of the type of styling, so wash, dry, apply product, dry again. We twist each strand into a tight bundle, we pass along its entire length with an iron. Divide into several parts with your fingers, fix with varnish.

broken lines. This is for those who want to try something out of the ordinary. In addition to the standard set, we also need foil for them. Those who have done highlighting at least once will cope with this perm in a few minutes. We put the strand on a piece of foil, cover the top, fold it with an accordion. We fix it with an iron for 20 seconds (at a temperature of 190-200 degrees, if less, we hold it a little longer), we get an unusual zigzag strand.

By experimenting with the thickness of the strands, the way they are folded, we can achieve dramatically different effect, changing looks and style like gloves. What else do we girls need?

How to make curls curling iron

Want to beautiful curls the correct form - the curling iron is your option. Such curls are suitable for festive and everyday hairstyles, so learning how to do them yourself is task number 1 for every girl.

To make everything work out quickly and efficiently, we immediately stock up on a simple arsenal of devices and means:

  1. hair clips;
  2. means of fixation;
  3. hairpins and straight curling iron.

We immediately exclude the gel from styling, because with it we will burn our strands. Use spray, foam or mousse.

How to make beautiful curls with a curling iron

The process of creating curls with a curling iron:

  • We divide the hair into strands. Since it is most convenient to start curling from the bottom of the head, we fix the upper strands with clips;
  • Fixing agents are applied immediately before curling to each individual strand, distributed, let dry a little;
  • Depending on the type of curling iron, the curling method will differ. It is much more convenient to fix the tip with forceps and wind the hair to the root. We work with a conical curling iron exactly the opposite: we wind the strand starting from the root, while holding the tip with our fingers. To make curls for yourself in this way, you need a little experience. In order not to burn your hands, be sure to use the protective glove that comes with the curling iron;
  • We fix the strand for 10-12 seconds (we curl large and coarse hair for 20 seconds), carefully remove it.
  • We fasten the hot curl with a hairpin until it cools. After all the hair is curled, remove the hairpins, carefully divide our curls into smaller parts. Only at the end of this procedure, spray the hair with varnish.

The most problematic moment with self-curling is the choice of the direction of the curls. Some advise doing strands strictly in the same, others - on the contrary, alternate. Here the choice is yours.

Like hair curlers, the curling iron must be of high quality, we recommend:

  • BRAUN Satin Hair 7 EC1 (CU710)

Curls on long hair

Long hair will have to be pretty tricky before you learn how to curl it quickly and efficiently, but it’s even more interesting, especially since there are many ways:

hairstyle from major curls from the root looks too doll-like and unnatural, and making it, as we have already said, is not easy. We offer a simpler option: the tips are twisted, the roots are even. Such a contrast will add volume, heaviness to the strands, and is done as easy as shelling pears - with the help of a curling iron. About half the length of the strand is curled and divided into parts. If there is not enough volume at the root, we make a light pile.

Lungs curls are easiest to do with an ordinary hairdryer with a diffuser. In the process of drying, starting from the tips, lightly press the strands to the root. Lightly spray the hair with varnish. As a result, we get a slight waviness, reminiscent of wet hair.

Volumetric curls are one of the current trends. This is the case when a spectacular look is combined with the simplest execution. Here, ordinary large curlers will help us. We apply foam, comb the strand thoroughly, wind it on large curlers, a little short of reaching the root. After complete drying, we divide the curl into separate strands, make a small pile at the root to create volume there. Sprinkle with varnish and, voila, a chic look is ready.

How to make curls on medium hair

This task is much easier to handle than in the previous case:

Large medium length curls look very impressive. You can make them using ordinary or large-diameter electric curlers. We wind the strands and calmly walk around the apartment for 20-25 minutes (or restlessly, as you like). We remove, distribute the strands, beat a little with our fingers, fix with varnish and go ahead, conquer men's hearts.

Easy waviness can be made with a diffuser (read above) or with ordinary braids braided overnight on wet hair.

Volumetric curls are easiest to do with a wide-diameter curling iron or ordinary socks (just socks, it didn’t seem to you). We take a large strand and wind it around the sock, like on a papillot, we tie it. We put on a shower cap and go to bed. In the morning we remove all this and enjoy the spectacular styling.

Gorgeous curls for short hair

A short haircut is not a reason to go with a boring and monotonous hairstyle. On the contrary, this is a great opportunity to experiment with images.

We use an iron. On short hair, it is most convenient to do with it. large curls. The principle is simple: we fix each individual strand almost at the root, then turn the iron 180 degrees, gently skip the hair. Having tried quite a bit, we get a spectacular Hollywood styling.

small curls- hit recent years, and this hairstyle fits into any style, including business. How to make afro curls? The easiest way with a lasting effect is to do perm(and at the same time the most expensive and unsafe). But who wants to restore hair later, especially since at home the result will be no worse. There are a lot of options here, even curling irons, hair dryers, irons are not needed! Papillots, curlers, boomerangs, rags, bobbins, hairpins, cocktail tubes, - all this will help to become the owner of African curls, without harming your hair. But there is an even easier option - small pigtails. We braid them at night, and in the morning it remains only to slightly correct the curls.

Volumetric curls for some reason consider holiday option, but this does not mean at all that you need to wait for some kind of event. Large curls can be made with a large diameter curling iron, iron or large curlers. Lush curls can be made with a hair dryer or with the help of a Greek bandage (we twist slightly damp strands under it, we go with a romantic hairstyle during the day, and in the evening we are provided with a chic styling).

Wavy hair has always been considered a symbol of femininity and attracted the attention of men. Girl with curled curls looks more tender, romantic, light and mysterious than her friend with straight hair. And it does not matter if nature has not awarded curls! You can correct the situation without even going to the salon. This article provides a number of options for how to make beautiful curls at home.

Curling with a curling iron

If the house has a curling iron, then there is no problem with curling hair. This axiom is known to our mothers and even grandmothers, for whom at one time heated tongs became a real salvation from the dull monotony of perms, buns and braids. They will be happy to tell you how to make beautiful curls with a curling iron. But the information below will not be superfluous.

So, any curling iron is suitable for making your hair wavy - even made back in the USSR. In just 15 minutes, you can become the owner of a luxurious hairstyle. Heating devices are thin and thicker. The size of the curls depends on their diameter.

You need to curl freshly washed, well-dried and combed hair, treated with a thermal protective agent and styling gel or mousse. Further, the algorithm of action is as follows:

  • Warm up the iron.
  • Separate the upper part of the hair and fix it on the back of the head with a hairpin, “crab” or elastic band.
  • Alternately take strands with a maximum thickness of 2 cm from the bottom of the hair, insert their tips into the clip and wind them onto the curling iron. It is advisable to start from the back of the head.
  • Warm up the hair for no more than 15 seconds (ideally - 7-10).
  • After the entire lower part has been processed, you can release the upper one from the retainer and curl it according to the same principle.
  • After completing the main procedure, it is advisable to sprinkle the curls with varnish so that the hairstyle lasts longer. You don't need to brush your hair.

If you have a conical curling iron without a clip on hand, you can try to make the famous Hollywood curls. To do this, the strands are wound onto the apparatus from its thickened side towards the end. Warm up for 7 seconds. To make the hair voluminous at the roots, they are combed.

But before thinking, with the help of a curling iron, one should assess the readiness of the hair for such an “event”. It is better not to subject thin, brittle, weakened curls to such tests. And in general, curling with a curling iron should not be used too often - the impact high temperature greatly affects the health of the hair.

Curling with "ironing"

Super popular with modern women styling tool - "ironing" - more often used to straighten hair. But if you need large curls, then it is also quite suitable.

How to make beautiful curls with an iron? The instruction is in many ways similar to working with a curling iron:

  • Wash and dry hair.
  • Treat with thermal protection and mousse (or gel) for fixation.
  • Comb thoroughly.
  • Heat up the iron.
  • Separate a thin strand from the total mass of hair (if the hair is thick, then its upper part can also be “isolated” at the back of the head).
  • Step back from the roots a few centimeters, “catch” the strand and wrap it around the “ironing” rod. Don't press too hard.
  • Very slowly and smoothly lead the "iron" down.
  • After processing all the hair, use varnish.

Hair dryer

Not all the fair sex knows how to make beautiful curls with a hair dryer. Meanwhile, everything is very simple. The only thing is that the hair dryer must have good power, and a round comb-brush is required as its “assistant”.

To get voluminous, lush waves, you need to wash your hair and apply a fixative (mousse, spray or gel) to your hair. Then comb the strands well and wind each one onto a round brush. In this position, dry with a hair dryer.


How to make beautiful curls without a curling iron, "ironing" and a hair dryer, which have a detrimental effect on the hair? Curlers are much more gentle, proven for centuries and a very popular remedy.

They are different types, and, accordingly, hairstyles with their help are obtained in a variety of ways. If you use thin curlers, then the curls will be small. If thick, luxurious large curls will come out. For those who do not know how to beautifully make curls on medium hair or on short hair, you should try the bobbins. These are spiral curlers, mostly made of wood. The strands are wound on them along the entire length when wet - after drying they become beautiful spirals.

With the help of papillots, you can get small elastic curls, and with the help of thermal curlers or their "colleagues" made of foam rubber or other soft material - chic waves.

The principle of using all kinds of given, old as the world means is the same. Thin strands are wound on curlers and fixed in this position. If curlers with the prefix "thermo" are used, the hair must be dry. If ordinary, then it is better to wet the curls and keep the curlers until the hair is completely dry. Often they are left overnight. The longer the curl lasts, the stronger the curls will turn out.

"Sports gum" for curls

Few people have heard of this method of curling hair. But it is also perfect for owners of medium length hairstyles. The method is called "sports gum", and its essence is as follows:

  • After washing, drying and treating the hair with mousse or gel, a wide sports elastic band is put on the head (so that its outer line coincides with the roots of the strands on the forehead). Elastic band can be replaced with braid for Greek hairstyles.
  • The strands are alternately wound around the elastic band.
  • If the hair is obedient, it is enough to leave them in this position for three hours. If the hair is thick and hard, then it is better to dedicate the whole night to winding.
  • You need to remove the gum very carefully, straightening the curls with your hands. Do not use a comb.


But this folk remedy- a solution for those who are wondering how to make beautiful curls for long hair with minimal harm to the hair. Pigtails! Simple, free and absolutely safe.

To get the desired effect, you need to wash your hair and braid your wet hair. One or two is enough to give the curls a slight waviness, and a lush head of hair, consisting of small curls, needs a solid amount of braids. The principle “the more, the smaller” works here.

Leave your hair braided for at least 12 hours. Until completely dry without using a hair dryer.


Another interesting way requiring minimal cost. It's called "flags". You will need a comb and a dozen invisible hairpins or hairpins. Nothing else is needed for romantic curls. The method is perfect for both long-haired ladies and owners of strands of medium length. The action plan is the following:

  • After washing your hair with shampoo, dry your hair thoroughly with a towel and apply a fixative on them.
  • Divide your hair into thin strands. Twist each into a ringlet (bun) and secure at the roots with an invisible or hairpin.
  • Dry your hair with a hairdryer.
  • Put on a special cap (for example, for masks) and leave it overnight.
  • In the morning, release the hair from the clamps. Lay the curls with your hands.

natural way

They say a woman can make three things out of nothing: a salad, a scandal, and a hairdo. And she should also be aware of how to make beautiful curls with little or no tools at hand. True, she still needs something. Namely: hair and mousse. All!

In order to get natural waves, you just need to wash your hair and apply a fixing mousse to your hair. And leave the hair to dry completely. In no case do not dry with a hair dryer and do not comb. The result will please.

To keep curls

Knowing how to make beautiful curls is only half the battle. The second half is to keep the hairstyle as long as possible. And here it is important to know the secrets:

  • Freshly washed and dried hair holds curls much longer than washed yesterday.
  • It is better not to use conditioners and rinses that give smoothness during washing before curling.
  • Curls obtained with small curlers and thin tongs last longer.
  • You need to keep the curlers until completely dry.
  • The comb is the enemy of curls. Straighten curls only with your fingers.
  • Fixatives (foam, mousse, gel) are applied before curling.
  • If for the sake of curls you have to sleep with wet hair, it is advisable to wear a special hat.

Of course, you can achieve a long-term effect by going to the salon and doing a perm. But this method is very harmful to the hair - in comparison with it, even the “iron” together with the curling iron rest. Therefore, the good old home remedies are better. And it will turn out healthier, and cheaper, and often much more beautiful!

The clatter of heels on the pavement, the flowing skirt and the gleam of flowing, perfectly styled curls - such a charming creation delights any man and is a source of envy of other girls. If choosing an image is relatively easy - just choose suitable style dress and heel length, then with natural waves the situation is more complicated. A proven master is quite expensive, because for him your hair is a blank canvas on which he will produce a masterpiece - he creates art. So is it possible to do it on your own? If so, how to create beautiful curls at home?

Etiologically, curls are one of the forms of hair, which is associated with their cross section. So, people with a round section have straight hair, with a round-elliptical - tending to form waves, and with an elliptical - to small and strongly twisted curls.

Curls have long been valued and revered in all cultures, used as an element of fashion. So, in Egypt, many analogues of modern “curlers” made of clay were found, in ancient Rome, calamists were used, and in the Middle Ages, future curly wigs “bathed” in a storm.

Today, there are many tools and ways to create noticeable “waves” professionally, but the fashion industry is rapidly developing, and with the help of cheap tools and a little knowledge, you can make beautiful curls at home. You just need to choose the type of curls that suits you, and feel free to proceed.

Types of curls

For convenience, professional stylists have identified the main types of "waves". They differ in width, twist strength, strand thickness and other nuances.

Here are some of them:

  1. Medium spirals. Outwardly, they look like a classic corkscrew, elastic and wet. Most often, for a long-term effect, they are made with a perm.
  2. Naturally careless curls. Such curls look as natural and at ease as possible, perfectly complement any image, suit any type of face. Minus one: they straighten quickly.
  3. "Broken" curls. Less common, as it was believed that they could only be created with special tongs. But today they can be made at home using ordinary foil, which will also protect your hair from heat.
  4. Doll curls are small bouncy curls that look more natural than medium spirals. More suitable for an evening look.
  5. Large waves.
  6. Hollywood curls. Elongated and curved at the bottom, they seem to return us to the retro era.
  7. Victorian curls, similar to 17th century wigs. Lovers of all things vintage.

Thanks to such a large list, curling beautiful curls at home is not difficult.

We make beautiful curls on our own

To make the cherished curls, you just need to choose with what to wind.

Basic styling methods

Rolling with an iron. Many have already used a curling iron, so this method already has many step-by-step instructions. Here is one of them:

  1. Dry the head and comb thoroughly.
  2. We select the necessary parting.
  3. Separate the strand at the forehead.
  4. We grab it with an iron close to the root. We turn the device away from us (about 180 degrees) and slowly move it to the tips. We do the procedure with the rest of the strands.
  5. Repeat on the other side of the head. It is important to turn the iron away from the face so that the strands seem to open the face.
  6. We comb the curls with a rare comb and sprinkle with varnish.

How to make curls with a flat iron

Curls on a curling iron. The most classic instrument that is literally in every home. Standard or with many nozzles, with a temperature detector, a timer and other things - curling irons are different. But on any of them you can make magnificent "waves". For this:

  1. We divide clean, dry hair at the crown and pin the upper part with a hairpin.
  2. The remaining mass is divided into curls of about 2 cm.
  3. Take the outermost strand, grab its end onto the curling iron clamp and wind the hair perpendicularly. After 10-20 seconds (depending on the strength of the necessary fixation), carefully remove the strand.
  4. Repeat on all other strands, including the top ones. Spray with varnish.

How to make beautiful curls with a curling iron

Rolling on papillottes. Papillots are small bundles of fabric. Hair was wound on them even before the advent of curlers, and they were equally popular among both the female half and the male half.

Basic instruction:

  • we separate a curl from clean and dry hair, wind it on a hairpin. We fix the end well;
  • repeat with the rest of the hair (you will need a lot of curls);
  • we leave the tourniquets on the head for 10-12 hours, trying not to fluff the bundles;
  • gradually remove the papillots (from the lower tiers to the upper ones);
  • fix.

How to curl your hair with curlers

A fairly simple way to get the cherished curls, but if you need a hairstyle urgently, this method will not work.

For short hair

The most economical way is a hair dryer and a comb. This method is optimal both for express curling and for curling beautiful curls on short hair at home. Procedure:

  1. We comb the freshly washed head and apply a layer of gel or mousse of strong fixation.
  2. We separate a thin strand, wind it on.
  3. Dry with a directed stream of hot air until almost completely dry, carefully remove.
  4. Repeat for all hair.

It is important to twist the curls in the direction from the face and start from the back of the head to the front strands, respectively.

Using braids for medium hair

Braid - the simplest and oldest hairstyle after the tail, consists of intertwined strands of hair, most often three. With it, you will get beautiful curls on medium hair at home.

Necessary installation steps:

  1. We wash our hair and wait until the hair becomes just a little damp.
  2. We divide the hair into rows of growth. On each row we braid the required number of braids (the more braids, the more magnificent and finer the curls).
  3. We unbraid the hair no earlier than after 12 hours. Lightly spray with varnish, if desired, draw a rare comb over the curls to make them smaller.

How to make beautiful curls with braids

Beautiful curls for long hair at home

Good old curlers. beautiful curls on long hair at home, the easiest way to do this is with the help of a method loved by our mothers and grandmothers - curling on curlers. How to wind your hair in this way?

  • divide wet hair into two equal parts;
  • we separate the strand, which should not be wider than the curlers, process it with mousse;
  • pull the strand and grab the tip, wind up to the root, fix;
  • repeat for all hair. Wait for it to dry. Carefully remove the curlers, trying not to shag the strands;
  • separate the curls with your fingers or a comb, sprinkle with varnish.

Today, many types of curlers have been invented in all sizes, shapes, colors, lengths and materials, so you can choose the ones that are perfect for any girl's hair.

Bundle curls. Procedure:

  1. Apply a medium hold mousse to clean, damp hair.
  2. We divide into strands according to hair growth, twist each and turn into a ring.
  3. We fix it well with invisibility. We dry the bunches and wait 9-10 hours.
  4. After we remove the invisibility and style the hair.

Now you can not stand in front of the mirror and invent suitable hairstyle- winding beautiful curls at home will be the perfect solution. Work, going out or a trip to nature - curls will look well-groomed and catch the eye in any situation.

Trying on yourself different images, a woman is looking for ways to create interesting and even luxurious hairstyles. These include voluminous curls, which visually make the hair thicker and more magnificent. How to make voluminous curls at home, at what length will they look good and what stylers to use for this?

What are

These are curls created in different ways with additional volume in the root area. Such curls are made for medium hair, long and even very short.

As a rule, to maintain such hairstyles, you need strong fixation stylers that keep their shape well: mousses, gels, varnishes.

Features of styling for hair of different lengths

Such curls look most advantageous on long and medium length hair. For such strands, you can use different ways curls.

Attention! For owners short haircuts who plan to create voluminous curls at home, it is worth considering that large diameter curlers are used for additional volume, curls will be visible only when using small curlers, curling irons, ironing.

How are they made

Laying with a curling iron

To get large curls with a curling iron, you need to choose a styler with a diameter of at least 32 mm. If you need to make a lot of small curls, then take a smaller curling iron.

Method number 1

To make voluminous curls for long hair, will need:

  • curling iron more than 32 mm;
  • thermal protection;
  • comb for shaping the fleece. A regular massage brush will do;
  • dry shampoo;

How to do:

  1. Apply heat protection to clean, dry hair;
  2. On each strand, create a bouffant at the root. If you need a very strong hold, spray each strand with varnish before backcombing.
  3. For extra volume, lift back teased curls with a curling iron. To do this, bring the styler under the strand in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots and warm up the hair, slightly raising the device.
  4. To make volumetric styling look neat, straighten your hair with your fingers, covering the bouffants and eliminating tangles.
  5. Start creating lush curls. To do this, lift the strand (medium in thickness), wind it onto the curling iron, starting from the middle of the length of the curl and moving down. Continue curling curls, moving from the back of the head to the front. The direction of the curl is from the face.
  6. Do the same manipulations on the reverse side.
  7. To restore and fix the volume, walk through the hair with dry shampoo, lifting each strand and spraying the product under it. The application area is from the root and another 15 cm below.
  8. Apply a small amount of dry shampoo to frizzy areas.
  9. Arrange all the strands as you see fit, forming the final version of the hairstyle.
  10. For fixing, apply varnish on lush curls.

Method number 2

There is also an option that allows wind curls at home with volume without fleece, which will suit hair of any length.

You will need:

  • curling iron;
  • clamps;
  • comb;
  • thermal protection;


  1. Treat clean, dry strands with thermal protection.
  2. Collect all the strands in a bun, leaving the back of the head.
  3. Pick up a strand of medium width at the back of the head and, slightly retreating from the roots, wind it around the styler. Warm it up and carefully remove the curling iron, leaving the curl round.
  4. Fix the round coil with a clamp until it cools completely.
  5. Do the same with all the curls, winding them in different direction: up and down.
  6. Starting from the bottom, remove the clips in rows. We removed the bottom row - straightened it well and shook the voluminous curls with our fingers. Removed the next row and shook again.

Advice. When all the curls are formed as needed, fix the hairstyle with varnish. An overview of popular tools for creating and fixing curls awaits you on our website.


Another way to create voluminous curls for long hair is use of two types of ironing.

You will need:

  • thermal protection;
  • iron 35 mm wide;
  • corrugation nozzle;
  • comb.

How to do:

  1. Apply a heat protectant to the washed hair and make a basal volume. For this take an iron with a corrugation nozzle, lift the first occipital strand and press it with an iron at the very root. The direction of the ironing is perpendicular to the taken bundle of hair.
  2. Walk the iron through the entire hair, processing only the roots. In front, on the bangs, do the corrugation, directing the iron back.
  3. Further work begins with curls. To do this, take a small bunch of hair, comb it lightly at the roots and sprinkle with varnish. Then, with an iron, pick up a strand at the back of the head, at a distance of 10–15 cm from the roots. Rotate the styler 360 degrees (tip pointing down) and lower it slowly down the curl. If the hair is short, just tuck the strand with the device down.
  4. Go through all the hair like this, directing them in different directions.
  5. In front, curls with volume are wound backwards, while the strand itself needs to be pulled slightly over the face. This is done so that the formed curls fall in a beautiful wave in front.
  6. Straighten the finished curls with your fingers in a horizontal direction (if the hair is long or medium). So the hairstyle will look more voluminous, and the waves will fall.
  7. Please fix the style with hair spray.

Mega Volumetric Hollywood Wave

This method is suitable for those who want to get extremely voluminous curls at home. . Recommended for those with long hair.

You will need:

  • thermal protection;
  • curling iron;
  • iron with a corrugation nozzle;
  • strong fixation varnish;
  • comb;
  • clamps;
  • invisible.


  1. Apply heat protection to your hair.
  2. Using an iron with a corrugated nozzle, make a basal volume, as described in the previous version.
  3. Separate 2 temporal zones from the parting in the middle behind the ear. Secure them with clips.
  4. Separate the bottom row, and pick up the top curls using clips.
  5. Comb, before winding, strand. Fix the pile with varnish.
  6. Do this with all the strands on the bottom row.
  7. Wind a thin strand around the curl, starting just below the roots. Warm it up well and remove the styler, leaving the curl curled. Fix with a clamp or hold until cool.
  8. Once the curled curl has cooled, coat it with varnish. With your fingers, begin to separate thin strands and stretch them, forming airy curls. Varnish immediately. If everything is done correctly, the strand should become lush, and the volume of hair in this place will increase significantly.
  9. Do the same manipulations with the rest of the curls. Lay the strands the way they should look in the end, because the varnish sets quickly, and it will not work to redo minor flaws later.

Advice. If the bangs are long, wind them back towards the back of the head and secure with a hairpin.

Styling with curlers

How to wind voluminous curls with curlers? To obtain volume with light soft waves, Velcro curlers (hedgehogs) of large diameter are suitable - from 3 cm.

How to curl:

  1. Wash your hair and apply a styler (spray, mousse, foam) to slightly damp hair;
  2. Grab the strand in front (this is where the hair dries the fastest) and comb through well.
  3. Starting at the tip, wind the strand around the curlers and secure with a clip. Twist in a downward direction towards the head.
  4. Do the same with the rest of the hair. Make sure that the curlers hold well at the roots, do not hang out.
  5. Wait for the hair to dry well or dry it with a hair dryer.
  6. Before unwinding, treat hair with varnish or spray for local fixation.
  7. Wait about a minute and start to dissolve the curls from the back of the head.
  8. Fix the result with varnish.

The finished hairstyle with volume is obtained with barely noticeable curls at the ends of the hair.

Curls with boomerangs and papillots

This method allows you to make a lush hairstyle with small, noticeable coils. To make the styling voluminous, use thin strands for wrapping, this will increase the number of curls, which means that the volume will also increase.

How to curl:

  1. On washed, slightly damp hair, apply mousse or foam (for additional fixation).
  2. Start spinning. To do this, take the styler, place it perpendicular to the selected thin strand and wind it on the curlers in the direction from the tips to the roots. A popular winding scheme: the central zone (from the forehead - to the back of the head, temporal areas).
  3. Leave the curlers on your hair until completely dry, then remove them and straighten your hair with your fingers. For additional fixation, you can use varnish.

You will find the smallest details and rules for winding boomerang curlers (hairpins) on our website.


If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to make a voluminous hairstyle on hair of any length, use a diffuser. With it, curls are good for medium hair, long and short.

To choose the right nozzle, it is worth considering that for short haircuts it is better to choose a diffuser with short “fingers” and a wide diameter, and for long strands, a super volume nozzle is suitable.

How to use:

  1. On clean, damp hair, apply foam or mousse for volume.
  2. Take a hairdryer with a diffuser and start drying with your head tilted down. To do this, take a strand, pick it up at the ends and start lifting it to the roots with twisting movements.
  3. At the roots, continue drying by lifting them up.
  4. Dry the entire hair in this way and create a hairstyle to your liking.
